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A Skip of a Pebble [Sitka]

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A Skip of a Pebble [Sitka] Empty
PostSubject: A Skip of a Pebble [Sitka] A Skip of a Pebble [Sitka] Icon_minitimeJanuary 30th 2015, 14:46

The mind is a tricky thing. We harvest what we know, yet surprise ourselves with the secret intelligence that is buried deep. We fool ourselves with mind tricks, refusing to acknowledge what is right in front of us. A brick wall is immediately put up against the burdens of our past or present, dotting our eyes and turning the other way. Today, Clare wanted to search and expand the possibilities of what is concealed deep within. Sitting and watching the day fly day seemed to be a great way to relax and reach within, but soon, the day seemed to drag on as she laid upon a rock. It had been almost a week after meeting Delta Rose at the border, she had then parted her ways, looking around her new home. Leaping off the large rock, Clare began to walk into the thickness of the Neutral territories. Back in Cedar Grove, she met many members of her pack through here, oddly not much at the camp clearing. Looking back unto the memories of the good times, she couldn't help but wonder if any of her friends fled here after the devastation. As the thought penetrated her mind, she walked further until she reached a very large, mirror looking lake. It immediately reminded her of the large lake she played upon at Cedar Grove, playing a game her father taught her.

She remembered that day as if it was yesterday, she remembered the rushing feeling as she stepped upon the lake. But thinking back, she couldn't help but remember the feeling of not being alone. Racking her brain, she couldn't remember if she was alone or not. Looking out to the lake, a chilly blast of air surrounded her and made her shiver. The view was breath taking. Clear looking water, trees lining the border, birds flying over head; it hardly looked real. A great wave of peacefulness rushed over Clare and she couldn't help but smile. Sitting down, she closed her eyes and lifted her maw, enjoying the air. It had been a while since she remembered feeling safe and secure, it was nice to feel something other then fear. Wrapping her tail around her paws, she continued to close her eyes, listening to the earth hum with a silent tune.
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Alpha Sitka
Alpha Sitka

Posts : 160
Join date : 2015-01-02
Age : 24
Location : Hogwarts

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Age: 6
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A Skip of a Pebble [Sitka] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Skip of a Pebble [Sitka] A Skip of a Pebble [Sitka] Icon_minitimeFebruary 3rd 2015, 20:00

The autumn leaved flutters down from the treetops like butterflies in the spring. They fell freely to the earth beneath his paws. The skies were blue, the clouds where white, an array of orange, red, and yellow colors surrounded him. A breeze skipped through the land, instantly cooling anything it crosses. It was a beautiful day, but he had a feeling that something extraordinary was going to happen that day. He couldn't pinpoint it in his mind, but he knew something incredible would happen. The russet figure was in a particularly good mood that day. He hadn't known what had come over himself as he walked through the lands, but his heart skipped at beat as he admired the beauty of the changing lands around him. Magnificence. It's all that he could describe about everything. One single word that defined his hours. One word that defined his life. He knew it always would. For, he knew as long as he though his life was as magnificent as it is, it truly would feel like so. He had no regrets. He knew that it was nobler in the mind to suffer, the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles. It live and die was their destiny. It didn't matter. He knew, death always wins. But for who would bear the whips and scorns of time? He did not know.

Making his way from the brush of the trees that covered him from the open lands that soon emerged, he felt a sudden mind set of repeated history. It brought him back tot he winter in Cedar Grove, where he had come across the dozed lake and a white female had been skating. He hadn't known what had become of the white angel that moved so very gracefully over the frozen waters. He wondered about where she had gone after the devastation of the events in the three packs where they came. He had no idea that he would soon find out what had happened to the fae.

He carried himself toward the shoreline of the lake, where he saw a ghostly white wolf sitting by the water's edge. He hadn't known where she had come from, but was eager enough to find out. He walked his way down to the other, and as he examined her smaller body, it hit him. She was the one on the ice. It was her. He suddenly became exited and walked down towards her with a proud and regal stance. He sat himself down a foot away form her and looked over before speaking. "Excuse me, but I swear I had seen you before. I apologize if this is unsettling, but you look oddly familiar to me." He smiled and softened his eyes to make himself more welcoming of the female to speak to him.
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A Skip of a Pebble [Sitka] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Skip of a Pebble [Sitka] A Skip of a Pebble [Sitka] Icon_minitimeFebruary 4th 2015, 08:20

(Sorry for crappy length x3)

Eyes closed and walls down, Clare was surprised when she heard a voice. Jumping just the slightest, she turned sharply and looked at the male who approached her. She blinked, her blue orbs vanished of any trance she was in and she looked the male in the eyes. Taking a deep breath she arched her neck up slightly to look at him, the height difference was noticeable and she tried to stand a bit taller. The male’s words processed through her head and she tilted her head slightly. Never had she seen this male, his ginger colored fur and silver lined blue eyes were something she would remember. For some reason she couldn’t help but think back to the day when she was at the lake, it seems that was all she could think about. As she observed the male she soon realized she hasn’t spoken yet and she may seem a bit odd watching and not speaking. Looking back at the males eyes, she smiled slightly, “Hi, I think you may have the wrong wolf. I’m Clare, hunter of Helidos.” Wrapping her tail around her paws she tried to remember anything that would led her to remembering this male. She seemed to go into a daze as her mind was bombarded with thoughts, but she just kept remembering the lake. She lowered her head slightly and squints her eyes, remembering that at the lake she smelled another, but then she merely brushed it off. Since the leaving of Cedar Grove the scent of her old home was slowly dying, hardly ever there. Looking up and glancing at the male she couldn’t help but wonder if he was from her old home, but why couldn’t she remember him? Lifting her maw into the air she could smell the pack of her new home, Helidos, on him, but there was a faint twist. The faint smell of Cedar trees was there and realization shone through her eyes, her tail wagging slightly at the fact that this male may have come from her old home. She didn’t allow herself to get overly excited, for this male may not be from the same home, but there was still hope. “Before you reached these lands of Helidos, did you happen to come from a pack with the name of ‘Cedar Grove?’” Her voice was friendly and she held back a wide smile, wanting to know if it was possible. She never really believed it was possible that her old pack members had come here, yes, it had crossed her mind before, but never did she let her hope rise. She awaited the males answer before she realized that she never asked for his name. She mentally facepalmed herself and hoped that the male would speak his name when answering her question.
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Alpha Sitka
Alpha Sitka

Posts : 160
Join date : 2015-01-02
Age : 24
Location : Hogwarts

Wolf Information
Gender: Male
Age: 6
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A Skip of a Pebble [Sitka] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Skip of a Pebble [Sitka] A Skip of a Pebble [Sitka] Icon_minitimeFebruary 16th 2015, 12:44

The male couldn't help but chuckle when he had startled the female before him. "I apologize for startling you. It wasn't my intention." He smiled at the ghostly figure and sat himself down a yard away from where she sat. He looked over the lake that mirrored the autumn surrounding. It was the beauty of the land times two. He could clearly see fish swimming around the bottom of the lake. He pawed at the chilly waters, laughing slightly at the strange sounds the collision made. He realized that the white female hadn't spoken for a few moments. He was sincerely relieved when she had. He listened to her, analyzing every word that fell from her muzzle. Two words particularly stuck out to him Helidos and Cedar Grove. He could not believe what he was hearing. It was her. The one from the lake. He though it was her, but now she had confirmed it! His tail began to move from side to side. Pebbles and grains of sand making slight noises as they were forced to roll one way or another.  He watched her as she mentioned their old home within her sentences. He then was acknowledging his stupidity as he realized he had not introduced himself. "Sorry, I should have introduced myself beforehand." He chuckled. "I'm known as Hunter Sitka here in Helidos, but the pack from which you speak, I was known as Warrior Sitka." He looked at the smaller wolf called Clare. He finally found her again.

He remembered that day at the lake back in Cedar Grove. The winter landscape overcame the lush cedar trees that scattered the land. He decided to mention that day. "But indeed, I do come from the pack you speak of. I wasn't there long before the tragedy that struck out home. I only have one very seemly recent memory. It was a winter morning and I was out hunting. I hadn't found anything but I came across the lake within the neutral lands. There, I witnessed something. Something I had never seen any wolf ever do. He paused before continuing. "A beautiful white female. She sat on the shore of the frozen lake before stepping onto the ice and started gliding over the surface. She was skating. It was magnificent. She was absolutely stunning..." He chuckled and looked down at his paws. "It's the only memory that still clearly exists within my mind from Cedar Grove. I was unfortunate enough to not be able to meet her. I would've loved to. She was just... beyond beautiful." He smiled and shook his head as he realized he'd been rambling on. He looked back at the female before stretching out his body.
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PostSubject: Re: A Skip of a Pebble [Sitka] A Skip of a Pebble [Sitka] Icon_minitime

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