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Empathy Empty
PostSubject: Empathy Empathy Icon_minitimeNovember 16th 2013, 09:30

Gentle waves rolled upon the sand-bank, brushing the shore-line. A lone black wolf padded across the sand, his solid form like night turned to life, strong muscles pushing him forwards in lithe strides. Tye. He was here to scout the territory, the place having intrigued him. The winds were fairer here, teasing Tye's coat with gentle fingers. The sun shone brightly, making his fur gleam. Snow covered the sand and sprinkled the water in patches. And surrounding him were blocks of rock formations coupled with small pointy mountains with downward slopes, frost-covered and tinted with white at the top. Altogether the formations created a semi-circle which ringed the ocean. Behind him in the centre was a narrow hole in one of the mountain-sides that he was sure lead to an underground cavern of some sort. Such a strange place. He had never encountered a place like this before where the skies and waters were so blue and the sand was as golden as the sun. Tye stopped as he felt something hard and curved underneath his paw. He took a step back, looking down. A hermit crab wriggled its way out of the sand and scuttled sideways past him. Tye watched it go then headed for the water. He lowered his head and lapped up the water. It was peaceful here, soothing but for some reason it unsettled him slightly. There was something missing. Tye paused as a shadow appeared growing larger and larger. Water flew everywhere as a mouth full of serrated teeth burst out of the water attempting to tear his face off. Tye backed away quickly. It was a shark except it was bigger than any shark he had ever seen and meaner. It slid back underneath the waters, its fin sticking out of the water. Tye smiled slightly. That was what was missing.  

The fin retreated as the shark dived underwater. For a fleeting second Tye felt a flicker of understanding pass between them. Even in a place like this, there was still danger, still predator and prey. There was beauty and ugliness. The ugliness was just hidden, masked by the calmness and tranquility. Tye knew sharks didn't attack wolves and vice versa. Both were predators, masters of their own domain but nevertheless, he was still cautious as he drank again keeping his eyes and ears open. It probably thought he was a fish or something.
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Juno of Helidos
Juno of Helidos

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Empathy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Empathy Empathy Icon_minitimeJanuary 3rd 2014, 10:44

*I had to get into my Junebug mojo again.. ^^*

Defined by beauty did the great one stand - flourished around them the lands had become healthy and full of newly brought life as the crystals finally fade into the soft floor. Maddening sounds attacked at each other in the fight to find food from above - their black tipped wings and snow-white bodies invisible to the soul-searching eyes as the gloried sun's blinding light sprang passed around them. The wiser one stood alone at one of the eagle eying points upon the cove's higher ground, observing the movements below as a shadow emerged from the depths from the opposite direction and into the land with careful steps. And then did her eyes glance towards the lurking creature in the shining watery depths nearing closer to the shadow as it came closer to the surface for a drink. The wolf stayed quite in those moments of silence, the wind brushing over her obsidian pelt with it's gentlest touch, making the furs upon her one side press closer to the muscles beneath the coat.

When the short battle deceased back into the blank, a smile curled at her lips as her keen sight trained over the wraith-colored wolf below. She had thought at first sight that it had been one of her packmates, as most females and males of their rank held a similar color as her, though this one had come from the northern lands, where trouble was said to rise. Erenyx. The thought was bitter to remember the day of the split between her leader and the arrogant dark male with the titanium eyes. At the time, she was but of only a lowly Delta, and soon once he left, her mate and her were appointed to the dark leader's old position as Helidos's leading Betas. She longed the feeling of going back in time to when there was no good or evil and all were accepted, but such things were meant to be broken and with that, her eyes could only see now was the pureness within her pack, and not the things that made them different.

When the brute had found himself at peace, the fae moved in on cautious steps so that she would not disturb him as he drank. She had been here once before - with two Warriors when she was only a Delta, both a dear friend to her heart and all to what she saw come between them. The sparkle in his eyes as he looked to her friend; it made her smile to see Ember finally take a liking into someone such as a handsome lad. Before her, the beautiful smile looked to the male with curious green eyes, standing tall with her long, black tail pressed naturally against her back, "Salutations... Looks like I'm not the only one who's taking a liking into this place it seems." Holding her ground, she nodded lightly to the brute as she stood at a comfortable distance from him - emerald orbs analyzing for any reaction to give her a hint as to what he felt about her presence, "You have none to fear from me, brute, for I pose no threat nor any qualms with your kind, but only your leaders. Pardon me for not introducing myself, however. I am Juno, a superior of the Helidos pack as you can already tell." Her voice was soft and gentle, and held an indescribable elegance to the way her body moved with it. Sand began to wedge between her toes and claws as she stood there silently, turning her head slowly to see the waves crash against the shores and rocks with soft roars when it would retreat, "Beautiful, is it not?", she asked, averting her gaze peacefully back over to him.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Empathy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Empathy Empathy Icon_minitimeJanuary 3rd 2014, 18:42

Drifting further from the pack clearing each day the black fae made it her new mission to explore every ounce of pack and neutral land around her. When in Helidos she had done the same, putting every stick and rock into her permanent memory bank for further use. If anything were to happen to challenge her new home she wanted just as much knowledge over it as she did under Azul's reign. No one could sneak up on her or her pack mates if she knew the land inside and out, or at least that was the thought that cal,ed her tiny fears. Fear, the word hadn't graced her mind since she was belly deep in pansy land. Chiara remembered every day how she cowered and hid, unsure about her next meal or if someone would outright attack her. She knew now none of her old pack mates would have done that, but at the time it was the only life she knew to live. There was no strength to her back there, she had nothing to live for. Now out in the outskirts she lived to better herself and defend Esmerelda. The Alphess was her every being and soul in living here, without her she wouldn't know what to do. Not wanting to think about her Alphess disappearing the fae shock the idea from her mind and continued on.

Her paws led her to the beach white with sand and melting snow. The rolling swells brought chunks of ice ashore in a rhythmic dance that sent Chiara's straight course in a weaving pattern to avert the objects. Cold ripped at her paws as water met them, sending shivers up her limbs. Biting at her lip Chiara moved further ashore, easily dodging the surf and ice for now. On the wind she could smell Tye out and about and it made her flick her ears. The dark brute traveled almost as much as she did, striving to see every ounce of their land, and here he was today? Not really surprised Chiara sniffed the wind and turned her course southward, curious to see him again. Her steps grew with purpose as she neared him, but his scent was mottled with another, one she knew very well. Rounding a bend in the beach her thoughts were held truthful as her gaze grew in disbelief.

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Empathy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Empathy Empathy Icon_minitimeJanuary 5th 2014, 18:02

Tye’s ear pivoted as he heard the faint crunch of grains of sand being sifted and swirled. He sniffed the air. Saltwater, sand and fresh air was all he could smell. Then he caught it as a gust of wind blew by. It was the faint scent of another whose coat was laced with the scent that he couldn’t identify. It tickled his nose, weaving its way into his senses. There were multiple smells, all that he’d attribute to being a female if he were forced to pick which gender. There was the smell of fresh leaves, the smell of water drops clinging to fur that was almost as pure and freakishly wholesome as the water in front of him. There was the smell of sweet, spring-time fragrances that were devoid of the harsh earthy, rustic smells that the lands of Erenyx held. It was a female from Helidos. Out of the corner of his eye Tye saw a shadow approach. It was her. He straightened, turning to look at her with curiosity. She had a black pelt like him though probably not as coarse in some areas. Her eyes were a striking green, standing out against her black fur like jewels. As she stopped a body’s length distance away from him he guessed she held one of the higher ranking positions with her posture. Her movements were fluid, graceful and confident which were qualities that he had only seen possessed by the Alphess or Beta. He faced her, head down, tail rising a little and lips curling back slightly to show dangerous white teeth in a defensive posture. He raised his head a little, tail lowering slightly as she proved to have no ill intentions towards him at least. As she spoke he kept his distance, cool blue hues showing no particular interest once his assessment of her being a threat had been proven wrong. She was not his Beta so he didn’t need to show any outward signs of respect or deferential behaviour towards her but he would not attack her either. That would be suicide. Tye’s expression didn’t change as she finished. He wasn’t sure how to feel about her reassurances that she was of no threat to him, only the Alphas and Alphess so he just said deadpan,“Well that’s a relief Beta Juno.”

He supposed she was friendly enough, her mannerisms and appearance only enhancing her appeal. Her voice, like one from the realm of the elven wolves, did indeed match her smile which seemed to make the chance of this place exploding from the sheer beauty a distinct possibility. Out of all the lands the beauty was unrivalled and the creature standing before him was the goddess of destruction that threatened its stability. As the waves smashed against the rocks and rolled back as quickly as it’d come he looked out over the water. A fin scythed through the surface in front of them making a trail of white. It was his friend, the shark. As it went down spots of blood dotted the clean blue. The shark had found some breakfast. He replied with a hint of irony,“Yes extremely beautiful.”

He glanced back at the slate white rock-wall behind them. It stretched out like a snake, towering over them. Its craggy sides, uneven top and slopes made it look rough, a collection of tiny mountains and slabs of earth hardened by time mashed together by clumsy hands. Yet it still seemed to be divine when the sun bathed it in a fierce glow. Near the bend at the far left he saw a small opening in the sand. It was big enough for two full grown wolves to fit into. A spot for an ambush attack in the future if necessary. His eyes darted to the side as a snout appeared around the bend, followed by a head and a lithe torso. Chiara. Tye’s ears perked happily at seeing the black fae. He’d enjoyed her company at the mountains and though they’d initially been wary of each other and the hunt with the goat hadn’t been as successful as he’d wished he’d liked the experience. He took one step forwards, then paused hearing the Helidos Beta’s name escape her lips. She looked surprised too and Tye figured that by the way she called her name so casually the two had some history together that he was not privy to.
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Juno of Helidos
Juno of Helidos

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Empathy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Empathy Empathy Icon_minitimeJanuary 5th 2014, 19:10

The blood-shaded waters that swirled near the edge of the send made her smirk,"Indeed." A snarl stirred lightly within her as she looked to the a male for she sensed that he was not friendly to her side, that is until she thoroughly explained that she was not a danger to his presence. The fae knew better than disrupt one whom had arrived in a territory sooner than she, it would just be rude of her to get up and think she is more powerful, no matter the rank she withheld in those tender driven moments. His fur was of but similar to hers in a majority, though chiseled with lighter tones of dark greys and flashed with a marvelous pair of light jasper blue eyes. If she were given wrong, even for that she knew that he was a warrior, there still held the estimation that they'd be equal when coming to a spar for superiority. He was about her size in height, as she was a little taller due to her bloodline, and with what he lived by through to her eyes, she could see clearly that food was not making him strong. Surely this male knew how to fight, but was it enough to take on a wise Beta such as her? That she did not know, and was too riddled with content upon the shore to see if she were right or wrong. Only a real fool would bother, she believed mindlessly to herself, flicking her hues over the male with hopeful curiosity. Flushed within the bitter relieving silence did a semi-familiar voice ring in her ears like angels of a choir from the great golden clouds form above. The voice held remembrance, as if she had heard it before in only a great while, sending a warm glow to her shining heart as the hope of knowing if it were the friend she once had. The Beta turned swiftly in her position, rising to all fours while her tail dropped against her legs - eyes so green they could be used as a beacon for the oceans at nights when the ships would come to harbor.


It was almost too good to be true, for her eyes were feasted upon the wondrous fae that was there to the very beginning. Memories, beyond memories flooded her mind as Juno looked over her before her. Nothing had changed, but simply another mark to her scar upon her angelic features. Her pelt was dark, just like she had remembered, both mixed and drizzled with blacks, and dark browns, and slighter accents of a grey if she would look close enough. "It is you. I can't believe it." Juno smiled widely to her old friend - caressed with the cold wind as it whistled back on through their thicker pelts. The smell of Erenyx being around the fae did make her feel lesser important, as she was now two against one in the scenario, however, if the time would come that the male and female turned their backs, the Beta wouldn't think twice into running off to safety. Her friend did not seem the same, yet appeared the way she always had since the day she first met her. Such times could never be forgotten, and the fae had known to lock them happily in her mind for when she would tell her litter of the times when she was younger. It made a glint of a smile twinkle in her evergreen orbs, washing her toned goddess-like body with a rush of delight as she neared slowly closer to the female - still keeping a small mind on the male at her other side, "How have you been? I haven't seen you in ages, Chia.." The fact that she remembered the nickname only made the Beta's tail twitch slightly before bringing herself back to sit comfortably over the sand like before, "I've been so busy with the pups now that they're out of the den that I've almost forgotten about the wolves that really mattered. It's so nice to see you after so long.." Remembering the brute besides her from the opposing back, Juno stiffened and made an 'oh', sound, pointing her ears up with a sheepish grin to be furled over her lips, "Forgive me, I don't mean to make you a third wolf over here, sir. I never did catch your name, may I ask what it is?" She replied in a smooth, warm tone, sitting firmly strong in her seat while exchanging green glances between the two.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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PostSubject: Re: Empathy Empathy Icon_minitimeJanuary 5th 2014, 21:41

Her paws stood still in disbelief as her old friend neared her and spoke out loud. Her ears, not daring to believe that it was indeed Juno tried to question the Fae's words as they flowed into her ears. Standing still as a stone Chiara couldn't make her mind accept what was happened, even blinking rapidly wouldn't deny her the fact tat she was there. Slowly like the whisper of dawn a smile appeared on her maw, followed by a wide gawk and a wag of her tail. All actions so foreign to her her tail started to cramp from the old movement. Not stepping closer she listened to Juno's words and tried to absorb them the best she could. She had pups and they were grown now? She knew that the black fae had settled down with Marrok, but didn't know about pups. Startled by her enthusiasm as she neared Chiara nearly backed up a step before reminding herself that this was her old friend. "It's good to see you as well Juno. The pack seems to be treating you well, I've missed you as well." She said, her voice warm, but not as much as it could be. "What's new with you? You smell of a different rank than before and pups? Tell me about them, about everything in the pack." She started, now completely ignoring Tye's presence before Juno mentioned him. Still ignoring him her sole focus was on her old friend.

"I have been alright. Since coming here I've been promoted to Lead Warrior and have come into my own if you will. My pack may be small but I feel at home here, though I have yet to find a friend as dear as I held you." She confessed, speaking the truth. Only Nyx had won her over here, but even she was distant and wasn't trusted fully. Kodiak was her other friend, but he had recently gone away and it had been a while since seeing him. This made Chiara feel alone, though the feeling wasn't new to her. Friends were a perk in her life not a necessity. Feeling the need to acknowledge Tye the fae turned her head to him and dipped her maw, "Afternoon Tye, I trust you met my old friend Juno here. I know her from my time back in Helidos." She said, unaware if he knew she had crossed packs in the past. Not knowing too much about him he didn't have her full trust just yet. The pair had gone hunting before, though it went sour he proved himself as a valuable pack mate, but not a friend just yet. Perhaps in time she could grow to know the dark male, but not now. "I trust there are rumors about me in Helidos, seems I gave Aurora and a few of her drones a scare when i left." She said, her voice holding humor. Nothing about Chiara held the same submission, fear and cautiousness. Now she was bold, determined and sure of herself, her posture and tone proved this. Not really in the mood to re-tell her life story to Juno, she would set her story straight that she wasn't the exact cause of Damon's death if it came up.
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Empathy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Empathy Empathy Icon_minitimeJanuary 7th 2014, 19:36

A tranquil, respectful silence drifted between the Beta and the warrior. These were the neutral grounds and so dominance was decided based on the will and temperament of the wolves involved if they were from different packs. The female Beta from Helidos, Juno, seemed to be peaceful enough. So then, Tye could relax without the possibility of her attacking him hanging over his head. And with the way she spoke of his fellow pack-mate as she came to them willingly and happily, they were at least friends. The smiles shared between them were more than polite courtesies so when they met Tye amended his assessment in that they were good friends although they kept a distance from one another. That and the affectionate nickname the Beta called her. Tye sat down, somewhere near Chiara but not that far away from the Beta. The talk of pups and dens and promotions slid through his ears like honey. His tail flicked once as he listened to them, swatting away a wayward hermit crab that had poked him with its pincers. As it sailed through the air, skidding across the sand Tye turned his attention back to Juno, hearing her address him. He said with a respectful dip of his muzzle,“Tye.” His ears flicked to Chiara. An amused look passed his face. So Erenyx and Helidos were one and the same, before they split apart. Most likely Chiara wasn’t the instigator. Experience taught him that would have fallen to the Alpha or Alphess as those that were obsessed with power but could not attain it in the same pack would usually try to kill the Alpha or Alphess. That hadn’t seemed to happen so his best guess was that Alphess Esmeralda or Alpha Steele or both of them were the ones that had ran. Chiara it seemed had followed as a warrior due to some loyalty with one of them. Possibly she had some rivalry with another female from Helidos, Aurora. Juno had been the one who had stayed behind due to some loyalty to either the Helidos Alpha or Alphess. And now, the pair stood on opposite sides of the battle-field as unwilling participants. He was starting to put the missing puzzle pieces back together. He responded to Chiara, keeping his eyes on the Beta with a hint more of curiosity, “So in that case, am I among friends here or enemies? I won’t try to kill a Beta from Helidos but I won’t hesitate if I am attacked.”
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Juno of Helidos
Juno of Helidos

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Empathy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Empathy Empathy Icon_minitimeJanuary 10th 2014, 16:47

"Not friends, nor enemies.. Allies." She replied humbly to the male, though her eyes stayed gazing into the direction of Chiara's hues. There had been lots of things that had changed in the absence of the one was Helidos warriors. Too many things in fact to gather and tell all at ones. There was some things to what she could not speak of. Yes, she trusted the fae before her with all her heart, yet packs were packs, and a wolf was simply a wolf. The wind held secrets in which she knew not to tell before the other pack, and that she promised dearly to herself that she would never. Her loyalty is to Helidos, and Azul and Lucy only. Nothing could come between her and the relationship she has with the Alphas, not even the fact her words could slip into the grasp of the true enemy, "I have thankfully been promoted to Beta female of the pack, as you have already sensed. As for your rank, I must congratulate you as well. If there was one thing I knew about you, it was that you were going to go somewhere far someday. Looks like my expectations were quite accurate, huh? As for the pack itself, nothing has changed really since you've left. Things are quiet and just recently some of the faes have been blessed with the hope of bringing more life to the pack in the spring. So I'll be busy soon with training the Apprentices once they've reached the age, just like the yearlings had a year ago, of course." Juno rolled her shoulder back as they arched in her sitting position upon the sand, dragging her tail over the small grainy particles as it stuck to her thick fur and clung to anything it grazed.

As she picked herself up to stand, she shook the rubble from her pelt and paced towards the end of the water where the shark was not and lolled her tongue out from her mouth to lap up some of the liquid so that it could quench her small thirst. She then looked to Tye and frowned slightly, taking note of his name before moving back to where she sat to keep still standing to herself, "I hold no intentions to attack you, so in my opinion, it's best you just relax and enjoy the conversation. Chiara and I have known each other more than you might think. I could never put a threat against my own friend in the case of that breaking our bond. Have you not earned any friends under your pack's whereings? Surely you must've befriended my dear, Chia some time soon or another. It'd be difficult not to with a beautiful set of eyes as she. And did you see how cute her nose was when she talked?" Juno looked back to her old friend and chuckled gleefully as she meant for it to seem as if she was oblivious to the fact she could listen to all of what the Beta said to the simple Warrior. It made her happy inside to see that even old times like then could still be felt up from so far after. The past was indeed just that, both good and bad had been brought up, but nothing to regret as it had lead them here to once then reunite, "So far I have yet to hear what has been stirred between both packs. As for the moment, I've been keeping most of the tension to just that and my worries to myself, only. Aurora and I have not socialized as much lately. The pack does what it does and I am but of only the one to watch over them when the Alphas are not present. I believe the only trouble recently I have had to deal with was coming so close to biting the throat of a pathetic loner that would not submit. Bugs me when the shits don't know when an order means an order. I would think that you being Lead Warrior would mean that you have been taking on boarder patrols as well, hm? Just as well as keeping this one into tip-top shape, eh?" She winked and nodded her head to Tye to see what was between them. Juno knew nothing of all the friends Chiara had made so far in her new pack, and how comfortable she was with Steele as leader, alone. She had always hated the Alphas to whom ruled their lands when they were a part of Helidos, and still her opinion has not been persuaded different, nor does she ever hope for that to happen any time soon.

Thinking more as to what Chiara might or might not wish to know, she huffed out a long, tired sigh and flicked her ears back at the sound of waves blasting out upon the rocky shore. Then the image of her pups brightened inside her eyes to speak up out of the blue with utmost excitement, "Ah yes, my pups. Well, last year in the winter Marrok and I had discussed some things about our future being mates. We were only Deltas at the time, as you knew, and when things started to tie down and settle, Marrok had came to me with a question of starting a family. I couldn't turn it down, but as you also knew of my past, it was quite difficult to accept so easily. However, I do not regret my decision. Once after the Alphas had declared that Lucy was indeed pregnant, Marrok and I had decided that we'd try, and with luck, we were granted three beautiful pups. Their names are Apollo, Ryland and Griffen. Apollo is a lot more like his father, but he's a bit more independent and over-protective over the rest. Marrok and I hope to see great things out of him in the future. Ryland is a bit faeish, maybe more than one would hope, but Marrok spoils her with his attention constantly, even if I tell him not to. She is Apprenticing to be a Caretaker, her progress is outstanding if only you could see.. As for Griffen, we're not so sure. He hasn't been making the best of efforts in attending certain things, so we're a bit hesitant on what we may or may not expect out of him.. But I love them just like I had before.. And Marrok has been the greatest thing besides out pups to come into our lives, it truly is amazing, Chiara." She sighed peacefully while the faces of her now yearling aged litter flashed before her very eyes at their happiest times. Their smiles and the love in her mate's eyes looking in from her mind filling her with immediate comfort before she peered to her friend to see that Juno was more than happy with her current life. Things had certainly switched for her in the times of her arrival upon those borders and now. Memories like that were golden.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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PostSubject: Re: Empathy Empathy Icon_minitimeJanuary 13th 2014, 18:38

Not paying much attention to Tye Chiara's main focus was on Juno and her words. Listening to them and nodded at what she said, holding on to it as if it was her last link to her old pack. "Congrats for the promotion, I always knew you would rise above the rest. I trust you are keeping Marrok in line? My pack sadly has no young this year, but we grow strong with new members that I meet at the border daily, I pity some of them when I'm in a foul mood, but wheres the fun otherwise?" She joked, knowing she could be a pain at the border sometimes. In the past week a healer and two warriors had been greeted by her. All seemed hopeful and full of promise, especially the male warrior named Magnus. She made a mental note to hunt with him again, perhaps learn more about him if he ever wanted to be anything but a hunter."I don't envy you for training the young, I doubt I'd have the patience for such things." She added with a chuckle.Juno then started to speak to Tye implying that her and him should be friends. Rolling her eyes at this she didn't look at Tye, for he didn't interest her at all. "Now Juno I do know Tye here, but I have my work to attend to, no time for being social I'm afraid." She corrected, giving her a look to knock it off.

As Juno started speaking again her confusion to her own leaving astounded her. She figured Aurora had spread her tale around the whole pack. Saying crazy Chiara bathed in blood had murdered a pack mate in cold blood. Drawing her gaze down she prepared to set the story straight, not caring if Tye heard. "I left the pack after Damon and I were to be mated, I hope you remember him. One day we were together and my father found us, lets just say things didn't go well for him or Damon and my true nature came out. The blood I was cloaked in my mainly my fathers as I left his cowardice body strewn all over the field, I think his head wound its way to the river." Her voice chuckled in a throaty laugh. "I became a true warrior then and knew my place was here. I've been training hard, earned my rank and am proud of my new pack. Still holding on to the solemn thoughts Juno next words of her pups fell to half deaf ears. It was nice to hear they were doing well and fitting in nice. Perhaps one day she would feel the same joy Juno felt, what it felt to truly love someone for more than five minutes and have pups to love and train. That day was far off, but it was still possible.
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Empathy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Empathy Empathy Icon_minitimeJanuary 14th 2014, 04:16

"Allies...I see," Tye mused. He supposed he could see how they could be allies since the Beta had no quarrel with him and certainly not with Chiara. He could be allies with her in matters outside of their respective packs such as working together for food perhaps or if for some reason, they confronted a mutual enemy such as an irate bear or even a pack of hyenas. Everything else that involved potentially causing any harm to his fellow pack mates or delicate matters of the pack would be hidden deep inside the chambers if his mind where no prying eyes could discern. It was simply that he had vowed to be loyal to Erenyx. There was no reason to betray his pack, no motivation and he didn't want to spill any unnecessary bloodshed. For now, he supposed they were allies and at the most, he could trust Chiara was in no danger from her. As she spoke of the changes in her pack and her ascension to Beta, Tye strode a little farther down to the edge of the ocean having spied something glistening on the surface. It was a shell, crusted with barnacles. A splashing noise sounded from beside him. The Beta. Her words trickled through the air, dancing through his ears. He looked over at Chiara with an evil glint in his eye. Though that could also have been the sunlight reflecting in his eyes. "Well her eyes are beautiful but when we first met they were not the friendliest. As for her nose, well it's alright. Not the cutest but not unattractive."

He scooped up the shell with a paw, placing it on the sand beside him. As he cracked it open with his teeth, he let out a low chuckle as the Beta recounted her trouble with her pack. So it was true. Helidos ruled with a much gentler paw than Erenyx. Such disobedience would've been disciplined immediately either by force or a show of intimidation to instill fear into the unruly wolf. He would've shown no such mercy for if one didn't submit as required he had no reservations about forcefully making the wolf do so even if it meant displaying a show of aggressiveness or using physical force to make the wolf submit. Tye's calmness were one of his trademarks and by association, the patience that was required to tolerate ruffians. He could wait an entire day or many moons for a wolf to fall in line and if the wolf would not do it by himself or herself by then he'd use force with no holds barred. The Beta's other words flew by and he ingrained the important things in his memory, for knowledge. Three pups, one a Caretaker the other two whose futures were uncertain though one of them seemed destined to be a Healer and a Beta named Marrok which was her mate. At Chiara's words he just grinned at her, "Chia doesn't like me enough to keep me in tip-top shape but that's okay. I manage." He returned his attention back to the shell as the fae began to speak of her past. For some reason she looked astonished. He supposed that it had something to do with the female Aurora, who must have wronged her somehow probably by defaming Chiara with lies to damage her reputation. Then there was some scuffle with her father, her lover and her which resulted in her murdering him. From the sounds of it, Damon had been unworthy in her father's eyes or he'd done something to offend him and he had either wanted to kill him or hurt him to try to lure him away from Chiara. It was some love story Tye had no particular concern in learning the details of and it seemed like it was some story that Chiara didn't want to share which didn't bother him. It seemed to bring her pain and he didn't want that. She would share if she was comfortable. He tipped the shell over in the sand, scratching the barnacles off and asked with a slight grin, teasing, "Does your new pack include me?"
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Juno of Helidos
Juno of Helidos

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PostSubject: Re: Empathy Empathy Icon_minitimeJanuary 17th 2014, 16:31

And like so did the color within her eyes diminish solemnly beneath the surface and fade to just see the flickering light left inside as her ears were met with the presence of the female's occurring words. She knew of the one warrior Chiara had fallen for, though it was not hard to assume as to whom had captured and tore open her bleeding heart. There was an emptiness inside her, like there always had been until she had shown up and made her a fortunate friend. A best friend, for that matter, actually. The Beta nodded timidly and sighed as she looked to the floor in sympathy over her once was close working friend, "Yes.. I knew of Damon before, though I did not know the circumstances were set that extensively large. The degree of the rumors was wide-spreading, though it did not make me take any sort of action, as I was stuck being in the care of my pups, and Helidos was broken apart. I wished dearly to get out of the den and wish you one last goodbye for the sake of probably never seeing you again. However, asides from my wishes, I'm terribly sorry for the loved one you lost, dear..." Juno stopped herself shortly so that she would not falter her delicate words and bring back the dark past of hers to the present. It would just cause worse feelings to erupt, and the topic was seemingly misplaced with her words revealing herself as a demon. But the obsidian she-wolf did not see it as that way at all. She too would've done the same in the case of her seeing the very loner whom had destroyed her happiness, and with that, she knew how it was in Chiara's position. It was a small world. How things in the balance of life could shift with just a speck of joy to be lost and then gained later on. Fortunately for her, life had returned in her favor with what the blessing of a beautiful restored family and wonderful mate to help her through everything.

A slight smile curled at her lips as she lifted her gaze back to the Erenyx's, dashing away the sand with her tail as she had before until finally collecting her position to reserve back into normal stance, "Well I am pleased to hear what all you've accomplished within your new surroundings. As much as I wish every day for your return, I know it will not happen, however by your words in now feeling accepted, I could not wish for anything else but for you to be happy. Whether it be Helidos or Erenyx, I will always be with you to support you onto whatever you set your mind to. Even if I cannot physically be there to kill who ever is pestering you... just know that there will always be a place for you as my friend in my heart." Every word meant the same as it did the first day they had met. Her eyes glistened and her smile widened to a certain degree as she knew Chiara would see how she was still apart of the female's mind. The bond between friendships was as precious as gold, nothing could change it. Her glance turned upon the male whom called himself Tye, flicking her ears up in alarm at his feisty personality words the Lead Warrior. Juno opened her eyes a little more and glanced in between the two. Surely there was much more to this story, but she would not pry at it any further. It was none of her business. Though she could not help herself to be curious and quiet on the sidelines.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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PostSubject: Re: Empathy Empathy Icon_minitimeJanuary 31st 2014, 15:44

Chiara finished speaking and her eyes fell tot he ground. Only vaguely did she realize that Tye was speaking of her and it made her glance his way. Knowing he was joking she didn't snap at his for the compliment, but instead smile. He was a decent male and was fitting in the pack nicely, what more could she ask of him? "Yes Tye that pack does include you, but don't let it go to your head." She joked, her eyes though showing no signs of humor. Juno's words hit her and her amber eyes flitted to her as she gave her condolences. Rolling her shoulders back Chiara didn't show any emotion, as none was necessary. The past was over with and she was moving on, slowly. Juno was her friend, so to state the none was also not needed, but still it was nice to hear. "Thank you my friend. You will always hold a special place with me and I hold no qualms about coming over and killing anyone who pesters you, if Marrok doesn't get to them first." She chuckled, knowing he was the protective type.

Finished with the emotions Chiara sat back on her haunches and shifted weight from one front paw to the other. The hot sand was beginning to bother her a bit, but she would remain here. "What else is going on in Helidos?" Her curiosity broke her silence. She knew Azul had taken a mate, though she didn't know the fae too well. It seemed like only yesterday the white male had allured her when he greeted her on the border. As time passed she realized this was only a crush that passed quickly. Who would ever want her as an Alphess anyway?
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PostSubject: Re: Empathy Empathy Icon_minitimeFebruary 1st 2014, 00:24

As he prodded the shell, washing it in the water he looked around, tantalized. There was a treasure trove of scents here in the air. The salty, crisp water, the smell of brine and ancient earth behind them, the mixture of pristine air with the cool, sun-kissed waters that rolled against the shore in gentle waves. Feeling the sand beneath his pads, grainy and hard, Tye shifted and headed a little further inwards. The water swirled over his paws, rushing around the lower part of his forelegs in a tender caress. He placed his paw over the shell, dragging it out of the water and held it in the air where droplets of water streamed off it sides in trickles. Did shells have healing properties? Shells were almost extinct in his old pack as the environment had been too cruel for them to grow. The ones that did were so maligned and riddled with infections or disease that they didn't reach past maturity. This one was flawless, gleaming perfect white under the sunlight. And the pearl inside was pure white, somewhat spongy as he could still see a little of what was inside the pearl through the skin which was translucent. He made a note to tuck it somewhere safe, perhaps in one of the caves eked out in the rocks. Parts of the conversation floated through, about the male Damon and the disintegration of Helidos. Then the Beta's next words made him glance at her, his eyes widening a fraction at the earnestness and meaning behind them the grin fading as surprise took over. He looked at Chiara, inclining his head. She was smiling. It startled Tye for it made a world of difference. Tye bowed his head to her low in an exaggerated motion of utmost respect, "And anger the great Lead Warrior? Of course not," He spoke with the utmost seriousness but his voice was rich with laughter, restrained but tangible. He respected her as a soldier did his commander and so he would jest, in an effort to get closer. Chiara was still just his Lead, his superior and he had not formed any type of personal relationship with her outside of their respective roles. He would rectify that if the opportunity presented itself which it was doing so nicely at the moment. There was no reason not to do so after all. Leaving the shell for the moment, he started to tread further into the water until only the top half of his body was showing with his legs submerged deep into the water, shoulders and head seeming to float eerily irrespective of the rest of his body. His paws pressed into the sea-floor, sand and rock shuffling around them. Without warning he dunked his head into the water, only the tips of his ears and fur showing. Then after a moment he re-appeared, soaking wet and spurted water out in a fountain, shaking his head roughly so that drops of water flew everywhere, spraying the two females beside him. It didn't dry completely but his fur was in haphazard spikes, wayward and rough to make him appear bigger. He was content. The water was refreshing. His ears perked up as he heard Chiara's question and glanced at the Beta in curiosity, his coat glistening with drops of water.
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Juno of Helidos
Juno of Helidos

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PostSubject: Re: Empathy Empathy Icon_minitimeFebruary 17th 2014, 14:15

Frankly, a shard of what was left of her gleeful attitude had seemed to leave her in the blink of an eye, stranding her dead center between the presence of two mere others to a pack whom she wished no relations with besides just that. She caught the end of her sentence before averting her prized polished emeralds to rain over the obsidian figure nearest to them. It was a tad strange to see such similarity in all their coats, but they stood far to see their differences. And how time had benefited, she believed, both of them to a degree to that she could easily see on the outside, as well as in the inside. Time certainly was a crucial factor in the basics of life, but she could now help herself to ask what may it be - where had the time gone? She drew a cold, inwardly breath through her clothes teeth, laying her gaze delicately to rest over the male more importantly as she sensed something interesting about his persona. He reminded her a lot of when she was younger, though perhaps without that much need in being just slight of a commoner in fighting. He speaks so little. That she knew, but dismissed the reason to ask why he did not bother to interfere with the conversation. The mentioning of her beloved made her stiffen, then realizing it was just the fact Chiara too knew Marrok as only a Warrior at one time. Why was she becoming so easily tense around such things, then? Juno put forth an attempted smile and leaned on her paws lightly, "Marrok and I have been most usually busy than together lately. What with dealing with the pack and making sure the young are properly fed or gained by their training, it's difficult to keep in mind to spare some sorts of time to spend together. Now-a-days, the most I ever see him is dawn and dusk, rather then all the time like we used to." She chuckled, keeping a leveled head while her insides churned with the devastation of not seeing her mate as she once did before the young were born. If only she could do those things over and over again, and be young once more with her beloved amongst the swamp where they first met. "It'd be best to see you fight them off. Seems forever ago since I've enjoyed observing a common battle. Time has gotten ahead of ourselves, sadly.. but you are quite welcome, dear." The fae spared the sob storied events to what they both knew of and even shared so that the third individual could not know, nor did he probably care, she thought, but said nothing to risk it. Walls were put up for reasons, and they would stay that way until another worthy creature would come along like Chiara had to her and so on.

"Nothing atop my head can come to me about home anymore than what I've already said. It has not changed much since you've left, Chiara, asides that, Helidos is still the same to me, to everyone I believe. Wolves falling in love and starting a family like usual.. Then there's more to what seem so vulnerable to their pasts its almost saddening to watch, for we've all been there.. There's a wolf, with the name of him, Chiara.." Her words narrowed down to the specifics wrapped in secrecy towards the fae, peering slowly up at her behind half-closed eyes as the memories started to flood back over her shoulders and mind. If Juno had not of earned her sense of control, she would've shuddered before them, but her body refused and seemed to feel like it was closing from the inside out for her to shut up already, "I had met him, and it took everything for me to not run away. It is a danger to that we may run from our pasts, but I am dearly grateful for what all I've learned. And.. I owe it to you for being the one to listen to me so long ago.. I don't know what I would've done if I had not told someone of where I went wrong in the world and I tell myself every day that, 'what if', sentence.." Then her gaze brightened and her ears turned forwards as she peered directly into the darkened mixed fae's amber hues, reflecting her mind to think and then grin wider, "and I do not regret anything from meeting you.. nor Marrok.. or coming to Helidos in general.. It is because of you, that I am smiling today." As a funny thought occurred to her, the fae snickered to herself and playfully bumped Chiara's shoulder in a friendly, caring manner, thinking back to when they were just two warriors trying to identifying themselves, "Besides, without you, I would not have had such a large den to fit our litter. And Marrok's was too small, we might've been stuck dealing with Steele's old Beta den if it weren't for you too. And you do not want to get a whiff of his old den.." She made a disgusted face for a more humorous attitude to the conversation, "it smells like he left a bunch of dead hares to rot in there under the summer's heat." With that being said, Juno looked to Chiara and Tye, even, with complete seriousness now. The den did smell of something had died in there, and she was not that desperately curious to find out what it was, nor did she ever want to go near the male's den anyway. She had heard of the stories that he had raped the once was old Omega into producing his young by 'accident', but the Beta knew better than to defend the obsidian male's actions.

Moving away, she padded her way mildly close to the shore's water, putting in her pads to touch beneath the surface against the rocks to soak her forearms. The sun glistening against her fur was welcoming and warm to the slightest touch as the breeze flew on passed through her thicker coat. Summer was heading soon, she believed, judging by the scent and timing of the seasons now that the apprentices were almost six months. Juno paused quietly before moving further to lean down her face to lap against the rich, cold waters. It was as salty as she predicted, but it'll do to dehydrate her body enough before running back home. She'd need the energy after dealing all of what she had done before adventuring this far out on her own, "And what all has happened with Erenyx, anything lesser important, I should be filled on? This goes for both of you, if you wish to answer. I'm a fool for a great love story, if by chance, you've come across any interests. There's not much else you could really say that'll surprise me, really." She said peacefully while eventually easing her way into the water to the point where the liquid almost reached her shoulders. The shark had seemingly disappeared, for she had noticed it earlier before confronting the male of her presence. Perhaps it had found a meal more deeper than where she stood, she choose to believe, sweeping her tail across the surface enough so that it would not get entirely drenched. Before she could return to surface, Juno's eyes widened slightly at her display in cutting to quick to move, slipping against a rock beneath her and biting down her jaw, "Son of a bitch." She cursed under her breath, gaining her balance to then see a red, eerie smoke of blood curl lightly towards the water's top. It came from her paw, stinging with the mix of salt and water into the small cut enough to make her quietly hiss. Could be worse, she tried telling herself.
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