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Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private)

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Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Empty
PostSubject: Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Icon_minitimeJuly 5th 2015, 23:14

Back and forth. Quickly the small fae paced back and forth in front of the small nook in the rocks she had called home for the night. Just yesterday the multi-colored fae wasn't sure if she would even have a home or not in these lands. And now she was honored with the immense gift of being the Alpha's own apprentice. Katyusha had been graced with such a gift once before, and after the sheer brutality of Steele's training breaking her down to the lowest she could get before building her back up to be stronger than she ever was before. However Katyusha had known Steele for some time before that, she knew what kind of an Alpha he was, and what to expect from his training. This was a luxury she was not offered with Desmond. Katyusha truly didn't know what to think of this new Alpha. He had seemed to recognize her respect, and he was much kinder than she had ever expected from Erenyx, but he also seemed much more lenient in her encounter than the other Alpha's she had encountered in her life, as evident by the rather informal title of 'doll-face' she was awarded yesterday, a title the fae was still trying to decide how to feel about. While on one paw his informality was a relief to the fae who had come from a pack where the most common title she received was 'bitch'. But on the other paw it was a level of informality she was entirely unaccustomed to, and honestly didn't know how to react to. Certainly she couldn't treat her alpha in such an informal manner, but what were the social rules that applied to this pack? How was she to act? She didn't want to seem overly cold and proper to the point of chasing potential friends and comrades away, but she also couldn't risk showing any disrespect to her superiors. No, for now she must remain as proper as possible, and as she began to develop a feel for the social structure of the pack she could get acclimated to their way of doing things. Of course there was something else to his words that hadn't gone unnoticed by the fae. Even if she was certain he was just being friendly, or perhaps that is what he referred to every fae as, he had still extended more of a compliment to her than the young fae had received in over a year, and even then it was rare. While she knew it meant nothing, it did feel good to be reminded she could be viewed as desirable, instead of a repulsive outsider as her last pack had treated her. Yes, this was Agavos, and a new life awaited the fae. This was her real chance to put her past behind her and attempt to make a life for herself where she could at least be content, and she couldn't possibly let that opportunity escape. While the thought of being truly happy still seemed far from reach, as the fae believed any chance she had a true happiness was killed the second Teren sank his fangs into Steele, it wasn't unfathomable that she could be content here until finally the other forest claimed her.

As the small fae paced back and forth she would glance to the larger rabbit she had managed to get hours ago when she had first roused from her sleep, hoping it would be adequate enough for her new Alpha. But before she could contemplate going to find a better kill to present to him the first few rays of the sun would begin to peak through the trees, painting her small clearing in the first golden rays of the day. Taking a deep breath the small fae would mutter "I guess this is it.." her voice echoed shakily to no one at all. Picking up the rabbit the fae would quietly make her way across the clearing, not wanting to upset any of her new pack mates already as she found her way back to the Alpha's den. Picking a spot a fair distance from the entrance, as not to seem impatient or intrusive to the Alpha's privacy, Katyusha would set the rabbit at her paws and move to sit on her haunches, awaiting the brute's rise from his slumber to begin her day of training. As the warrior waited she wondered just what exactly he had planned for her, and what her future in this pack would hold. But for now all she could do is sit and wait, each second feeling like years as she sat. Carefully the young fae kept her stern posture, glancing around the clearing slowly as the sun ever so slowly crept up the morning sky, with only the chirping of nearby birds to keep her company.
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Alpha Desmond
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Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Icon_minitimeJuly 11th 2015, 23:29

Just as the sun was beginning to rise, so was the Alpha. He could smell the scent of a fresh kill before his den. Had something just fallen and died in that place? Unlikely, he thought to himself. He stretched out his large paws and moved towards the light of day. His eyes peered out of the shadows to discover Katyusha and a gift. Interesting, but good. Desmond rolled his eyes over the form of the dead rabbit. The fresh blood was an intoxicating smell, but he knew better than to eat before training. He lowered his head and picked up the treat. He clenched it in his jaws and looked to Katyusha. He nodded his head once as a sign of respect, but walked by her and placed it within the kill pile. He rested it atop the pile and turned his head to look at her. "Come with me, Katyusha. This area is too cluttered for what we are to do." Desmond started to wander off, not waiting for her to walk along. Unlike Fel, he did not see her at the same level as him. She was a pawn in his pack, a member. Perhaps "friends" was a thing Desmond should try to acquire. He thought about it, but continued on his way. His green eyes watched as he entered into the training pasture. Feeling the small blades of grass tickle his pads, he walked harder. His steps were careful and calculated. He looked from left to right as he tried to decide exactly what they were going to do. And then it smacked him inside his mind. What was the best way to see the skills of a wolf you don't know? He stopped in place, about mid way through the field. He turned and faced her, waiting for her to join him. As she approached he smiled and said, "Attack me."
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Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Icon_minitimeJuly 13th 2015, 05:39

As the Alpha moved from his den the younger warrior would move to her paws, dipping her head in respect to the brute as he emerged from the darkness "Good morning Alpha. I brought you breakfast if you desire. If not I will catch you something when we are finished." she said, not sure if he was the breakfast kind or not, since she had never trained with him before. Katyusha had always found the idea of eating right as one rose odd, and personally she preferred to work up an appetite training or patrolling before wasting the effort of catching something to eat. However she could respect the idea of addressing one's needs first so the mind would be unburdened by hunger or fatigue later. Although that would only be obtained by sacrificing a bit of ones physical ability for a short time. Of course the fae also had no way of knowing what he had in store for her today, and if that would require him to be active as well. As he moved the rabbit to the kill pile the young fae would dip her head in return, taking no disrespect from the action, but simply cursing herself for the poor choice in gifts.

As Desmond spoke again the multi-colored fae wasted no time in following after him. In many regards he reminded her of Steele, although the atmosphere of this pack was much different than Erenyx. He held himself in a way that demanded respect, and she was certain he wouldn't tolerate anything but respect. It was obvious by his lack of interest in talking or getting to know anything about her she was just another warrior in his pack, and yet she knew he saw something more in her. Why would he take a wolf he had just met as an apprentice if there wasn't more to it. Or perhaps Steele's reputation had simply given her the chance she needed to prove she was more than just a warrior. Of course there was no way for the fae to know what was going on in his mind, and she wasn't dumb enough to ask.

As the duo came to a stop Katyusha would be pulled from her thoughts, her gaze resting on him as that sudden smile came to his lips, and then those words. Katyusha felt her heart skip a beat as he spoke the two words she had been hoping beyond hope to hear. Yes! A spar! This would be perfect. Katyusha had just met this brute, and other than he was the alpha of a pack that held several wolves she knew and at least one she respected, she knew nothing about him. This would not only be the perfect chance to show Desmond what she was capable of, but also a great chance to test herself, and see just what he was capable of teaching her. With the faintest signs of a grin coming to the fae's muzzle she would dip her head once more "As you wish sir." she said.

Taking only a short moment to adjust her stance, and take a deep breath, the fae would dart forward, paws pounding the ground firmly as she put everything she had into the first attack. Katyusha knew she wasn't as big as him, and couldn't simply hope to overpower him, that would be very foolish. Instead she had to focus on her speed and agility, using her speed to find and exploit openings in his defense, and her agility to land the hits and escape without forfeiting too much time for him to do his own damage to her. With only a split second to think before they would collide in a flash of fangs and fur Katyusha had to pick her target quickly. Without a second of hesitation the fae would keep her gaze locked on him as the distance between them vanished. At the last second the fae would throw her front paws out in front of her, dipping her form low in an attempt to dodge his attacks just as she kicked off with her back legs and pushed forward hard with her front, claws digging into the grass below as she pushed herself back up, aiming for the area of chest between his two front paws in the hopes that if he attempted to dodge she would still catch one of them. With the firm upward motion and massive amount of speed and momentum the fae was carrying the attack, if executed properly, should lift the Alpha, allowing the fae to either flip him, or attack his unguarded underside. Of course with an Alpha Katyusha would be quite greedy to expect him to allow such an attack to succeed, but a girl could hope after all.

Attack: A low lung at the center of his chest
Defense: Low position with broad stance
Injuries: None

Last edited by Warrior Katyusha on July 21st 2015, 10:35; edited 1 time in total
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Alpha Desmond
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Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Icon_minitimeJuly 18th 2015, 16:02

Please edit your post with this code:

[color=#ffffff][b]Attack:[/b][/color] -text-
[color=#ffffff][b]Defense:[/b][/color] -text-
[color=#ffffff][b]Injuries:[/b][/color] -text- [/center]
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Alpha Desmond
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Alpha Desmond

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Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Icon_minitimeJuly 18th 2015, 16:13

Instantly she was on the attack for him. Just as he had told her to. The large brute did not move, he did not sway. If she was coming on for a collision, she was going to get it. She came at him, trying to seem intimidating or something, but all Desmond could see was a small pup's attempt to get him. The male held a smile within him, not caring to show any sort of emotions to the female. It was interesting how well a wolf could listen, especially after he had told her such a strange command. Was he idiotic for such a thing? He didn't think so. The wolf female came for his paw, grabbing it in her jaws. But lifting him up, she could not. Desmond did nothing. He allowed her to bite him, as long as she did not bite him hard. In the event that she did, he would nip at her face, urging her to release him. His tail hung over his back, blowing the fur from the slight breeze behind him. This wolf was strange, and such an odd thing to try on a wolf much larger than she. With an aggressive growl, he snapped his jaws loud near her ear. He wanted her to know that he did not appreciate the bites to his paw. Now he would react. The male was not as quick as she was, this was true, but what he lacked in speed, he made up for in size. He lunged himself towards her, careful not to jump right over her cowardly form. He reached his maw for her scruff, trying to hold on in an attempt to force her to the ground. He had to make this little encounter a quick one. His days as a rogue was showing and he needed to prove to the other wolves that he was a leader, a damn good one. Desmond would try and if he latched on, he would send her onto her side with a loud thud. If she had been able to dodge him completely, then he would keep his stance of nothingness. He would wait for another attack on her part.

Attack: Lunges at her, snapping his jaws by her ear, then trying to grab her scruff and throw her to the ground
Defense: None
Injuries: Slight pain in his paw
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Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Icon_minitimeJuly 22nd 2015, 10:45

With wide eyes Katyusha would feel her form slam into the alpha's, fangs finding their mark in the center of his chest, her jaw clamping down just enough for the fae to taste blood. In her training with Steele a spar was always an effort to draw blood, and Katyusha didn't know any other way now. So as his fangs snapped at her ears a brief moment of confusion would sweep over her. Had she done something wrong? She couldn't have, he had indeed told her to attack him, which she felt she couldn't have possibly done any quicker than she had, perhaps she was being a bit too rough for the Alpha? However Katyusha wouldn't have the time to debate if this was a spar or a cuddling match at the moment, and was intent to give this new Alpha a thorough trial of his skills. With the full momentum of her first attack easily handled by the massive brute Katyusha knew she had to try a different strategy for her next attack.

With a firm kick of her back paws the multi-colored fae would attempt to distance herself from the brute for a second attack, hoping the sudden change in direction would be enough to dodge a counter attack. This hope however would soon be dashed as the powerful jaws of the alpha clamped down on her scruff only one thought would rush through her mind, she couldn't lose her footing. The only chance Katyusha had in a fight with the much larger wolf was to stay mobile, and to lose that was to lose the fight, and if this were a real fight, possibly her life. With that one thought going through her mind Katyusha would do the only thing she could. With a quick broadened adjustment to her stance she would use the momentum she had already gained from the initial retreat to push off hard to his left away from him, cringing as she forced herself from his maw, even if it meant shredding the flesh on the back of her neck to do so. Katyusha had learned long ago to embrace the pain of a fight. Because if you felt pain you weren't dead, and if you weren't dead, you can still win.

If she was capable of escaping his grasp the fae would waste no time to allow a counter attack. In an impressive show of speed and agility the fae would put just enough distance between them to make a narrow turn, her form pivoting to quickly close the distance between them again, this time aiming for the soft spot on his left side just in front of the left rear leg, hoping her speed would be enough to catch him in the ribs or hips if he attempted to dodge; even though if he once again simply took the blow she wouldn't be upset by it's placement. Charging full force at the brute Katyusha would lunge again, fangs bared as she attempted to make the alpha bleed once more.

Attack: Full speed lunge at his left hip.
Defense: None
Injuries: Small gashes on her scruff
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Alpha Desmond
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Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Icon_minitimeJuly 22nd 2015, 13:58

Cunning little wolf he had under his paws. She had been foolish to allow his attack to land, but his force of getting her to the groud was going to be harder than he thought. She was a lively one, one that seemed to never give up. She even damaged her own self by trying to flee from his grasp. She made a clean break, and was off to turn and attack once more. But this time, Desmond would use her own force against her. The fae lunged at his side, only this time he would allow her to make contact once again. As teeth pierced his flesh, Desmond growled and snarled. He too could take a wound, even one created by his own self. He grabbed at her scruff, now in the perfect position to snatch her up. With his great height difference, he was able to rip her from his own flesh. Blood trickled down his leg. But he ignored the pain. There was a greater thing to deal with at the moment. Forcing his weight on top of her, he forced them both to fall to the ground. He toppled on her, pinning her with his sheer mass. Surely she could not get away from him now. "Okay, you need to relax a little Katyusha... This is a spar, I am not trying to kill you! Calm down and breathe for a moment. You have shown me you can fight, but spars are not supposed to be about drawing blood or dismembering each other. It is to show skills, fundamentals, and basic knowledge. That's why I didn't really hurt you, I snapped my jaws near your ear, to try and make you loosen up. You didn't get it, so I was forced to squish you. Now I know what you are thinking... 'my Alpha needs to lay off the buffalo.' I know, I tell myself this every time I take a look in the water. But do you think I am losing my tapered appearance? I think I am... My mother would be the first to point that out..." Desmond found himself rambling now. Was it an effective move for the fae, or was he just being silly? He honestly didn't know the answer for himself. So he laid there, allowing his body to act as dead weight. No small wolf would be able to push that extra weight off now.

Attack: Bites at her scruff and sends her to the ground
Defense: He lays on top of her, crushing her still
Injuries: Pain in his paw, bleeding on his hind thigh
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Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Icon_minitimeJuly 22nd 2015, 19:33

Contact! Katyusha couldn't believe her luck as fangs found their mark once again on the hindquarters of her Alpha. What happened next however would take her utterly by surprise. With the quick turn of the Alpha, Katyusha would once again attempt to dart away, this time behind him to avoid the attack; however, his speed was much greater than she had originally anticipated. Before the young fae even knew what was going on she felt her paws forced out from under her as the much greater mass of the Alpha forced her down into the soft grass below. With a few last frantic kicks Katyusha would try to gain enough traction to pull away from him again, to continue the fight! But to no avail. With the shifting weight above her the fae could only submit, pinning her hears back and dipping her head "I submit sir, you are victorious." she said, the tone of her voice showing clear shame at how easily he had defeated her. He was smart, she couldn't deny that. Rather than wasting his energy attempting to chase, or dodge the much faster wolf he had used his size to simply take the blow, and then retaliated when he knew she would have to stop. And with his sudden and swift attack, and her lack of momentum to carry her out of his grasp, he made quick work of her. A mistake she would be certain not to make again.

As the Alpha began to speak a sudden sinking feeling would fill the fae, as ears pinned back and head dipped. She had been his apprentice for only a single day, and already she had disappointed him, and herself, twice. With pinned ears she would lower her head to the ground once more "Forgive me sir, in Erenyx, where I trained last, spars were just as much about learning to accept and tolerate the pain of a true fight as they were demonstrating combat skills. I will adjust my way should you decide to continue training me. I am deeply sorry sir." she said. However as the Alpha went on a small giggle would escape the fae "Well sir, do forgive me but I can't recall the last time I was under a brute...So I don't really have anything to compare you too. But if I am to be honest, I sincerely doubt you are anything but perfectly fit." she said. After a brief moment a secondary meaning for her words would come to her and eyes would go wide "I mean, under as in pinned to the ground...not...in a pup making way...sir." her voice would trail as her cheeks burned for a moment. After a brief second Katyusha couldn't help but giggle at her mistake, now just awaiting the Alpha's removal from her.
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Alpha Desmond
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Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Icon_minitimeJuly 23rd 2015, 21:36

Coughing was the only thing he could think of doing. It was forced, and he knew it. She would know it. He immediately jumped off of her and stood a few paces away. He looked to her then directed his eye contact to the floor or a random bush off in the distance. He moved his eyes to look at her. "Yeah, I don't want my own pack tearing itself a part. It seems a little self-destructive... Don't you think?" He looked to her again and then quickly stood up. He shook his coat loose so all the hairs would lay perfectly fine once again. He was shocked and really didn't know what to do. It was not the season to be thinking of anything like that. But Katyusha was an attractive fae, this much he knew to be true. The season did not dictate looks. No other wolf had really been so forward with him before, other than the slutty Rogue who would have opened her legs for any wolf who would be able to please her. He had to admit that it was nice to have some form of contact with another being, but he did not need it per say. "Yeah so here in Agavos, we like to keep everything all as it is. Don't bite, don't bleed and don't try to kill each other. If you need something or anything from me, you can always find me. Or just call me.. maybe.. But yeah, so I think it would be a good time for you to go catch me a hare. Our little whatever you want to call it.. umm.. has my stomach growling mighty loud. I am surprised you cannot hear it yourself." He gave a soft and yet awkward chuckle. What was even going on right now? Desmond seemed like he was having an outer body experience, just watching himself act like a fool from the third person perspective, unable to shut his own mouth up or keep his eyes from wandering back to Katyusha's body. "So get on getting on then... I will wait here for your return." He rested his haunches on the ground and watched her, trying to keep himself from staring.
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Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Icon_minitimeJuly 24th 2015, 05:30

As the alpha gave an awkward cough Katyusha could only curse herself in her mind. Her thoughts tearing herself apart What were you thinking Katyusha? Are you stupid? or has it really been so long since you've had a normal conversation that you forgot how they work? He doesn't want to hear about that! It isn't funny. Stupid!. As the Alpha removed himself from her, the young fae would lift herself to her haunches, keeping herself just slightly lower than fully seated to show her submission to the Alpha as she glanced around awkwardly "Sorry, I suppose my sense of humor needs some work... As that is one thing they don't teach in Erenyx." she would smile, hoping that would explain the otherwise awkward statement. As he spoke again the multi-colored fae would happily embrace the change of topic "Of course sir, I must simply adjust to this new pack. And I am terribly sorry for your wounds." she said, looking down at his front paw to inspect the damage she had done, hoping she hadn't misjudged her strength and left only enough of a hole to drawl blood.

As the conversation continued Katyusha would seem to forget the incident, turning her gaze back to him as he spoke. As he laid out the rules of spars in this pack the fae would take careful note of each word, nodding slowly to let him know she understood without interrupting. And then he went on to mention the hare she had promised him, and her eyes would seem to light up at the chance to redeem herself "Yes, of course sir. I don't wish to cause harm to any of your pack. I was simply trained in a different environment, where we had different rules. I do hope you will permit me to continue training as your apprentice." she said, not seeming all too hopeful of the idea. Although he hadn't banished her outright yet, so that was promising. "And if I need anything I will be sure to come to you sir. And I extend the same offer Alpha, as I only wish to serve you and the pack to the best of my abilities. And you do know how to howl, right sir? " she would smirk, trying to make it clear she was joking this time, to avoid any awkwardness.

Without giving him another moment to answer she would stand "Now to fetch your hare sir. I will be right back." she said in her honey sweet voice, turning to exit the large pasture. As she walked her tail would swish slowly behind her as her mind tried to navigate it's way back to the small stream she had found earlier. It was the perfect spot to get another plump, fresh hare for her Alpha, which was the least she could do after injuring him. After less than 5 minutes of walking she would begin to catch the familiar scents that lead to the stream. And with her nose to the ground, it would only take her another minute to locate a small game trail moving towards a gradual dip. A grin would come to the young warriors muzzle as she walked forward, occasionally scenting the air for anything she could offer her alpha as the faint sound of running water drew nearer.

Now close to the small mountain stream she had drank from earlier, Katyusha would lower herself, keeping to the already worn game trail in an attempt to minimize the leaves and sticks crunching under her paws. Scenting the air again the former huntress could identify all sorts of animals that must come here for water. Certainly a number of hares, as the place nearly wreaked of them, but also raccoons, ground hogs, and even a fox or two. As the soft glimmering of the water came into view the warrior would lower herself, eyes carefully scanning the edge for even the faintest sign of movement. Just as she was about to declare this particular spot a bust, a cautious hop from a plump hare would catch her eye, and a grin would form on her muzzle. Perfect was the only word Katyusha could think of to describe the morsel. The land she called home was now into late spring, and many of the animals that had leaned out throughout the harsh winter had now began to pack on some weight again. But judging by this creature there must be a berry patch or some other plentiful source of food nearby, for he was much larger than what would have expected to find elsewhere.

Slowly the huntress would lower herself, ears forward as eyes watched her quarry. After a few long seconds of scenting the air, the hare must have been satisfied it was safe to proceed as it carefully moved from the concealed position in the brush to the open, rocky surface the stream flowed through. Ever cautious the creature would move closer to the running water until it was close enough to drink, blissfully unaware of the eager predator waiting only meters away. And that was all it took. Without warning Katyusha would put her well honed speed to use once again darting from her spot amongst the underbrush to close in on the hare. Before it even had time to react the fae would be upon him, and with an expertly placed strike her fangs would sink into it's neck, her much larger form carrying enough momentum to sweep the creature off it's feet as powerful jaws clamped down. Just as the first realizations of what was happening to it would begin to register to the creature, Katyusha's powerful grasp would end it, the fae biting down and giving her head a quick shake as the taste of blood met her tongue, and the familiar sickening cracking sounds echoed through the once calm clearing. With only a single cry of agony from her game the hunt would be over, the heavy lifeless body now hanging from the victors jaws, only the occasional twitch serving to remind her of it's life.

With quarry in maw the proud huntress would make her way back to where her Alpha awaited, and with her task achieved she would allow her mind to wander. The hare was certainly large enough to satisfy the large brute's hunger, but she still felt as if she had to atone to him for her mistakes earlier. To show him she truly wanted to be a contributing member of the pack, and more importantly, to him. But the question that weighed heavily in her mind was how? What could she possibly do to assist him in any way that would make up for the pain she had caused? Just as the large grass clearing started to come into site an idea would hit her like a log falling from the branches above. Yes! That was it! The perfect way to show she was sorry and willing to work to fix it!

With the awkwardness of their past conversation now far from her mind the fae would quickly make her way back into the grassy training pasture, dipping her head low once again as she neared the massive tan colored wolf. Without a word she would dip her head low to drop the plump treat at his feet. Keeping her head low Katyusha would back away from him a few steps, before returning to sit on her haunches, watching and waiting for his reaction "I hope it is to your liking sir." she said, giving him a slight, hopeful smile and awaiting an answer. All the while waiting for the perfect moment to offer her plan for atonement to him.
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Alpha Desmond
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Alpha Desmond

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Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Icon_minitimeJuly 29th 2015, 22:32

Confused by her joke, he watched her wander off. He lowered himself even lower to the ground. Releasing a huff of air, he rolled onto his side. The Alpha had chosen not to watch her, to try and get his mind right. What was happening to him? He rolled from his side onto his back. as he did this, he stretched his neck as far from his body as it would allow. He scratched his head on a nearby rock, feeling the jagged edges sooth his itch. His spine swerved left and right, allowing it to create a little friction as well. Full body massage was a must right now. It released the tension within himself, the internal conflict. His body rested at ease for a moment, and he breathed deep. He took in the fresh air through his nostrils and exhaled from between cracked jaws. Doing all of this forced the Alpha to forget the issues that had just happened. It was a clean slate in his mind. The awkwardness and bizarre feelings were gone. The last portion of his scratch would require him to stretch his legs high above his head, and his hind legs as far as they would reach. His tail laid lifeless behind his form. As he did this, he allowed a grunt to escape his lips. Katyusha had returned and dropped the fresh kill by his paws. He looked up to her, which was quite strange in itself, and smiled. "Thank you, and good job back there. I should make you my own personal hunter..." he said for a moment as he rolled back over to his stomach. He inspected the kill and was about to consume it, when he recalled his own words. Desmond... do not bring the awkward back! he thought to himself. "As a joke of course... The pack needs you to be a Warrior, and I don't plan on stealing you for my own benefit. Plus, I believe you would be much more pleased with such a rank than that of a Hunter. If you think about it, they are like the slaves of the pack. They are in charge of feeding everyone and when they don't do it, bad things happen." Desmond leaned his muzzle close to the kill and pulled it to his chest. Planting a large paw over the neck, he ripped into the gut. The warm little body was delicious and the taste of its blood was tangy. Was he going to just eat as she sat and watched him? Yes. He was the Alpha after all. Continuing to rip and tear, Desmond could feel his stomach slowly starting to simmer down. It was working. A full Desmond was a happy Desmond.
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Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Icon_minitimeJuly 30th 2015, 12:31

As the young fae returned to the large clearing the pair had been sparring in just a moment ago the young warrior would notice the Alpha laid out on the warm grass, moving from side to side as he stretched himself. As she got closer she couldn't help but notice his exposed position, paws stretched out in all directions with stomach, and other things, opened up and exposed. Averting her eyes for just a moment from the compromising position the Alpha was in Katyusha would set the rabbit in front of him. As she stepped back though she couldn't help but lift her gaze, eyes quickly working their way from his broad chest down to his tail, examining the brute who could only be described as large and powerful, in every way. After a brief moment of that lingering gaze Katyusha would turn her eyes to the horizon behind him, as if that was the goal all along, now more grateful than ever to have the thick fur hiding the burning sensation in her cheeks from view.

As Desmond spoke Katyusha would perk her ears slightly, dipping her head respectfully "Thank you sir, I do appreciate the compliment." she replied. When the Alpha shifted to eat Katyusha would shift to rest on her haunches, more than content to allow the Alpha to eat in front of her. He was the Alpha after all, and he had taken time out of his day to train her. A meal was the least she could do to repay him. As he went on Katyusha would smile, nodding slowly "I actually wished to speak to you about that sir...Not being a hunter but..." she paused, trying to decide on how to word her question before presenting it. "If you would have me Sir, I would like to accompany you on any chores you may have as Alpha, to repay the damage I did to you. I know I am not nearly as skilled a fighter as you, but it's the least I can do is make up for any handicap I may have caused you...Just until you are healed Sir." she said pausing for a moment before correcting herself once again "Unless of course you desired otherwise." As the Alpha continued Katyusha was unable to help but giggle at his comment about Hunter's being slaves. "That isn't very nice Sir. Hunters are a crucial part of a pack's survival, even if it is thankless and remedial work. And while I see nothing wrong with being a hunter for the pack. I would be much happier in a role where I may serve you on the field of battle. Should the need ever rise of course." she said honestly. "Though if you did request it of me, I would be honored to provide you a fresh kill in exchange for your time training me. As it would be the least I can do for such an invaluable service." she admit, turning her gaze to meet his for just a moment to judge his reaction, before diverting her gaze again respectfully, her silver hues silently scanning the open area around her, trying to maintain her calm demeanor. However, on the inside the poor fae was about to explode! She had just made a bold offer to her Alpha, hoping to repent for some of the screw ups she had achieved today. But that would require her to spend a lot more time around him for the next week or so, which could either help her prove her worth to the once-loner, or allow her much much more time to screw up. But there was only one way to know. After all, Omega couldn't be that bad, could it?
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Alpha Desmond
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Alpha Desmond

Posts : 340
Join date : 2014-12-19

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Age: 5 Years Old
Purchases: Large Wolf | Rogue

Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Icon_minitimeJuly 30th 2015, 22:07

"Katyusha..." he said with his mouth full of food. "Wait a tick.." as he finished the food and swallowed it down his throat. His emerald gaze looked up to meet hers. Green and silver collided as their own looks met. In this setting, Desmond was not threatened by the fae, not that he ever had been. He licked his chops and pulled his pink tongue back behind jagged fangs. He thought for a moment about her words, building a reply suitable for her request. The thought of getting a fresh meal every time he spent a day with her, it was very tempting. Food he did not have to hunt himself, or dig from the kill pile was very alluring. But why would a Warrior choose to do such a thing for their Alpha? She was not skilled as a Hunter, or wishing to be so. Yet she offered her services up to him as easily as when he requested her name. Thought rolled on within one another as the male finished up the kill. When he was finished, he lifted himself up to a seated position. His tail laid lifelessly behind him still, showing just how relaxed he was around the fae. "If that is what you wish then I shall allow it. It would be dumb of me to turn down a fresh meal every day, would it not? But, you will not do every chore with me and as for my paws, I am fine. I will have a Healer look at them, perhaps not Orion.." he said with a chuckle to his own joke. It had been a terrible pun and if this fae had not met Orion, then she sure would not know why he found it so funny. But Desmond quieted himself with the clearing of his throat. "If that is what you truly desire, then I shall give you your request. And Katyusha, as a request from me, you can look into my eyes when it is you and I. As an Apprentice, I don't want you worrying about offending me. Be honest and blunt with me. I sometimes find myself guarded by my own mistakes from the past and need that little thump in the face... If you know what I mean? And if you are good, maybe one day you will be able to just call me 'Desmond'.." He trailed his name with a smile. He lifted up his body from the ground and looked on to the foliage around them. "I think this shall be all for today, then.. I will be heading back to the pack. Care to accompany me?"

[I plan to start another thread once Summer begins, because after tomorrow this gets locked down. You can reply if you wish.]
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Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Icon_minitimeJuly 31st 2015, 19:20

As the Alpha spoke again Katyusha would obediently wait until he was finished eating, her head never leaving the swivel as she glanced around the clearing, as if always on guard for some unknown enemy, or perhaps some easy prey for her to feed herself while the Alpha enjoyed his treat. As their eyes locked for a moment Katyusha would pause, her silver orbs lingering on his for what felt like an eternity, as if all of time stood still for that brief moment. As Katyusha's heart raced in her chest she would realize the great sin she had just committed by locking eyes with an Alpha. Quickly turning her head to the side she would feel that familiar burn in her cheeks as she turned her gaze to the sky, examining the beautiful blue glow of a warm clear day, only broken up by the occasional light puffy cloud drifting slowly through the day. Katyusha wondered what a cloud felt like, perhaps in the Other Forest she could find out. She could only imagine they were soft and fluffy, like fresh snow but warmer. As the nervousness of their moment passed without the Alpha ripping her apart Katyusha would turn her attention back to him, watching as he quickly finished off the hare she had presented him. As he began to speak Katyusha would give a soft smile and nod gently to the first part, her mind also picking up one very important detail of his comments most might not have noticed. Everyday. She was going to be providing him a fresh meal every day, which meant they would be together every day. The thought of this made the warrior's heart skip a beat for a moment before he went on. With the denial of her offer to assist him a noticeable look of disappointment would come to her for just a moment before she regained her composure. With the mention of having a healer look at his paws the joke would go right over her head, as the only wolf in the pack she had even met yet was him. "I would be honored to present a meal for your services Sir, and I must admit nothing is better than having a fresh kill after a hard day of training." she said, thinking nothing of the offer. She had great respect for the Alpha, and she greatly appreciated the help he was giving her. Payment in the form of a fresh lunch was the least she could do to tell him how much she appreciated the training. In addition to the fact that he was her Alpha, and her sole purpose now was to serve her Alpha.

Katyusha no longer had a family to worry about. Aleu was cared for and soon would be an adult of her own who wouldn't need the multicolored fae anyways. Katyusha had no illusions that she would have a mate again, or any pups of her own to take care of. She had no other reason to live but to care for herself and her pack, and if she were spending time with the fun energetic Alpha it took her mind off of the loneliness she had been experiencing for the last year. It was amazing to her, how much this new land seemed to raise her spirits, and give her a new chance at life. And while she was certain she would never have the same chance at happiness she did with Steele, at least here she could be content. As the Alpha spoke again a noticeable look of surprise would come to the fae's face, her gaze lifting to meet his as requested as she only nodded, pondering what words she could possibly utter here "Y-yes sir. If that is what you desire it would be my pleasure." she said, her voice still sounding slightly surprised and confused, but she did well to hold her composure. As he finished speaking the small fae would nod again quickly in response "Of course Sir, If you request my honest opinion I will provide it. Though I doubt our opinions on things will vary too much, as you seem like a far wiser wolf than myself." she said humbly, giving a little smirk at the last part of his statement. "Then I shall work very hard, for I would greatly desire that Sir."

As the Alpha rose to tower above the smaller fae again she would perk her ears slightly as he spoke, nodding quickly to the question he presented to her. "I would love to Sir. Thank you." she said, wasting no time to take a spot slightly behind him and to his left as he walked. She wouldn't dare walk even with him, as it was a sign of equality in most packs. And not being his beta she wasn't his right paw. It appeared everything the young fae did was some form of showing her respect to the Alpha. Something she would have never dream of doing for the runt Teren, who she more than not simply tried to avoid, or do as little as possible for. As the pair walked, Katyusha would attempt to talk to the Alpha, asking little questions about his pack to get a better understanding of the new life she had so eagerly accepted.
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PostSubject: Re: Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Through Hell and High Water (Desmond/Private) Icon_minitime

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