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Recluse of Pyrvanthros
Recluse of Pyrvanthros

Posts : 8
Join date : 2015-10-23

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PostSubject: Recluse Recluse Icon_minitimeOctober 23rd 2015, 21:58

Name: Recluse

Gender: Male

Age: 3 Years

Pack: Pyrvanthros

Rank Requested: Healer

Recluse is your average sized Eurasian wolf. He stands at a height of 79 cm and weighs 140 pounds. He is not the tallest or the strongest, but none of that matters when it comes to the art of healing. His coat is an array of browns and tans. A medium brown color, similar to the color of a hide of a standard deer but a tad darker, covers the majority of his pelt. The pigment covers almost all of the male, minus the lighter tan on his legs, lips and chin. . Along his back, chest, neck and face the darker shades of brown and charcoal come in, along with hints of the light tan.  They add texture around his face and muzzle and cover completely around his upper body. Creating a canvas of mixed browns thrown together to create a masterpiece. The coloring and blend of the pigments attracts more attention to his upper body rather than anywhere else in his anatomy. His tail is mainly colorless as it is no different aspects than his sides do, except for the tip which is black in color.

However the eyes of the brute are what make him unique.  Where as the majority of the population of wolves have a set color for both eye, he is one of the few who don’t.  His mutation gave him an ice blue eye on his right, and a gray in his left. Looking from the side of him he looks normal, but when you stand face-to-face one can see the wonder of nature and genetics. He is not the most attractive male out there, but he is not ugly.  And his main feature would definitely be his orbs. But do be careful about addressing them. Having an obsession with symmetry but cannot even find it in himself has given him a sense of self-consciousness that none can seem to end.

On the outside, Recluse is distant and keeps to himself. He is not antisocial but he does not know how to approach a group of others. Due to this he tends to give others and uneasy feeling when first meeting him. But however, as you get through his awkward barrier, his true colors shine. Quick thinking and determined to finish what he has started. Recluse never gives up on a patient or anything he does. Master a new remedy? Done. Warmhearted and tolerate he makes the perfect company for a recovering wolf that he knows. He understands their pain and need and is tolerate of their attitudes to a certain extent before he might crack. Peacemaker, yet a law unto himself, the brute tends to keep at peace with everyone but sets his own rules and goals. He makes sure to follow the basic rules of the pack however. Perceptive, but shy, Recluse takes a lot of notes on those around him, so when the time comes he knows how to interact with them in order for them to cooperate. However, due to his social neglect and rather busy upbringing, he is a bit shy to say the first words to others. Incomplete and sensitive, without someone whom he can put his trust, Recluse has felt alone for quite sometime. He takes things hard and ponders often over them, even if he doesn’t show it. Patient, and nurturing, when dealing with almost anything, he is patient and never rushes in fear of messing up. His art as a healer has taught him to be nurturing to those in need. However, unless you are in need of his assistance, his nurturing nature never shows. Recluse also has an obsession with symmetry. To him, everything must look aligned and perfect or he will be too distracted in order to do anything. It is his fatal flaw, as if he doesn’t remember whether or not he left something as the way it should be, he must return just to make sure. His fetish is an odd one considering his appearance itself is lacking in the department, however perhaps that is how he balances it out.



Recluse was born to a lone mother and was the result of a raping. He is a bastard and out of hatred and disgust his mother neglected him. When he was six months old she abandoned him. She left in the middle of the night and he was left alone with barely any knowledge of what he was supposed to do, so for days he sat in that den, thinking that she would return. She never did. Nearly a week later an old brute by the name Chester found him shivering and starved in the makeshift den. Due to his neglect from his mother, the young brute was not used to attention from other wolves or anything else for that matter. The white wolf had then taken in the pup and raised him as his own. He was a healer that wandered the lands and cured many wolves in many forests. He was wise and warm, full of energy that was needed while raising the abandoned wolf.

They traveled far and wide together for two years. Chester taught his adopted son all that he knew and told him stories of his travels as they went along together He was the one whom had named Recluse within the first year they spent together. The boy was quiet and shied away from most of the attention that was given to him. But as things progressed farther with their lives, the young male learned to trust his older companion and came to adore him. He became to have a great interest in healing and as he practiced and learned he became a natural healer. His quick thinking allowed him to make speedy decisions in dangerous situations. He was by far not the best, but he under stood it well and only became better as his knowledge progressed. He was a character and his solitary attitude often scared a few of the pack wolves that they visited for both shelter and to help. He was a bit unnerving as well, but once he showed his talents, they began to trust him more and more.

With the old brute, the young male felt that he could go on forever with him. Their relationship was strong and Chester had become the only wolf that Recluse could rely on completely and wholly. But all good things must end. During late fall of their second year together, a huge storm crashed upon them. For days it rained, and lightning fell, and thunder roared. The two still travelled through it, knowing they must only stop when necessary. Their coats were soaked and their teeth clenched as the pushed forward against the will of Mother Nature, fighting to get to their next destination. But then, the white male became ill. Spending so many years on the planet had taken a toll on him as he traveled all his years, but he had managed to keep going. But now, as he was nearing the end of his life, this illness would kill him. His lungs had filled with water due to the moisture in the air from the storm and it was difficult for him to continue. Recluse noticed it immediately and told him that they had to take shelter, there was no choice now. But the brute refused, he would not sit down while there were wolves in need of his assistance. Where others might find that honorable, Recluse found it utterly ridiculous. Taking matters into his own jaws, the young brute grabbed his adopted father by scruff of his neck and dragged him into a nearby cave. He gently set him down before telling him to stay put while he went to go find some suitable meal for the two. The brown pelted brute knew that his was not going to end well, but it was not hard to accept that he would be alone again. He had known it all along, and in fact, interacting with so many wolves was something he wasn’t fond of that much. But he would not just let his teacher die without a care. He had picked him up and brought him along and raised him without question. And that was something that no one else could give the young male. He had given him love and affection when none else would, he wouldn’t forget that.

He had managed to catch one hare to bring back. It was not much for two, but Recluse could sacrifice his meal for the old brute for the night. Grasping the corpse in his jaws, the young healer ran back to the cave they had taken shelter in. But as soon as he had stepped foot in the shelter, he knew. Chester lay on his side, legs sprawled out in front of him and his head laying limply on the ground. His eyes were shut and the steady rise and fall of his chest was gone. His father had died. He set the rabbit down and had walked forward an empty feeling in his chest and a sad look in his orbs. There was nothing he could have done for him, nothing he could do now to bring him back. He was alone once more. He did not eat that night, but sat by the wolf’s side with his head low, eyes closed, and ears laid back. He never said goodbye, not even to air that surrounded him that night. He never spoke one word.

Come morning, the storm had cleared. Almost as if its very purpose of it was to kill off Chester and then go away, almost peacefully. Recluse hated that, hated how everyone else would prosper and celebrate as it left and he was left to suffer its wrath. He was alone again, and this time, no one would find him and carry him along. He knew that as a fact. He was fully matured, no need for a babysitter, and come spring he would be three years old. He wouldn’t seem to be in need of help. However, the thought of traveling alone was frightening, and he did not have the courage to join anyone else. But he knew he had to go on anyways. That was how life worked. He survived being abandoned, he traveled continuously and still managed to learn things. The only other being that had shown him what affection was, was the old brute. And no one, no matter what they offered, could replace that.  Around noon that day he finally stood from his sitting position. His legs were cramped from his weight and his ears were still flattened back as he lowered his head and clasped his jaws around his neck. He won’t be left here to be eaten and rot out in the open… I won’t allow that… He lifted his head, picking up the white male as much as he could before stepping out of the shelter. The hare he caught the night before was uneaten and forgotten about as he wandered through the forest looking for a suitable spot to bury his father in. It would have looked like quite a sight if he was stumbled upon by another wolf; A young male carrying an old dead brute, famous for his healing skills, and yet there was no sight of blood on him. He’d probably be labeled as a murderer or psychopath, but luckily none did. They were alone in the forest, the only company was the animals and plants, and they didn’t give much of a damn about their business. He soon came into a clearing full of tall grasses and wild flowers of every color. Here.. Here is will you will finally rest Chester… He lay him down and began to dig, his paws becoming a dark brown in the process. The hole was just deep enough to lay his body into and cover and there was extra space for good measure. He picked up the body again and deposited into the ground, taking one good look at it before beginning to cover him with dirt. ”Goodbye old brute… I’ll see to it that wherever I end up I will carry on your practices and teaching.”

For the next few months, through the rest of fall and winter he travelled. Never stopping for more than a few days to heal wolves along the way. He never looked back though, just kept walking forward. Through the harsh cold he decided that alone he could not do this “travel and heal” ordeal for the rest of his life. His antisocial nature just made it uncomfortable for him to go around and speak to so many different wolves and packs. He didn’t mind the healing part, he loved it as a matter of fact. And those he cured would often thank him for it before kicking him out of their lands. He guessed that he wasn’t as warm and welcoming as he might have thought, and on more that one occasion he had made pups cry. Great message that sends to parents.. They often had questioned him about his strange eyes and when it got to far he would snap at them. And it was because of that did he never really talk to anyone. Only simple nods and shakes of his head and then words if needed were all that came out of him. And through the end of the season he was so sick of getting the same reaction out of so many different packs that he no longer wanted to travel. Instead he wanted a home, a place he could stay and learn to trust others again. And so it was as he searched for that desired place. Through the month or two of spring that was now upon him. Healing those along the way, but never staying longer than he needed too. And that was how he had stumbled upon what would become to be his new home.

Joining Keys: Joining keys present and removed - Elite Nnlya

How did you find Age? I am Desoto, Elsbeth, and Lyonitus

Example Post: Not required - Elite Nnlya
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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PostSubject: Re: Recluse Recluse Icon_minitimeOctober 25th 2015, 22:38

ooc: Very good I would just like to point out your third picture has a fence in it. Since our site is anti-human please refrain from using is as a whole in any siggy's or such without editing it.

The only thing to fix is your time line while he was in training with Chester. You said he left his mother at 6 months of age, spent two years with Chester before he was alone. However, you said he was two when he died, please fix this and a staff member will address this again.
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Elite Desoto
Elite Desoto

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PostSubject: Re: Recluse Recluse Icon_minitimeOctober 26th 2015, 17:01

fixed if there is anything else please let me know
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Elite Malachai
Elite Malachai

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PostSubject: Re: Recluse Recluse Icon_minitimeOctober 26th 2015, 17:03

Recluse R0it

Now before you can get started, please add your wolf to the following pages:

- Name Claim
- Ranks

Once you have completed these things, please head to the border of your prospective pack and post!
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PostSubject: Re: Recluse Recluse Icon_minitime

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