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Raymond [Joining]

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Raymond of Erenyx
Raymond of Erenyx

Posts : 96
Join date : 2014-09-15
Age : 24

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Gender: Male
Age: 4

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PostSubject: Raymond [Joining] Raymond [Joining] Icon_minitimeSeptember 15th 2014, 11:05

Name: Raymond

Gender: Male

Age: 4

Pack: Erenyx

Rank Requested:Warrior

Raymond stands at 74 cm at his shoulder. He has green eyes, like emeralds. He has soft grey fur mixed with white and black. He has white going up his muzzle and fading into soft grey. He has a long tail and long legs, made for balance and fighting. He has a scar across his shoulder from fighting with another wolf. he has a white underbelly that's mixed with light grey. He has strong muscles that show through his pelt. His for is a bit fluffy but fits him well, showing off scars and muscle. His ears are rimmed with black, white and grey fading in and out. His pelt is of lighter shades, almost as if he were carefully painted out in a world of black and white. He has light hues of browns mixed here and there across his delicate pelt. The grey and white showing more then the brown hues of autumn.


Raymond grew up as son to a loner. He was not raised by his mother, as his mother had cast the she-wolf loner and him out of the pack they had been in. His father was killed by his own power hungry wolf, she didn't kill him because he was her only son. But he figured that the truth was his mother, the loner, had been his true mother and outcast-ed since he had been the only male pup born. Either way, he learned to love being alone with his mother. He grew stronger each day, training to become stronger and take revenge on the alphess whom killed his father. At about the age of one year, he began training and learning from his mother. His mother who was kind and loving, took patience and tried to take his mind from getting revenge. But no matter how she tried, teaching him right from wrong... he would always turn back with vengeance in his eyes and snap at his own mother. He would snap and tell her that she would never understand, that he had to kill the bitch whom had kill his father. He ended up keeping his distance from his mother, training himself and hunting. Within a very short time of starting to train himself he met a brute whom who had a heart filled with darkness. The brute liked the idea of training Raymond to seek out revenge, except for one problem. The brute, Kerry would only train him and make him strong enough to kill if the first one they killed was his own mother. Raymond, seeing his mother suffered to see him as an evil bastard... agreed to the terms. He figured strength and knowledge would help in the future, as for his mother... she would die soon. If not to him then to someone else. He also learned that you could trust no one, not even the one who trains you. He knew deep down in his heart that he would kill his own mentor when the time came. He didn't like wolves who were less then him, he wanted to kill the weak and let the strong live. His mother was weak. His mentor was weak. The world around him was weak and he wanted nothing but to destroy the world and watch it burn.

Raymond trained with Kerry for about a year before the brute couldn't take the pressure of his own mother. He was now about two years of age. He called Kerry to meet his mother and then approached her with a glint in his eyes. His mother backed away and shook with fear as Kerry explained what her son was going to do. Raymond grew close to his mother, his face inches from hers and he snarled out towards her. He bared his canines and snapped. He watched as she refused to attack her own son, even in defense she wouldn't strike out at him. "Mother, you fool. Too kind to even defend yourself, let me end your weak and miserable life." With those words said he lunged forward and snapped his teeth into her throat. "I love you son." His mother choked the words out just before he shook and snapped her neck. He howled with a strong voice, crying out the name of the dead. He turned to face Kerry only to be greeted with a bite to his shoulder. He instantly twisted, tearing his own skin and bleeding. He pulled away and snarled, a evil grin upon his maw. "You think I wouldn't catch onto your plan Kerry? No.. I am not stupid." He lunged forward and caught the brute's shoulder in his teeth. He shook his head and dodged away before the other brute could do anything to him. "Now listen you fool... I am going to kill you, for trying to kill me. You doubted my worth and now you shall die for it." He side stepped as the other he-wolf made a lunge for him. He turned his head and snapped down on the wolf's throat. He tore skin away and bit as hard as he could. Of course the older brute had a few things up his sleeves. But Raymond stayed strong, tearing at the brute's throat every chance he got. Soon him and the brute were both a bloody mess, but Raymond had won. He stared at the dying body of his mentor and smirked. He turned and started to leave when he heard the dying voice. "You won't be able to kill Alphess Rory..." Raymond turned and glared at the dying brute, obviously asking the question with his eyes. Why? "I killed her right before I met you." Raymond's rage grew within and he howled a victorious howl and then turned away and started walking. "See if I care." He shrugged it all off and disappeared into the woods, leaving the he-wolf to die.

When he turned about the age of three, he discovered that Kerry had lied with his dying breaths. Alphess Rory was still alive and Kerry had been working for her from the beginning. He chuckled deeply and searched her out, spending his time on hunting her down. It took him half a year to find her but when he found her, it was worth it. He had found her all alone, resting near a river as if she didn't know he was searching her out to kill her. He stepped from the shadows and chuckled, his green eyes piercing the figure by the river. He moved forward and stood beside her quietly, staring into the river and then asking the question that weighed on his mind for so many years. "Why did you kill my father?" His voice was quiet and gentle, as if he were one of the kindest wolves even though he was stained in other's blood. He was a killer. "I killed him because he did not love me, just as I have killed your mother and most of the pack members that tried to fight against me." The brute shook his head and laughed coldly. "How do you feel about death, Alphess Rory?" He turned towards her and watched as she didn't even turn to face him. "Death is a mere fear of the weak, the strong one's can never die." He watched her as she smirked and turned towards him. "Then I see you as weak and shall kill you so the strong may live on." He made his move first, snapping down on her paw and pulling up. Her bones cracked with the speed and strength he put into it. She growled and bit his shoulder, tearing skin and fur away from him. He twisted and tore his teeth into her other leg. He was making it so she would be forced to live weak, as an omega of another pack. It would torture her to the end of her days and that is what he wanted, for her to suffer and be reminded she would never be strong again. He felt her teeth snap onto his hind, just as he felt it he turned and snapped his teeth onto her shoulder. Making her yelp and release his hind leg, he shook her and threw her body away from him. He growled and stood towering over the limp body, most likely her rib cage broken and maybe a fractured shoulder. "You shall never hold power again, I won't kill you as I feel the need for you to suffer. Find a pack soon, for if you don't you shall die of starvation and thirst." He paused before speaking the next words that made her flinch and glare at him. "Omega Rory." He turned with a bitter smile upon his maw and left the she-wolf to suffer.

He was now four years of age, he had wandered far and near. Killing wolves whom he thought were weaker. Destroying the world one at a time. He grew stronger and wiser. He contained knowledge that others might never know, and he refused to tell. He carried a burden, the burden of a blood thirsty killer. He had to kill, it drove him insane. That the weak would dare to talk to him without expecting him to kill them. No he was not a kind wolf and nor would he ever be. He hated the kind wolves and how they acted. He wished to kill them all, he wanted to rule the world. Or at the least see it's destruction. See it burn, burn until it was nothing but ashes. He could see himself, there in the lead of it all. Killing. Fighting and killing. Burning the world around them to pure ashes and destroying all hope. All joy and happiness that wolves held. Destroying everything he saw, and more importantly... killing off the weak. For in his eyes, the weak were a burden and he wished only to become stronger. He wanted nothing to do with someone who was weak, let alone kind. It was not in his taste. He would most likely kill that wolf by the end of the hour. Getting rid of another weak and sorrowful wolf.

Joining Keys: Member has posted the joining keys and have been removed for the fair joining of future members. - Elder Azul

How did you find Age? I am Warrior Rose, I bought A second Character ^^

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Not necessary. - Elder Azul
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Elder Azul
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Elder Azul

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PostSubject: Re: Raymond [Joining] Raymond [Joining] Icon_minitimeSeptember 15th 2014, 17:00

Raymond [Joining] R0it

Now before you can get started, please add your wolf to the following pages:

- Name Claim
- Ranks

Once you have completed these things, please head to the border of your prospective pack and post!
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Raymond [Joining]

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