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Shadows Return (Open)

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PostSubject: Shadows Return (Open) Shadows Return (Open) Icon_minitimeJanuary 15th 2015, 11:39

The paws of a lone wolf silently walked across the ground, leaves giving her presence away as they were the only sound she made. It was beginning to turn dark as dusk approached. Animals scurried for their homes to keep safe from the predators of the night. The she wolf had been traveling for a very long time, her pads hurt from walking and then a short trot. Ears relaxed as she had become tired. The wind whipped through her ebony fur, giving her a gentle push with every current. Looking around her bright blue eyes took in the scenery, stopping and turning around she saw the most beautiful sunset. The golden rays had begun to caress the colors of fall. Brightening them into burning reds and oranges as the sun fell asleep behind Cathedral Mountain,leaving a large shadow upon the lands before her. She had been gone for about a year now, questions quarreled in her mind, but she pushed them away. Changing her direction of travel the fae pressed onwards. The only thing that kept her company was the wind and her very own shadow.

The fae’s name was Shadow, she had once been of these lands that she now seeked once again. Memories flooded her mind as she had caught wind of the Helidos pack scent. Her mood then changed, and soon changed again with questions and explanations to tell. The memories of first joining the pack came back to her, as once a beautiful wolf names Aurora had accepted her into the pack. She first had met a wolf just like herself named Fel, but she also remembered them growing apart with the likes of Silver coming around more often. Shadow smiled at the thought of Silver, then frowned; he may not even be alive anymore. Or maybe he had moved on with her being gone, she couldn't blame him. Moving onto her old friends, Lead Hunter Eclipse being the first of them, she couldn't wait to see him again. To maybe hunt with him once more, she smiled wide then. Her speed picking up slightly, ears erect, and her body energized now. Shadow never knew she could miss so many at once, but she needed the pack. Hopefully they needed her, and would allow her to return to the place she called home.

Knowing she was about four miles out from the border lines, Shadow slowed down; she needed to think for a moment. Would they allow her to come back? Would anyone remember who she was for being gone so long? She wondered how much had changed in her time of absences. Clearing her throat as she was now running again, she wanted to return home and be with the ones she loved the most; her pack. If they placed her as an Omega she wouldn't care, as long as she was with them. She would be able to work her way back through the ranks, hopefully. But it was worth the a try and work to do so.

After a few minutes of running with the wind, Shadow was but a few feet from the border lines. Breathing heavy she waited for her body to settle and relax. She sat there for a moment, dwelling in the moment she first sat there on that flat rock. Coming back to the real world Shadow lifted her head and sent out a howl of happiness, mixed with a tinge of eagerness. Now all she had to do was wait, hopefully someone would come and answer the call soon. For Shadow was anxious, her heart pounded in her chest, not from the run but from being slightly excited. Her bright blue eyes watched as the sunlight still glimmered upon the ground and leaves. Leaving a dim glow on her fur and the area around her. Holding her head high and ears up, she watched.
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Elder Eclipse
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Shadows Return (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadows Return (Open) Shadows Return (Open) Icon_minitimeJanuary 17th 2015, 10:54

Trotting through the woodland, the brute didn't have any thoughts on his mind in particular. From his senses he knew what was going on in his surroundings; which animals were travelling nearby, how many packmates had been here recently, and most importantly if there were any loners lurking close to Helidos. Border checks were vital in providing security and protection for the wolves as well as being a necessity for meeting and recruiting new blood for the team. Many great wolves had been hired for the Helidos family via this very method as they had stumbled upon the fringe to the pack and their new life, some being rescued from broken and tainted pasts. Whatever their history, it was Eclipse's job to assess them and help them in being their first friend, introducing any successful faes and brutes to their new start. His ears flickered atop his head at each rustling and crunch that was heard, either from the wind or a creature scurrying around. The elite lowered his snout to the forest floor and sniffed as he walked along. There were a few squirrels that had passed by here but not much else in terms of things that could be eaten. In order to reinforce the pack scent at the perimeter and warn other wolves to keep away from what rightfully belonged to the pack of honour and good, the brute cocked his hind leg and marked against several of the trees along the border. The more scents that were marked here the more intimidating the pack would seem due to the number of wolves others would know lived here. He continued on his way around, quietly observing over the horizon, his muscles and pelt shuddering slightly with the breeze that snaked through his pelt.

It was close to nightfall now as he noticed the dappling of light through the trees begin to fade. Day was expiring to dusk, which was in all honesty his favourite time. The mid point between light and dark, an elusive slot of time to capture within one's eyes as it never seemed to last as long as one would hope. The colors that it blessed the skies with and the earth to mimic were so beautiful and the subtle shades of orange and pink so much more endearing and precious than the single pale blue that came with a bright summer's day or the blinding yellow light of the sun, or indeed the mundane grey of a cloudy day. With the sunset bathing the area around him it put the brute in a far calmer mood, his body relaxed yet still alert. His pace slowed to a casual walk as his circuit of the territory was coming to an end. But it was then he heard the call, of a fae unto his pack. The feminine voice rang joyful through the trees, and this only spurred him on to want to reach her quicker, out of curiosity. He turned mid-stride and picked up a canter towards the wolf, reaching her in a few short minutes. There he saw the midnight female, sat expectantly yet seemingly tired as if she had travelled far. It was not all too surprising, as wolves did travel many miles in search of a new home. "I am Elite Eclipse of Helidos, this pack you have called to." He called out as he weaved nearer through the brush. As he came closer and approached her from the front, he saw her more clearly and the breeze could not whisk away her scent anymore. His eyes widened slightly, for he knew this fae. He had served alongside her for quite a time, until she had disappeared without a trace. Keeping his stance straight but not as dominant as he would to a stranger, he stopped and stood a couple of feet before her, a small smile on his features. Once he saw her eyes he knew it had to be her, and this time he would not mistake her for Fel. "Shadow? I can't believe I am seeing you again. I am very happy you have returned... Where exactly did you go to? Are you well? I had not been notified of you leaving." His tail swayed behind him, glad to be reunited with his previous hunting partner. Had it really been a year? It could have even been longer. Being overwhelmed by the loss of his family had taken up so much of his mind that he hadn't really dwelled on Shadow's disappearance or realized how much he missed her. Gaining a friend, even an old one, was very much welcomed.
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Shadows Return (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadows Return (Open) Shadows Return (Open) Icon_minitimeJanuary 19th 2015, 21:01

Shadow lowered her snout as the last of the song rang through the threes. Her bright blue eyes took in the scenery as the sun had almost completely left the skies. Still sitting put she waited, there was no return call but then again the first time around there wasn't either. Shadow closed her eyes and remembered her past, and the recent past. Her journey was long and it was a long time ago that she had slipped out of the camp undetected. She had went in search of new prey. There wasn't much here within the winter months, and she needed to be able to take other hunters to the new spot. She knew the consequencs to her disappearing; for she would no longer hold the title she once had. But if it was to lose her title to keep future members and present members alive then she would do so. Her title was nothing compared to the health of the pack. Granted she didn't know it would take her so long to do so, she hadn't planned on being gone for so long. Now she just wished to reunite with the ones she loved the most.

It wasn't long until she heard the faint steps of another approaching her location. Shadow's heartbeat picked up, racing with the sound of the pawsteps from another. Upon hearing the males voice, it took her a moment and then him saying his name for she recogizd whom he was. It was Eclipse, her Lead Hunting partner; but what had he introduced himself as? Elite? He had been promoted and she was happy for him, knowing his mate had to be happy for his as well. Before speaking Shadow had let him come into full view, letting him see her; and hopefully he would realize who she was. His voice was calming, an old friend; someone she longed to see. Her tail moved solthly, happy to see him but tired as the day of travel had taken its toll on her. A gently and friendly smile pulled at the corners of her mouth. "It is I, Eclipse; I am happy to see you as well. It has been so long, and you look well. I am well, just worn out from all the travel. I had went in search of the bigger herds, I didn't expect for the trip to take me so long, but I have tracked and found many herds. Many pass right by us, I can't believe I didn't find them before. And not to fret, no one was notified of my leaving, I slipped away in the night.",Shadow had missed him most of all; they two were close before she had left and he had found a family. She she was glad he was happy, hopefully one day she would be back in her happy place. With her pack.

(Forgive all my typos lol)
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Elder Eclipse
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PostSubject: Re: Shadows Return (Open) Shadows Return (Open) Icon_minitimeFebruary 8th 2015, 12:45

The chocolate colored brute still wagged his tail and maintained a pleasant smile on his maw. He reminisced the time he had spent hunting with the fae all those months ago. She was an excellent hunter, and dedicated to her duty even to the extent of sacrificing her own health. Indeed he could recall times when she had starved in order for there to be meat left on the kill pile to feed Helidos. Wolves like Shadow were the good ones in life, and exactly what his pack looked for. Eclipse didn't doubt that she could resume her post here, serving as a hunter. With time, he was certain she could climb higher and become Lead Hunter again. Even among all the wolves that were in Helidos now, he could not think of one more suited to the job than the onyx female before him. His grin widened as his thoughts dissipated and he came back to reality to listen to his old friend. Her swaying tail and soft smile were comforting, even if he had no need for comfort as he was not the one without a place to lay his head. It was the familiarity he supposed and knowing he had a friend who had been with him from back when he had newly joined, since now Aurora was gone as well as some others. Most of all he was glad she remembered his name, but he wondered, did she notice his rank had changed? The elite bowed his head to her with his smile as she spoke to him, before straightening as he took his turn to reply. "It has indeed been a while, Shadow. And I am glad you are well, the fatigue is understandable with all your travelling." The chocolate brute paused for a moment and glanced up, taking mental note of the time of day. The sunlight still shone, and settled beautifully on the other's raven pelt. He then focused back on Shadow, and noticing her excitement to come back home, his tail wagged faster. "I should have known you left in the darkness like a shadow, and that you had gone to find food sources. I know your tracking knowledge will be very useful, as many herds leave our territories during winter. None of us knew where they went, so with winter around the corner you have come back right in time."

Her loyalty had been shown clearly from her act of dedication to help the pack and stick it out for so long, plus that she had strength to survive alone for that time. He was proud of Shadow, and it showed slightly as he beamed with pride on his maw while he looked to her pale, sky blue orbs. He was proud most of all to be the one accepting such a great and dearly missed wolf. "There is much you have missed. So much has changed, for one I am Elite now. If you would like, I will accompany you back to the camp and explain to you exactly how things are different and you may find something to eat. Some changes have been good, others very much not so. But as for accepting you, I know everything I need to make a decision. How does Hunter sound?" His muscles locked in place, keeping his frame upright and steady as he cocked his head with the question, an excited smirk on his lips.
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Shadows Return (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadows Return (Open) Shadows Return (Open) Icon_minitimeFebruary 10th 2015, 15:03

Shadow listened to her old friend, she was so happy to see him walk through those brushes other than someone whom she had not met before. Right now she needed the familiarity in her life. She had faced a full year on her own in unfamiliar territory, now she just wanted to enter her home and get something to eat. Granted she wanted him to stay by her side for a while and explain what all has changed, she was just starving for not having eaten in the last few days. Her ears were perked and at attention as he explained that he should have guessed she would have slipped away in the darkness. Glancing around she saw the suns rays drifting off to sleep with the passing time, they drooped like the sleepy eyes of pups at dusk. Looking back to the male before her, her blue eyes found his golden hues; he wore a smile that held a bit more with it other than that of a friendly smile. A small chuckle escaped from her,”I am proud of you for moving into the position of Elite, I know you do your job well. You always did. Although do tell what else has changed in my absence? Tell me all good and bad news. And yes, food sounds wonderful right now.” Shadow stood and glanced around one last time, purples and pinks had now become more dark in the skies. Hearing her old rank, granted she wished it had Lead before it; she would take the rank of a hunter and work her way up once more. She loved doing her job and she did it well. “Of course, I would love to be ranked as such. I miss being a hunter within these lands. ”,a small smirk of her own creeped across her lips as she stepped forwards and embraced him,”it’s good to see you again, Eclipse.” With that she backed away slightly and let him lead the way back into their homelands.
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Elder Azul
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Shadows Return (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadows Return (Open) Shadows Return (Open) Icon_minitimeFebruary 21st 2015, 15:32

Shadow, your avatar is too wide. If this thread is completed, please change your name to Hunter Shadow.
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Shadows Return (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadows Return (Open) Shadows Return (Open) Icon_minitimeFebruary 27th 2015, 11:00

Okay, I have changed my name. And I will change my profile picture once I get back home.
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PostSubject: Re: Shadows Return (Open) Shadows Return (Open) Icon_minitime

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