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Warrior Pandora VS Hunter Braelyn

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Alpha Teren
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Warrior Pandora VS Hunter Braelyn Empty
PostSubject: Warrior Pandora VS Hunter Braelyn Warrior Pandora VS Hunter Braelyn Icon_minitimeNovember 30th 2014, 19:51

There will be THREE rounds and that is all. Keep reminding yourself of the rules, and should you have any questions, message Alpha Teren.
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Warrior Pandora VS Hunter Braelyn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warrior Pandora VS Hunter Braelyn Warrior Pandora VS Hunter Braelyn Icon_minitimeNovember 30th 2014, 20:44

The time had come. Pandora's ears rang at the booming voice of her Alpha, Teren. Calmly she came forward, her body tall and proud, and not in a gloating manor. The way Pandora saw it was that no matter gain or fail, she would always be proud of herself. The female continued listening to the rules from the harsh lips of Teren and nodded her head in agreement as she faced her opponent. Pandora was not accustomed to the others yet, so she saw this as a disadvantage of sorts. Not knowing anything of her worthy subject bothered her some, but Pandora walked forward through the moor. The air was dry and thick in her throat and she could hear and feel her heart beating in her ears. Blood rushed to her head as she mentally prepared for the battle, a test of strength and skill. All Pandora needed to do was outwit her rival and stay alive.

Braelyn. Pandora spoke her name only once in her mind as she drew to a stop a few feet from where the battle would happen. It was far different for her to just fight someone without either the element of surprise or the advantage of them being weaker. By no means did the hunter seem weak, she had the advantage if being faster than Pandora for she was built to chase her pray. It made Pandora wonder if thats how the other viewed her, as prey. Surely, Braelyn didnt want to die and Pandora could only hope that the intentions of death were mutual in each others minds. The dark knight didnt wish to kill a hunter, someone valuable to the pack. Regardless of how Teren saw it. Breaking her glance from the tawny female she looked to Terens final words and nodded a last time. Pandora quickly wondered if this truly was a battle of wits or if it was some sick game for the Alpha'a pleasures. Still, Pandora turned to face Braelyn again, and with a sigh she finally spoke. "Best of luck." The words didnt come out harsh and underneath her phrase there was sincerity. Pandora lowered her stance and braced herself for anything the other would bear upon her. Ear lay flat and her teeth bared, a low snarl errupted from her lips as she dug her toes into the land.

Attack: None.
Defense: Preparing for Battle.
Injuries: None.
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Delta Braelyn
Delta Braelyn

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Warrior Pandora VS Hunter Braelyn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warrior Pandora VS Hunter Braelyn Warrior Pandora VS Hunter Braelyn Icon_minitimeDecember 1st 2014, 16:14

Haunches resting on green terrain, the soil underneath clinging its way onto her fur, the fae sat idly in boredom. More wolves gathered into the moors and taking notice of them and the others, it only increased the females curiosity for what was planned ahead. Auds rotating above her head, picking up the voice of the alpha it seemed as if all got quiet when he spoke. The only other noise besides his being the breathing of others and the nature they sat in. Listening closely to what the male had to say, when a single word fell from his lips the atmosphere shifted. It was no longer calm, but now a growing anxiety of fighting each other. So a spar is today's activity. It was an easy way to tell apart the weakest from the strong, the fastest from the slowest, the values and potential each female had in them.

The idea set Braelyn on edge a bit, either win or lose, how well she fought determined if she got demoted or stayed a hunter. The possibility to get promoted was there, but the fae wouldn't could on that happenings for her, she was still new as far as the others were concerned. Green eyes taking in the sight of others, the brown female began to start weighing her odds and the outcomes should she be chosen to fight one of the other wolves. Some where much older, and with age came experience which would always out-do youth. Though, what had strengths must have weaknesses to balance it out. Nothing was ever perfect. The larger wolves would be slower, as would the older ones, but young faes like herself would be weaker, more likely faster.

If she was to be put against a older female, Braelyn knew her odds of winning would be slimmer. There was still so much about the art and skill of combat she had to learn. Either way, the fae was going to give it her all and make it one hell of a fight. Not giving up until she honestly had nothing left and body went numb. With that being out, it didn't mean she had any hopes of dying, if it came to it, Braelyn had no problem submitting. She was young, not dumb. Ears rising to the sound of her name being called, the brown female instantly rose to her paws, making sure to catch the name of who she was to be in battle with. Pandora. It was an interesting name indeed and with the ebony female in her sight, the name seemed right for her. Making her way towards the sparring field where they both were to be tested, Braelyn could finally see clearly who her rival was.

Muscled and toned, the warrior was not weak from what eyes could see, leaving the fae somewhat pleased she would be evenly challenged in this event. It would be no fun if the fight ended quickly. The adrenaline flooding her veins in a frenzy sent the hunters heart pumping louder, the sound draining out all others from entering her auds. Muscles tensing, the fae gave a short nod of her head. "To you as well.." Braelyn added calmly, the same ounce of sincerity behind those words. Pandora was no foe or friend, but just a stranger who the hunter had no intent of injuring severely. Whatever the outcomes, Braelyn would accept it. Spreading her paws to balance out her weight, the fae would proceed to peel her jowls back, exposing her own pair of sharp, vigorous canines that have seen their fair share of bloodshed.

Auds folding back to press against the females head, the hunter wasted no more time. Lunging forward in a flash, the legs that carried the fae propelled her forward, tearing the earth behind them as she raced to meet her opponent. The hunter shot to aim low, aiming for the forearm. Though that was not her true goal, her true motive was to protect her neck and weaken the warrior because at the last second Braelyn would steer up and around targeting the flesh to the front of the shoulder joint, just above the manubrium. Here rested veins and arteries, items that kept the leg functioning, a perfect bite would leave the leg sore, just enough to give Pandora an early weakness in the fight. If however the fae managed to dodge her attack, Braelyn would veer off quickly towards the left in an attempt to escape whatever counter attack the female would make, turning her body around to await Pandora's attack with an emitted snarl.

Attack: Fake aim to the forearm, steering up targeting the shoulder joint.
Defense: Ears tucked down, head low to protect neck. Escaping towards the left to escape a counter attack if Pandora dodges.
Injuries: None
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Warrior Pandora VS Hunter Braelyn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warrior Pandora VS Hunter Braelyn Warrior Pandora VS Hunter Braelyn Icon_minitimeDecember 1st 2014, 17:04

Pandora braced for an attack and finally it came, as the female drew close Pandora sense she was going to aim low. As the female neared her shoulder, Pandora managed to jump from her crouching point and nearly escape her opponents jaws. However, Braelyn's teeth managed to connect with her pelt, although only grazing her. Pandora didnt wince or flinch as blood slowly began to seem from her shoudler, instead the dark knight backed up to gain a better vantage point. Pandora looked at Braelyn and nodded at her good show, but dropped her head once more. The need to attack was greater now, but she found a new emotion flooding her, a growing need to protect her own and not harm the other. It was evident now that this was just for show for Teren and Pandora wouldnt waste her talents on a member of the pack that was just as valuable as she was.

As Pandora backed up she thought carefully about how to charge the female to startle her but not to harm her. It was when she was backing up she thought of dashjng towards the others paws in hopes that if she scrambled for footing she may fall and collide with the earth, but it was not Pandora's intent. It would be for entertainment mostly if she fell for Pandora would chuckle but ultimately helo her up. This had become a game now and she once again prepared to rush forward. Lowering once more to the ground she curled her body and tail, head to the right and her body near side stepping towards Braelyn. Ears fell back and flush to her head and she once more barred her jowels. Suddenly, she released like a bullet from a gun and aimed for Braelyn's paws.

Attack: Intent to charge at Braelyn's paws in hopes she might lose her footing and fall. If she lands the rush, fall or not, she doesnt plan to harm but to evade a counter blow. If she fails the rush, she could slide and scramble for her own footing.
Defense: Turned to the side facing the right, tails swept and curled to the left facing Braelyn. Ears flat to the skull and teeth bared.
Injuries: Minor graze on shoulder that is bleeding slightly. Minor pain if any at all.
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Delta Braelyn
Delta Braelyn

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Warrior Pandora VS Hunter Braelyn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warrior Pandora VS Hunter Braelyn Warrior Pandora VS Hunter Braelyn Icon_minitimeDecember 1st 2014, 19:33

Aimed for the forearm and with the steer upwards towards the shoulder joint, Braelyn missed her target. The fae had been quick to jump from her defense position, escaping the hunters jaws by a few centimeters where she had hoped to connect with skin and muscle. It wasn't a complete failure though for the females jaws found her pelt instead, teeth grazing the shoulder just enough to release the slightest of blood. It had been a quick attack, an in and out situation which Braelyn made sure to make it out, bolting a good distance away barely escaping the situation if she was to have tripped before her figure steered around to face her opponent. Not her best first attack but hopefully it still gave minimum pain to the warrior.

Braelyn had never been the one to take the first launch, always waiting for rival to come at her instead. It was never fun always being on offense, you lost more blood and fur unlike offense who only had to escape whatever blow was made at them. Though the fae had known it was better to just finish the fight quickly, for the alpha didn't seem like one to waste time, so unlike her usual tactics, the hunter had decided to act first which ended in a 50/50 point of view for her. Eyes locking onto the ebony fae, Braelyn let her jaws open slightly, her rumbling sound flowing out into the thick air from the depth of her chest. It was no threat but a signal to tell the other she was ready. Auds laid back still, the hunter planted her pads down into the defensive stance, limbs outward and ready to make a move for whatever Pandora aimed to attack.

The female had begun to turn her body, making sure to keep her backside away from the ebony fae to avoid a surprise attack. Although there would hardly be any surprise. Almost like time had sped up, the warrior was instantly off the ground, rushing at her in the females own speed. Lowering her form, the hunters shoulder blades hunched up at her side's, prepared for what was to come next. Pandora aiming for her paws, the hunter motioned her paws to retreat back though she wasn't about to move away. No. This was a challenge in combat, one she certainly did enjoy and any wound that was placed on her would be easy for a healer to fix or even time itself could heal. Stance already low, Braelyn voluntarily gave up a forearm, ramming it into the warriors close jaws as she aimed for her paw.


No sound was made, not a wince nor whine came from the hunter as sharp teeth found themselves inside her skin, wrapping around to cause harm and hinder her movements. The feeling came numb, pain still evident but adrenaline making it less noticeable. It was sure to sting later on that day. In a flash, wasting no precious time after the fae’s teeth made contact, Braelyn dropped her head down, jaws parting rapidly and directed for the side of Pandora's nape. Ready to feel soft flesh in her grasp. With the female so close holding onto her leg, the fae took advantage of her opportunity at an open assault. Jaws and teeth finding their mark in her counter attack, Braelyn would close down tightly, fur and skin enveloped between her teeth, the taste of the warriors crimson liquid seeping onto her tongue.

In this position the hunter would then shove her form forward, attempting to use her mass to knock the female over onto the terrain where Braelyn would be able to make another attack. The hunter thought of this like a game, a game that only lasted until one gave up or the alpha called for the battle to quit. Hurting Pandora severely was not on her mind, with a valuable warrior, it would be a shame to intent serious damage for such a small spar. Now, if this had been a real brawl between her and a foe, Braelyn would have no problem ripping limbs or breaking bones to get a victory, but this wasn't the case and this was obviously not the place.

Attack: 1)In a counter attack, Braelyn would have aimed her teeth for Pandora's neck, drawing blood after connect with a locked hold. 2) Braelyn would attempt to knock the warrior over by slamming her body forward into hers.
Defense: Stance low, ears tucked and head low bunching up her shoulders. Shoving of the forearm into jaws to protect paws.
Injuries: Forearm bleeding slightly, hindering her future movement.
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Warrior Pandora VS Hunter Braelyn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warrior Pandora VS Hunter Braelyn Warrior Pandora VS Hunter Braelyn Icon_minitimeDecember 1st 2014, 22:31

Bad Form. Pandora hissed in her mind, cursing her wretched move. For Pandora it was shameful for her to use a blow to the paw of a working individual and she instantly regreted her attempted at being a good sport. Whenever came next was well worth it in her eyes, Pandora felt it was a low blow for her to attack a hunters leg. Healers were battling too, so she heard and supplies would be wasted, Pandora hoped an injury wasnt made and if so she would regret that decision for a long while. Before Pandora could react and release, Braelyn did what any other would do in her position, take the shot. Pandora would have taken it if it were her.

The feeling of teeth breaking skin is not one can truly explain and Pandora cringed at it's sound. And, in like slow motion she found her own teeth releasing from skin as teeth sunk sharp into her neck and nape. Pandora fell limb in defeat and shame and allowed herself to be pushed to the floor. With a thud Pandora lay there for a moment and kept her head on the ground. Braelyn above her teeth still attached, Pandora heavily sighed and spoke, "My apologies. I would have taken the same shot, nice." Pandora smiled and looked at Braelyn and attempted to get up. Leaving all defenses down.

Defense:All Defenses Down.
Minor throbbin in the shoulder area, blood has ceased. Bite wounds to the neck and nape area.l, unaware of possible future damage.
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Delta Braelyn
Delta Braelyn

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Warrior Pandora VS Hunter Braelyn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warrior Pandora VS Hunter Braelyn Warrior Pandora VS Hunter Braelyn Icon_minitimeDecember 1st 2014, 23:42

Green eyes narrowing, the fae's teeth secured down, not wanting the warrior to escape. One reason being that any pulling or shaking of her own head could make the bite worse, something Braelyn didn't want. The other reason was unknown to the hunter, though when alone she would think about it to find out. Rough snarls slipping passed secured teeth, the female went to make her attempt, landing the attack and managing to get Pandora onto the floor. Shielding her paw with a leg wasn't the smartest of moves, but when weighing the odds, the paw seemed to be more of a slow healer and quick breaker than her forearm. Figure hanging above, jaws still closed around her opponent, the fae expected some come back.

A claw to the underbelly, dirt in the face, wrapping of the muzzle. But none came, the only thing audible in their small fighting arena being a heavy sigh and the words that followed. She's giving up? It was peculiar, surely she had more fight in her, more will to go on. What reason would Pandora have to submit so soon? Was this a trick by the female? Deciding not to harp on the matter and take the chance given, Braelyn quickly released her jaws, lifting her head to bring them back where they originally belonged. Why fight more when her adversary no longer wished? Figure turning and stepping off the warrior, the fae just watched for a moment as her opponent got up.

"Apologies on the assault towards your neck." The hunter commented, knowing it had probably felt worse than what Braelyn designed for it. Offering her own slight smile, the hunter would proceed to conclude the fight had indeed been terminated, leaving her able to let the guard down she had risen when the fight began. Pads pressing down into the terrain, the feeling of grass and soil between them, the fae closed her hues just as she motioned her coat side to side, ridding herself of whatever filth had hitched a ride during the match. Ending, Braelyn would gaze back up to meet Pandora's form.

"You fought well. It's not wrong on others judgment that they call you a warrior. Perhaps we shall meet again in different circumstances" Dipping her head, Braelyn would only then rise it back to settle down. Lowering her haunches, the hunter lifted her forearm briefly, it had some hell of teeth marks, but with the tenderness and soaring the fae was able to predict only minor internal bleeding leading to a bruise but nothing broken. Scanning it over to see what other damage had been done, Braelyn kept her auds lifted, keeping some focus to her surrounding to hear if someone came close or the alphas presence.

Attack: None
Defense: None
Injuries: Swollen forearm, with slight bleeding and bruising
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Alpha Teren
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Warrior Pandora VS Hunter Braelyn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warrior Pandora VS Hunter Braelyn Warrior Pandora VS Hunter Braelyn Icon_minitimeDecember 3rd 2014, 16:42

And the spar is completed! Alpha Teren watched both faes and judged them closely. After the third round was completed, he stared to the faes and barked for them to stop at once. It was then that he announced the winner:

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Warrior Pandora VS Hunter Braelyn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warrior Pandora VS Hunter Braelyn Warrior Pandora VS Hunter Braelyn Icon_minitime

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Warrior Pandora VS Hunter Braelyn

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