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Skumps [I Wonder] (Nnyla)

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Skumps [I Wonder] (Nnyla) Empty
PostSubject: Skumps [I Wonder] (Nnyla) Skumps [I Wonder] (Nnyla) Icon_minitimeOctober 11th 2014, 22:40

Like a sore thumb she stood out, an imperfection in the realm of pink, and above all highly noticeable from wvery direction. However, lost in her own head Pandora couldnt care if she was spotted, he brain sieze the opportunity to engulf the beauty around her. Peace consumed her and she grazed her face upon a low hanging branch allowing it to glide down her back and off her tail. With the soft swish of her tail the branch bounced and tiny pink petals snapped and fell ti the ground. It was like a dream, secluded and tranquil. Soon she found a small break in the trees, where not as many petals littered the ground, and it was there she took root. Just like the earth around her she too found her place as her belly met the floor. With a heavy sigh nearby petals scattered from her hot breath. Pandora closed her eyes and found that the brown noise was relaxing as a white protective light engulfed her, she was not far from much needed sleep.

It was as if she was watching a stat burn straight for her, behind her eyelids she saw nothing but white, eyes burned as she drew closer and closer to sleep. The earth around her began to grown quiet and her eyes began to darken. It was just too peaceful,  a place to sleep outside of the eneryx walls. It wasnt that she didnt like the others, she didnt know them, and she blamed her backgriund. There would never be a normal thing in her lifr, at least thats what she saw. Sleep. At last, she fell slowly into deep sleep but suddenly she awoke. Pa dora was not alone, her body grew tense and she stayed where she was, suddenly she became a disadvantage to herself. Cursed her dark coat, Pandora eased but waited for another sound,  and she scolded her mind for making her legs carry her here.
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Elite Nnlya
Elite Nnlya

Posts : 522
Join date : 2013-09-19
Age : 28
Location : Sydney, Australia

Wolf Information
Gender: Female
Age: 6 Years
Purchases: 4 Character Slots; Graphics Shop

Skumps [I Wonder] (Nnyla) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Skumps [I Wonder] (Nnyla) Skumps [I Wonder] (Nnyla) Icon_minitimeOctober 16th 2014, 17:14

Life had been rather dull in Helidos so far for the spring season. So little had occurred. There were no pups born this year, a constant reminder to the Elite of the one life's goal she had yet to fulfill. Of course, it took two participants to make pups, she knew that. Only since his return, Drogo had become very recluse, even to her. They were not officially mates yet, nor would they be until they could ask the Alphess' permission. She suspected his injuries were far worse than they appeared and he was hiding from her until they were corrected. As far as Nnlya knew, the Warrior male had no knowledge of healing practices and so his attempts to save himself would have been rudimentary at best. Likely Jackle or another healer had taken to ensuring his body was in perfect condition. Drogo being who he was was likely too proud to want to appear injured and weak before his comrades, and so kept to himself. She would wait for him. She always had.

The charcoal wolf found herself following the same routine day after day, and while she found she enjoyed the structure and predictability of the days, she found she grew tired of it. Variety was a necessity. She had wandered the same lands of Helidos over and over, learning every tree, every rock, every log and flower. Quinn had staked new territories but they were more for pleasure than practicality. The Elite saw no use in exploring them just yet, there would be time enough for that. But word of new neutral grounds had reached her deary ears and she wished to know more, adventurer as she was. In her travels she came across a place covered in pink. She stuck out her tongue in distaste. Pink was her least favourite of the earthen colours. In some small doses the colour could be pretty enough, but only when joined with others from the rainbow spectrum. Blue was her favourite, like the clear mountain water she favoured to drink. There were some rare flowers in the colour, these amazed and entranced her. But pink would have to suffice for now. The trees were draped in the coloured blossoms, dripping with them. Her colouring would offer no camouflage here, although she might be better off than some.

Her tail swayed behind her, her hips rolling with each leisurely step. She had to admit the place was pretty enough, the colouring was just not to her preference. The wind rustled about, sending pink petals floating about. She smiled, it was peaceful here. She could imagine bringing Crystal out here, she thought the Caretaker might enjoy it. There was no need for her to tread softly, she felt no immediate danger. So when her rear paw snapped a fallen branch, she did not worry. But the rustling of another's movement did send hr pointed ears swivelling. Her light blue eyes saw a dark shadow-like figure raise its head from within the pasture. The scent wafting to her was foreign but familiar. It reminded her of the time she met some Erenyx Wolves by the lake. It was a plausible assumption this one was from the same pack. Her tail raised instinctively to curl over her spine whilst her paws sent her trotting towards the other. "Hi there!" she called out, circling around to approach from the front of the wolf. As an ambassador for her pack she had to ensure that her benevolent intentions were clear. She would not start a war based on misunderstanding.
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