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Guardian Chiara VS Elite Katyusha

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Alpha Teren
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PostSubject: Guardian Chiara VS Elite Katyusha Guardian Chiara VS Elite Katyusha Icon_minitimeNovember 30th 2014, 19:50

There will be THREE rounds and that is all. Keep reminding yourself of the rules, and should you have any questions, message Alpha Teren.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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PostSubject: Re: Guardian Chiara VS Elite Katyusha Guardian Chiara VS Elite Katyusha Icon_minitimeNovember 30th 2014, 20:20

At the word of her Alpha Chiara made her way to the clearing, leaving room behind and in front of her. She placed herself in a spot so she couldn't be rammed into anything by the small fae, nor corned by any trees or rocks. She knew of the fae's extensive training, but she was confident in her own abilities without feeling cocky. Having trained the Elite some time ago she remembered her weakness for tree climbing and agility, perhaps it would come into play now? Her body had far from recovered from giving birth and her free time lately had been rebuilding lost muscle and stamina. Content with her progress building her speed and agility she was relived with the pairing, knowing she wouldn't succeed against a brawnier fae. Seeing Katyusha the pair was almost identical in size, both of them toned in muscle. Chiara lone facial scars reflected solomnly against the Elites multitude of body scars, prizes she seemed to flaunt among the pack. What little she saw of her left questions in her mind, how had she taken the death of Steele? Were there ill feelings against her for not protecting him?

Pushing these questions from her mind Chiara focused of the scene before her. Katyusha hadn't made a move yet, so Chiara stood off center of the fae, giving her a fair distance to avoid a head on attack. Choosing not the rush the Elite the Guardian flexed her muscles, poised for the first attack and running through several moves she would do depending on how she was attacked. Given a straight, head-on attack Chiara would duck and attempt to roll the fae from under. She would be giving up her back to be attacked, but her vital areas would be safe. A side attack would meet her jaws going for the fae's ears and flanks while letting her shoulders take most of the attack. Lastly a behind attack would meet Chiara's hind legs to kick out with dirt, trying to blind the fae, but leaving her hind mildly exposed. Ready for any of the attacks Chiara waited, her ears back, tail tucked and a snarl escaping her maw. "Bring it on Katyusha!"

Attack: None
Defense: Ears back, tail tucked and a fair distance away to counter attack most attacks
Injuries: None

Last edited by Guardian Chiara on December 1st 2014, 18:45; edited 1 time in total
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Guardian Chiara VS Elite Katyusha Empty
PostSubject: Re: Guardian Chiara VS Elite Katyusha Guardian Chiara VS Elite Katyusha Icon_minitimeDecember 1st 2014, 06:06

Katyusha pulled herself from her position and stepped forward with her alpha's command, although the expression she wore made it appear as if this whole thing were some remedial chore to simply keep her busy for a time. The kind a mother gives a pup to keep them out of trouble. Without a word she would step into the clearing, glancing around it with that same stoic expression, the fae working quite hard to keep the gears turning in her mind a secret for now. Carefully picking her spot the fae would turn to face her opponent. The very moment the Elite's cold silver orbs came to rest upon the other they left no doubt about her feelings for the 'guardian'. As far as Katyusha was concern, Chiara should have been stripped of her rank that day for the role she played in her mates death, and now she was determined to repay that debt in blood.

Katyusha cared little for the challenge, or that her Alpha and the rest of the pack were watching, all she cared was that she would get her revenge, as promised all those months ago. As she watched the fae take a defensive position she would let out a light giggle, a wicked smirk coming to her muzzle as she stared down the fae, watching her eyes closely to see where they would lead her "Do you recall how I swore to make Cliche and yourself pay? How I promised I would punish you for letting my mate die? Well I will almost feel bad putting Magnus through the same pain I felt...Almost." she said coldly, her harsh tone making it nearly impossible to tell if she truly intended to kill the other or if she were just trying to get in her head.

With no further warning the Elite would make her move rushing headlong at her opponent paws slamming the ground as she rushed forward as fast as her paws would carry her, making it appear she intended to attack her head on. However at the last moment the fae would cut hard to the right, planting her front paws firmly to spin and launch herself at the point the Guardian's neck and shoulder met, hoping her speed and sudden change in course would deny Chiara the chance to react effectively. Her point of aim was carefully chosen, ensuring if Chiara moved forward she would sacrifice her shoulder, slowing her for the fight and giving the otherwise evenly matched pair an advantage to the elite. However, if she attempted to move back, it would be at the cost of her vital neck.

Attack: Fake charge with sudden cut to right flank between neck and shoulder.
Defense: None
Injuries: None

Last edited by Elite Katyusha on December 1st 2014, 18:46; edited 1 time in total
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Guardian Chiara VS Elite Katyusha Empty
PostSubject: Re: Guardian Chiara VS Elite Katyusha Guardian Chiara VS Elite Katyusha Icon_minitimeDecember 1st 2014, 10:29

Chiara pushed aside the threats and useless words the fae threw out at her. She let her mind go numb to all sounds around her and focused soley on her sight of the charging Elite. So blind she seemed with her hatred gave Chiara an idea to further her fury for her. If her plan worked the Elite would give little to her defense, giving Chiara the advantage for counter attacks if she let the fae land a hit. Letting things slow down she knew Katyusha wouldn't go head on, no she wasn't that foolish. Smirking lightly as she ducked left Chiara followed her with her gaze as she ducked right. At first her instinct was to duck, to let her back take the hit and shove upwards to trip the smaller fae. Such an act would only prolong the spar and Chiara knew she had to make hits in order to do well. Seeing the Elite go open mouth for her neck made Chiara do the next best thing, give her something to bite on. Moving forward and up Chiara shoved her whole shoulder into Katyusha, wincing as she felt the bite to that area. The force tipped her slightly, but Chiara went with it, curling her legs under and to the left. She let Katyusha's own speed and force help to twist her body, hoping it would send the Elite into a spin. At the same time Chiara twisted her neck, aiming her open mouth at her scruff and ears, trying to subdue her.

"There was no saving Steele, you know that Katyusha" she growled out. "Even so now there is a true leader for me to protect and I won't let you disrespect him or any member of this pack so long as I'm a Guardian."

Attack: Teeth go at the scruff and ears. Using Katyusha's speed a twist is made to throw her off balance to to the left.
Defense: Chin tucked to protect neck, ears pinned and body positioned to let shoulder take the most damage.
Injuries: Bite to the shoulder, mild tearing that extends half way to elbow.

Last edited by Guardian Chiara on December 1st 2014, 18:46; edited 2 times in total
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Guardian Chiara VS Elite Katyusha Empty
PostSubject: Re: Guardian Chiara VS Elite Katyusha Guardian Chiara VS Elite Katyusha Icon_minitimeDecember 1st 2014, 16:52

Katyusha couldn't believe the attack had worked, she knew all too well Chiara would see it coming and was instantly struck with the realization Chiara intended to use this as a platform for a counter attack. As the Elite felt her target begin to spin she knew her only option was to push through, using her momentum to knock the fae down and distance herself from the attack. Quickly Katyusha would release the guardian, pushing her front paws against the target as she rolled to push off her when she finally made it over, the Elite intending to take them both to the ground to separate them before they got into a grappling match. She would make no effort to counter those fangs coming down on her scruff, fangs sinking into the thick skin as the pair tumbled down, carried by the force of their light frames and the speed they carried.

Unfortunately for the young Elite her landing wouldn't be as graceful as she originally hoped, landing sideway on her left front paw, ankle twisting out from under her as she let her leg buckle to prevent breaking it, her shoulder slamming into the ground as fangs were ripped from her scruff, sending her bouncing across the ground for several feet as she tried to get paws under herself again. Before she had even stopped sliding she would find the ground again and push her paws out, standing quickly and turning to face the guardian, a sharp pain shooting up her front paw. However she couldn't worry about that now. With only a short show of pain on her face the Elite would broaden her stance waiting to ensure the Guardian wasn't going to counter attack as a harsh laugh left her muzzle "If you had actually been there to do your job instead of under Magnus all the time he'd still be alive." she snarled, pure hatred filling her eyes "If you all weren't a flock of mindless sheep happily following the wolf to lunch I'd actually be able to have a life! or a family!" she snarled.

Attack: None
Defense: Broadened stance with some distance between them
Injuries: Sprained left front left ankle, large gashes to her neck scruff.

Last edited by Elite Katyusha on December 1st 2014, 18:45; edited 1 time in total
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Guardian Chiara VS Elite Katyusha Empty
PostSubject: Re: Guardian Chiara VS Elite Katyusha Guardian Chiara VS Elite Katyusha Icon_minitimeDecember 1st 2014, 17:30

Chiara felt her teeth connect with Katyusha's scruff and she knew it would do some damage. Twisting in mid air the Guardian felt the turn shift and now she was under the fae, being smashed into the ground. Being agile the lithe fae twisted suddenly at the last second and landed on her hind quarters, cushioning the blow to reduce the damage to just some bruises. Twisting Chiara scrambled to her feet in time to see the fae's left front foot crumple under her. Seeing that it gave her some pain she knew it would be her weak point and possible down flaw for her last move. Her own shoulder throbbed and blood was dripping from it to soak her front foot. It was a mild wound, though and would heal with time. Other than that she wasn't that harmed, unlike her competition who was now throwing every insult at her.

Chiara laughed, her voice cackling as the words fell on deaf ears. "You're one to talk Elite, where were you when he was being mauled? I wasn't his personal baby sitter, he wanted to go out alone that day, it was his own damn fault he lost to a more powerful male not mine. You could have fought against Teren as well had you followed your mate instead of sleep, if you want someone to blame blame yourself." She growled out as she lounged quickly straight at Katyusha. She knew her words were harsh, but she needed the Elite's mind clouded to win this spar. "And last time I checked you had a daughter, or does she not mean anything to you?" Running fast and pounding the ground hard Chiara fake right then left and right again. This she hoped would throw the fae's balance on to her injured foot and nt let her spin effectively to her left. Chiara's teeth lashed out as her body curled to brace for a counter attack. She was aiming at the side of Katyusha's neck, a pinning blow if it landed true.

Attack: Fake right to throw her off balance then aiming to bit at her neck for a pining blow.
Defense: Body curled and braced, ears flat back and tail tucked. Injured shoulder is protected and uninjured shoulder leaning away from opponent.
Injuries: Bruised hind end and gash on right shoulder.

Last edited by Guardian Chiara on December 1st 2014, 18:46; edited 2 times in total
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Guardian Chiara VS Elite Katyusha Empty
PostSubject: Re: Guardian Chiara VS Elite Katyusha Guardian Chiara VS Elite Katyusha Icon_minitimeDecember 1st 2014, 18:30

Katyusha stood tall, putting a normal amount of weight on her left paw, refusing to even allow herself to admit she was in pain. If there was one thing Steele had taught her, it was to push the pain aside as it was only a weakness. She had spent months being tortured and beaten for this skill, and oh how useful it was now. Standing tall the fae growled low "I trusted our Guardian would do her damn job! And unless you forgot I was pregnant!" she growled slowly starting to circle the other, walking on the ankle as if nothing were wrong, even though the pain was excruciating. At the reminder of her daughter the Elite would laugh "No...not yet. When she proves she is worth my trouble I shall care, but for now she is a welp that for some reason I waste my time training." she growled.

As the Guardian charged her the Elite would smile, watching the first cut back and forth, knowing her right side would be weaker because of the shoulder wound, and doing something rather unexpected. Rather than sitting back and waiting for her to set up the attack Katyusha would lung right into her weave path, aiming for the guardian's neck firmly, the fae dropping low in an attempt to get her weak underside. This was it, her last chance to end this with a victory, and she was hell bent on pinning her or if it came to it, killing her. With a harsh growl Katyusha would kick off with all four legs, fangs barred as she threw herself as hard as she could at the guardian and braced for the impact, certain the two slamming into eachother at full speed would do a lot of damage to both, it was just a matter of who walked away from it.

Attack: Low lung in the middle of flank pattern for bottom of neck.
Defense: Low broad stance leading with fangs.
Injuries: Left front ankle sprained, gashes on back of neck.

Last edited by Elite Katyusha on December 1st 2014, 18:44; edited 4 times in total
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Alpha Teren
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Guardian Chiara VS Elite Katyusha Empty
PostSubject: Re: Guardian Chiara VS Elite Katyusha Guardian Chiara VS Elite Katyusha Icon_minitimeDecember 1st 2014, 18:51

And the spar is completed! Alpha Teren watched both faes and judged them closely. After the third round was completed, he stared to the faes and barked for them to stop at once. It was then that he announced the winner:

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PostSubject: Re: Guardian Chiara VS Elite Katyusha Guardian Chiara VS Elite Katyusha Icon_minitime

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Guardian Chiara VS Elite Katyusha

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