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What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara)

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Alpha Magnus
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What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Empty
PostSubject: What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Icon_minitimeFebruary 4th 2014, 19:56

Was it insanity or love that drew him to these cliffs? Or perhaps they were the same thing. Magnus did not know the answer. What he did know was that it had been weeks since he had spoken to Chiara and summer was well and truly settled. The hot sun blazed upon the earth, baking it until crispy. His paws burned from the hot earth but it bothered him not. He was very far from the pack hunting ground and he had yet to discover just how he had ended up here. He lay down precariously close to edge of Satans Edge. His tail fell over the side and dangled there in the breeze as it sprung up through the valley. It ruffled his fur and cooled his heated body. Magnus stretched his neck over the edge. It appeared to be a sheer drop into the river below. Jagged rocks stuck out from the cliffs, adding further danger to his position. But it mattered not. His life was dedicated to the service of his alpha. Should he die in his service as a Hunter, then it was no dishonourable death.

He reflected upon the last time he saw the beautiful Chiara. She had run from him, saying she didn't want to be hurt again. It pained him immensely to see her believe that he might actually cause her any type of harm. Hidden in huge bowels of his den was a green feather he had found a few days earlier. The Hunter remembered how she had told him of her hobby of collecting feathers. How she had been searching for a green one. But he couldn't give it to her. He never saw her. They had taken to avoiding one another since their almost perfect day. He was sure that she had thrown off the white goose feather he had given her that day. He rested his head in his paws, brooding.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Icon_minitimeFebruary 4th 2014, 20:13

In the weeks that followed their last meeting Chiara had done her best to busy herself. Training Kat, hunting and patrolling took up most of her time, time that was better spent then regretting their last meeting. She knew she had hurt him, saying she couldn't do this. In truth a part of her wanted to pursue him, and yet another part screamed no, a part that feared heart break again. The more she tried to stay away from the male, the more she ached to see him again. Trying to catch him hunting several times didn't work, it was almost like he was trying to avoid her, though she couldn't doubt him. Even now she wasn't sure if she would go back and take back what she said, she still was afraid. Sighing the fae decided today to get some air and be lost in her thoughts, so it was off to the mountains she went. Many times she went her to think and it seemed to help with the shrill air and steep cliffs. Dangling from her ear was the white feather, a token she relished since it was given to her. Having only taken it out to hunt Chiara had been wearing it off and on, enjoying the adornment and the meaning behind it. Against her ebony pelt the white feather seemed to glow bright in contrast. To her it was a symbol of balance like night and day, a feeling she felt with Magnus.

Trotting across the rocky landscape Chiara's mind was still in a buzz of how to handle this. Magnus was a good friend in her mind, one she didn't want to loose. Only with Damon did this longing feeling overtake her, not even Kodiak had stirred her this much, it frightened her. There were still mysteries to the hunter that she wanted to uncover and things she wanted to share with him. If things went anywhere he had to know the real her, a her no one else knew, not even Damon. She had to be sure he would like all of her, the real her, and the past her. But, even though this was all good she still had to find him.

Then a scent hit her. Then a sight of brown fur by the cliffs edge.

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Alpha Magnus
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PostSubject: Re: What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Icon_minitimeFebruary 4th 2014, 20:36

Magnus continued to brood. It was a fruitless task, he knew, but he couldn't help it. He had spent so much time keeping himself occupied so that he'd have no time to brood. But eventually it caught up with him and he supposed that was why he was here, on the edge of the earth. Glaring out at everything. But then a voice came to him. A soft, sweet voice that contained a hint if surprise. And why wouldn't she be surprised at finding him here. He should be hunting. Doing his duty. But he was here, and so was she. Oh yes, he knew exactly who that voice belonged to. And he would know it everyday for the rest if his life. But it still shocked hint to hear it after these long weeks. First his ears perked up and swivelled to detect the source of the sound. Then his head, to sight that she was truly here. And his reaction was to jump up and face her. Chiara? What're you doing here? He took a step back, coming precariously close to the Satans Edge. A few rocks were dislodged and tumbled off the cliff behind him. What astounded him most was that she still wore his feather. It was in good condition and still sat wonderfully against her fur. But it confused him. Was she eying to insult him? Was she here to personally throw it in his face? A cruel joke indeed, he thought it. First she had to reject him and flee, both of them spending the following weeks avoiding one another, but now she would return his gift in person. A final means of cutting all ties.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Icon_minitimeFebruary 4th 2014, 20:43

Her heart leaped as he spun around to face her. For weeks she had longed to see him again, to spill out her blabbering and hope he could make some sense of it. Still inside a mental war of "what if's" raged, but she ignored it for now. Seeing rocks fall from his paws her ears fell back. "Be careful Magnus, the edge isn't that stable." She warned, taking a step closer. From the up drafts her feather blew up against her ear, becoming visible to him. Eying it out of the corner of her eye she wondered if he would think of her as odd for wearing it still, but she liked it? Turning her eyes back to him her voice went low again. "I've been trying to find you for a while now Mag. I wanted to talk to you if you will listen." She asked, feeling uncomfortable right now. Oh what could she say to him? Sorry I was flaky to you, I don't want to be, but still am? No he'd think she was nuts and jump from the cliff. Worse, he'd say he's moved on and found another fae in the pack, one who isn't commitment challenged. Gah what was wrong with her?
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Alpha Magnus
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What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Icon_minitimeFebruary 4th 2014, 20:58

She warned him to be careful of the edge. And he didn't know how to feel. But, being the annoying brute he is, he said the first words that came to mind. Thanks for your concern, but I think I'm fine. His voice was icy and crueler than he had intended. But then she said she wanted to talk. If he'd listen. Of course he'd listen. He sighed and held her gaze. Sure, I'll listen. But I don't really know what more you could have to say. Again, his voice was a little harsher than he would have liked. Or at least the second sentence was. But he couldn't help it. Every time he looked at her he saw the fae who left him standing by the stream after he told her how he felt. Those feelings were in no way diminished, but he was hurting inside. His chest ached every day with the pain she had caused him. But he inwardly kicked himself. That still didn't mean he had to be so rude to her. Not if he really wanted this to happen.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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PostSubject: Re: What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Icon_minitimeFebruary 4th 2014, 21:14

His attitude did little to impress her. Flickering her ears back she stalked closer to him, her tail swishing. "I don't want our best hunter to fall to his death, no need to snap at me." She shot back at him, her tail lashing. She wouldn't tolerate disrespect, even from him. Bringing herself down a notch she tried to start talking before he snapped again at her, letting her know the soreness he felt. It stung her as his words hit her, making her wince. "I'm sorry about our last meeting at the river, it just came at me too fast i didn't know how to react. Magnus I like and respect you. You are a great friend, hunter and male. You confuse and scare the crap out of me because when ever I see you I second guess myself, something I haven't done in a long time." She confessed, speaking of how Damon affected her. "I just don't know about a relationship right now. Maybe in the future, but certain things have to happen in order for me to consider you. I have many skeletons in my closet, things I don't know if you'd like. They might turn you away." She said, her gaze falling again.

Drawing her paw in the dirt below she awaited his response. Would he be receptive to her past or turn away from her? She hoped he would listen for she had so much she wanted to tell him. So many things she had to spill out, secrets no one else knew from her. Not even Damon was graced with some parts of her past or her closest friends here. How her father died, the horros of her puphood or her real name.
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Alpha Magnus
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What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Icon_minitimeFebruary 4th 2014, 21:49

He listened to her apology and found it sincere. He wanted nothing more than to forgive her, but forgiveness was so difficult in times such as these. She continued to step forward and for some reason it made him uneasy, so as she closed in, he took a step back. His hind paws perched precariously on the bluff. He didn't know how her words were supposed to make him feel. That he made her second guess herself, was that a good thing? That he scared her? Wait- was he just friend zoned? But her speaking had ceased and awaited his reply. Chia, everyone has a darkness in their past. And everyone needs somebody they can admit that darkness to.if that's is what you want from me then that's what I'll be. His voice was far softer this time as he looked upon the dark fae, pondering what possible faults she couldn have. Aside from her stubbornness, he mused. The wind grew fiercer, blowing through his fur, making it ripple and roll across his muscles. These had developed some since Chiara had last stared at them. All of his time hunting and training and avoiding her had done wonders for his physique. Every bit if unnecessary fat he had had been stripped away to reveal lean, toned muscles that were in no way freakish.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Icon_minitimeFebruary 4th 2014, 22:04

He looked worried as she stepped closer, so she backed away a step. He was still quite close to the edge and it made her uneasy, but he was a big by and she would;t baby him. Listening to his words and the emotion behind it a weird motion appeared on her face. It was a mixture of puzzlement and a smile that confused her greatly. He hadn't rejected her proclamation of needing to talk to him, but he still sounded uneasy. "I do want that Mag, but I'm unsure why. I felt a connection to Damon as you know and one to you, but yours is different and it scares me. Part of me wants to just be friends and avoid the possibility of getting hurt, but here's another part to me Mag" she said stepping closer to him again.

"A part of me wants to be with you, to tell you everything about me."
Her voice grew heavy with emotion, but she didn't tear her eyes from his. "I want to tell you about my sister's death, how my father took much more than the life of the male I once loved from he. About the lost littler of my pups when I was two. And my birth name. These things that no one knows I want you to know." She said, her words stammering with emotion as she got closer to him. Pushing aside feelings of fear and doubt she neared his side, finding comfort in the small heat coming from his pelt. "I trust you Mag, don't ruin that."
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Alpha Magnus
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What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Icon_minitimeFebruary 4th 2014, 22:22

She stepped forward again and he stepped back. Small stones and jagged bits of rock dislodged beneath his paws. He gave a yelp as he lost his footing and went over the edge. Magnus clung to the side, his eyes searching for one final glimpse of Chiara before he died. For he was surely going to die here. His front paws scrabbled in the dirt of the top of the bluff, trying hopelessly to pull himself back up. His amber eyes glowed bright with acceptance of what was to happen. He would never know all of Chiara. They would never be mates. He would never see her belly swollen with his pups growing inside her. He begged what gods there may be that she would find happiness with another. He would hate for her to be damaged irreparably by his death. First she had lost Damon. And then another had gone missing. For Magnus to leave her now seemed almost selfish of him. But he had no choice in falling over the edge. He had the choice to pull himself up, however. But try as he might, he was just too far gone. He could only hope the impact of the water would make a swift end of him, rather than drowning. He searched Chiaras face for any sign that she might love him. Something to hold onto in his last moments. He saw those fiery eyes, perfectly matched to her personality. His entire vision was consumed by only her face. And in his peripherals, the white goose feather. That was his sign. That's what told him she still cared. She could have thrown it aside, trampled it into the dirt. But instead she kept it. His paws inched forward slightly, bringing their faces a little closer.

Chiara. I'm sorry.

And then he fell.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Icon_minitimeFebruary 4th 2014, 22:35

Lost in his gaze Chiara was blind to him slipping. Lost in his amber eyes her face went closer to his, earning to press into his cheek, but it wouldn't happen. She saw his gaze widen and at last she knew he was falling. Gasping she lunged forward to grab his scruff or ear, but he was too heavy. Sipping back and down her teeth clicked in mid air as he slipped out from under her. His final words full of despair and sadness.

Oh hell no, not this time

Growling she snapped again, this time latching on to his front foot. Clamping down hard she ignored the possible pain it was causing, she would not let him go. Digging her feet into the dirt and rock she slowly was pulled forward, closer to the edge. She could feel the very edge of the cliff on her toes, but she didn't care; she would not let him go. Looking around frantically she saw a small ledge to the right about twenty feet down, if she could get him there he had a chance. Looking back to him with pleading eyes she didn't get a chance to think. The rock below her crumbled and in a split second she felt the floor cave in under her. Twisting her head she managed to toss him a bit to the right, hoping he'd land on the ledge, then she fell as well. Twisting in mid air her front paws hit the wall, clinging to a small rock on the side, her back legs free and scrambling for a solid surface. Afraid to look down to see if he was alive Chiara buried her face into the dirt, beating it for not grabbing him sooner.

I can't loose him, I can't live through that hurt again
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Alpha Magnus
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What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Icon_minitimeFebruary 4th 2014, 23:18

He had given up. Was prepared to die. Accepted it. But he wasn't allowed to die. No. Instead jaws snapped first at his neck, then at his paw. He gave a yelp of pain as the canines drew blood. Rp she tried desperately to pull him up, but he was far too large for her. He could already tell. It was too much for her small frame, much less the rock face, to handle. There was a loud crack and the entrance into hell opened up beneath her. Her eyes darted right and his own followed. The ledger surely not. But sure enough as she fell, her head whipped around and tossed him to the ledge. He flipped a somersault into e air and landed smoothly on the narrow ledge. Looking up, it was a fair distance to the top. A good strong jump would do it. But he only had one chance. The strength and force required to execute such a jump would crumble the ledge. In one jump he either lived or died. He looked around and saw Chiara dangling from the bluff. That did it for him. She had to live, even if he didn't. He turned and faced the cliff, looking and judging the distance. He bunched all four paws together in a crouch and looked up, visualising his destination.

The brute rolled and wriggled his shoulders, loosening his muscles in preparation. He swished his tail in a circle three times for luck before pushing off the ledge that crumbled into the river below with a great splash! he hung suspended in time for what seemed forever, until his paws slowly began to close around the edge of Satans Edge. The force of his jump propelled him forwards, affording him a good hold, while his hind paws scrabbled for a solid hold. And a solid hold was found for each foot, although in awkward positions. One much higher than the other. His right paw fell upon the lower rock to steady himself, and when he was ready, he pushed himself up, placing his left paw on the higher rock. Continuing the motion, he dragged himself up and over the cliff side, crawling his way to lay before Chiara. He placed his forepaws over her own, holding her in place. Chiara, I'm going to get you out of this, just hold tight. He inched forward and stretched his neck out, clasping her scruff between his jaws. Then the Hunter stood and began to pull back, dragging her up and over the edge. She will not die this way.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Icon_minitimeFebruary 7th 2014, 19:20

Blinded by pain beyond words to look down to her fallen friend Chiara didn't know he had survived. Her plan had worked to get him to the ledge even if it meant she dangled by a small rock on the cliff face. No it didn't matter if she lived while he didn't, it was her fault he was out here mopping anyway right? She couldn't live with herself if he didn't make it, there was too much to tell him. She would jump, yes, thats what she would do. It would solve so much of her pain and hurt to just end it now. Thinking it over she never got the chance as words and a strong hold on her scruff made her gasp in shock. Overcome by an increasing nameless emotion she kicked her way up, lunging up and landing on her savior.

"Magnus? How? What?" She stammered, looking down at him while she lay on his chest, breathless. Her face felt hot and her paws shock slightly, but all she could manage to do was lean down and nuzzle under his chin softly. Like a gentle breeze her pelt touched his, melting into his being and closing her eyes. Having no idea what was wrong with him she pressed harder into his chin, a slow whimper growing in her throat. Pushing her face harder into her her nose came up and her tongue licked his maw.

"I thought I lost you."
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Alpha Magnus
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What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Icon_minitimeFebruary 7th 2014, 22:28

Magus lay on his back panting hard with Chiara resting softly on his chest. He simply stared at her, his amber eyes filled with warmth and love. For it was indeed love he felt for her. He was too glad for words. Elated that she was alive and he could feel her touch. She quickly became very affectionate, nuzzling under his chin and melding their bodies as closely as possible. She whimpered and nuzzled harder, like she couldn't believe he was here with her. Then she licked his muzzle and said she though she'd lost him. But it was he who had been lost. All these weeks without her by his side, the tension between them so thick and suffocating. He had thrown himself into hunting and training. And it had only brought him more misery. He had no purpose besides hunting, and even that no longer brought him joy. Meat tasted foul and dead. The stars failed to amaze him. It confused him. How could he have enjoyed all these things before knowing her, but after losing her could no longer? He decided that after realising what happiness could be, there was no going back to before. He had no chance at a full life without her.

He could only nuzzle her cheek, purring deep in his chest, and lick her muzzle. But she begged explanation. He had one. Would it scare her off? He had to try. Wolves do crazy things when they're in love. He continued to nuzzle under her chin, still making that soft growling noise that sounded suspiciously like a purr. He knew she wouldn't die. He had it set in his mind that she would get to live and he saw to it that that came to a reality. He lay content on the cliff, with the female nuzzling under his chin and he couldn't be happier.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Icon_minitimeFebruary 9th 2014, 10:00

Chiara's thought grew lost as she continued to embrace Magnus. It was as if someone paused life itself for the duration of her hug and froze all matter of movement or thought. A sigh escaped her maw as she felt him pull deeper into her, sending chills down her spine. She felt his tongue on her muzzle and it sent a smile to grow on her maw. Was this what true happiness felt like? True their time together had been short, perhaps a few months now, but what did it matter? Her and Damon had only known each other a month or two; a few walks to the river their only source of togetherness. Her and Magnus however had hunting trips, near death experiences and memories together, that had to mean something.

Pulling back from him she barely had time to catch her breath before he whispered in her ear. Again her world stopped. Love wasn't a thing she was accustomed to. Unsure of her own feelings for the sable hunter she pulled back further, but not in a way to reject him. Her head spun with "what ifs" and started to hurt. Things were happening fast, but not fast enough to scare her. "I don't know what to say Magnus." She said, her voice hushed into a whisper. "I don't know really what I'm feeling right now. You make me very happy and content I'll give you that, but there's still so much to figure out. I don't know why I trust you so much, but I do. I'm not rejecting you Mag, don't take it that way, I'm just confused. What I feel for you is nothing like with Damon, it's richer and deeper and it scares the hell out of me. All I do know is that I like it and don't want to loose you again." She said, pressing her nose into his again before standing.

"Shall we walk home? I told you I wanted to tell you my secrets didn't I?"
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Alpha Magnus
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What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Icon_minitimeFebruary 9th 2014, 13:41

The Hunter watched her. He was scared for a heartbeat when she pulled away. But then she spoke, that soft, angelic whisper of hers set him at ease. She was worried they had moved too fast.a nod that was a fair observation. But perhaps when autumn was done and winter came, it wouldn't be so strange. Perhaps she might even want his pups by then. The thought set his hear to soar. The smaller dark fae, belly rounded heavily with his pups. He was overjoyed. It put life into his eyes and more love than he thought he could hold into his heart. Their pups would be strong, he had no doubt. Witty and stubborn like their mother. Flirtatious and sure like their father. Honour-bound and beautiful like both. It was a good match. She stepped off him and asked if he might return home with her. Home. He was home now. Home was wherever she was. Because he felt safe and protected, just as she should around him. Theirs was a relationship of true equality. Both were strong and able, and together they worked as a single unit, each playing their part and relying on the other. He gazed up at her for one long moment. Smiled. Then rolled onto his belly and stood beside her. He smirked as was his custom. Secrets, eh? Well this should be interesting. He took the first step forward, leading them to the pack clearing once more, wher perhaps they had left alone and solitary, but would return as one.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Icon_minitimeFebruary 9th 2014, 20:40

The fae was glad he didn't grow sad by her words. They were moving fast, but she liked the danger behind it and enjoyed going in this direction. Perhaps in time they could become something more, something she never felt before, not even with Damon. It was strange; the more she spent with him the less she remembered the happiness with Damon, maybe because it was deeper? Letting the thought mull around in her mind that perhaps Magnus offered her more then a crush she smiled and walked next to the male, her shoulder brushing his.

"Yes secrets, I want to be completely honest with you. I want you to know me so you can decide now if you want this to continue. My secrets will not be taken lightly however and if you ever usher a word of them outside of here I will take great pleasure in ripping your cute ears off." She warned, her voice stern with a hint of play. She stopped walking and went to a large tree to rest a minute, the pair still a far ways from the clearing. Away from other ears she felt safe enough to start talking, there was no going back now.

"To know my secrets you must know my whole past. I grew up in a large pack to the south governed by a group of males who felt they reigned supreme over all. Faes weren't treated well, more like pup producers and many were killed when they didn't produce strong males. My father was the Beta of the pack and my mother suffered when me and my sister were born along with my two brothers. My father wanted all males, so my mother was half blinded." She spoke, the memories flowing freely into her mind. "My brothers soon learned pack ways and trained with other males, while Willow and me stuck to ourselves. One day Willow ate before my father when he came home late from a hunt, the next day they went for a walk and she never returned. I am fairly certain he killed her."

"Another thing before I continue is Chiara wasn't my given name. I was named Crow as a pup, but after I left the pack I changed my name to rid myself of ties there." She confessed knowing he was the first soul to ever know that fact. "Back to my pack. I grew and when I turned one my father started making plans for me to be mated to strong males, thinking my pups would serve the pack better than me. While speaking of this I argued the point and that night he...." Her voice grew heavy and she looked away from the hunter. "Well I tried to fight him off, but he was true strong. He gave me my eye scar for fighting and took me anyway. I became pregnant but the litter was miscarried. This angered him further, he said I was too weak for him. He wanted me dead, but my mother defended me. He killed my mother and I ran away, leaving him to curse me for "making him look bad", so I found my way to Helidos." She said, pausing a moment for her words to sink in before she went further.

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Alpha Magnus
Alpha Magnus

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PostSubject: Re: What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Icon_minitimeFebruary 9th 2014, 21:20

Magnus chuckled. My ears are cute, eh? He raised a brow teasingly and nudged her shoulder with his own. They came to a halt, still a fair way from the pack clearing and she prepared to speak. You have my word, my jaws are sealed. Then he silenced himself and allowed her to begin. And he didn't like where her tale was headed. Her old pack sounded far too similar to his own to be coincidental. And yet they were two different packs. For she had not spoken of slaved faes, traded for their wombs to produce strong lines. He thought that she was probably the best equipped to understand his own past, dark as it was. But that was not even the worst part. No. When he heard what her father had done to her, he became enraged. How dare any creature do that to his Chiara?! What's worse, a father to his own child. He moved quickly, growling and snarling as he instinctively forced Chiara down and stood over her body protectively. He didn't care that she had been mated before, for it was not a true mating in his eyes. What he focused on now was that she knew she was protected and still wanted. He continued to rumble, lowering his muzzle along with his body. He pressed gently on top of the Lead Warrior and brought his powerful jaws to her ear, rasping. I will never let that happen to you. his voice was hard and thick with emotion. A protective manner that some might find attractive.
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Alphess Chiara
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What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Icon_minitimeFebruary 9th 2014, 21:31

As she paused she saw Magnus's demeanor change. He grew angry and at first she thought it was directed at her. Some males didn't like a fae who had already mated, was he one of them. Then he forced her down and lay on her, growling in her ear. At first the sudden change in his scared her to an extent, but as he purred in her ear she felt his anger was directed at her father. Smirked she cuffed his cheek to roll him off. "I won't let it happen either, but thank you Magnus." She said, moved by his concern. "Now on with my story. Growing up in that pack turned me scared, submissive and docile if you can believe it. When I first came here I never looked anyone in the eye and cowered in front on any male. Even Azul frightened me at first and I spent many months in that pack keeping to myself and hiding. Once I met Damon things changed and I started to grow inside. After he was killed the nature you know of me came to be. I guess I can thank my father for that." She said, chuckling slightly.

"I followed the former Alphess over here, as she was the only one of Helidos to see my true potential. I pledged my life to serve her and when she left a few weeks back I half thought of following her. I didn't say anything of her leaving to Steele, but part of me wanted to go with her, like she had a special place of loyalty with me. Out in the outskirts, though, something made me not want to go with her. I thought of my life here, my friends. They made me come back, but the most important thing that made me come back was a certain sable brute with amber eyes" She confessed, her cheeks hot as her gaze lifted to meet his. There it was, now he knew everything. Feeling strong and yet vulnerable in front of his she waited for his acceptance, a sign he accepted her for all she was.
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Alpha Magnus
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What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Icon_minitimeFebruary 9th 2014, 21:44

Magnus was forced to roll off the fae and he recovered quickly, laying on the forest floor, watching her with keen eyes. He found it hard to believe that she had once been timid, docile and ridiculously submissive. Of course she was still submissive, but only to those holding a higher rank than she, as it should be. But he had no time to comment as she pressed on, quickly moving forward in time to the leaving of the ex-Alphess. He sneered at the mention of her. He had not once met her but a wolf who could leave her pack in such a state, leave her mate and Alpha, was beyond disgusting. He had no liking for the creature. But it seemed Chiara held a liking for her and he would respect that. He was shocked when she announced she had been tempted to leave with her friend, but was glad she had clearly chosen to stay with her pack and do her duty. Her reasons for staying though did not quite shoot over his head. Being the cocky and sure brute that he was, he knew exactly which sable male held her there, but he played dumb for his own amusement. Oh? And which male do I have to tear limb from limb for taking you away from me? His tone was far lighter than it was previous, clearly a jest of sorts. Though perhaps, he thought, a poor one. Certainly not up to his usual standards.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Icon_minitimeFebruary 9th 2014, 21:50

Chiara smirked nd flickered her tail at his nose. "Oh I don't know. He's a large male, quite handsome, brave and strong. Has a bit of a temper and apparently gets jealous easily. He's also one of the only males I trust fully and i love spending time with him. He's a male I could see getting to know better everyday and become more than friends some day if he likes." She said closing the distance between the two in a flirtatious manner. "But I wouldn't want you getting hurt fighting him off for little ol' me." She joked, whispering in his ear. Of course she was talking about him, he couldn't be that dense to not think that.

"Ok your turn. Tell me of your past and your secrets. Of course I won't breathe a word of anything you know." She said, ready to hear his side of things.
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Alpha Magnus
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What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Icon_minitimeFebruary 9th 2014, 22:29

Magnus' face showed mock hurt, but inside he was laughing. He quite enjoyed her description of him. Quite an apt on if he was bold enough to say. But she asked for his past. Another fae had asked for it and he refused to tell her. Telling her to mind her own business. He felt somewhat bad for treating the female so poorly, but it was partially her fault for prying when he had so clearly not asked about her very obvious scars. He stood, took a couple paces this way and that, before once more sitting in front of Chiara.

Well, I was actually born in a pack much like your old one. My birth parents were a mated Guardian pair. Arya and Faolin were their names. Though I never knew Faolin. He died in service to the Alpha. From the moment I was weaned I was taught to fight, as all the pups were. I lied to you before when I said I had no siblings. In blood they were mine. But they never bore names and so were never truly wolf. At barely six months my siblings and I had been brought before the Alpha for our first true inspection. We had been weaned from our mothers milk and were already given our future ranks and tasked to our masters. All that was left was to be accepted by the Alpha. Each of us had already received some basic combat training. We knew enough to kill one of our own. I, of course, was to be made a warrior, trained to take my fathers place as Guardian when I took a mate. My mother would care for me most if she could have cared for anyone, she saw her other pups were weak.

These pups are far too scrawny to become pack. I had expected better from you, Arya. The alpha had said. Mother had taken to the dirt, curling her tail beneath her in submission. I apologise for my insolence, Alpha. If my mate were still here I would beg you to allow us a second chance in the coming winter. Was her reply. The Alpha looked the us over once more and his blood coloured eyes landed on me, unnamed at the time. This pup, however, is fit and healthy. He's is of your brood? I would have him live as your successor. His gaze swept once more over the other unnamed weaklings. You have trained under your mother, pup? I nodded, standing tall and proud as a pup could. Kill the weaklings who taint our bloodlines.

They were my first blood. Many pups came after them, during training. I was commanded to kill the students who did not pass their combat training. For in our pack, no one had any business being a wolf of any rank, if they could not fight for their pack when called upon.

I trained as a warrior, despite my preference and skill for hunting. I struggled to fight and Arya trained me night and day, forcing me to become stronger. She pitted me against other pups, forced me to kill those weaker than me in order to survive. With each kill I became more and more desensitised to even the idea of death. It failed to bother me. And still doesn't, really. For a long time it was like that. Then I turned two, was made a warrior and given the name Magnus.

In the end of autumn following my name day, at two and a half years old, Arya visited my den. She came in the middle of a brutal snowstorm that announced the arrival of winter, followed by a beautiful young fae. She was small and well groomed, a typical beauty. She told me I was to be mated with the girl that winter and we would produce strong pups for the pack. That was where I put my paw down. My life had not once been under my control. And the poor girl was a bought slave from another realm. I refused, scorning Arya for her disregard for her own son. She turned on me. It was the most ferocious fight I have ever been in, but I could not kill my mother. And somehow, in her pale eyes I could se she didn't truly have it in her to kill me. But she was far stronger at that times her jaws left these scars in my muzzle as she threw me into the snow. She sentenced me to exile and I left.

His tale was done and he breathed heavily having it out in the open for someone to know. But he knew she would understand. Or he hoped she would.
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Alphess Chiara
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What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Icon_minitimeFebruary 10th 2014, 19:18

Chiara listened to his tale and did her best to keep her own emotions in tow. It mirrored her own past of his old pack life and systems, and for that she could sympathize with him. The training he received, however, made her eyes grow wide in disbelief. She couldn't imagine killing her own siblings or become hardened to the carnage he witnessed. Her respect for him grew, but somewhere inside his past frightened her somewhat. Chiara had been self taught from her time in Helidos and Erenyx, her old pack had never taught her anything but fear. Fae's weren't taught to hunt or fight, probably in fear they'd retaliate against the males or something. Magnus, though, was well trained and she had a feeling he could do some damage to her if he wanted to. Inside she knew he'd never harm her, but the power was still there.

He then spoke of the fae he was to mate and him objecting to it. This made her smirk at his rebel tendencies, for she did the same thing, or tried to at least with her father. "Thank you for sharing with me Magnus. I'm sorry that your past pains you. My mother always told me our pains and troubles give us steps to greatness. You and me should be Alpha's with all our pain." She joked, nosing his shoulder for comfort as he looked down. "I take it you never had another mate after you left? I'd be surprised with how flirtatious you are."
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Alpha Magnus
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What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Icon_minitimeFebruary 10th 2014, 19:36

He became intrigued with Chiaras words. Pain did often lead others to greatness, as those he had met on his travels had proven. They had very much challenged his previous conceptions that mates had to be of equal rank and ability. In his old pack he had been taught as such, it was all he knew. One particular couple he met had particularly changed his mind. They were a newly mated Alpha and Alphess, their pack was a good one and he had very well considered their offer of joining. But he had felt himself too hardened and ruined to be beneficial to the social aspect of their pack. The Alpha of the pack was a true born Alpha, big and strong, but his mate was previously an Omega. They told him the story of how they had met, and how they were determined to be together. Their pack approved of their new Alphess, as she was kind and strong. It was a beautiful tale they told and he wanted one much like it. And perhaps he might just be getting it.

His ears perked up.No. There has been no other. Though I do understand your surprise, before I left I was always popular with the females, though perhaps for the wrong reasons. On my travels I experienced much the same. So when I came here, I expected no different. You were a refreshing change of pace. He looked around and leapt sideways, bowing before Chiara. We could do it you know. We'd make it. We'll run away together, and start a pack all our own. He allowed some of his charm to seep through his smirk as he raised a curious eyebrow at her. Would she do it? He wasn't entirely serious of course, he had duties here, but it was a tempting thought. To be his own Alpha, with Chiara by his side.
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Alphess Chiara
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What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Icon_minitimeFebruary 13th 2014, 18:47

Chiara chuckled and rose from her sitting position. The day was wearing on and there were things to be done with the pack. She had things to think over and sort out as well. Magnus mentioned having their own pack and it made her smirk. It was a nice idea, but she was loyal to Steele and Erenyx, she could never leave here. "Lets not get ahead of ourselves Mag. We still need to sort some things out, and we must get permission from Steele before anything happens." She warned, wondering if the Alpha would approve them at all? True it was a ways off from mating season and their relationship was still quite new she could see her future more and more with him now, it made her smile. Daydreaming for a moment she thought about the possibility of sharing a den and having a family, one with someone she loved.

"Do you want to ask Steele? That's if you're sure this is what you truly want. That you do love me? I will be honest Mag, I think the feeling is becoming mutual, if you do anything to hurt that I'll kill you."
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What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) What happened at Satans Edge (Chiara) Icon_minitimeFebruary 13th 2014, 19:06

Magnus watched her as he saw indecision cloud her eyes. She was afraid that he would back out. Just like she had. But he wouldn't hold that against her. That would make him into someone he would hate. He stepped in, placing his muzzle under her chin for a moment. Chia, I would love nothing more than to get our Alphas permission to be together. I will ask him as soon as time permits and I will beg him to allow be to be with you. I would sacrifice my pride for the chance of there really being an 'us'. He stepped back and licked her cheek softly. And the Hunter would immediately begin to mentally prepare himself for the task of asking his Alphas permission to take Chiara as a mate. He gave a coy smile and turned to continue their journey back to the pack clearing. I will come to you next when I have spoken with the Alpha. And he left her there. But she wouldn't feel any rejection. She should feel a yearning to follow just as he felt a yearning to run back to her side. But he would not be around her until he knew if their love was permitted. He wouldn't tempt fate by angering the Alpha.
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