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Yours Truly, Darling - Baritos

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Yours Truly, Darling - Baritos Empty
PostSubject: Yours Truly, Darling - Baritos Yours Truly, Darling - Baritos Icon_minitimeMarch 3rd 2016, 04:41

Name: Baritos

Gender: Male

Age: 9 Years Old

Breed: Timber/Eurasian Mix

Height: 91 cm

Pack: Erenyx

Rank Requested: Elder

Standing at 91 cm from paw to shoulder, he is a size able wolf. He weighs 130 lbs. Inherited from his parents, he shares the black color of his siblings and as a Timber/Eurasian wolf mix. His coat is thick as all the other brothers, but he is very different from the others. He has browns and greys blended in his coat. His eyes share the silver coloring of his mother's, light and gorgeous with the shine of misplaced youth. His body is lined with muscles, thick and strong, that never fail him when he is in trouble. His coat is long and thick, allowing him to be protected from the harsh winters all year long, if they stayed that way. His paws are large, and heavy, leaving thick imprints in the snow as he walks through it. His tail is of average length, and very thick. He knows that he's good-looking and despite his old age, there is a bounce in his step as he holds his head high with an air of majesty.

In contrast to the rather stiff personalities of his brothers, Baritos is, quite simply, the life of the party. Coyly flamboyant with a sinister charm, Baritos is a seducer with a penchant for games. He never raises his voice but his tone holds a purpose that shouldn't be taken lightly. The male maintains a thin line between his sensual exterior and the sadistic streak that holds together his sanity. Very often both sides will mingle, creating a suggestive beast with a tendency to play with his prey.

Accompanying his clever tongue is a deep timbre that resonates within his chest. Smooth and tantalising, his voice could fell even those with the strongest will. Sweet croons and sensuous chuckles, he uses this trait to its utmost ability, luring in unsuspecting victims to play his games.

Baritos' yearn for entertainment is merely a lock to restrain the creature under his skin. It isn't quite a split personality but nor is it his true self. A sadistic being that relishes in toying with its prey; when boredom begins to thread itself within his mind, this male takes matters into his own paws and goes to provide his own distractions. Regardless of species or gender, if he finds them worth playing with, he will stop at nothing until he is satisfied. And sometimes, the games he plays are more dangerous than facing the wrath of his brothers. Of course, he does try and keep this side of him contained, because after all, once the world knows that he's dangerous, no one would approach him and he would lose his toys, but there are moments when he has no say in what fate has in place for him.

Baritos has no interest in spreading his seed, fully believing that his brothers had done more than enough. He has no notion of love either, having missed out on bonding with his siblings and hardly receiving any from his parents. He would not deny that he would take bedmates just for the purpose of having fun, but the idea of settling with a mate goes against his entire being, believing that he would soon tire of them and cast them away.


This wolf's journey begins in the womb. His mother was a beautiful fae, prized by many of the wolves in the pack, coveted and fought over. Many wolves lost fur, blood, and flesh to be with her, to breed her heritage. But only one wolf caught her eye. His name was Vladimir. He was the Beta's first born son and best fighter in the litter. The fae watched their practices, their fighting. She enjoyed every bit of it, watching the excitement of it all. But the male was shy, which was unique for his family. The Beta's young were all feisty, ready to take what was theirs, to kill before asking, and to act as they ran the pack. The fae was the daughter of the Alpha, and her father wished for her to breed and become mates with Vladimir's younger brother, Mordan. Mordan was a great fighter and he was stunning. His coat was not black as night, but a more russet color like his mother before him. Vladimir had an onyx coat. In the dark of night, he would be almost invisible to the eye.

When mating season had come, the fae fought off many males by herself. Vladimir was still very shy, afraid to approach her. It was not until she came to him within the dead of night. She crawled into his chamber, allowing him to have her completely. Weeks passed and the great Alpha of the pack grew ill. Other members of the pack started to die off and so the Beta male became Alpha male. With his first decree, the wolves were forced to move from their lands, in search of something better, running form this illness that was taking lives left and right. When they finally found a suitable home, they made camp. Only now Vladimir was very close and protective of his fae. He was honored and given the rank of Beta, told he would be next rule. Eventually the fae gave birth to four pups, four males, destined to make their mark in history.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, was the beginning of our main character, Baritos.

As a youth, Baritos spent much of his time amongst his brothers, participating in what he thought was a stupid competition for their father's crown. He hardly cared about the outcome, knowing from the start that the title of Alpha would never be his and that fact did not bother him in the slightest. You might ask why he even troubled himself to try his luck and he would've answered you simply, "Why not?" It was all for his own entertainment and to restrain the part of him that would have ruined his indifferent image.

On the exterior, most would have seen the contest as an opportunity to form sibling bonds and as logical as it sounded, it was far from what was imagined. Brutal and aggressive, it was every man for his own, sibling bonds had long been discarded and if you showed a moment of weakness, blood would be spilled. Baritos' own love for his brothers was superficial and he only stayed around them when he felt they would contribute to his pleasure. If they didn't, he stayed away from the rest of the family, nosing his way into the businesses of others and minding his own. He did, however, join his brothers in their sparring lessons in their journey towards Alpha-dom. And as the only instance where they did something together, they grew to become equally strong and forces to be reckoned with.

It was no secret that Baritos knew the gossip of the pack, being the one brother who bothered to occasionally interact with the others. Many would have said that he had made a few friends during his interplay, although such claims were never confirmed. In his own opinion, he hated talking to them. They were so dull and boring. Why did he waste his time on such insignificant creatures? They were hardly worth his company. But, there was nothing else to do. His brothers certainly didn't have time to amuse him and going solo was no fun. And so, to keep himself occupied, he found himself den-mates whom he would play with all night long, switching companions every time he was tired of the previous one. Sometimes he would've laid with them, just for the satisfaction of relieving himself, although such occurrences only happened during winter; sometimes he would've taken them out on a 'date' where he would chase them through the trees, keeping the fact that they were truly his prey a secret and when caught, releasing them with a sultry smile and the words, "I shall call upon you again, darling," upon his lips. Those rendezvous continued for quite a long time and it was only when Teren inherited the title of Alpha that he temporarily stopped his games.

Baritos was not surprised when his elder brother obtained their father's legacy and out of obligation, attended the coronation with the intention to leave as soon as it was official. Who was to know that the meeting of Teren and his lady love would be the start of something unthinkable and so fun. His new hobby would be to observe how his brother would handle his new responsibilities and to obtain the heart of that female. Oh, how he would enjoy this.

From then on, he spent longer amounts of time around his brothers, constantly watching Teren try his paw at wooing the female. It was the funniest thing to see his proud brother spend copious amounts of time trying to grab the attention of a single woman. Why would you go through such an effort when you could just take a bedmate and have it over and done with? Why focus on just one? It was an odd thought, to tie oneself down to another and be content with spending the rest of your life with them. Wouldn't you ever grow bored of them? But nonetheless, he said nothing as he watched from afar.

The day his little nieces were born was the day that Baritos felt that everything would begin changing then. Teren's behaviour changed, due to the lack of males in the litter and the younger brother watched with fascination as his Alpha began showing hints of that destructive personality he would soon adopt. This was just too good. Just how far would Teren go?

A second litter was born and once again, no males. Baritos cackled inside and watched with a proud glint in his eyes as his brother cast out his mate. See, he was right. People would eventually tire of the ones they claim as mate and despite the efforts that his brother had put into trying to pursue the now-shamed Alphess, he still threw her away because she had failed to meet Teren's expectation. It all made perfect sense. Though his brother still loved his woman, the younger brother could already see the seeds of doubt being planted.

With the revelation, sly smiles upon his handsome face, a strange sort of disappointment also threaded its way into his heart as he realised that his fun had ended. What would he do now? A pout probably made its way onto his face, but not that he would admit it or care. His entertainment was gone, bringing along with his cheer and he was not pleased.

Stalking away from his family, Baritos returned back to his boring ways, glum about how dull his future was looking. Why, oh, why was he cursed with such a stupid life? It was so woeful.

But apparently, Fate liked Baritos and threw yet another dramatic occasion at him.

And it was that day when Teren caught his one copulating with an Omega. A hysterical laugh had bubbled at Baritos' throat when he'd found out, causing him to roll around like a pup. Oh, this was too precious. His elder brother had flown into a rage and suddenly pack dynamics were completely overthrown and chaos was strewn.

He didn't remember how many bodies he had gone through, pillaging their dignity, laughing at the way they begged for him to stop. There were a few whom he'd recognised as his bedmates, who'd specifically come to him as respite and of course, how could he say no? It wasn't long until the thrill of the moment passed and as per usual, Baritos lost all interest in the act. Any other faes that crossed his paths were then tossed aside like toys for the rest of the males to deal with. He had done his brother's dirty work and he'd had enough of the same old routine.

Lurking away, he became a loner to the pack, ignoring any orders that were spat at him and only serving as a bystander for the atrocities committed. The next time, he would stand near his brothers, was when his unique little nephew Azrael was born. Oh, now that one was truly special. Or at least, Teren had thought so. The boy showed strength, a quality recognised and valued by his brother and anyone could have predicted that the latter would train him to be his protégé. What wasn't predicted was that the little bastard would run off. The look on Teren's face that day still continued to bring a gleeful grin to Baritos' lips.

The entire pack was sent to search for Azrael and Baritos decided that perhaps, a new way of life would be the way to go. Travelling with a small group during the first few hours of the search, he easily detached himself from them, smiling sweetly, telling them that he had other duties to attend to. The stupid idiots followed his words and continued on, leaving him complete reign of his own actions. A skip to his step and a sway to his tail, the male deserted the clutches of his ludicrous brother and left behind whatever was left of his family.

What happened after that is, indeed, history.

Joining Keys: The keys were here but I ate them - Nnlya

How did you find Age? Hello, I am Sieglinde from Australia and I am a student dying.

Example Post:
Screams and cries erupted from all directions, as every fae in the pack was chased down and stripped of her virtue and her dignity. Blood painted the ground with every bite that had sharp teeth sinking into the delicate flesh of its prey. The sky suddenly didn't look as bright as it used to, no, it was a deep crimson red, mirroring that on the ground. This was it. No more of his gentlemanly play, it was time to let go. Silver eyes glimmered with elation as handsome lips were pulled up into a sinister grin. A soft giggle came from his throat before gradually becoming louder and louder, blossoming into a full blown cackle. His voice rung out clear, surely catching the attention of those around him. But he didn't care. They were insignificant creatures who couldn't possibly understand him. His eyes manic and grin still present if not wider, the male whose name was Baritos, sought out his first prey. There were so many for him to pick from!

A pink tongue peeked out from his dark muzzle and swiped once over his lips as he laid eyes on a pretty cream-coloured fae. Her body was tense and even from his distance, he could smell the fear exuding from her. Pupils dilating, he stalked over to her and immediately, she saw his movement and bolted. "Oh, do not run from me, darling." His gait speeding up, he cooed almost lovingly after her. "I'm not going to hurt you...At least, not enough to kill you." She did not listen and it displeased him. Here he was, trying to be courteous and she would ignore him!? A growl rumbling in his chest, his large body proved of use as it boosted his speed and very quickly caught up to her. Leaping off his powerful hind legs, he pounced on his prey, pushing her off course and into the ground.

Panting slightly from the release of energy, he smirked at their position: he towered over her as she lay quivering beneath him. Oh, now this was lovely. With his dark fur furthered shadowed by the blocked sunlight, his gleaming eyes and teeth were all that could be seen and it was a terrifying sight. Purring down at her, he said, "Sweet one, no need to be scared. I'm only following orders. Be a good girl and lie still for me, hm?" At those words, the female began thrashing, kicking, clawing, doing everything in her power to get out of her dangerous position. Her struggling was a pleasure to watch, pleased that she was a fighter. And in that moment, he took the opportunity to take in the body of whom would satisfy him. Lithe and of a healthy structure, her muscular balance told him that she was a hunter. A provider. And she would provide indeed.

His pleasure was short-lived when she swiped her claws across his cheek, creating shallow gashes on his flesh. Head pushed to the side, he registered the short moment of pain before a dark expression turned his handsome features into something malevolent. No one had ever made him bleed before. Eyes now shining dangerously, he whispered, "Oh, you are naughty." Pressing a paw into the body beneath him, he dug his claws into the fae's flesh, ignoring the pained screams that were forced out of her mouth. Mounting her easily, he made quick use of the female, scattering her own blood across her own light-coloured fur. After all, it was only fair that he would return the sentiment. "Naughty children should be punished."

Site Season/Year: 'Tis the 5th Spring

Last edited by Baritos on March 3rd 2016, 23:51; edited 1 time in total
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Elite Nnlya
Elite Nnlya

Posts : 522
Join date : 2013-09-19
Age : 28
Location : Sydney, Australia

Wolf Information
Gender: Female
Age: 6 Years
Purchases: 4 Character Slots; Graphics Shop

Yours Truly, Darling - Baritos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yours Truly, Darling - Baritos Yours Truly, Darling - Baritos Icon_minitimeMarch 3rd 2016, 18:40

Hey Seig, just a few things that need fixing,

Avatar: Before you can be accepted we need Baritos to have an avatar. Remember, 150px wide and no longer than 400px.

History: Your history states that Baritos copulated often with females. This is fine, but - to keep with our semi-realistic labelling - this must only occur during the winter months as wolves only mate at this time. If he took a few females during the mating season that is possible as some wolves have been known to do this (it is rare but we make an exception on site, Exhibit A: Alpha Teren). It is fine that he takes them on his "dates" during the other months but mating is strictly reserved for the winter months.

Site Season/Year: We don't need to know the OC year, but the IC year. On the right panel you'll see under the season description you'll see it says it is the 5th Spring (meaning it is the 5th Spring the site has experienced) as opposed to Spring 2016.

Once these are fixed please post below letting us know so your application can be reviewed by a staff member.
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Elite Desoto
Elite Desoto

Posts : 231
Join date : 2015-02-08
Age : 23
Location : Death City

Wolf Information
Gender: Male
Age: 7 years old

Yours Truly, Darling - Baritos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yours Truly, Darling - Baritos Yours Truly, Darling - Baritos Icon_minitimeMarch 3rd 2016, 23:34

One quick thing too. Baritos would be nine as of this Spring, I know it says eight on the adoption thread, but as he he the same age as Lyo, Reaper, Teren, and (I think?) Cas, he will be nine. Change that as well please.
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Yours Truly, Darling - Baritos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yours Truly, Darling - Baritos Yours Truly, Darling - Baritos Icon_minitimeMarch 3rd 2016, 23:52

Mehthinks I'm done. c:
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Elite Nnlya
Elite Nnlya

Posts : 522
Join date : 2013-09-19
Age : 28
Location : Sydney, Australia

Wolf Information
Gender: Female
Age: 6 Years
Purchases: 4 Character Slots; Graphics Shop

Yours Truly, Darling - Baritos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yours Truly, Darling - Baritos Yours Truly, Darling - Baritos Icon_minitimeMarch 4th 2016, 01:50

Yours Truly, Darling - Baritos R0it

Now before you can get started, please add your wolf to the following pages:

- Name Claim
- Ranks
- Relationships
- Height Chart
- Character List

Once you have completed these things, please head to the border of your prospective pack and post!
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PostSubject: Re: Yours Truly, Darling - Baritos Yours Truly, Darling - Baritos Icon_minitime

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