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Winter's Choice [Teren]

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Delta Braelyn
Delta Braelyn

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PostSubject: Winter's Choice [Teren] Winter's Choice [Teren] Icon_minitimeDecember 13th 2015, 00:26

(ooc- short and sweet since I didn't want to keep postponing this.)

Prints tracking behind, defining the exact position of creamed colored paws, they would continue forward. Moving the lean yet muscular figure over the same terrain as the hunter would be on a course. A course so set that it would change her life forever. The Delta was not sure whether it would be wise to flee or continue in her task. There was still time to run, to turn around and forget the idea even came to mind. How would he respond? Would he think differently of the fae, who was only one of few that the male could or perhaps even considered worth something despite his hatred for their gender. Braelyn did not expect or even wish for herself to care, but she did just a tad. Teren was the Alpha of Erenyx and if the most feared wolf in the entire land thought the Delta was even the slightest bit of value, then she would believe it. This was not something she had seen herself doing and yet the fae was still walking. Still heading to the devil's lair. Pacing through the building stone of snow, its white flakes melting and sticking to the faes pads, she would weave through the forest and past the clearing.

Scent more than anything leading the Delta as she had never really bothered to find out before where exactly the specific location of her Alpha had been. Breathing in, the scent of Erenyx's first captive ever would come to her. Braelyn had recognized the ebony fae from before, that night the Helidos wolf coming to aid the Alpha Fenris who if she was to be honest, in no harm until Teren and his party of followers came to interrupt what had been a pleasant conversation. Sure, it had been about the fact of death but the Delta had found it to be satisfying. No other would even partake in such a topic like Fenris did. While Braelyn remembered the day like it was yesterday and the wolves in such a memory, the fae was sure that the captive would not recall the other. At that time having been a bystander before leaving the bickering souls after a gruesome tale was told. Haunches descending and lowering themselves to the ground, the Delta would proceed to wrap her banner around her legs and to her paws, sitting in patience a good feet away from the darkened cave. Auds flickering and green hues low to lock onto where paws would appear, Braelyn would not make a noise, rather letting her scent summon the dark brute to not rush him and let the male come at his own pace. If he was even inside.
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Alpha Teren
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PostSubject: Re: Winter's Choice [Teren] Winter's Choice [Teren] Icon_minitimeDecember 13th 2015, 09:33

This winter was the most busy that Teren had ever had and it had barely just begun. Pheromones filtered through the air, covering over all the females. It was hard to tell which ones were in heat and which were not. The Alpha just assumed that all faes started their heats together. Of course that was a thing. It made sense. Wandering around the lands, Teren was sure to mark his territory around the borders. There were no doubts that he owned these lads, but it was always nice to have a fresh reminder. He stalked the invisible boundary, walking on both sides of the terrain, he was alert as ever. Someday another wolf would come to Erenyx. Surely they would hear of the victorious Alpha and his strong pack beneath him. Power called out to other wolves. The strong survived and the weak would die, all alone. Teren knew this, it was why he was so confident in himself. He knew what he was worth. The male had completed his rounds and headed back for the pack. But in the woods to the right, he heard some rustling. Alert ears turned with a glorious head, shifting to look into the thicket. Something was there. Keeping silent, the predator approached with caution. he walked slowly, keeping his head low and his body level to the ground. Finally he caught the scent. It was a large rabbit. He held back a snarl, reared on his haunches, and pounced through the brush. He spread himself out, making himself as little as possible. Landing on the prey, his body weight helped to keep it pinned to the ground. He killed the small creature, but it was not as enjoyable as when he had slain the Alphess of Helidos. Feeling slightly bitter from this reality, he picked up the kill and carried it back home. Were all his kills from now on going to feel pointless? Had the great king lost his lust for blood? He moved back towards his den, only to find another fae seated outside his home. "Braelyn.." he spoke as he dropped the carcass behind her. "Looking for me?"
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Delta Braelyn
Delta Braelyn

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PostSubject: Re: Winter's Choice [Teren] Winter's Choice [Teren] Icon_minitimeDecember 13th 2015, 15:00

Figure brought down to rest upon the landscape, snow pressed into her fur and gradually softened against the faes warm body. Leaving just an icy, wet touch behind as though she had picked this winter to stupidly go swimming. In fact, this season was colder than the last. Every chill of wind bringing about a little shiver from the Delta as it would go through her fur. Fortunately for the fae, in her present position the wind had been obstructed by the substantial vegetation that encompass the Alpha's den. That is if it stayed on course and did not shift directions. Awaiting persistently, Braelyn just sat by still for the wolf she wished to meet. By the span of time, it was then she assumed he was for sure not home right now. It's fortunate she had talked nothing or else the Delta would have resembled a dolt for conversing with only air. Still, she sat, taking the minute to lift her head and look at the environment. So different this was than her own particular chambers, the area much more extended with space that just an Alpha could wish for it. Too large for her enjoyment yet the Delta was not picky when it came to rest. She would sleep by a tree in the event that she needed to. Auds lifted, the two would flicker left and right - gathering the neighboring sounds and with them, a voice. So particular was it, that Braelyn had no real reason to question who the presence may be. Rising to all fours and turning to confront the brute, the Delta made a point to center her look just underneath the male's muzzle. Not having any desire to try and take the risk of looking into his comparable spring green orbs. "Indeed, Alpha. I have a proposition for you, should you wish to accept it." Honey-hued tone conveyed into the atmosphere, the fae talked and stopped for a minute before she would go into more greater insight about her offer. "I want to birth pups in the next season, to contribute in developing Erenyx's numbers for all to fear. No brute in the pack has caught my attention thus I come to you with this offer." Finishing, Braelyn would keep quiet. Talking no more until allowed so the male may think on the thought, to discover a way that he may advantage or whatever. Whether he acknowledged or not, the Delta was prepared for either as now that he arrived and she had spoken there was no opportunity to change contemplation's or back out.
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Alpha Teren
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PostSubject: Re: Winter's Choice [Teren] Winter's Choice [Teren] Icon_minitimeDecember 13th 2015, 21:36

"And what was it you were needing?" he asked as he looked to her full form. It was not long before the fae continued to speak of the request for him. Such an interesting thing. It seemed all of the faes wanted to have a part of him forever. Who was he to tell a fae 'no'?. He picked up the rabbit and moved for his den. When she stayed where she was, he turned around to face her once more. He placed the rabbit down and spoke. "I tell you this now. I expect the best for my young. You will be well provided for and I want you to be limited on your activities. Don't worry about the borders, myself and my brothers will get them. If you do anything to harm my young, I will end your life." He gave her a smile, fake as could be. "But don't stress yourself too much, come." As he finished, he picked up the corpse and walked into his den. He moved to the far north part of the den. There he sat down and waited for the fae to enter. In the meanwhile, he began to rip into the rabbit, separating the coat from the flesh and bone. A messy affair it was, and yet Teren still did not feel the same amount of joy. Something had to give.
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Delta Braelyn
Delta Braelyn

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PostSubject: Re: Winter's Choice [Teren] Winter's Choice [Teren] Icon_minitimeDecember 20th 2015, 20:53

It burned, the warm touch passing through tawny hues fur without a care to consider the chilled weather around them. The fae could feel it, could feel his eyes on her but this time it was not just a simple glance. He was looking over her full form and for a moment in time, the Delta felt disturbed. Whether it was all in the far pits if her mind or simply female intuition, the fae could tell he was looking at her in such a way that she did not wish for. Did not want. Though Braelyn had brought this upon herself and so, swallowing silently the built up saliva in her mouth the fae would change her gaze to the other side of the males muzzle. After her proposal, things were a bit silent and the Delta had no insight to tell whether it was good or bad. This was after all the faes first time one on one with the Alpha of Erenyx. Other than now, the only close interaction the two have had have been in pack meetings. Banner monitoring to the side, green hues would direct themselves upon the dead carcass in front of her, observing the male as he brought his attention to the rotting corpse and picked it up. Still, the Delta did not waver her eyes from his form as he moved, turning her body with his to keep her orbs on their target. With that, Braelyn did not move any more. She wouldn't unless told or an opposing force forced her against her will. Auds rising at the deep sound of Teren's, after nearly minutes of silence between her offer and now, the Delta would have not expected such a response. Well provided for? Limited activities? Braelyn had always been an independent spirit and to now know she would have to be dependent on others irked her a bit. Pack life even now would still confuse her. How everyone relied on everyone like helpless pups. This is for the pack. The Delta would remind herself, giving reason to why she would put up with strangers doing her bidding once stomach-full with other lives. Off with the smile the Alpha gave, Braelyn ignored the rest of his reply and slowly worked her way up to the den entrance. Halting just a bit as she came just inches away, the Delta would stare into the mouth watching the Alpha walk away and at the same time, build up her courage. Following the males steps, the fae navigated her way to the back and upon arrival, a display of blood and muscle open for her viewing. Scanning the work of Teren as he removed the fur and skin from its source, Braelyn stayed standing, unsure of what to do next and so would wait for a clue. For the pack.
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Alpha Teren
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Alpha Teren

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PostSubject: Re: Winter's Choice [Teren] Winter's Choice [Teren] Icon_minitimeDecember 20th 2015, 21:49

Fade to black.
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Elder Azul
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PostSubject: Re: Winter's Choice [Teren] Winter's Choice [Teren] Icon_minitimeDecember 20th 2015, 21:50

The member 'Alpha Teren' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Litter Size' :
Winter's Choice [Teren] IX83wYf
Result :
Winter's Choice [Teren] 2kZj100
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Elder Azul
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Elder Azul

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PostSubject: Re: Winter's Choice [Teren] Winter's Choice [Teren] Icon_minitimeDecember 20th 2015, 21:51

The member 'Alpha Teren' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Gender' :
Winter's Choice [Teren] HPnc5lC
Result :
Winter's Choice [Teren] KwVw8GL Winter's Choice [Teren] UUlKQdK Winter's Choice [Teren] UUlKQdK
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