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Another Step Closer To Beauty [Thunder/Open]

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Another Step Closer To Beauty [Thunder/Open] Empty
PostSubject: Another Step Closer To Beauty [Thunder/Open] Another Step Closer To Beauty [Thunder/Open] Icon_minitimeSeptember 9th 2015, 05:33

Long legs strides across the region at ease and Emilia was determined to find out the next location of her journey about this landscape and so far she wasn't disappointed. Walking at a slow pace now, the she-wolf inhaled deeply; breathing in the sweet aromas and the warmth that this forest has given off like a furnace. Ahead were a collage mash of colors, like a painting! "This place is beautiful...very breathtaking" she expressed with a smile of delight and her voice soft with muse. Many hues that were against the suns rays as it seeped through the gaps of the tree maze above, casting shadows just before her. It was an amazing idea and opportunity to enjoy this vast depth of ground that she so far covered and maybe even discover a better comfort of privacy here and there when needed.

Lowering her head, the female sniffed along the ground with interested, her tassel whisked before craning her head upward and her olive pools evaluating the area. So far she came across a beauty of terrains and by far this area would be her favorite. Besides, it's quiet and peaceful and that was the positive muse for this canid to enjoy and the heat here wasn't as draining since she was mildly endured to it's potential to adjust to eventually. Proceeding forth to a large tree ahead, she pressed against the debris under her paws, not feeling much soil as more vegetation covered it like a blanket. Emilia settled herself by taking a seat and parting her maw with her tongue dangling towards the center half of her lower jaw and her ivory incisors slightly expose. This was harmony, this was comfort of the land.

Long fore legs reached out with a stretch and as lazy as she felt, the female slid down to her belly and cuffed her receptors back whilst giving out a yawn, quietly. Fatigue didn't overcome this she-wolf, no, she was rather bored actually. There wasn't much to think about but the rest of the members she has yet to meet and hopefully she can find the time to do that and also the energy. Corssing her paws, the she-wolf laid her head down and slightly closed her eyes. She wasn't sleeping just yet or even close to be in a slumber. The individual was simply at rest and was content about her arrival here.

Last edited by Autay Emilia on September 12th 2015, 11:40; edited 1 time in total
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Thunder of Helidos
Thunder of Helidos

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Another Step Closer To Beauty [Thunder/Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another Step Closer To Beauty [Thunder/Open] Another Step Closer To Beauty [Thunder/Open] Icon_minitimeSeptember 9th 2015, 13:38

The sun made colors bloom in the air, filtered light from the leaves above which decorated both the trees overhead and the ground below. The various greens and yellows created contrast to the rich earthy browns and reds and blacks which the Hunter noticed cloaking the earth around him. It was picturesque, the colorful palette of nature. Thunder glanced upward with a smile as he wandered deeper into the Grove. Small fragments of clear blue were visible between the branches, bright and beautiful. Even the birds seemed happy as they sang cheerfully. The creamy brute's smile widened as he lowered his head to gaze upon the forest with bright blue orbs. A feeling of contentment spread through the male like warm honey. Large paws glided smoothly over the ground as he moved, tail swinging slowly behind him. There was a certain lightness and ease in his step, as if a burden had been lifted from his shoulders. Ah, how wonderful this summer was. I have my sisters, I a home....and I have wonderful packmates. He thought joyfully. A small laugh escaped his lips, both in relief and amazement. Perhaps there is hope to be found here after all, even for me.

After traveling a fair distance and absorbing the peace and energy of the nature around him, the Hunter began to hum a cheerful tune. It was one he had learned while he had been living life as a rogue. He had forgotten some of the words, so he hummed the song instead. Suddenly, the wolf noticed a flash of white...or was it cream? His own cream and grey pelt was sure to stick out here. Was it another white wolf who called these lands home? Orbs of royal blue fixed upon the light form with curiosity as he fell silent. Once he had padded closer, the brute realized that it was indeed a wolf. The pale female lay nestled among the roots of a large maple, relaxed with ears flicked back. It seemed as if she was resting, but was she actually asleep? Thunder approached cautiously in case she wasn't welcoming. Maybe I should just go...oh but what if she noticed me and thinks I'm rude to just show up and then leave? If she wants me to go elsewhere, then I can, but there is no harm in trying I suppose. The male decided. With a small friendly smile, he walked over to her and sat down, unsure of what to do. "Hello, I'm sorry if I'm interrupting you." He said quietly. Thunder waited to see how the she-wolf would react. He flashed another smile, this time it was apologetic. It had never occurred to him that he would find a packmate resting in these woods.

[[OOC: The tune is from the song "Oo-De-Lally" from Robin Hood.]]
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Another Step Closer To Beauty [Thunder/Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another Step Closer To Beauty [Thunder/Open] Another Step Closer To Beauty [Thunder/Open] Icon_minitimeSeptember 9th 2015, 17:18

Once settled with a light rest for her irises and energy to replenish, there was not much disturbance. Even if there was, this canid wouldn't mind if she were to be encountered with another pack mate, hopefully if so not a stranger that isn't familiar with this place and isn't so comfortable with another lone one like herself. However, Emilia was still quite alive and well awake and aware, the surroundings made a sound but it didn't trigger the ivory she-wolf to jump, fore as she was adjustable to small noises here and there and never took much interest. But what caught her attention the most was a humming sound, but rather someone humming a tune that she didn't quite know. Though there was a voice that sounded soothing and she opened her twin pools slowly, blinking twice yet three times to reveal no blur of vision when her olive orbs were once again exposed. Turning to look up and her eyes followed the guide of her cranium was in fact a wolf, just like herself.

Well, this one seemed larger so she clarified that this canid was a male with the similar pigment hue he carried. Inquired at the approach the female shook side to side with a friendly, warm smile in return. "Oh! Hello there, you're not bothering me at all" a returned gesture voice with muse was vocalized back to this stranger as she evenly uncrossed her fore paws and arose appropriately into a sitting position with a posture so keen and polite. 'I've only needed some rest, but didn't want to sleep entirely just yet..my energy and mood is high and not low, so that is out of the question', a thought crossed her mind as she cocked her head with her expression still shown. "I'm Emilia an Autay, who may you be?", a question regarding for the stranger to speak when he's willing to and hopefully a positive intention one too, hopefully interested to congregate with and she could get to know another member of this region just as much as he would. ears perked forward focused, whilst awaiting for him to speak. Since there was no aggression for her presence to be in an area so beautiful and earthly, there couldn't be a reason to have hostility in a forest. Then again, there wasn't much certainty what could happen next. "By the way you were humming a tune, what may it be? if I may ask?" curiosity stuck this female with interest of what this male was humming and wondering if he could share.
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Thunder of Helidos
Thunder of Helidos

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Another Step Closer To Beauty [Thunder/Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another Step Closer To Beauty [Thunder/Open] Another Step Closer To Beauty [Thunder/Open] Icon_minitimeSeptember 9th 2015, 20:42

The fae quickly opened her eyes, clearly alert. So she wasn't actually sleeping, just relaxing I guess. Thunder mused. His smile widened happily as she sat up, gazing at him with rich brown eyes. Her voice was pleasant and the brute listened with ears flicked forward. Oh, An Autay! How wonderful to know the a wolf who takes care of the young ones here...maybe she has taken care of Nnlya's pups! He thought. The light pelted male had always liked pups, but it made him nervous to interact with them for very long. He was no wolf to be teaching the apprentices, or at least that's what he thought. What if he pushed them too hard? What if it brought out the worst in him? The cream and grey canine had made such efforts to bury that part of him, but he knew not if it would ever resurface to reveal a violent demon. It was a deep rooted fear, but he didn't consciously think of it here. Now, he was simply delighted to meet this she-wolf. "It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Emilia! I am Hunter Thunder, brother of Rose and Faith." The brute rumbled with a humble dip of his head.

To his surprise, she seemed intrigued by how he had been humming earlier. He could feel hear rise to his skin as he blushed slightly, and was glad that his fur hid the color. Thunder glanced sheepishly at his paws and flicked one ear back. "Oh yes, that was just a song I learned awhile ago while wandering as a loner. A friendly wolf taught it to me. I had never sung anything before that, so she showed me how fun it could be." He explained. The male felt rather bashful at the sudden attention. Frantically, the wolf tried hard to recall all the words as he spoke. "I don't know the name of it, since she never told me, but it's about two rogues I think. Nice rogues it seems. Do you want to hear it again, but with the words?" The Hunter offered. He didn't think his singing was very good, so it wouldn't surprise him if she said no. At least he had finally been able to remember the words. It had taken him a bit, but now he wouldn't make such a fool of himself...hopefully.

[[OOC: Whoopsies, accidentally posted that as Breeze first! My bad! XD]]
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Another Step Closer To Beauty [Thunder/Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another Step Closer To Beauty [Thunder/Open] Another Step Closer To Beauty [Thunder/Open] Icon_minitimeSeptember 10th 2015, 05:41

The female listened intently to the male and once he revealed who he was related to made Emilia's friendly smile widen with glee. "Rose, is your sister?" she asked with a blissful tone of her vocals unleashed. "I know her! She is so sweet.." receptors cuffed back with delight when she remarked, finding out that Rose has other family, likely siblings or just a brother. "It's very good to meet you, Thunder". She couldn't believe to meet another member that is related to someone she met at the outskirts and frankly wasn't disappointed either. Though to see he's a hunter she then knew that he is probably out an about looking for a meal for the pack or just wanderlust to venture to this forest of beauty and intake it's natural sources of enhanced light. Either way, the feminine canid was relieved that this stranger wasn't much of a threat and that she knew Rose when she arrived to this region and even more so, she felt a good bond between the two then, maybe she'll create one now with him!

As the male proceeded to speak upon what he was humming, she cocked her head at the thought of what song he was using, but yet it never appeared to ever register in her head about what it could've been about. And so she quarried, "It sounds like a lovely song and I would be delighted to hear you sing the lyrics. If you do remember" her widened smile decreased, however, still shown in the curl of her lips that tucked back with her cheeks puffed out slightly. Emilia wasn't a good singer herself and doesn't know much songs or even lullabies she was taught to remember. Maybe this song the male would share would filter for her and she practice and maybe have the use for young pups to hear as well. it was a soothing and welcoming opportunity. Eventually her lobes pivoted forward with interest, to show she was listening and giving him her full attention. Though she then thought of something that could go along with this lyrical status. 'How do I ask this...so embarrassing so soon..' the she-wolf pondered about an idea though her smile was begging to be widened again but she refused to show that much jitter of excitement to pass and she decided to ask away. "Would you like to take a stroll? Well I-" she paused for a second, thinking that it was silly of her to ask someone she just met to take a walk through the forest, but she also had the feel to explore...and that was stopping her from saying the rest.

Shuffling her paws with her ears back slightly and her eyes shielded away as she looked down and her breathing steady she voiced the rest eventually. "...If you want to, that is", Emilia mused with some enthusiastic gestures with an offer she has made, yet it sounded decent coming out the way she didn't plan to. Even if rejected, she wouldn't protest against his thoughts, it was a rather friendly offer and so she waited for his response, lifting her eyes with some skittish thoughts jumping through her mind.

[OOC: That's okay! I didn't see it so that doesn't matter. Hehe. c: ]
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Thunder of Helidos
Thunder of Helidos

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Another Step Closer To Beauty [Thunder/Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another Step Closer To Beauty [Thunder/Open] Another Step Closer To Beauty [Thunder/Open] Icon_minitimeSeptember 10th 2015, 13:27

It was no surprise that Emilia knew Rose. It seemed like his sister was quite popular. A soft chuckle escaped his lips as she spoke. "Indeed, she is very kind. I had been looking for her for a long time, so I'm glad I found her and Helidos." He said warmly. This pack was a great place to call home. Perhaps the creamy male would even find wolves to call friends. It was a strange idea for him since he had never had any real friends before. Sure, he got along with his packmates back in Cedar Grove, but he hadn't really made any friends. Well, I'm starting over again. Might as well try, right? The Hunter thought. The fae seemed very interested in hearing the song, and her enthusiasm made him smile even more. "Alright then! It's rather short...I think a verse might have been lost, but I don't know." He rumbled. After a moment of thought, the brute began to sing in his deep baritone.

"Robin Hood and Little John walking through the forest, laughing back and forth at what the other has to say. Reminiscing this and that, and having such a good time. Ooo-de-lally, Oo-de-lally, golly what a day! Never ever thinking there was danger in the water they were drinking, they just guzzled it down. Never dreaming that a scheming Alpha* and his posse was a-watching them and gathering around. Robin Hood and Little John running through the forest, jumping boulders*, dodging trees, and trying to get away. Contemplating nothin but escape and finally making it. Oo-de-lally, Oo-de-lally, golly what a day. Oo-de-lally, Oo-de-lally, golly what a day!" All throughout the song, Thunder kept his eyes closed until he was done. He wasn't used to having an audience, and it made him rather shy to think about being watched.

Slowly, the male opened his blue eyes. He hoped that the song had sounded alright. Ears twitched at her question. Suddenly she seemed unsure and maybe...embarrassed? The Hunter couldn't be sure. "Of course! I would love to walk with you. It's quite nice out, and I enjoy exploring the land." He replied. A look of contentment transformed his features. It was nice to just enjoy a day with someone else. It was something he had rarely experienced, but he appreciated such opportunities. The cream and grey wolf rose stood, waiting for his packmate to take the lead. He wasn't quite sure what to talk about, but perhaps he could ask later what it was like to take care of the pups of Helidos. "Have you been in this pack for very long? I like it here, but I haven't met many wolves yet." The brute admitted. He smiled a bit and glanced around at the maple trees. He loved it here, and probably would never tire of the beauty found within these lands or the wolves that inhabited it.

[[OOC: The song is Oo-De-Lally from Robin Hood. To hear it, click me! The song repeats itself twice in the video. **The bold words have been changed to fit Age. Sheriff=Alpha, fences=boulders. Also, Thunder doesn't have nearly as much of an accent as Roger Millers (obviously), but this is the tune and the words.]]
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Another Step Closer To Beauty [Thunder/Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another Step Closer To Beauty [Thunder/Open] Another Step Closer To Beauty [Thunder/Open] Icon_minitimeSeptember 10th 2015, 14:56

Shaking her head upwards and downwards softly with an agreeable chuckle, this hunter right about Rose, how sweet and caring she is. "I do most certainly agree!" she chirped with a positive motive about the fellow pack member she wishes to meet again someday within these neck of the woods. Easing her weariness from her question about a stroll - Emilia was content, finding a relatively perfect conversation with someone she hasn't met before and she's still glad that she has fallen asleep, otherwise she may have been groggy by waking up unknowingly what would be going on and who was there. "I wouldn't mind either way", the she-wolf added as she watched the male find his relaxation status and started to find the right tone of depth and sing the lyrics aloud!

Eyes widened while he started the first line of words, then hitting the next line and so on and so forth. Finding the rhythm of tune in her head, she felt a bit of muse and kick in her feet to make her arise and bob her head side to side lightly. Her long fluffy tassel swaying to and fro behind her and her whiskers flinched as Thunder's performance was concluded and revealed his blue eyes that she then found quite extraordinary from the angle she stood. Now standing nearly his height but obviously smaller, his eyes made quite an appearance of interest and she was amused how they shone. Before she would fall for the color of his twin pools, she paused the movement of her head and tail, her chest in a flutter by his vocals. "Wow..I'm amazed! That was very good. I enjoyed it.." Emilia complimented him with a big smile. She admitted it, he had a talent and to her, he would be a good performer for any occasion. "I've never heard anything like that before. It's very catchy", her lips sealed with a hum of delight that rumbled in the back of her throat, sounding more of a groan of comfort. "I think it sounds both fine silent whilst humming and also singing aloud", she added.

Though the thought still triggered the female to be unsure of how her question would reflect off the male and if he was too comfortable and yet too close for anything so immediate. However, he wasn't and that made her find the zone to be a better offering than what she expected. "Really?" she sighed with relief, seeing that it's totally fine. Watching him arose she nodded with courtesy and walked to the front of him politely and flicked her head as a mere clarification to follow. Emilia started off slow so that the male could start following, eventually her pace was a bit more steady and moderate - not fast, but a more casual walk as her curved feature moved. Though she paused for a moment and answered his question, "Well, I'm in the same position as yourself, Thunder. I haven't met many pack members, I did however meet a pup in one of the other lands and boy was he a darling.." she giggled before continuing "I've always seen myself to be around the young generation, so full of life and adventure, just how I was. yet very wanderlust. That young male truly gave me the company I needed as some healing for my loneliness coming here". Receptors perked as she said loneliness and decided to attempt and rephrase what she just mentioned. "In a way with comfort and soothing company, I have been a solitary wanderer for a while and it's great to come to a territory with a large landmark and wolves in a humble abode". her lungs expanded as she inhaled through her nostrils, shortly swiping her nose while peering over at the ivory canid.

[OOC: I simply LOOOOVE that song! <3 It's so catchy and just the memories as a child is a rewinding thing, but in a good way!]
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Thunder of Helidos
Thunder of Helidos

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Another Step Closer To Beauty [Thunder/Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another Step Closer To Beauty [Thunder/Open] Another Step Closer To Beauty [Thunder/Open] Icon_minitimeSeptember 17th 2015, 11:28

The smaller female's cheerfulness was infectious. As his eyes opened, he found himself gazing at Emilia, who seemed absolutely thrilled by his song. He smiled and tried to hide the sudden shyness which crept up on him. Her complements filled him with relief and surprise. A slight blush heated up Thunder's face, and he was glad he had fur to cover it up. "Why thank you. I've never really thought much about whether I'm any good, but I'm glad it didn't hurt your ears." He said. Amusement flashed within his eyes as he looked at her. Only now did he realize how dark her brown orbs were. They complemented the cream and hints of light grey on her smooth and fluffy pelt. Her feedback was good to hear, and he simply nodded as his gaze seeped the clearing.

The brute continued to gaze at the colorful landscape until Emilia rose to her paws. She motioned for him to follow, and so he did. He walked just to her left, not quite walking beside her with his head nearly adjacent to her shoulder. Even so, the creamy male gave her a comfortable amount of space. Thunder matched her step for step as she moved gracefully along, not minding the pace at which they walked. Curiosity filled him as the light pelted she-wolf spoke. He was quite surprised to hear that she hadn't met many others either. A soft laugh escaped his lips at her comment on meeting a young wolf. "It's good to hear you enjoyed his company," he rumbled. Humor glinted within his vibrant blue orbs as she continued. "Well then, I must be the exception! I agree that it's nice to know the younger wolves." He said. The brute was happy that he didn't feel old quite yet...but he knew it wouldn't be long before he did. Thunder dreaded the day his bones would creak at every step and hinder him from going hunting. Still, he felt it was a rather humorous subject and he couldn't stop a slightly silly grin from transforming his features.

Her comment about how adventurous the younger wolves were brought a small little smile to his face. "I cannot quite relate to that carefree life of the pups here, but wandering and enjoying the peace of the forest is something I love these days. I wasn't so easy-going until...mmm...a couple years ago. Ah, that was how I found Rose too. Since then, my travels have brought me both good and bad. Then I found this pack, and my sisters again. I guess that's why I find myself strolling through the pack lands so much. I'm used to it...it's all I know." That, and hunting prey. A sheepish smile danced upon his lips as he glanced down at the earth. He had been a monster in the beginning. The brute feared he still carried his demon, but was glad that he had learned to transform his skills to hunt. I simply kill prey instead. It's much better too. He thought. After a few moments of silence, the creamy male looked back up at Emilia. "I heard the pups here are lively ones...do you know whose they are? I know Elite Nnlya had a litter, but apparently she isn't the only one who has pups this year." He rumbled. Thunder was surprised at how easily he engaged in conversation...usually he felt awkward, but something about the female made him feel relaxed and chatty.

[[OOC: I am SO sorry that this took so long...it's a busy week for me, so I've barely had time to write. I know right! Back when we still used videos instead of DVD or Blue-ray.]]
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Another Step Closer To Beauty [Thunder/Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another Step Closer To Beauty [Thunder/Open] Another Step Closer To Beauty [Thunder/Open] Icon_minitimeSeptember 22nd 2015, 05:36

Emilia's ears perked when the male started to follow with a light pace of hers and walking beside her yet a bit further back. yet, she didn't mind the distance they kept to walk, since also the forest was plentiful with space to begin with and that it wouldn't matter how close they got, only a peaceful walk was gestured and she so far envied that. "Yes, he was very confident and I would enjoy his company many more while he grows" her voice chirped with amusement as she smiled with her enamls shown slightly. Her mood with a jitter of excitement when she listened to his next comment. "That's why I love the role I take part in, since it's my strengths to help protect, teach and comfort the young while the parents are busy. It's rather the only strong points I have, I'm not much of a hunter or a fighter, but will fight to protect them I will!", Emilia said cheerfully with a chuckle as she trotted over to a log and leaped up onto the firm, solid platform beneath her toes and balanced whilst looking at Thunder with her twin pools glistening.

His next few words allowed the ivory she-wolf to carefully listen to how he wasn't how he was and until he found Rose and strolled the lands. "That's almost related to me, for the strolling part", a soft muse of delight triggered her to smile widely with exceptional taste in what she experienced through her days of travelling. She met some lively canid and some that just weren't very polite with new abroad wolves and was simply not indecisive of where to go. This land though; Helidos, it was a message to be here, the surround feeling was comfortable and peaceful, nothing about danger was in the depths but there was danger afar as well, close to this landscape. Her stomach was tangled in knots of uncertainty, but Emilia managed to partake in such event to approach and that's how she ended up here. Cranium motioned with curiosity as the other ivory male was silent looking at the ground, he eventually lifted his head up and continued with his speech. "That's what I heard as well, but the fact there were many members intrigues me. The parents of Aschak have yet to be met by myself as I haven't made quite an impression just yet to meet them" a sheepish smile formed as the female turned her head away for a moment, receptors pivotting for moments as she thought about her words. 'I also haven't quite made the greatest impression yet either..' she pondered before turning back with a smile. "I'm sure soon I would meet many others, just haven't got the time. I'm usually shy with some..especially the ones with children".

[OOC: No worries! We're all busy, but you haven't been gone that long to reply. c:]
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Thunder of Helidos
Thunder of Helidos

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Another Step Closer To Beauty [Thunder/Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another Step Closer To Beauty [Thunder/Open] Another Step Closer To Beauty [Thunder/Open] Icon_minitimeSeptember 30th 2015, 13:25

Thunder listened, walking along calmly as he did so. The creamy she-wolf brightened and spoke of how she loved to help the younger canids. It was nice to see that she liked to teach and protect them. "I could teach you a bit about defending, if you care to learn. I know mostly attacking, rather than defending, but I can show you a bit if both." The male rumbled. He knew Autay's should know how to protect the young canines, and he would be more than willing to give some pointers. A warm smile still remained on the brute's lips as Emilia leapt onto a log. He listened as she commented on how she too had been a wanderer. It was nice to know he wasn't the only one, even if the female had wandered for different reasons. The she-wolf's expression became thoughtful, and Thunder wondered if she was reflecting on her past. He often made an effort not to think about the past, but it was easier said than done.

Surprise flickered in his bright blue orbs as he heard her next words. She hasn't met the parents? Is that Elite Nnlya and Guardian...Drogo, or is it the others? I would've thought they already knew each other! Thunder thought. He hadn't been expecting this joyful and talkative fae to be shy around parents, but it was understandable. He smiled reassuringly and nodded. "That is more than reasonable. You are given the task of helping the young wolves grow, and that is bound to make parents a bit more cautious. Still, I am sure many wolves would be more than thrilled to have such a cheerful and kind Autay as you be in charge of looking after their pups." He said. It was true, and he would be surprised if parents were so wary of their pack's Autays. They were trusted enough to be given the rank, so there was no need to be wary.

A small grin transformed his features as he noticed a small pink nose peeking out if a hole among the roots of a nearby maple. Flicking his tail slowly over his maw as a gesture for silence, the brute slowly stalked closer. Each paw was placed with care, only barely making the slightest noise. The hare had emerged slowly to rummage among the nearby bushes for plants to nibble on. Brilliant blue gaze remained locked on the prey as the male positioned himself between the burrow and it's resident. Long brown ears stood up on the small animal's head as it sensed danger. It was only a second of such alarm before the wolf sprang. His jaws  quickly snapped shut around the struggling creature, ending it's life as painlessly as possible with a snap of it's neck. The Hunter stood with the limp form clutched within his maw. He carried it back to the ivory pelted female, and set his catch gently on a patch of grass.  He smiled slightly without showing his red-stained teeth, and motioned to the prey with his pink stained muzzle. "For you, Miss Emilia, if you wish to have it." He offered. Thunder gave her a sheepish look. He hated having such a color tint his maw, but he would have to find a stream to wash it off in later.
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Another Step Closer To Beauty [Thunder/Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another Step Closer To Beauty [Thunder/Open] Another Step Closer To Beauty [Thunder/Open] Icon_minitimeOctober 1st 2015, 06:27

She rested herself at ease, listening to Thunder speak about some pointers that she could identify and use to her advantage in the future. "That would be lovely, I haven't learned much and quite rusty with memory of some things" her lobes cuffed back with a sheepish grin she shown whilst cocking her head, attempting to think about what she knew and what she hasn't quite done for so long. But she continued, "Though I wouldn't mind any help at all! It would help me better understand other ways of defensive mechanisms". Emilia, was at the least, a softer canid when growing up. There were no harsh lessons to be learned. Her brother was mainly the one that sparred with their father and knew tricks and techniques throughout his life and she wondered if he did too remember wherever he was. Shuffling her paws her tassel whisked lightly - she was relaxed and comfortable around this male so far. Even by taking a casual stroll through a forest with many vibrant colors distinguished made her more content and safe. It was a beautiful and another step to beauty is what she needed, there were no concerns about this day yet and thankfully she was welcomed with another kind wolf she would consider a friend.

As seconds have passed, she looked over at the male and her sheepish smile turned more into a curved grin as she chuckled. Enlightened by his comment and words spoken about how parents would be more than welcome to see a strong individual looking after their pups with protection was something she would hope that would happen. "Of course, the parents would be thrilled upon seeing another Autay running about and watching over the young. Giving their children the perfect protection and gift of trust for both family members is a plus. It's a matter of duty that I know and since I have a softer side, it's how I intend to live out my days. Taking care and keeping pups active and occupied, so they'll never get bored" she giggled at the thought. She is indeed a playful sport and will most likely let the pups use her like a big pillow or to run over. There was really no explanation, she would feel apart of them as they endure everything and anything. Emilia wouldn't mind pups nipping or tugging her ears, but she would allow them to know if they did it too rough or hard and be soft enough to tell them 'no'.

Perking her receptors she looked over in front before looking back at Thunder and catching his posture stable just a bit from her side. Her olive pools scanned the grounds closely for as far as her eyes could see and as the male moved in, he caught something with his eyes that she couldn't see at the time. Though she waited, if there was food it would be his since he's approaching it with a stealthily gesture. For a brief moment as he stopped there was some nibbling sounds nearby that her ears eventually detected and she glanced a bit passed a tree and saw the male wolf lunge forward and catch the game, a small hare by the sounds it gave out weakly, soon falling limp with a mourning, low-tone squeak, clearly ended it's life with an instant blow to it's neck. Returning he was to her and her eyes didn't lighten up but looked down at the prize he shown, motioning towards Emilia and she lowered her cranium, sniffing the carrion with delight before looking up towards. Her manners were clear and she would be honored by the offer, by only peering back down and nipping the fur away from the wound and the body where she bitten at to tear a relatively solid piece of flesh of the back and bits of the neck that she nudged in front of her. Swiping her tongue she smiled and her tassel swung to and fro. "For you, you can have the other halve - sorry if it may not be evenly torn", despite the small serving she insised on sharing, he may have done the work but she wasn't that much in the mood to eat as her stomach wasn't begging, but of course she wasn't exactly begging at this moment too or refusing. He offered, she took and so she  was willing to share. "Would you like to find a stream together with this meal of two? Surely after this hare I may need to quench my thirst" her head nodded as she was wondering about the thought of it. The source of water trickling down her chin and neck, washing away the bloody sample in her mouth. She patiently waited before picking up her serving.
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