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A Frozen Heart ((Nashoba))

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A Frozen Heart ((Nashoba)) Empty
PostSubject: A Frozen Heart ((Nashoba)) A Frozen Heart ((Nashoba)) Icon_minitimeAugust 21st 2014, 18:53

The dark furred female named Ariste bellied forward, golden eyes locked on the animal she was stalking with an unnerving, feral stare. Her tail and ears pinned to make herself less suspicious, her paws slipped forward one inch at a time, silent and stealthy. The unsuspecting hare hopped forward,  looking around warily. Judging by its behavior, it sensed the wolf behind it, but couldn't spot it, as she dodged behind large rocks and bushes. Ariste dug her claws into the ice for grip, nose wrinkling slightly to show only the tips of her fangs, her fur a stark contrast against the white snow, but the rocks scattered across the land served her some protection. As the snowy hare turned its head away from her for a moment, the onyx beast sprang from where she hid, soaring through the air at the prey. The hare noticed it a second to late, making to spring away, but small paws slipping on a patch of ice. The fae's body twisted around, muzzle opening to reveal sharp, ivory fangs, falling to the ground with a thud. Her teeth found their target snapped around the animal's neck,  blood gushing into her mouth as she pierced its pulse point, killing it quickly.

She dropped her kill after a second, lips and teeth stained with the scarlet blood of her most recent victim. With a brutal smirk, her tongue swiped out, licking the metallic tasting liquid, semi-quenching her blood lust. With elegant steps, she walked over to the lifeless body, lowering her head to it and taking a bite, savouring the taste as the succulant meat slid down her throat. She feasted on the rabbit's flesh, until there were merely bones with a few fluffs of fur clinging to them. A chuckle growled in her throat as she turned around, eyes flickering over the land, an icy terrain that could prove dangerous, if not careful, but gave the wolves an advantage over such heavy beasts of prey who could not as easily keep their balance on the slippery ground. Ariste began padding away, lost in thought. 'Come on, pup, you need to find someone to train with. It can't be that hard!' the voice in her head nagged, and Ariste snorted, for once ignoring and agreeing with it. She needed to find someone, remembering Katyusha's words. 'Training can not be doe alone, as no wolf is capable of trainig themselves.' She usually didn't care about what others thought of her, but something made her want to prove to Katyusha she could become someone great and respected in the pack, though that would not easily be accomplished. Shaking her head clear, she tuned back into her surroundings, ears flicking as she listened to what was around her.
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A Frozen Heart ((Nashoba)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Frozen Heart ((Nashoba)) A Frozen Heart ((Nashoba)) Icon_minitimeAugust 21st 2014, 19:58

Nashoba stared into the Moor, he was tired of life, of nobody caring about what he was. He wanted to rise to become something great. He wanted to show he was worthy of the pack-life and to know that he was safe. All he cared about was showing everyone he was more then just a warrior. Nashoba jumped when he heard a rustle in the bushes behind him, his lips pulled up into a snarl. 'Who dares interrupt my thinking time?' His thoughts almost became words before he noticed its scent. A hare was close and he could get it, he soon caught the scent of another wolf. He remembered that scent, it was from at Shallow Bend the first spar he had saw in the pack. Nashoba watched the fae kill and devour the rabbit before he turned away and went back to thinking. His lips curled into an evil grin revealing blood stained teeth he had an idea. Since Alpha Teren and him had not got a chance to train yet he would train with this wolf for awhile until Teren was ready to train. After all if Nashoba was going to become good then he would have to be ready.

Nashoba looked to the fae and curled his lips into a snarl, "Who are you fae?" he tried to not offend her to much triggering her to attack and maybe kill. He had not been able to exactly train with anyone from this pack. 'You don't know her enough. Be careful.' a voice spoke in his head. He shook it away and stared her in the eyes, he knew it was probably a bad move to make but he wasn't being mean or showing that he was going to attack. Nashoba knew if he sparred with her he would probably lose but if he got a beating he knew it would make him stronger. He showed no emotion and he was ready for an attack if one came. He hated the voices in his head, at least the nice one. It always tried to stop him, he growled to himself before snapping back into focus he was going to train with somebody and he hoped it was somebody experienced. The fae was good enough to train with for now before Teren was ready. He watched the fae so that he could sense an attack in time to react.
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A Frozen Heart ((Nashoba)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Frozen Heart ((Nashoba)) A Frozen Heart ((Nashoba)) Icon_minitimeAugust 22nd 2014, 05:36

The she-demon headed off in the direction she was pointing, at an easy, relaxed pace, keeping her eyes, ears, and nose open. Ariste had just been walking by, scraping along a bush, when she  scented the other he-wolf, but continued walking, content to ignore him. The ebony fae paused, lips twisting into a scowl as th brute before her spoke, eyes darkening at his words. She snarled, eyes narrowing dangerously as she revealed red splattered fangs. "Do you have a death wish? Who are you to  walk up to me and speak as if I disturbed you? Shut up fool." She snapped, tensing her muscles, ready to spring if needed. The wind rustled her silky fur,  chilly air caressing her every tensed muscle as she glared at Nashoba, having half a mind the leap at him. Her eyes were a startling calm, emotionless, but her voice contained ominous hostility, showing she wasn't about to back off should he wish to start a fight. "What's your name, brute?" She countered, not about to tell him her name before he told her his.

'Such a stupid wolf, he'd better have a good reason, or be quick about it...' Her voice hissed silently, as only Ariste could hear, but Ariste snorted nonetheless, tilting her head down to protect her neck slightly, though not enough that it was too obvious. A low, dark growl tore through her throat, as she dug her claws into the snow, to balance herself, and make it easier to stay upright or make a counter attack, should he feel like attacking. The same feral glint returned to her eyes, almost daring him to try and fight her, and just see what would happen. She was not one to be messed with.
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PostSubject: Re: A Frozen Heart ((Nashoba)) A Frozen Heart ((Nashoba)) Icon_minitime

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A Frozen Heart ((Nashoba))

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