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Lost in a Falling World (Oltulysa, Open)

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Lost in a Falling World (Oltulysa, Open) Empty
PostSubject: Lost in a Falling World (Oltulysa, Open) Lost in a Falling World (Oltulysa, Open) Icon_minitimeDecember 3rd 2014, 18:19

{Thanks goes to Rose for the title!}

The multi-hued fae traversed through the trees, following the sound of running water. She cocked her head to the side, listening carefully. After a moment, she angled her path slightly to the right, walking slowly. The sound of water flowing grew louder, and Lily emerged into a clearing. Above her, a majestic waterfall flowed gracefully into a small lake. It was a breathtaking sight, and Lily stared up at it in awe. “It's beautiful...” She slowly circled around, her amber eyes fixated on the falls as they flowed down. The water crashed into the pool, almost deafening to her sensitive ears. The sound, however, was not obnoxious, but calming. She stopped at the edge of the water, looking down at her reflection. The fae allowed herself a small smile, and she felt the stress flow out of her tense muscles.

Lifting her head once more, the she-wolf looked around the clearing. Trees reached skyward, the bright green leaves almost blinding. The clearing was so peaceful and calm, and the fae relaxed. She took a deep breath, searching for even a trace of Helidos scent. But all the fae could smell was the trees, and the water. She was lost, well and truly. She scolded herself for not paying closer attention to the borders. She sighed, and wandered away from the water. Stopping at the base of a tree, the fae curled into a ball. With any luck, maybe a wolf from Helidos would come and help her find a way back.
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Lost in a Falling World (Oltulysa, Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lost in a Falling World (Oltulysa, Open) Lost in a Falling World (Oltulysa, Open) Icon_minitimeDecember 3rd 2014, 18:44

The sun bear hard upon his back as his belly lay flat upon the earth, soaling up whatever was left of the cold morning ground. The male continued to carve out the meaty and rather chewy inside of rhe turtle. With a little bit of time, he had managed to split the shell in half, a feat not so easily obtained by any wolf, but a wolf from the swamps much easier. Jackle grew up eating turtles and small gators, creaturss not found near here, and birds not native to Helidos. The male was lucky to find the turtle and it was an easy kill for him. Now, at the reptile lay dead and nearly hollow, Jackle continued to eat awat at its shell.

Once the turtle shell was bare, void of any meat or tendon, the male picked up the hollow shell and made his way towards the falls. For the hebal tea he was about to make for Ember would require fresh water from the falls, not water that was pooling or flowing down stream. When the water rushed over the rocks it collected minerals from the earth, it was this water he needed to mix with the lavender and mint. Now, if only he could get his paws on some honey. If there was a hive, he was sure to steer clear of it. Jackle couldnt help but wonder where or how he would get the honey, but it certainly would add some flare to the tea. A tea that may or may not help Ember remember. Jackle would do anything for that girl, anything, including standing over the edge of a waterfall to collect water in a shell. The coast was clear, the male leaned over the edge of the falls and held the shell there for a moment. Water rushed into the shell and poured over, nearly pulling the male down and over. Holding his balance, he retractes the shell and himself and carefull placed the shell containing water ay his feet. Jackle sighed in relief.
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Lost in a Falling World (Oltulysa, Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lost in a Falling World (Oltulysa, Open) Lost in a Falling World (Oltulysa, Open) Icon_minitimeDecember 3rd 2014, 19:25

Lily was still laying beneath the tree, staring blankly at the water. She sighed heavily. Great. I'm lost. Suddenly, a somewhat familiar scent washed over her, and she lifted her head, looking around. Is that...Yes! That is Helidos scent! Lily quickly rose to her paws, and followed the scent, paws slipping on the damp grass. She stopped at the base of the cliff, somewhat daunted by the massive rock and the waterfall. Steeling herself, she clambered up the rocks. Tracking the scent further, Lily soon spotted the brute by the waterfall. Thank goodness...

"Ex-excuse me...Can you help me? I seem to have gotten lost. I don't know the territories that well yet. I can't find my way back to Helidos territory." Lily dropped her head, embarrassed.
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Lost in a Falling World (Oltulysa, Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lost in a Falling World (Oltulysa, Open) Lost in a Falling World (Oltulysa, Open) Icon_minitimeDecember 3rd 2014, 19:48

Gemini traveled through the rest of the neutral territories, she had made sure to observe the direction she was going in effort not to get lost. But soon a scent she had smelled before reached her. She had never met one of these wolves and so she moved forward until she got to the edge of a clearing. She noticed a small river with a sudden drop-off into a pool of water at the bottom. But what caught his attention first was another wolf standing near the falling water, collecting it in a turtle shell. Gemini quietly stayed to the shadows watching for any sign that the male in front of her noticed her. She hoped not, she only wanted to observe the wolf from the shadows. The sunlight seemed to peak through the tree's on the other side of her making barely any shadows. But as she moved she found a tree with low hanging branches that shaded the area below it. She fell back next to the trunk and sat down, her tail curled around her paws as she watched the male. But soon another female walked the direction of the male.

She gave a small chuckle watching the pathetic fae, she obviously was new. But at least as Gemini walked she watched her surroundings. Looking for spots she would remember. Gemini was like a demon, watching them from the shadows. Her yellow eyes shining in the sunlight. Small streaks of light waved around her as a short blow of the wind swayed the tree's branches. She didn't move though, from the distance she was at, the steady rise and fall of her body as she breathed in the fresh air around him. They could easily mistake her as a trick to the eyes, but she didn't know what they would think. Once or if they saw her, she would come out of the shadows. But of course at this point she continued to observe from the disappearing shadows. Her body still stayed completely still except for her steady breathing as she carefully shifted her body to a more comfortable position. Although that could be the reason, for the wolves to notice her.
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Lost in a Falling World (Oltulysa, Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lost in a Falling World (Oltulysa, Open) Lost in a Falling World (Oltulysa, Open) Icon_minitimeDecember 7th 2014, 20:32

Staff Note:Due to the voluntary accouny deletion of Lily, this thread is temporary closed. Gemini, please PM for information. More information to come.
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Lost in a Falling World (Oltulysa, Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lost in a Falling World (Oltulysa, Open) Lost in a Falling World (Oltulysa, Open) Icon_minitime

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