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Slippery Slope [Katyusha]

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Alpha Desmond
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Alpha Desmond

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Slippery Slope [Katyusha] Empty
PostSubject: Slippery Slope [Katyusha] Slippery Slope [Katyusha] Icon_minitimeAugust 4th 2015, 22:15

During the day, the summer was rather hot. The heat index always seemed to be hotter than the sun itself. For this reason, Desmond had found himself trying to stay cool and near water often. He only went out into the light when it was completely necessary. But as the sun had started to set, Desmond decided it was time to play outside of the shadows. Before long, the sun would be swallowed by the night sky and forced to appear on the opposite side of the world. Desmond walked out from his shade tree and stretched out along the ground. His chest rolled low to the dirt, barely touching it as his head leaned back, allowing his neck to stretch as well. When he was well finished, he stood at his full height. A long yawn rippled through his maw, forcing his jaws to open wide. Using his tongue to try and lather up his mouth, he could feel the parched feeling in his throat. He needed a drink of water, and he knew it was not too far from where he was. He headed for the small stream, but the grass tickled his paws. He didn't really feel too fond of the area. He wanted the desert feel without actually dying of heat stroke. As he wandered along his path, he made a break for the drier lands. Immediately he could feel the difference in the temperatures and the dryness. The lone Alpha moved carefully over the lands, careful not to disturb any scorpions or spiders from hiding. He thought them to be disgusting and bizarre. They were something he did not wish to stay around. The blended wolf moved carefully along his way, making sure he paid attention to everything. But soon after entering this new area, he enjoyed the sights very well. The lined rock was gorgeous and although he didn't know the reason they formed that way, he enjoyed it. He walked along the dirt and dust, collecting it on his paws. He had no idea what he was going to do, but soon the sun was fading into the background of mountains. Night was coming and the Alpha wished to watch the sun disappear into nothingness. He climbed the closest formation he found. As he reached the top, he rested his haunches and laid down to watch the beautiful scene unfold before him. Emerald eyes stared off into the display, enjoying every second of the ever changing sky.
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Slippery Slope [Katyusha] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slippery Slope [Katyusha] Slippery Slope [Katyusha] Icon_minitimeAugust 5th 2015, 20:13

Silently the young fae wandered her new pack. She had joined only a few days ago, and each morning was spend in the company of her Alpha training to serve him and the pack to the best of her ability. As Katyusha tried to develop a feel for this new land she would come across the large barren landscape of the ancient canyon. Slowly the fae would step into the warm sand, feeling the head of the sun baring down on her in this exposed terrain as the heat rising off of the ground seemed almost overwhelming for a moment. Katyusha had come from a land of desolate tundra, where snow covered the ground for most of the year. Never in her life would she imagine seeing a place as hot and desolate as this, where not even the trees could survive in the sandy landscape. Curiously Katyusha would step out into the terrain, traveling across it until she came to the sheer cliff face of the canyon. Hesitantly she would inch herself forward, carefully testing the ground with her paw before each step to ensure the safety of the rocks below her. Satisfied with it's sturdiness she would slowly step out to look over the edge. Below she saw the sheer cliff face with a small stream below. And while beautiful it did little to add to the appeal of this desolate landscape to the fae. Slowly the fae would turn to move away from the ledge she would catch the view of the sun beginning to lower itself over the landscape, painting the land in a beautiful shade of orange.

With a soft sigh Katyusha had to admit this land had a certain beauty to it, and she only wished she had someone to share it with. Katyusha had only really been with Steele for a short time, or so she remembered. They had never truly had a chance to be romantic together, or really enjoy each other's company before his demise. Katyusha only wished he could be here with her now. With a sigh she would put the thoughts out of her mind, looking around for somewhere to perch herself to admire the sunset, as the overwhelming feeling of loneliness that often haunted her returned. Spotting a large formation of rocks jutting up into the sky the warrior would smile slightly, certain that would be a good enough place to enjoy the sunset. Walking slowly to the formation she would begin to climb it, swift and quiet paws putting the ground behind her before she would stop dead in her tracks as a sudden familiar scent struck her. It can't be.... she thought to herself before pushing herself the rest of the way up the rock face, now only a few feet from her Alpha. Dipping her head politely the fae would clear her throat to let him know of her presence if he didn't already know she was there without startling him "Good evening Alpha. I intended to enjoy the sunset from here, but I see it is taken. Would you...maybe prefer some company?" she asked, attempting to keep a neutral tone in case he desired to be alone. While she waited she could feel her heart pounding in her chest, hoping he would allow her to join him and at least temporarily push off the lonely feeling that often burdened her.
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Alpha Desmond
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Alpha Desmond

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Slippery Slope [Katyusha] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slippery Slope [Katyusha] Slippery Slope [Katyusha] Icon_minitimeAugust 5th 2015, 21:28

Not long after resting himself in place, he heard the steps of a wolf coming to join him. His ears laid against his head. He turned his head to see Katyusha ascending up the mountain peak. He gave her a smile and slight nod, but immediately turned his attention back to the sky. It was the most beautiful thing he had seen, not white. "Yeah, have a seat or lay down... Whatever is more comfortable for you.." He kept his eyes on the sun, watching the orange glow. "Katyusha, have you ever wondered where the sun goes and the moon comes from? I once heard a story from my father that the moon and the sun are actually lovers who can never be together, never seeing one another for their responsibilities are far more important than their love. I don't know if I believe it to be true.. or not. It seems a little ridiculous. What need would the moon and sun have to feel love?" He rested his head n his paws, watching it move so slow even snails would move faster. How long did it take for the sun to finally set? He would stay there until it happened, but he was still a little anxious. "So tell me Kat, tell me of your life... Something you haven't told anyone and I'll tell you something of mine. I've got all the time in the world, and excess minutes to spare.." He turned his head to look at her, the color of the sky reflecting onto her body where the light hairs were. It was interesting how light was able to do such a thing. Desmond hadn't spent many sunsets with another individual, most of his life he had felt completely alone. Even nestled deep in a pack with parents who mattered, he felt so alone. It was good to have a wolf there just to be there. Fel had been that wolf for him since the moment he met her, but she had been keeping him in line as of late. No crazy thoughts, no silly intuitions. Everything was always pack related and held a serious tone. There was something about Katyusha that allowed the Alpha to unwind and relax a bit.
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Slippery Slope [Katyusha] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slippery Slope [Katyusha] Slippery Slope [Katyusha] Icon_minitimeAugust 5th 2015, 23:44

A small smile would come to Katyusha's muzzle as he gave her permission to join him. Moving to take a spot a few feet from his side the small fae would shift to lay on the warm stone under her, keeping her head lifted to watch the sky before them, tail shifting to rest against her side as she watched the horizon as the sun slowly drifted across the sky. As the alpha spoke Katyusha would listen closely, giggling slightly at the question and nodding. As he told her the story he had heard about the moon and the sun Katyusha would listen carefully, smirking as he asked her his questions. "Well sir, in my pack we had a story the Autays would tell the pups. They told us that the moon and the sun were two sisters, born to control night and day, and watch over all of the wolves under their beautiful skies. But where I grew up half of the year the sun would be up, and the other half of the year it would be dark. So we were taught that the Elder sister Celestia created the day, and let the warmth of her sun warm the earth below. And the younger sister Luna created the moon and the stars. And each year Luna would grow jealous of her sister, as the wolves were awake to enjoy Celestia's day, but asleep during her beautiful night. So she would rise up against her sister, to make the night last forever. But each year Celestia would fight back against her sister, banishing her to the moon and returning the sun to the sky. But without her sister the sun must stay in the sky. After a few months Luna would escape from the moon. And the battle would start again. Trapped in a never ending cycle....it's a sad story really." she said honestly, looking up at the sun again. "I like to think that since the sun and moon rise and fall each day here....the two sisters have put aside their differences and are working together now." she said, pausing at his next question "I suppose they would need love for the same reason all creatures desire love. A life without it just feels empty, and lonely." she said, keeping her gaze fixed on the painted landscape before her.

With the brute's next question Katyusha would pause for a minute, not really sure what to tell him "Well sir..." she said softly, thinking for a moment "I don't really have much to tell. I haven't really had an exciting life." she admit, looking over at him "Nothing like the adventures of being a rogue." she giggled, looking up at the sky again as the golden color splashed over them, coloring the whole land for as far as they both could see in its beauty. With her short pause the fae would think of something to tell him "Well....I've only ever howled 4 times in my whole life." she said with a smirk, feeling bad she couldn't think of anything exciting to tell him. The fae had a very open and in her mind boring life compared to the excitement of being a rogue turned Alpha, and nothing in her life would really constitute a fun secret.
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Alpha Desmond
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Alpha Desmond

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Slippery Slope [Katyusha] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slippery Slope [Katyusha] Slippery Slope [Katyusha] Icon_minitimeAugust 7th 2015, 21:42

"Interesting story no matter how you hear it. It is sad to think that two entities that need one another, truly cannot be together. But what do I know? I'm just a wolf who has spent many of his years living alone." Her tale was interesting and he liked to listen to the stories of others. Any information he gathered from another being was bound to be important at some point or another. The sun had been on a steady course of setting and time seemed to be flying by. It was a often a thing older wolves stated once a wolf was actually engaging in fun. The brute looked over to her, watching her stare into the approaching night sky. "Being a Rogue is not all it's cracked up to be. It's a lot of lonely nights and boring days. You think that being alone will somehow fix the void of your past, but really it just makes it worse." Desmond turned his head to stare off at the sun. "In my father's pack, I was granted the rank of Beta over my brother. He was furious and truly thought he deserved it, so he challenged me for my rank. I could not allow his offer to go unseen, so I accepted. It was the hardest fight of my life. We were equal combatants. We had been competing with one another since we could walk. But in the end, I bested him and thus turned into his death. I took the life of my own brother, and though they knew it as law, my father stared at me with a rage I had never seen before. Was I the favorite? Probably not, but after that I surmised that my smaller brother had been. I deserted them and never looked back. After that, I wandered. I hunted for myself, trained myself, and did literally everything for just me. Some say it builds character, being alone. But what it really does, is destroy you. It warps you into something you were never supposed to be as a wolf. It is in our instincts to stick together and be some kind of large happy family. Sometimes I think being a Rogue for so long has ruined me." He rested his head over his paws and took a deep breath. He had just told her a heck of a lot. It had been things she probably didn't care to hear, but he felt like he could talk freely with Katyusha. But when she spoke of not really ever howling, Desmond's head sprung up and looked at her with a tilted gaze. "You are joking right? How have you only howled four times in your whole life?"
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Slippery Slope [Katyusha] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slippery Slope [Katyusha] Slippery Slope [Katyusha] Icon_minitimeAugust 8th 2015, 00:39

Katyusha would nod slowly to his response, turning to look at him as he spoke, her gaze meeting his for a moment as silver hues appeared to glow orange in the warm dim glow of the setting sun. "There is something that touches a special spot in a wolf about a story like that...I believe we are all destined to meet out soulmate. The wolf we are destined to love forever. So to look up each day and night knowing the moon and sun are destined to be apart for eternity... It's so sad." she said, a small, pained smile coming to her muzzle "At least wolves can be reunited in the other forest." she said, giving him a more sincere smile this time. As he began to speak again the small fae listened carefully, nodding slowly at his words "To be fair Sir, there are many lonely nights and boring days to be had in a pack as well..." she said, knowing all too well the loneliness that could engulf a wolf, and the dark thoughts that loneliness could put in a wolf's mind while they were still dealing with the haunting's of their past. Yes, this was something Katyusha knew better than most could claim. As the Alpha went on to tell the warrior of his past she would listen carefully, not speaking a word until he finished. "I am sorry to hear that Sir. But if my opinion is worth anything I feel you had no choice. He made his choice in challenging you, knowing the risks of such an action. But I do understand all too well what being alone does to a wolf Sir." she said softly, pausing for a moment to look back out at the horrizon as she debated telling him her story. But he had told her after all, and it would only be fair if she told her story. "A little over a year ago Sir I joined the pack called Erenyx. It's Alpha was a powerful brute named Steele. He was a dark black with that aura that just held such a dominance to it." she said, her eyes staying locked on the sunset, as if to distance herself from the story. "I was young... and coming into my first season. And I swooned for him. I did everything I could to spend time with him, until finally I decided I had to do something crazy, so I challenged him to a spar. If I won he had to take me as his apprentice. And if he won I was to be an omega, and that winter I would carry his young." she said, smirking at the fond memory. "I obviously lost...but I impressed him enough with my drive that he made me Delta, and took me as apprentice anyways. For months we trained together and a spark grew into a wildfire in our hearts.... Finally just before winter something kept me from sleep, and I wandered into the mountains around the packlands. There I ran into Steele, on the side of a lonely mountain. He asked me then to be his mate, and we spent the night together in a small cave on that mountain." she said, turning her gaze away from him with a soft sigh "It wasn't long after that that He showed up. Teren." she said, almost hissing the name. "Before we were even officially mated I left the Alpha's den to see a crowd in the pack clearing...Teren was standing over Steele, and all I could do was comfort him in his last moments before Teren ripped his throat out..." she said, her voice growing soft at the memory. "It was just before he died I told him I was pregnant...We had a daughter, Aleu." she said, a small smile returning to her muzzle. "I did what I could to raise her, to train her. But I was shunned. Steele was gone, and all that remained of him none of the pack wanted to even associate with. Each day I lived with the fear of Teren sending someone in the night to murder my daughter and I. I trusted no one, spoke to no one...and eventually when I was demoted to warrior because of Teren's dislike of me, I feared I could no longer take care of Aleu. So I took her to Helidos, and left her to be raised by a close friend of mine. After that I lived totally alone. I was in a pack that hated me for who I chose to love, a wolf who had died nearly a year earlier. Finally, after Teren murdered the other pup's of Aleu's age I couldn't take it anymore. I wandered into the neutrals to live as a rogue for the short bit of my life I expected to have left. It was then I heard about Agavos, and you welcomed me on the border." she said, turning to look at her alpha again "It turned my life around...and I am eternally grateful. I don't think I would be alive without you Alpha. Without your pack." she admit, turning to look back out at the setting sun as it slowly sank below the horizon.

With his next question the little fae would smirk, "I would never dare lie to you sir. But I have howled only four times. The first was when I was deemed an adult in my home pack. And I never thought it to be as impressive as most. The second was when I arrive at Helidos, to summon someone to the border as I starved and froze. The third time was the day Steele was killed, after I laid him to rest in my den. And the final was the day you found me." she said with a smile "Only four times. And each time has been a huge step in my life, so I do wonder Alpha, what shall happen now that I have howled again?" she asked with a smile "....So I believe it is your turn to tell me a secret Alpha." she said in a playful tone, wanting to turn the subject to something more fun than depressing.
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Alpha Desmond
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Alpha Desmond

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Slippery Slope [Katyusha] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slippery Slope [Katyusha] Slippery Slope [Katyusha] Icon_minitimeAugust 9th 2015, 13:25

"If that is true, about the other forest, then I know my brother will be seeking revenge from me. But I'm not too worried. We never really got along much, Connor and I. But Ezio and Marcus, they were pretty likable - to an extent." He thought about seeing them again, and smiled. It was an interesting thought, but the Alpha didn't always believe in the other forest, it was more for older wolves to tell the young ones for some comfort once their loved ones died. But there was always the chance he was wrong. If this was the case, he would find out in the end. "Yeah well, that is true as well. At least in the pack, you normally have an option to speak with others. You have constant contact, whether you like it or not. Especially in big packs." But as she began to speak about her loneliness, he couldn't help but feel bad for her. The tale was one a wolf should never ave to endure. She went through it all completely alone. What a horrible thing.

"I believe, this Steele, that he did in fact love you. He loved you enough to teach you to keep well care of yourself, and to not need another wolf to defend you and keep you alive. After Teren came into your pack, you still lived. You are here now." He looked to her and spoke in a soft tone. "I may never find love, not that I am looking... But you at least had it at one point. You should cherish that, because not many wolves find what you had. Yeah there's members in the pack who get their happy ending, and all that crap. But sometimes you have to see your own life as a happy ending. Look at me, for instance. I was a Rogue, living alone for so long, and now I am an Alpha. I run my own pack. Love and a family, that doesn't matter to me. I have everything I could ever want. I rose from nothing to become something. You can do that too. I am going to teach you all I know and help you see a world where happy endings don't include another wolf. If you are happy with yourself, you will be happy for life." He lifted his eyes to the sky and watched as the sun lowered itself some more. The world was growing dark, but the Alpha did not budge. "Howling is essential to life. It is used for more than just greeting at a border. it's also used in celebration, like when you ranked up in your natal pack. You've never felt like just howling? Letting loose and just letting your voice ring into the sky?" Before giving her a chance to answer, he lifted his chin high above her head and released a beautiful song. As he howled, he closed his eyes and let it go as long as his lungs could go. As it died down, he took a deep breath and lowered his muzzle to a normal position. "As for my secret..." he went on to say after a pause. "I had a litter once, well I helped make one. It was a long time ago. I made a deal with the fae that I would help her survive until she could do it on her own to care for her young. She wanted them for herself and didn't need me. So I did my part. I never saw them, I never know how many there were. Sometimes, I wish I would have at least seen their faces or knew their names. But with Aleu..." he said as he turned his head to look at her. "She may not understand why you did what you did right now... But someday I think she will understand and love you even more for making a sacrifice that is easy for no parent. But you can't tell anyone about my secret. Nobody knows it. Now me, her, and you know."
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Slippery Slope [Katyusha] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slippery Slope [Katyusha] Slippery Slope [Katyusha] Icon_minitimeAugust 9th 2015, 21:36

Katyusha listened to him, nodding slowly as he spoke about the other forest, a little smirk coming to her muzzle "I do doubt that Alpha. I think he would understand what had happened. And in the tranquility of the forest I would imagine he has forgiven you. He allowed his own jealousy to consume him, and it cost his life. He would have done the same to you I am sure. You mustn't blame yourself for such a tragedy sir." she said with a sigh. As he went on the fae would nod slowly, pinning her ears back at the memories of her last pack "That is not always true sir... Sometimes being in a pack is much worse. Alone you know where you stand. In a pack like Erenyx you don't know who you can trust, and who wants to kill you....In a pack like that, wolves die for nothing more than a slip of the tongue, or less." she admit, recalling just how horrible things were in the pack under Teren's command. As the Alpha listened to her tale Katyusha's tale he could easily see the pain in her eyes. But as the story wrapped up she seemed to recover herself, making it unclear if she was truly moved on, or at least getting there. Or if she had simply learned to hide her pain well by now. "Yes, Steele loved me. He was a tough wolf, and not the kind to express such emotions openly...But I know he loved me." she admit, smiling again as she looked up at the setting sun.

"He trained me in the most brutal way I could imagine...There were many nights I slept in a pool of my own blood outside of the pack because I didn't have the strength to get back to my own den. But I survived, and I am a much stronger wolf because of it. I don't know where I would be right now if I hadn't been trained by Steele. If I hadn't been as strong as I was, to carry on the way I did." she said with a smile, perking her ears to listen as he spoke again. "I understand sir. And I'm sure you will find your someone Alpha. You are a very kind and strong wolf. Any fae would be lucky to have a brute like you." she smiled, turning her gaze back to him again. "And I am very grateful of the love I had, even if I never really got to enjoy it. I am grateful for my daughter, even if I never see her again. And I am grateful for the opportunities I had. But I lost it all Sir, and it is my fault. If I hadn't slept in and went out with Steele that morning, he would be alive. If I hadn't listened and had fought Teren that day, pregnant or not he might have survived. I wish I could share in your happiness Sir. But while you have gained so much, and made something of yourself, I have lost everything. I lost my mate. I lost my pack. I lost my rank...and I lost my daughter. I believe I had my shot at happiness sir. I had everything a fae could ask for. And in a single instance it was gone. How can you ever be happy after that sir? I am truly grateful for the opportunity you have given me as your Apprentice. But I do not believe I will ever be truly happy again. Content is possible though. " she said softly, turning her gaze back to the sunset. She felt so pathetic for admitting this to him. She had never told anyone about these feelings, about how lost she felt inside. Why would she open up to a bold Alpha like him with such a secret? She had no idea. But something about him made her trust him, and she knew he would never use such knowledge to hurt her. Perhaps she truly wished for help, and didn't know where else to go for it. Even she didn't truly know.

As the conversation shifted to something more fun Katyusha would grin at him, nodding slowly "Of course it is sir...and that is why I don't do it." she said, listening carefully as he howled out loudly, giggling at the song "Quite beautiful Sir. But that is exactly why I avoid howling. It is for special occasions. If I wake up every morning and howl a song to the sky, why would it be special when I have something truly wonderful happen? I intended to howl at my mating ceremony with Steele...The first time I would have howled in Erenyx. But it never happened. So maybe someday you will hear a howl of celebration from me Sir. But that day is not today." she said, a teasing smirk across her muzzle as she glanced back at him. As the talk turned serious again Katyusha would listen closely, feeling quite honored he would bestow such a secret upon her. With a slow nod she would look into his eyes as he spoke, not entirely sure how to feel about what he said. She as a mother separated from her daughter could never imagine not seeing her own daughter. But he didn't seem interested in a family or love. "I'm sure they are doing wonderfully sir...and if you were ever to desire seeing them, I would happily make it my mission to track them down, if you so desired it of me of course." she said honestly. As he spoke of Aleu, the fae would only smile wide, turning her gaze up to the night sky "And Aleu is a smart wolf....A feisty little thing, but wise beyond her years. And I honestly don't care if she hates me for my decision or not. She is alive because of that decision. She is with a strong couple who I know will raise her with strength and love I could never provide her in Erenyx. So while she may hate me, she is much better off for the choices I made. And that is all the reward I need. I do not require her love, as mine for her is endless. I only require her well-being to be satisfied with my decision." she said, turning to look him in the eyes to finish her statement "And I promise on my life Alpha, that I shall not speak of it to a single soul. Thank you for trusting me sir." she smiled, quite enjoying their conversation. Something about him made her feel so open. Like she could drop the mask she had been wearing for so long and let him see the wolf she truly was behind it. Which lifted a heavy weight from her shoulders.
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Alpha Desmond
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Alpha Desmond

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Slippery Slope [Katyusha] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slippery Slope [Katyusha] Slippery Slope [Katyusha] Icon_minitimeAugust 16th 2015, 21:07

"We shall see, I guess once it's my time to join the other forest. But I will take your word for it. The old fool can't be too mad with me, after all he did challenge me. He knew it was dumb. Anyways..." he spoke as he looked back to the sun. Just a small portion of it was exposed to them now. The ocean was swallowing it all up, closing the gap between day and night. The Alpha sighed as he listened to the words of the fae. She was deeply in love with this deceased wolf. It was something he never could understand. He had heard many young wolves talking about how awesome and amazing it was, but Desmond couldn't see himself resting with only one wolf for the rest of his life. Love was not for everyone. "Everyone loses things in life, Katyusha. Somewhere in this world is a wolf who has had way more than you or I, and also lost it all before their very eyes. But whoever this wolf may be, I bet they get up every morning and they try to make their life better than it ever was. You have to have hope and determination. Do you always want to live in a depression filled life? Do you just want to lay down and prove to the monsters of the earth, that you are one to give up? I don't see that in you Katyusha. You may have been through so much thus far, but you have so much more life to live. Maybe one day you will find yourself investing into a wolf who invests just as much, if not more, into you. You will have a new family or be reunited with your young. We never know what the future will hold. Hell, someone might take the throne away from me, sending me back to the Rogue lands. You just never know. It's best to try and see the positives in life. You are alive and well. You have a place to call home where you do not feel threatened or insecure. You are safe."

But with his howl, she had missed the point. She was supposed to sing along with him, instead she listened and smiled. Desmond would make a point to get the whole pack to sing with him one day, perhaps to celebrate something of importance. The songs were not always for such a thing, it could be done just to express joy. What a strange wolf indeed. "Wolves don't only howl for celebration. Sometimes we just do it for fun... Like that... That was for fun and to help the moon rise to the highest point in the sky. The moon loves wolves, absolutely adores our song. Anytime she can hear them, she beams brightly." He looked to the sunken sun, and noticed the twinkling stars far above their heads. The light of day was gone and the night was now dancing before them. Soon the moon would be present and Desmond was sure he would get them both to offer a song of praise beneath all her glory. "But enough of this saddening talk... Let us do something out of the norm... When was the last time you actually had fun? And I don't mean mindlessly killing a smaller creature out of sport, I mean true blue fun? It's been a while for me, especially with the sun being so freaking hot, ya know? But since it's cooling down, how about we play a game... In about thirty minutes or so, possibly sooner... The fireflies will be out and about. We should see who can collect the most and the loser has to do whatever the winner wants. What do you say?"
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Slippery Slope [Katyusha] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slippery Slope [Katyusha] Slippery Slope [Katyusha] Icon_minitimeAugust 17th 2015, 01:01

As the Alpha spoke of the other forest again Katyusha would nod slowly "There are a lot of wolves I hated Alpha. Wolves I blamed for Steele's death. But as time has passed, I began to understand it was petty and selfish of me to blame others for something that was my fault. And I'm sure your brother will see the same thing." she said, smirking playfully at him "And if not I'll beat him up for you sir." she giggled, turning her gaze back to the setting sun, watching the last bit of the day fade into memory, beginning another night. Katyusha closed her eyes to take a deep breath of the slowly cooling air. For some reason the air at night always seemed so much calmer than that of the day, as if the world itself slept once the sun had set. With the conversation moving to more depressing matters Katyusha would eagerly listen to his advice, her head dipping as she had to admit his words made a lot of sense. To stay miserable was to admit defeat to Teren, to admit that one wolf could ruin her life. By the time the Alpha had finished speaking Katyusha would turn to him with a slight smile across her muzzle "You are right Alpha. I don't want to be depressed and miserable for the rest of my life. And to do so would be to admit defeat to Teren. So I will make you a promise sir. From today on, I won't let myself get down on the past. I'm in a new pack, with a new life, and I'm not going to waste this opportunity sulking about my past." she said, with a smile "And I would happily stand and defend your claim to Alpha with my life. I've seen what happens when a new Alpha takes over. And I don't wish to see that happen again." she admit, turning her gaze to the slowly appearing stars "Plus I hate to admit you are a pretty good Alpha sir." she giggled, hoping he would understand she was joking with him.

As the Alpha let out a loud powerful howl Katyusha would be content to simply listen for the moment, giggling as he spoke " I suppose I am just unique then sir." she said, tilting her head to look at the moon as it began to move across the sky. "I had never heard that part about the moon though." she smiled, turning back to look at the brute "Was that a story your elders told you as a pup?" she asked, finding it incredibly interesting how different the tales were from pack to pack. And how many different stories the pups here would be taught as wolves came from all over to unite in this one place. It truly was magnificent. At the next words of her Alpha, Katyusha would appear slightly confused for a moment, before he continued to speak, a wide smile coming to her lips "A game....and a wager. That sounds fantastic sir. I accept, and I'm eager to get that wish granted." she said with a smirk, looking out to where the sun had once been setting. "So what do we do until then?" she asked, tail twitching behind her as she tried to hide her excitement to play.
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PostSubject: Re: Slippery Slope [Katyusha] Slippery Slope [Katyusha] Icon_minitime

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