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Tundra- The lost Soul

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Guardian Tundra
Guardian Tundra

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Location : Éire

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Age: 5 years

Tundra- The lost Soul Empty
PostSubject: Tundra- The lost Soul Tundra- The lost Soul Icon_minitimeAugust 4th 2014, 16:51

Name: Tundra

Gender: Female

Age: Three

Pack: Erenyx

Rank Requested: Warrior.

Tundra is an Arctic WolfxTimber Wolf mix, making her slightly larger than the average Arctic Wolf. She is 34 inches high and 62 inches long making her a part of the medium category. She is lithe footed and agile though strong muscles ripple beneath her thick white pelt and strength would be her main focus though her speed and agility is not a weakness and is actually quite good, stamina would probably be what she lacks that most. She has a long white tail and four long, strong legs that help her swim- something she both enjoys and is quite talented at. Her muzzle is also long and she has fangs that are short but strong and good at breaking through her prey's bones. Her claws are long and sharp and though they are not very strong, they are good at slicing through things quickly. She has two furry rounded ears perched on top of her head which are almost constantly perked and alert.

A creamy white pelt hangs from Tundra. The fur is long, thick, soft and downy making it something pleasant to touch and feel. The soft, silky coat of fur is long and thick due to her species and is meant for protecting her from colder temperatures all year round, making it a burden during the Summer though a gift during the Winter. There is pretty much no break in its whiteness and it reaches it's thickest around her stomach where the fur is extremely long and thick and continuously gets tangled and knotted. Luckily, due to being 50% Timber Wolf her fur is not as long as most Arctic Wolves as Tundra hates the thought of her fur being any longer than it already is.

Her eyes are a soft gentle looking Hazel, though don't be fooled, this wolf is not exactly what you'd call gentle and her eyes are usually cold and emotionless. Due to harsh events in her past, Tundra does bear quite a lot of scars. However thanks to her long thick pelt, most of them are covered and can only be seen if she chooses to show them which is extremely, extremely rare. However, one scar can be seen easily which is a v shaped nick taken out of the left side of her left ear. Along with that, scratches and bite marks dot about her body, hidden by her thick pelt.


Tundra- The lost Soul Vspc7o


You didn't get many lone families these days. Well not many that survived anyway. but nope, Rowan and Eleven both left their packs for reasons Tundra would never find out. You'd think they were gone to start a pack of their own but they never seemed to want to progress beyond a small family and well, that's what they did. It was Autumn when Eleven had given birth to a litter of four. Of course, soon enough only two of these will survive. One was a dark pelted male called Fell and the other, a white pelted female called Tundra. At only 11 months old- the chances of survival in the wild were well, a one, maybe even a two or three? But then again, they had survived a fire that had obliterated nearly everything in the small forest. But had that only been luck that the tunnels the family had been digging as an escape route beneath their caves had been completed and were ready to be finished just as the smoke had begun to get unbearably thick down underground. And was it only luck that Fell, and then Tundra had been  pushed through the thin layer of mud out into the open- semi conscious, before the fire reached the others and caused the tunnels to cave in?  And that a small stream was right beside the back of the cave and they managed to get through it before collapsing on the bank on the other side? The two of them never found out.

Now, being only eleven months and all- the two had pretty much no chance of survival. Now, luckily Tundra and Fell's parents had been were determined to train the pups to be the strongest wolves in the wild and trained them as many hunting and fighting moves as they could. Of course this wasn't many as the four of them had been two young to learn much. The duo would stare at the tunnel as it caved in, only semi-concious but knowing well that their parents and siblings were dead and that their dreams of living and growing up to be a strong family in the wild were gone- nothing more then a dream. Day turned to night and it was only then did consciousness return to the duo lying by the burnt remains of their home. The smoke and fire that had killed their family was the only thing that kept them alive that night, any predators out that night gave the burning forest a wide berth and left the two unharmed except for slight burns and broken hearts.

It was funny really. How different Fell and Tundra were. Whilst Tundra had a long, light colored pelt- Fell had a dark, short one. His eyes looked like shards of ice whilst Tundra's were a gentle hazel. There siblings had both been brown pelted, one having yellow eyes and the other one having amber eyes. Dreams meant nothing to Tundra after that night- they were dreams and nothing more and all they did was kill you. What was happening now was happening and you shouldn't try and get anywhere else. However, Fell was different, he believed in dreams and legends without knowing that they too would be the cause of his death. Luckily enough, Fell was large for his age, much larger then Tundra and she knew that when he was a full grown adult- he'd be larger then her father. This kept them safe for about a month, most predators like eagles and wild dogs like coyote's left them alone due to Fell's size and look- he looked nothing like an 12 month old pup. But Mother Nature was harsh and the two trekked aimlessly through forest after forest, field after field. Only knowing how to catch tiny pieces of prey and unable to find decent shelter that wasn't already inhabited by another creature. This wasn't the life their parents had often told them about, this life was harsh and cold. Yes there was some beauty to it but that was overshadowed by fear, exhaustion and hunger.

But Fell never gave up, he hung onto their parents words of living fee and happy as if they were life. Well maybe they were? But Tundra had long since given up on her parents and constantly argued with Fell. One day, two months later, after a particularly bad fight that had almost turned physical. The two split and went in opposite directions. But Tundra calmed down quickly. She had always been the more gentle, kind spirit of the two and she couldn't leave her big brother to do something reckless [she called him her big brother despite him only being seconds older, though something about his presence seemed older than 1 year] When she finally found him, she was shocked to see that he had found two other wolves and was conversing with them eagerly, his tail wagging. Fell had always believed that there was a reason that him and Tundra had survived and there was a reason that he had a pelt that was close to black and hers close to white. These wolves must've overheard that as they told Fell that he was the sacred wolf who'd save them all along with his sister. And Fell believed them, he followed them but Tundra had already seen the other hidden in the thick vegetation. She tried to scream out a warning but it was two late, Fell was torn to right in front of her eyes. These were not the wolves her parents had told them they'd meet.

She ran for hours and hours but still they caught up with her at last and pushed her to the ground. They were going to kill her, just like they did to Fell. But something about the madness in her eyes as she fought back viciously, destroyed by grief from the death of her brother- her last family member. But the leader of this small band of insane wolves called them off and asked her to join the gang. Tundra knew well that no meant death so being the coward she was- she said yes. She spent a whole year within the gang, learning cruel techniques on how to hunt which would usually leave the prey dying slowly and painfully and once they thought she was good enough, they began allowing her to the wolf hunts as they called them, where they would go out and kill innocent wolves like Fell. She became addicted to it, addicted to watching them suffer as she killed them. It wasn't until one day there was a pup- a pup only seven months old with a pelt just like Fell and icy blue eyes that looked like shards of ice but were warm friendly and curious. Tundra was one of the ones who was supposed to lure him in to the others who would kill him, but it was then that what she had been doing the past year and a half dawned on her and she felt physically sick. She turned on the wolves with her and murdered them, surprise helping her win. The rest heard and with howls of rage ran after her as she raced off with the petrified pup in her jaws- alive.

She was older now and had gotten /as much as she hated to admit it/ good training from the gang wolves and it wasn't long before she lost them despite the pup in her jaws, one much too old to be carried and her neck ached. The little ball of fluff had been terrified of her and had called her a murderer and she'd tried to tell him she'd just been trying to save his life but he'd been right anyway- she was a murderer.

A wolf had soon come across them and Tundra- not having a good relationship with wild wolves so far- rushed to protect the pup, her fangs bared and claws sank into the ground, a dangerous glint shone in her hazel eyes. The position felt so familiar, so normal now. Yet the wolf was kind and gentle and though it took days, she eventually managed to get Tundra to join the pack- the pup had already done this two days ago. The life of the pack was so different to the gang life, but Tundra could never fully relax. She was ill tempered and lashed out frequently, sometimes hurting others by accident. And then one day around a year later, just as she was beginning to enjoy pack life and trying to put the past behind her. She had a terrible argument with her alpha- a terrible one and it ended with her lashing out and slicing his throat and him falling to the ground...death. Shocked and afraid of herself, she ran away from the pack like a coward and has spent months moving about as a loner. Threatening any wolf who comes near her and accepting that she was a cold killer and nothing could change that- but she knew she needed a pack and Erenyx could just be the perfect one for her.

Joining Keys: Joining Keys posted and removed to keep the secrecy secret - Elite Nnlya

How did you find Age? Joined twice in the past. Once as Larka and again as Tundra. Both times only lasted a very small time before I went inactive but I plan to not let this happen again. I originally found this site through Top 50 Wolf RPGS.

Example Post:
**This will be Tundra's first wolf hunt 'cause I feel like typing something from scratch x3 So ye, if anyone doesn't like that kill and blood stuff, I advise you don't read o.o [it's not that bad, don't lemme scare you c|]**

Four white paws thudded against the dry, sun baked earth, sending up small clouds of brown dust into the stifling hot air. The thuds of her paws were drowned out by the beats of her heart, it was all she could hear along with the roar of blood in her ears. These weren't butterflies fluttering about in her stomach, these were wild animals kept caged for too long and they battered at her insides mercilessly. A wave of nausea crept over her and fear followed. I will not vomit, I will not vomit, I feel no fear, I feel no fear she chanted the words silently over and over again in her head. That had been the first thing they'd ever been taught. That chant. Funnily enough, nausea was something nearly everyone endured on their first wolf hunt but supposedly it got better the more you got used to it. She sure hoped so, she wasn't sure if anything could be worse then this. The sun beat down mercilessly on the gang of wolves as they raced across the dry, cracked mud and Tundra was sure she couldn't go on much longer, constantly stumbling and tripping over small rocks. By now she had fallen to the back with the others who were on their first wolf hunt and the lower ranked wolves. She shook her head sharply, trying to clear her mind a bit but it still felt fuzzy and drowsy. Yet she managed to push herself further despite the protestant ache in her muscles as the thick vegetation where she'd be hiding, came into view.

The relief when reaching the protection of the large thickly leaved trees was something Tundra could not put into words and she felt much more alert now that she was no longer plagued by the unbearable heat. She swept her hazel gaze around the area as her gang mates got into their assigned hiding places which they'd been given at the last training session. Roughly ten wolves would go to these wolf hunts, three of them would go and persuade the targeted wolf to follow them and the rest would jump out and attack. Bile rose in her throat as an unwelcome image of Fell popped into her mind and she squeezed her eyes shut as if the action would help. A low growl behind her caused her eye's to snap open in seconds and she whirled around with her fangs bared and hackles raised. But it was only one of the gang members and she was pleased to see an impressed look flicker into his eyes but it was gone just as quickly as it came- it wasn't easy to win these guys' praise. When he opened his mouth all he said was "Keep your eyes open silly pup" in a gruff voice before turning back to the sunlit path they'd come from.

Tundra's creamy colored head bobbed up and down as she gave a quick nod and turned back, sick excitement battling with her nerves. Killing creatures with the cruel techniques they'd been taught had become strangely and sickeningly addicting and already adrenaline was beginning to pump through her veins. Even though this was her first wolf hunt, it was not the first time she'd killed something using the techniques she'd been taught. God no- it was how they hunted, they used it on prey and small predators all the time. Impatience was beginning to burn hot in her veins and just as she was getting extremely restless, four wolves came into view. The corners of her mouth twitched up. They'd gotten their prey. Remembering her training, the creamy pelted fae breathed in deeply, feeling the air rush down her windpipe before she exhaled quietly, not wanting to alert the wolf of her presence. That would not do her any favors.

Soon the four of them stopped and Tundra got a good look at their to-be prey. He was small, roughly the same size as her and had a pelt that was dusty brown. She could not see his eyes from this angle but before she could do anything else, one of the gang wolves gave his tail a sharp flick to the right- the signal that the whole gang seemed to know well by now. And then suddenly- everyone was moving with a silent gracefulness, reminding Tundra of liquid. Everything seemed so silent as they raced through the trees, she hadn't even noticed her paws begin to move along with the crowd and adrenaline pumped through her and she leaped forward as the thick stifling air was suddenly filled with shrieks and howls of delight as the gang bore down on the little wolf. For a second everything seemed to freeze and Tundra could catch the look of absolute horror on the little males face, a look similar to Fell's when- she gave her head a sharp shake and a snarl burst from her throat as she leaped forward and time seemed to resume to chaos. Her thoughts of Fell were pushed back by the sudden burst of energy and adrenaline along with complete excitement as the wolf turned and began to run frantically from the insane wolves.

This was just like catching prey! Her paws hit off the ground, the thud of them blending in with the thuds of her fellow gang mates. They ran as one and they hunted as one. The newer wolves and lower ranked wolves always had to let the senior wolves attack first or face punishment and it took all Tundra's will to stop herself from leaping out and latching herself onto the male as the bloodlust raced through her like a hot angry fire. She had to sink her claws into the cracked earth as the first senior wolf leaped into the air impressively and landed on the small dusty coloured male, flattening him to the ground. A set of fangs was buried into males throat while claws began raking down his sides. Tundra jumped in excitedly and sank her fangs into flesh and pulling until a sickening yet satisfying tearing sound reached her ears and she pulled back with a blood splattered muzzle and a chunk of flesh in her jaws. It was just like eating a deer really, she spat out the chunk and leaped back in again. Not realizing just how sick this act was as a mixture of adrenaline, bloodlust and pure insanity took over and made her do the things she did- not once did she wonder did this wolf have family, friends, a love and what they'd taken from him.

I don't currently have time to read over anything in this bio so if there's any Spelling/Grammar mistakes or just mistakes in general [which there will be, I can almost guarantee it] just ignore them please and I'll fix 'em when I have time. Also before you ask why I don't do it when I have time is because I can see my free time only getting narrower and narrower and I've had this account made over a month now without doing anything with it.

Last edited by Tundra on August 5th 2014, 15:32; edited 3 times in total
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Elite Nnlya
Elite Nnlya

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Tundra- The lost Soul Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tundra- The lost Soul Tundra- The lost Soul Icon_minitimeAugust 4th 2014, 17:42

Tundra, we do not allow any human interaction on this site at all. Period.

Also, without their parents, the survival of six month old pups would be almost impossible. At the very least the pups would need to be a year to a year and half old in order to have a fighting chance.

Dingoes are native to the continent of Australia and as such would not be found in these lands.

It is also highly unrealistic for a nine month old pup to defeat multiple full grown opponents who have been trained and raised in the wild.
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Guardian Tundra
Guardian Tundra

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Tundra- The lost Soul Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tundra- The lost Soul Tundra- The lost Soul Icon_minitimeAugust 5th 2014, 04:15

Quote :
Tundra, we do not allow any human interaction on this site at all. Period.
Urgh, I actually remember reading that yet I still ended up adding in humans? x.x something wrong with my mind But ye okay, I think I've ridded it of any human references.

Quote :
Also, without their parents, the survival of six month old pups would be almost impossible. At the very least the pups would need to be a year to a year and half old in order to have a fighting chance.
Yee I know, I was really more going on almost impossible rather then impossible but yep, made 'em older. [pretty sure eleven months is close enough to one year to be acceptable?]

Quote :
Dingoes are native to the continent of Australia and as such would not be found in these lands.
Something else that I know or should. Should really stop doing bio's when I'm half asleep.

Quote :
It is also highly unrealistic for a nine month old pup to defeat multiple full grown opponents who have been trained and raised in the wild.
Ehh, she didn't actually defeat any of them. They would've torn her to shreds if the leader hadn't told them to stop 'cause he liked Tundra's fighting spirit. She's older now at that point anyway~
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Elite Nnlya
Elite Nnlya

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Tundra- The lost Soul Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tundra- The lost Soul Tundra- The lost Soul Icon_minitimeAugust 5th 2014, 14:36

You still have some references to the human park in the beginning of your history.

Also be aware of their age changing. Some points where you say months have passed but still refer to Tundra and her brother as 11 months old. Also, the difference between two and too. Two, is the written form of the number 2. Too is used in terms of "too much" or "too fast".

Pending until at least the first item is fixed.
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Guardian Tundra
Guardian Tundra

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Tundra- The lost Soul Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tundra- The lost Soul Tundra- The lost Soul Icon_minitimeAugust 5th 2014, 15:35

I can't see the human references you speak of?

Tundra wrote:
I don't currently have time to read over anything in this bio so if there's any Spelling/Grammar mistakes or just mistakes in general [which there will be, I can almost guarantee it] just ignore them please and I'll fix 'em when I have time. Also before you ask why I don't do it when I have time is because I can see my free time only getting narrower and narrower and I've had this account made over a month now without doing anything with it.
^ Just for the last two reasons you stated.
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Elite Nnlya
Elite Nnlya

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Tundra- The lost Soul Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tundra- The lost Soul Tundra- The lost Soul Icon_minitimeAugust 5th 2014, 15:50

Human references were to human structures. I.e. the tunnel in the enclosure and the park itself. Paraphrased - "they watched as the tunnel collapsed", "wild animals giving the park a wide berth".
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Guardian Tundra
Guardian Tundra

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Tundra- The lost Soul Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tundra- The lost Soul Tundra- The lost Soul Icon_minitimeAugust 5th 2014, 15:56

I've changed the park thing already a bit ago. The tunnels were things dug out by the wolves themselves beneath the cave they lived in.
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Elite Nnlya
Elite Nnlya

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Tundra- The lost Soul Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tundra- The lost Soul Tundra- The lost Soul Icon_minitimeAugust 5th 2014, 16:26

Tundra- The lost Soul R0it

Now before you can get started, please add your wolf to the following pages:

- Name Claim
- Ranks

Once you have completed these things, please head to the border of your prospective pack and post!
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PostSubject: Re: Tundra- The lost Soul Tundra- The lost Soul Icon_minitime

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