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Where to now? (Katyusha)

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Alpha Magnus
Alpha Magnus

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Where to now? (Katyusha) Empty
PostSubject: Where to now? (Katyusha) Where to now? (Katyusha) Icon_minitimeFebruary 17th 2014, 16:56

There was little to sour the Lead hunters mood in the time following his escape from death with Chiara. After they had both almost plummeted to their deaths they had shared some time together. Time in which their bond grew. It became ever stronger. He had seen his love some since that day, but not enough to his liking. He was planning to approach the Alpha Steele and ask for permission to be mates. He simply had to find the right time. Until then he maintained his position as Lead Hunter, recently provided him at the pack meeting. He hunted just as much as before, ensuring the kill pile was well stocked. Winter was still a long ways, but he had to be aware that it was indeed coming. He was careful though. He wasn't about to go eradicate a species by over-hunting. And now that he had been made aware he was not the only Hunter, he could ease up some. This allowed him some time to seek out training. Some weeks previous he had met the other Hunter and the omega, now warrior.

They struck a bargain to aid each other. Katyusha could offer what Chiara had taught her, Tye what he already knew from his previous pack. They were unsure of what Magnus could provide or gain, but it was all part of his plan. He could help them with the skills he learned in his training as a Guardian, as well as transferring them into hunting. He smirked at he thought. As a pup he had been useless at fighting, but a natural Hunter. If there was one thing he was grateful for, it was his mothers harsh tutelage. She brought out his inner killer and trained him as his fathers successor. Now he had travelled far and learned much and he was able to do both. But his fighting skills had not been used properly in some time and he was a little out of practice. So he would find himself on this day traversing the Hunting moor, considering his next step. He had high ambitions of power in this pack. He wanted to be the Beta. It was in his blood to hold power. Being Lead Hunter was the first step. The male would lay atop a n outcropping, crossing his forepaws right over left and resting his head. He surveyed the herd below, wondering whether to hunt this day. He thought perhaps, after he had spoken with the alpha of mates, he would wait a time before approaching him once more and discussing the idea of further promotion.
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PostSubject: Re: Where to now? (Katyusha) Where to now? (Katyusha) Icon_minitimeFebruary 17th 2014, 17:21

Softly paws would push a slender lightly colored fae forward, ears pinned back and eyes narrowed on her target, low form slinking behind a thick line of foilage as she neared her target. Katyusha had carefully stalked this herd, watching them for hours to find an animal that was sickly or injured, one that surely wouldn't make it and therefore wouldn't effect the herds numbers, maybe even save the lives of a few breeding age members that would keep the herd growing to feed them.

Now the huntress had chosen her target, a small young doe with a hard limp, surely a broken leg that wasn't going to heal right, and Katyusha had already condemned this creature in her mind; now it was just a matter of time for the execution. Katyusha didn't see her lead hunter, nor was she in sight of him, her stalking of the beast in question keeping her well hidden from all angles until the snare was set, and then lightning! In a quick bolt the fae would push herself from the brush, paws pounding the earth as she closed the distance to her target in just seconds, most of the herd not even noticing her until the back half began to move, the intended target making only a few hobbily steps before fangs would find flesh.

With her training the young fae was surprisingly strong, and had always been a skillful huntress. In a single strike the Erenyx wolf had found her mark on the doe's neck, paws leaving the ground to pull all of her weight down on the target, and with ripping flesh and spews of blood the creature would begin to fall, it's loud cry alerting the rest of the herd which began to flee, leaving only the small fae and her kill.

With a soft pant Katyusha moved away from her kill, looking around to ensure nothing would try to steal this kill from her before sitting back to catch her breath. Blood would stain her muzzle with a large spray moving over her head onto her neck, dripping softly down her as a grin came to her muzzle "That was fun..." she smiled happily.
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Alpha Magnus
Alpha Magnus

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Where to now? (Katyusha) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where to now? (Katyusha) Where to now? (Katyusha) Icon_minitimeFebruary 17th 2014, 17:54

It seemed the male had no need for hunting this day, as events would reveal. His tail slashed lazily from side to side as he observed in interest. For one moment the herd was calm and docile, grazing easily in the moor. A movement caught his eye and his head swivelled to see what the commotion was. The female Hunter, Katyusha, it seemed had been lurking below, stalking the herd. She was fast indeed, a sudden blur darting about after a sickly doe. He nodded in approval, she chose her prey well. The beasts death was quick and clean, though it managed to alert the herd, setting a stampede away from the huntress and her prize.

As the moor cleared and the herd moved to sit upon the horizon, the brute would rise and leap over the knoll. He travelled swiftly down the hill and veered right to where she female now stood back, observing the carcass. His silent approach allowed him to hear her words from where she lay. He smirked and continued his leisurely walk. Indeed it appeared so. The Hunter chuckled.

Finally the gap between them was closed as he rounded them some to be more within her vision. Though he still allowed her to be between himself and the carcass. Katyusha, it seems we meet again. Permit me to say that that was quite a kill. You show excellent skill, a truly lethal huntress. His voice was easy and smooth, just as it always was with females. He gave a wry smile and sat before her, wrapping his tail effortlessly to curl around his side and thump a beat beside his paws.
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PostSubject: Re: Where to now? (Katyusha) Where to now? (Katyusha) Icon_minitimeFebruary 17th 2014, 18:21

As the gentle breeze blew over her the small fae would let herself rest for a moment, coming from a land of frigid cold and endless winters, the heat of this lands summer was really getting to the female, her coat still trying to adjust to the warmer climate, and the long hours in the sun stalking and moving through the hot grass had left the fae in need of a break. However, this would be cut short with the words brute's words. Quickly Katyusha would jump to her paws, turning to see who it was before noticeably relaxing "Oh, yes it was. Thank you very much Lead Hunter."

As the brute moved around to her front Katyusha would take a seat as well, allowing her tail to move around her paws while giving a small bow to acknowledge his new rank "It would appear so Magnus, and congratulations on you're new rank." she spoke in her usual flat tone, although noticeably less hostile than their first meeting. As the lead hunter moved to comment on her further the fae would just give another light dip of her head "Thank you for the compliment, I do take pride in my work, and my training has certainly paid off." she said, noticeably larger than when they had first met, her long days of training and physical conditioning adding quite a bit of muscle to her slim frame.
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Alpha Magnus
Alpha Magnus

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PostSubject: Re: Where to now? (Katyusha) Where to now? (Katyusha) Icon_minitimeFebruary 17th 2014, 18:48

The male dipped his head in appreciation. Thank you, miss. It seems our Alpha has taken note of my hard work and rewarded me thusly. he was not one to downplay his own skills. Modesty, he found, often got one very little in the way of power and rankings. It was imperative that he be upfront, blunt, with his views of his own person. One who sought power but refused to acknowledge their reasons for claim to it, received no power. Only fake compliments that fell on deaf ears and no true recognition.

With a soft huff he would drop heavily, his chest thumping against the ground and his paws would once more cross before him. His eyes raked over the females form, seeing that she was far mor muscled than when they first met. He was impressed. His beautiful, wonderful Chiara could turn something once so slender and sickly into a lean, muscles warrior. He smiled slightly with pride, puffing his chest. So it seems. It appears you have worked hard under Chiaras tutelage. I must say your form has become an impressive one. Far more suited to the rank of a warrior than a Hunter it might seem. Where he rested, he rolled his shoulders outs, flexing his own muscles.

The male had taken to retraining himself from what he kneel previously having had a more slender frame suited for speed, he aspired to hold more muscle and strength behind his blows. Much of this had been lost in his time alone. Now he had built up his strength and under his summer coat rippled impressive strength and power. He was impressed with his form and constantly aimed to maintain it. Perhaps he would indeed take time to soon seek out the new Delta for training as Steele had suggested. In this way he might prove himself worthy of being second to the Alpha.
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PostSubject: Re: Where to now? (Katyusha) Where to now? (Katyusha) Icon_minitimeFebruary 17th 2014, 19:09

A soft smirk would come to the fae's lips, and if Magnus noticed it would be the first semblance of a smile he had ever seen from her, as she made a point to keep a stone like expression in front of most of the pack, a mask that most had no desire to see past, and only one she wished to let in. "I would say you deserved it, however I am unfamiliar with you're work, and I would hate to be made a liar." she said, intending it to be a compliment...or at least close.

As the brute laid down in front of her, Katyusha watched his eyes move over her form, getting another wry smirk "See something you like?" she said with her still flat tone, hearing his compliments to her and nodding "Yes, she hasn't made things easy...but I have earned every bit of this new muscle with my blood and energy." she said honestly, not exactly feeling the need to be humble either "And I am clearly able to hunt still...but rank isn't my intention...I only wish to increase my strength and skills to better serve my alpha, however he may demand." she said honestly.

Katyusha wasn't interested in rank, to her it was nothing more than a list of duties she was expected to do, which is exactly what she desired. While the title and power wasn't her goal, she certainly desired to do more for the pack, and more to serve her alpha.
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Alpha Magnus
Alpha Magnus

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Where to now? (Katyusha) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where to now? (Katyusha) Where to now? (Katyusha) Icon_minitimeFebruary 17th 2014, 23:46

A wry smile played his lips as she spoke of not being made a liar. She was a clever one this one. Feisty. He liked it. He found it interesting and certainly refreshing. A female with whom he could simply exchange friendly, yet heated, banter. He noted that she was quite firm that she was indeed a Hunter and had no intentions of being anything else. If she had been male he would have definitely chosen her as his first ally. It made sense. An individual by his side who had no intention of usurping the position he worked for.

But the way she spoke about the Alpha, wanting to serve him in every way, it made him curious. Perhaps there was something already in motion that he was unaware of. His curiosity piqued, he simply had to ask. As do we all wish to serve our Alpha well. I have my reasons and you have yours. But your tone hints at something more and if I may be so bold, miss, I would like very much to ask what that might be. What is it that you hope to achieve in service to the Alpha? His voice was soft like honey and silk. Perfectly respectable. Deep and masculine though it still was. To give it one word: alluring. And he studied her for any signs of a negative reaction. He was a hard person, but that didn't mean he didn't know when to stop. Perhaps she was under strict instruction from the Alpha not to divulge the plans they might have. He was wary to say the least.
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PostSubject: Re: Where to now? (Katyusha) Where to now? (Katyusha) Icon_minitimeFebruary 18th 2014, 07:10

The young huntress had never said she didn't intend to move her position in the pack. It was in fact quite the contrary. Katyusha spent every day training and working wherever she could to improve her skills, and found it quite useless to have such an arsenal simply to remain a huntress. While it was true she wasn't concerned with title, or power, she had her reasons to desire a higher rank among the pack; the first of which to acquire more responsibilities and duties in the pack. And of course to get her closer to the alpha.

As the conversation resumed Katyusha's ears would perk, eyes showing the slightest hint at nervousness to his question as she slowly shifted her gaze to her paws, thinking hard for several long moments, before raising her gaze to him again with a slow nod. "Yes well...I don't believe it is any secret among the pack I....and very interested in Alpha Steele." she began, half expecting him to shun her, or call her a slut after she had explained everything "But I doubt he'd ever want some lowly huntress as a mate...certainly not his alphess...So I took the best deal I could hope to get." she said, taking a deep breath before continuing "When my season comes again...I will submit to him, and he will give me a litter." she finished, looking back quickly, away from his surely judgmental gaze "I am no slut...there is only one brute I desire, but I'm certain I will never be able to call mine, so I'm making do with what I can." she admitted honestly before a thought crossed her mind "You can't tell anyone! I've never spoken a word of this to anyone, most already know I'm going to have his litter...but the rest, you must promise me." she said firmly, honestly seeming shocked she had told him this much.
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Alpha Magnus
Alpha Magnus

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PostSubject: Re: Where to now? (Katyusha) Where to now? (Katyusha) Icon_minitimeFebruary 18th 2014, 14:04

The male watched her as she looked at her paws, seeming slightly embarrassed. His ears swivelled as she spoke, catching every word that dripped from her maw. It was a rumour he had heard, that the Alpha would take a female this winter, give her pups, but not take her as a mate. Two sides of himself warred with each other. The lover and the killer. They were always at odds. Lover was what had made him leave his pack in the first place. Killer would have killed his old alpha and taken the position for himself. Lover saw the Alphas act as wrong. But Killer saw it as perfect, a way to gain power. Logic told him it was fine as both parties were willing and she had no other mate to speak of and no qualms about having the Alphas litter. He could see the appeal. A big strong Alpha to give one a strong litter. Perhaps it wasn't the mating she so clearly desired, one complete with title and rank, but it was effective. A step closer to where she wanted to be. In this way the two were very much alike.

Some might have wondered if, given his history, he should have hated the female. She was mating purely for strength, power and rank. But this did not seem so abhorrent to him. First, she had none other whole she loved to betray. That she spoke of of course. Second, she was as certainly not getting the rank, only the litter. Third, she was indeed a willing participant in these events. This was in no way harmful to her wellbeing. The pack needed pups this coming spring and it would be beneficial to have two litters - that was assuming his request to mate with Chiara was accepted.

But the male turned to the female, feeling the worry at her open honesty and sought to soothe her. His voice, once more controlled and smooth, would sound. There is no need for embarrassment. I can see the appeal. A strong, handsome male to stand beside as mate and lover. An Alpha, no less. Making you his Alphess. The rank in itself is a grand prize but the duties and responsibilities that come with it. He paused for a moment. His voice was such that it seemed he was mocking her, although he was not. Each word he spoke was sincere. Certainly you are no harlot, but a clever fae who has made the best if what has been offered her. Nonetheless, I shall keep your secret hidden within me. It is yours to divulge t your own pleasure. He dipped his head at the last, a sign of respect and a closure to their verbal bargain of silence.
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PostSubject: Re: Where to now? (Katyusha) Where to now? (Katyusha) Icon_minitimeFebruary 18th 2014, 15:12

Katyusha had her own reasons to desire such a deal with her alpha, reasons she had thought long and hard about, and were certain they were worth the risk and the act she would perform with him, which she still wasn't sure how she felt about and probably wouldnt until it was happening.

Katyusha wasn't interested in the power or rank, but her actions weren't as pure as one may think. It was true she was hoping for something in exchange for her body, as most females wouldn't agree to such a thing simply for the fun of it, especially with Steele's reputation for brutality. However, what the fae did desire was rather pure at heart, even if it was a last ditch effort. The huntress cared little for ranks, while it was true she as any other wolf would enjoy the added prowess among the pack, but rank served a different purpose to her. It got her closer to the alpha. All Katyusha desired from this was a strong litter, who would be raised to serve the pack well, and a shot at winning over the alpha, the latter of which she was sure she stood no chance but tried anyways.

As the brutes voice pulled her back to this realm Katyusha's ears would perk, shaking her head softly "You don't understand at all...I don't care for the rank...It would be amazing to be alphess, but it isn't my goal." she spoke softly "And I am fairly certain this plan has little to no chance of success, but I must say I would feel horrid if I didn't try. All I desire is a strong litter..one I hope Steele will treat as his own no matter how I stand in the pack, which is again a long shot. But secondly I just desire a chance to get close to him. To him I am certainly just another fae in the pack, some runt hunter with no real value. All I need is a chance to prove to him I am something more, and if I must give my body to my alpha, I do so with honor in exchange for just that chance...even if it is to fail." she said honestly.

As the lead hunter spoke again Katyusha would nod slowly "Good...and I thank you for keeping a favorable...or at least neutral view of me through all of this, I have been called many things for my actions, few of which are positive. However I write them off simply as misunderstandings and I appreciate your silence." she said, actually appearing to smile to him for a short moment.
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Alpha Magnus
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Where to now? (Katyusha) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where to now? (Katyusha) Where to now? (Katyusha) Icon_minitimeFebruary 18th 2014, 16:14

When she said he didn't understand, he was shocked. Perhaps he wasn't as clever as he thought he was. And he liked being proven wrong by this female. It was a refreshing change of pace. That she was so blatant in her observations and never shied from the truth was intriguing. He quite enjoyed this female. She certainly would make a good ally. Honesty would be very useful. If he formed his own pack she would certainly be his beta. But he wasn't quite there yet. For now he wanted to be a beta himself. To both rule over and be ruled over. He still wished to serve a great leader, but be at the top of the ladder.

He nodded in response to her thanks for his silence. But the brute was easily bored by politeness and customs. He rolled onto his back, swatting lazily at the air above his face. He twisted his head back to look at Katyusha. He would offer her advice, for he liked the huntress. Well then, my sweet, if it is the affections of a male you desire perhaps I might be of some assistance. The Alpha is a strong, but busy brute. For a fae to catch his eye after what he has been through must be extraordinary. You are doing well in serving your alpha as he so commands. And you have the right idea in getting close to him. But you need to stand out. Something that will really make him notice you.

The male wondered at what she might do to gain the Alphas attention. It was more an interesting form of amusement to him than anything else. But perhaps he might come up with a really good idea, he couldn't miss the chance to help choose his own Alphess. Such a chance did not come along very often in each generation. That is, if you really are interested in being with him... Like that. Or maybe you're just happy to give yourself to him as a personal breeder. Either way he's sure to notice you. It's the way in which he notices you which is important. He spoke more his thoughts aloud than directly tot he female. The Lead Hunter remains on his back, becoming rather amused with the upside down scheme of the world.
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PostSubject: Re: Where to now? (Katyusha) Where to now? (Katyusha) Icon_minitimeFebruary 18th 2014, 21:29

A soft sigh would leave the fae as the lead hunter spoke again, nodding and letting another sigh leave her muzzle "Oh? And what would you know about attracting a male...unless there is something you aren't telling me." she said, flat tone making it hard to tell if she was teasing or not. As the brute continued Katyusha would nod "And it is in that department I lack...I am just a huntress, not even noticeable enough to earn the empty spot of lead hunter. This is where I know I'm going to fail...and I doubt once my body is no longer available he will have no interest in me...but again I must try." she said, clearly having a pretty bleak outlook on things, especially in this situation.

As the brute rolled onto her back, Katyusha would almost seem taken back "Am I boring you?" she asked rather flatly, feeling as if he weren't interested in their conversation at all. As he continued Katyusha would nod softly "I don't need to tell you I do....I offered myself to him just for a chance to get close." she said softly and sat down "And I don't wish to be some breeder, it was never my intention to be...a toy. But I am loyal to my alpha no matter what it is he desires, and if he came to me the first day of my season every year and demands I serve him again I will do so with honor, but I will not be happy with it." she said that last part with almost a smirk "Hm...happy." she muttered, almost as if it were a novel concept that only existed in her wildest dreams.
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Alpha Magnus
Alpha Magnus

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Where to now? (Katyusha) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where to now? (Katyusha) Where to now? (Katyusha) Icon_minitimeFebruary 18th 2014, 21:59

The brute rightened himself, draped lazily in the grass. Watching the fae. He chuckled. Ah no, that's not where I was headed with that statement. Definitely not. I am most certainly a straight male. A male who knows how other males think. What makes us tick. And I thought perhaps that might be of use to you. He considered the rest of what she had said. And wondered what next to say. It was a feeble thing conversation. It peaked and troughed at alarmingly great speeds. He enjoyed the time he was spending with this female and wanted to prolong it for as long as she would permit.

He swallowed, his lip twitching slightly as he thought he knew what he might say next. Though only mere seconds had gone by, and he maintained his cool facade, inwardly it seemed that he could not treat her like other females. And there was certainly no way he would treat her like Chiara. She had her own verbal play to be danced with. Ad he enjoyed it. It made his mind work for the friendship, forced him to make effort rather than lazily flirting. No, of course not, I didn't really take you for much of the breeding kind. Not for the simple purpose of breeding, anyway. But then why would you sacrifice your own happiness and self respect to be a breeder for the Alpha if he did ask that of you. Do you really place his - if I might be so bold - twisted values above your own self worth?

It perplexed him. Giving up things you loved for the one you loved made sense to him. But sacrificing your self worth, your own happiness. It didn't seem right to him. But then maybe he was once more misunderstanding her. He knew if he was she would swiftly correct him, something he rather hoped for.
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PostSubject: Re: Where to now? (Katyusha) Where to now? (Katyusha) Icon_minitimeFebruary 18th 2014, 23:09

Katyusha watched him snap back onto his stomach with her remark, unable to hold back a little smirk at his reaction to her questioning of his sexuality, nodding slowly as he spoke "Yes...I suppose you'd know how a normal brute would think...but you are no Steele...he is simply...so perfect...and strong...and smart...." her voice began to trail before she snapped herself back to reality, seeming a little embarrassed she had drifted off in such a way, although she couldn't help indulging in her alpha.

Katyusha was enjoying her talk with him as well, she had never opened up this much to anyone in the pack, either pack to be honest, and it was starting to feel like she may actually make a friend. However, it was also just as important to tell her plans and intentions to another wolf to ensure she wasn't crazy in thinking this had any chance of working. When the lead hunter continued Katyusha would nod "Yes...well...I have bigger ambitions...although being a mother is among them, even if I must raise the pups on my own." she spoke, cocking her head as he went on "I would sacrifice my happiness, my body, and my life for the alpha, although he would not take my self respect, since there is no honor higher than serving my alpha loyally. " she said with bold commitment and unwavering dedication to her pack and alpha "And yes, my alpha's will and desires outweigh my own. If he requested I jump off Satan's Edge today simply to hear my body hit the ground below, I would honorably do so." she said honestly.
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Alpha Magnus
Alpha Magnus

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PostSubject: Re: Where to now? (Katyusha) Where to now? (Katyusha) Icon_minitimeFebruary 19th 2014, 14:00

He watched her and listened. He was no Steele. Oh if only she had seen him back in his old pack. He mused for a moment, why did his old pack have no name? He searched and searched his memory until he found a memory. Our pack is far to noble and strong for such petty things as a name. If we name ourselves as one group, we give a piece of ourselves to that name and so ownership to whoever uses it. A name is power. Is what his Alpha had said. A name is power. If he was right on one thing, it was this.

Despite being thrown from his old pack, he still held loyalty and ties to its other members. It was only the extremists - like his mother and the Alpha - whom he truly hated. Their pack had always been large and threatened to overrun the lands of Tortall nearby. But the king of said lands traded to his pack - and a few others - many beautiful faes in exchange for keeping the peace. It was how they managed to avoid too much inbreeding. Although many of the faes that were sent were considered far too weak to bear strong pups. They were used more as playthings. If he ever met the hound Drogo, who had disturbed that peace. Cut off the supply of females. He wouldn't know whether to grin at him and thank him, or to kill him. But it was unlikely. On his travels he had heard that the great King Rhaegar had been murdered and that the Head of the Kings Guard had fled that same night. It was easy for one to put the pieces together.

But the male returned his attention to Katyusha and her words. She scoffed at the possibility that the Alpha could ever be with her properly. So at least she knew to be realistic. But perhaps it was love that she felt for her liege lord. For it was love that could make one do harm to themselves if it would please another. Loyalty was strong, but loyalty differed within the individual. Some might be extremists and treat their loyalty very similar to love. But for some there was always a line, and both parties knew it existed, and refuse to cross said line.

Katyusha, it is a. Good thing you are clever and realistic. For I could attempt to fill your head with dreams and possibilities of the things you want. I could tell you that the very thing you desire is indeed wholly possible. In fact it is the only plausible outcome. I could have you swooning over that Alpha, send you running to his chambers in a fit of lust and ecstasy. Any lesser female would believe me and do exactly as I say. But you... Oh no you would never fall for such a trick. And it is for that reason why I cannot come up with anything to say to you. I cannot give you false hope, for you would refuse it outright. But I cannot tell you you are foolhardy when there is indeed some hope. It was indeed a paradigm he wished to solve. He sighed, exhaling a great breath after so much talking.
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PostSubject: Re: Where to now? (Katyusha) Where to now? (Katyusha) Icon_minitimeFebruary 19th 2014, 14:25

The fae didn't know what to call her feelings for the alpha. On one paw, she didn't believe in the concept of love. Her mother had never showed her anything but disinterest, and her father had groomed her to be nothing more than a mate to the brute that would be the next alpha. Having never had a son himself, Katyusha's father had raised his only daughter to trade for a son he could leave the pack to, and love or caring were not on the list of things he had taught her. But on the other paw she felt something strong for her alpha, almost as if she were compelled to go out of her way to make him happy, not only doing what he asked or commanded, but seeking out things that would make him happy as well.

As the brute began to speak again, the huntress would nod slowly "I am a realist...And I know how slim my chances are with a brute so...utterly perfect." she said softly, listening as he spoke about filling her head with lies, a slim smirk coming to her lips "I will take that as a compliment, I do not fool easily, and I know my chances better than anyone besides Steele himself...And I honestly don't want to know his opinion." she spoke, clearly not too optimistic about her chances but she was still willing to risk everything just for that slender chance to do what? She didn't even know what she could hope for from him, but she did know what was on the line.
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Alpha Magnus
Alpha Magnus

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Where to now? (Katyusha) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where to now? (Katyusha) Where to now? (Katyusha) Icon_minitimeFebruary 19th 2014, 16:14

The male felt pent up energy in his limbs and needed desperately to use it. The male would rise and stretch, dipping his chest low into the ground in a stretch. He straightened up, shaking out his fur and looked at the female with a slight smirk. Well this chatting is lovely but I feel we could do more to benefit the pack. He nods to the kill behind her, seemingly forgotten. Your kill there is excellent, but perchance you spied another we might wrangle? Or we could run the borders together? It's good exercise and build endurance.

Without waiting for her reply he turned away and moved up the hill slightly. AT&T he higher altitude he could feel a brisk breeze ruffle his fur. He closed his eyes momentarily and enjoyed the feeling for a brief moment. His eyes opened and his gaze wandered over the plains to see the herd a fair ways off now. Perhaps a run would be the better option. It might be nice to patrol the borders. He found it unlikely he would find a newcomer, nor was he sure he had the authority to grant them rank or entry. But it was still a nice, long, tiring run. He gazed down the hillside in search of his huntress.
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Where to now? (Katyusha) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where to now? (Katyusha) Where to now? (Katyusha) Icon_minitimeFebruary 19th 2014, 16:59

As the male would rise, Katyusha couldn't help but smirk, my my he was a hyper one, couldn't sit still for more than a minute without having to do something. It was almost amusing to the fae, like watching a pup, where she had remained seated and proper for the length of their conversation.

As he spoke again the fae would nod "Yes well...last I recall I was working and you were....?" she let her voice trail off, a small smirk coming to her lips to let him know she was simply teasing. Turning back to her kill the fae would nod "I have been stalking this heard since before sunrise....I probably closed in on this one for 3 hours alone." she admitted, taking pride in her swift and efficient kill. "Well, I do think the herd has been startled now...they are probably a fair distance away...it'd take all day to sneak in on them again, especially now." she said honestly, knowing all too well how dangerous a herd could be once they had been startled.

At the question of going on a border run, the fae would nod slowly "I do believe that could help...I usually go at dusk, but I don't see the harm in going earlier, let's take this back to the kill pile and then we can go on a run." she spoke, looking up for her lead hunter to find him at the top of the hill, rolling her eyes and hoisting the kill onto her back muttering under her breath "Or make me do all the work."
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Alpha Magnus
Alpha Magnus

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Where to now? (Katyusha) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where to now? (Katyusha) Where to now? (Katyusha) Icon_minitimeFebruary 19th 2014, 18:44

The male stood regally atop the mound. Like an Alphaw arching over his subjects, so he watched over the herd. But he noticed Katyusha had not yet joined him. As he wondered why mentally, his head physically cocked itself to the side in question. But he found her easily enough, hefting the doe herself and dragging it in his direction. An uphill slog was tough and he might have deigned to help her, if he was not a cocky jerk as he was. The wind caught snatched if her rumblings and carried them to him. He chuckled to himself as he heard here rumblings of doing all the work herself. He laughed and pranced his way towards the female, tossing his head about like a spirited horse. Oh my dear, I wouldn't want to drag that fine doe to the kill pile and take all the credit from you. But if you insist... He trailed off, shoving her aside somewhat roughly and taking a good portion of the beasts weight upon his back.

Secure in his positioning he would walk forth, lugging the carcass along. Behind he could hear the huntress trekking her way with him. They crested the hill soon and Magnus was sad he could not spare another gaze upon the hunting moors. Squishy and sloshy though they were, they were beautiful and green, full of life. But alas he was supporting more than half of the meat on his own back and could not turn back unannounced without toppling the poor coyote behind him. He chuckled at the memory of their first meeting. Flirtatious as his term 'my dear' was, and it suited him when he spoke to females, he simply had to call this one coyote. It suited her. Her looks could somewhat resemble that of the little scavenger canids, and it was also a sort of personal joke between them. He was sure she would come up for some equally demeaning name for himself that he would surely laugh along with. Perhaps their friendship would be a good one, he thought as they traversed to the edge of the moor and entered the tree line once more. For Katyusha's benefit he would call out and tell her where they were, in case she had difficulty seeing past his large form. Coyote! He called to her. We have left the moors and made it back to he forest. Not far now. Then we'll run the borders together.
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Where to now? (Katyusha) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where to now? (Katyusha) Where to now? (Katyusha) Icon_minitimeFebruary 20th 2014, 13:08

Katyusha saw the male trying to act regal on top of the hill, an audible laugh coming from her as she watched him. In comparison to her truely regal alpha and all of his glory he just looked like a pup trying to play warrior. As the huntress' words reached the brute and he turned back the fae would roll her eyes again, hearing his words and speaking with a very sarcastic tone "Oh yes, because anyone would believe you could kill something like this....especially so cleanly." she said honestly, although admitting to herself most wouldn't believe she could kill something like this, since most of the pack had a pretty low opinion of her; one that she would change very soon.

With the shove the fae would let out a soft snarl as a warning to him, he wasn't that far ahead of her rank and she wouldn't feel even remotely bad having to knock him down a few pegs. While the fae was only a hunter she saw the position as only a placeholder for greater things she was going to achieve. As the pair lugged the heavy kill up the hill Katyusha would have no problem holding her own, while it was true he was probably stronger the huntress had learned how to use what she had more effectively.

As the pair neared the top of the hill Katyusha's ears would perk at the name, a low growl leaving her muzzle, not quite hostile but more of an annoyed tone "First rabbit now coyote....I guess it's a step up...maybe someday I'll actually be a wolf. "she grumbled, nodding at the status update "Yes...soon I'll show you how a real wolf runs." she smirked.
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Alpha Magnus
Alpha Magnus

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Where to now? (Katyusha) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where to now? (Katyusha) Where to now? (Katyusha) Icon_minitimeFebruary 20th 2014, 14:48

Through the trees covered in their summer foliage the pair travelled. A relatively leisurely walk, even when one was burdened with a kill. It was not long before they reached the pack clearing. Few wolves were around, many were out completing their duties, training or off exploring. The Lead Hunter made a beeline for the kill pile, desperate to unload Katyusha's prize. The walk was a slow and careful one, so sans not to jostle the carcass and so Katyusha. He would carefully pull alongside the stack of bodies and raised his shoulders, deftly tossing the heavy beast with its brethren.

He stood back, taking a moment to appreciate the towering structure before him. This would feed the pack for some days to come. Perhaps well over a week.e felt he deserved a few days off for his hard work. He pondered a moment how he might spend the time. Sleep was always a popular option. But perhaps he might be more inclined to follow his Alphas instruction and seek training from the Delta, Irrationality, or perhaps even the reclusive Beta, if she was available.

He turned away from the pile, half forgetting the female was with him, and approached a nearby slow moving stream. He dipped his head and lapped greedily from the waters. Tail swishing softly in the summer breeze, he raised his maw, dripping with water, and turned to the huntress. You ready? He asked with a slightly raised brow. The male made a daring leap into the shallow water and another to reach the other side. He stopped a moment to look back at Katyusha, before setting off at an easy lope he could maintain for quite some time. Adjusting his tail for balance and tilting his head in the direction, he aimed for the nearest border, thinking to start there.
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Where to now? (Katyusha) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where to now? (Katyusha) Where to now? (Katyusha) Icon_minitimeFebruary 25th 2014, 01:57

With the warm summer sun bearing down on the pair, the slim huntress hating this heat. While it did make finding prey easier, it was much more exhausting to stalk and go in for the kill. This heat brutal to the wolf accustomed to arctic temperatures, honestly certain she had never experienced anything this hot before, which made hauling her kill back less of a stroll through the woods, especially with that heavy kill trapping the heat above her.

Once the duo had reached the pack clearing the fae would rush to get the heavy piece of meat off of her, not because of the weight of it, but the heat of it, something she really had to get used to.

Once the kill was deposited the fae would step back to admire their work, certain she could take the next few days off of hunting to dedicate to training, and trying to catch Steele's attention for a number of reasons, the biggest at the moment was hoping she could get a spot under his guidance in her training to become stronger much quicker, of course there were always other motives for her actions as well, but priorities were priorities and ultimately they all worked towards the same plan.

With the weight gone the fae would follow him out towards the shallow stream, following suit in taking a drink, watching him as he sprinted off and sighing, the small fae hopping the stream in a single bound and running after him. The small agile fae would easily keep his pace, intentionally swaying across the path the jump over fallen trees and other obstacles simply for fun.
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