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Seeker of the Kindred

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Seeker of the Kindred Empty
PostSubject: Seeker of the Kindred Seeker of the Kindred Icon_minitimeNovember 9th 2014, 19:40

The young fae padded through the trees, her head down, tail dragging through the leaves that littered the forest floor. Lily was completely exhausted, both mentally and physically. The past few days had been rather challenging for her; with her inability to hunt properly due to an injured paw, she hadn't eaten in three days. Her stomach grumbled loudly, reminding her that her last meal had been a small rabbit that she had just barely managed to catch. She stopped, her limbs shaking from exertion, and looked up at the sky. The sun was beginning to set, streaking the sky with bright hues of orange, pink, and red.

Lowering her head once more, Lily pushed onward, forcing herself to keep moving. She needed to find somewhere safe to sleep before it got much darker. She plodded along, placing one paw in front of the other, not paying much attention to where she was going. Lily yelped softly as she stepped on a sharp stone, the rock digging rather cruelly into the soft pad. She lifted the limb, and licked it gently, trying to ease the pain. Upon further examination, she realized that the wound seemed to be healing, though not as quickly as she would have liked. It now stung due to the stone that she had just stepped on, but the pain from the initial wound had dulled slightly. She licked it again, and fresh blood welled up. "Well that's just great..I managed to reopen it. Good job, Lily. Good job..." She gently placed her paw on the ground. Her steady pace had caused her shoulder to stiffen up, and she tried to flex it now, gritting her teeth against the pain. "Ow...Damn, that hurts..." She extended her paws forward, arching her back upward. Her shoulder and forepaw twinged in protest, but she ignored it. Then she straighten up, and shook herself briskly.

Lily glanced around, realizing that the scent of other wolves was rather strong here. She mentally berated herself for not paying attention to her surroundings. It was clear that she had wandered right into the territory of a pack without knowing it. Her mind had been so focused on the pain in her limbs, and on the hunger that gnawed at her stomach, that she had completely ignored the scent markers. Lily lifted her head, sniffing the air. The scent was rather strong here; the camp must be located nearby.

Lily sat down on her haunches, wondering if she should call. She knew that, if she didn't, one of the wolves would find her soon enough; however, she had no way of knowing if this pack would be hostile or not. If that were the case, she would have no choice but to keep moving, as she was in no condition to fight if she were attacked. The female hesitated once again, still unsure. Ultimately, her aching paw, and growling stomach encouraged her to make the call. Then, at least there was the possibility of a meal, and a safe place to sleep. The young fae threw back her head, and howled. Her song was clear, and pure, and she hoped that it would reach the ears of a member of this pack, and that they would be accepting.
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Juno of Helidos
Juno of Helidos

Posts : 335
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Age : 26
Location : Hell

Wolf Information
Gender: Female
Age: 6 Years
Purchases: Large Wolf; Language: Latin

Seeker of the Kindred Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seeker of the Kindred Seeker of the Kindred Icon_minitimeNovember 12th 2014, 18:50

As she woke towards the middle of the evening, her eyes moved over to see that the space next to her was empty like always. Her companion had left her without a thoughtful goodbye, leaving her with the pit of loneliness to sink within her as she drug herself up to stand. Shaking out her fur, the fae began to stretch out her long limbs and rolled out her tongue as she started to yawn, which then formed an unpleasing, broken howl before shutting her muzzle. She looked outside, noticing the sun trying to hide behind the clouds, peeking in and out of the trees surrounding the clearing which was where they resided and slept. She found no comfort in it, unfortunately, but as always, Juno tended to find her way around this depressing attitude to liven it was better so that no one became suspicious of her truer feelings about what's gone on. The Beta stood at the opening of her cozy den and looked around the clearing in spite of finding life amongst her to speak with before heading out officially on her daily duties. She expected more work when placed as the Alpha's right hand, but it almost became the complete opposite to her now. It seemed as if Marrok did all the work before she could even so as dare touch it, which she was thankful for, but she could do things by herself. Dismissing the thoughts, she shook the remaining particles of dust and dirt from her obsidian, thick fur and duck her head out and moved into the area on silent paws.

Like always, it was quiet at this time of day. All the impatient hunters had set out for food, and the warriors must've left in search for protecting the territories far from base before everyone else could open their tired eyes. Juno had returned to the den around feeding time, as she had spent the morning chasing after a large buck that she had spotted alone in the great pastures. She couldn't pass up the opportunity to feed her empty stomach and provide for the food pile, after all. It only made sense for her to snatch the prey while she had the advantage. Now, since missing dinner, her belly rumbled for more, so she gently took a hare out of the pile and headed on her sort of walk through the forestry. She did this most usually when the sun would set, as she enjoyed the colors of the sky at this hour and all its glory as the giant, flaming orb slowly perished to be replaced with the heavenly moon. But her attention was flocked elsewhere at the sound of a rushed howl riveting passed the trees and into her sensitive hearing range. Her tail hiked in alert, as well as her ears pinned against her head as she looked off into the direction of the Helidos borders. She was not far from there, she could make it just in time before another washed her out of the space.

Darting off, she ran at unimaginable growing speeds, knowing the terrain full well by the long years she had stayed here and dodging each and every rock and fallen tree soldier there was in her path. She followed the paw-beaten dirt towards the dividing line, realizing it was her own paw-prints as well as her own that had carved this way and laughing happily once at the consideration of what all she's done for this pack. The hare still dangled from her grasp as she panted through the bloodied fur in her mouth, leaping elegantly passed what may or may not of gotten in her way as she made it closer and closer to where her destination lied. As she came to a gradual halt, Juno's green eyes peered through the leaves of a nearing bush, only to then slowly expose her true self to the fallen moon's rays. Her fur sparkled as it was illuminated by the pure white lunar's light, and despite the rabbit hanging from her maw, she pried back her best smile before dropping it and nuzzling it towards the stranger. She was dressed in beautiful mixes of brown, mostly grey and whites. But she was injured, though Juno said nothing of it just yet. "Welcome, stranger." She announced, tail pressed against her back and height befitted so that she is prideful and assertive with her high rank. She proved her dominance well with the simplest of actions. "Speak'th thy name aloud, my dear'th. I am Beta Juno, thee right hand of the lands of which you seek here'th before you.. Eat'th... fill your belly with delectable hare. I show'th no threat to you." She tipped her nose and pushed it closer to her, examining her wound before looking back up into her eyes for reassurance.
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Seeker of the Kindred Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seeker of the Kindred Seeker of the Kindred Icon_minitimeNovember 12th 2014, 19:43

Lily, upon making the call, had settled herself onto the ground, curled into a tight ball. She longed to close her eyes and sleep, but she knew that she could not. She had to remain awake to speak to whoever answered. As it were, she didn't have to wait for very long. The moon was just beginning to rise when she heard movement in a nearby bush. Lily lifted her head, amber eyes searching for the source, and she could just make out a form hidden in the shadows. Then the wolf stepped out, allowing the moonlight to illuminate the stranger's form. Lily could see that it was another fae, and, in her jaws, she was clutching a rather delectable looking rabbit. As she watched, the other she-wolf dropped the rabbit on the ground, and nudged it toward her, inviting her to eat. Lily's mouth watered at the thought of having a proper meal. She looked up at the fae, listening as she introduced herself as Beta Juno. The onyx colored fae asked Lily her name, and reassured her that she meant no harm. Lily hesitated slightly. The larger wolf was giving her the whole rabbit? She was not used to having an entire piece of prey to herself; she usually just got the scraps of whatever the hunters had brought back, after the rest of the pack had eaten.

Lily forced herself to her paws, her legs shaking with the effort, and dipped her head respectfully. “Greetings, Beta Juno. My name is Lily. I have been traveling hard for about a week, and have been unable to rest. Also, with my injury, I can not hunt as proficiently as I normally can. I thank you very graciously for this meal.” She limped over to the where the older wolf had dropped the rabbit, and promptly tore into it, scarfing it down in mere minutes. “Again, I thank you. That is the first proper meal I have had in over a year.” The young fae could feel strength returning to her, and she crouched low to the ground, the grass tickling the fur on her belly. Her shoulder and injured forepaw screamed at her in protest, but she ignored the pain. “I humbly ask to join your pack.” She kept her head bowed, and her tail between her legs, her posture that of complete submission. Anxiety gnawed at her stomach. The older fae seemed nice enough, but she knew that looks could be deceiving; what had happened with her and Titan was proof enough of that. She remained crouched low to the ground, unconsciously holding her breath as she waited for a response. Would the Beta allow her to join?
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Juno of Helidos
Juno of Helidos

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Age : 26
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Wolf Information
Gender: Female
Age: 6 Years
Purchases: Large Wolf; Language: Latin

Seeker of the Kindred Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seeker of the Kindred Seeker of the Kindred Icon_minitimeNovember 12th 2014, 20:27

With eyes so green and a face so gentle, the fae watched silently in waiting to when the mere other would finish the gift she had been given from her very paws. Juno did not disrupt the she-wolf as she devoured the meal, but only lowered her haunches to sit and carefully wedge her tail around her side. As a young wolf, she was taught to wait for her food until her parents felt as if she deserved it - she was forced to fight for her meals if she wanted to eat with the rest of the pack, and so that training benefited her well, even now so more than ever. "Hush child.. fill up. Thou'st wounds shall be healed soon enough once thou'st energy is restored." The onyx fae assured her in a quiet, yet assertive voice; to be as strong as an angel, but just as gentle in all its holiness beyond the clouds. Juno was in slight similarity to an angel alone - but she found herself to be more of that of a goddess. This is because of her well-natured personality and fire-like attitude towards leadership. When the fae was ready to speak, once after thoroughly finishing the hare and devoting her attention to the superior, Juno's gaze rose to meet hers.

She appeared thin, almost skeleton-like, and the fae feared that the wolf had underwent malnutrition whilst her travels - that, or she was not properly treated in her previous encounters of other packs, she predicted. Her name was that of a fragile plant; a flower like no other, and she certainly fit it's unique, innocence to it. "Thou is more than welcome, my dear'th Lily. And thou may join Helidos if shall'th need a place of rest and protection; as well as a heart meal to stock'th your belly. Our'th healers are wise, and can help thou regain natural physique once more, if thou wishes." The fae inquired, dismissing the position in respect of her higher rank, "There'th be none of that here, my dear'th. I see more so than ever that you are respectful and pardoned with the pleasure'th of greeting others amongst'th our kind." Stepping forth from her position, the Beta female looked over the opposing fae once more, taking in all the damage she could take before humbly glancing away. She thought of what to say next, overthinking as to how she could say it without scaring the fae anymore than she may of already been. Juno could feel the fear in this one's presence before her, which could only mean she did not hold a lot of courage to be faced with such a task as a Warrior, nor Hunter, to say the least. "Tell'th me... where does thou come from? Does thou hold knowledge of any rank within pack consisting of a Caretaker, perhaps Healer? You'th are in no condition to be granted a fighter, let alone'th a hunter, my dear'th.. I apologize.. but if thou wishes a home, I can only work with what thou has to offer..."
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Seeker of the Kindred Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seeker of the Kindred Seeker of the Kindred Icon_minitimeNovember 12th 2014, 21:10

Lily remained crouched on the ground, maintaining her submissive position. She listened as the other female spoke, inquiring about where she was from, and any skills she possessed. She saw the onyx wolf's green eyes roam over her body, presumably taking stock of her injuries. Lily realized the picture she must present: her usually immaculate coat was patchy and ragged. Her legs and paws, normally a pristine white, were streaked brown with dirt and blood. She was also aware of the fact that her ribs were clearly visible beneath her thin pelt.

Slowly, Lily rose, forcing herself to stand straighter. She swayed slightly as she suddenly became lightheaded. The multicolored wolf shook her head in an attempt to clear it, and lost her balance, crashing nose first into the grass. A soft yelp of pain escaped from her lips before she could stop it, and she felt her pelt grow hot with embarrassment. Gritting her teeth, she stood again, and looked at the Beta, amber eyes dull with pain and exhaustion. “You ask where I come from. I was born in a pack far from here, and was abandoned by that pack when I was just a yearling. I traveled alone for quite some time, a year, be exact. Then I found another pack, and I remained with my new pack, celebrating my third year of birth with them. Unfortunately, I was forced out of that pack, which is how these injuries occurred.” The young fae bowed her head. “I will not lie to you, Beta Juno. I have no experience in healing, nor in caring for young. I had pups, but they were taken from me before I was able to raise them.” Lily lifted her head, her amber eyes glittering with determination. “I have no formal training in fighting, hunting, or much of anything. I was just an Omega in both packs that I was in, and, as such, was not taught much. My hunting skills and the fighting skills I do possess are self taught. However, I am willing to learn. Just give me some time to rest and recover, and I will do what I can to help your pack. I will be a caretaker, if that is what your pack needs. My pups were taken from me two weeks ago, and I miss them terribly.” Lily stared anxiously at the older she-wolf, hoping that the other female would be willing to grant her a chance to prove herself.  “All I ask is that you give me a chance.”
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Juno of Helidos
Juno of Helidos

Posts : 335
Join date : 2013-02-11
Age : 26
Location : Hell

Wolf Information
Gender: Female
Age: 6 Years
Purchases: Large Wolf; Language: Latin

Seeker of the Kindred Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seeker of the Kindred Seeker of the Kindred Icon_minitimeNovember 12th 2014, 21:37

Juno could begin to sympathize with the fae about loosing her pups only a year before coming across these lands, and even then, the Beta saw a lot of her former self in the frail wolf before her. Long ago, she hobbled across this dirt in search of food. Her ribs were showing, and she lacked energy as well from running for several days with little rest, only to find these borders as her savior in dearest time of need. She too, had lost her young not long after he was born, but as a year's worth of time coursed over her stay while in Helidos, she managed to fall in love and have a second litter of her own, but they now have moved on and grown up apart from her side. Juno was now lonely, and her mate barely payed attention to her, let alone granted her affections when he would arrive late in the den. "I understand full well of what you're feeling, my dear'th.. for I too, have experienced'th the same in my darker times. Still to this day to I fear it to happen again if I am not looking.." She explained, keeping it at that and shaking it off as if she weren't speaking of it at all. The past was the past now, she could not reverse it as much as she wished, and could only wear it as she would upon her chest like a badge of honor. "I shall lead you with the option of being an Omega for now on, my dear'th. Though, I do not fear the issue with it being permanent. If treated fairly, your deeds will be noticed and respected for what all you've gone through. All I can suggest now is that you train your best and work hard for a better.. Soon.. your troubles will be lifted and I wish you the best of luck in finding your true destiny. And-," Juno stopped abruptly as her ears rotated back. Her one paw rose as the end of her tail twitched to the mustering of noise coming from camp. She heard that there was a meeting being adjourned to the Alpha's quarters, but what for now? Despite her being loyal to the lands of Helidos, Juno had never favoured the Alphess's reign in particular after replacing Azul's former position as leader. She was excessively happy, and the beta saw it to only be a mask. Whatever she had in mind, the superior would simply follow suit and listen to whatever she had to say before returning to her den. "A meeting has been called, we must hurry. May it be your first command of business, Lily." Nodding, she turned around and darted off towards the center of the woods where she saw a crowd forming.
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Seeker of the Kindred Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seeker of the Kindred Seeker of the Kindred Icon_minitimeNovember 12th 2014, 21:50

Lily's head came up at the older fae's words. Omega, hm? At least I've been accepted. That is what I wanted. Lily dipped her head to the Beta in respect. "I am deeply grateful for the opportunity you have granted me. I will try my hardest to become an asset for this pack." She watched as the onyx wolf's ear swiveled back, listening for something, and looked in the direction the noise was coming from. Faintly, she could hear noises, and see a crowd forming. It seemed that she was about to be thrust right into the middle of pack life from the beginning. Briefly, she wondered what the Alphess of this pack was like. Was she nice, and accepting? Or would she be like Titan, who had been power hungry and brutal? Lily shook her head to clear the negative thoughts that clouded her mind, then limped rapidly after Juno. It was time to meet her new family.
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PostSubject: Re: Seeker of the Kindred Seeker of the Kindred Icon_minitime

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