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Happy, but Troubled (Closed)

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Happy, but Troubled (Closed) Empty
PostSubject: Happy, but Troubled (Closed) Happy, but Troubled (Closed) Icon_minitimeJune 27th 2013, 09:59

Silver was a happy wolf, meeting other wolves and finding a pack of his own that he calls home. But there is was something troubling his heart that he can't figure. So to find the answer that troubled his him, he makes a journey to Mirror Lake hoping to find the answer because he have heard from other Wolves that the lake was a mystical place. When he got to the edge of the water he look down on the water seeing his reflection, and said to out loud to himself "What do I have to do? Why do I feel this way?" looking depressed as he watch the water move under his relfection. Giving up waiting for an answer from the lake he Sighs and lays down on the edge of the lake, his paws a little bit in the water while he stares straight ahead to the forestry scene on the other side of the lake In deep thought.

Last edited by Lead Warrior Silver on October 6th 2013, 14:33; edited 1 time in total
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Happy, but Troubled (Closed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy, but Troubled (Closed) Happy, but Troubled (Closed) Icon_minitimeJuly 7th 2013, 18:14

The new sun rise had risen for Shadow. A new day had started. Since she had been exploring a lot, she decided that Mirror Lake was her next place to visit. She padded out of her den and towards the still waters. Soon she reached the clear, beautiful waters. Shadow looked at her reflection in the ripples and took a small drink. She stood there for a moment as she watched a small group of minos swim by. And then a silly thought popped up in her head, "I wonder what it would be like to be a fish?"

Soon she became uninterested in the small fish and padded onwards. Sniffing and looking around the new area. Shadow happily bounced along until she smelled the scent of another wolf. Not one of Helidos though. Cautious and on guard she crept around the waters edge and saw a white male laying on the bank. She spoke in a small voice, "Hello?" She kept a good distance between then as she stood. Her body tense and ready for him to spring at her, if he choose to. She sat down in waiting his response, her ears pricked forwards and her tail neatly curled over her paws.
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Happy, but Troubled (Closed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy, but Troubled (Closed) Happy, but Troubled (Closed) Icon_minitimeJuly 8th 2013, 17:48

He listen to the waves splash up against the bank and bluebirds sing in the trees. He like how the water felt on his front paws in the cool water. He sighed and thought this place was soothing and relaxing. While relaxed in peace and quiet, He heard a voice the snapped him back to reality that he was not familiar interrupting his peace. He sniffed the air before getting up on his paws and smelled the scent of a wolf that was not in his pack. Assuming the new wolf is not a threat. He got up relaxed and turned to face the new wolf and sat on his haunches with his ears pricked, "Hello. It a nice day to be out here is it?" He said with a friendly voice while looking at the Blue sky. Then remembering to tell him his name, He turns his attention back on the black fae "My name is Silver from the Erenyx pack. And who are you?" He asked curiously, brushing his tail on the ground back and fourth while waiting for the unknown wolf to respond back to him.
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Happy, but Troubled (Closed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy, but Troubled (Closed) Happy, but Troubled (Closed) Icon_minitimeJuly 8th 2013, 19:13

Relived that the white male is friendly, since she could smell Erenyx all over him. She moves a little a little closer to him. Smiling she responded to his question,"Yes its a very beautiful day out here. And my name is Shadow, I come from Helidos pack", she sits and looks at the still waters and the reflections of the surroundings. Soon she stands up and walks over to the waters edge. Not noticing that the ground was soft it began to crumble and she fell in going under water. It was dark and cloudy now in the water.

Shadows thoughts scattered as she fell into the clear liquid, but yet she wasn't completely in a panic. Yet. Soon she popped out of the water and dug her claws into the solid ground hulling herself out of the freezing waters. Shadow shook the wetness from her pelt. Yet, not all of the drops left. Some still clung to the ends of her fur. Glistening in the sun, "Jeeze!! That's cold!." She begins to laugh and roll in the grass. Soon she laid on her back looking up at him with a goofy smile.
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Happy, but Troubled (Closed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy, but Troubled (Closed) Happy, but Troubled (Closed) Icon_minitimeJuly 9th 2013, 22:21

Feeling a little uncomfortable how close the black fae got to him, he scoots back a tad looking relaxed trying not to show how uncomfortable he was when she got close. As the black fae introduced her self, Silver listen interested by the stranger. Watching the stranger as she padded to the water edge and fell in, He laugh for a few seconds. After he realizing he was laughing, he told the dripping wet with water stranger "Sorry, Didn't meant to laugh at you, if you got offended." apologetic. Then realizimg the black fae was not offended and started to laugh, he was relief and started to laugh again with the stranger. Watching her roll in the grass, he asked her curiously with his ear pricked forward "So why is your name Shadow?" waiting for her to responded as the stranger look at him with a silly smile upside down. Didn't know what to do when she made a silly smile at him, he slightly smilies trying to be polite back feeling shy all of sudden.
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Happy, but Troubled (Closed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy, but Troubled (Closed) Happy, but Troubled (Closed) Icon_minitimeJuly 10th 2013, 00:18

At the question that had fallen from the males lips, she stops rolling and smiling. Soon she sits up and faces the warrior. Shadow neatly curls her tail over her paws once more, making no advance towards him. Her ears slightly flatten, but not in an aggressive way. "My name is Shadow because of the color of my pelt, plus my mother used to call me her little shadow. She died trying to save me from hunters.", she looked at the ground as she spoke. Soon her eyes carried over to the waters and then back to the silver hues of the males eyes. Shadow shook her head violently to rid herself of old memories and forced a smile upon her lips. Her ears perk forwards again as she asks him the same question, "so why id your name Silver? And where did you come from? If you don't mind me asking that is." She sat waiting for the wolf named Silver to respond to her.
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Happy, but Troubled (Closed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy, but Troubled (Closed) Happy, but Troubled (Closed) Icon_minitimeJuly 12th 2013, 07:21

He listened interestedly laying down on his belly with his Ears perked forward. As Shadow said her mothered died trying, he felt sympathetic for her because it reminded him how he felt when his mothered died from poachers. Silver thought it was interesting how she got her name. When he was asked the same question from Shadow, Silver sat up, his ears pricked forward, and his tail laying.g on the ground before he started to tell his story. He took a deep breath then begin looking at the black Fae "No I dont mind tellng you. I came from a far away pack called the Woodland Pack. My parents were the alphas in the pack. I was born in a litter of three but was the only one that survived at birth. My parents called me Silver because I was unqiue from the rest on the pack." Flicking his more Silverish tail toward the black fae that was listening. "When I was two months old my mother died from proachers." Sigh remembering the day he got news from his Father that his mother died looking sadden, then shakes it off and continues with his story "My father treated me different from the others in the pack after her death, he was more caring and loving towards me when I grew older. When I was two years old I got banished. It was hard for my father watching me leave the pack and me leaving it forever." Sighs missing his father "If you want to know why I got banished, I am not going to tell you" Saying it with seriousness and looking serious at her.
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Happy, but Troubled (Closed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy, but Troubled (Closed) Happy, but Troubled (Closed) Icon_minitimeJuly 22nd 2013, 23:07

She sat there listening to him. Her ears pricked forward and her tail still wrapped around her paws. On his last words she tilted her head a little,"I was going to ask, but alright. I will respect you in that which you do not wish to tell." She moved to the water once more, this time alert and testing the edge before she puts all her weight on her front paws. Making sure she didn't fall in once more. She slightly leaned down and lapped up the cool water, making small ripple in its stillness. She looked at her reflection for a moment then sat in the same spot she moved from.
"I was also born into a litter of three, and like you I was the only one to make it. My father was never around, so my mother had us on her own. I'm sure if my father knew he had a pup still left, that he would come looking for me. And it wouldn't be to welcome me into his embrace, but to kill me. For that is what he is trained and born to do. Or at least that is what my mother told me", she scratched behind her ear and then laid down. Placing her head on her paws. She keeps her eyes on the white warrior, finding herself feeling a new and unknown feeling deep in her chest.
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Happy, but Troubled (Closed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy, but Troubled (Closed) Happy, but Troubled (Closed) Icon_minitimeJuly 25th 2013, 21:21

Before she started to speak, Silver layed down on his white belly placing his head on his paws looking up at the black fae with his pale blueish-greyish eyes and perking his ears toward her to get comfortable. As she spoke about herself, Silver thought in his head interestedly which made him smile and wag his sliver tail slightly "Wow... we have alot in common" . When the Hunter was done speaking, Silver got a little thirsty and got up and padded over to the lake's edge lapping up the cool satisfying water for several seconds. After he was finished lapping up the water, he went over to his same spot he came from and sat on his haunches. Pricking his ears forward and wagging his silver tail happily. After a few seconds passed, Silver looked at the fae chuckling at the similarities between them. When he was done chuckling, Silver smiled and told the Hunter " Wow... I am surprised on how we have a lot in common. I nevered thought there would be another wolf that would have alot in common." He says as he scraches his side with his hide leg and looks back at her curiously and asked her " Did you think that? "
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Happy, but Troubled (Closed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy, but Troubled (Closed) Happy, but Troubled (Closed) Icon_minitimeJuly 26th 2013, 21:38

Her ears flick in every which way, listening to the sounds of the lake. Lifting her head as he moved, still a little unsure of the wolf. But relaxed enough not to worry to much about it. Her ears forwards as he speaks to her, she smiles as she can hear the excitement in his voice. She chuckles as she speaks, "Why yes, I'm surprised on how much we have in common as well. And no I never thought another wolf in this world would have the, well almost, same fate as I did. Granted I was never ban from my pack." She rolls her back to scratch her back as she wiggles around in the grass. "So do you mind if I ask you a serious question? Why Erenyx? Why not Helidos?", she rolls to her feet and sits down, scratching behind her ears and then perks her ears forwards as she waits for him to answer her questions.
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Happy, but Troubled (Closed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy, but Troubled (Closed) Happy, but Troubled (Closed) Icon_minitimeAugust 6th 2013, 14:42

He layed down on his belly and watched her smiling. As he watched her, his tailed swayed on the ground slowly and he began to have a feeling that he never had experience before. When it came to the fae's question, his smile faded away and his tail stop swaying. He sighed and looked at ground then back to fae and told her "I really don't know why I joined Erenyx..." Then got up on his paws and walked at the lake's edge. When he made it to the lake's edge, he flopped down on his belly and looked at his reflection in the shimmering water staring at himself. As Silver stared at himself it reminded himself of his parents and pack making him feel a little sad and whimper quietly completely forgetting the fae was still there.
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Happy, but Troubled (Closed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy, but Troubled (Closed) Happy, but Troubled (Closed) Icon_minitime

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