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Denial (Open to all)

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Alpha Magnus
Alpha Magnus

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PostSubject: Denial (Open to all) Denial (Open to all) Icon_minitimeJuly 11th 2015, 22:14

Would they start anew? He didn't know. Would he find enough allies? He didn't know. Would he come back from this? He didn't know. Magnus was unsure of just about everything in his life right now. His daughter almost certainly reviled him, his son was missing, his other two... his other two were no longer among the living. But he was so sure that Ciro was not gone. Everyone else would tell him he was wrong but he refused to listen. His son, his only remaining son, was out there somewhere. Magnus was adamant that he had to find him. He'd lost Aspen, he'd practically served Willow up for the other pups, he'd ruined his relationship with Piper, this was his only child with whom he thought he could redeem himself. Piper could... but it would take longer, he needed immediate action. Tye was gone, he didn't have his best friend. He needed that person he could confide in and share good times with. He went out alone, telling no one of his plans or his destination. If his son was missing and alone, where would he go? Magnus knew if he was that age, his first thought would be to find water. He didn't recall ever taking his children out to the neutrals, so they wouldn't know where to find water. They could scent it, or they could at least try. He figured he'd try the cove first. If he could prevent his son from drink the salty seawater he could help before it was too late. If he found none there but his shadow... well, there were other water sources he could try. His pads his the warm sand while the sun blared overhead. "Ciro!" He called out. "CIRO!" He shouted a little louder. His head turned from side to side as the shade fell from his shoulders like a cloak, the sun bathing his copper fur, letting it shine brightly in the natural light. He could hear the crashing of the deadly waves out ahead. His ears flickered about for the sound of a response, but all it got was the waves on the sand, the pillars rising against the rocks. Water, everywhere, deadly water. Just seeing the salty sea made his throat salivate in expectation of water. It'a all a trick. He swallowed and kept looking. He needed his son to be alive.
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Guardian Drogo
Guardian Drogo

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PostSubject: Re: Denial (Open to all) Denial (Open to all) Icon_minitimeJuly 16th 2015, 12:31

The melodic sounds of the crashing waves against the shore had been soothing the Guardian for some time now. He had found his way to the cove in the early hours of the morning. Why? Of this he wasn't certain, but he had needed to get out, to stretch his legs and explore a little. The pups and Nnlya had been peacefully sleeping upon his departure, and he was certain that his presence would not be missed for a morning, so he had set out for the day. Mindless wandering had led the rusted brute here. It had been some time since he had stepped paw on the warm sands of the cove, so he decided that this was where he would stay. For some time he wandered along the waters edge, the waves rolling in and cascading over his paws. The odd seagull would swoop down to investigate, but quickly takes its leave when he sneered their way. A nuisance those birds, nothing but trouble makers and scavengers, but then that could be said about many creatures he supposed. The sun was well in the sky now, and its rays already heating up the sand. Should one dwell too long in one spot, they would surely end up with a few burns to the pads, so he kept moving along the waters edge until he reached a little inlet in the rocks that provided cover from the sun. Stepping into it he sat down on the cool sand and looked out at the crashing force with which the waves met the rocks that jutted out into the water. One false move on those rocks and a wolf wolf surely meet his end.

He sat for some time in silence, admiring the unrelenting force of nature, and clearing his mind, until a voice rang out, calling desperately for someone. The voice was one he knew, oh one he knew well, and it called out the name Ciro. It was just his luck that Magnus would be here. Could he not enjoy one day in peace and quiet? No, he supposed not. Rising from his seat, he padded out of the confines of the cave and out onto the beach where he spotted the Erenyx male. He had to admit that Magnus looked distraught, and rather insane as he called helplessly into the winds. Who was this Ciro? And why did he sound so desperate to find him? Perhaps the male had finally gone mad. Whatever the case, Drogo intended to find out. With a raised brow and a slight grin across his lips, he stepped out into the view of the other Guardian. "Well well, finally lost your mind dear Magnus? Calling out to the winds? Pity. I thought a wolf such as you would have gripped onto his sanity ever so slightly tighter, but it would appear not." he taunted, curious to see how his counterpart would react. He was ready for a fight if thats what it came to, but seeing this ghost from his past in such a distressed state was reward enough for the horrible things he had done.
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Alpha Magnus
Alpha Magnus

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PostSubject: Re: Denial (Open to all) Denial (Open to all) Icon_minitimeJuly 17th 2015, 03:32

Desperation was a far cry short of what he felt. He knew no word for what is was but Magnus needed to find his son. Without proof of a body, he rules end to accept that Ciro was dead. He heard a branch snap, his head swivelling to find the source of the noise. "Ciro?" he asked, more to himself than to anyone else. He saw the trees behind him where the branch had snapped and a flock of birds fleeing the treetops with a great flutter of their wings. He released the breath he'd held, turning back to gaze out at the ocean. His head drooped while he panted, only the surging waves making any sound. Why is it so hot today? His winter coat was still shedding, so the slightest heatwave had him cooking in his own fur. He heaved a deeper breath, forcing his lungs to expand further than they appeared comfortable with. A voice came to taunt him, a familiar voice, one he would prefer not to hear. "Begone wretch. I have no need of your cruel japes this day." The Kingslayer did have a point, however. This search was driving him to insanity. But what good parent wouldn't search to the ends of the earth for their child? He might not have been the best parent before, but he needed to change that. He was changing that. He needed to find Ciro and tell him how proud he was of him. A thought struck him: What if Ciro had been found by a Helidos. It was their nature to be kindly, surely they would have taken him in. He turned to the sable male, a plea in his molten eyes. "You haven't seen my son have you?"
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Alpha Magnus
Alpha Magnus

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Age : 28
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Age: 7 Years

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PostSubject: Re: Denial (Open to all) Denial (Open to all) Icon_minitimeJuly 29th 2015, 00:47

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