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Waiting for a storm to pass.

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Rose Of Helidos
Rose Of Helidos

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Waiting for a storm to pass. Empty
PostSubject: Waiting for a storm to pass. Waiting for a storm to pass. Icon_minitimeJuly 18th 2014, 20:03

Rose pressed on through the woods, moving around tree's and logs. She smiled gently as she turned her walk into an easy run. A shiver ran through her body as she slid to an abrupt stop. She had almost entered a pack's territory and she was just barely lucky on smelling it before she had. She stood there quietly, unsure of what to do. She paced back and forth quietly,thinking of how to be accepted unto the pack. She sighed gently, sitting down and wrapping her long tail around her slender body. She tilted her head back and howled with all her might, a howl that rang out "I'm Home! Please Accept me!". She stared out at the area, awaiting for a wolf to come. She was finally going to be in a home, a pack that might accept her. She looked forward to it, but if she be denied then she had no clue as to what she would do. 'Will they accept me? or will I have to fight in order to escape?' She looked at the cloudy sky, it was going to rain soon and she would be caught in it if they didn't hurry.

She lowered herself to the ground as the rain started to sprinkle on her, luckily she was hidden under the tree's protection until it started to pour heavily on this gloomy day. Her amber eye's scanned the area, listening for footsteps of another wolf. Her ears went back in submission as she was supposed to, She knew how to join a pack but she was just so excited to find one after so long. Though her excitement didn't show too much, it was in her heart and mind. 'I know I am a good fighter, and hunter... I hope I can show my skills! I want to improve and learn and prove my worth unto them!' Her thought's echoed into her mind, encouraging her and soothing her gently. It was just enough to calm herself down and await for her family to know she was there. 'The sky is so gloomy, maybe I will have to wait for the storm to pass in order for someone to find me.' She smiled gently at that thought, she wouldn't mind waiting for the icy rain to pass. It would be worth it
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Juno of Helidos
Juno of Helidos

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Waiting for a storm to pass. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Waiting for a storm to pass. Waiting for a storm to pass. Icon_minitimeJuly 18th 2014, 20:45

As duties were being filled and dealt with individually upon each and everyone's position, the ebony Beta slowly tended to small things around the forest to keep her well occupied from staying in the den. This was of course the season of change and cocooning, as one would describe such as herself. The fae found it to be a stressful time of the year and she knew, when spring arrived, that mates would already be in bloom of beautiful pups to add to their numbers. She was thrilled by this, as well as saddened by the sudden drop in the climate. With winter, snow fell, one of her least favorite things in the works of nature still since a growing young fae. This then kept her in the den for long moments of time to keep warm, but everyone had come to know of her inability and habits of staying in one place for very long with nothing to do besides sleep. There were things to fix, little things, but all as well situations that could use some repair or her assistance.

When sniffing and pawing at the slush textured snow, Juno frowned in disappointment before hearing the crack of a howl break the surrounding silence. She looked up, her emerald eyes flickering up towards the skies to notice their lack in pigment in exchange for a dull grey. Rain. Oh how she loved rain and all that it brought, and so trickles of rain drops flew from the heavenly dark clouds above and onto her paths. The fae danced around it for a short while until more began to fall and in growing speeds. She widened her eyes short before gasping a quick breath and darting through the forest after the howl. Pour creature had to wait for someone to answer back and was now stuck in the pouring cold rain as well as herself. The Beta fought every instinct to retreat back to her den at the thought of receiving a cold, just so that she could potentially save a gentle soul from the showered borders beyond her pack lines. Raising her snout high and proud as she sprinted steadily through the terrain, Juno let out a loud song of her own in warning to the newcomer that someone was there for them. She didn't want them to loose hope now, and she secretly felt apologetic for the wait.

Once she had arrived, she made a dead halt just before tripping into a massive, dark brown and murky puddle. She panted, now out of breath and regaining her lack of air as she paced closer to the dividing Helidos line between pack and foreign land. Tongue lolled to the side, she slowly eased it back into her mouth once she caught enough air to speak normally and present herself to the other. Juno peered through the darkness to see a beautiful fae not far from her reach, resting patiently beneath the haven of a tree that shielded the pouring rain from her bright, snowflake colored coat. "Lovely weather we're having, is it not?" She yelled above the rain, cracking a bright smile before taking her place under a tree on her side of the border. Taking a moment to raise her tail and alert her ears in pointed form, the Beta female dipped her head in hello to the foreign traveler, "Welcome to the lands of Helidos. I am the Beta of the pack you've come across, you shall refer to me as Beta Juno, but Juno alone will suffice." She said in a friendly manner, pushing back on her hind legs as she cursed under her breath at how soaked her fur had become. Her obsidian black furs stuck to her skin like rubber, but she shook it out to free her from the rain's weight, only to cause her to appear fatter with the spiked hair follicles. "What do you seek, my dear? Don't be shy. I am not a threat to you unless you prove yourself not worthy of my time." She called, her tone stricken with assertiveness as well as a strange elegance to her velvety voice.
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Rose Of Helidos
Rose Of Helidos

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Waiting for a storm to pass. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Waiting for a storm to pass. Waiting for a storm to pass. Icon_minitimeJuly 19th 2014, 09:26

She watched an ebony fae place herself under a tree, near the border on the other side. She had jade green eye's and a strong voice. Rose sat up quietly, not completely soaked like the other but close to it. She kept her ears back and tail wrapped around her body. "I am Rose and I am pleased to meet you Beta Juno." She looked around curious, hoping the rain would stop soon. "I have come to join your pack, I have been looking for a family... I will prove my worth if need be." She looked to the ground quietly, showing her respect for the Beta. "I am very agile and quick, a skilled fighter and hunter and I am willing to work my way from the very bottom to earn my place in a family...a pack." She didn't feel that she should bore the ebony she-wolf with her past, just give a few basics. Maybe prove to them that she was willing to lay down her life in order to be accepted. Her amber eye's stared at the ebony fae now, trying to seize her up. She was startled at how much grace she seemed to have, and maybe not realize it. Rose inched closer to the edge of the tree line, trying to make sure she was heard over the pounding rain. As she moved closer she knew that any scar she had would be visible. The one over her right eye, many questioned it and none would receive an answer.

"I hope I am not a bother... you had to come out when it was raining. I should of thought to wait until the storm had passed before bothering thy pack." She lowered her head in shame, for she had soaked them both by howling and now the other might get a cold and it would be her fault. Just as she did so a small branch cracked and water poured heavily on her. She looked up, completely soaked now. She laughed at how silly that must of seemed. "Well now! I really do have such luck!" She laughed again, she was laughing at herself and surprised at how she was truly happy. She was a joyous and happy soul, always wanting others to be pleased and happy. She awaited a reply from the ebony fae, surprised at how comfortable she felt near her.
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Juno of Helidos
Juno of Helidos

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Waiting for a storm to pass. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Waiting for a storm to pass. Waiting for a storm to pass. Icon_minitimeJuly 21st 2014, 04:35

The fae's eyes turned quickly upon the individual which spoke over the pouring of rain-filled droplets. They made the area sparkle with how quick they fell and through the quantity they fell in between the space. Her ears narrowed backwards, then flicked again forwards at the name Rose, and what a lovely name at that, though Juno did not wish to fill the conversation with such compliments - as it was the forecast which would prevent them from anything in the end. "The pleasure is all mine, Miss Rose-," She shouted, though it was not meant to seem as anger in her tone that caused it to seem so loud in volume. All in all, she was glad to see that the female wolf paid her respects in fair ways, as well as present herself even in one of the most thickest situations such as a hard shower. Juno could picture both of them running back to the clearing together after this, but she reminded herself not to jump to such conclusions. This fae was seeking a pack - a shelter to start a new, and she was willing to grant just that, as well as the opportunity to serve over this individual whom she found to be a proper wolf, indeed, "You speak of a pack, and I will be more than happy to present you with one today. Your skills and respect are duly noted, and I assure you that Helidos will grant you great care and a warm welcome." The female said aloud, reassuring the one's thoughts to bring hope to her mind.

Standing on all her paws, she shook out her thick ebony pelt to ridden the dampness which the rain possessed to her lovely coat that stuck to her sides. The hair atop her head began to spike with the sudden shaking of her fur, but she found it only a slight bother. Her eyes scanned the female for a short moment to realize the scar across her face, but did not question as to what happened, only ignored it. However, the image itself reminded her of a friend of hers, one that chose the side of darkness, but still remained at her heart's corner. Juno smiled at the thought, but returned her gaze to the she-wolf across the opening space, stopping just short of the gaping of her mouth as a large amount of rain from overhead dropped on top of the fae, "Oh my-," Juno said between small gasps, stepping once forward in concern until taking back to where she stood. The motherly obsidian she-wolf paused quietly in her spot before questioning the other if she were alright, noticing her lack of care as it was replaced with . . . happiness. Her emerald jade eyes sparkled in the view of this one's expression, a small smile crinkling softly at her lips before she flew away the worries she had. This fae was a lively figure, and the Beta saw some of her younger self in her, if not all of it, actually. This relieved her, and made her happy, because this Rose, would have a wonderful future, no matter how hard the past had been. "How would the rank of Warrior suit you amongst our ranks, my dear?" Juno said in a light giggle towards the other's abrupt soaked, snow-white coat.
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Rose Of Helidos
Rose Of Helidos

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Waiting for a storm to pass. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Waiting for a storm to pass. Waiting for a storm to pass. Icon_minitimeJuly 21st 2014, 09:54

Rose smiled gently at the ebony fae who offered her the rank of warrior. Thunder rumbled through the land and lighting shot across the dark gray sky. "Beta Juno, I will take on any rank that I am given. I will make sure to fulfill that rank to the best of my abilities!" She looked forward to meeting others of the pack, and maybe running to get out of the rain. She closed her eye's gently, listening to the loud thunder that rumbled and shook the ground beneath her paws. She took a few steps forward, not in a threatening way but to make sure she was heard by the ebony she-wolf. "I hope to make a great impression on thy pack, whether I be a low rank or high, I want to be the best I can for the pack." She lowered her head in complete respect to the she-wolf. She hoped to prove her kindness and courage to the beta and be welcomed in as family. Lighting cracked against the sky again, very loudly. As if telling them that they were stupid for being out here in the wondrous rain. "A friend once told me that it's not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain. Isn't that true I wonder..."

Her amber eye's wandered across the area, trying to see everything. The rain was pouring so much that she could barely see the ebony fae, relying on her nose and ears to make sure she was still with her. She stood, stretching her long legs and wagging her tail slightly. She listened to the words of the wise she-wolf, obviously older then she by some. She stayed her ground, waiting for the beta to tell her she may run with her as running was a thing Rose loved greatly, even though her friends of old were gone now. Or she thought, who knew, maybe a few had made it away and would greet her one day. 'I promised you my dearest friend and sister...I will find you.' Her thoughts made her think of the past, a look of determination came across her face. She was going to find her friend, and maybe make a few new ones.

Last edited by Warrior Rose on July 21st 2014, 16:58; edited 1 time in total
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Juno of Helidos
Juno of Helidos

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Waiting for a storm to pass. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Waiting for a storm to pass. Waiting for a storm to pass. Icon_minitimeJuly 21st 2014, 15:51

You can move forwards from here and rename yourself WARRIOR ROSE from here on!

Welcome to Helidos, my friend!
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Rose Of Helidos
Rose Of Helidos

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Waiting for a storm to pass. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Waiting for a storm to pass. Waiting for a storm to pass. Icon_minitimeJuly 21st 2014, 16:36

Thanks! ^^
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