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Empty Return [Border Acceptance]

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Captive Yuki
Captive Yuki

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Empty Return [Border Acceptance] Empty
PostSubject: Empty Return [Border Acceptance] Empty Return [Border Acceptance] Icon_minitimeAugust 2nd 2015, 15:18

The russet furred she-wolf padded languidly through the sparse underbrush, her usually harsh gray gaze dull with defeat. She had departed Erenyx without a word early that spring, and she knew for a fact her superiors would not be pleased by her abrupt disappearance. She didn't particularly care about their opinions of her, but she was still in dire need of a place to belong. If she let her frustration loose on them now, she would undoubtedly be sent back into the massive expanse of wilderness behind her. She had to act carefully, be polite and courteous and explain her behavior without sarcasm. She grimaced at the notion of submitting, of tucking her tail between her legs and begging not to be turned away, but she didn't really have any other options.

There was a reason for her departure, though she didn't really expect the higher ups to accept it as an excuse. She had discovered traces of what she believed to be her brother's scent near the outskirts of the territory, and, in an act of brash desperation, she had immediately decided to follow the meager trail. Of course with her despicable luck the odor disappeared after only a week, and she spent the entire season methodically retracing her steps in the futile attempt to pick it up once more. She finally desisted with the arrival of Summer, and she turned back towards the lands of the pack she had abandoned in solemn despair.

Perhaps he had never been there at all. Perhaps she had mistaken the insignificant fragrance of a passing rogue as the smell of her treacherous sibling. Perhaps she had forgotten his scent altogether. She didn't know, and she was perfectly aware of the fact that stalking off after him alone was a foolish action. But she didn't regret it. How could she have ignored even the faintest traces of Hasoka when the image of Usagi hanging limply from his jaws, scarlet streaming like a river down the pure white snow of her pelt, was still so fresh in her mind? How could she have dismissed the scent as a simple fallacy when she was constantly remembering her sister, her happy little sister, playing about in the newly fallen snow, her jaws agape in a jubilant smile as she glanced her way? No. She thought sternly to herself, her eyes narrowed into a spiteful glower as she forced away the agonizing heartache that relentlessly accompanied thoughts of her litter mates. I'll never regret this, no matter how stupid it was. I'd have sooner strung myself up by my tail than ignore even the possibility of Hasoka roaming around nearby.

The vibrant summer sun was setting by the time she reached the border, and the sky was a comely amalgam of hot pinks and soft golds. The air was still hot and stagnant, but it wasn't quite as unbearable as it was during midday. She huffed quietly in a feeble attempt to rid herself of her less than stellar attitude before lifting her snout to the gentle breeze and releasing a long, melodious howl. She took a seat once she had completed her call before folding her ears back and bowing her head, determined not to repeat the same callow mistake she'd made the first time she'd wandered here. She didn't bother hoping for forgiveness; that was a useless waste of time. All she could do was plaster on a front of docile politeness and act with as much cordiality she could muster.
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Delta Braelyn
Delta Braelyn

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Empty Return [Border Acceptance] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Empty Return [Border Acceptance] Empty Return [Border Acceptance] Icon_minitimeAugust 3rd 2015, 06:38

(ooc- sorry it sucks )


Ugh, how much the word begged to be brought up. It's vile self crawling slowly and silently towards its precious victims, slithering its way into the mind of a being like a snake and disrupting the rest of the day from that point until the act they must do is completed. It was only a matter of time when the word would give up if ignored and unfazed though for this to happen would take a skilled soul in being able to erase certain memories. Braelyn was not so skilled in this talent, but she was a natural at ignoring the things that meant nothing to her. Unfortunately, those days had been shredded. Erenyx made sure of that. No longer could the fae sleep until the heated mid-day, resting her mind and body anytime she wanted with no other tasks than feeding and replenishing the kill pile. Oh no. Now, the fae had things to do and get done. Waking up rather early every day before the sun was even up had become a habit, something the delta now dealt with at ease.

Border patrols were often the highlight of her day. With most of the pack seemingly dead in their dens or wherever at this time, it was during the early morning were the Delta got peace and silence. With the territory ever so large, it irked the fae that no matter where she traveled, a pack member was there. There was always a disruption or commotion going on and being the way she was, Braelyn didn't take to kindly to the noise. It came however with being a pack wolf, something the fae still didn't believe she was. It would be so easy to leave, to go back to her old ways of living alone with no responsibilities and no hassle of pack drama that seeped into her life. How? She was clueless to such an explanation for she had none. It just happened. Things happen for a reason, and with that being a strong mindset in Braelyn's mind, she would go along with whatever came up next. Motioning around the dense thicket of the forest from thick trees to prickly bushes, her steps would fall silently.

Crushing everything in her path that had been stuck in the woodland terrain, she would move carelessly throughout such a landscape. Where she was going was unknown, but as she traveled, it was nice to watch the sun dance through the trees leaves. Faint rays making their way to shine on the ground and light up the once dark forest. A noise. Oh how wonderful. Dancing with the empty wind was a sound, one she knew very well and what it meant.  Who it was from was the mystery and a mystery was always fun to explore. Flickering her auds, the Delta would soon be traveling a bit faster, her legs not yet running but it was neither walking too. Call it a jog, but the fae wished to know who would call during this time. If she was lucky, it could be her first wolf of acceptance. The higher ranks were suppose to go to the borders and accept wolves worthy of Erenyx, and with her rank, it meant Braelyn had to share that responsibility with the others.

A hunters nose following the scent of what could be the source of the sound, she would slow down into her walk, the Delta tracking the aroma until she was back at the borders. In her sight, a familiar face. Pushing herself forward for the wolf to see her, Braelyn was going to have some fun with this one. Banner lifting to curl over her spine, the fae's hackles would rise and the fur to cover her body bristling with false anger. Superiority was something she had not had, or ever experienced but that didn't mean the Delta was clueless to how it worked. Lips curling back to expose her bared teeth slightly, the fae would let her voice drench in disgust and ferocity to address the wolf as she came closer.

"What the hell do you want?" Yuki was very well remembered in Braelyn's mind, having the two met in the Erenyx graveyard along with Ariste and a brute called Pain. The fae hadn't seen the former hunter since then and with her scent no longer Erenyx it was clear what had happened. Halting as she was close enough, the Delta would target the fae. Braelyn wasn't really fazed or angry at Yuki's departure, for the fae herself had thought about leaving every once and awhile. But for the sake of keeping Erenyx's tough image, she would follow through and play with her rank. It wouldn't hurt anyone to make a game of the request for acceptance, which the Delta was sure the other wished to do.. again.
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Captive Yuki
Captive Yuki

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Empty Return [Border Acceptance] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Empty Return [Border Acceptance] Empty Return [Border Acceptance] Icon_minitimeAugust 4th 2015, 08:20

The lithe she-wolf's head drooped slightly with exhaustion, and she blinked in languid fatigue as she waited for one of Erenyx's various elites to answer her call. She was weary from traveling for so long without rest, and although she could feel the dull prick of sleep behind her eyes, she vehemently pushed the lazy notion away. Don't you dare fall asleep. She thought harshly to herself in stern reminder, her tired expression morphing into an exasperated scowl. They'll turn you away for sure if they find some careless dolt napping on their border. The muffled sound of paw steps moving through the underbrush immediately caught her attention, however, and she pricked her ears in alert concentration, her entire body suddenly wide awake. The scent that accompanied the sound reeked of the pack she had left, and she released a heavy sigh of contempt before resuming her submissive position.

The wolf that emerged from the tangle of bracken and fern was a tawny and cream furred fae with pine green eyes and a notably surly expression, and it took the disgruntled she-wolf a few moments to recognize the figure approaching her. "Lead hunter Braelyn, right?" She stated casually, her naturally bold attitude easily shining past the respectful facade she had adorned. She remembered meeting the fae on her first day in the territory, though they hadn't really spoken at all after that. Still, she could tell by her indifferently dutiful demeanor that she wasn't particularly offended by her reappearance, and she much preferred that to the chauvinistic bastard who had "welcomed" her before.

She raised her head up slightly from its bowed position at her superior's sharp inquire, a swift bout of sarcasm flashing through her mind. I want to come back, obviously. What the hell else would I be doing here? Skipping stones? She bit back the blunt retort however, and instead gazed at the she-wolf head on, her expression austere and her steel grey gaze calm and relaxed. "I intend to return to the pack." She responded earnestly, her tone candid and curt. "I know my departure was unwarranted and I apologize for that, but if it is possible for my mistake to be forgiven, I would like to resume my duties as a hunter of Erenyx."

She didn't personally believe her request was too outrageous to accept, though she did expect to be punished in some tedious manner. The arrogant higher ranks of the pack couldn't simply allow their subordinates to come and go as they pleased; that would interfere with their ridiculously severe reputation. She wouldn't back down from whatever consequence her actions wrought, however. She would do whatever was necessary to uphold her dignity, especially in the asinine eyes of all the mentally impaired males in the pack who thought themselves inherently superior to her because of their gender.

All of that was bull crap to her. Possessing a higher rank or being born a male did not automatically make one canine more valuable than another. She was a bit too intelligent to believe naive notions like that. She had glimpsed all of the world's horrifying complexities the day she watched the light fade from her sister's eyes and her worthless scum bag of a brother was able to slunk away with his meaningless life.
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Delta Braelyn
Delta Braelyn

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Empty Return [Border Acceptance] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Empty Return [Border Acceptance] Empty Return [Border Acceptance] Icon_minitimeAugust 4th 2015, 23:59

(ooc- sorry it's short, but I didn't want to keep you waiting)

"It's Delta, now." Braelyn would correct, a growl seeping from the depths of her chest. Lead Hunters were not allowed to come and address wolves wishing to join at the borders, it had not been one of her duties when the fae claimed the rank. But now as a Delta it was, and for Yuki to think as a Lead she would come to the border was idiotic. Braelyn was still getting use to the pack rules and life, but even she knew this. Banner flickering over it's place near her spine, it's tip would be the only part moving as the fae would watch the other with a keen gaze. Waiting for the female to speak to the Deltas question, as much as it was expected her next words didn't faze the fae that much. Of course she wished to come back, to pick back up as a hunter like nothing had happened and she had been in Erenyx the entire time.

Braelyn wasn't stupid. Young, yes, but she had common sense and she had known what Yuki's appearance back on the territory borders meant. "An apology? Wow. You certainly are bold or just clueless. Yuki, I couldn't bring myself to care for the reasons you left to wish for an apology and the others will be the same. But I'm sure you already know that." Letting her fur relax and her tail lower, the Delta would still keep her posture high and superior as she would let her green orbs scan over the other as she decided on the proper actions to take. Erenyx was low on hunters, the rank was needed but this fae didn't deserve such a rank as she couldn't even follow through the first time. What's to say she wouldn't leave again? Braelyn would certainly leave once more if she had once before but she was trying to give this pack life a shot, whether things worked out or not she didn't care but she would try and make the most out of having a place to call home.

"I will allow you entry once more but you will not be a hunter. No, you will serve Erenyx as an Omega. This is your final chance Yuki. If I catch you again on these borders with a request for acceptance, I will kill you myself. Consider yourself lucky today it had been me instead of Teren or the one who let you in the first time." Moving away from in front of the fae to allow her access into the territory, Braelyn would smirk as she watched, deciding it would be best now to warn the fae of what she came back too. "You certainly have missed a lot, things in Erenyx are not the same." Turning tail, Braelyn would make her way back into the denser forest, leaving the omega alone for she must already know the land.

You are now a member of Erenyx and free to roam the territories. Please change your name to Omega Yuki, and request to join the Erenyx group under "Ranks". Also know that this is not a permanent rank, you will get a chance for something higher.

Welcome back!
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Captive Yuki
Captive Yuki

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Empty Return [Border Acceptance] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Empty Return [Border Acceptance] Empty Return [Border Acceptance] Icon_minitimeAugust 5th 2015, 05:22

(Thank you! :3)

Yuki struggled to ward away a scoff at Braelyn's correction of her rank. Delta, Lead hunter, Beta, Alpha- she didn't care. It certainly didn't change her original opinion of her peer. There was no way she could have known of the promotion, so she assumed the mistake was understandable enough.

"Congratulations." She responded dryly, a terse smile twitching at the edge of her maw. There was a voice inside her head screaming for her to tone it down a bit, but she moved to ignore it for now. Acting polite and cordial wouldn't change whatever punishment she received now, and it was uselessly tiring hiding her personality in her currently exhausted state.

She narrowed her eyes slightly as the she-wolf continued, a bit of nervousness writhing through her gut that she vehemently suppressed. A diminutive smirk crept it's way onto her maw at the announcement of her new rank: omega. Well, it's not like I wasn't expecting something like this. She thought as she shoved away the mocking amusement winding through her mind. The word didn't faze her in the slightest; she had lived the entirety of her young life in that position, anyways. She was thoroughly accustomed to being ignored and mistreated. I just hope they know that they're not going to get a loyal, submissive shrew out of this arrangement.

What little bemusement had wormed its way onto her cold expression immediately dissipated, however, at what the she-wolf said next: that Erenyx had changed while she had been gone. She pricked her ears slightly, her interest piqued, and an analytical glint flashed in the depths of her steel grey gaze. She wasn't certain what details that statement entailed, but she was aware that it was best to remain alert and observe the pack to pick up on what she had missed. She nodded her head slightly in affirmation before the she-wolf padded off, and she released a swift huff of relieved annoyance before straightening up to her full height. Alright then. She thought carefully to herself as she sauntered back into the pack's territory, her paw steps quick and light. Let's see how much has changed.

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PostSubject: Re: Empty Return [Border Acceptance] Empty Return [Border Acceptance] Icon_minitime

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