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The Weight (Caretaker Crystal)

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The Weight (Caretaker Crystal) Empty
PostSubject: The Weight (Caretaker Crystal) The Weight (Caretaker Crystal) Icon_minitimeDecember 4th 2013, 07:58

It was snowing heavily for a while, what seemed to be the last major storm of the cold season, and Aurora had slept through it in Kenai's den. Since their partnership, Aurora had been chock full of energy for a few days, but now she felt physically sick and fatigued of sorts. Still, she arose from her slumber and stretched briefly, before exiting his den, or was it her's now too. Aurora found comfort in sleeping in his den while he was working to inhale his scent. It was comforting for her when he wasn't near, finding that she would fall asleep most of the time, and awakening to many surprises. With a slight yawn, she emerged to teh freshly fallen snow and sighed, *Always*, she groaned. Leave it to Aurora to miss the exciting things in the pack lands. With Kenai's scent still on her she smile and set off away from the pack lands, and into neutral territory taking today off from her duties.

Although, she was never truely off duty, she just decided to take a break from the hard work put in, and with no new scents and the border's patrolled, she wouldn't be far enough away to not hear a strange howl should their be one. Heading towards the neutral lands, she crossed the imaginary lines and went searching for those who may not have decided to join, maybe there was someone out there just wanting to talk. Either way, Aurora wanted to stretch her legs and journey far and long, she didn't quite feel like her normal self. Passing by familiar lands she eventually arrived at Mirror Lake, one of the most beautiful sites for a wolf to see in their life time. "Ah, how striking." She found her voice, or rather, her voice found her. The words echoed far and resounded off the gorge. Wind circled around her body, slowly swirling through her pelt and somewhat pulling it from it's place, as if to try and get her to move on from her spot but she just stayed there. Something told her to stay, but she turned her head in the direction of the wind and she could see someone approaching.

Last edited by Delta Aurora on January 2nd 2014, 13:19; edited 1 time in total
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The Weight (Caretaker Crystal) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Weight (Caretaker Crystal) The Weight (Caretaker Crystal) Icon_minitimeDecember 21st 2013, 13:18

Crystal padded softly towards Mirror Lake. Now fully healed, she had spent the last few days exploring the Helidos territory and now felt brave enough to wander further afield. She looked around her, as she padded along, the wind ruffling her fur. Suddenly she caught a scent and a smile crossed her face. It was a scent she knew from when she first came to Helidos. The scent was the scent of the one wolf that Crystal knew in the pack, Delta Aurora.

Crystal quickened her pace and soon arrived at the shores of Mirror Lake. She looked around, spotted Aurora in the distance and headed towards her, stopping momentarily to look in the lake. She approached Aurora and stopped close to her. Placing herself in a slightly submissive stance, Crystal spoke "Hello Delta Aurora, It's nice to see you again. How are you?"
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The Weight (Caretaker Crystal) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Weight (Caretaker Crystal) The Weight (Caretaker Crystal) Icon_minitimeJanuary 2nd 2014, 13:28

As the wolf bounded closer, first Aurora was on edge, not knowing who was coming towards her. When her eyes cast upon the recently accepted Crystal, healthy as can be Aurora nearly howled with joy, bounding forward to meet her. Aurora's belly was getting heavy and it was by chance that the new caretaker would be out this way, saving Aurora the hassle of finding her when the time was right. "Crystal, it is a pleasure to see you, up and running around. I can tell that some time in the healers den did you well..." Aurora then looked her over, the female looked so much better than when Aurora had first let her into Helidos. "You look... amazing. I am so happy that you're finally feeling better than before. To answer you, I am well, thank you. I do have a bit of news, I am with child, or more. And, well, as of what I know right now, there are not many other's whom are planning to have pups this year. I know that Guardian Fel is expecting, and with her mate being Alanoth. Your leader as a caretaker, I thought that maybe I could ask you to be there to assist me with the delivery of my pups. To give Alanoth time with his family, during Fel's delivery and such." Aurora took a moment to think about it all.

It was true, Fel was going to deliver, around the same time as Aurora. However, with Alanoth being the lead caretaker, it would be difficult trying to deliver Aurora's pups and his own. Aurora thought briefly about having a male in her den to assist with the delivery, it wasn't that she didn't like the idea, it was that she barely knew Alanoth from a hole in the ground. "I ask you to assist me, as a friend, and as a female. It would be a great way for you to get accustomed to the future with pups, get you used to your role in the pack. I have faith in you, do you have faith in yourself to accept my proposition?" Aurora smiled as she looked over the bright young girl, her pelt looking bright and cheery compare to their prior meeting. "What say you Crystal?"
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The Weight (Caretaker Crystal) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Weight (Caretaker Crystal) The Weight (Caretaker Crystal) Icon_minitimeJanuary 3rd 2014, 18:04

Crystal smiled as Aurora came bounding over to greet her. "Thanks, yes the time in the healers den was just what I needed." she replied. Aurora looked well, Crystal thought to herself. She looked at her leg for a moment, then said "Unfortunately the scar looks nasty, though it doesn't hurt anymore, which for that I am devoutly thankful, as it was very painful." Crystal listened when Aurora spoke to her again. "You're going to have pups!?, brilliant I am delighted for you Delta Aurora, I think you'll make a brilliant mother." she said stopping to think about it.

Crystal was surprised and delighted when Aurora asked her to be her caretaker for her birth. "It would be an honor to assist you in the birth of your precious children and I am delighted that you decided to ask me. I'm glad that you consider me a friend, as you are a wolf that I consider a friend and someone who I look up to and respect highly. I have not forgotten the kindess you showed to a frightened, young wolf like me." she replied softly. Crystal gave Delta Aurora, a friendly lick and smiled at her, remembering her joy, when her mother told her, was going to be a sibling for the first time.
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The Weight (Caretaker Crystal) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Weight (Caretaker Crystal) The Weight (Caretaker Crystal) Icon_minitimeJanuary 3rd 2014, 23:06

At this rate, Aurora would soon be ready to deliver. The pregnancy had gone well, she had put on weight at a proper rate, kept her belly full due to her friends Shadow and Eclipse, and was happy every night as she curled up next to Kenai. Not knowing what to expect when it came to her birthing process, she was grateful to have someone so kind assist her, due to the growing number of wolves in the pack. It was never the fact that Aurora didn't trust anyone else, it was that they were short staffed in the caretaker department. Still, not knowing Alanoth as well as she should, it only seemed right to have Crystal assist her in such a process. To help her out when it came to the pups, for that's what a caretaker's job was. Not so much a nanny, but someone to personally help Aurora out with her first litter. It was common sense for someone to assist Aurora, for she was not so sure of what was to come. Motherhood was always full of surprises and a personal caretaker would be the best, not only would a friendship blossom, but her puppies would forever feel comfortable around her.

"Crystal, it is with the deepest pride to offer you a full time job. More so like a nanny to me, to assist me in my first go with a litter, and to watch out for them as if they were you own siblings. To me, you are like my adopted daughter, and I would do anything for you. It makes me proud to say that I am the reason why you are still here, why you continue to stay, and if you wish to have you in my life until my pups are grown and until I take my last breath." Aurora rubbed her neck against Crystal's, her white fur blending in with the beautiful mixture of Crystal's. Aurora smiled and huffed her breath for a moment, as one of the puppies decided to push into her rib cage, "Someone is a bit excited to meet you." Aurora smiled as she stepped back to look Crystal over once more. "The scars we earn in life are like paintings in a temple, your walls can not stay bare, for no one will stay to listen to your stories if there is nothing to show. They will fade in time, but I promise you, it makes for a better bedtime story for when they refuse to sleep." With a light chuckle she continued to speak to Crystal, hoping for happiness of her puppies, discussing names, and the possibility that they could arrive anytime next week.
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The Weight (Caretaker Crystal) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Weight (Caretaker Crystal) The Weight (Caretaker Crystal) Icon_minitimeJanuary 7th 2014, 15:36

Pregnancy really suited Aurora, Crystal thought as she watched her. She then smiled as Aurora rubbed against her. She was delighted when Aurora mentioned that she was like an adopted daughter to her and spoke further about the pups. Crystal let out a chuckle when one of the pups kicked Aurora in the ribs, causing her to puff for a moment and state that the pups were excited to meet her. " Well I'll be delighted to finally meet them too." she said softly.

Crystal gazed out over the lake for a moment. She was getting more and more excited as the time drew near. Turning back to Aurora, they continued to discuss the pups. Listening to Aurora talk of her children made Crystal smile again. "Once again congrats on your news. I hope that finding a mate and having pups will happen to me one day too." she said with a gentle smile.
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PostSubject: Re: The Weight (Caretaker Crystal) The Weight (Caretaker Crystal) Icon_minitime

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