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Elder Azul
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Healer Den - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Healer Den - Main Story Healer Den - Main Story Icon_minitimeMarch 23rd 2013, 16:31

Posting for Healers/Apprentices and/or visitors upon Healer's request.

Last edited by Alpha Azul on April 30th 2013, 18:28; edited 1 time in total
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Healer Den - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Healer Den - Main Story Healer Den - Main Story Icon_minitimeMarch 23rd 2013, 16:51

For many weeks Creek lay cramped in the caretaker den. She had tried to organize her herbs and such in the large den, but found it difficult with the caretakers coming and going. Getting p the nerve to speak to Azul about it he suggested that she and Lucy make their own den to their liking. Enlightened by this the healer and her apprentice set out to find the perfect spot. A shallow depression in a rocky hill proved the perfect spot, yet too the pair days to finish. When they were finally done the den stood, grand and ready to house the sick and injured. Inside were notches and shelves for herbs, slabs carved along the walls to act as beds and sturdy walls to stand up to the cold.

Pleased with their progress Creek spent her days here, organizing and drying her herbs to store away for times when they were needed. Training her apprentice took up most of her free time, but she enjoyed it and looked forward to the day when she would name Lucy a full healer. For now she had her help for some of the time, though some of the young fae's free time was spent with the Alpha. Creek never mentioned, but instead smiled to herself when Lucy came in all happy. Today, however, she was alone and sorting plants she had gathered from the swamp. On a large flat rock she spread out the jack-in-the-pulpit which needed to be bone dry to use properly
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Healer Den - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Healer Den - Main Story Healer Den - Main Story Icon_minitimeMarch 23rd 2013, 17:00

Healer’s Apprentice Kiv. Every time that he thought of his new title, Kiv’s chest swelled a little with pride and his tail seemed to take on a life of its own. He was now on his way to becoming a real Healer. He was accepted into a pack and, in only the second day as a part of the pack, he was on his way to meet the Healer, who would be overseeing his training and making sure that he was able to take care of a pack, someday.

Very carefully, he approached the Healer’s Den, sniffing carefully as he went. He had been directed to the healer’s den and was on his way to meet Healer Creek. To say that he was nervous would be a pretty impressive understatement, but he was also ecstatic. This led to a rather interesting combination of feelings and chemical reactions in his body that he really was trying his hardest to control.

Finally, he found his way to the healer’s den. It smelled wonderful. The scents of drying and dried herbs permeated the air and Kiv was reminded of the time when his mother showed him the proper way set out herbs to dry. “Healer Creek?” he called out, keeping his voice quiet enough to not intrude, but loud enough to be heard from inside. When Healer Creek would make her way out, or call him in, Kiv dipped his head and tail submissively as he greeted his new mentor. “My name is Kiv. Alpha Azul has appointed me as your new apprentice.” He fell silent and watched the healer carefully, waiting for her reply.
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Healer Den - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Healer Den - Main Story Healer Den - Main Story Icon_minitimeMarch 23rd 2013, 17:07

Her ears perked at the sound of someone approaching her new den. Setting her work down her pale blue eyes moved to the entrance where a small brute stood. Curious as to who he was She rose and stepped forward. He spoke and her cream ears swiveled to listen. Another apprentice? Azul must think highly of her to give her a second. Beaming with pride the older fae stepped out of the den and let the light hit her pale coat. Kiv was smaller than herself, but he smelled young to her. She could smell the excitement on his pelt and this made her smile deeper.

Creek dipped her head to the male and sat down. "Greetings Kiv its a pleasure to meet you. You may call me Creek for formalities won't be used for the duration of our training. SO, tell me about yourself what experience do you have?" She questioned as her gaze floated over his form. Not too many males wanted to be healers in her age, but she didn't let that cloud her judgment on him. She wasn't here to pick and choose destinies, only to train the willing; which he certainly was.
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Healer Den - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Healer Den - Main Story Healer Den - Main Story Icon_minitimeMarch 23rd 2013, 18:23

When Healer Creek emerged from the den, Kiv caught a whiff of herbs that seemed to flow about her and the scent caused his tail to wag a little bit. She did not look too upset that she had to keep track of an apprentice, though. That was good. He kept his posture carefully submissive, even though Creek was not displaying any particularly overt signals of dominance.

As she introduced herself and asked that he call her just Creek, Kiv lowered his head a little bit in a conciliatory nod. “As you wish…Creek,” he said, forcing himself to drop her title. Well, I haven’t had any official training, but my mother taught me a lot about the basic herbs to use to help with different kinds of wounds and illnesses and ailments. I’ve only ever had the chance to practice on myself, though. I tended to this and fixed up my leg, all on my own,” he explained, lowering his head so that Creek could see the scar above his left eye and extending his left foreleg so that she could examine his work on the cut in his leg.
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Healer Den - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Healer Den - Main Story Healer Den - Main Story Icon_minitimeMarch 23rd 2013, 18:41

Sitting down the pale healer wrapped her bushy tail around her small paws. Kiv was indeed respectful towards her, something she wasn't quite used to, but didn't dislike. "You may relax Kiv I am your equal here there is no need to be submissive to me. The thing with healing is that there is no end to the amount of knowledge one learns. Everywhere someone goes they learn more. I know things you don't just as you know things that I don't. I am here to help shape you into a well rounded healer, but also to learn from you as you will from me." She said with a smile and nudged his shoulder with her nose playfully.

Bringing her gaze down to his leg she sniffed at it. The slight scent of herbs filled her nose and a smile grew. He indeed knew some of the basic herbs and their uses, even if his wrapping skills needed improvement. Alder and dock were god choices for his leg, but now that it was somewhat healed he would need a poultice of marigold to help prevent further infection and to heal completely. Thinking on this she decided this would be his first task, to help heal himself. "Hold on one moment Kiv," she said quickly as she darted into her den to grab some plants.

After a few minutes Creek returned with three separate items in her mouth. Wanting to know the extent of his knowledge Creek placed before him dried marigold leaves, marshmallow roots and yarrow stems. None would harm his leg if he used the wrong one, hence why she choose these instead of yew berries or nettle. "Now here are three different plants, one will help your leg and the others won't. Tell me if you know which one will help you and if you know the other two. It's alright if you don't." She said inclining her head to signal for him to begin.
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Healer Den - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Healer Den - Main Story Healer Den - Main Story Icon_minitimeMarch 23rd 2013, 19:12

Kiv nodded, lifting his head slightly and giving his tail a little wag. “Alright, I will try to remember that,” he said, giving a small, depreciating chuckle. The behavior that Creek showed took Kiv a little bit by surprise. He had not figured that adults would behave like that, especially since she was not only his senior, but also a fully fledged healer. What could she possibly learn from him?

He watched her disappear into the den, only to return a very short while later, carrying a small bundle of herbs in her mouth. When she set them down in front of him, he sniffed at the Marshmallow roots, as he was not exactly familiar with them. After a brief moment of consideration, he nudged the pile of Marigold leaves. “These are Marigold leaves, and will help with wounds and fighting infections. If it’s in a poultice, I think? This is Yarrow. You can make a poultice from the leaves to help with injected poisons and if they’re eaten, they will make a wolf vomit. I think the leaves can be used for hurt paw pads, too, right? I…” He stared at the third herb, willing himself to remember something about it, but then shook his head with a little sigh. “I don’t know what that one is, Creek,” he admitted.
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Healer Den - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Healer Den - Main Story Healer Den - Main Story Icon_minitimeMarch 23rd 2013, 19:23

Smiling warmly Creek nodded her head to the male as he picked the correct herb. "You are correct Kiv, marigold is the next and final step in helping a wound such as yours. If it had been larger I would have suggested using green dragon in the poultice to help numb it from pain. As for yarrow you are again correct in its uses. This final plant is called marshmallow, from its name I guess you can figure out where it comes from. Its a rare plant that I remember a traveler telling me about. The roots can be smashed then breathed in to help soothe a sore nose and mouth or eaten to help sore teeth. When the packs pups start teething I'm sure this will come in handy." She said smiled at Kiv.

He was indeed knowledgeable which made Creek's want to test him that much greater. "Do you know how to make a proper poultice Kiv?" She then questioned glancing down at the herbs he had selected. Poultice making was an easy task, but hard to master. The mixture should be the right consistency without over mashing of under to achieve the best effect. Curious if he knew how she waited for his response patiently.
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Healer Den - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Healer Den - Main Story Healer Den - Main Story Icon_minitimeMarch 23rd 2013, 20:22

Kiv felt his head, tail and ears lift slightly when Creek confirmed his answers. That in itself was immensely gratifying. He nodded slowly, committing what she said about Green Dragon and also the Marshmallow. A small chuckle emerged from his mouth at the comment about the teething pups. He supposed that he was going to have to take care of pups, eventually. Although, hopefully, the caretakers and Creek herself would handle most of that. “Do you have to take care of a lot of pups?” he asked hesitantly.

When asked whether he knew how to make a proper poultice or not, Kiv thought for a moment, then slowly shook his head. “I’m afraid that most of what my mother taught me revolved around the herbs themselves. I…I don’t really know how to make a poultice, no.” His ears laid down slightly, a little bit embarrassed by his lack of that basic piece of knowledge.
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Healer Den - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Healer Den - Main Story Healer Den - Main Story Icon_minitimeMarch 23rd 2013, 21:10

"Well as of now we don't have any, but that can always change after mating season." She said noting his mood on the subject. "Us healers don't do much with the pups unless they require medical attention. I'm sure you would be great with pups, they always love playfully wolves." She said warmly. Now turning her attention to the task before her she again retreated into her den. Sifting through some things small crashes could be heard from within. Within moments the Healer let out a audible sigh of relief and pulled her prize outside.

In her jaws was a small turtle shell she had gotten a few weeks prior. It was her prized possession for making poultices and now she would use it to teach. "I will teach you this Kiv with my turtle shell here. First place the herbs in the center then use your paw and some spit to make a mash. You have to be careful not to mash to hard of the herb will turn grey and be useless. If you don't mash enough and will be clumpy and not enough oil will escape. Now you try." She coaxed, nudging the shell towards him.
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Healer Den - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Healer Den - Main Story Healer Den - Main Story Icon_minitimeMarch 23rd 2013, 22:08

Hearing that they usually did not tend to the pups was a relief to Kiv. If he could barely manage to keep his pelt in tact around adults, how on earth would puppies react to him? He cocked his head slightly when Creek said that pups always love playful wolves. Why was she saying that he was playful? He pushed the puzzle from his mind when Creek once again disappeared into the den. He winces a couple times at the crashes, but refrained from poking his head inside.

When she showed him how to properly make a poultice, Kiv paid close attention to everything that she did. He did NOT want to mess this up. When she bid him to take her place and try making a proper poultice, he moved closer to the shell and carefully allowed some of his saliva to drop into the shell and began to mash it gently, but firmly enough to pulp the leaves into a uniform consistency. “Is this right, Creek?” he asked, looking up at her hopefully.
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Healer Den - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Healer Den - Main Story Healer Den - Main Story Icon_minitimeMarch 23rd 2013, 22:16

Looking down at his work Creek smiled. Her first attempt had resulted in a grey blob, but Kiv had done a far better job. Some pieces were slightly grey whereas some were too clumpy, but overall it was a wonderful first attempt. "Very good Kiv, not perfect, but that will come in time. A very good first try though I can see you will make for a outstanding pupil if you can turn out this sort of work." She said nudging his shoulder in a kind manner. Looking back to the den Creek decided it was time to show his around. "Place some of that on our leg then come in with me, I wish to show you around.

Creek waited for his the treat himself then walked in the massive den. Having spent so much time here Creek had fashioned herself a sleeping spot near the back, fresh moss still green proved quite comfortable. Along the walls lay knocks and crannies where herbs were cept and a large rock in the center held piles of fresh herbs. "It's not much, but it will do for what we do here." She said modestly, letting him take it in.
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Marrok of Helidos
Marrok of Helidos

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Healer Den - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Healer Den - Main Story Healer Den - Main Story Icon_minitimeMarch 23rd 2013, 22:21

The long journey had left the male tired and panting as he reached the main clearing. Twice he had almost dropped his cargo, but managed to shift her into position each time. Blood now lay black and crusted over much of his ear and face, making him look demonic and terrifying. Inside he was afraid it was too late for Juno for she had grown silent in the last few minutes. Not wanting to wake her he cept going forward until finally the sight of the healer den came into view. With careful paw steps Marrok carried Juno to the entrance and cleared his throat in a urgent tone.

“Creek are you here? I need some help out here.” He said in a hasty tone as his gaze lifted to Juno’s head. She was banged up pretty bad, far worse than him and it concerned him greatly. If anything happened to her, he didn’t know what he would do. “Please someone come help” he said more urgently as he took a step forward in the entrence.
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Juno of Helidos
Juno of Helidos

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Healer Den - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Healer Den - Main Story Healer Den - Main Story Icon_minitimeMarch 23rd 2013, 22:39

Her eyes kept closer during the whole way back, she was in a state of being both unconscious and conscious. A time or two it felt as almost she was slipping, but remained on top of him along the way. Juno's ears flicked back at Marrok's voice speaking. One of her eyelids blinked open and squinted, readjusting to the new light. Her vision blurred at first, then cleared to see the opening of the Healer's Den. It had felt like a short journey, for she had been dreaming most of the trip. She'd been exhausted and refused to sleep. Stubborn as she was, it created a tough toll on her health. Juno closed her eye and let out a loud sigh in relief that they were finally in care.

Marrok had fought off more of the cougar than she did and still managed to carry her such a long distance. Juno promised herself that once she'd recover and regain energy that she'd tell Marrok how thankful she was to have him there for her. The pain in her side still throbbed and the blood around the wound on her maw was covered in charcoaled blood. It itched immensely, annoying her very much. A small whimper caught in her throat and she rubber her front paw against her cheek to relieve the itch. At it's touch she winced and dropped her paw. Juno lain her head back down and waited for assistance.
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Healer Den - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Healer Den - Main Story Healer Den - Main Story Icon_minitimeMarch 23rd 2013, 23:01

Kiv wagged his tail slightly at the praise that he received from Creek. “I promise that I will keep practicing,” he said, smiling up at her. At Creek’s behest, he carefully scraped the Dock leaves off of his leg that he had wrapped around his wound. Just as carefully, he applied a smear of the inexpertly made poultice to his leg. It did feel much better this way than just the chewed and moistened leaves that had been over the wound. He heaved a slight sigh before pulling himself back up to his feet and following Creek into the Healer’s Den.

This is a lovely den. Is it yours?” he asked, smelling the herbs, both fresh and dried, that filled the room. Before he got an answer to that, though, he heard Delta Marrok outside the den, asking for help. He looked over at Creek, head and ears erect and tail out straight behind him. Unfortunately, he did not know if Creek would prefer to treat patients inside the den, where there was shelter, or outside, where there was more light. Because of that, his bright brown eyes flashed over to her and he would follow her lead. Whether she went outside to meet Marrok or called him inside, Kiv stood close by, ready to help however Creek wanted him to.
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Healer Den - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Healer Den - Main Story Healer Den - Main Story Icon_minitimeMarch 23rd 2013, 23:13

ooc-This is a post with both Creek and Marrok in it

About to answer Kiv Creek's ears perked with alarm at Marrok's words. Rushing past Kiv she leapt to the entrance and gasped when she saw the pair. Marrok and her weren't exactly friends, but she did care for his safety. The female she hadn't the pleasure of getting to know very well yet, but when she saw the look of concern in Marrok's eyes she would not hesitate to help her. "What happened?" She started to say, looking over the pair. "Never mind here help me get her inside." She said as she motioned to inside. Marrok carried Juno in and with Creek's help they lay her down on a clear spot. Looking her over Creek flicked he ears back to Kiv, "Kiv get me some thyme, its on that high shelf there. After that get me some nettle leaves from the large stone, we need to bring down the swelling on her ribs." SHe barked, a little more harshly than she would of liked. Turning back to Marrok she stared at him straight in the eye, "Now tell me what happened?"

"It was a large cat, it attacked us out of no where. I only got minor wounds, but Juno was thrown into a tree. All of this after a deer kicked her in the side. Please please tell me you can help her." Marrok pleaded becoming a bit panicked. Her golden eyes looked over her brken form and small tears began to form in the corners.

"Calm down Marrok we will do our best." Creek said then grabbed a small bundle of lavender from a shelf. "Here breath this in and go sit outside. After you calm down go to a clean puddle and clean your face off so Kiv can apply some herbs to it. I will tend to Juno here." She said in a soothing voice.

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Healer Den - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Healer Den - Main Story Healer Den - Main Story Icon_minitimeMarch 23rd 2013, 23:41

Kiv followed Creek towards the entrance to the den, but paused in the entryway. What had happened to Marrok? And who was the female that he had draped across his back. As soon as Creek started to head back into the den with the wounded pair, Kiv skittered back from the entrance to make sure there was plenty of room for them to get inside. He watched carefully as Creek helped Marrok arrange the female in the den and quickly moved to the shelf to get the requested herbs. He lifted up to reach the top shelf and reached out with his mouth to grab the herbs. He stopped though. No, not that one. Thyme. Thyme, he thought, his eyes flicking around the shelf until he found what he knew to be Thyme. He carried it over and laid it beside Creek before shifting around her and retrieving several Nettle leaves and placing them beside the Thyme.

He watched carefully as Creek began tending to the female’s wounds. He was amazed that he was getting to see a Healer in action so soon after even being appointed as her apprentice, he just wished that his first time was not quite so hectic. The female did not look very good, honestly. Hadn’t Marrok said that she had been kicked by a deer and thrown into a tree? What if some of her ribs were broken? Taking a deep breath to compose himself, Kiv looked at Marrok. “Are you hurt anywhere except for your ear?” he asked, inspecting Marrok’s body as closely as he could.
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Healer Den - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Healer Den - Main Story Healer Den - Main Story Icon_minitimeMarch 23rd 2013, 23:51

ooc-Creek and Marrok again to speed things along

Nodding her head to Kiv Creek grabbed the thyme in her mouth and chewed until a fine paste was formed. Carefully she then placed the blob near Juno's nose so the scent could find it's way into her lungs. The thyme would soothe her and bring her out of shock whic would cause more problems. Next she carefully grabbed the nettle leaves, piercing tiny holes it the sharp leaves with her teeth. Already the juices were flowing, so she quickly laid them on the faes side to help bring down the swelling. Creek wouldn't give anything for pain until Juno awake, for giving a poppy seed now might cause her to never awaken.

The herb Cree had given him took the edge off slightly. FOrcing himself from the den Marrok found a semi clean puddle and quickly rinsed his face off, turning the water dark and red. Running back to the den with a wet face he was greeted by her little sidekick. Trying to see what Creek was doing Marrok almost didn't hear Kiv. When he finally did the male breathed deeply, feeling the effects from the lavender. "Besides my ear and eye I'm just bruised, its Juno I'm worried about. Can't you do something, tend to her not me male." He barked at Kiv, still concerned.

"Kiv put some dock and that marigold poultice on Marrok then come here to help me." Creek spoke after laying the final nettle leaf on Juno's frame. The thyme would help her regain consciousness, but then the pain may send her over the edge. "I need you to help me hold her down as she comes to, she may injure herself further." She instructed placing a paw on her front limbs carefully.
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Juno of Helidos
Juno of Helidos

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Healer Den - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Healer Den - Main Story Healer Den - Main Story Icon_minitimeMarch 24th 2013, 00:15

They were moving again, and two similar voices were being spoke along with one she had never heard before. The warmth the brute provided had disappeared, then knowing that Marrok wasn't next to her anymore. A strong scent laced through her nostrils and she opened her eyes immediately then closing them again. Thyme. She cringed at the pain that shot through her body. Juno refused to cry, holding back tears, she clenched her jaw almost hearing her long canines grind against each other. Her claws dung into the ground and a small moan eased its way out of her scratched muzzle. Obsidian ears pierced against her skull at the worried, barking tone Marrok used. She smelled various types of things around her. The aroma of lavender almost made her sneeze, but she held it in for her own safety. If she sneezed, the pain in her maw would hurt a million times more than it already had been doing.

Her eyes flicked over to the small stranger in the corner next to Marrok. She hadn't seen the wolf before, but she instantly felt she could trust him. At this point, anything to remove the increasing pain in both her side and face would do. An egg-shelled colored fae was tending to her wounds, she looked so similar to the ebony fae. Juno's thoughts constricted into a memory of how she knew the fae. Creek!. The healer that welcomed her at the border. She exhaled in relief to see a friendly face. As the two healers worked about, the pain in her side took another degree. Juno wanted to scream till she was blue, but remained calm. If there were to be an outburst it could affect everyone in that den, especially her. When the fae spoked about holding her down, Juno's eyes widen in fear. Oh no.
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Healer Den - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Healer Den - Main Story Healer Den - Main Story Icon_minitimeMarch 24th 2013, 01:41

Turning, Kiv fixed his attention on Marrok when he came back inside the den with the blood washed off of his face. Now that it was clean, it really was much easier to see the damage that had been done. At Creek’s order, Kiv nodded and quickly made his way outside, where he emptied the turtle shell of his previous attempt at making a poultice. He then made his way back to Creek’s herb stock and gathered up some Marigold leaves, as well as Dock leaves, which he placed in the shell and began carefully, but quickly making another poultice. He scowled a little bit when he saw that he had pressed a little bit too hard, occasionally, and some of the herbs had been mashed into virtual uselessness. Most of it, however, was a decent, smooth poultice.

Carrying the bowl into the den, he set the bowl down beside Marrok. When he was told to tend to the female, Juno, Kiv looked up at the Delta with a completely no-nonsense expression in his face and body. “Healer Creek is doing everything that can be done for Juno, Delta Marrok, and I cannot do anything to aid her, at the moment. Now, be still and let me help you,” he said, carefully plastering the poultice against the wolf’s torn ear. “Stay still, or else the that will fall off.” The tone of his voice made that simple statement sound suspiciously like an order, but he did not even pause to consider that as he bounded out of the den and a little ways into the forest. Carefully, he stripped a rectangle of bark from a tree and then, very meticulously, a uniform strip of bark from a nearby birch tree, which he quickly ran back to the den. Using the rectangle as a pad and the strip as cord, he tied the bark against Marrok’s ear and secured it in place with the birch strips, never pausing to give Marrok enough time to protest. “There. It will look a little bit silly for about a day, but that will keep the poultice on and where it’s supposed to be.

As soon as that was done, he obeyed Creek’s summons and moved around to Juno’s rear, where he put pressure on her paws and hips. Suddenly, an idea occurred to him and he looked up at the Delta. “Delta Marrok, it might help her if you came close and talked to her to help keep her calm.” He glanced over at Creek, hoping that she approved of the idea and also waiting for further orders.
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PostSubject: Re: Healer Den - Main Story Healer Den - Main Story Icon_minitimeMarch 24th 2013, 10:40

ooc-Marrok and Creek again

Creek held against Juno as she struggled, trying to hold the mat on nettle leaves against her skin. Squeezing at them she tried to force their healing juices out more, to help further. With Kiv holding down one end her paws were now tied. "Juno dear calm down, you are badly injured. I need you to try and calm down." Creek soothed and she very carefully ran her paw over the faes injured side. Feeling for any abnormalities Creek nearly grinned when she felt no breaks. Bruised ribs were easier to tend to, though still painful. "Now Juno where else does it hurt besides your ribs?" She questioned as she reached behind her to grab her newest herb, green dragon. It was a funny looking root, all knotted and shriveled, but when mashed it would help to numb her pain. Working quickly Creek chewed at the root for as long as she could without her tongue turning numb before she spit the mixture onto her ribs. Working it into her fur with her paws Creek soothed her with gentle words.

Kiv worked so fast Marrok could barely keep up with him. Where was the submissive and unsure brute he met at the boarder? In nearly a day here he was barking orders at him, how funny. Allowing himself to be tended to his eyes never left Juno's form. When at last Kiv was done and left him he moved closer until she stirred. Then Kiv motioned for him to move closer which he did eagerly. She cried out in pain and his head immediately moved to hers, licking her uninjured cheek. "Easy dear easy its alright now. You scared me love I thought I lost you." He finally said as he nuzzled her cheek without a care that the others were watching.

Creek smirked at the way Marrok was acting around Juno, could he care for her? Turning back to Kiv she motioned for his poultice "You may put some of that on her cuts, you're doing a fine job Kiv." She praised him, noting how he took charge of Marrok.
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Juno of Helidos
Juno of Helidos

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PostSubject: Re: Healer Den - Main Story Healer Den - Main Story Icon_minitimeMarch 24th 2013, 11:00

As Kiv held her back end down, more pain flooded into her side. She shut her eyes tight, and winced. "Ow ow ow ow!" she mumbled through her clenched jaw. She nodded. Juno listened to Creek's words, obeying her orders by inhaling deeply and exhaling to slow down her heart rate as well as the thoughts that raced through her mind. As the healer brushed her paw at her ribs, she could hear behind her Kiv speaking to Marrok in an commanding tone. Juno peered to into Creek's eyes as she questioned her. She shook her head. "My face, that's it. I was thrown into a tree, or-or something hard and then my vision blurred. All I can feel is the pain in my side and maw. That's it." The fae turned her head to Marrok, pulling into a small smile that she was doing fine.

When she looked back to see what the healer was doing, she saw a strange plant in her grasp, chewing away. Even though it wasn't any root she was familiar with, she trusted Creek to take away the pain and set her free. As the goop was being applied to her fur, it felt moist and uncomfortable as her pelt stuck to her ribs. Her body remained still as the healers worked around her. As much as the pain killed her, she wouldn't fidget any longer, especially since it was an embarrassment to be in this situation. Marrok's tongue licked the side of her face, feeling the warmth he brought to her in an instant, making her melt inside. She tilted her head and nudged his chin. "I'm not going anywhere. Don't worry, I'll be fine. Just a view bumps and bruises." She joked, but it hurt to laugh.
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Healer Den - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Healer Den - Main Story Healer Den - Main Story Icon_minitimeMarch 24th 2013, 18:46

Kiv carefully watched both Juno and Creek, though for two completely different reasons. Juno he watched to make sure that she was not about to lash out or do something to wrench her already injured ribs, while his eyes kept Creek in focus to watch how she handled the situation, what she did, her techniques and methods, and for possible orders for him. He made sure to keep enough weight on Juno’s hindquarters to keep her down and relatively still, but did his very best to be gentle and not rotate her pelvis, which would probably cause a significant amount of pain to her injured ribs.

When he was asked to apply a bit of his poultice to the scratches on Juno’s face, he nodded and, after he convinced himself that Juno was not going to hurt herself or anyone else, carefully let up the pressure on her hips and collected the turtle shell, which he set beside her head. He edged his way around Marrok, not wanting to try to get him to actually back up, but just scoot over, with a polite, “Excuse me.” Once he had enough room, he bent closer to Juno’s head and carefully and as gently as he could, applied the poultice to her cuts and scratches. There really was no need to secure these dabs of the medicinal paste, since Juno would probably be laying on her side, just the way she was, for a while, at least. After his application was finished, he carefully set the turtle shell to the side and then moved back around Juno’s side so he could watch everything that Creek did.
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Healer Den - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Healer Den - Main Story Healer Den - Main Story Icon_minitimeMarch 26th 2013, 18:19

ooc-Creek and Marrok again

Trying to calm the fae down Creek pushed more thyme in front on her as she rubbed the plant into her side. Soon its effects would start to work, relieving most of her pain. As she started to speak and spoke of her maw hurting Creek took some of the green dragon and place with with Kiv's poultice. Stepping back now there wasn't much more she could do. The healer had to let the herbs work and without broken bones to mend these wounds would heal with time instead of splinting. Turning to Kiv who seemed to be taking this all in she smiled at him. Today had been a stressful day for her young apprentice and she was concerned how he was handling it. Beckoning him aside she started to speak in a hushed tone, "You're doing wonderful Kiv, perhaps ou should take a break and get some fresh air. There's not much more we can do here and you deserve a break, why not go explore a bit, or see what new herbs you cn find and we can go over them later." She prompted to him before glancing back to Juno as Marrok went to her. The pair made her grin as a twinge inside her caused pain, was that how having a mate was?

Still concerned Marrok nuzzled her unaffected side of her face and closed his eyes. "If I ever see that cat again I'll get her pelt for you to sleep on my dear. I'm only sorry I didn't do more to help you, this is my fault." He said, dropping his head and lying down next to her. Kiv then almost stepped on him, so he moved further so he was lying against her back. "I never want anything to harm you love" he whispered to her as he lay his head gently over her neck "never again."
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Juno of Helidos
Juno of Helidos

Posts : 335
Join date : 2013-02-11
Age : 25
Location : Hell

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Gender: Female
Age: 6 Years
Purchases: Large Wolf; Language: Latin

Healer Den - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Healer Den - Main Story Healer Den - Main Story Icon_minitimeMarch 26th 2013, 18:44

She laid there without a care in the word. As Creek applied more of the plant into her side, she watched Kiv observing the experienced Healer do her magic as he put poultice against her face wound gently. Juno was extremely exhausted at this point and needed to sleep. The pain was slowly lightening as both worked. She sighed but smiled to Marrok through it all. When Marrok was worried about her, she felt accepted and important to someone. As Creek spoke to Kiv, releasing him to explore she kept her gaze up at the brute barely listening to the other conversation. Their eye-contact practically spoke mentally to each other, no need for words to be spoken. She had really liked the hero she had come to know in the past two days. He was a respectful friend and meant a lot to her now that he had basically saved her life.

Juno lifted her muzzle against his as she touched, feeling his warmth send electrical currents through her. Her pink-black tongue rolled out and licked his ear in a friendly mannor. "It isn't your fault, Marrok. Just you being here and taking mer here means the world to me." He laid next to her, keeping her warm and relaxed. She closed her eyes and rested her head upon her paws. The day was ending, they were all stressed and finally were able to take a break. Besides the run in with the cougar, she had a good day. She got to spend her morning waking up to Marrok, take down a deer together and even got to meet a new packmate. Kiv seemed like a nice, brute. Soon Creek will teach him all she knows, making him just as experienced and more intelligent than he was before. She hoped to meet them again, however for now, all she could do was enjoy Marrok's company next to her.
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