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Into the Fray [Border/Open]

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Captive Yuki
Captive Yuki

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Into the Fray [Border/Open] Empty
PostSubject: Into the Fray [Border/Open] Into the Fray [Border/Open] Icon_minitimeOctober 11th 2015, 20:23

The chill of the demure autumn wind ruffled Yuki's russet colored pelt as she quietly stalked forth, her paw steps light and slow. She took long, deep breaths as she steadily shifted forward, her steel grey gaze narrowed in pensive concentration. She had reached the Helidos border without issue; now there was only the matter of crossing it. The pungent odor of the rival pack wafted towards her on the frigid breeze, the unnerving sensation of wandering so near enemy territory sending minute tremors through her bones. She wouldn't dare admit it, but the thought of being caught concerned her greatly.

It was her duty as Erenyx's scout to gain intelligence from the surrounding packs, and that meant taking severe risks. She had to infiltrate their territory, alone, unseen,  and she had to escape without leaving any evidence of her existence there. She had already taken a plethora of preliminary precautions: she traveled here through a stream to wash away her scent, she took care to remain down wind, she had traversed only across grasses and weeds so as not to create paw prints, and she concealed herself behind various trees and underbrush. And yet, in spite of her relentless planning, moving into Helidos lands still frightened her. She didn't believe they'd be that difficult to evade if she was to be noticed, and even if she was overwhelmed, she highly doubted they'd do anything heinous. She was indirectly reminded of how courteous and congenial Lark and Rose were in the neutral territories, how greatly their attitudes and dispositions contrasted with her own. Of course they weren't weak nor cowardly enough to just allow her to slink in an out of their territory without consequence, but she was fairly certain that, no matter how high the risk, losing her life was not a likely result. That assurance alone was enough to stamp out her frivolous doubts and misgivings; well, that and her own harsh chiding.

I'm not going to let myself get caught, anyways. She promised herself with cruel determination as she lifted her snout to the down wind breeze, her dull grey gaze glinting with a sharp defiance. I'm going to get the information I need and then I'm going to get the hell out of here. No one will ever know I was here. This, although not an official component of her mission, was also the perfect opportunity to search for Hasoka's scent once more. She had lost it in the spring, and there was still the very real possibility that the treacherous bastard had meandered into one of their rivals' lands. The knowledge of that tangible possibility moved her paws forward with a grave eagerness, an insurmountable courage and thirst for revenge driving her directly over the border. Here I am, Helidos fleas.
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Elder Azul
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Into the Fray [Border/Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Into the Fray [Border/Open] Into the Fray [Border/Open] Icon_minitimeOctober 11th 2015, 22:08

A dice roll has been irritated to discover why will happen to Scout Yuki.
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Elder Azul
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Into the Fray [Border/Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Into the Fray [Border/Open] Into the Fray [Border/Open] Icon_minitimeOctober 11th 2015, 22:08

The member 'Elder Azul' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Scout Capture' :
Into the Fray [Border/Open] MIOdcyg
Result :
Into the Fray [Border/Open] JXJSqP1
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Banshee Of Helidos
Banshee Of Helidos

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Into the Fray [Border/Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Into the Fray [Border/Open] Into the Fray [Border/Open] Icon_minitimeOctober 12th 2015, 07:09

That she had been spotted was almost comical. The amount of effort she'd put into staying out of sight and out of mind was undeniable: there was hardly a distinguishable scent of her in the air, and had she not been plainly seen, it was more than likely that Banshee would've maintained her brisk momentum, unaware of the intruder who moved like the wind carried her instead of actual paws - even though the idea itself was foolish, it could be argued as truth given the lack of prints embedded as solid proof of her misguided adventure.

The Warrior had been entering the border at a different point, not too far away but just far enough that only one party had apparently seen the other. The flash of brown as she moved from hiding place to hiding place had been cause for interest, and had the unwelcome stranger been able to peer into the unlikely depths of a Helidos mind, it would've been frightening indeed to examine the ways in which she pondered the rewards she'd receive for returning to her authority with a severed head in tow. Such thoughts hardly matched the angelic features of her face, expertly molded into the very essence of innocence and curiosity. It was only a matter of time until she'd be spotted, for she didn't try to move with the same grace, nor the same stealth; after all, this was her home, and she had no reason to traipse it like every step could be her life.

That was what she assumed would flit to the forefront of the intruder's thoughts, anyway. She was bringing her mask of innocence into existence in new and exciting ways. She wanted to be seen. She wanted to accidentally break a particularly noisy stick underneath the weight of a seemingly misplaced paw, and then fail to suppress the giggle of a child. Surely in a matter of seconds the Scout would turn, a sharp scan of the area serving as a quick indicator of the white wolf's whereabouts. Banshee lifted her head - there was no use trying to shrink and hide now, just when the games were approaching full-swing - the dark, mesmerizing pools of copper centred among her delicate face fixated upon the stranger's back with eerie precision. "Are you delivering a message to Quinn? Most wait outside of the border so they don't get mistaken for a threat." The Warrior invited her to jump head first into the believable story with a smile.

Oh, if only she knew where this was heading.

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Captive Yuki
Captive Yuki

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Into the Fray [Border/Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Into the Fray [Border/Open] Into the Fray [Border/Open] Icon_minitimeOctober 12th 2015, 15:40

The lithe she-wolf kept her breathing deep and slow as she carefully moved into a nearby patch of heather, doing well to keep her head hung low and the tips of her ears below the grass. Fortunately she was still down wind, and the pungent aroma of Helidos formed a gradient like trail ahead of her, directly into the heart of their territory. A triumphant smirk passed her maw, and her paws tingled with a nervous excitement. Right, the coast is clear, now I just have to-

The sudden sound of someone's voice, clear as day, addressing her from behind cut her thoughts short and made the fur along her spine bristle with shock. She stiffened in abrupt terror at being discovered, her claws sinking into the hard dirt beneath her paws in fearful frustration. Damn it! Because I was down wind, I hadn't expected anyone to catch me from behind. Great, wonderful, just my freaking luck... She hissed inwardly, her naturally cruel sarcasm easily surfacing.

She knew not all was lost, however, and she forced herself to calm down as her mind raced, desperately formulating a plan. The wolf didn't sound hostile in the least, but appearances could be deceiving, and even if the fae was well intentioned, it was safer for her to act as though this was nothing more than a ploy. If those were her parameters, than she only had two options in a general sense: to fight or to flee. Considering the fact that she was supposed to keep her identity and intentions hidden, running was the best option. But of course, she couldn't simply take off; she would be chased after without question then, and since she had not yet risked a glance back at the wolf she had no way to gauge her agility. I'll have to have faith in my speed... And if she can run me down, I'll be ready for a fight. But first...

She straightened and turned her snout back towards the she-wolf then, her fur forced flat and a lax smugness belying her apathetic expression. It was a small, lithe white pelted fae, her expression cordial and pleasant. Yuki almost felt guilty about what she was about to do, until the same, familiar paranoia of meeting new wolves, of knowing they would hate and resent her right off the bat, that she was worthless in their eyes, easily overpowered her shame. When she spoke, her tone carried the same harsh, frigid note of defense she had reserved as a juvenile for her scumbag peers and bastard of a brother. "Actually, no. I came to screw with you morons." without a moment's hesitation, she kicked a pawful of loose dirt towards the she-wolf's eyes with her back leg before moving to sprint past her, her paws pushing hard against the leaf littered ground.
Attack: -kicked dirt towards Banshee's eyes-
Defense: -none yet-
Injuries: -none yet-
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Banshee Of Helidos
Banshee Of Helidos

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Into the Fray [Border/Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Into the Fray [Border/Open] Into the Fray [Border/Open] Icon_minitimeOctober 12th 2015, 17:48

She could've sworn that a part of the stranger wanted to fall for it. She could've sworn that, if only for a few seconds, the stranger wanted to believe that the charade was real. However, instinct kicked in a moment too soon it seemed; she had been idiotic enough to step into a territory that was not hers, but she knew better than to see the good in someone who had caught her trespassing.

She stepped back, but it wasn't enough to keep the dirt out of her eyes. She gritted her teeth against the invasive sensation, a harsh blink ridding her eyes of most of the dirt - for this, the intruder would pay. Her lips peeled away from her teeth as she pivoted to pursue her target, a nasty snarl rippling through the air in warning. If any part of the intruder had trusted in Banshee's naïveté, she certainly didn't now. The anger was clear on her face, clear in the sound of her sadistic shouts as she sprinted after the brown she-wolf - if she spared a moment to look over her shoulders, she would see that she had been dealing with a monster all along.

Banshee was quick on her paws, and when something (rather someone) that she wanted was within sight, there was next to nothing that she wouldn't do to sink her teeth into it. Whether she liked it or not, she knew the layout of these lands like the faces of her victims and she was hopeful that, if the Scout didn't lose her footing first, she'd be able to catch up. When she believed that she was close enough, she pushed off of the ground with her back legs, aiming to at the very least catch her lower half and send her tumbling. She wasn't expecting a graceful landing, and so if luck was on her side and she met her target, she hoped to hook something with her teeth so that she wouldn't be able to escape, and then they'd be able to have a proper fight. Kicking dirt and then running away were unacceptable tactics, after all; she didn't even get a chance to show the she-wolf what she was capable of. But even if she didn't get the chance today, she would undoubtedly recognize her in the future. At the very least she could turn to Caspian for a little more information on his dearest pack-mate.

Attacks: Jumping when she thinks she's close enough, and then hoping to tackle her to the ground/land a solid bite somewhere along Yuki's lower-half to keep her from running.
Defense: None.
Injuries: None.
OOC: You can decide whether her attack plan works. If you want her to get away sooner rather than later, then Banshee could've miscalculated. Or it can work and the two can take a few jabs at each other, maybe get a couple more words in before they part ways. Up to you~
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Captive Yuki
Captive Yuki

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Into the Fray [Border/Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Into the Fray [Border/Open] Into the Fray [Border/Open] Icon_minitimeOctober 14th 2015, 07:46

The long legged fae's breath came in rapid gasps as she pushed herself to her maximum speed, her muscles burning with the arduous effort. She almost felt as through her flesh had caught flame, that her blood was boiling and her skin was melting off her bones, but she persisted still, her heart thrumming incessantly against her chest. She didn't dare risk a glance back; slowing down at all or stumbling from lack of focus meant a skirmish for sure. Besides, she didn't need to turn her snout back to know she was being pursued, anyways; she could clearly hear the malevolent snarls and growls erupting behind her.

Damn. She's fast. The assertion dismayed her in spite of her premonition.  A wolf with a larger build wouldn't have been able to tail her, especially not after having dirt sprayed in their eyes. She was somewhat astonished by the fae's relentless ability, and she growled in patent frustration as the sound of pounding paw steps grew louder and louder in her ears. She was gaining on her, and she knew if she didn't act swiftly she would undoubtedly be caught. I have to stop running straight, She thought, her steel gray gaze narrowed in harsh determination, I can lose her if I maneuver precisely enough.

Satisfied with her swift decision, the sprinting she-wolf prepared herself for a sharp change of direction. Her plan was thwarted, however, when she was suddenly tackled from behind, the force of the impact sending her tumbling forward. An abrupt yelp left her maw as she stumbled head over tail, her lithe body aching from the blunt impact with the ground. A slew of curses left her snarling jaws as she fought to right herself, unsteadily ending up back on her paws as she used the momentum of her fall to roll up into a standing position. She was facing her combatant head on now, her lungs heaving from the expensive effort of running and her sharp iron glare searing through her enemy with the force of a blade. There was no other option to fight now; it was all over if she didn't. Helidos would capture her, or Teren would rip out her throat- either way, it would be the end of the line. She'd never find Hasoka, her sister would never rest in peace, and she would never be able to atone for her mistake.

She grit her teeth in wrathful discontent at the notion, an indomitable perseverance flooding her veins. Her body was weary from the run, but she violently suppressed her exhaustion, the rage of her resolve affording her the strength to push on. I will not be defeated, Usagi, I promise. She thought, her muscles tensing slightly in preparation for a strike. No matter what, I'm escaping this hell hole with my life!

Her mind raced to formulate a plan, and a cruel, malevolent grin crossed her maw as she faced the fae, her teeth bared and her voice harsh and scathing. "So you were able to conquer my speed. That's fine." She spat, her voice laden with malice in spite of her haughty smirk. "Let's test out your endurance then!" She pushed off of her paws as she snarled out the mocking jibe, her jaws agape and snapping as she aimed to strike her opponent's neck.
Attack: -attempting to grab Banshee's neck, head on attack-
Defense: -Rolled onto her paws out of fall-
Injuries: -bruises from her tumble-
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Banshee Of Helidos
Banshee Of Helidos

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Into the Fray [Border/Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Into the Fray [Border/Open] Into the Fray [Border/Open] Icon_minitimeOctober 19th 2015, 22:00

The intruder's words were met with a hateful sneer, and she knew in that moment that this would be nothing like the games she preferred to play. Her instinct to survive was powerful indeed, and although Banshee had no true desire to make a prisoner out of her - especially not if wasn't going to come as easily as she planned - she still saw something worthwhile in making her work for her freedom. An assumable ally of Teren's, after all, would be a permanent enemy of hers.

Banshee had been expecting a rebuttal the second she whipped around to face her, and though she had enough time to shield her neck from obvious harm, her shoulder consequently suffered. She could feel each tooth greedily claim a place inside of her flesh, and in her best attempt of minimizing the already apparent damage, she reared upward like a wild stallion facing domestication, eyes glistening despite the pain because, to much of her satisfaction, their newly established closeness offered an ideal opening.

The demon in disguise made a move for the she-wolf's front leg, and if - heaven forbid should any such deity be on the opponent's side - that her jaws latched, she would ensure that something snapped or at the very least something couldn't be used to its full potential before she dared to let go. Of course, there was a readily available option that would save her from the burden of journeying to Erenyx on a sore leg: all she had to do was release Banshee's shoulder before it was too late. Then she could try her luck at another escape, or stick around for a proper conversation. Maybe, just maybe, if she was kind enough to do that, Banshee would let her leave without another word.

Attack: She intends to break (or simply bruise for the sake of not overly injuring either wolf) her leg to make the journey back to Erenyx far more taxing.
Defense: Sacrificed her shoulder to save her neck from serious injury; reared upward to weaken Yuki's grip.
Injuries: Bite wound on her shoulder bleeding quite steadily.
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Captive Yuki
Captive Yuki

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Into the Fray [Border/Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Into the Fray [Border/Open] Into the Fray [Border/Open] Icon_minitimeOctober 20th 2015, 05:08

A short lived surge of triumph flashed through the long legged she-wolf as her teeth sunk into the tough flesh of her opponent's shoulder, the metallic tang of blood flowing over her jaws and stinging her nose. It wasn't the successful landing of her attack that had encouraged her, however; that was actually completely unexpected. Her attack had been intended to be little more than a ploy. She had really rushed her head on in the hopes of forcing her to momentarily rear up on her hind paws- and she had, so her plan was still entirely viable. I hadn't expected her to allow herself to be hit though. She thought as she tightened her grip on her shoulder, a smug glint hiding in the depths of her steel gray gaze.

Her brief sense of achievement immediately dissipated, however, when she suddenly realized her enemy was snapping in towards her exposed foreleg. She couldn't pull her paw out of the way quick enough, and a short snarl of frustration left her maw as she felt the harsh sting of hostile fangs sink into her front leg. Damn it! She wanted to growl the curse aloud, and she dug into the ground hard with her back paws to keep her weight from moving backwards, her iron clad clasp on her opponent's shoulder slackening as she ripped her jaws away. She didn't waste another foolish moment then, and her dull gray glower blazed with a raging malice as she pushed off with her back paws, ramming the top of her head hard into the fae's exposed underbelly. This is what she'd meant to do in the first place, to use her briefly bipedal stance to knock her off balance and onto her back.

She didn't bother to attempt to wrench her paw away from her assailant's grasp; the backwards force would have lessened her forward momentum. Instead, she shoved her foreleg further in towards the fae's jaws on a diagonal, hoping this would be enough to force her to let go. Her foreleg would undoubtedly suffer some detrimental damage, and it would be much more difficult now to flee. She assumed that was precisely why she had chosen to strike her there, and she begrudgingly supposed that the Helidos flea may have been more clever than she initially thought. Though the wound would certainly be a notable impediment to her ability to run, it only augmented her resolve to fight with everything she had. It seemed to be her only option for a secure escape now.
Attack: -rammed her with her head in order to knock her off balance-
Defense: -pushed her foreleg forward in order to force it out of Banshee's grasp-
Injuries: -bruising and tearing on her right foreleg-
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Banshee Of Helidos
Banshee Of Helidos

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Into the Fray [Border/Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Into the Fray [Border/Open] Into the Fray [Border/Open] Icon_minitimeOctober 20th 2015, 08:57

It was a surprise indeed that she had been willing to compromise the ease of movement in exchange for not having to lessen her grip on Banshee's shoulder, but not that she minded; as her pain built, she would ensure that the intruder's did the same. A jaw accustomed to killing, used to the way it felt to cut through flesh, met its mark with a lethal grunt, wasting no time in causing as much grief as possible. She shook her head from side to side, the goal to maximize her discomfort, before her underside was impacted by the force of the other female's head. There was more power behind the hit than she had anticipated, and if she didn't release the wolf's limb as she had to accommodate the fall, the breath would've been stolen from her chest. She couldn't afford to be breathless at a time like this.

She landed awkwardly, but was nonetheless quick to regain herself. Blood trickled from her shoulder, creating an unpleasant pool of crimson on the ground; she had every opportunity to throw herself back into battle, but she resisted the urge. It wasn't out of fear that she'd lose, however, for the white Warrior had endless faith in her abilities, but rather that she saw no further reasoning behind keeping up pretences. The stranger was free to go.

"It truly has been too long," she traced her lips with her tongue to collect the stray drops of blood from the female's leg, "thank you for your time." She smiled, then, an eerie smile indeed, copper eyes unblinking as she waited for the intruder to make the most of her gracious offer to look the other way. The hunt hadn't went the way she liked for it to - the Scout hadn't fallen for her kind charade - but that didn't make the fight itself any less satisfying. Banshee took this time to examine the female's injury, unable to stop herself from hoping for the worst, hoping that it would be a reminder of the wrathful creature she had faced within Helidos land, before drawing her eyes back to her face - she would not be the first to turn away.
Attack: None.
Defense: The distance she has established between them will give her time to react should Yuki attempt another attack.
Injuries: Bite wound on shoulder, and some bruises from the awkward fall.
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Quinn Of Helidos
Quinn Of Helidos

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Into the Fray [Border/Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Into the Fray [Border/Open] Into the Fray [Border/Open] Icon_minitimeOctober 20th 2015, 09:09

Banshee, please stop making changes to the Spar form.
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Captive Yuki
Captive Yuki

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Into the Fray [Border/Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Into the Fray [Border/Open] Into the Fray [Border/Open] Icon_minitimeOctober 20th 2015, 15:53

Yuki fell back down onto all fours with a less than graceful thud, a sharp, excruciating pain rocketing up her foreleg from her paw at the impact. She seethed as she held back an agonized snarl, her flint like gaze narrowed in a resentful glower as she regarded her combatant. She had successfully shoved her onto her back it seemed, but the lithe white fae recovered to swiftly for the wounded she-wolf to launch her final attack. She bared her teeth in a treacherous growl as she faced her combatant, her claws sinking into the loose dirt beneath her in spite of her violently quaking paw. She risked a fleeting glance down at the wound, a surge of fury flashing through her at the bloody laceration. The flesh there was completely mangled due to the thrashing it endured, and though it felt as though her teeth had hit bone, it miraculously had not broken. She supposed she was fortunate; there was no way she could have staved off the shock from something like that.

She tensed her muscles in preparation to strike, to defeat her enemy once and for all, but she was shocked into sudden stillness by the graciously asinine grin she was met with. She was abruptly taken aback by the fae's words, and for a few moments she wondered if she had misconstrued them. "...The hell?" She forced out through clenched teeth, her expression contorted with a bewildered rage. "What is this? You're letting me go?" She watched the she-wolf for a few moments in bitter silence, her mind racing as she desperately forced away the agony searing through her paw.

She didn't understand. She'd been caught, an intruder, creeping into her pack's territory. Did she not desire to protect it? What, had this been some sort of play time for her? Did she not believe Yuki to be a worthy opponent of her full capacity? Was she not even worthy of chasing to the border? The notion sent an ominous kind of resentment boiling through her veins, and she flattened her ears against her head and tucked her tail in obvious aggression, her lips drawn back to reveal her blood stained teeth.

She wanted to maim her, in that brief moment, to fight through her pain and exhaustion and fear, to show this cowardly snob what real courage was. But, she knew, there was a very fine line between courage and foolishness, and though her anger was screaming at her, calling her to action, logic screamed louder.

She snarled one last time in her direction before relenting to her common sense, turning and sprinting back towards the border as swiftly as she could on three legs. It almost physically pained her to do it, to force down her honor and pride, but she wasn't an idiot. There was no way she was possibly going to last on just three paws, no matter what tricks she played or strategy she employed. It was a decision between her pride and her survival, and she made what she knew to be the wise choice. It frustrated her, but she'd had no other option. To put it frankly, she wasn't ready. She wasn't ready to face her brother; she wasn't even ready to face the average Helidos warrior. She ducked her head down in rueful exasperation as she crossed safely back into Erenyx territory, disgraced by her inability to attain victory and fueled with an indomitable desire to train. Next time. She hissed silently to herself, her body weary with fatigue and pain. Next time, I swear on my life, I will win.
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