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Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane)

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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Empty
PostSubject: Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Icon_minitimeOctober 31st 2013, 20:32

A few hours of walking in the deep snow quickly numbed her paws to all feeling and pain. Not minding the fae pushed on through the increasingly blowing winds to find shelter from the storm that should be hitting her soon. Her attempt to find mountains goats failed horribly and left her lost on the base of the mountain. Unaware if Khane had followed her or not she pushed on in a blind sense of arrogance to the increasing danger around her. Feeling a mixture of emotions after semi spilling her bloody past to the male she was now regretting it and questioning his thoughts of her for some reason. Why care what he thought? It was the first time since the "incident" that she had cared what someone else thought of her, odd.

Pushing forward the wind picked up, blasting her in the face and stinging her eyes. Growling out at the elements she winced through the pain to find some sort of shelter, or else. Looking around she saw a small cave against the base of the mountain. Lunging for it her paws found bare stone and no wind inside, at last relief. Just then, however, the wind shifted and a scent hit her and made her stand stiff. "Who's out there?" She barked outside the cave, who had followed her here?
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Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Icon_minitimeNovember 1st 2013, 13:19

Khane was over the border into neutral territories. His sense of danger arose as he was unaware of what the Isle De Muerto had to offer. The snow was getting thicker as he traveled on and cold, pelt piercing wind arose as a blizzard came forth. He growled at the sudden blizzard, not a time and place to get stuck in one. The male's eyes were looking for Chiara, she had disappeared from his vision a while ago when he went slightly off track. Finding the scent yet again in the blazing blizzard made Khane push on. Khane squinted his eyes as he continued to move forward, the bits of snow pelting his eyes and nose. He shook his head to remove the bits of snow left on his face. The brute sighed before seeing a dark figure in the distance, could it be her? Believing the figure to be Chiara, who soon disappeared, he mushed forward with his ears catching her voice . The brute opened his maw and called back. "It's Khane!" As as he climbed the steep hill, making it to the top and soon arriving at the cave entrance. Khane believed Chiara took shelter to hide in the blizzard and with no food as Khane noticed there wasn't a smell of goat or blood. Entering the surprisingly roomy cave, he smiled in relief. It was rather dark, but Khane's eyes could still make out the fae that stood before him.

He took a deep breath and exhaled before seating himself on the stone like floor. "Told you I would come." Khane then tried to relax himself but it made him shiver and that made him tense up for a moment.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Icon_minitimeNovember 1st 2013, 19:53

The dry yet cold cave welcomed the black fae into its shadows. More like a tunnel the cave continued on under the mountain, shadows pasted against the walls and not allowing any light to enter. Curious as to if the passage went to the other side of the mountain, she took a tentative step into the abis, before a voice drew her back. The male from the woods soon entered, almost happy to be here. Turning around to face him Chiara smirked a smile in his direction. "You are indeed here, I'm almost surprised to see you found me, but then again I had the feeling you had some talent in the pelt of yours." Flashing a grin at him the wind outside picked up more, howling into the darkness.

Suddenly a low rumbling echoed through the cave, almost shaking the ground. Trying to grip the stone floors with her paws snow started falling from down the mountain, covering everything. Looking to the exit more snow started to crash down. Yelping out in surprise she backed up quickly, "Quick Khane get out of the opening!" She yelled as the whole entrance started to close up, closing off their exit. Safety was inside the cave, making Chiara go further back.
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Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Icon_minitimeNovember 3rd 2013, 03:38

The low rumble made Khane's ears perk up. His theory was right, an avalanche has started. With quick movements, he leaped away from the entrance of the cave. Khane could feel the cold wind at his hind legs as the rubble of both stone and snow crashed down at opening of the cave. The brute looked back to watch dust and snow explode at towards him, he closed his eyes and felt the bits of rock knock of the his muzzle and head. He growled at the frustration of being trapped here. So close to Erenxy only to be trapped. At least Chiara was here with him, even though he didn't trust her 100%, he knew they need to work together in order to get out. Her scent softly kissed on his nose making him look to her. She seemed to be alright, even in the dark cave, Khane could tell she was fine. The male looked back at the crumbling cave, he snarled as he leaped onto the snow and began to dig. Only to hit hard rock in several different positions, it would take a day or so to dig himself out. But perhaps there is another way. Khane looked at Chiara, wondering if she knew these caves. Maybe they go deep and connect to one another.

"Got any ideas. It looks like we could be done here a while." The brute had a hard time not growling at just saying that, let alone a thought of it. But maybe they won't be down here for so long, they just need to work together and they will get out...at least thats what Khane hopes.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Icon_minitimeNovember 3rd 2013, 09:59

Well wasn't this just peachy. As the snow fell down across the opening it seemed like all hope of returning to her pack died away. The only course of action now was to follow the dark cave under the mountain, digging out wasn't an option. A few seconds passed and Chiara's eyes grew accustomed to the dim light, picking up shadows and outlines. The coldness felt in here was like nothing she had experienced before and it made her shiver slightly. How would they survive this ordeal?

"We should try and follow the cave, maybe there's another exit."
She said walking slowly towards the opposite end. There were worse wolves she could be stuck in a cave with she thought, so perhaps this wouldn't be so bad. He seemed decent enough not to try anything funny with her while in here, so she let her guard down a bit. Walking on Chiara bumped into a low spot and had to duck as she crawled under it. Turning back over her shoulder she barked to Khane "Better duck there or you'll get a headache", before continuing on. What seemed like an eternity passed until the cave opened up into a large cavern, stalactites riddled the ceiling, making it look like a monsters jaws then a cavern. About a hundred feet up was a crack in the roof, letting in some light. An hour in the dark made Chiara wince and blink rapidly at the new light, but she got used to it. Looking around she saw three new tunnels around the cavern's walls great. The pale light was growing fade, showing it was in a evening. "Maybe we should rest here, I don't think we're getting out tonight." She said, walking to a flat rock to lay down.

Trying to warm her body on the heat zapping rock was a challenge, holding back her shivering was even more so. Not wanting to looking weak in front of Khane, Chiara held in much of her shivering and cleared her throat. "So, still glad you followed me here? Was is it about my pack that intrigued you enough to make you follow me?" She questioned, still unsure of his intentions.
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Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Icon_minitimeNovember 5th 2013, 01:45

Ears perked up to the sound of Chiara's voice. Simply implying that they couldn't stay where they were and to look for a way out. "My thoughts exactly" Khane called back as he walked behind the fae. His eyes beginning to adjust to the small amount of light bouncing around in the cave, he could make out the outlines of his surroundings and even Chiara....sort of. The brute still found it difficult to see her due to her dark pelt, but her scent was all the male needed to know where she was. Khane moved cautiously, stopping to hear Chiara's warning of the ceiling that stuck down. The male lowered his head and moved under the unusual cave ceiling, his paws carefully fitting into the floor that felt cold and almost slippery. After moving forward for several hours, they entered into a rather beautiful cavern. He smiled as he looked up at the jaw like ceiling that was made up of stalactites and the crack that lit up the cavern. Khane could now see his surroundings better along with Chiara who began to look around the cavern. He noticed that she spotted the three tunnels, Khane felt that they should go to the left tunnel. Believing it would lead them out and starting to head forward, he stopped when Chiara's voice entered his ear canal once more. They would rest here for now. Khane still felt that they could go on, but perhaps Chiara wanted to talk.

The male grinned as he began to lay down near the flat rock that Chiara had walked towards. Finding his own close to her, he lied himself down with his ears perked to listen at the winds howling through each of the tunnels and the crack above them. Closing his eyes but staying awake, Khane heard Chiara speak of his decision to follow her. Did he follow her because the pack interested him that much? That question made Khane smile. "You are right Chiara, the pack makes me think of it's enumerate possibilities. I will be honest with you. I think this pack is what I wanted for a long time instead of Helidos." Khane was beginning to feel a little unsure at first of the choice of words. However he felt that they were right and that his decision shouldn't change. The real question still weighed in his mind. Was he being followed?
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Icon_minitimeNovember 8th 2013, 18:21

Chiara let out a wide yawn as he spoke, her lips pulling back to expose her yellow canines and molars. Flicking her ears back at the movement she stretched out and tried to get comfortable on her rock. Khane had seated himself close to her, but not close enough to make her uncomfortable. They were about a foot or so from each other and part of her wanted to get closer, to share his body heat and not sit here shivering stop thinking that way, he's the enemy still she thought to herself as she pushed that idea away. Her eyes drifted to him as he lay there and closed his eyes only to open them and look to her. In the dying light her thought drifted to Damon again and twice she caught herself mistaking him for her dead friend. It had only been a few short weeks since his death, yet the wound still felt raw in her heart. Meaning more to her than she then realized the thought of him made her intake air sharply and look away from Khane. Letting her mind drift away for a moment she found herself remembering the moment clearly in her mind, as if it was yesterday.

The air was crisp and cool in the late fall weather. Chiara was nervous about how Damon would respond to her sudden deceleration of love to him, but deep down she didn't care. He was the only wolf to affect her the way he did and she wanted to spend every moment with him, forever. He looked at her, his yellow eyes deep in thought words words spilled, telling her of how he felt. Leading up to the moment that she had waited months to hear, how he loved her back. That moment didn't come, for just then her father appeared and leaped at her, swearing to kill her. Too stunned to move Damon threw himself at Kane, biting his shoulder and snarling. But her father was too strong and tore him off of himself, slashing his neck with his jaws. Crimson blood fell to the ground in pools as Damon's body fell, broken and almost gone. Kane looked to her, Damons blood glistening from his maw as he ran at her. Chiara's mind snapped, losing all her hesitations and she lunged, dodging his first blow and catching him in the throat.

Again and again she tore at him, ripping off skin and muscle until all movement stopped, but still she fought. Soon her father's head was severed clean off, bathing her in pulsating blood. Panting her yellow eyes fell to Damon, who was struggling to breath. Running to him she collapsed on his dying body, pushing her nose into his soaked fur. He cooed into her ear in a feeble attempt to calm her as his maw strained to rise to lick her cheek. "There there my love, it's all right. We'll see each other again. Be strong for me and be happy once more. Find someone to live for, to fight for and you will never regret anything. Be strong for me and never stop trying. I.....love....you" He croaked out before falling silent and emitting one last breath. Crying into the wind Chiara nuzzled his throat to try and stop the slowing pool of blood, but she knew he was gone. Screaming into the wind her voice grew horse and her eyes strained at the emotion she felt. Looking down at her lover she glanced over to the broken body of her father and lunged at him. Tearing him to pieces further she didn't stop until she could barely move, her pelt soaked in both male's blood.

After that Chiara took Kane's head and threw it in the river, letting it drift away and forever gone. Damon's words still echoed in her mind "Be strong for me, find someone to live for and you will never regret anything." Those words puzzled her and she vowed to understand them in due time. For now he simply turned and headed out towards Erenyx, following the lingering memory of a fae who could help her to grow stronger, Esmerelda.

Blinking a few times Chiara came back from her day dream and looked to Khane once again. His form was clearly Khane and not Damon, and yet she couldn't stop looking at him as he spoke. "What sort of possibilities do you see in my pack? Other than the opportunity to gain power why risk your easy life in Helidos to join with me?" She questioned, still confused to what he saw in the pack. For her it seemed like a fresh start to change everything, yet he seemed happy in the bunny pack, why follow her?
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Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Icon_minitimeNovember 11th 2013, 04:32

After several moments have passed, the brute was thinking back to his dream he had earlier. The blood and gore that flashed at his eyes as he rested made him twitch slightly. His eyes opened to keep himself focused on something else. Khane focused on his surroundings, still fairly dark but roomy. The interior seemed to glisten lightly in wet areas that was from previous  snowstorms, allowing it to bring a rather mysterious vibe to the cave. It was comfortable to the brute, even though the whistling winds would occasional find its way into the cavern and make it colder. Khane brought his attention from the cave area back to Chaira as she asked what the opportunities does he see with her pack. Honestly, Khane was unsure what Erenxy could do. Perhaps he seeks better training and discipline then what has been offered at Helidos. The next question was easy to Khane and it made him snicker when she said "easy life." and she was right. Helidos felt lazy to the brute, as if most of his energy was being unused. But there was another side that Khane knew of himself, he yearned for the taste of blood like it was water. Although it disgusted him, it could be considered savage in the eyes of Helidos and others. This kept Khane quite on such subjects. However, the brute spoke clearly with his answers in all honesty.

"At this point, I am not sure what the pack can offer me. All i know is that I could offer my services to them." Khane took a moment to choose his next words carefully. "Helidos is a place of easy life. I am not suited for such a life. I yearn for something that Erenxy can offer to fill my desires and goals. Think I'll be disappointed?" Khane chuckled lightly and relaxed his head back on his paws.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Icon_minitimeNovember 12th 2013, 21:47

Laying on her side the cold rock below her drained more warmth from her fur. Unable to control her shivering the fae finally gave up and stood, walking ocver to Khane. If she was going to be stuck in this cave with an enemy she'd rather not freeze to death and give him the satisfaction.Also she'd rather be alive if she did deem him worthy to accompany her home and show to Steele. Nearing the male she lowered herself to a laying position and crawled closer until her fur brushed his. Playing it off as a flirty move she smirked at him and yawned. "I don't think you'd be disappointed unless the thrill of ultimate power and growing into the strongest wolf you could ever be turns you off. I know my stay in Erenyx hasn't disappointed me." She said as she flicked her tail at him playfully. Yes, just play up the flirting as you steal more warmth from him. She thought to herself as she could already feel herself warmer. "As for your services, what do they include?" She questioned, genuinely interested in his skills.

There were a fair amount of males in the pack, most warriors with a few exceptions. Most of them did little to impress her with them throwing themselves around like spears with as much brains as a frog. The only male who had come close to catching her eye was Kodiak, but he hadn't been seen in weeks and Chiara let herself accept his demise. It saddened her to think one of her only friends was gone, but such was life. The fewer friends the fewer heart breaks was how she thoughts, and up until not it served to save her from more pain. Khane came across to her as smart and guttzy, hell who else would blindly follow a enemy up a mountain just to talk? Maybe he had more to offer than she first thought? "I don't doubt you'd fit in, if what you say is the truth, but are you willing to give the easy life up? Also what of your lovely acquaintances from the field? Won't they long for you?" She asked, guessing one of the faes was his mate, though she doubted the talkative white one could ever subdue a brute enough with her charm.

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Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Icon_minitimeNovember 13th 2013, 20:14

The cold air was creeping through Khane's pelt, trying to make the brute shiver from his relaxed state.It was like a small pup running around, trying to nip at his fur coat to see what is underneath. "Nothing but flesh" Khane would have said to the imaginary blue pup to represent the freezing air. The pup barked at him with high pitched vocals that made Khane's ear lower downward. He continued to watch his imaginary friend that then floated up to the crevice above him, disappearing before his eyes and bring Khane back to reality. His eyes looked to Chaira once more, seeing her slight shivering, the brute could easily tell she was suffering in the cold. Khane saw it before but she was trying to control it. Maybe to not look weak? The brute wasn't sure but he knew well that she would come to him for warmth. Soon he would need her warmth too as the cold reminded him of his sudden numbness.

After a couple of moments, the brute watched Chiara seat herself next to him, close enough that their fur pelts touched and sparked some heat from both their bodies. Khane was glad for it and decided to not show sudden emotion to her action. Instead, Khane listened intently to Chiara, asking of what kind of services. It made the male smirk at her question because it gave him thought over the skills that he possessed. " I offer my knowledge and skill in infiltration along with strategic advice. You see, I always fought when I was a pup. Fighting was what we knew best in my family, but I would sometimes sit in the back for a moment, watching all my siblings charge and attack each other head on. Pointless I would think. So i studied my battlefield and used my environment to come out on top of my four siblings. I can offer that and my physical strength to do all that I can in the name of my allegiance. However, my allegiance may be false in this case if what you say is true at Erenxy." Khane gave the fae a light smile, hoping it could satisfy her. He could mention that he knows several fighting techniques that he could share but the brute assumed she already knew that.

Warmth was beginning to greet the male with open arms. Hugging around him and Chiara as their surroundings on the rock grew hotter. "It's gonna be a goodnight afterall with this kind of heat." Khane thought as he opened his maw and yawned, revealing his canine's for a split moment. After shaking his head from the tiring yawn, Chiara had asked another question. Again the answer came to Khane quickly and easily. " I am willing to sacrifice everything. The easy life and the "acquaintances" i have made in the pack. The group from before, I only spent a day with them. We haven't fought together nor hunted together. They can't be trusted with just a few exchange of words and a banner under our heads. It takes more than that." Khane thought back to when they ran together, it was fun to him but he didn't feel anything for them. His past growled and whispered into his ear whenever he met a new wolf. "They might stab you in the back, careful Khane. What would happen if you gave them your life but they didn't do the same. You can't trust them!". It bothered the brute but he believed it after so many betrayals in his pup-hood.

Khane sighed and yawned once more, looking to Chiara wothout turning his head. His eyelids felt heavy and slumber will soon be upon him. He smiled once more to the fae as he spoke tiredly. "If you have more question I can answer them, if not then I'm ready to sleep through this cold night."
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Icon_minitimeNovember 14th 2013, 20:14

As warmth flowed over the dark fae she found soon sleep too found her. Cozy against Khane she felt her eyelids become heavier and her breathing more rhythmic. Listening to his words they started to blend into each other, becoming mush instantly. Nodding her head to show she had some interests in his words, her gaze started to shift and become chopped as her eye lids fell. Khane spoke of what he could do, but actions spoke louder in Chiara's mind. "We will have to see about your fighting abilities and strength, but not now. Perhaps tomorrow we can spar and I will be the judge of how talented you are, unless you're not up for it." She teased, nudging him playfully in her drunken state of exhaustion. Feeling herself become more relaxed she yawned and stretched out, pushing more against him, mainly to see how he would react. The fae felt nothing but a slight twinge of friendship for the male, but she was curious how she would take her lying moves, if he would pursue anything. That would tell her a lot about his personality, if he could be trusted or not.

As Khane then spoke about the wolves in the field her gaze found his in a comical state. "That's good they aren't on your mind. Your girl friend there with the pale fur rubbed me the wrong way. Wouldn't want her murdering me in my sleep for laying beside you like this." She said, her face in a tight smirk. Still curious if he had any ties to the pack she asked her final question. "Would anything tie you to that pack? Even loyalty to Azul?" She pushed, trying to see if he had any hesitations before she pursued having him join her. Finally at his mention of sleep she nodded, "No I am done with questions, let us sleep. We have a long day tomorrow of getting out of this cave. Good night." She said before yawning and curling up against him, her eyes slowly closing and her breathing slowing.

~time skip to early morning~

Chiara awoke to a faint dripping sound in her ear. Cracking an eye open she discovered herself nearly on top of Khane with her tail draped over his face. Smiling at this she rolled over so her back was against him and tried to drift back to sleep for a few minutes. Her night had been good, the body heat made it easy for her to sleep, but that inane dripping made her want to rip her fur out. Relaxing further she drifted back into a doze as she waited for Khane to stir so they could set out again.
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Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Icon_minitimeNovember 16th 2013, 04:35

Khane felt relaxed as Chiara moved in closer to him, the warmth increased between the two as they rested on the flat rock. Her nudging and pushing against his body was interesting to the brute as to what she was implying. He felt rather happy to see her playfulness that he hasn't seen before. It reminded him of his past years with his siblings, how they would play and try to get the brute involved in the fun. Khane's attention then went back to Chiara, who looked rather tired at the time, as she spoke of the white fae he met in Helidos. Aurora was her name, she was kind yet authoritative but he didn't feel a strong enough connection. Khane laughed when Chiara called her his girl friend and that she would come for the fae sitting next to him and kill her. A sense of humor is always good, Khane thought to himself. But the brute always questions his feelings for the wolves around him, so far a mate isn't in his interest...not yet. At last the final question arose from Chiara's vocals. Does the brute still hold any ties to the pack. A smirk crossed his features and he chuckled for a moment to the question before speaking.

"When I begin to think about it. I haven't met my leader once, i know nothing about him or what he looks like. Been in the pack for several weeks with no recognition. Perhaps I have no ties to the pack or even loyalty to him."

Khane yawned once more when Chiara yawned. Slumber wanting to overtake him to another world. With the last words spoken from the fae next to him. Khane fell asleep with his ears partly perked to intake the sound of the howling winds.
~Time skip to morning~
Running through the forest, Khane looked around for an escape route. The sound of fiolage being kicked up behind him motivated the brute to push on. Cutting through different paths, the rbute stopped for a moment and hid. Wolves ran past within a couple yards away. A sigh was let out of his muzzle as he turned around and a pair of jaws wrapped around his neck. Blood was flowing slowly out of Khane's neck down his chest and dripping to the muddy ground with green leafs ontop. "Imp-....impossible..." Khane whispered in his sleep before slowly awakening to the weight of Chiara on his back and a tail greeting his nose and eyes with fur. The brute smiled and blew lightly on the fae's tail to alert her of his awakening.

"You ready?"
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Icon_minitimeNovember 16th 2013, 21:59

Awake now at the sound of Khane's voice, the fae stretched out and yawned widely. The night had been free from unwanted attention for which Chiara was grateful, and it had also been warm enough. The pair had intertwined through out the night, making the cave quite cozy despite the chill air. Rising to her feet the fae stock out her fur, sending a dust cloud in all directions. Looking to her companion she sent a grin at him before nodding at his question. Today would hopefully be the day they escaped the caves, though the idea lingered in her mind that this tomb might be their final resting place. Ahead of them lay three separate tunnels, all providing the same shred of hope of their outcome. Turning to the brute Chiara's voice held a shred of concern, "Which one should we choose?" Part of her wanted to pick the one on the right, for a small breeze that blew from it promised a hopeful exit. Though the others too seemed reasonable in what they held.

The time spent with Khane hadn't been as unbearable as she had originally thought. He had proved a easy wolf to talk to and worth some respect in the fae's eyes. The more she learned about him the more she could see him fitting in in her pack, thriving under a good leader with power and strength. As he had told her last night of never seeing Azul it made her grin. Since her initial meeting with the white Alpha Chiara had only seen him one other time. It seemed ironic that she chose to spend more time with her future alphess then her current alpha, but she didn't care. She had shown loyalty to Azul at first, but as Esmerelda gave her more and more purpose in her life that slowly changed. Even today she questioned if he ever had her full loyalty or was it always just enough to squeak by? Now in Erenyx Steele and Esmerelda had her 100%, no questions asked. If Khane wanted to join her he would need to swear himself, body and soul to them just as she did.
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Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Icon_minitimeNovember 17th 2013, 04:24

Three tunnels, one way out. Khane looked at all the tunnels and began to weigh each tunnels offerings. The right tunnel had a strong breeze, but that made the brute frown at that decision. It would seem logical to go in that direction but Khane began to think more of how the air and pressure works in the high mountain. Too much wind coming into this mountain from that passage means they will most likely find themselves on an edge of a cliff rather then freedom. The middle tunnel held more promise to Khane. He could feel a gentle breeze of wind touch his wet nose and flow to the back of his tail. Looking closely at the tunnel that, what looked like an illumination of light, could see it dipped down a little which even brought more value to the middle.The left passage felt dead to Khane, no wind or form of elevation seemed present. That would be their last tunnel to choose Khane thought. With a look to Chiara, the brute grinned and looked towards the middle tunnel once more. "The middle should be the first to be tested, then the right." Khane felt confident in his choice and wondered if the fae agreed on his decision as well.

The brute began to walk into the middle passage, watching his step as he slowly walked down the dark tunnel. Within a small amount of time, Khane found a small white light ahead. It looked promising to the male, making him sprint to the end of the tunnel. The light seemed to get slightly bigger with each step and Khane's heart began to pound a little harder as he got closer to the end. He looked back to see if Chiara was following but his excitement to reach the outside made him focus on that goal. His prediction was correct as the soft breeze blew across his fur and the white snow on the ground reflected the sun to his features. Khane took a deep breath as he stepped out of the cave and looked around the area. They were still a little high in elevation but with a quick look around, Khane found a small slope that trailed down to the bottom of the mountain. "Good to be out of that cave, thought we would be there longer." Khane smirked as he looked back at the cave entrance, awaiting for Chiara to appear.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Age: 5
Purchases: Small Wolf

Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Icon_minitimeNovember 19th 2013, 17:22

Chara decided to follow along with Khane's plan, even though it differed from her own. Following close behind the gentle breeze picked up and made her happy that she had decided to listen to him. Pushing aside her own pride that she was wrong her steps matched his as they traveled along the path. Soon a blinding light made her step back and blink rapidly, they were finally out. Breathless from the idea that they were finally free and her walk she stood speechless, staring down into the valley below. Khane started to speak, but the fae still stood and stared out into the expanse before her. Now things wold really start rolling. "Now that we're free what will you do? I plan on finding my way home to Erenyx, where will you go?" She questioned, interested in his decision. From what he told and showed her she had no doubt he'd fit in with her pack, but would he come?

She shock her pelt out in the sunlight, letting it bounce off her fur. Her stomach then growled and reminded her that she hadn't eaten since yesterday morning. "Before you decide anything shall we hunt?" She offered, sniffing around and trying to find a scent on the wind.
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Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Icon_minitimeNovember 23rd 2013, 04:48

Khane looked back at his pack lands when a faint scent of its borders hit his nostrils. It called to him, but Chiara's scent, one from Erenxy. It grabbed him and pulled him in, stronger than the other scent. He smiled when he heard Chiara's voice ask him what he will do now. The answer was tingling on his lips, that final decision to go to Erenxy. However, before he could answer, Chiara offered they hunt first. Khane was about to decline when he heard his own stomach growl at him for food. He chuckled and nodded at Chiara. "Sounds like a plan. Although we haven't found any mountain goats on the way here, you think we can find one now?" Khane began to sniff around as soon as Chiara had begun. The brute couldn't pick up anything on his side, even though the wind was blowing rather hard and fast, nothing would catch his attention. Khane's stomach growled again and he looked to Chiara to see if she picked up anything. He chuckled to himself as he thought of testing her abilities by using the hunt as a test. Perhaps something will come along to show off both their skills. A wind gust blew against his body once more and shook him out of his thought. Food was more important right now Khane thought as he continued searching for any signs of prey. For a moment, Khane thought of the Helidos's pack and their large supply of food for the winter. Khane then growled at himself for thinking of going back to Helidos and taking the food there.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

Posts : 472
Join date : 2012-12-30
Age : 35

Wolf Information
Gender: Female
Age: 5
Purchases: Small Wolf

Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Icon_minitimeDecember 1st 2013, 22:10

Sniffing around Chiara quickly picked up a musty odor from above them. Glancing upwards and behind her she saw a ledge about fifty feet up with a cave in it, maybe some goats were in there? Looking back to Khane she motioned above them and didn't say a word. Turning around her feet bunched under her as she sprang, clearing a small ledge to land on a larger one. Then she started her climb up and to the right of the cave. If she could get up there and spook the goat, perhaps it would panic and run off the ledge to Khane, it was worth a shot.

climbing higher the fae soon reached the ledge and walked carefully on it. A few small rocks fell from beneath her paws, but she cept her course until the cave was in view. The musty scent was stronger now as it blew into her, signaling that she was down wind. Grinning to herself she sneaked a peak inside to see two doe goats napping in a heap in the back of the cave. Feeling herself drool she noted her escape then sprang into the cave at them, leaving them the exit to the right. Barking madly at them they awoke and paniced, spinning in circles until they ran outside and to the right. Losing sight of them the fae left it to Khane, whom she hoped had followed along with her plan, even though words were not exchanged.
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Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Icon_minitimeDecember 4th 2013, 12:50

Snow flurries still hit in Khane's direction but he could see Chiara's head motion the mountain. He smirked as he watched her move up the side of the cave and go higher with each step until his sight was diminished by the fog and snow. Luckily, the goat's scent hit Khane's nostrils and he began to move around the side of the mountain. Gauging where the goats are and Chaira's location. Within a moment, Khane heard a bark coming from the cave and Khane looked up to the mountain to watch two blurry figures panicking in the snow and going down the ledge of the cave. The brute brought his frame down and moved as quickly and quietly as he could to blend in with goats as if it was one of their own since visibility wasn't a key strength to them. Khane felt the power in his legs as he pounced off the ground onto one of goat does. His paws wrapped around the animal's upper chest and Khane's wide open maw clenched down around the side of the goat's neck. In panick, the goat under Khane's grasp fell and stumbled in the snow carrying Khane along with him. The brute's yellow eyes that were shaken by the fallen goat, were now focusing on the other goat running for it's life. For that moment, Khane decided to get the kill to bring back to Erenxy as a gift. With a loud snarl, Khane arose from the fallen goat that gasped for air and began to bleed continuously around it's soft neck. The male began to chase after the other goat, his hind legs feeling more power from the adrenaline rush that was feeding into his veins. Khane began to catch up tot he goat who tried to move around the trees and bushes but Khane began to see a pattern in the goat. He noticed that they passed the same tree and bush three times in the minute they have been running. The goat was simply mocking him or just too much in shock and fear to think properly. With that in mind, Khane quickly bolted in one direction and passed through a bush to find the goat starting to run straight at him from his previous trail. The goat tried to stop itself to turn around and ended up stumbling on the sleek snow. It rolled and howled as Khane walked up to his terrified prey. He smiled and opened his maw to sink his teeth into the flesh of the goat's neck while keeping himself to the backside of the goat so it wont kick him when struggling. After two minutes of the goat's cry, it finally went dead silent and Khane was satisfied with the kill. Now Khane hoped for Chiara to have found the wounded goat from earlier and finish him too. Although the goat was heavily wounded, it could have escaped while the bleeding continued.

With a sigh of the thought of loosing one of the goats, Khane's maw opened once more around the leg of the goat and locked his jaw tight to keep his grasp. He then began to pull his kill back towards the mountain from the forest. The smell of blood filling Khane's nostrils that brought a wag to his tail.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

Posts : 472
Join date : 2012-12-30
Age : 35

Wolf Information
Gender: Female
Age: 5
Purchases: Small Wolf

Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Icon_minitimeDecember 16th 2013, 19:53

Looking down over the side the fae saw the chaos ensue below. Wolf and goat mashed into a ball of fur as Khane caught the first only start a deadly dance with the second. As he ran off chasing the smarter goat she climbed down to finish the wounded one. Making a few rocks crumble as she went down one bounced off the body of the goat, making it stir. Worried it might try and escape Chiara jumped the last rock and slipped on some ice, resulting in her crashing below next to the goat. With the breath knocked out of her the goat looked at her with paniced eyes and struck out with it's hind legs. Dodging a few blows the damned thing made contact in her cheek, making a welt and blood form in her maw. Growling at him she pulled herself up and slammed into it with an open maw. Without a chance to escape the goat soon grew limp in her jaws, helping the sting of her face a bit.

Looking to Khane who was now dragging the second goat Chiara could feel more blood drip from her mouth. The darn thing had knocked an eye tooth out of her, she soon discovered as she spat it into the snow. Crimson liquid stuck to it as it sank a bit in the fresh powder. More pissed than anything she spat a mouth full on blood at the dead goat before turning the Khane. "Nice job, too bad I slipped or I wouldn't have lost a tooth." She said, trying to make light of the situation and flash him a holey grin. "We can eat the smaller one, but the other we should take back to camp, that is if you're still up for it?" She questioned biting into the smaller goat, letting blood soak her fur again.
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Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Trapped in a frozen wasteland (Khane) Icon_minitime

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