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Joining The Demons (Border Post)

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Joining The Demons (Border Post) Empty
PostSubject: Joining The Demons (Border Post) Joining The Demons (Border Post) Icon_minitimeJuly 12th 2015, 11:26

The morning breeze was calm and relaxing as Drake walked through an open field. He listened to the annoying sound of birds chirping, they were all so calm. It made Drake sick, they were in a world full of death and anger and all they could do was chirp and act all happy. He continued to walk until he caught scent of some prey. He looked around for the source but couldn't find it. So he simply followed the scent, Drake was walking for awhile before he found himself standing right behind an herd of elk, they were all to busy grazing to even notice Drake. He had the advantage of the wind with their scent blowing right in his face. He examined each one until he found the weakest one. He waited for them to start moving again so that they didn't notice him when he went for the weakest one. Soon enough all but a few of them were moving so Drake took his chance. He stalked as close as he could to it and pounced at its throat. His jaws closed tightly around it and he started tasting blood. The elk tried to run but it stumbled as Drake swung his body tearing at its throat. He went flying off with a piece of meat in his mouth and looked over at the elk. It stumbled a little more but fell over after a minute.

The elk was dead and Drake would not go hungry yet. He ate as much as he needed then turned away and started walking again. He has been searching for a pack for almost a whole month now, but he had no luck. That was until he caught scent of a pack. He quickened his pace as he followed the scent and soon enough he found himself at the border of a pack. Drake stopped at the packs border and sat down. He took in the scent before lifting his head and allowing a howl to escape from his maw. All he had left to do now was wait. He kept his ears pricked up listening for any wolves yet kept his tail wrapped around his side tightly and his head low in case a wolf got to him without knowing. He did not want to disrespect any wolf that came from the pack or else he could be denied and he could possibly be walking for another month looking for a pack. Once a wolf did come he would dip his head, keep his tail tight to his side, and push his ears to the back of his head in submission. But until then, he would wait.   
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Guardian Caspian
Guardian Caspian

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PostSubject: Re: Joining The Demons (Border Post) Joining The Demons (Border Post) Icon_minitimeJuly 12th 2015, 11:59

The Delta shook his pelt roughly as he emerged from his den. The weak morning sun shined weakly on his thick pelt offering little heat and for that he was grateful. The dark colour of his pelt seemed to just absorb the heat and he only felt any relief when he was beneath the thick canopy of trees. His ears flicked upwards as they detected the sound of a newcomer at the borders. His silver gaze travelled around the clearing for a moment however no one else seemed to make any move to assist whoever had uttered the howl and with a huff Caspian began to trot in the direction it had come from. The sun began to creep up above the horizon more and more and the heat began to cause the Delta to pant angrily. Damn he hated Spring, and he still had to endure Summer before the lands would begin to ease into Autumn and then finally Winter. The lush blades of grass tickled his pads and Caspian shook his head with annoyance, it was going to be one of those days where pretty much everything would manage to irritate him one way or another. The large black brute came to a gentle stop, lifting his large head to sniff at the air. It took him only seconds to detect the newcomer and he padded towards the border, taking his time. Step one for all wolves hoping to join. Learn to have patience.

Finally he revealed himself. When standing at his full height the large brute really was massive. The only wolf managing to be larger than him was his brother Teren himself he believed. And even then there was not too much difference between the two. He stood tall, tail raised in dominance and silver orbs piercing. A male. Good. They could do with more of them and way less damn females. A pack is only as strong as its weakest link. With a low growl Caspian spoke in a deep gruff voice. "You stand at the border of Erenyx, ruled by my brother Alpha Teren. I am his Delta. State your name and business and do not waste my time brute, it is not a clever thing to do." He finished his words with the slightest hint of a snarl. The slightest mistake and Caspian would easily take the loner's life. He had little patience today and had much better things to do, however he knew keeping up to his duties would keep him on Teren's good side and hopefully rid the alpha of any suspicions. If his brother knew of his true intentions he would be screwed. Caspian's tail flicked from side to side, ears constantly twitching as he awaited a reply.
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Joining The Demons (Border Post) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Joining The Demons (Border Post) Joining The Demons (Border Post) Icon_minitimeJuly 12th 2015, 20:36

As Drake waited he watched plenty of prey run by, but he didn't dare make a move from his spot in case another wolf came by. If he would of waited a minute before howling he could have hunted, but with him being so close to the border they could have found him and attacked him thinking that he was a threat. But he knew that he should be patient since there was no way of telling how far away the closest wolf was. So Drake simply waited. He continued to take in his surroundings and soon caught scent of a wolf with the same scent of the pack. Drake sat for a minute before a large male approached him, he listened to him speak and noted that he only stated his rank and not his name. This wolf would probably not be a friend. Even though Drake was not searching for friends at the moment he would continue to note which wolves would be alright allies. "I am Drake and I wish to join this pack." he paused for a brief second, there was no way that Drake could be accepted without them knowing what he was good at. "I have experience as a Warrior except I find myself to be a stronger Hunter than fighter." he spoke calmly as he stayed in the same position so that he wouldn't irritate the wolf. Although only shifting a tiny bit so that he didn't get to uncomfortable. He figured he wouldn't have to wait long for the Delta to speak again, for that would probably be wasting his own time.
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Guardian Caspian
Guardian Caspian

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Joining The Demons (Border Post) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Joining The Demons (Border Post) Joining The Demons (Border Post) Icon_minitimeJuly 13th 2015, 15:58

His cold silver gaze bore into the brute before him, tail flicking impatiently as he awaited a response from the loner. Accepting wolves at these borders had to be the most frustrating job there was, he either wanted to just throw them into the lands without bothering with all the chit-chat if they seemed worthy of just go ahead and kill them right there or possibly just send them running with a few injuries to remember him by if he was in a good mood. Today was definitely not a day for good moods and the Delta huffed angrily. His eyes glittered as the wolf gave him its name and stated the obvious about wanting to join the pack of demons. The corners of his maw twitched upwards in the slightest hint of a smirk as the huge dark demon stood before this new wolf. Ready to claim him into the darkness and taint his fresh blood with cruelty and anger. He ran his tongue over yellowed fangs as he waited the wolf's next words which were certain to come as it was evident that it was not finished speaking and the sun danced on his ebony pelt- causing the grey hairs specking his muzzle and other parts throughout his body to shine silver. The older brute watched in silence as Drake spoke, stating what skills he held and the Delta smirked openly now. Good boy he thought to himself with slight sarcasm, knowing what to say without me having to ask. He would chuckle to himself but since his thoughts had been just that, thoughts. It would look odd and anyway, he had to teach this brute some manners. Straightening the dark pelted male dropped the smirk and curled back his upper lip, growling softly.

"You say you can hunt but what good will that do you if you cant submit to your superiors!" He snapped, words ending in a snarl as he shoved his face close to the other brute's. "I could kill you right here right now if I wished and you'd be able to do nothing about it. Do not chance your luck with me brute and if you think I'm bad. What if it had been the alpha himself who had come to assist you at our borders. Believe me he would not tolerate a wolf who did not submit to their superiors at once!" His words had started off soft and menacing but ended sharply and harshly. "Now I'll be nice and give you a chance to prove to me you are capable of such a thing, be grateful as most would not be so...kind". He pulled back and lashed his tail, gaze boring into the new wolf expectantly.
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Joining The Demons (Border Post) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Joining The Demons (Border Post) Joining The Demons (Border Post) Icon_minitimeJuly 15th 2015, 17:01

Drake wasn't sure whether or not the Delta was happy with his response since he grinned, although the chuckle just seemed odd. Drake was caught off guard when the mood of the large wolf had changed. Within' a second the wolf was in Drakes face and clearly angry, he listened to the harsh words that fell from the wolf's mouth and felt a bit mad at himself for forgetting to submit to the superior. Although Drake felt relieved when he said he would give him a chance to do so. "I apologize for my manners, Delta." Drake spoke softly as he lowered his head and pushed his ears to the back of his head, his tail was tightly pressed to his side as he submitted to the male. Drake knew he made a large mistake and was very grateful that the wolf let his have a second chance. He looked up at the wolf trying to read his emotions, but he did not know this wolf or what he would do. Although the wolf seemed harsh and he said that the Alpha was much worse, Drake was not scared and he didn't once think he couldn't survive in this pack. Drake waited for the wolf to speak or do something, he had no idea what would happen and he was starting to feel impatient. Drake just wanted to be accepted so that he would have a new pack and something actually important to do with his life. He did not want to die as a loner, instead he wanted to be known of. Whether it was a few wolves or a whole pack he could not live as a loner for much longer. If he was declined entry to this pack then Drake would just be wandering alone until he found another pack, he would not be of any importance to any other creature. He would just be another worthless creature.

[sorry if it seems to be a bit all over the place, I am having a difficult time concentrating at the moment but didn't want to take forever to post]
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Guardian Caspian
Guardian Caspian

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Joining The Demons (Border Post) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Joining The Demons (Border Post) Joining The Demons (Border Post) Icon_minitimeJuly 16th 2015, 09:48

The wolf was quick to submit after his words and Caspian nodded curtly. His tail lashed to the side, disturbing the vegetation surrounding him as the dark pelted brute felt his impatience stirring, he just wanted to pad off and let it into the pack's lands but he had to complete his jobs properly so Teren would think he was still the little brother that would be honored to do anything for him. The male, Drake, apologized to Caspian and the Delta simply nodded without a word. He addressed him by his title when apologizing and Caspian nodded to himself. 'Good boy Drake, you're learning how to survive in Erenyx nice and quickly..' He smirked to himself before jabbing the male roughly with an ashen paw. "Okay you can stand, be quick" He stated, pacing around the loner once in a quick circle as his calculating silver gaze scanned the brute. Finally he came to a stop in front of him, tail held high as his gaze glittered. He wondered for a moment if this Drake would ever come in handy in the future when the time came to slay his brother but for now he would remain silent. Most new wolves would want to prove themselves to Teren to try and get a comfortable rank in this pack and he doubted Drake would hesitate to go let the alpha know his own brother wanted him dead. "You are accepted Hunter Drake. I will trust you when you say you are skilled at hunting but others may not trust your words alone so be prepared to have to prove yourself."

He stepped back so that the wolf could pass him and enter the Erenyx's territory. "Welcome to Hell brute, may you enjoy your stay and get to know some of our Demons" with a dark chuckle, Caspian turned and padded into the shadows, leaving Drake to decide what he did next.

-You are accepted! Please change your name to 'Hunter Drake' and request to join the Erenyx group under the 'Ranks' tab at the top of the page. You can reply to this if you want but it is not necessary.-
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PostSubject: Re: Joining The Demons (Border Post) Joining The Demons (Border Post) Icon_minitime

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