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A Different Pack (Border)

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A Different Pack (Border) Empty
PostSubject: A Different Pack (Border) A Different Pack (Border) Icon_minitimeJune 21st 2016, 22:44

The Tundra Wolf was rejected by the wolves of Helidos. They were untrusting of a lone wolf, as if that should have been any surprise to Bleddyn. Perhaps he should have handled the encounter differently, but it was simply his nature not to trust anyone. After he left their border, Bleddyn considered going to Helidos' enemy, Erenyx. But it would be wrong of the young Wolf to harbor a grudge against an entire pack when only one was to blame. It had been Helidos, for whatever reason, that had called to Bleddyn, beckoned him away from his life of solitude. The other territories were silent, unwanting of him.

For a few days, Bleddyn wandered aimlessly. He ate little as he spent most of the day walking and absorbed in his thoughts. Before he knew it, he caught scent of a territory, Pyrvanthros. He wondered if they might accept him... or perhaps they would be like Helidos; beckon with an air of compassion only to drive him away for being too different. But maybe not, maybe they would embrace Bleddyn and help him find what he was looking for. The young Wolf walked on, noticing how warm it was; a little too warm for his liking. He followed the scent being wafted to his nose by the wind until it was at its strongest. He stood at the border now. He sat and gently scratched at his muzzle as he tried to decide if he really wanted to join this pack. Well, he hadn't really wanted to join Helidos, either... and mayhap that was why Helidos rejected him so harshly. They could sense it, surely, that he didn't wish to belong. But he did... at least he thought so.

Bleddyn sighed; sitting here all day thinking about it would solve nothing. He stood and moved nearer some shaded area before howling. He called to the pack on the other side of the border, hoping they would be more understanding.
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Alpha Magnus
Alpha Magnus

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A Different Pack (Border) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Different Pack (Border) A Different Pack (Border) Icon_minitimeJune 23rd 2016, 03:19

The summer was hot and showed no signs of letting up. The season was early, telling him it would only get worse. The Alpha had made the decision to scout the neutral territories for any enemy threats. After his captive had revealed the plot to attack Pyrvanthros, Magnus was determined to ensure the protection of his pack. He was on edge and alert for any sign of danger. In a moment of desperation to escape the heat he even frolicked in the lake to cool off for a moment. But a leader must return to reality and to his pack. They depended on him for guidance, reassurance and authority. But most of all, they depended on him to fight for them, for why should wolves fight for their Alpha if he won't fight for them?

The long journey took him into the afternoon, just when the temperature would break and begin to cool for the evening. It was a small victory for furred creatures everywhere. The expectation of a cooler night, if met, would bring a much needed respite and hopefully a restful sleep. Most of the pack appeared frazzled by the heat and left uneasy by the lack of sleep, though some were more affected than others. The Alpha believed it might help if he could find some way to better ventilate the dens or provide more shade. He wasn't sure how to go about doing such a thing but he felt compelled to at least try.

Upon approaching his own borders the call of a newcomer met the Alpha's ears. Being so close he elected to review the new candidate himself. The Alpha approached the wandering beast from behind. Much like his own Elite, the brute was coloured to best camouflage in the snow, a disadvantage in the forests further south. The Alpha padded up quietly from behind, no visible signs of authority aside from his natural demeanour. He circled the male once before standing before him, eying his every detail, wondering what lead him here. "You called, I assume you want entrance to my lands." He paused a moment. "Tell me about yourself, what brought you here?"
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A Different Pack (Border) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Different Pack (Border) A Different Pack (Border) Icon_minitimeJune 23rd 2016, 09:19

Bleddyn waited in the shade and wondered how any wolf could want to live in a place so warm. The whole of the world to choose from, and some crazed wolf chose this. Luckily, he didn't have to wait long for cool air. Eventually, he became thirsty and it occurred to Bleddyn that he hadn't seen a water source on his way here. Another wolf approached him from behind and naturally Bleddyn tensed, wary of an attack; it certainly didn't help that the wolf felt the need to circle him. But it came to a stop before him and spoke. Bleddyn sniffed at the air before replying, "Helidos brought me here. They did not understand that life as a lone wolf makes you untrusting, that trust must be earned and not given carelessly just because they're--" Bleddyn stopped himself and lowered his head just slightly. Surely the Pyrvanthros Wolf didn't want to hear him complain about another pack, surely they would reject him, too.  "I didn't want to submit.. I didn't understand why I should. The old wolf met me with hostility.. I was only being cautious. Helidos will never have me now. I came here because my paws brought me. Your land does not call to me like theirs did, it does not want me here. But... my face." Bleddyn lifted his head and moved from the shade to show the wolf the scratches down the centre of his face and over his eyes, not that he thought the other wolf would have been unable to see. "..I seek a Pack, I suppose, because of these. Another lone wolf did this, and for whatever reason, it left me wanting something."
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Alpha Magnus
Alpha Magnus

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A Different Pack (Border) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Different Pack (Border) A Different Pack (Border) Icon_minitimeJuly 1st 2016, 05:17

(ooc - sorry for the wait)

The wolf was pale in colour, much like his Elite. But this creature was thicker, though not necessarily heavier. It was his coat, designed for the winters of the tundra, that gave him this larger appearance. In truth he was maybe a fraction shorter than the Alpha. Tall and proud Magnus stood, awaiting an answer he knew he would receive. He commanded respect and loyalty from his subjects and if this brute wished to become one of them, he would do just the same. He moaned about the pack called Helidos, claiming they didn't understand him. Magnus could not tell if this wolf had been a part of their pack for a short time of if he was denied entrance at their borders. He wasn't sure which event was more worrying. Although the Alpha did know of Helidos, he'd met few enough wolves from the place, one being Drogo his enemy turned... well, he wasn't sure what Drogo was anymore, or if he was still alive. He knew Helidos had been at war with Erenyx and that their Alphess suffered at Teren's jaws, it was sensible of them to be distrusting. Perhaps their judgement of this creature was correct, although Magnus would hold off for the time being.

Despite showing the slightest sign of submission, the white one claimed to not wish to submit. This had the Alpha's lip curling ever so slightly. Every member of the pack had to know his place. Magnus would teach this brute a lesson he sorely needed. The Alpha turned his own head, revealing the scars upon his muzzle and his damaged left ear. "Your scars are nothing precious here. Don't mistake to think they earn you any kind of special treatment." He thought over the males words, knowing exactly what was going through the brutes mind. "You seek only protection, a wall to hide behind when your enemies come for you. That is not what a pack is, that is not what my pack is. What proof is there to make me believe you would stand and fight to protect those who are already loyal to me? Why should I accept you into my lands?" The Alpha said. His voice was calm but biting, that hint of brutish anger flaring in his chest, daring the traveller to challenge him, that he might put him in his place. Oh if only he were so foolish.
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A Different Pack (Border) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Different Pack (Border) A Different Pack (Border) Icon_minitimeJuly 1st 2016, 10:29

Bleddyn wondered if his hearing might have been affected during his fight and only just now caught up to him. This wolf before him went on about how he would receive no special treatment because of his scars, nor would he be accepted for wanting to hide. What was the matter with these pack wolves? DId Bleddyn really seem like a wolf who would cowar in fear or run to the mighty pack wolves for protection because of a scratch? So it apparently seemed to them. Bleddyn looked down and shook his head. He wanted to leave this outrageously hot place and go back to his simple life... But he couldn't do that. Bleddyn looked at the pack wolf and noticed how aggitated he seemed to be. 'Seems to be a common trait amongst these pack wolves. At least we lone wolves have a good rason for being hostile.' The Tundra Wolf wanted to say what he really thought, but something to told him anything less than an act of submission in response would make this wolf just as hostile as the last. Instead, Bleddyn thought about the qustions and tried to answer them as calmly as he could manage for one who'd just been insulted.

"You're wrong... I don't look for special treatment. I am a lone wolf, born and bred... being alive is special treatment enough. And I don't hide from my enemies, I face them; I can protect myself. I want to join a pack so... so I can.." Bleddyn trailed off for a moment, as he wasn't entirely sure why he'd had a desire to join the wolves he disliked so  much. "I'm not weak.. I just... don't want to be alone anymore. You might think I'm just some lone wolf who only looks after himself, but I'm not. I protected those I cared about. I don't have any proof... yet." Bleddyn whined a little a pulled his ears back. Even as he spoke, he wondered if his answer would be good enough. In fact he was a little ashamed of it; ashamed because lone wolves had a sense of pride. Yes, there was pride to be had in living alone, depending on no one in a world such as this. To go crawling to the pack wolves, begging to jooin them, was an embarrassment. But Bleddyn really did want to join them, even if he didn't like how he had to go about it.   He had been looking down after he finished speaking and now lanced up at the wolf before him. He tried to look genuinely submissive, because he did--somewhat--want to submit; it was a concept that was so lost to him.... Bleddyn whined again, but this time because his muzzle was starting to itch and he couldn't scratch at it. He finally decided to lay down and kept his ears pinned back as he did so, hoping that this submissive act might--will serving it's purpose of hopefully appeasing the male stand over him--allow him to srcatch his muzzle with something other than his claws.
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Alpha Magnus
Alpha Magnus

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A Different Pack (Border) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Different Pack (Border) A Different Pack (Border) Icon_minitimeJuly 4th 2016, 17:19

The Alpha would have liked to roll his eyes at the brute. He was irritating and insubordinate. But even worse was he was arrogant. Showing off his scars in expectation of special treatment, only to backtrack when the Alpha called him out on it. What's more, he didn't seem particularly thrilled with the idea of joining a pack. As he put it, he didn't want to be alone anymore. Was that good enough reason to join a pack? Could he truly commit himself to their cause and protect the ones he cared about? The wolf continued to spin his tale, head and eyes dropping in what could almost seem like submission. Or was it shame? Magnus had yet to even learn the brutes name. How could he accept a wolf into his pack whose name he didn't even know? "You demand my respect and give me so little? How can an Alpha respect a member of his pack who does not respect him? If you cannot guarantee me your loyalty, that you will follow my every command and protect those under my care, how could you expect the same of me? Do you even want to be here, brute? You haven't even given me your name or told me anything of your life that might lead me to believe you deserve to be a part of Pyrvanthros? Aside from your expulsion from Helidos, what called you to my lands and not those of the Demon or the Rogue? Give me a reason to test you and I will reserve my judgement for a later day."
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A Different Pack (Border) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Different Pack (Border) A Different Pack (Border) Icon_minitimeJuly 4th 2016, 20:16

Bleddyn tried his best not to move around while thhe male responded. He may not have an ounce of trust for pack wolves, or any wolf for that matter, but Bleddyn was not without respect. However... the itching on his muzzle was just so unbareable. How could he lie still in such misery? Of course this wolf proably assumed something terrible of Bleddyn. As he listened to the male's reply, he noticed this conversation of theirs appeared to be somewhat one-sided... Bleddyn had said he neither wanted nor expected special treatment, yet this wolf's words semed to accuse of that again. Did he not listen? The Tundra Wolf wished then that this male was a loner like him. He could have reacted to it. Alas, he could do naught but listen as he ignored the torment to his muzzle. Bleddyn was taken aback a little when he was not cast away at the end of the speech as he had been before. It appeared he was being given one last chance...

The Tundra Wolf lightly ran his tongue over his muzzle a few times. It hardly quelled the itch, but he felt immensely better than just a few moments ago. He stood and looked up at the male before him... or was he supposed to look down? No, he'd already done the submission thing, now he was just answeing questions. Bleddyn huffed lightly then sat and carefully chose his words, hoping to show ths wolf he was respectful, at least. "My name isn't brute... it's Bleddyn. I didn't give you my name because I don't give it to anyone; my interactions are never long enough for the exchange of names. I-I thought you would have driven me away by now. I haven't told you of my life because there is nothing remarkable about it. My mother was a lone wolf, she gave birth to me and my sister. She died when we were two, and then my sister was killed by a bear because she was too curious, too eager to make friends... I've been alone ever since, learning what I can from old wolves who were nice enough to teach me things I should have known already. I sleep, I hunt, and when I can't hunt I fight for scraps some bear or cat left. That is all my life is... there is no aspect of it that a pack would admire. I'm sure every wolf before me has told you the same story, just with different words. All I can offer you is assurance that I would protect any wolf who needed it. If I could prove it some way, I would. I... I suppose it is no excuse, but I have not given you want you want of me, because I cannot show you. I am a wolf of action. You demand--ask... you ask for my loyaty and respect. I'd rather show these things, but your ways--pack ways--they are strange to me. I don't know how to show you but how I would show another lone wolf.  For me, respect is not killing another wolf over scraps... or giving him a quick death if he is suffering. Loyalty is recognizing family and allowing them into my territory even though they shouldn't be there. How can I show these things the way you do if I don't know how? That Helidos wolf drove me away... but you are tolerate. If you'll teach me how to exist in a pack...."

For the first time, Bleddyn paused. It didn't occur to him that he must have spoken for quite awhile. The truth was he had never spoken for this long before. But he paused because he was trying to figure out exactly what had made him walk to Pyrvanthros' land. "It certainly wasn't this weather," he unconsciously said aloud as he looked around. After being silent for about as long as he had spoken, Bleddyn finally answered, "Coming south seemed like a good idea. It felt... wrong... to go in any other direction. And I don't like rogues, they--what are demons?" he asked with a curious tilt of his head.
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Alpha Magnus
Alpha Magnus

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A Different Pack (Border) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Different Pack (Border) A Different Pack (Border) Icon_minitimeJuly 7th 2016, 00:53

Magnus was ill at ease with this brute and wanted nothing more for this encounter to be done with, but he could not turn away a creature in search of a second chance. It would go against everything Pyrvanthros was about. So he let the brute - Bleddyn he said his name was - give his little speech. He listened to the tale of the lone wolf with a tragic past, as so many had claimed before him. Magnus was still not sure he could trust him and knew he would need to keep a close watch on Bleddyn. The Deltas were already watching Yuki, their captive from Erenyx. Malachai was needed on border patrols. But perhaps this could be a task for Claudia, his Lead Warrior. It would give her the responsibility and authority she desired without further altering her rank. This would be a challenge for his old companion, one he would be interested to see her overcome. The Alpha chuckled, finally having a chance to speak. "A demon, dear Bleddyn, is a creature whose very nature is pure evil, with only a desire for cruelty and destruction. One such Alpha in this region holds these very characteristics and is therefore commonly labelled 'the Demon'. His name is Teren and he is the current Alpha of Erenyx. Helidos' Alpha, you may already know, is a brute called Sitka, the Rogue Alpha is called Desmond. And then there's me, Magnus of Pyrvanthros. If I have a name among the other packs it is unknown to me." the Alpha said. "As for your fate, you will be an Omega in my pack until such a time as I believe you are ready to take on a more involved role. Cross me or any of my pack and you will be cast out," His face was serious, his tone harsher than before. With that the Alpha turned and crossed into his own territory, leaving the other to follow.


(Ooc - Welcome to Pyrvanthros. Please change your name to Omega Bleddyn. No need to reply to this thread, you are free to roleplay in Pyrvanthros and Neutral lands.)
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