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Something You Should Know [Magnus]

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Elder Eclipse
Elder Eclipse

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Something You Should Know [Magnus] Empty
PostSubject: Something You Should Know [Magnus] Something You Should Know [Magnus] Icon_minitimeJune 21st 2016, 06:26

The birds had returned to their trees, tweeting to announce that Summer had come. It was bittersweet music to his ears; he was glad that the warmth was here for the forest to flourish and an easy hunting season, but as the days grew longer he began to think of the shorter, colder days of which he spent much of his time either with or thinking about the fae that was now lost from him. Who knew the real subject of the flying creatures’ melodies, but their voices always sounded cheery and triumphant as they sang from their little feathered chests. He couldn't relate to such euphoria himself but at least some soul in these parts was in a happy mood. His life had become quite sedentary, with most of his loved ones either dead or too preoccupied with their own issues, and Helidos struggling to find any real direction. The dark brute didn't feel morose nor did he feel depressed or anything particularly negative. He was strangely calm throughout it all, though perhaps it wasn't so strange, as calmness and acceptance came with familiarity. By now the sense of loss and being lost felt more like home than his den ever would. The way his breathing reverberated within its hollowness offered him no comfort there, feeling more like a death pit than a sanctuary for rest and only reminding him how he had nobody to seek for affection or conversation beside him, so he no longer used his den. Almost everyone he cared for was in that grieving, longing part of his soul that never truly went away, that guarded and revived those he loved who’d passed on to the Other Forest. It was a shallow chasm between his heart and mind where they lingered and memories of them remained. If he could just forget about everything else but that precious part, to be with their voices and faces that played through his mind, he would. It was hard to keep going sometimes, but he knew he was alive for a reason. Alas, the land of the living was relentless and he had to maintain his purpose in the pack, to help others. Helidos needed soldiers and wisdom now and he was no good to anyone if he did not do his part, as he was one of the longest standing members there that could really try to make a difference. The only time he could rest and join his loved ones again would be when his earthly tether was also severed and he was free to roam the heavenly forest they occupied. Dying didn't seem like such a terrible ending anymore, rather a passage to peace. But he was not ready for that just yet, even if his ageing body seemed to attest to that with the aches and pains that emerged every so often.

Though little to no emotion had been displayed to anyone since Elsbeth had disappeared and he wasn't sure if anyone else had noticed, that was not to say losing Elsbeth hadn't affected him. It was the fact that their future together seemed so promising but then she simply vanished that made it most terrible but also the most difficult thing to register. He had tried to track her down by following her trail that Winter and after a day and night he had come to a halt by the lake. There he'd realised, after investigating the area, that her whereabouts were either confined to the lake, or the remaining part of her tracks had gone cold. As it was winter ice sat on the surface of the motionless liquid, making the lake unrecognisable for what it was named for. He'd returned to his pack, but kept imagining that maybe she had attempted to cross the lake and fallen in, coming to a slow and dreadful end as she succumbed to exhaustion and hypothermia. As more time passed, true concern for her life settled in as he knew she had no reason to abandon Helidos and it was unlikely a mere autay would be taken prisoner by Erenyx. He'd gone to look for her body in the Spring when the ice had melted so he could know for sure that she was dead and put his worries to rest. Uncertainty about a loved one's status being either dead or alive was something that could eat away at a wolf. He'd checked every bit of the lake and its surroundings, diving underwater at regular intervals in an attempt to find some sign of her. He'd thought he found it when he believed he saw her fur shimmering deep under the water, but at that point his muscles and lungs ached so much that he couldn't hold his breath for long enough to grab it. Giving up, he’d dragged himself out and flopped over, fur soaked and chest heaving to give him back the oxygen he was short of. He had been so exhausted that he did little but listen to the noises around him, the tiredness shielded him from most emotions like depression and disappointment.

It was there, as he'd listened and gradually felt more peaceful, that he'd begun to understand that he wasn't meant to follow the course that all the others did around him, of finding a partner and creating a family. Of course now he was likely too old to find a fae interested in him anyway. The world clearly had a different path for him to take, supporting others in their endeavours instead of aiming for success himself. It would be satisfying and comforting enough to have his friends around him as family and watch them grow. He would do his best to protect them and make them the best they could be as he would for his own kin. Ciro especially captured his heart in terms of wanting to nurture him, as he was so young and had such potential if he could overcome his deep-set sadness and disgust for the way the world worked. With his newfound purpose and realisation he felt more content these days, though his inner woeful feelings were still hidden within him. The brute had come to the lake for some reflection, remembering how he'd looked so desperately for Elsbeth within the waters. He knew now that he didn’t need to find Elsbeth to find resolve, what he saw of her fur was probably mind tricks anyway, but if she was somewhere beneath that clear surface she would be a beautiful gem buried in the safest, most tranquil space and that was what she deserved. Maybe it had taken all of the tragedies he'd experienced to realise his true strengths, and Elsbeth had in some strange way helped with that. For that she would always be important to him, as the last fae that he would ever love in a romantic way. “Goodbye, my almost-lover.”, he muttered calmly as he looked over the lake, a farewell to Elsbeth wherever she may be. The afternoon sun shone down on the Elder as a quiet yawn left his maw, his bright orbs squinted at the horizon. His large ears turned out to the sides as he slowly sat down, wondering if the birds knew that it was not just their own species that paid attention to their calls, or how they sounded to one who did not know their meaning.

Last edited by Elder Eclipse on July 1st 2016, 04:57; edited 1 time in total
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Alpha Magnus
Alpha Magnus

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PostSubject: Re: Something You Should Know [Magnus] Something You Should Know [Magnus] Icon_minitimeJune 23rd 2016, 01:26

He was the Alpha. There was no questioning that. He had earned the loyalty of his pack and was showing them his ability to lead them justly. After their pack meeting he'd raised Malachai to the status of Elite - still their highest ranked below the Alphas as they had yet to appoint any Beta's. It was a position Magnus was still reluctant to fill. When they'd first conceived the idea of leaving Erenyx, he'd always imagined Tye to be his second in command. There was no other better suited to the job. Though his friend had been dead for over a season he still saw the position as belonging rightfully to his brother. Tye wasn't truly his brother, not by blood anyway. But the two males had developed such a bond in their time together in Erenyx that they became as brothers. The family I got to choose, he thought. Of the others he had promoted Tatsu and Xerentis to Delta. He saw promise in them and hoped they might work well together as a team. His old companion Claudia he had granted the position of Lead Warrior and to Zephyr he gave Lead Hunter. The two showed promise but as yet were not at a level to advance any further. In these positions he hoped to see them take some initiative and show how they might present themselves as leaders.

Since that day winter had passed without incident. None of Pyrvanthros had come to him or Chiara seeking permission as mates. He had not expected such a thing to occur as their pack was young and their members still getting to know one another. But, he had hoped he and Chiara might make themselves a litter in a second attempt at being parents. He had hoped this time they would get it right. Unfortunately Chiara was unresponsive and had no wish to mate this winter, despite her urges. He understood. How could they think of mating once more when their only living daughter was still in danger? If she were to return home to find a new litter of siblings would she not feel replaced? Of course Chiara was as of yet unaware of his bargain with Samael to keep Piper safe. He knew his daughter was under the training and protection of Tundra, a good she-wolf. She had been Guardian alongside him for a short time before he left and a better role-model for his daughter he could not ask - at least in the absence of his mate.

Spring had come and so too, rather unexpectedly, some extra mouths to feed. Killian, it seemed, had taken it upon himself to find a mate outside Pyrvanthros' borders and brought them to him to ask admittance into their father's pack. Killian remained true to his word and - additionally to his duties as hunter - fed and educated his offspring. The kill pile appeared in no way disadvantaged by the presence of the pups. The Alpha made a mental note to remind the hunters not to overdo it. They had to be careful not to take more than they needed, otherwise it could upset the balance of predator and prey, not to mention all that extra food going to waste. The other event of note was their capture of the Erenyx scout, Yuki. Magnus was wary of the fae but not ignorant of her use to him. The sable Alpha left his territory in search of the neutral lands. Whether he found solitude or a new friend he didn't mind, only that he found something. He found him self by a lake, still and smooth, perfectly reflecting the forest that surrounded it. There he found a dark brute looking out over the glassy surface. He thought to approach and did, clearing his throat to make himself known. "Mind if I join you?" He asked, unsure if the brute was looking to be alone.
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Elder Eclipse
Elder Eclipse

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Something You Should Know [Magnus] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something You Should Know [Magnus] Something You Should Know [Magnus] Icon_minitimeJune 23rd 2016, 06:44

Sitting there, a sense of peace with his current position in life washed over him. It was a relief to finally feel somewhat free, to realise he had achieved some things, and know that the things in his past were just not meant to be. He knew now what to focus on and what to give up on and that was a great thing, because feeling lost and useless was quite depressing. As the sun peeked out from behind a few clouds, he absorbed the warmth and watched all the activity in the area around him. The birds had disappeared, leaving the place relatively silent. Eclipse was rather warm and sleepy but he didn't feel like sleeping. Mostly he felt like talking, something he seemed to continually miss being able to do with another likeminded adult, even though he'd recently met with Fel and that had brightened his mood. He wasn't a talkative brute but he liked pleasant conversation and getting to know others, and with a load off his shoulders as an Elder he felt more like socialising again. He couldn't know how much life he had left to live, and he didn't much fancy leaving the earth without getting to enjoy himself first. It was a time in his life to focus a little less on achieving things and focus more on making the most of it.

Rolling his shoulders, he began to stretch his neck to release the tension that was growing there, when he heard something. An ear flicked in the direction of the sound and he turned his head to see a brown and tan brute who had politely let Eclipse know of his presence. Straight away he sniffed to take in the wolf's scent, quickly realising that he wasn't from Erenyx, though that was already quite obvious. So he was from one of the two newer packs but he couldn't determine which since he hadn't properly met any members of either other than Fel and that irritating black male, but he hadn't left much of an impression on Eclipse that he'd wanted to know anything about him or where he came from. However, the colourful canine before him had a relaxed, self-assured aura about him that suggested he was of high rank and also that he might be interesting and nice to know. Eclipse concluded his visual study of the male with a dip of his head just as the other spoke. "No, not at all. I had only been doing a spot of soul-searching and putting thoughts to rest, I'd appreciate some company to distract me from all that." He replied, welcoming the brute to join him if he so wished.

Eclipse allowed his tail to waver slightly as he once again stared over the lake, licking his lips as he thought of how to continue the conversation. After a few seconds passed, he cast an interested, slightly squinted gaze at the other brute, noting his build and condition. Clearly he and his pack was doing well. "I'm Eclipse, a recently made Elder and long-standing member of Helidos. I don't believe I'm familiar enough with your pack to know which one it is. Where is it that you call home? Any young ones of your own this Spring or pups of any others you are training?", he spoke and questioned cordially, making small talk based on common topics and information he had just from meeting the wolf and using his senses, at least until he learned more so he could ask further, better questions. He didn't see anything to be worried about with his acquaintance, actually when he thought about it the male had strikingly similar markings to his sister, and so he took that as a sign to trust the other fellow. It was nice for a change to meet a wolf from outside his own pack that wasn't annoying, hostile, or required extra suspicion or wariness. Perhaps Helidos could make an ally of one of these 'neutral' packs yet.
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Alpha Magnus
Alpha Magnus

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PostSubject: Re: Something You Should Know [Magnus] Something You Should Know [Magnus] Icon_minitimeJuly 7th 2016, 00:30

Magnus was relieved when the brute consented to his company and dipped his head in thankful response. He thought it might be nice to speak with a stranger. This dark male had the familiar scent of Helidos around him. It was likely then that this creature knew Drogo. Not that the Alpha truly cared but he was curious to know how the old kingslayer was. If this one wasn't too hostile he might ask of the... Guardian, was it? He couldn't remember what rank his old foe held when last they met. Magnus moved closer to the dark brute, taking a seat a comfortable distance from him as they appraised each other. As was a habit of his he sized up the male who was similar in height and weight, they would be evenly matched if it came to a fight. Magnus was always on edge for a fight, though perhaps more recently he was more likely to consider such encounters as a friendly possibility. He rolled his shoulders, easing some of the tension from his joints, unsure of whether a conversation with the other was welcome.

Before he could introduce himself, however, the brute spoke up. Eclipse was his name and Helidos, as Magnus had already surmised, was his pack. Magnus offered a polite smile. "Eclipse, a good name and certainly one that matches your pelt." The Alpha gave a little smirk at his own jest before continuing. "You may call me Magnus. I am the Alpha and founder of Pyrvanthros, hailing from the south." He paused, allowing the new information to settle as he considered his answers to the other questions. How much should he reveal? He did not believe Helidos posed a serious threat at this time, but an Alpha had to protect his pack. "We do have a few younglings this year, eager to learn and become part of the pack. Unfortunately none are my own." He paused again. For some reason he trusted this male and he needed a friend in whom he could confide some of his troubles, he had yet to find one he trusted as he had trusted Tye. "My mate and I suffered grave losses last year. Our offspring were killed in Teren's monstrous arena where he forced the apprentices to fight one another. Both my sons, Ciro and Aspen were killed, as was my daughter, Willow. Only one remains and she despises her mother and I for not saving the others." Magnus ducked his head in momentary shame. "Sorry, you probably didn't need to hear all that." Magnus looked out across the lake, wondering if it was cloud or smoke he saw in the distance. There was a silence from the Alpha for a time before he began anew. "How fare things in Helidos?"
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Elder Eclipse
Elder Eclipse

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PostSubject: Re: Something You Should Know [Magnus] Something You Should Know [Magnus] Icon_minitimeJuly 19th 2016, 23:30

In the silence that hung between them for the few moments that it took for the other male to answer him, Eclipse’s thoughts still fought for his attention. Though he was accepting of how things had panned out in his life, he was not completely happy as he knew things could have been so much better in terms of career and personal fulfillment if it weren't for things out of his control, plus the fact he knew Helidos was struggling. Struggling to keep a leader for any substantial amount of time, struggling to make a clear statement to the other packs, struggling to make a good impression and keep members confident in what kind of pack they were a part of. Increasingly, he felt like they were at risk from external threats. After all, what pack, regardless of whether they were neutral or bad, would not want to prey upon another which they knew to be vulnerable if it allowed them to strengthen their own? It was an opportunity for others to attack with the condition of surrendering if the Helidos wolves switched to their side, or to displace them altogether. Or simply, Helidos could crumble apart from the inside, as nothing was happening. Doubts were bubbling up to the surface, making him unsure whether being where he was was good for him. He wanted things to be right again but could not do it on his own. He'd need others and the Alpha to do something but they were all so… absent. Making an ally of another pack would be beneficial for security as well, considering their current status following the war. There was a lot he wanted to happen, but he knew he was not in a position to do it so he had given in to the way things were run. All he knew was if he wanted to enjoy the rest of his days and not be continually worried or feeling like a spare part, then maybe Helidos wasn’t where he should be. Maybe Fel was right.

He took a deep breath, attempting to settle his growing concern. He could see the other brute inspected him in return, but did not see any malicious intentions behind the action. Eclipse remained alert however, as even though he knew they were almost identical in size and strength and he wasn't afraid, he also knew better than to make assumptions about a stranger. Wolves were crafty, but truly, he hoped the other had more about him than being so simply violent as to want a fight. This wish seemed to ring true as the male smiled to him before speaking, showing some form of manners and friendliness. Thank the stars, there was at least one brute outside of Helidos that could remain pleasant enough for conversation. “That is kind of you to say, Magnus of Pyrvanthros. My name was given to me by my sister in fact, may she rest in peace, so it is something special to me. I also find your name fitting, for an Alpha such as yourself.”, he replied, in the fraction of time where there was silence before the Alpha spoke once again. He’d heard of this southern pack Magnus had founded, but could never recall the name and really he knew almost nothing else. He stored the pack’s name and Magnus’s own in his mind, repeating them over and over. His ears pressed lower on his head as he came to the realisation that he recognised this name, Magnus. Where had he heard it?

Eclipse was surprised enough to hear that the newest pack had produced offspring already, and nodded in response, but what followed was a real shock. He couldn't hide his widening eyes and dumbfounded expression. Suddenly he knew that he'd heard of Magnus from Ciro’s lips; it was the male’s real father, the very wolf whose name he had whispered at the border as he lay gasping. But that was not what shocked him, it was that he believed Ciro was dead. How could this be? There couldn't be another Ciro in these lands, surely not, and how many Magnus’ would there be, that also have a son named Ciro? No more than one. Perhaps Magnus had been so overwhelmed during the spars that he hadn't seen his son flee, or believed his son had died out in the wild on his own. He waited silently for Magnus to finish talking before he piped up, his voice quite uneasy as his gaze strayed between the lake and the tan and brown brute. “No, I don’t mind listening. I lost my family too. Grief and sadness strikes us all and it doesn't do well to keep it to yourself… Things in Helidos are going slowly, as you'd expect after the war with Erenyx. There isn't much I can really say. We have no pups, everyone is just keeping their heads down and getting on with things.” Really, he was buying time as he contemplated the situation, knowing the life-changing information he could reveal and mulling over the new information that Magnus had lived in Erenyx previously and had a family. He wasn't sure how to approach the topic with Magnus or what would happen if he did, how Ciro would react, but he knew that it was only right a father knew his son was alive. “I, uh, I know about these vile pup tournaments. Actually, Alpha Magnus, sir, I only just realised I know a little about you as well. You see, the one who told me of that awful event… is a dark young brute named Ciro... He ran to the borders of Helidos several seasons ago, fleeing the horror or Erenyx, and I took him in, doing my best to care for him ever since. Ciro now serves us as one of our healers and has become a useful asset. He's a sensitive soul, and I have grown to consider him as my own.” Eclipse looked down to his paws a moment as he sat there, staring and collecting his words before turning fully to Magnus. “I am deeply sorry for the loss of your pups, I know how it feels to think you have failed them and you lost them in such a terrible way. I'm sure your daughter will eventually grow to realise that there was nothing that could be done to save her siblings without potentially causing her to lose her parents as well. But, if we speak of the same wolf, I am glad I can tell you that one of your sons is alive and well. He had told me he was born of an Erenyx Guardian named Magnus and a Beta whose name I can't remember, if that was you and your mate? If I remember rightly he said he got away as someone tried to challenge Teren. Did you not see him dead with your own eyes?” Many things raced through his mind. Would Magnus want his son to be moved to Pyrvanthros? Was Ciro really Ciro, or had someone else from Erenyx snuck in under his name? Had he done the right thing or should he have gone back and told Ciro to give him the choice to find Magnus himself if he was prepared to see his parents at all?

Last edited by Elder Eclipse on August 21st 2016, 12:09; edited 1 time in total
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Alpha Magnus
Alpha Magnus

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Something You Should Know [Magnus] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something You Should Know [Magnus] Something You Should Know [Magnus] Icon_minitimeAugust 21st 2016, 00:25

- Since we are running out of time on this thread, it will be said that here Magnus found out about his son's survival and was overjoyed to hear the news. Eclipse confessed to having cared for the pup and told Magnus how he had grown into a kind and respectful healer. Magnus owes Eclipse his thanks and gratitude and promises the Elder he will always have an ally in him and a place in Pyrvanthros should he ever wish to join. -
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