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New Hell, New Demon

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Elite Malachai
Elite Malachai

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PostSubject: New Hell, New Demon New Hell, New Demon Icon_minitimeFebruary 17th 2015, 08:54

The white demon walked through the autumn lands with ease. He had not found a new place to call his home. He knew he would soon. He grinned as he remembered the death of his own brother and his lover, gasping for breath by Malachai's canines. His coat was still slightly stained with their blood. The yelps and shrieks of pain from the both of then rung in his ears like a pleasant melody. He knew he was a dark entity. He knew all too well that he was living to be commanded to bring death, pain, and suffering. He knew. The right leader was all he needed now. One whom would be as dark and evil as Rico had been before the rest of the pack turned. Malachi needed to be commanded. He needed a leader. The loner life did not suit him well. Although he did enjoy the thought of doing what he wished, he had no sense of organization within his own mind. He did not know anything else in his past other than death, pain, and revenge. The only things that would ever matter to him are his pack, his leader, and himself. But, alas, he knew that if one fateful day he had been swooned by a female of magnificence, he would surely care for her in every way possible. He did not ever extend his emotions out to others unless they were extremely important to him. He knew so too.

He tread along the swerving pathways that were coated in leaves. He did not know to where he was going. Not in the slightest. He had a feeling he was in the right direction, though. Soon, a scent his him like a ton of bricks. It was strong. It was clearly other wolves, they smelled similar to he. Malachai hesitated for a second. Debating wether or not this could fit him for his new hell. He huffed, then let out a howl that rung through the trees like a church bell. Birds flew from the trees as his voice echoed. It sounded deeper than he last remembered. Nevertheless, he moved forward and inspected the border scene. It was strong, but he could not define it. A hint of death was circled within it, but it was very faint. He looked up and examined the land around him. He knew he would have to submit and show respect to whomever appeared to him. He did not like doing so, but he knew he must. In preparation, he dropped his large body to the earth and awaited for someone, anyone, to show themselves.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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PostSubject: Re: New Hell, New Demon New Hell, New Demon Icon_minitimeFebruary 17th 2015, 10:31

Had it not been for the faint breeze and the fact that the fae was out patrolling the border at that moment she might have never noticed the new comer by the border. His howl, though strong, was coming from a distant border and he would have had a long wait had it not been for dumb luck. Her strides became longer as she headed towards the howl, smirking at the idea that yet another wolf might be joining the ranks. Recently many loners had sought out Erenyx, driven to it like flies to honey. A few had proven themselves to be competent members of the pack, while still a handful she cept her eyes on.

Chiara soon exited the woods and a white figure broke the monotony of browns and greens of autumn. There sat a a large white male, strong built and regal looking on the border, obviously looking for entrance. Perking her interest Chiara straightened up and curled her tail high over her back. Walking forward with purpose she approached the male, her wariness not showing at all to him. "Hello there brute. I am Chiara, Guardian to the alpha Teren of Erenyx. I presume you seek acceptance here yes?" She questioned as she awaited his show of submission to her. If he didn't there would be problems, for disrespect she wouldn't tolerate, but how would she uphold her high rank to such a strong looking male? "Well who are you then and where have you come from?" She asked, her voice quicker as she wanted to move this forward.
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Elite Malachai
Elite Malachai

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PostSubject: Re: New Hell, New Demon New Hell, New Demon Icon_minitimeFebruary 24th 2015, 20:47

The brute looked up from his position as he heard something move his way. He had not expected the darker female to emerge from the brush that scattered through the lands. She was smaller than he, but acted just as dangerous. As she appeared, her tail was highly curled over her back. She looked regal in the moment, but he quickly resented pleasant comments that resided within his mind. He remained on the forest grounds and did not dare to disrespect the wolf whom would give him a new home. He knew he may not be a large fan of this female that stood before the massive white demon, but he respected her nevertheless. Her golden eyes could be felt scanning over the brute's body. He knew she was observing his frame to wether he was strong enough to uphold within her pack. He knew she wasn't of the alpha rank. He suspected correctly when the gray female introduced herself.

Guardian. He hadn't heard of the rank before but didn't bother to ask what she did. He introduced himself. "I am Malachai. You would be correct that I am looking for a new pack to call home." He kept himself at the ground and ears flattened against his skull. He stared at the female's paws that were clearly smaller than his. Her words were clear and crisp as she broke the short silence between them. He spoke to her once again. "I reign from lands far from your own. I came from a small pack that ran on nothing but murder and death. I murdered many while under the control of my alpha. Including my own brother. I have come in search of a new leader to direct me into a slightly lighter path. And that for which I want to settle down in a year or two. Get a mate, have offspring, and die somewhere where I know I was honored as a member." He kept himself down in submission to the smaller fae. He knew if he made a wrong move, there would be sever consequences. But for he knew that he would not be in a role of Omega or anything below the rank of a general warrior or hunter. He refused to be of a low rank, even if it cost him his life.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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New Hell, New Demon Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Hell, New Demon New Hell, New Demon Icon_minitimeFebruary 25th 2015, 19:52

Chiara fought the urge to yawn for respect towards the large male. He had a unique story to him and for some reason the fae didn't question his honesty when telling it to her. Relaxing a bit the fae sunk to the ground in a sit and continued to gaze at the large male before her. She perked an eye brow when she saw a tiny form of confusion when she explained her rank and felt the need to educate him. "The guardian rank is the third highest along with Elite our best fighters. They protect the Alpha's with their life and serve as their personal body guards. As for you I don't doubt your integrity of your history, but I do question why you left your home pack and grew softer. Please explain this for I want to make sure you have no demons chasing you that might threaten the safety of the pack." She explained, nodding her head as a signal to him to relax.

"From what you tell me it seems you would do best as a warrior, fair enough? Or is there another rank you seek? As for your future wishes of finding a mate and raising a family just know that should the Alpha deny you of these things you are still obligated to serve under him." She said her voice changing ever so slightly as she said this last statement. In her mind an Alpha couldn't dictate who could and could not love another, so permission for this seemed stupid and unneeded. Fortunately Teren had granted her mateship with Magnus, but would his generosity continue?
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Elite Malachai
Elite Malachai

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PostSubject: Re: New Hell, New Demon New Hell, New Demon Icon_minitimeFebruary 28th 2015, 10:51

The brute listened to the female's words as he was pressed to the autumn earth. He noticed the signal or him to relax, so he sat up on his haunches. As he did so, the size difference was clearly noticeable. She was much smaller than he had expected when he arose from submission the the Guardian. He admired her courage to be facing such a malevolent being such as himself. He found it odd that she was much more kind than those he had encountered before. he soon shrugged off the thoughts of the female and began to focus on the big picture. he chuckled as she asked why he had left his pack and desired to become softer as she put it. He looked at her, his cyan eyes colliding wither her golden amber gaze. "The answer in which you seek is a dark one. You see, our alpha was a dark being. He raped the females of the pack and slaughtered them if they refused to be impregnated with his seed. Soon, the other pack members became tired of his ways and murdered him with no second thoughts. After they realized that they no longer had a leader, they all ran off to take refuge from the horrid living conditions they had endured for so long. I was one who went lone. I had no family. I realized that the things I had done under the influence of our alpha was punishable by hell. I slaughtered my siblings, pack mates, and even strangers that could've had families for children to care for. " He paused and looked down at his paws. He knew he had done wrong. But it was now part of his nature. Unavoidable. He shook his head and continued to speak to the female. "I wish to start over somewhere. I don't want those evil ways to consume me again as they once had. I don't wish for every creature within a ten mile radius to fear me. To ease your concern, I do not have any whom would wish to cause issues."

Malachai nodded and looked back up at the female as he noticed his head migrated to be looking downward at his own paws again. He smiled slightly and examined the female once more. He found it strange how interested she was in his past. He was not ashamed to share from where he came and how he had grown to be the wolf he was. He nodded in understanding as she mentioned her alpha and the acceptance of mates and offspring. He knew he must comment on the topic. "Yes, I do understand that, Miss." He shuffled his paws for a minute as they started to feel odd in the same, non-moving position. His ears flickered and he smiled slightly at the female who was the dictator of his new life.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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PostSubject: Re: New Hell, New Demon New Hell, New Demon Icon_minitimeMarch 5th 2015, 18:57

To sit before the male made Chiara realize, once again, how small she was. Standing upright she only grace the underside of her mate's chin, and next to Teren she was down right puny. She had grown used to it and frequently used the element of surprise over her stature to overtake her enemies. Speed was her success over brawn and it became the for front of her tactics for fighting. The male before her seemed the opposite, more strength than speed, something the pack needed. She eyed the male more and took in his words as he told of his past. The life he came from was very similar to her past pack and the one Magnus hailed from. Granted Teren wasn't the best leader, but he hailed in comparison to some Alpha's. "I believe your words Malachi, but I wonder what you'd do if your new Alpha commanded murder to be dealt from your fangs. To be a warrior here you must obey any command with no hesitation. Our Alpha is strong and powerful, but fair. You must obey and pledge your life to him and the pack, can you do that?" She questioned, wondering if he'd make the pledge or turn and leave.

"Do that and I shall grant you the rank of Warrior. No longer will you roam alone, but instead have a place to live and a future with promise." She sat and waited for his response, eager to see if she'd be leading a new pack member home or chasing off a loner not fit for the pack.
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Elite Malachai
Elite Malachai

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PostSubject: Re: New Hell, New Demon New Hell, New Demon Icon_minitimeMarch 7th 2015, 16:15

The masculine listen to the female calmly, her words flowing smoothy to him as he sat before her. She was kinder than he had expected one to greet him at the border. He nodded in agreement to the words she spoke. He knew he would have to shape himself around the rules here, but it wouldn't be a huge change on Malachai himself. He knew he would have a rough time at the beginning, but would ease into his new pack life nicely when it came to it. "Madam, I do agree to these terms that you ask my to live my life by. I will serve the Alpha and the pack with all I've got. I will risk my life to save my pack mates." He bowed his head to the high ranking female which had spoke to him. He would comply to her and her pack's rules and requirement, no matter the consequence. He knew he would survive here. Thrive. He agreed fully to her terms. He nodded and looked back at her, awaiting to hear the words of approved entrance.

His mind wandered elsewhere as her response was awaited. He began to think of where he would go if he had not come across this border. Would he live alone? Never to find the comforts of a pack life? Would he die alone with no offspring to carry on his legacy of courage and dignity? He wondered for a while. He could find no correct answer to the questions he asked himself. He knew that he would find their answers if the Guardian denied him entrance into the pack. Hw wished not for the answers. He doubted anyone would want to live by themselves, with no sense of organization and order. His life would be scattered if he had no where to run in the end, and he knew so too. His ear flicked as some snow began to fall from the large clouds in the sky, He loved winter. He was completely camouflaged in the winter months where the white snows covered the mountains and valleys. He was awaiting for those months, they would come. Soon.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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PostSubject: Re: New Hell, New Demon New Hell, New Demon Icon_minitimeMarch 9th 2015, 18:37

A smile crossed Chiara's face before she nodded and rose before the new member. His words rang true to her and she believed he would hold true to them even in the face of death. "So be it, you are now Warrior Malachai a full pack member and servant of Erenyx." She announced, bringing her body up and letting the dirt fall from her pelt. "I must be off for my patrol isn't at it's end. Follow my scent back to the clearing and stake out a den. I advise you to meet others and begin training soon." She said, turning her body to leave. He would make a good addition to the pack and she was interested what would become of him in the months to follow. With a fleeting glance she lunged and bounded off, leaving the new warrior alone to find his own way home. her paws hit the ground rhythmicly, drawing her further and further from the male. Soon she would be at the next border and meeting a new stranger who's howl echoed in the wind. Malachai had been one of many in the past few weeks, but he stuck out for his high amount of respect and confidence. She expected great things out of him.

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