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Where my path led me...

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Where my path led me... Empty
PostSubject: Where my path led me... Where my path led me... Icon_minitimeDecember 30th 2013, 01:34

A dark shadow fell across the ground, flickering from place to place. Behind tree's and through bushes it weaved, leaving hardly a trace where it went. Flicking of the ears rustles the once silent leaves that hung loosely over a ashen color face, a pure black nose lay at the end of a muzzle, twitching as it collected the aroma that lay about the terrain. 'Pack territory...Maybe i should head back, i know if i was a guard or something i wouldn't be too happy about a stranger coming close to packs camp.' Thoughts ringing softly in the back of his head, he squinted from his hidden position. 'Maybe hiding wouldn't make me look so good either..but I'm not going to strut forward like a arrogant mutt.' Sticking his tongue out while minging his muzzle. What an odd look for a wolf, one who was tired and still so hungry. He didn't dare hunt without the permissions of the pack of course and still didn't even know why he crept so close. Maybe it was his curiosity that beheld him, he had never really seen many other wolves. Yes he had his siblings and parents but....he wanted more. Call him greedy or not, a loner who wanted to feel the space he felt inside, its all he wanted. A place he could call his own and wolves he could call his comrades. His jaws parting widely, saliva glistening over his teeth and rising tongue as he yawned. It wasn't long till he settled down in the small patch of grass and leaves. "Hmm...maybe ranting to myself is taking to much of my energy.." He mumbled with another yawn.
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Where my path led me... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where my path led me... Where my path led me... Icon_minitimeDecember 30th 2013, 16:15

This would be the last time, she kept telling herself, the last time she would make her rounds, but Aurora loved her job. True, it was the grunt work, but it was a chance for her to meet the new wolves before anyone else. It was up to her to grant permission to enter, or to deny access and send the wolf to their rival borders. However, Aurora had never had to do that, it seemed that everyone on their way to the borders of Helidos were that of kind hearted nature and their souls were pure. Aurora had finally stalked the hare she had been tailing for a couple of days, not really wishing to kill it, but to enjoy the adventure of the hunt, to see where the hare would take her. Enjoying the time alone, and certainly away from the pack during this time in her life.

Aurora was eating morsels of the carcass when she heard the sound of footsteps approaching from the distance, and decided it would be best to take it from a different standpoint. From the hill, she could see for a few miles distance, and noticed the husky male come forward. Coming down from the mound she became defensive as she spoke from afar. "Traveller, you come weary to our borders, state your name, and your business, for my time shall not be wasted." It was unlike Aurora to be nasty to someone, but she was beginning to find discomfort in her pregnancy, by choosing to stay as active as possible. Not wishing to lose her pups or her stance in the pack, Aurora was always a hard worker, and would do anything for this pack, especially Kenai and Azul. Sitting down, she laid upon her hip, and leaned forward as to push against her belly, her tongue gently hanging out in the bitter air. The spring warmth still making it's way upon them, but there was crisp to the air that she still enjoyed.

Surely, this summer would be a rough one, hot and tiresome. Aurora sought it out as a challenge. Looking back to the new wolf, she smiled, awaiting his answer.
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Where my path led me... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where my path led me... Where my path led me... Icon_minitimeDecember 30th 2013, 16:41

The soft wind blew across gray fur rousing the male from his slumber, bleary eyes blinked for a few moments before he finally rose with a sneeze. Ears forward he quickly regretted such a noise escaping his muzzle in unknown terrain.  Nothing but the squawk of a bird could be heard so after a few heart aching beats he began to move on drawing closer to a small hill that peered out from the woods. His tail flickered behind him like a feather as he enjoyed the sun that now filtered over his dust covered pelt.

"Traveller, you come weary to our borders, state your name, and your business, for my time shall not be wasted."

Freezing in place he looked up with quaint surprise, he knew this was pack territory and sooner or later he'd meet another wolf. A lighter furred wolf stood tall and proud, not even the bump in her stomach could ruin the image. By the way the she held herself he slowly began to realize he didn't just bump into a pack member but possibly someone with a high ranking. He had always been reprimanded by his father and sisters to respect, and this would be no different of a situation. Lowering his head til his nose touch the ground before he dared to look up upon her again. "I am weary because of my guilt of being so close to someone's home, i do not take it lightly especially during spring when pups are birthed and predators maim the prey. I am Altair and i've merely come to request the permissions to join your pack" He smiled politely as he took in her personalty that she gave to a unknown wolf.
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Where my path led me... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where my path led me... Where my path led me... Icon_minitimeDecember 30th 2013, 17:10

"Hush child, I mean no harm. Do you wish to cause harm upon me? I think not, I am going to come down to your level. It is far too disrespectful on my as a Delta to be above my future members, I mean not to be distrustful. As you can see, there are more than two of us here. Come close, I permit it, and talk with me. You show signs of submission, more so out of respect than anything else. Please, may I have you name?" She waited a moment before coming off the hill, to where she was only a few feet from the new male, and smiled once more. Returning a polite bow to the male as she sat down a few feet from where he had sneezed.

"The winter has come and gone, and we, the Helidos pack are going to be in need of members to assist with the growing numbers of wolves and hunts. Azul, our Alpha needs all the help he can get with our large pack, many mouths to feed. However, that is mostly of my concern, and that leads me to you. Or, rather you to me, either way, it is a meeting of chance or importance. Your choice. My name is Aurora, welcome traveller, please converse with me in light conversation." It was now not a matter of acceptance, but of personal gain, Aurora just wished to talk to someone, for Kenai was not around and it was getting harder for her to do her duties in the pack, harder for her to keep some close to her.
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Where my path led me... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where my path led me... Where my path led me... Icon_minitimeDecember 30th 2013, 17:58

"Aurora?" He murmured the words getting a used to each syllable that rolled over his tongue before he gave a nod making to add that to thought. The more he heard of the word helido the more intrigued he became. "Helidos. I have heard the name from far into the mountains, but many things blocked the main information i wished to hear. Its not the fables that wolves speak but the experience of being apart of something more than a wondering loner." He watched with flame like eyes as the delta fae settled near him. There was something in her voice which drew more of his attention though unable to place it he nodded his muzzle. "You are with pup most certainly? Your pups i'm sure will grow nicely, to learn to walk the wolves paw prints, of hunting and defending your loved ones."
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Where my path led me... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where my path led me... Where my path led me... Icon_minitimeDecember 30th 2013, 19:17

Aurora smiled, the male before her was genuine, and she was sure that he would become a great warrior or hunter with in the pack, but formalities were of the most importance within the pack. Above all, she had a job to do, and would prove to serve her abilities well. Certainly more than one were growing within her, and the weight from inside could comfort her in her darkest hour knowing that there were miracles forming. "Yes, I am sure that with their father's training, and my good looks they will go far within the rights of the pack. My only hope is that they are as gentle at their father Elite Kenai, strong like all the other wolves here in Helidos, and kind like their mother when they meet other wolves. That is neither here nor there, to answer you, well, Helidos is unlike any pack I have seen or heard of. The comrodere within the realms of these imaginary border's, we are not soldiers, we are not strangers, and although we are from different litters, we all share one thing in common. Maybe two, peace and freedom. Either one is your choice my dear, all I need is a name, a pledge, and a code of honor from you as to where you would best fit in."

Aurora smiled as she now stood from her spot, the large white female shook gently the dead dried leaves that had suffered under the mounds of snow. Soon, her pelt would dirty over the summer and her puppies would bloom and grow in fine young apprentices. As she let her mind wander she again looked at the male, his features were striking, and with love in the air this spring she was sure all the girls would fawn over his handsome pelt and sensible mind. Aurora loved the idea of love and wish nothing more than for every Helidos wolf to be as happy as she was. Whether their happiness was crossing over that border, finding a soulmate, bearing a family, or working up the ranks to serve the Alpha to their finest capabilities. Where would he stand? "Altair my good sir, let's begin."
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Where my path led me... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where my path led me... Where my path led me... Icon_minitimeDecember 31st 2013, 11:57

His tail swished very happily as in his minds eye he could almost see the pups that were to romp the area, and if he were to have a chance to have a part of there lives he'd be one lucky wolf. Jerking back to reality he noticed aurora rise, he too felt compelled to stand. He considered her words in deep thought mulling over the possibility's. "I Altair would like to fulfill the rank of Hunter. For a hunter is greatly needed among a pack to feed the young and old and to give strength to the mightous of wolves. I promise to follow the ways of this pack and to serve the alpha and protect the alphas with my life."  He vowed with much vigor and his head held high. He stared intently at the fae waiting her next words and if she were to accept him or not. Now was the time his heart would beat unsteadily for his fate would be decided here and now. 'A pack! I really would...to protect what is precious to me.' He gulped as the silence buzzed in his head, he rolled forward on his paw pads with baited breath.
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Where my path led me... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where my path led me... Where my path led me... Icon_minitimeDecember 31st 2013, 12:05

"Alright Hunter Altair, please guide me home." Aurora smiled as she permitted him to cross into the land that they all called home. Turning around, she began to walk back to the camp, more so to guide him through the lands so that he may get adjusted to the lands. It was a quiet walk back, but she knew that he would become a great asset to the pack, and she was ever so proud of him and his decision to stay. "I hope that you find the happiness that you seek, Altair. My wise words for you would be to find other hunter's like yourself, you can start with Eclipse and Shadow. Although love finds Eclipse at a time like this, so maybe Shadow would be best. Either way, someone will always be there to assist you. Even in my time of expected joy, you can still come to me with anything you may need." With that Aurora was gone, slipping through the woods like it was the back of her hand, she was now familiar with the territory and was finally at a place in her life where she was joyous of the future. Nothing would stand in her way.

(You may now change your name to Hunter Altair and you may freely post within the pack lands.)

Last edited by Delta Aurora on January 1st 2014, 13:47; edited 1 time in total
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Where my path led me... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where my path led me... Where my path led me... Icon_minitimeDecember 31st 2013, 12:09

Her voice was calm and collected, almost crisp in the air, ears flicking to the sound in each pitch. He smiled brightly feeling pride within himself before many other things crossed his mind. With another dip of his head he fell into step beside the fae, his ears perked and senses alert for danger. But inside there was excitement for this adventure. He didn't know truly what to expect and what was waiting for him beyond the border. It was going to be amazing that's what he could conclude. 'My life truly begins now...' Now time would tell how much his traveling had improved him since he had first left his mothers den. Scavenging the barren rocks and digging through the snow, at times he went hungry while others he feasted. Now he would set his duty's to look over other wolves, they would come first and it would be there stomachs he must fill. "Shadow and Eclipse? I will be more than delighted to meet them. Ahh i see, then i shall do my best not to over pester this eclipse."
(Okay and thanks for accepting^^)

Last edited by Hunter Altair on January 1st 2014, 13:50; edited 3 times in total
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Elder Azul
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Where my path led me... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where my path led me... Where my path led me... Icon_minitimeJanuary 1st 2014, 13:38

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