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Begining of the end

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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Begining of the end Empty
PostSubject: Begining of the end Begining of the end Icon_minitimeMay 7th 2013, 21:00

A new day peaked through the sparse trees that lined the endless sea of rolling grass. Sun filtered through newly leafed branched, breaking of the monotony of green into patches of yellow and black. Against the shadows of the edge of the field a lone dark figure lay dormant, plastered into the waving grass, her fur bouncing in the breeze along with the grass. Relaxed in her laying position Chiara's legs were tucked neatly under her, a long black tail trailing behind her as she lay in wait. Spring was progressing nicely and already showed the promise of new beginnings in more than one way. The new Alphess and Juno showed signs of being heavy with pups after their recent mating and everywhere else wolves seemed to be forming more bonds.

Speaking of bonds recently the dark fae and a male had been spending time with each other, more than usual. Damon had proven a fast friend for her and she enjoyed his company more than she understood fully at the present. He made her feel safe deep down, the intriguing feeling though new to her didn't stop her from enjoying it. Since their initial meeting the pair had gone on a few outings together and today was just that. Having agree to meet in the field today the warrior had arrived a bit early and thus settled down as she waited for Damon to arrive.

The faint breeze that passed around the fae blew her fur up and back, sending stray hairs blowing away. Moving her gaze to them she let out a sigh as they drifted away from her. Such was most things in the fae's life, blowing away that is. With no need to mention her past even now it appeared that things were leaving her. Esmerelda seemed distant lately and Chiara hadn't seen her much. Even Juno was too busy for her what with Marrok and pups to worry about. The only positive thing now seemed to be Damon, who never failed to make her smile with his smooth words. Letting her mind drift away just as her fur the fae let her eyes drift closed nd her maw rested down, letting her body give into a short nap.
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PostSubject: Re: Begining of the end Begining of the end Icon_minitimeJune 8th 2013, 19:24

He was late. He was late. He. was. late!

Forest creatures fled from the fast paced vessel, numerous forest-floor bound items crushed in his wake. The philander hand not entirely given up his ways, for lying with gullible (or willing) dames still fell in in his favor, but even so, one she wolf held an interesting position in his shadowed heart recently, her form even taking up his occasional dream. Sweet tones caressed the false space from her muzzle, the ground beneath them in his dreams nothing but white waves from a sea her once lived amongst. And each night he'd wake, longing for her by his side, yet angered by the foreign feelings. But despite how odd everything felt to the tattered soul, the foreign ways of his possible attract for her, Damon still fled at a dangerous speed, just to be at her side.

Their meetings had become more frequent and as Damon neared the lady whom had awaited him, his eyes practically sung with the delight he was feeling. The brute bowed, attempting to be serious and more gentlemen like, although chuckling a little. Lying there, with along themselves as company, the larger figure neared her own, not hesitating to brush his fur against her own before also relaxing in the grassy opening. Slowly, awaiting her speech, Damon began to roll, stomach to the sky, front foreleg reaching up as if the sun was reachable.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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PostSubject: Re: Begining of the end Begining of the end Icon_minitimeJune 8th 2013, 19:47

A short slumber gave way to the soft sound of paws in her ear. The warrior stirred in her sleep to suddenly feel the slight warmth of another's fur beside her. Cracking a eye open to gaze into the face of the male Chiara blushed under her pelt and grinned up at his. True he was late on their day, but at least he showed up. Never being one to harass for punctuality Chiara dipped her head to Damon and rose into a sitting position. "I'm glad you came Damon, I was worried you might not. There have been some pretty fae's joining the pack, I thought maybe one of them.." She drifted off saying, her gaze now on the ground below her. Doubt always seemed to get the better of her, as did submissiveness. Even if he was fancying another fae she would do little about it, what did it matter anyway what she felt?

Sitting there the faint breeze ruffled her fur once again as her gaze darted back and forth to the brute. Her insides seemed twisted in suspense at his next response, but not as much as her feelings deep within. Chiara still had no idea of her attraction to this male, or even that it was attraction. Sure she felt warm and floaty when she saw him, but so eating a spoiled hare. Naïve to this new feeling that had grown from a tiny flicker Chiara let herself believe it was just a strong friendship, nothing more. Sighing under breath at her conflicting emotions she stole a glance at his playful stance which caused her to grin again. Suddenly the idea to lay beside him, feel his fur against her and perhaps more came into her mind. Shocked at her own thoughts her eyes darted again and heat was felt on her cheeks.

What has gotten into me?
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PostSubject: Re: Begining of the end Begining of the end Icon_minitimeJune 13th 2013, 19:37

"Don't you dare," Damon snarled before she continued, although Chiara's words had already begun to disappear. His brows furrowed as the thought of spending time with another fae came to mind. Part of him felt it was natural, erotic, while the other found it entirely sickening. How could he even think about being with someone else? Winning over the ignorant philanderer within, Damon began to stare at her immensely. Not in a creeper, stalker way but in an admiring way, his eyes unable to rip themselves from her beautiful form.

"You all right?" Damon found himself asking, the staring withheld as mixed emotions displayed onto gorgeous orbs. Perplexed, the brute found himself entirely bothered by whatever had her mind clouded, for it seems, now that he was entirely infatuated with her, Chiara's problems felt like his own as well. "Do you feel ill?" the further proximity was ignored his part, her well-being over close contact.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Begining of the end Empty
PostSubject: Re: Begining of the end Begining of the end Icon_minitimeJune 13th 2013, 19:53

What is wrong with me?

As Chiara lay there, her fur gently brushing against his the temperature started to climb. Not feeling uncomfortable by the heat Chiara embraced it and decided to meet it head on. Softly she swung her head over and lay it across Damon's shoulder, ignoring her shyness for once in her life. His snarl did nothing to upset her, if anything it made her feel better. His deceleration however small that there were no other fae's only deepened her feelings for him that were slowly rushing through a wall. How long she had cept these feelings of joy hidden from herself after pain and sadness ripped them away? Now she embraced them as her head pulled into his fur, covering herself with his scent.

"No Damon I' not ill, well maybe I am, I don't know." She mumbled, her face still plastered into his back. For so long now she had been running from the creeping feeling of longing towards this male, now she was done running. Still unsure, but braver Chiara pulled back and looked at the ground below herself. "Damon we've been friends a while now and I like you a lot." She started to say, a red hue already gracing her cheeks. "You make me feel so happy, better then I've ever felt ever. When I'm with you I feel as though nothing could ever matter, that nothing ever did matter. Everything bad in my past is gone and I'm just here with you." She rambled, her pulse increasing by the second. "I don't want this feeling to ever go away, I don't want you to go away. Damon I don't know what I feel for you, but I know I like it."

This is going bad

"I've run from my feelings for too long and want to stop, I want a chance to be happy." Chiara continued to ramble, bringing her gaze up to his. Instantly she was hooked, her stare locked with his and it felt like the whole world had stopped for a second. It felt like she was only here with him, no one else, nothing could touch her. "Damon, I want to be with you for ever for you make me happier then I've ever been. I feel safe with you and can heal my scars that my father made." The fae was shaking now from a mix of emotions, but her eyes stayed glued onto Damon's. Her paw rose up and rested on the male's, digging her sheathed claws in slightly as if to grip it for support. Her heart felt like it was going to beat out of her chest, it was nearly deafening. Tunnel vision was setting in, narrowing her gaze to only one thing. "Damon, I"

Here it comes

"I think I love you."
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Begining of the end Empty
PostSubject: Re: Begining of the end Begining of the end Icon_minitimeJune 13th 2013, 20:50

Her sudden contact send burning embers throughout the pulsing veins, cheeks becoming blushed beneath the mahogany fur from the unexpected intimacy. Whatever had upon the action stifled him but there was no wasted thoughts on the origin, for now he'd simply embrace the contact. But, after the gracious, sudden touch, her words arose. 'Well maybe I am' What did that mean? Was she truly ill? As nerves and anxiety rose, other words became to stumble out of her muzzle, breathe becoming haltered and mind clouded. Each word, though hesitant, unsure and entirely pure, was music upon his ears.

Many urges came to interject, to plea his own feeling to the fae. He wanted everyone to know, himself, her, each pack member and living thing upon that Earth. It was cheesy and entirely unrealistic yet felt beyond right. When her eyes fled to his own, the background entirely dispersed, showing only her glowing stature and those gorgeous eyes. When the final confession came, Damon's muzzle pulled back into a wide grin. Every cell felt alive and he felt entirely giddy, as if floating upon clouds. Nearing her muzzle, Damon licked it twice, daring to several, before his head rested upon her own shoulder. "Don't stop, do not ever stop. Proclaim it again and again until my ears bleed from the joy. I don't want to ever stop hearing it, Chiara, absolutely never." Damon pulled back, similar to how she'd done, the grin still plastered upon his features, "I've spent time with others faes, I won't lie to you, and each has ended the same way. None left a lasting impression nor held the life I see still burning in your eyes. Chiara," He took a hollow breath, eyes avoiding hers for a brief moment from the embarrassing confession he was about to make,

"Well I look at you, I know it sounds cheesing, and I can hardly believe I'm saying it aloud...ha...but...when I look at you, I-"
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

Posts : 472
Join date : 2012-12-30
Age : 35

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Gender: Female
Age: 5
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Begining of the end Empty
PostSubject: Re: Begining of the end Begining of the end Icon_minitimeJune 14th 2013, 19:14

ooc-I will be playing Chiara's dad Kane in this thread

bic-How pitiful this pack was. Boarders had gone unpatrolled in two days making it easy for the male to sneak upon the lands. Stories from wanderers about this pack were spread far and wide, but so far the black male was unimpressed. Beauty was only skin deep and so far no talent could be seen by the former Beta. Walking now into a large meadow Kane became aware that the faint scent of the one he sought out was getting stronger, how perfect. Walking closer and the scent growing stronger two figures came into view, locked pitifully in an embrace and speaking sweet nothings to each other, yuck. Peering closer and not caring if they scented him Kane discovered that the one fae was indeed the bitch he was seeking, his idiot daughter Chiara.

Lunging forward and interrupting their "deceleration of love" Kane surged forward and jumped near them, his tail thrashing. "Why hello there daughter, nice to see you again. How quaint this all is with your boyfriend and all. I can't believe you had the gall to leave the pack and here you are passing yourself around to males in this pack, that's low even for you." Kane snarled, eyeing the male for a moment. "You made a mockery out of me and you won't forget it, ever since you disgraced me my life's been hell and I'll make you pay." he yelled now jumped forward, aiming for Chiara's throat with an open mouth.
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Begining of the end Empty
PostSubject: Re: Begining of the end Begining of the end Icon_minitimeJuly 3rd 2013, 00:14

Time Skipped to End. Permitted by Warrior Damon and Chiara.

The arrival of Chiara's father had been unexpected and overall traumatic. While Chiara was stunned for a brief moment, Damon clashed in the heat of the moment with the stranger, immediately taking a near fatal wound. His steps had been slow-moving, vision blurred as the energy seemed to seep from the wound itself. As Chiara's father charged once more, Damon attempted battle once more, the young brute's thoughts entirely on the she wolf he loved so dearly. Even near the point of exhaustion, the wound becoming more fatal as he pursued on, Damon's fighting had been fairly decent, but, at full health, Chiara's father over powered him instantly. Tossed from the center like a rag doll, Damon's body was left limp, the brute secluded in his hazed mind. It was in that moment Chiara finally snapped, the naming calling and such of her horrid past finally catching up. She'd had enough. It's said had Alphess Esmeralda witnessed the battle herself, even she would be merely astonished by the transaction of Chiara's soul and the swift killing.

Leaving her father's fallen body, the she wolf ran to her lover, the life almost seeming to visibly flow out along with the crimson river from the fatal wound. As the warrior stood over him, Damon slipped out from unconscious state to gaze upon her one last time. Whispering his last words, now only known to Chiara herself, a single tear escaped, followed by a longing howl to the Heavens. Warrior Damon of Helidos had passed, experiencing true feeling in a long while, his body left where it lie.

Chiara later decapitated her brutal father, allowing his head to flow down the river, as if a silent warning to all who she had become. In that night the she wolf entirely altered in personality, nearly her entire soul, walls up while others flew down. Now, she was a force not to be reckoned with. Assuring both had fallen, once's death more sorrowful than the other's, Chiara left the area immediately, seeking the last hope in her life.

R.I.P Warrior Damon *salute*
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