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Irrationality's Joining Profile. [Finished!]

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Beta Irrationality
Beta Irrationality

Posts : 141
Join date : 2013-10-03
Age : 26

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Gender: Male
Age: 5 Years Old.

Irrationality's Joining Profile. [Finished!] Empty
PostSubject: Irrationality's Joining Profile. [Finished!] Irrationality's Joining Profile. [Finished!] Icon_minitimeOctober 3rd 2013, 14:42

Name: Irrationality.

Gender: Male.

Age: 3.5 years of age.

Pack: Erenyx.

Rank Requested: Warrior, please and thank you. ^-^

A golden colouration swirls accordingly, flecked with the richest of dark amber, placed meticulously amidst the center of what is otherwise known as this creature's predatory facial structure. Venomous, they pierce with the sharp sensation of porcupine's quills, absent of sentimentality 's reflection and therefore left to fulfill the placement of two blank slates, peering upon the source of his attention with an uncannily emotion-drained exterior. They resemble the charming glow of autumn's season, a fine collection of golds, amber and copper hues paired in utmost splendor when pitted against a background of similar pigmentation.
An arrangement of various tawny colouration consumes the entirety of this carnivore's muscular frame, reddened along the outlining of his ears but otherwise left to disperse in nonconsecutive patterns. His muzzle, as well as in a circular pattern around his dark gold eyes, can be located the sole source of grayed fur. Small ticks of said colouration seep through the mask of rusted brown, lightening into shades of beautiful golds as it begins to travel down the length of his neck, harmonizing with a malevolent black throughout his chest, stomach and spinal chord and reaching its ending mark upon the tip of his feathered tail. White fails to make an appearance throughout the large frame of this male specimen, the closest shade to such an angelic hue being a darkened cream that is most abundant along the under-side of his jaw and across his limbs. His paws, powerful and sturdy, are nearly as red as was mentioned previously in his ears, but fail to reach a shade of equalized vibrancy.
When observed as a whole, Irrationality is relatively one to be classified as handsome. The rarity of his colour dispersion makes him a fond sight to behold,  the entirety of his body swallowed and formulated into the mirror image of a unique, captivating carnivore. Paired with his mesmerizing features is an undeniable element of power, the male holding himself with a miraculously heightened amount of force behind what is undoubtedly mistaken as being of a non-violent nature -- to play him as the weakling, however, is an unforgiven mistake. Irrationality's jaws are as ruthless as his sharp stare, and they will be manipulated as necessary to ensure his offensive and defensive abilities are not questioned or wrongly underestimated.


Irrationality's Joining Profile. [Finished!] 25tkqc7


He was born to the Alpha pair alongside his two younger sisters – being the oldest of the litter and the only male it was left in his paws to claim the rightful position of pack Heir. The expectations upon his shoulders, even throughout the duration of his most treasured youth, were of grand importance. He received a form of training that was specifically modified to fit the standards of a would-be Alpha, and such became his motivation to ensure that his pack could be most pleased in the mirror image of his father that they would one day call their superior. As he aged, however, it became of lesser importance to appeal to the wants of his mother and father. Their eldest son, Irrationality as was identified, began to spend more time in the accompaniment of his younger sisters: Paroxysm and Octane. Out of the trio, Paroxysm hungered the most for authority. She envied her brother for the power he was growing to inherit, though he never truly understood what about the ordeal of it all had managed to capture her attentiveness.
When they reached a year of age, their mother – and the pack's respective Alphess – had deceased due to old age, their father falling close behind as illness began to quickly consume his former health. Irrationality's inheritance of leadership was nearing, and he knew it all too well. As the day of his crowning approached, however, he began to realize shortly behind that it was not what he wanted for himself. It was not the perspective of Alpha status that he was beginning to decline, but instead the reasoning behind his placement into the positioning. He had done nothing to earn such a title save for being born into the role, and it was due to this that he did not believe it was in accurate conditioning that he would be left to be reign of his pack in the aftermath of his father's death. A wolf would need to prove their worth in leadership to their pack, and as of now, he had done nothing of the sorts.
Paroxysm was far from considerate of her brother's wishes. While Octane fell into the background as a supporting character to the desires of her brother, Paroxysm grew increasingly furious the more he decided that such was not fitted to him. It formulated an intense clashing between the pair's relationship, and despite Irrationality having absolutely no desires of arguing with his sibling, there was no escaping her wrath. It got the point that it was dangerous for the two to be in a close proximity of one another – Paroxysm was prone to randomized acts of violence; Irrationality suspected that the immense hunger for power had finally consumed her, the breaking point having been her opportunity to rise into the role with Irrationality's desires of stepping down. In the break of night, Paroxysm – crazed by her newly found insanity – plotted an attack against her slumbering brother. There had been numerous faults in her plan, and alongside the added training that Irrationality had received, he had been more than capable of countering her mindless attack. Paroxysm was not willing to step aside, and to this day, Irrationality does not take into high regard the death of his sister at his own paws.
The story was not accepted despite the truth of his words. Irrationality was assumed sadistic, having targeted his sister and managed to claim her life in a show of his own misguided cruelty. Even Octane, holding knowledge of her sister's intents, believed the twisted story and shot glances of pure disgust in her brother's direction upon having her ears met with the horrid accusations. Irrationality's father, nearing death which each passing day, banished his son from both his inherited role and his pack with a tone of pure hatred and disdain for his most repulsive actions upon the previous evening. Alpha status was instead rewarded to the patient, quiet sibling that few had taken into consideration when pitted against the newly banished Irrationality and thought-to-be murdered Paroxysm, and the pack in its entirety – father and sister alike – were left in silence to watch the departure of whom was meant to be their Alpha, no complaints voiced aloud on his part.
Irrationality holds no knowledge of how Octane fairs as Alphess, nor does he know the current whereabouts of his birth pack. The accusations made by his father remain deeply imbedded into his mind, though he does not regret the act of self defence he was forced to partake in, nor does he regret that he was forced away from his pack and his inheritance of authority. A new life is meant to greet the male's paws, and such he believes to be his true destiny and calling. A past of reluctance and wrongful claims is slowly being shredded in placement of the next stage, and he approaches the pack he knows he will rise in accordingly – not due to having been birthed into the role – with confident strides.

Joining Keys: Everything present - Alphess Esmeralda

How did you find Age? I've come here from Haven's Grove: I'm known as Banshee/Drayart/Peculiar on that site!

Example Post:
[I'd just like to point out that the roleplay example below is not from Irrationality's perspective, but instead from the perspective of a past character of mine. The details below are not a reflection of his personality.]

A pity it was, such numerous thoughts were able to freely flow through the detailed depths of her intellect. If she had a choice in the matter, she'd put an abrupt halt to every single one of them. It was useless: allowing thoughts and opinions to be spoken aloud or kept within the confinement of secrecy. When it came down to it in the end, the very end, not a single soul cared for the opinion of others. A selfish world, indeed. The earth was constantly crawling with creatures like herself: a touch of sadism on the surface, but easily concealed by the coolness of a clipped tone that delivered speech with robotic exactitude like that of a machine. And then, there were the rest: kind, and good-willed. They based their characteristics off of purity and the goodness of one's heart. What a shame, in actuality. Sure, on occasion, such traits could be refreshing from the usual dark realms inhabited by a canine like Sinister. Who was she kidding? They'd never be refreshing. Kind souls did nothing but wander mindlessly. They didn't know how to fight for what they wanted, to take what was rightfully theirs. Why? Because, they're always one step behind due to feelings; emotions, if you will. Those poor souls. Although, she couldn't claim she felt sorry for them under any conditions. It was always thought that the darkest of minds –  the ones that labored for the adrenaline rush of a mastermind plan of malevolence were the ones damned. Hardly. At least they knew how to properly steer a life, instead of wasting it; truly pathetic.

Could it be? An intoxicating fragrance smoothly washed over the ebony nose of the female mid-travel. She inhaled deeply, like a drug addict that had just received their next fix. How utterly alluring; mind tingling. She had never been one to dabble in the artistic ways of curiousity. A commonality such as curiousity was just that: too common. How tedious an earth full to the brim with similarities would truly be. There would be nothing left to differ between identities. All individualistic characteristics would be lost; forever locked in the gloomy darkness of an unknown crate to be sent tumbling down an ominous confinement to never again be seen nor heard of. Normally, these dangerous thoughts would have snowballed until the point a smirk was visible outlining her black-brown hued lips. This was not the time to be lost in a spider's web of ideal thought, however. Despite the greatest temptation: there was now a border sprawled before her lithe paws in need of some critical observation. Pale yellow eyes snapped upward from their averted direction toward the ground, skimming the territories upon the border's other end with a newly inhabited air of interest. What wolves possibly referred to this realm as home? A vicious, do-or-die type? Perhaps, gleaming rays of sunshine caged inside the bodies of canines? A shiver of unease crept along the lining of her spinal chord at the very image of it. That type of wolf was in need of serious medical attention from a remedial specialist. She wasn't quite the one they'd need to seek out, if that was indeed the case. Her method of healing those with an overly happy persona was done with a quicker, more relaxing course of action. For, there was truly nothing more relaxing than the moment your entire frame diminishes from all lively qualities and finds its resting spot in the tomb of death.

Last edited by Irrationality on October 3rd 2013, 19:04; edited 12 times in total
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Elder Azul
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Irrationality's Joining Profile. [Finished!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Irrationality's Joining Profile. [Finished!] Irrationality's Joining Profile. [Finished!] Icon_minitimeOctober 3rd 2013, 15:06

Wow, welcome Banshee! Welcome to Age, this is Alphess Quinn!
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Beta Irrationality
Beta Irrationality

Posts : 141
Join date : 2013-10-03
Age : 26

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Gender: Male
Age: 5 Years Old.

Irrationality's Joining Profile. [Finished!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Irrationality's Joining Profile. [Finished!] Irrationality's Joining Profile. [Finished!] Icon_minitimeOctober 3rd 2013, 19:05

Glad to be here, Quinn! (Azul, I suppose I should call you.) Thank you for the kind welcome!
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Irrationality's Joining Profile. [Finished!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Irrationality's Joining Profile. [Finished!] Irrationality's Joining Profile. [Finished!] Icon_minitimeOctober 3rd 2013, 19:15

Gorgeous profile ^_^

You are accepted! Please post at Erenyx borders whenever convenient for IC acceptance, and welcome, again, to Age!
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PostSubject: Re: Irrationality's Joining Profile. [Finished!] Irrationality's Joining Profile. [Finished!] Icon_minitime

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