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Words of Worry [Apprentice Aleu]

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Juno of Helidos
Juno of Helidos

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Words of Worry [Apprentice Aleu] Empty
PostSubject: Words of Worry [Apprentice Aleu] Words of Worry [Apprentice Aleu] Icon_minitimeAugust 2nd 2015, 15:56

- A few days before Striker calls on Aleu.

She ran home that day after speaking to Katyusha in the lavender fields of grace, a look of concern plastering her features unless she'd force a happy smile to keep those surrounding her from asking. There was only one wolf she needed to speak to alone, and she would wait a few days until felt it was best she inform her own what has become of her own home. That morning, two days after she heard the news of Erenyx, she nuzzled her beloved a goodbye as he'd leave to his duties and wait till he was gone until she too would leave to do her own. Juno busied herself long enough with checking and marking the borders, welcoming others into the land and sending her hellos for the good morning ahead of them as summer was now in full motion. The black fae roamed slowly among the lands, a careful stroll around until coming close to the clearing for a nice stop. She eyed her surroundings steadily before going to clean her den thoroughly as well as herself. In that time, she also ate breakfast and stretched. The beta thought to go for a jog later as a way of procrastinating words, but she knew it would be no use. She had to speak to the apprentice now.

Waiting until lunch, she stood outside her den and howled for her to come home, as she would sometimes to feed her. When she knew it had stretched far over the lands, the beta quickly left to retrieve a couple hares for both her, her mate, and adopted daughter to feast on later if Marrok were to come home as well. Returning home only a few minutes later, she expected she'd be there, waiting and wondering where she had gone, or perhaps at least on her way. Narrowing her words, she spoke rather loudly and called for her, "Aleu, I am in need of speaking to you." Her voice dressed itself in concern, and power, causing the air to seem more intense than it really was. She'd wait until her presence was completely exposed to her knowing before speaking properly in their den, alone.
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Words of Worry [Apprentice Aleu] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Words of Worry [Apprentice Aleu] Words of Worry [Apprentice Aleu] Icon_minitimeAugust 10th 2015, 16:43

Aleu had very reluctantly risen long before her adopted parents, wiggling herself out of the den to go about her daily ritual of stretching before her jog around the packlands before training with Rose. Although over the last few weeks the young pup had appeared to be growing more and more distant as troubles began to weigh heavy on her mind. Since she had first left Erenyx she had always had a close friend in Striker, a wolf she had shared so much with, and opened up to him more than she had even her own adopted parents. But since their adventure during the winter she hadn't seen the other Apprentice, even at their arranged time and place for their next 'date'. Aleu used that word lightly however, since the brute hadn't really expressed more than a mild interest in being around her, at least as far as she could tell, even if she wasn't entirely sure how deep her feelings for him ran. But before she could really dive any deeper into these feelings he had disappeared, which only made the Apprentice worry more and more about him.

After another fun, albeit more distant training session with Rose for the morning Aleu would begin the long walk back to the pack clearing for a quick nap before her evening practice, where she would go back over the lessons she had learned that day to improve her strength and mastery of the lessons learned. As she neared her favorite napping spot under a tree little fae would hear the loud howl, perking her ears and seeming a little confused by the summons. Normally Aleu didn't expect a meal until later evening, as both of her adopted parents were usually busy with their own duties until the pack started to settle down for the night. Thinking maybe she was just being treated today the pup would start back towards the den, arriving just before her mother would return, looking around confused again. "What the....where is everyone?" she muttered, mostly to herself, before hearing Juno's voice from behind her, the pup turning quickly as a look of noticeable fear came to her eyes. Why did Juno need to talk to her? Was she in trouble? Or worse, was she being kicked out? She was at that age where she could survive on her own, maybe Juno and Marrok had gotten sick of her more distant attitude. With her ears pinned back against her head the Apprentice would look at the ebony fae as she approached "What do you need mother?" she asked, trying to give the older fae her cutest look, hoping it might change her mind if she was being kicked out, or was in trouble for who knew what they found out about.
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Juno of Helidos
Juno of Helidos

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Words of Worry [Apprentice Aleu] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Words of Worry [Apprentice Aleu] Words of Worry [Apprentice Aleu] Icon_minitimeAugust 11th 2015, 13:04

As her beloved adopted daughter's scent would linger more into her nostrils, the louder her heart would beat against the fragile cage that which contained it and her vitals that kept her strong and young. The she-wolf felt an on going pain as it pumped ever so loudly into the caverns of her triangular black pointed ears, her breathing a bit hiked, for she was slowly convincing herself that she was not yet prepared for such a personal conversation. But unfortunately, the Beta female knew nothing of what relations her dearest young may have with her natal pack and its members, especially those that of her age. She internally felt the need to inform her of this rather tragic news, just so that she was thoroughly in the loop of what was going on back in her original home. Despite what stress or feelings it may put on the younger one's shoulders, Juno never resisted the urge to treat her as she would anyone else - a respected, mature being. And so she was, which she so rightfully deserved to be treated as. This was the way she had raised her offspring in previous lives, and she would stick to it until the day she'd lay to rest. Once the view of the smaller fae grew clear and approached closer to her, Juno kept a steady gaze and leveled chin. Though her body was more or less at ease, a bit tense in the shoulders and stiff in the knees, but otherwise, a rather relaxed state even despite the given circumstances. "Please.. dear," She said softly, in the kindest, most calm matter she could withstand even though internally she was filled with solemn, her head slowly sweeping towards the den as if to follow first inside to their large, roomy home. "-I'd rather not have others be eavesdropping on what matters need to be discussed privately among just the two of us," said the obsidian wolf.

Just as she had been ordered, the Beta followed suit once the apprentice had made it safely inside, standing nearest to the mouth of the cave as she'd observe the clearing with a suspicious glare both left and right, and all around them in case someone were to overhear. Sniffing once, she gave a silent, yet affirmative nod as she knew they'd be fine with a private discussion, gradually too making it fully into the den to rest her haunches. "Just recently I had come into contact with a wolf from Erenyx," she began, keeping her words sweet and subtle so that she did not give away Katyusha's cover from her daughter's knowledge, "-its occurred to me, given from their words, that Alpha Teren has put the pack in distress from a rather gruesome event involving the pups of Erenyx the spring you were born into. I know nothing of what matters lay today among them, however, my condolences rest with their parents." Juno peered to the mixed-colored she-wolf with a serious expression, her eyes coming into dead contact with hers unless she were to look away as she spoke. No matter the costs, the Beta female felt the need to be there no matter what she felt after receiving this news, and waited, before nodding, as she'd continue politely, "-I felt it was necessary to tell you of what has gone on in your home pack, I know nothing of what relations you may of had with them, but supposedly one pup among them had survived. Piper, it seems is her name. The rest had unfortunately fallen to the depths of their opponents from what I've been told." The sound in her tone of voice frightened herself at how steadily she was taking her words before Aleu, the sudden image of her own fighting against each other made her insides twist and burn with sorrow and rage.
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Words of Worry [Apprentice Aleu] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Words of Worry [Apprentice Aleu] Words of Worry [Apprentice Aleu] Icon_minitimeAugust 13th 2015, 23:34

As her adopted mother returned to the den Aleu would instantly notice something was amiss with the ebony fae. Looking around the clearing quickly the pup's mind started to rush to the worst possible things. As the Beta female gestured to the den the pair shared Aleu would start taking on a noticeably nervous look. She had never been asked into their den in this way before, and in her mind it told her instantly this wasn't going to be a pleasant conversation. With a nervous nod in response the Apprentice would walk into the den, glancing back nervously at the beta each time she did. What could she possibly have to tell her? Was her mother dead? Or brother? Was she being kicked out of their family, the pack? She knew it. She knew the new pups would force her out! No, they wouldn't do that to her. Would they? All of these options raced through her mind as she watched the ebony fae enter after her. As the fae spoke again Aleu would just nod slowly, no longer able to mask the fear in her eyes at whatever news the Beta had to share with her. "W-whats wrong Juno?" she asked, sitting on her haunches in the back of the den, ears pinning back against her head nervously.

As the elder fae began to check around the den Aleu could only sit and wait in silence, her insides wanting to scream and beg to know what was going on, why she was here, honestly believing the wait was worse than anything she could hear, although totally unaware of just how bad the news was. As Juno began to speak Aleu would listen closely, the words seeming to stab into her skin harshly as she spoke. As the older fae continued to speak she would be able to watch Aleu's hard exterior fall apart in pure disbelief. No, this couldn't have happened. She had to be wrong! Striker couldn't be dead, he just couldn't. With a soft whimper the final words seemed to sting her like a thousand bees, the little pup just dropping her head as a sudden numbness flooded her young body. "My best friend....Striker...he was in Erenyx...." she muttered, her voice barely seeming to leave her muzzle "I...I felt something...he was...special..." she muttered, not entirely sure what kind of feelings she may have had for him, but it was quite clear what she was feeling at his loss. "Are.....are you sure?" she muttered, looking up at her adopted mother, her eyes no longer holding the light they once had. It would honestly appear all of the cheer and life had been drained from her eyes, she didn't know what to feel anymore, as once again Teren stole something she loved from her.

Then her feelings started to well. Teren! He did this to her! He stole her father, her mother, her pack, her brother, and now her best friend. Before she could even begin to mourn for Striker a rage she had never felt before welled up inside of her, as a snarl left her muzzle "Teren..." she nearly hissed the name, moving to push past Juno firmly, her shoulder shoving into the other as the look on her eyes changed to one of pure hatred and rage. She was going to kill him. She would put an end to his reign of terror once and for all or die trying. It was the only thing she cared about. For every drop of blood he had spilled she would drain a drop from him, and as far as she was concerned, no one could stop her.  
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Juno of Helidos
Juno of Helidos

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Words of Worry [Apprentice Aleu] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Words of Worry [Apprentice Aleu] Words of Worry [Apprentice Aleu] Icon_minitimeAugust 14th 2015, 08:27

- So sorry, my muse is terrible.

There is no joy, without sadness, Juno thought to herself, hearing it in her mind from her mother's exact tone and tender voice that helped her sooth to a pleasant rest every night at the age of Aleu. She couldn't recall the last she had thought of her mother until that very moment, her heart instantly slowing, for it calmed her to be in the presence of such a memory. As she'd look to the Apprentice now, the Beta could only see herself in what sorrow and loneliness she may of felt. For her, it was that she had no friends, though with her adopted daughter, it was the loss of a family. She had not known of this 'Striker' until now, and even then, she was afraid to even ask until a later time where the Apprentice was at a shallow end of her grieving. The Beta did her best to express her sorry's through the look in her eye, for if it were her, she would not want to hear the words and sympathy from others around her. She would not want their damned apologies or sad sorrows to accompany her own, it was enough heartbreak as it is. The fae certainly did not need a pity party to follow her, to make everyone else's happiness hard to obtain.

Juno peered deeply to the other as he was described special to her in some form of way, which only questioned the Beta as to how close they truly were as friends. If it were anything like the only friend she had growing up in her natal pack, whom soon became her mate and later died with her first born, then she knew what pain truly was as she'd look to her. Her shoulders shook as her will held back the need to weep before the Apprentice; she would need to be strong, no matter what. It was her duty as Beta to keep these feelings locked away for the safe assurance of those around her, and when those whom praised her ere far from her, she'd allow those trapped emotions to flood from her veins and mind at a more private time. She gave an unsure nod, not being able to know the specifics precisely other than a pup by the name of Piper was last standing, according to Katyusha, "Not entirely.. however, that is all that I know.. The wolf seemed doubtful of any survivors other than the one." With narrowed ears, she unfortunately could not find the strength to keep her gaze locked with the other, and looked down with shame as the younger she-wolf would weep on her own accord. She could only wonder if some brutes felt this way when informing faes in their dens that their beloveds had fallen in war, or could not return for they were captured and possibly tortured. The thought made her shake and tremble through her fragile chest, her ribcage vibrating from the strong forces of her heartbeat pumping.

Her brows then narrowed, looking up to the tone of Aleu's voice, which was now snake-like and cruel, her truer side that now revealed some of Steele's actions now glowing within her eyes. The Beta was taken back as her shoulder was pushed passed for the fae to get out of the den before she could even bother to block her. Though the hit was meant to feel pain, the younger fae was not as strong as she, so it wasn't the impact that made her shocked. It was her rage that Juno was concerned over. "Aleu, I order you to stop." She curled her lip, never having thought she'd have to take such steps to demand anything from her adopted daughter. Juno snarled as she followed after the fae, quickly rounding around her so that she stood in her way with her side facing her. The fur on her neck now rose, her height standing over the fae while she flashed her teeth and lifted her tail in dominance. "Killing Teren on your own will serve you nothing but death! Do not make me do something I really don't want to do to you." Snapping her jaws at the Apprentice, she took an intimidating step forwards, threatening her back as she growled.
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Words of Worry [Apprentice Aleu] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Words of Worry [Apprentice Aleu] Words of Worry [Apprentice Aleu] Icon_minitimeAugust 14th 2015, 23:44

As Juno spoke again, reassuring her faith in the information she had received Aleu would just dip her head, the numbness sinking in more. Aleu would feel empty inside, as if all of the feelings had been drained out of her with her blood, leaving only a chilled feeling through her veins. As her feelings began to shift Aleu would almost feel as if she were watching herself through her own eyes, now only along for the ride as her rage took over. It was a feeling Aleu had never felt before, nor did she understand where it came from. Although she knew it was an Erenyx trait, she could never remember her mother acting in such a way, even after her father had been killed. As her body pushed against Juno she had no desire to cause the fae pain, she only wished to remove the fae in a way that would give her time to escape, making it clear what her intentions were, and that nothing would get in her way. She was going to kill Teren, she was going to end his reign and would make sure he never hurt another wolf again. It was a rage she had clearly gotten from her father, a wolf she had never met or known.

As the young fae heard the older wolf exit the den behind her Aleu kept her gaze narrowed, still living this surreal moment as rage pushed her to do things she never would have imagined otherwise. With her adopted mother's words Aleu would completely ignore her words, continuing to walk until the Beta cut off her path. With a look of shock Aleu would see the raised fur on her mothers neck, and her threatening stance. The pup would be noticeably taken back by the threat, having never expected Juno to treat her such a way, but she was far from scared of her. "Get out of the way Juno! I know you can't hurt me, and I don't want to hurt you." she said in a cocky snarl, keeping her head held high. It was true, she didn't believe Juno had it in her to attack the fae she called her daughter, and with her rage she was certain she could take on the beta if she did. At least enough to escape her. "I'm going to kill Teren, or I'm going to die...but either way he will never hurt me again after tonight!" she snapped, holding her ground as the Beta took a step towards her, still not showing any fear, although she was clearly hesitant about something.
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Juno of Helidos
Juno of Helidos

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Words of Worry [Apprentice Aleu] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Words of Worry [Apprentice Aleu] Words of Worry [Apprentice Aleu] Icon_minitimeAugust 16th 2015, 18:57

Never did it occur to her where she'd have to take drastic measures such as reprimanding her own, especially Aleu in that case, but if no one else was going to do it, she knew she'd have to herself to get her point across. The apprentice doubted her ability to provide violence, for she knew Juno had a tolerance towards it, and expected nothing but obedience in her young. But now, she had lost her respect, which was one of the few most appreciated things the Beta had come to expect most high out of anyone beneath her. Saliva now dripped from her maw, her fangs flashing against the sunlight as she neared closer - her pupils dilated to the size of needles, thin, sharp and serpent-like. The fur on her neck made her appear bigger than she naturally was on such long graceful legs, her height impeccably taller than Aleu's by a clear observation. The Beta female said nothing in return to her but a vicious growl to silence her, to show she was threatening her, and would do anything to make her bow down. She cared not if the apprentice feared her, or didn't for that matter; nothing mattered to her now other than to show who was the boss here.

Ears pinned tight against her skull, the onyx fae crept closer, hesitant to make the first move until the dearest daughter of hers bellowed out her fight to continue against Teren whether she agreed or not. Juno knew of her intentions, knew of them quite well, actually, but had told her on numerous occasions that she couldn't fight him until she was grown and able. "I won't let you die too!" The black she-wolf yelled with great anger before pressing firmly down on her front paws and pushing off with her hind feet to lean into the air towards Aleu. Her shadow cast against the ground was as equally dark as her entire being as she flew forwards, paws stretched with her jaws opened. As she would land either atop the apprentice or on the ground, Juno applied whatever force she had to keep a fair fight, even if the Beta could easily kill her if wanted. Unfortunately, these motherly instincts granted her that disadvantage, she simply wanted to teach her a lesson to stay. Batting her paw rather harshly towards Aleu, she attempted to pin her down with her front legs and apply her weight to keep her there as she snarled and snapped at her face. "You aren't going anywhere near Teren!" Her emerald eyes grew ablaze with rage and disappointment. She'd ignore the fact the two would be quite distant from one another after their argument, but rules were rules, and Juno was afraid to meet the consequences of another death of a child on her paws.
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Words of Worry [Apprentice Aleu] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Words of Worry [Apprentice Aleu] Words of Worry [Apprentice Aleu] Icon_minitimeAugust 29th 2015, 03:35

Aleu watched as the beta stood her ground, she had never seen the kind fae like this before, fur bristled threateningly towards her with fangs flashing in the light of the sun as it cut through the trees. Freezing in her tracks for a moment something in the small fae's mind would snap. The ebony fae's fur seemed to blur to a mixed honey color, her scent almost seeming to change to the bitter odor of Erenyx. For a long moment Aleu would stand in shock as the countless memories of her mother's abuse rushed back to her, during her time in Helidos Aleu had worked so hard to forget what had happened, to forget her life growing up in the darkness that was Erenyx. But watching the fae stand before her and snarl reminded the young apprentice of everything, as once again another adult she had trusted, loved, and thought loved her back had turned on her, had showed her the fang. Slowly in the pups mind the ebony form before her shifted to every wolf that had hurt her, she saw her mother, Aspen, and last she saw Teren. After a long moment Aleu took a hesitant step back, almost as if she were going to back down before giving a firm shake of her head, pushing the dark memories out of her mind, though her expression would show she was noticably shaken. With a deep breath Aleu tried to regain her composure, narrowing her gaze at the fae she had once called her mother. In a cold, empty voice Aleu would speak again "Good-bye Juno..." she said softly, stepping forward to move past the elder, not actually expecting a fight.

As the fae moved to push past the other once again she would actually be taken by surprise as the powerful fae jumped on her, forcing the pup to the ground. With wide eyes the pup felt her form hit the hard ground below her, the little creature kicking her hind legs firmly into the wolf above her "Get off of me!" she snarled, just trying to remove the fae from her, but not daring to do anything that would actual harm her, or draw blood. With her training Aleu had focused a lot of time on defeating an opponent that was larger than her, as she knew Teren would always be much larger than her. Skillfully the apprentice would deliver a hard kick to the larger fae's back leg at the ankle, hoping to cause her leg to slip on the soft dirt of the well traveled pack clearing. If her leg did slip Aleu would use her other leg to deliver a hard kick right at the joint where her hind leg met her hips. If executed properly the slip of traction and force in the other direction would flip the older fae, off of her, and hopefully give her enough time to escape to complete her task. Aleu had to complete her task, she had no other choice. She had to complete this task, she had to avenge her father, her best friend. She had to!

[I'm giving you my consent to power play from here on out. If you'd be willing I'd like that little kick combo to work, but you can re-pin her right away if you wish.]
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Juno of Helidos
Juno of Helidos

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Words of Worry [Apprentice Aleu] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Words of Worry [Apprentice Aleu] Words of Worry [Apprentice Aleu] Icon_minitimeSeptember 18th 2015, 14:16

At the pup's inability to resist a great fight, the Beta didn't let up, and only hardened her amount of strength over the younger other. The black fae, now pushing all other emotions aside, focused only on the task to keep the other down, long enough until her trashing would cease from the lack of energy. Juno prevented herself from crushing her completely, knowing herself to be quite the female in both size and weight when it came to smaller opponents. She allowed no mercy to come between them as she applied more force atop the other, though it was clear that Aleu wasn't coming close to surrendering. For some reason, this wasn't a surprise to the Beta female, she had always known the spitfire fae to have the urge to fight and conquer, though just as much stubborn. The onyx fae was caught off guard as her leg was shaken due to a hard jolt from the other's paws. And though she was strong and mighty, she felt her limbs grow weak beneath her, enough so that her hold wasn't as tight upon the fae until she successfully pulled another attack. This time, Juno was put off balance, and snickered once before wiping the smug grin off her face from the internal greatness she felt in seeing Aleu's progress. She's done well, though not enough to take on a Beta female almost the size of Teren himself, the black fae knew. Though the attack was meant to put her far off to by some time, she knew to make a quick recovery, and did so by circling the other back into the area where she had been originally pinned.

As the hair spiked up on her neck, her ears erect and jowls lifted, she snarled ruthlessly as she kept her head down and stalked forwards. "How dare you disobey me!" She bellowed, her normal sweet tone no longer a memory as her voice was now nothing but a cruel nightmare. Without another word, she leaped forward and latched her jaw around the others neck, squeezing her teeth over the thickness of her scruff. The Beta threw Aleu down and landed atop her, no longer caring if it crushed her as she dug her paws into her ribs to keep still. As saliva dripped down over her teeth, she leaned close and growled loud into the pup's ear, her tail hiked high over her backside. She didn't finish until it was clear that she was the leader between them, her threatening noise of dominance now ceasing until it was deathly still in the clearing. When all was silence, she panted and bit back a sneer laugh before whispering, "You think you can beat Teren.. yet you can't even beat me." It had almost seemed the motherly fae wasn't in existent, as if another form had taken her place in order to get the job done and had simply kicked the original owner out of its position. Aleu had been born of Erenyx blood, Steele's specifically, and from Juno's knowledge, Steele ran by power and respect through fear. She found the only way to prove respect was to do just that to the apprentice, and it had been the last string to make her snap. Stepping over her, Juno distanced herself, her head low as her eyes smoldered in rage as she tried to keep a quiet mouth. The Beta only stopped once before being consumed by the darkness, only to slightly look back to see what a mess she had made, until moving forwards without another word to be spoken.
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PostSubject: Re: Words of Worry [Apprentice Aleu] Words of Worry [Apprentice Aleu] Icon_minitime

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