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Running to the darkness -border post-

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Running to the darkness -border post- Empty
PostSubject: Running to the darkness -border post- Running to the darkness -border post- Icon_minitimeNovember 28th 2014, 14:34

Gemini carried the head of the coyote proudly, she would not let the alpha or any wolf call her weak. She was willing to kill, and would be loyal to not only the alpha, but the whole pack. Gemini was going over what she would say in her mind, and her actions. She was not the largest, and knew not to try to be larger around the alpha or whoever greeted her. She knew respect very well, Gemini dropped “her” head once she found the border of the pack. She pricked her ears up and twitched them listening to the noise around her. Her eyes scanned the area to make sure no wolf was around before howling, then she lifted her muzzle to the sky. She did not worry about making her voice sound pretty, since she hadn't howled in a while it sounded a tiny bit raspy. Her voice cracked as her voice raised in an almost perfect crescendo, then slowly quieted. She didn’t care what they thought about her howl, that didn’t really matter at all. What mattered was that she was here for a pack, she is strong, and willing to follow under any alpha.

Gemini scanned the area once more as she stood over the coyote head. If any rodent wished to snatch it from her she would kill it in an instant. She did not seek power, or to destroy anyone in this pack. She was searching for someone to loyally stand under, she would do anything to keep this pack safe if they accepted her, even if she hated the wolves. Gemini would proudly kill any wolf, as long as that meant she would keep her place in the pack. She was not one to mess with, although she may seem small and soft. She was as fierce as a lion. Once the alpha came she would dip her head lower her tail and ears and not dare move towards or away from the wolf. If she moved forward, that would most likely be taken as a threat. If she moved back, that was weakness. She just wished to show respect. Gemini knew she would make it in this pack, she had no fear at all. She had the head tucked under her safely out of sight, although still holding a scent.
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Beta Fel
Beta Fel

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Running to the darkness -border post- Empty
PostSubject: Re: Running to the darkness -border post- Running to the darkness -border post- Icon_minitimeNovember 28th 2014, 20:41

Fel was sitting at the edge of her den, watching the pack life move onward in a silent manner. Few wolves bothered her, most of them carrying on with their business as they usually would. They had no reason to bother her after all. She was simply there to instill order should order escape, and to keep everything running in a manner that would please Teren. Soon enough, a howl was heard from their border, barely sounding over the trees. The beta did not wait for anyone else of rank to go; she rose from her seat and departed immediately. No time was to be wasted… That would not be productive management.

It did not take long for the demon to reach the borders. Slowing down from her lope, she walked through the brush, emerging into the field of view of the newcomer. Her tail immediately assumed its arched position over her back, her ears erect and attentively positioned towards the fae. Fel scanned her physique as she approached, finding it not to be as disappointing as the last fae she accepted. Even her stance did not irk the beta, for it showed respect but did not seem weak. The coyote head below her form, however, was a peculiar offering. Was this a message that she could hunt, or fight? Either way, the Erenyx wolf was unimpressed by it, choosing to ignore it altogether after giving it a single glance. Instead, her piercing eyes rested upon those of the other, challenging them to see if they would dare meet her own. Eerily calm, as she normally was, Fel approached the visitor. In her deep voice that usually caught strangers off guard, the brute-like fae spoke. “I am Fel, Beta of Erenyx under the great Alpha Teren. Speak your name and purpose stranger… It is not wise to waste my time.”
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Running to the darkness -border post- Empty
PostSubject: Re: Running to the darkness -border post- Running to the darkness -border post- Icon_minitimeNovember 29th 2014, 18:28

When another female approached with her tail high, she knew it came from the pack. She didn't look directly into her eyes and listened as she introduced herself. Gemini was a bit surprised by her deep voice, but just nodded when she finished speaking. "I am Gemini, I come in need of a pack. When I heard of your pack I started searching right away. I believe that this pack will be great for me. I know how to hunt, fight, and I am not afraid to kill. I will be loyal to this Alpha Teren and all who follow him. And I will take whatever rank given although I prefer hunter." she paused thinking of what else then added. "I am not here to make friends though, that is one thing I am not interested in. I do not believe in true love or a true friendship. I believe in following loyally to those dominant to me." she stopped and waited for the fae to speak, or answer. She didn't know how the fae would respond, and truly didn't care as long as she accepted her.

Gemini wasn't afraid to answer any questions that came to her. Soon she remembered her offering and almost chuckled, it must look ridiculous to the fae. Her bringing a coyote head, it wasn't exactly what she wanted to bring. She would have brought something larger, preferably a wolf paw or maybe a wolf head. But unfortunately she couldn't find a wolf in time. If she was questioned she would tell the truth, she was a wolf of honesty and loyalty. Although she could be very harsh and mean, she regretted nothing in life. She knew lies could go wrong in a pack, especially if you lied to the alpha and he/she found out. So she would be as honest as possible. This fae was powerful too, it was obvious by her rank. She still didn't look Fel in the eyes though, as she waited for the answer. It would easily be taken as a threat and could even lead to Gemini's death.
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Beta Fel
Beta Fel

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Gender: Female
Age: 8
Purchases: Extra Large Wolf: 93 cm

Running to the darkness -border post- Empty
PostSubject: Re: Running to the darkness -border post- Running to the darkness -border post- Icon_minitimeNovember 29th 2014, 22:19

Fel kept her dominant stance, a mere formality but at the same time, a display of authority. The fae seemed to know what to say, but yet it didn’t seem too convincing. The onyx beta answered in the neutral tone that was hers, though it began to show hints of a warning growl. “Do not assume you will be accepted, for that choice rests on me. You may think Erenyx would suit your needs, but Erenyx does not need mediocre wolves.” The words were not simple talk or something to be replied to. They were a command and a warning. Fel allowed a moment for the traces of the growl to fade into her chest and her words to sink in before continuing. “Even if you were to be accepted, what would you contribute? More meat to the pile, perhaps, if you are any good as a huntress. But our great Alpha, Teren, has a particular view on females and sees them as the weaker gender. You would have to work extra hard in order to prove yourself worthy enough to stay. Could you accomplish that, Gemini? You will be constantly tested: physically, mentally, and psychologically. There will be no weak links in this pack.” The demon stared down at her, waiting for a response that was brief and to the point. Once this was given, she would add in, “And, while you have my attention, where do you hail from? Who taught you your skills?” Fel did not genuinely care to learn her history, but it was information that could be useful in assessing this wolf in the future as well as the present.
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Running to the darkness -border post- Empty
PostSubject: Re: Running to the darkness -border post- Running to the darkness -border post- Icon_minitimeNovember 29th 2014, 22:36

Gemini took the warning in and just gave a curt nod before answering to Fel, "Yes." She knew she could take the test, and was prepared to work extra hard. If this female was beta then it was obvious that Teren didn't think all females weaker. She listened as the beta asked a couple of questions. Her past was something she didn't expected to hear asked about, she expected more questions of her strength but she wouldn't refuse to answer. "I come from a small pack, although they don't matter since my father took me from that place. My mother was jealous of me and my fathers relationship and tried to kill me at one point. I lived far from here although I traveled farther, I would attack wolves that got in my way but also I would stay smart about avoiding some wolves, cougars, and bears obviously much larger and stronger than me." she paused hoping that answered Fel's first question, then continued. "My father taught me, he is the reason why I am who I am." she left out the part about him being murdered and about how she killed one of the three that murdered him and chased the other two away. Although that could be of importance, Gemini took to thought about how Fel told her it is not wise to waste her time. So the fae just waited for a response to what she had said.

[sorry short]
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Beta Fel
Beta Fel

Posts : 551
Join date : 2013-06-11
Location : Alabama

Wolf Information
Gender: Female
Age: 8
Purchases: Extra Large Wolf: 93 cm

Running to the darkness -border post- Empty
PostSubject: Re: Running to the darkness -border post- Running to the darkness -border post- Icon_minitimeNovember 30th 2014, 00:06

Fel listened silently, growing bored. Small pack, murder attempt, and a few words on self-preservation. Nothing extraordinary, but the beta supposed the story was not unsatisfactory either. She did, however, bother to comment on one particular aspect. “Only one mentor? How disappointing. Fel looked over Gemini’s body, analyzing the structure once more before returning her cold gaze upon the other’s eyes, making sure they remained averted. “As a hunter of Erenyx, you are expected to provide for the pack. You do not eat unless the pack is fed. Anyone who is dead weight will quickly become a dead body. That is your only warning.” The beast turned and began walking away towards the brush with the words, “You may follow me as I may show you to the pack clearing, or you may explore on your own, Hunter. Either way, your duties start tomorrow morning.” Without another word, Fel disappeared into the forest, not caring if the other followed or not. She was to get back to the pack clearing and find Piper to tell her to be ready for her first day of training in an hour.

Congratulations, you are now officially accepted into Erenyx. You do not have to reply to this post. Please change your name to "Hunter Gemini" and proceed to the mandatory thread which may be found here.
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PostSubject: Re: Running to the darkness -border post- Running to the darkness -border post- Icon_minitime

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