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A Talk To Remember (Azul)

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A Talk To Remember (Azul) Empty
PostSubject: A Talk To Remember (Azul) A Talk To Remember (Azul) Icon_minitimeFebruary 8th 2015, 12:15

The sound of running water attracted the white white fae to the falls. They were gorgeous, white water cascading down from the rocks above, landing in a pool of clear blue water. Who wouldn’t want a partial day of peace here? Taking in a breath, Silvia slowly released the cool air from her lungs and closed her eyes. The day was no cold, which was slightly surprising for the middle of autumn. No the day was warm, not overly hot, it just had this sense of spring. Silvia had left camp, feeling to cooped up and not overly excited not wanting to go to the forest to hunt. Silvia had wanted to go somewhere fresh and new, some place that was peaceful. She had found Rapid Falls by chance, and was very glad she had. Moving with slow steps, Silvia, placed each small paw with care not wanting to slip on the wet rocks on the bank. Once at the edge of the small blue pool she took a seat. The water was continuously moving, and a little to the left of Silvia there was a smaller waterfall that was held up by small stones. The water was draining out of the small flowing waterfall and into a creek that had been formed over many years. It was a piece of nature that no wolf could change because it was such a timeless beauty. Silvia’s head swiveled to the left as she catching the sounds of the running water as it was continuously pushed out of the falls, dragged down by gravity and flowing freely. Silvia felt glad to have found such a place, she almost felt honored. Lifting one paw, she looked at the indent her paw had made in the wet sand and glanced farther down the beach. She could just barely see older imprints left by other wolves. She knew that she could not have been the only wolf to have been in such a place, but she was still glad that she was here now.

Silvia watched the water as it flowed down, watching it splash into the cold water below and thought about how parched she had become. Standing up she placed both paws partially in the water and moved her head down towards the water. Her slender muzzle came close to the water as she lapped it up into mouth. The cool water was crisp on her tongue and very refreshing. She drank till full and lapped her muzzle from excess water and took a seat closing her bright amber eyes feeling very refreshed. This was a place like no other, and she could understand why many wolves would try to take some time out of their day to come here. Silvia moved away from the edge of the water and went up to dry sand and laid down looking at her surroundings deep in thought. Since coming to these lands she really didn’t have enough time to sit down and relax since she had been so busy trying to meet new wolves. Although, she wasn’t going to deny that she wanted to meet new wolves, she also wanted to explore. This was going to be the extent of her exploring today, she had found a nice place to relax. Her white fur glistened in the autumn sun, and her slender legs were tucked close to her body, as well as her tail making her look more or less relaxed. Her ears were up, flicking every few moments to catch noise as she let her mind and body drift. Her thoughts were amiss in many areas of memory but one that stuck out the most was when she first met her brother’s friend. He wasn’t like any of the males that had been raised in the camp. He came from a different area, a different time indeed. He was polite, but he knew how to make she-wolves embarrassed. What made Silvia different was that she didn’t fall for his tricks. She was very stubborn when it came to him, and even though he pursued her, she only pushed him away. A small smile curled on her lips as she thought of the training her father had stuck them both in. It had been a good time, and the falls really reminded her of the good times.
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Elder Azul
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A Talk To Remember (Azul) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Talk To Remember (Azul) A Talk To Remember (Azul) Icon_minitimeFebruary 8th 2015, 16:17

Wandering through the lands, Azul had been far from the dens since the passing of his mate. Many would think the Elder once Alpha would be depressed for the happenings within the pack, but in all honesty, he was glad she was no longer suffering. The elder male moved slowly, almost at a snail's pace. His head was held high, but his tail hung gracefully between his hind legs. His ears were perched atop his head, alert to hear if anything was nearby. He was not worried of being attacked, for he was deep within the lands of Helidos. But the thought that something of a different nature could be wandering near by, was something he could not push from his mind. for the first time in a long while, it had felt like he was the Alpha male once more. His shoulders rolled silently with each step. His paws sunk into the cold dirt, feeling it mesh around his pads and cling to the bottom of each paw. He could hear the sound of rushing falls not too far from where he was now. Golden eyes stared forward, looking to the sights before him. As he wandered, he could hear the rushing falls and he knew he was getting close. Attentive ears listened to the sweet sound of water crashing into a pool. He headed into that direction, making his way towards the chilled pool.

Making his way over, he saw the form of a white wolf. It was completely white and for a moment, he thought he was looking at Creek. But he knew she was dead. This was not Creek. This was some wolf he had not yet met. Trying not to startle her too much, he cleared his throat gently. It was loud enough for her to hear, unless she had been deep in thought. Perhaps then she would not be able to hear him. As the Elder walked closer to her, he spoke in a gentle tone, "it sure is nice this time of year, but soon the seasons will change and the falls will cease. Such is life though, a cycle, a circle almost, is it not?" He smiled to her, waiting to see how she would react to his sudden speaking to her.
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PostSubject: Re: A Talk To Remember (Azul) A Talk To Remember (Azul) Icon_minitimeFebruary 9th 2015, 06:47

The wind blew through the trees, making leaves that had clung so fervently to their branches let go and slowly fall down the long trek to the ground. Some did not make it to the ground, some fell to the water that was gently lapping at the sand that Silvia laid upon. The sand was a light brown color, which contrasted heavily against the fae’s white fur. It made her stand out on the beach, making it known to other wolves that she was there. Her flanks rose and fell as she breathed, her nose bringing in the scents and mouth exhaling her breath. The breeze came once again stirring the water, making fine ripples that distorted the smooth water.Silvia was enjoying the sounds of nature, the birds chirping, the wind groaning through the trees, the water lapping at the sand. Everything had it’s own tone and it’s own music which made for a fine relaxing place. Over the wind, how ever, Silvia did not hear Azul approach. Her ears were up, and they were attentive to any noise, but sometimes noises can be missed. The wind was not the only distraction, deep in her mind memories were resurfacing. They were bringing her to times that meant so much in her life, and times that meant so little. At the moment her thoughts were on the extensive training she had to go through to become her mother and father’s protector. It had been very tough on Silvia, but as a young pup, it was something she needed learn. Letting out a low sigh, she pushed those memories away trying to focus on the presence a little more. Helidos was her home now, Helidos was her pack and she would never go back on her word.

As her thoughts remained adrift in her mind, she still did not hear Azul approach. His approach was slow, but with her thoughts racing and the wind gently blowing, it was enough for her to mistake such things. Relaxed, and in a sort of awkward position, she opened both of her amber eyes when Azul cleared his throat. Her heart jumped in her chest a bit as he came closer and spoke. Silvia quickly sat up, she wasn’t scrambling to her paws, but she was quick to sit up and looked at the male. This was a wolf she had not yet met. There was a lot of Helidos she had not met, and she was still trying to learn from but at the moment she was starting out slow. It took Silvia a few heartbeats to actually comprehend what the male had said, and then she gave a nervous chuckle and nodded, she was embarrassed she had been caught relaxing, adrift in thought. It was usually something a wolf did before bed or when they were in their den, not out in the open. “It is a very delicate circle. Seasons changing is something that only nature can control, and without it many things would be chaotic.” she said her tone quiet as she looked to the falls. He was right, the falls would soon cease, only to be reborn again once spring finally came around. Spring time was a happy but weary time for many for, Springtime was always a time for flooding. Turning her amber gaze back to Azul, she took a sea, her body relaxed. Her ears were perked forward now, her attention on the male. “It is a nice place to just sit and listen. I do not think that many wolves take the chance to do such a thing anymore.” She said to him, and then tipped her slender muzzle a bit. “My name is Silvia, I have not met many in Helidos, and you are one of them. Who are you?” She asked, hoping her string of words was easy enough to follow.
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Elder Azul
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Elder Azul

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A Talk To Remember (Azul) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Talk To Remember (Azul) A Talk To Remember (Azul) Icon_minitimeFebruary 9th 2015, 13:32

As she spun around to see him, he gave her a smile. He could see that she had been startled by him. It had perhaps been for the fact that she was too deep in thought. Azul dipped his head respectfully for her. [color:b608=0099ff]"I would have to say that the fall is my favorite time of the year. The changing of the colors is magnificent and the cool breeze every now and then feels very good. It's interesting to see how something can 'die', but come back in a few months filled with life and new look. It almost makes one jealous of the foliage for this natural ability." Azul could feel himself as a tree. The depression and death around him was his autumn. The leaves fell from his mighty branches as he stepped down from his leadership. Seeing his daughter killed before his eyes was reflected in more leaves falling to the ground. Finally with the passing of Lucy, all his leaves were gone. He stood alone, looking to the loss and depression littered around his base. He had fought the loneliness for a long time, but now it was time to allow the changing of the seasons to soothe his worried soul. As she spoke, his eyes averted to her form. "There was once a wolf here, who used to just sit with me and listen to the world around us. His name was Kenai and he was my Elite. We used to just sit around and think together, mostly on completely different topics. It is not a common thing you see anymore. Everyone is always 'go', 'go', 'go' - you know?"

Azul looked to the water as he thought of his dear friend. It was such a bummer Kenai had not lived through his adult life completely, cut too short by the claws of a monster. He looked to Silvia and smiled, "my name is Azul. I am an Elder of Helidos. About a year's time has passed since I have stepped down from my position as Alpha of these lands. I started this pack a long time ago, and have watched it grow from just three wolves to how many you see now. Alphess Quinn, was a dear friend of mine from a very long time ago. She is a sweetheart and I truly believe she loves this pack just as much as I do. She is a very kind and passionate leader. So, tell me about yourself Silvia. What rank do you serve as for Helidos? How long have you been living within the pack? What do you hope to achieve in your time here?" It was good to meet new wolves every now and then, especially now that Azul was finally coming back to normal. He was curious of her answers and hoped she would be happy to carry on their conversation.
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PostSubject: Re: A Talk To Remember (Azul) A Talk To Remember (Azul) Icon_minitimeFebruary 9th 2015, 19:06

It was embarrassing that she had been caught off guard, and she knew that Azul had seen it. It wasn’t that Silvia hadn’t been paying attention, she just wasn’t expecting another wolf to find her. His interpretation of fall, at least to Silvia was spot on. He was right, fall was a time for many plants untimely death. Animals could be jealous of such a special thing, for once they die, they don’t return to the world of the living. Leaves are reborn again and again, each one different than the last but always having the same fate. Death. It was almost a cruel cycle to endure, and everything in nature had such a cycle. “Many would be jealous if they thought of the simple leaves as so complex. Each cycle of nature is different, but in the end it is the same.” She said, picking her words as eyes traveled over the leaves as they drifted down from the trees. Each one was different in it’s own way, spiraling down as the wind carried them to their unfortunate fate. A leaf drifted down and landed on the ground next to them, it was a soft red color and it’s edges were curling with age and an orange color. “I do know what you mean. I really do, it’s hard for most wolves to just stop and listen to the world around them. It’s so hard to make them appreciate the small things. It’s really what this world has come down, appreciating the smallest things.” She said and looked at him the eyes once more, her attention having been on the swirling leaves as they slowly came down from the trees above. He spoke with wisdom and age, and that was a hard type of talk to come by. Silvia took what she had learned of her past, and had brought it with her, not for the grief, but for the knowledge. Knowledge was what separated the pups from the adults

“A wolf who was able to sit and listen to the world around them, is quite a wolf indeep. You speak highly of Kenai, a friend who has passed should always deserve such a memory.” She said, knowing what it was like to speak of a wolf with a valuable memory. Even though her brother had brought a lot of bad into her life, he had also brought the good. In every bad situation, there was always some good. It just took time to open up and see it. Azul, as the name slipped off of his tongue, she recognized it. Not in the sense that she had met him before, but because she had heard others speak highly of him. She listened to the rest of his words, almost admiring the way he spoke them. “It is a great pleasure to meet you Azul. I have heard of you, all good things.” “Alphess Quinn is a very passionate leader. You chose well, letting her take over.” She said with a smile, a twinkle in her bright amber eyes. When he asked about her, she was taken back a bit. He asked a string of questions, and she knew that he would enjoy knowing the answer. “I serve the rank of Hunter, my skills go beyond hunter, but I stuck with something simple until I could build myself up.” She said and then gave a soft smile. “I was trained for all skills necessary for Alphess, since that was my rightful place in my old camp. How ever, I served for my parents as a Guardian before I could take my place.” “That is the goal i strive for here. To become Guardian to Alphess Quinn and Fenris.” She said nodding her head as she spoke about it. “I have only been with Helidos for a few weeks, slowly learning my way around camp. I haven’t met many though.”
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Elder Azul
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Elder Azul

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PostSubject: Re: A Talk To Remember (Azul) A Talk To Remember (Azul) Icon_minitimeFebruary 10th 2015, 08:57

"Yes, Kenai was a good friend to me. He was the first wolf I met when I moved here and soon after came the arrival of Steele. Not many new wolves know the tale of how the two packs came to be, but I witnessed it with my own old eyes. Kenai had been like an apprentice to me, always by my side, learning and gathering information. One day he wanted to be the Alpha after me. But Steele was very different, he walked to the beat of his own path. He was aggressive and often forced himself to be alone. It was true that Steele hated Kenai and nobody ever really knew why. It was like he was born to hate him. With Steele's stubborn ways and opinions, he did not want to follow the ways I had set this pack. We did not fight for ranks and use violence for anything other than acquiring food. We discussed everything. Steele wanted to use his body to show his dominance and so he decided to branch off and make his own pack, Erenyx. But before he left, he tried to kill Kenai. They had their final fight in Isle De Muerto. Luckily, Steele had thought he killed Kenai and fled to create his own lands. Kenai was unconscious, but not dead. Healer Ember, who at the time was a Warrior, found him and brought him home." Thinking of Kenai brought a smile to his features. It was a rare sight, but when it happened, it was glorious. Never should a white wolf be so down in the mouth. The very essence of their presence was enough to make a whole area glow with glory and pride. "Months later, we discovered that Steele had stolen a member of ours, and used her as a slave to his evil ways. Not many know this, but he impregnated her. Kenai found out she was missing, and went after her. He brought Omega Delilah home. During the birth of the pups, we could tell she was struggling. Kenai was right there, and he took ownership of them. He was their father, even though it was  not by blood. Nobody would know the truth though, only myself and a another Elite who once roamed these lands." He was curious if she grew tired of his tale, but it was not over. There was so much he could say about Kenai, all of it true. "But the greatest thing Kenai ever did was when he gave his own life to save my son's life. He protected Lucas from a bear, and it killed him. Someday, I hope to find this bear and kill it myself. Though I am aware how unreasonable that may be. I would never know which bear it was, but with a life taken, Lucas decided he was not of importance to me and fled to Erenyx." Speaking of his son was rough and his voice turned low. Trying to cheer himself up, he turned his attention to her reply.

"May I ask why you would leave your old pack to come to one just to be a Hunter? Had I been given the chance to rule again, I think I would take it. I no longer have any family, so it would just be me and my pack, as it once was. But Guardian is a good rank, and Heldios is in dire need of one, or even both. I have not seen or heard any other wolves wishing for such a rank, but I would suggest you prove yourself to Alpha Fenris and Alphess Quinn. They are  strong pair together, and make all their decisions as a united front. It is a rank that can be accomplished, but you will have to work hard for it. I had only one Guardian when I was Alpha, and she betrayed our pack. Her name was Fel and Quinn exiled her, though at the time, I wished to kill her. You see, she murdered my daughter right before my very eyes. Never in the history of Helidos has there been internal blood-shed. Never any death from another wolf. My darling Athena stood no chance after Alpha Teren had mortally wounded her. I am only glad my late mate Lucy did not see such a thing. She would have gone mad." Azul had discovered himself to be quite the Elder, though his age was not a factor at all. He spoke like one, reminisced like one, and most of all, he behaved like one. He had enough wisdom in his years over these lands to fill a lifetime of tales and advice. But perhaps she did not wish to hear such a thing. "I apologize if this is too much for you, Hunter Silvia. It has been a long time since I have been able to tell another the tales of old, and speak the truth over such subjects that have had so many rumors made about them. I figure, with your fresh ears, you will be able to see things as I saw them, from my own tales. Do what you will with the information."
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PostSubject: Re: A Talk To Remember (Azul) A Talk To Remember (Azul) Icon_minitimeFebruary 10th 2015, 18:49

Silvia’s perked ears flicked forward as Azul began his tale. His voice, was soothing and gentle and it held emotion. It was something that was hard to come by in many wolves. Her attention was focused on Azul as he revealed how the two packs came to be, and it was information that she had been curious of but she had never known. Being new to the lands, it made her interest peak as he spoke of the older days. “Wolves who loyal like Kenai are ones that are hard to lose. I am glad to know that he was a friend and one who cared so passionately about you and Helidos. Steele sounded like a wolf that I would not enjoy my time around. I am glad that Kenai had not been killed, for, from what you say, had so much going for him.” she said and watched him, her amber eyes bright. As he began speaking about how Steele had stolen a member from Helidos, it only made her muzzle wrinkle with anger. Not only did he steal her but he also impregnated her. It made Silvia shiver on the inside. The thought of being raped and used like a wolf who has no will only made her anger, and also cringe in fear. “Kenai had love in his heart, and that love is something that could never die, only be reborn again and again. What he did for those pups, there isn’t many who would take pups of the enemy pack and raise them as their own.”  She said and she could feel happiness spring forth inside of her. Meeting a wolf with such care was hard to find, and as she listened to Azul speak she could hear it in his voice. He cared, he cared deeply about Helidos and every memory (even the bad) he cherished. As Azul told her that Kenai had given his own life for Azul’s son she could feel her heart pump a bit faster. She could feel sorrow in herself, and she could hear his voice get rough as he spoke about his son. “Kenai was a great wolf, even though I never met him, and can only hear of him through your stories, i know that he was a great wolf.” She said softly. “Not many wolves would give up their life for others, I know that they say they will but when it comes down to the fine line they wouldn’t.” She said softly, swallowing as she spoke. She could still feel the sorrow in her heart, and she could feel the tightening in her throat with the emotion. “I am sorry your son ran off to Erenyx, one would think that Lucas would know he was of importance.” She said quietly, not know what could of gone through Lucas’s mind to make him leave like that. It made her shake her head as she thought about it. She looked back up to Azul, seeing many emotions in the elder’s eyes, but all shone brightly. When he smiled, he really did light up the place.

Now it was her turn to reveal some history, about herself. She could hear the slight confusion of his voice as he asked why she had left, why she became a hunter here instead of an alphess there. “I did have the chance to rule, you are right that if i had the chance again, to rule, I would take it.” She paused for a moment before continuing. “My mother had a hard time giving birth, so my brother and I were her first litter and her only litter. It was sad for the alpha pair of the pack, and my mother had offered my father to have more pups with another female but he had refused. He was happy with my brother and I.  My brother and I were very close as pups, and we would do things often together. There were to rules that my brother and I had. Do not roam after dark, and do not see my father’s brother, our uncle. They were simple rules, but since my brother was the black “sheep” of the family he broke rule number two. On two or three occasions he was able to persuade me to go with. So on the first couple of times I did, I understood why my father had warned us not to go. There was something very wrong with our uncle. The way he looked at me, it made me uncomfortable. He would always send my brother away on errands and come really close to me, always brushing against me. After the second visit I stopped going, and I begged my brother not to go, but he did. It was then that he began to change, he was not the brother I once knew.” There was a change in her tone, it went from neutral to sad. Silvia had cared very much for her brother, and she still hated what had happened. “He started leaving more and more often, talking to our uncle a lot more. My father never found out, but he of course, had his own problems. He was constantly training me, preparing me for Alphess. He knew that his son had no care for it, and instead of training him like he had planned, he trained me. I was rising up in the ranks, from apprentice, to warrior, to guardian. While I was rising up in the ranks, my brother was declining. He was said to be the ghost of the pack because he was only around for food or moral support. A lot of wolves disliked him, and at one point he had only one friend until he disappeared completely. I am actually glad his friend did not stay loyal to him, because my brother was following a dangerous path. My uncle was not a good wolf, there was something twisted in his head, something that just didn’t seem right.” She shivered then, her fur lifting slightly in the chilly wind. It just added to her slight trembling. She took in a breath and slowly let it out, calming her nerves and continuing on with her story.

“My brother soaked up every word he had said, he was my uncles personal servant. My brother did anything for him, and the only reason I found this out was because I followed him one night. Since my uncle never stayed in one place my brother would often follow him to a new place and live with him until he wanted to come home for a few days. I followed him to where my uncle had relocated, and I saw what happened. My uncle was very aggressive with him, beat him with his own paws and teeth. My brother would take it all, almost as if he loved the pain. He would ask my uncle what to do next, what to take next. My brother had been slowly becoming my uncle in a twisted way. I left before they could find me, and some days...I wish i hadn’t. Maybe I could of learned what was going to happen next, but I don’t think any of us really thought of it. My father granted me rank of Guardian, my last rank to prove my worth as alphess. I was to watch over them and protect them, and make sure to help with battle plans. It had been over a month since my brother had returned to camp, and many had whispered to the others that he was dead. It could've very well been true, but it was not. My brother had taken over our enemy pack. He had built up their ranks, and planned an attack on our camp. It came to us by surprise, he attacked one night while most were asleep. He slaughtered so many with his own paws, and his next target was my parents. It was my duty to...protect them and I did.” Her voice was hushed to a whisper and she swallowed hard before continuing. “I killed my brother, I murdered him for going after my parents. I killed him and I didn’t forgive myself. My mother had been devastated. She had known what he had become but to her she was always his little pup. In a way, i know that she hates me for killing him, but I solved her problem and I left. My father was very unhappy, but I knew that the pack would be in good paws after I left. I just could not handle the heavy weight of guilt on my shoulders. I roamed many lands before coming to Helidos. When Elite Nnlya asked me of a rank I could take, I chose Hunter instead of Warrior.” she looked at him, having looked away as she spoke for a few moments. She breathed out slowly and nodded to him. “I know that Guardian will be a hard rank to earn, but I am willing to earn it.” She said and then took a step towards him and put her head under his chin, rubbing her head against his throat and chest. “I am sorry that you were betrayed, that you lost your daughter to such hate.” she whispered and pulled away from him, sitting back down, feeling a bit embarrassed she had showed some affection towards him. “It is not to much. It is good that you asked. I’m glad you shared your story with me. I will take what I have learned from you and cherish it, just as you cherish them.” She said and gave him a smile, it felt good talking, and she had revealed a lot to him. She hoped he would not be offended by anything she said.
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