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Taking Time [Raymond/Erenyx Warriors]

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Naomi Of Erenyx
Naomi Of Erenyx

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Purchases: Large Wolf - 86cm

Taking Time [Raymond/Erenyx Warriors] Empty
PostSubject: Taking Time [Raymond/Erenyx Warriors] Taking Time [Raymond/Erenyx Warriors] Icon_minitimeFebruary 8th 2015, 20:47

With the days having passed, Naomi knew what she would have to do. She needed to engross herself into the pack. Wolves needed to know who their Lead Warrior female was. Naomi moved out from her den, and looked around the pack clearing. She walked to each den and spoke to the entrance, "Warriors, please come to Satan's Edge for some training. It is mandatory!" she barked as she made her way to the land she had designated. Her stride was long, but at a constant speed. Not going to fast or too slow. It was just normal. As she made her way, she looked before her. The fog was rolling in on this sunny day, perhaps one of the last warm days for autumn. Soon the winter would come and the temperatures would drop. The snow would blow in from the north and cover the lands in a sheet of white. The prey would flee and for this, they would need the Hunters to step up their game and prepare the kill pile for winter. The Lead Warrior moved through the lands and when she had made it to the perfect place, she stopped and sat down. Her body rested as she looked through the fog. Who would come and who would choose to stay behind? She was anxious to see Raymond, though also nervous to be around him. What exactly would they all do for training today? She was unsure, but figured it wouldn't be too hard.

((All Warriors, please feel free to post for some training!))
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Raymond of Erenyx
Raymond of Erenyx

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PostSubject: Re: Taking Time [Raymond/Erenyx Warriors] Taking Time [Raymond/Erenyx Warriors] Icon_minitimeFebruary 8th 2015, 21:18

Raymond's ears flicked lazily as he woke to a very familiar female voice barking out orders to the lowly warriors. He slowly opened his eyes and pulled himself from his den. His eyes blinked tiredly and he yawned loudly as he made his way to follow the lead she-wolf's scent as he hadn't quite caught what she had said. His paws were heavy against the earth since he had just woken up. He let a long yawn escape his muzzle and his green eyes shut tightly. He walked until her scent got stronger and the fog wrapped around him. He followed the scent that he knew by heart until it was only a few feet away. He emerged from the fog and walked over to Naomi. He turned around to the way she was facing and sat down, his whole body sore and tired from training himself most of the night. His muscles tensed and he looked up at her. Wait... has she always been taller then me? He narrowed his sleepy eyes and then went back to looking directly ahead of him. He swayed back and forth from being tired for a moment and then shook his head. He opened his eyes fully and sat straight and tall, his green eyes becoming sharp and threatening death. His face was emotionless and his structure was prepared for anything. "Good morning Naomi..." He whispered the words out so only she would be able to hear him speak. His tail wrapped around his body and lay across his front paws as he sat very quietly now, looking forward towards the fog and waiting for Warriors to approach and be ready. His body full of scars sat there as if to look and say "I am what it means to be a true warrior". He rolled his shoulders back and held his head high, pride ripping through his massive body. His muscles tightened throughout his legs and back, flexing to show what he was made of and exactly how he had gotten there. He had trained and trained, pushing himself to be the best, using his newly found mentors advice and training harder then before. He hunted for the pack and he fought. He swam to strengthen his legs, he ran to push his endurance. He fought to prove he could protect the pack and his one and only love.
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PostSubject: Re: Taking Time [Raymond/Erenyx Warriors] Taking Time [Raymond/Erenyx Warriors] Icon_minitimeFebruary 8th 2015, 21:47

Faola silently trotted out of the brush and into the clearing. She had over heard talk of Satan's Edge and had been curious to investigate. She looked around her in shock. There was definitely a reason it was known as Satan's edge she could see that. She flicked her ears curiously wondering at the wolves present. Her muscles tingled with eagerness. Her mind racing with the need to prove herself. With all of her energy her fur stood on end. Her eyes danced with determination. She didn't care how long it took she would work hard and push her body to the limits. She just needed to find someone willing to train a lowly omega. She flicked her ears again as she padded forward searching.

She could smell the scents of other Erenyx members. Sweat, blood and wolf. This scent alone made her quicken her step. Her eyes growing wild with the need to train. She whimpered quietly, continuing to look around. Please let there be someone willing to train me. she sent a silent prayer to the moon as she continued to look around. Her fur stood on end with her energy. Anyone who saw her would most definitely think that she was being aggressive, but unfortunately when she was excited or eager her fur stood on end making her look more like a puff ball rather than the wolf she was.
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Taking Time [Raymond/Erenyx Warriors] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Time [Raymond/Erenyx Warriors] Taking Time [Raymond/Erenyx Warriors] Icon_minitimeFebruary 9th 2015, 22:54

Rina quickly made her way into the clearing at Lead Warrior Naomi's call. She had heard it immediately after being accepted and had followed after others who responded. She quickly claimed a place next to a small ivory female who did not look large enough to be a warrior. "Apologies miss. Are you a warrior as well?" Rina asked curiously looking at the female with neutral eyes. She flicked her ears holding her head high as she looked around at all the other wolves. She turned her brown eyes to the Lead Female Warrior who appeared to be watching everyone arrive. She sat down awaiting commands her eyes fixed on the female.

Rina glanced to the side watching the ivory female as she shifted and seemed to be just as keen as everyone else in the area. With a closer inspection Rina noted that the female was indeed quite a bit smaller than herself and looked no older than maybe 2 or 3. Flicking her ear she tilted her head slightly before returning her attention back to the female. Rina was honestly a little excited. She had not been deterred by the Delta's words. They had only made her want to work all the harder. She got to her paws her head high as she continued to wait for commands eager to show her skills.
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Elite Desoto
Elite Desoto

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PostSubject: Re: Taking Time [Raymond/Erenyx Warriors] Taking Time [Raymond/Erenyx Warriors] Icon_minitimeFebruary 23rd 2015, 22:19

Darkness.. That was all he had seen for hours as he slept in his den quietly. Not making a sound. Peaceful it seemed. No sounds or thoughts to disturb him in his first few days here. After the meeting with the Deltas called Ariste, he had found his way to the pack clearing. A few giving him distrustful looks but he paid no mind to them and sauntered into one of the dens. Plopping down in a corner he made himself comfortable and drifted off into a much needed slumber. For he knew not what the dawn would bring. He had no sudden urge to get to know anyone well yet, and didn't have a drawing to any of the vixen he may have had a glance at. Perhaps he never would. After all back home.. no, back where he was born, it was no longer his home... he had no drawing to them much either. But things could change on a whim and he could become intoxicated by the seasoned scent of a she-wolf. But he doubted he would find it soon. "Warriors, please come to Satan's Edge for some training. It is mandatory!" A feminine voice barked into his den, pulling him away from the ebony darkness. Slowly his amber orbs opened and his jaws parted in a wide yawn. His white teeth stained with yellow and a touch of red catching the rays of the sun. Pushing himself up he shook out his pelt and trotted forward. It seemed that he would have to be social today. He let out a snort then. He was unsure where to head to, hell he was only accepted the previous night and probably smelled a bit like a Rouge. Catching the fragrance of the female the brute guessed had barked into his den he followed it. His nose bent towards the ground as he stayed on trail with his nostrils flaring as he exhaled. Soon he came upon the place that they called 'Satan's Edge' where a few wolves were gathered 'round. Not many however he seemed to be one of the first. There was only one other male here and he was sitting down next to the vixen whom's scent he had followed. Ears trained forward he headed for a spot a few yards or so away from the rest of the group and watched through narrow eyes. The night colored brute did not know what to make out of them yet, and frankly even if he did know he would still find himself like this. Sitting away but still in part. Keeping a little of his preferred solitude and leaving his attention to the group. He let out a sigh and rested his tail along his left hip, keeping his amber eyes trained on the pair that seemed to be leading this training. One of which looked fairly tired and he could not help but wonder what he had done to make him so.
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PostSubject: Re: Taking Time [Raymond/Erenyx Warriors] Taking Time [Raymond/Erenyx Warriors] Icon_minitime

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Taking Time [Raymond/Erenyx Warriors]

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