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Into a new Life

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Into a new Life Empty
PostSubject: Into a new Life Into a new Life Icon_minitimeJanuary 3rd 2015, 18:08

Faola walked around the den site curiously sniffing around searching for a non scented area. She finally fund one in a shadowy corner. She wagged her tail as she clawed at the ground a little. She then made her way about outside the den gathering leaves and the bones of small dead animals. The bones had been cleaned by other members of the pack and held their scent. When she had finally gathered enough in her tiny little sleeping area she carefully walked about on the pile packing it down before she turned in a circle several times. She then clawed at the surrounding area dragging some of the dirt onto the bedding. When she had finished she stepped back and surveyed her work wagging her tail in satisfaction. With a lick of her chops she nosed a few of the twigs around to make it look a little neater. When she had finished completely she looked around trying to find someone of higher rank to ask where she should report first eager to begin her duties as the Omega. She considered finding Magnus later and getting a few fighting tips, however thought best to do that at a later time when she had gotten a better feel of the rest of the pack members.
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Into a new Life Empty
PostSubject: Re: Into a new Life Into a new Life Icon_minitimeJanuary 8th 2015, 18:27

Into the clearing he cautiously came, having spent the night at the edge of the boarder in a little sheltered copse of trees. The greeting he had received from the delta Ariste had made him wary of the other members of his new pack. He didn't know how they would react to him coming into the clearing. His head was slightly elevated, ears alert and eyes roaming, watching out for the next row that was sure to come his way. No fear poured off him to alert the others that a weakling entered their domain. Just calm acceptance of what his life was about to lead surrounded him. He did question himself of why he had decided to continue his way into this pack but all that crossed his mind was the leaf that had seemed to smell of his deceased mate. He had no idea that he had just walked into a living hell of vipers.

Sticking to the edge of the clearing, he scented a lot of wolves. A lot of new wolves. Where are they coming from? he thought to himself. Soon he came upon another she-wolf, scratching and nosing at dirt and other debris. He sat and watcher her from a few yards away, his head cocked to one side in curiosity of what she was doing. It became apparent a few minutes later as the form of a bedding site took shape. She was meticulously in making sure everything was nice and neat. He couldn't help but smile inwardly at her completed work when she then looked around. Her eyes searching for something, or someone.

Last edited by Hunter Timber on January 13th 2015, 14:15; edited 1 time in total
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Into a new Life Empty
PostSubject: Re: Into a new Life Into a new Life Icon_minitimeJanuary 9th 2015, 05:19

Yuki sauntered inconspicuously into the pack clearing, her mundane appearance easily allowing her to move about unnoticed. She didn't mind it all that much, blending into the crowd; she'd grown up that way. Ever since she was old enough to stop weening, she and her sister had been shoved aside while their brother sat directly in the spotlight. She was accustomed to remaining discreet, and she honestly didn't care if others paid attention to her or not. She hadn't the need for outward admiration; her only desire was to improve her hunting and fighting prowess.

The russet furred she-wolf cast her dull, Steele grey gaze over the den area, her analytical focus glinting with a harsh ambition. She wondered if there were any wolves in her new pack who'd be willing to spar with her for training purposes. If not, I could always goad some idiot into a fight. She thought boldly to herself, a snide smirk twitching at the edge of her lips.

Though the diverse scent of wolves was strong, there didn't seem to be that many about at the moment. There was a white furred she-wolf constructing a little nest nearby, and a brownish-grey pelted male a little ways off. She narrowed her eyes slightly as she examined them, noticing then that their scents were slightly different than every other Erenyx wolf she'd previously encountered. The fragrance of the pack settled over them in a thin veil, but beneath that were stronger smells, varying scents from indistinguishable places. They both smelled more like her than an established member. So they're new too it seems...

The long legged fae padded slowly towards the two then, her expression austere. "Hey." She addressed them with a subtle dip of her head, violently suppressing the diminutive twinge of awkwardness sinking in the pit of her gut. "Are you two new here?" She asked the question bluntly, something almost purposeful underlying her tone. She didn't really have the hang of proper pack etiquette; not that she particularly cared for useless formalities. She just had to be wary of the over sensitive higher ups.

She hadn't planned on approaching them, but alas she was curious; information was power. She wanted to know if they knew anymore about the pack than she did, maybe ask them where they came from. She knew the chances that one of them had encountered the wolf she was looking for were incredibly low, but still. It couldn't hurt to ask.
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Into a new Life Empty
PostSubject: Re: Into a new Life Into a new Life Icon_minitimeJanuary 10th 2015, 20:36

Faola flicked her ears hearing the voice behind her. She turned and fixed her eyes on the she-wolf. Also new from her scent. Faola wagged her tail as she faced her. "Yes I am new. My name is Faola. I am the Omega here." she bowed her head in respect to the female. She then turned to the male and bowed her head once more to him as well. Eyeing the female curiously Faola began to size up the female. Long legs... tight core... elongated canines... tail slightly shorter for more aerodynamic... muzzle slightly longer than that of a fighter... and ears slightly smaller "You must be a new Hunter yes?" she asked with a smile and a flick of her ear as she attempted at conversation. She looked over at the male and tilted her head. With a wag of her tail in greeting.
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Into a new Life Empty
PostSubject: Re: Into a new Life Into a new Life Icon_minitimeJanuary 15th 2015, 06:14

Hunter Timber, you must go to the "Ranks" tab at the top of the page and request to join Erenyx.
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Into a new Life Empty
PostSubject: Re: Into a new Life Into a new Life Icon_minitimeJanuary 15th 2015, 17:27

(OOC:All done)

She searched the clearing for the thing that she was looking for, eyes moving with a calculating gleam. Suddenly, a new face appeared from out of the shadows, a fae the same color as the changing leaves and bold as the light of day. She walked straight up to them and said hi, oozing confidence as she continued to speak, asking them if they were new. He glanced over to the white female as she spoke first. He found he liked her exuberant and energetic voice. He was surprised, however, at her rank though. A seemingly intelligent she-wolf in a lowly rank. Curiosity would probably get him killed in this pack but he really wanted to know why she was such a low ranker.  She continued on, asking if the the other fae was a hunter, making him lift his ears and roam his yellow eyes over the autumn girl. She did have the look of a hunter, but he waited for her to voice the confirmation. Keeping his eyes on them both he let his voice deepen taking on a calm gentle tone as he introduced himself and his rank, "I am Timber, I am also a hunter. Well met Faola." he said giving her a slight nod of his head. His gazed focused upon the autumn one intently, and opened his maw once more "And you miss, are...." His voice trailed off as if in question. He changed the sound of his voice perfectly, for some reason not wanting to give his true voice away. It was different for him, but he didn't know the reason behind it. He just did it.

He waited for her to speak, ears lifted and eyes shining with interest as they took in both females. An omega would get hurt and picked on easily, and he did have a heart. He would keep an eye on her from a distance and if she got into trouble he would see it. The bold one though, had enough ranking to take care of herself but would probably be a good sparing partner. Possibly help him harden his muscles that way he could help Faola. What was he thinking? Even though she was omega, she probably still could take care of herself, she's not a helpless pup. Ah but what a hole he was already digging for himself. He had not even met his new Alpha male yet and already he was trying to help his fellow members better themselves. To care for each other and help each other. As if he were a higher ranking male with pull. That kind of thinking would earn him punishment if he didn't just mind his business.
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Into a new Life Empty
PostSubject: Re: Into a new Life Into a new Life Icon_minitimeJanuary 15th 2015, 19:04

Yuki widened her dull grey eyes slightly at hearing Faola's rank, her russet colored ears perking slightly with curiosity. "Omega?" she repeated incredulously, a tiny, bemused smirk twitching at the edge of her lips. "I guess you must have run into some ass hole with a pissy attitude at the border, eh?" she asked plainly, her lack of tact and carelessness towards proper manners obvious in her apathetic demeanor.

Omega. That seemed like such an odd rank to place this she-wolf. She seemed fairly bright and optimistic, and she had already shown she was much more polite than Yuki. Had she really behaved worse than her when she was searching for acceptance?

She was pulled from her thoughts by the white pelted fae's question, and she nodded slightly in response, her usually austere expression returning. "Yeah, I'm a hunter." She replied astutely, her Steele colored gaze narrowing slightly as she analyzed her peer.So she assumed my rank based on my physical attributes. She thought silently to herself as she exhaled a slight huff, an irritatingly reminiscent feeling flashing through her mind as she did so. Clever.

She turned her attention to the male then as he introduced himself, tilting her head slightly with interest at hearing he shared a rank with her. He seemed sturdy enough, and tall too... Perhaps she'd have the opportunity to fight him at some time. Honestly it had been too long since her last skirmish; she was afraid she was losing her skill, becoming weaker. Maybe he'd be willing to train with her at some point, or Faola was also a potential sparring combatant. She couldn't afford to allow herself to become soft. Hasoka had never been soft a day in his life.

"I'm Yuki." She stated simply in response to Timber's question, before raising her chin slightly, her stone colored gaze glinting with curiosity. "If you don't mind my asking, where exactly did you two come from?" her tone was serious despite her slightly laid back demeanor, and her usually harsh expression was dutiful.
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Into a new Life Empty
PostSubject: Re: Into a new Life Into a new Life Icon_minitimeJanuary 17th 2015, 04:30

Faola flicked her ears at there responses as she chuckled bemused. She guess from the females huff that she was slightly agitated at her assumption and couldn't help the flicker of amusement in her eyes. She knew respect and keeping her head low was key to her success however, she had been born of rank one was unable to simply let go of the power she had once held and therefore she sat with her head high and her shoulders back confident and unafraid. Not a challenge simply a way to say that she was proud to be there.

"I assure you I meant no offense I am merely making a simple statement. However, yes I was quite um... how you say rude to a certain member of the pack. You see I was the first daughter of the alpha in my last pack but due to my preference of Caretaker duties I left my pack to journey into a new life. I encountered the Guardian called Magnus on my entrance into the pack. He was how you say, very keen on challenging my preference of rank and therefore placed me where he felt I was needed most. To give me the chance to prove myself you could say for my immediate confidence in the rank I so expectantly requested. I see his point he wishes me to earn my way into ranks and for that chance I am grateful to him. I warn you though he is not the wolf he appears. Very strict and skilled in fighting he seems to be. But as a Guardian I would expect nothing less. I could learn quite a bit from the male in my opinion." Faola was truthful in her words even allowed a small chuckle at herself. "I came from the far north. Survival was our way but so to was our customs therefore I look forward to working my way up the ranks." she gave a small flick of her tail with a dark smile and laugh. Her posture straightened even more so. She could hold her own and was proud to show this to fellow members. She was not embarrassed to admit that her approach to the Guardian male Magnus had been wrong, nor was she embarrassed to admit she had right quick been put in her place.
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Into a new Life Empty
PostSubject: Re: Into a new Life Into a new Life Icon_minitimeJanuary 17th 2015, 12:22

He stepped a bit closer, tightening the circle of three gently as the easy conversation flowed from one to the other. It was nice. Just a normal conversation as if the three had known each other for years. He relaxed, his hind end sinking to rest upon the packed ground and remained quiet. His yellow eye turned back and forth from one fae to the other as they chatted. A small amused smile tweaked his lips and he dipped his head to hide it, making it look like he was suddenly interested in a beetle that was crawling across the ground. The one named Yuki gave a huff of annoyance. It seemed didn't care to be profiled much. When he got control of his features, he smoothed them so that his face was straight, reveling nothing of his amusement, but didn't succeed very well with his eyes.

Timber watched as Faola shifted her posture. Not wanting to raise herself higher than her rank would allow but he could tell she couldn't help it. Again he glanced at her, amusement shining in the depths of his eyes as her head raised high and her shoulders went back in confidence. Faola spoke again, apologizing to Yuki. She then told of her past. She had been a princess. Well that is just as well for he had been a prince and almost a king. Now he was just a hunter. She continued her narrative up until the day of her acceptance. Telling them of a male named Magnus, of how he challenged her for the position she had asked for. He had to admit, she had guts accepting her rank of omega as her head lifted a bit higher in pride. If she moved up the ranks fast from omega then she was indeed a wolf to respect.

He listened intently as the two women spoke, still remaining quiet in observation and contentment. When Yuki asked where they were from,  Faolo wasted no time in telling them. His own respect for her grew more, to survive in the harsh north was a feat in itself. The north had no mercy for the young or sickly. Then it was his turn to offer where he had come from. "I am from the west. The grassy plains there are no less harsh as the northern wood and have no mercy for the weak or sickly as well. I was also the offspring of an Alpha, but I did not leave by choice. My father disowned me and drove me away." He did not resent his father anymore. He was just doing his duty in protecting his pack. And if it hadn't happened then he wouldn't have found the love of his life. No, his childish behavior was almost gone.
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Into a new Life Empty
PostSubject: Re: Into a new Life Into a new Life Icon_minitimeJanuary 18th 2015, 08:25

Yuki quirked an eyebrow slightly as Faola relayed her tale, the only visible change in her serious expression. So she was also from the North, and she too was the daughter of an alpha. It seemed the two she-wolves had more in common than she had initially anticipated.

The russet furred fae had been born in the frigid tundra to the governing pair of her pack, but she had never been treated like the alphas' daughter. Her brother was the favorite from the moment their parents laid eyes on him. She and her sister had basically been abandoned, and since neither of them could even compare to Hasoka's "greatness" they were both looked down on by the rest of the pack. She'd never once thought of herself as royalty, or privileged. She and her sister had isolated themselves from their pack mates, basically living as omegas for much of their lives. Her brother, now he was a prince, a true future alpha. He was to inherit the highest rank in the pack, and just look at the wolf he became. He was a monster. That's why Yuki cared so little about titles and caste; it didn't prove anything about who you really were.

She turned her attention to the male then as he mentioned his origins in the West, her narrowed, stony gaze widening slightly in surprise when he stated that he was also an alpha's progeny. Jeez, how many of us are there? she thought silently to herself, her tail flicking irately behind her. Her cruel front softened slightly at hearing he too had been disowned, and whatever lingering irritation she had been feeling was expelled with a quiet huff.

"I've never been West, so I personally wouldn't know what it's like there, but I did come from the tundra." She stated simply, her tone brusque and her expression austere. "How long were you two estranged from your packs?"
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Into a new Life Empty
PostSubject: Re: Into a new Life Into a new Life Icon_minitimeJanuary 18th 2015, 14:43

(( OOC: ~: Hey sorry for leaving so suddenly I waited for you guys but kinda got to a standstill point PM me if you want me to come back ))

Faola listened to there proclamations in silence. Then at the females question she got a thoughtful look. "Actually as a matter of fact, Its been close to a year and a half now." she responded thoughtfully. So both of them have alpha blood. Looks as if there aren't a lot of differences between us. However, I should probably keep my guard up. There is no telling what I could get into by revealing to much about myself. Faola thought as she flicked her ears. She laid down looking to her little nest thoughtfully before looking back at the two. "If it pleases you, the two of you are welcome to share my nest. It is quite large for one such as myself." She stated thoughtfully. She flicked her tail and looked at the two with curiosity. Now that I think about it, I should probably find Warrior Magnus and start my training as soon as possible. I need to earn my place here and talking I don't believe will earn me anything like that. She glanced around at the other wolves within the area and shifted a little uncomfortably seeing she was the only one present with her white fur. She licked her muzzle and concentrated back on her two companions.

Faola laid there for a little bit longer debating whether or not to go find him before she finally made her decision. "I'm sorry for the interruption but I'm afraid my time for mingling has somewhat ended. If you will excuse me I have training that must commence as soon as possible." she bowed her head in respect to the two before turning and trotting away toward the training grounds hoping to find Magnus or someone who would be willing to train her.

Last edited by Omega Faola on February 8th 2015, 21:21; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : (( Extended Stand Still )))
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Into a new Life Empty
PostSubject: Re: Into a new Life Into a new Life Icon_minitimeFebruary 10th 2015, 17:02

A trio of pups, the progeny of alphas from three different pack. What was this Erenyx pack made of if nothing but royal blood? Timber listened intently to the ladies, his attention on Faola as she answered the question Yuki directed at her. She had had such a short time away from her pack but not by much. He himself had had only two years but in a year and a half, that was plenty of time to learn to hunt. As for her fighting skills, it depended if she had been loitering around another packs territory. If she had then there would be plenty of battles between them. Plenty of blood to have been spilt, but she never said if she had battled others. Timber had done good at hunting but had avoided other wolves when he could. He had to admit though, his fighting skill where slowly leaching from him and he wondered if Yuki would like to practice sparing. It couldn't hurt could it?

Again it was his turn to answer the question and he gave his ears a flicker of movement. His orbs remained friendly and warm as his voice gently rumbled forth to spin his own tale of rejection. He held no malice for his original pack, it was what happened and it was in the past. But tell his tale he would. "I have been shunned for the past two years. The west is a very beautiful place if you like wide open spaces. In spring and summer you can practically see everything change from green to gold. The winters there are pretty harsh though. Not much cover from the wind and the snow can be very deep. Though probably not as deep as it is up north," he said glancing at Yuki with grin then continued with his story. "And prey. Ah the prey, they ranged from the smallest mouse to these gigantic beasts we call 'buffalo'. They are massive and extremely temperamental. Very easy to anger and they can run very fast, but they are delicious and worth the effort if there are enough wolves to take one down." He said, continuing to weave his tale around both females ears. If he had been born with arms and hands he would be animatedly showing them just how massive the beasts were

When his story came to an end, his eyes strayed to Faola noting that she was getting agitated and kept looking around. Surprise though graced his features when she spoke of her offering. An offering of sharing a space beside her in her neatly organized nest. Timber almost accepted immediately, his mouth opening quickly but then he closed it to actually think a moment. The opened his maw again to speak "It is a large space Faola and I would not want to intrude on your haven, but if you have need of someone to talk to in the night I would be honored and willing if you will have me." he said in a calm voice that spoke true. Even if she was an omega, the lowest in rank, she was still part of the pack and still important. He then spoke a thought he had aloud, "Faola, if we are keeping you we can leave if you have somewhere to go." If she did leave then he would watch her go, then turn to Yuki and ask her if she she would care to join him in a friendly spar.
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Into a new Life Empty
PostSubject: Re: Into a new Life Into a new Life Icon_minitimeFebruary 18th 2015, 09:05

(Sorry for the late post! :')

Yuki pricked her ears slightly with interest as the male described his homeland, silently running a short list of possibilities through her head. Harsh winters and abundant game... Seems like the ideal place for a Northern wolf transitioning elsewhere to go... She narrowed her steel grey eyes slightly in thought, her expression stern and austere. And they've both been wandering the wild longer than Hasoka and I. There could be a chance...

The russet furred fae opened her maw to inquire of them the question that had been seething, festering in the back of her mind since the start of this conversation, but she swiftly clamped it shut once more in buried frustration when the white pelted she-wolf spoke again, offering to share her nest. Any irritation she had previously been feeling swiftly morphed into a dark, melancholy nostalgia at the notion. She always used to share a nest with her sister during the harsh winter nights, because Usagi couldn't tolerate the frigid chill. Or maybe she could, and she had only told her that because she didn't want Yuki to know she felt safer when Big Sister was by her side...

She clenched her teeth in an agonized fury, irritated by her troublesome memories of the long lost past. "I prefer to sleep alone, if you don't mind." She responded gruffly, her voice cold and uninviting despite its low tone.

Her cruel demeanor slackened a bit at hearing Timber's reply, a teasing sneer twitching at the edge of her lips. She cackled out loud when the other she-wolf abruptly excused herself and trotted off, not caring if she happened to embarrass the male. "My, my, you're quite the charmer, ain't chya?" She snickered in amusement before plopping down on the frigid ground beneath her, her usually serious demeanor relaxing into casual indifference. She wondered how long it would take the brute to realize he had just offered to keep a girl company in her nest during the night.
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Into a new Life Empty
PostSubject: Re: Into a new Life Into a new Life Icon_minitimeFebruary 19th 2015, 13:40

Faola flicked her ears at the male and gave him a warm smile her eyes twinkling. "I have no qualms sharing my nest. We are packmates. I would be honored if you joined me." Looking to Yuki Faola flicked her ears and then hung her head. "I fear I have offended you, Huntress. It was not my intention I assure you." Turning Faola shook her head to Timber. "No no I don't need to be anywhere. I was merely thinking about joining the warriors in the training grounds. I wish to be a fighter." She explained honestly before shutting her maw. 'shut it Faola. Your giving far to much information!' she shouted internally at herself. She felt safe around the two and felt she had nothing to fear however, at the end of the day Faola was still an omega at the moment. No amount of sweet talk or kindness would change that fact. Due to her own stubborn and bullheadedness she had brought the rank upon herself. For this alone she would have to fight her way up in ranks at any cost. She looked at the two around her, her eyes lingering shyly on Timber before she looked at her paws and fell into the silence.
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