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A Constellation of Inifinities [Azul]

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Juno of Helidos
Juno of Helidos

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PostSubject: A Constellation of Inifinities [Azul] A Constellation of Inifinities [Azul] Icon_minitimeJune 15th 2014, 11:59

With time, the fallen leaves crisped and died slowly as it was covered in an abundance of crystallized flakes. It was an unbelievable process of how nature worked so quickly when life was realized to be so short. It was saddening to think, but all the while crucial to know, to remember, to feel. And Juno knew enough already at such a matured age. Already, she has been able to fall in love twice, and give life to two litters in her few years. There was tragedy and hard-ships to face, but as planned from the godly wolf above them all, she was granted serenity in the long run - and Marrok was that glowing harmony she had to hold so tightly against her. For eternity, she hoped. A small sigh withdrew from her lips as she looked out towards the mouth of her den. Emeralds, so green and bright meeting the faces of a white surfacing wall to surround the outside of her home. Frost bit at her nose as she emerged from her den, inhaling the chilled remedy it gave her when whooshing past. She stepped outside, paws crunching with the snow beneath the pads of her feet, which were numb to the touch. Flicking her ears and the end of her tail, the fae kept a close watch as she slowly moved into the clearing alone.

Making her way over to further end of the clearing, she sniffed the ground once, or twice, narrowing her gaze through the whiteness of winter to see small holes dug into random places. She scented that the Elder, their former Alpha, was near her, so she kept trying. Eventually, she found the den that smelt the strongest and peeked slightly inside to clear her suspicions. She knelt down quietly before announcing her presence, closing her eyes and pointing her snout at the ground till it was just grazing the top of the snow in respects to their once was leader, "Azul," She started, her voice soft and gentle, but assertive all the more, "it'd be a great pleasure in accompanying me this morning in the regions of the great plains.. If you accept, you will know where to find me." Without another word, she collected herself to elegantly raise and slowly move away from the clearing on silent paws. The obsidian fae was like a shadow, and swept towards the destination with no reason to stop except for a few exceptions of placing her scent closest to the border's neighbored trees. Mating season was here, and territory, was territory. Once she was in the plains, she spotted not a soul in sight upon the long lawn of untouched snow. It looked new, as if none had recently stepped foot onto these grounds. At least then she knew that the pack wasn't scavenging for food so soon. However, she had noticed a lonesome tree poking it's head through the timber and eating at a little patch of grass still left alive from the snow. Juno watched it carefully and quietly stayed at distance, tail curled around her as she sat. She observed the animal and waited for the Elder to greet her, until then, she would simply watch until the potential prey got to a position close enough for her. With some luck, they may have a meal to share at this rate, she thought to herself.
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Elder Azul
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PostSubject: Re: A Constellation of Inifinities [Azul] A Constellation of Inifinities [Azul] Icon_minitimeJune 15th 2014, 12:50

With winter resting around his home, Azul had the nasty habit of sleeping in. No longer did he take the route around the borders. It was now the Alphess' job and her hired help. Azul clung to the side of Lucy whenever he could. He loved her so much he could barely pry himself away from her side. He loved her scent, he loved the way she leaned back against him. In all honesty, Azul loved everything about Lucy. But as they laid in peace together, he heard a soft whisper of a voice echoing in his mind. Lifting up his head, he was unsure who the voice belonged too, still dreary from just waking up. He shuffled to his feet as he heard "Grazing Plains". He knew the terrain well, it had been perfect for hunting and getting to know a very important wolf to the Elder himself. Azul moved to the outside, finally awake as he discovered the wolf voice had belonged to his Beta, Juno. Well, she was no longer "his Beta", but he had been the one who watched her grow, helped her progress in rank. She would be Quinn's Beta now, and the rest of the pack belonged to her. Azul knew he would always hold a spot for Juno, make time for her. She was special after all.

Making his way through the fresh powder, he knew the path to the plains like the back of his paw. He had traveled there frequently with his young as they grew up, teaching them key things to hunting for themselves and a small amount of combat. When the plains were in sight, his eyes scanned the terrain, noticing how quickly the winter had set in here. In the middle of the snow sat a black figure, one he knew to be Juno. Walking through the snow, he created new paw prints in the blanket. The white blended with his coat, barely making it look like any was on him. As he approached the female, he sat across from her, wrapping his tail around his paws as she had done. "Greetings Juno, my dear friend. How have you been as of late? I hope you have had the pleasure of meeting the Alphess. She is rather astounding once you get to know her. But what was it you wished to meet with me for?"
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Juno of Helidos
Juno of Helidos

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A Constellation of Inifinities [Azul] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Constellation of Inifinities [Azul] A Constellation of Inifinities [Azul] Icon_minitimeJune 15th 2014, 13:32

The Beta female looked upon her former Alpha male with great honor, a stolen ghost of a smile washing upon her face when greeted with his presence. She thought over his mixed of simple words and eased her position as seated to lean on her haunches, she sighed slowly while her eyes fixated between both of his golden hues quietly, "It's been rather long since we've spoken privately, Azul.. I am well, and so is the rest of my family. Marrok and I have been working so hard to keep the apprentices in line and the borders safe." She spoke softly, and trailed the more she talked as she tried to think about her words before officially presenting them before the other. Her lips formed a flat shape as he reminded her of their newly appointed leader, ears averting forwards to hear more of this stranger to their lands, "-I've only shared so many glances between the Alphess and I.. not so much as for words, however. Though, I know as to others becoming quite friendly with her." Juno said while shooting a delicately forced smile upon his way.

When the fae looked passed the ivory brute's shoulder, she had seen that the deer was turned around and brushing it's antlers against a naked tree's trunk. It seemed distracted and completely oblivious to their own beings, this of which made her curious. She ignored his question along the lines of her purpose in speaking with him, as she did not have a reason, other than some kind company, "Azul-.." The Beta said finally after the pause of silence, turning her eyes to him once more, "-have you ever thought there to be another step in life apart from death once one has found love and a family?.. That perhaps there is more than what the mind normally sees..?" At first, Juno did not actually know what she was trying to say until it eventually came clear to her, and perhaps only to her, that is. It was hard to explain, especially with someone was not only important to those goals of hers, but also an individual whom she barely knows on an in-depth personal level. There was a first for everything, after all.
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Elder Azul
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PostSubject: Re: A Constellation of Inifinities [Azul] A Constellation of Inifinities [Azul] Icon_minitimeJune 16th 2014, 08:24

"Yes that is true, it has been long since we spoke privately. Things have been rather busy, for both of our families. In these last few months, so much has changed. With Deimos gone for so long, I am beginning to lose hope. And Lucas, I have not seen him for so long, but I will not give up hope. I worry about them, how Lucy and Athena are doing with the boys gone." Azul stopped for a moment, trying not to think of the worst thing possible for his sons. But with time passing so quickly, it had seemed, they would not be returning home. "Quinn has a good heart. I think it would be good for you two to be friends." But as the silence hit their conversation, Azul lifted his eyes to see the world around them. The white powder continued to fall and rest on their coats, along the ground, and on the surrounding trees. Near by he could smell the scent of a buck. It was not something he was interested in, and the kill pile had been plenty so the extra death would really do his pack no good. When Juno finally broke the silence, it was with a question he was not expecting.

He was shocked to discover it had even came into her mind. He was not surprised that she could not think of something so deep, but surely shocked because she wanted to speak about it with him. "Juno, in our lives there is a circle, as you know. We are born, he grow, we learn, we hunt, we find a mate, we make a family, but life is not over there when you think of how vast this world is. We see a small portion of it here in our lands, we live this small portion for our days until we find it time to either leave our pack or branch out and take more land. If you want something more fulfilling with your life, go out to the neutral lands and think on your life. Visit places you have never seen before. But know that your family, your pack, loves you and cares about you greatly. You still have many years to go and a whole lot to see. I do this often. I take time for myself to clear my head of everything and just live. Are you beginning to feel unfulfilled?" Azul was now concerned for the Beta female, worried that she was unhappy within the pack. "When your pups grow up, they will have their own families and you will become a grandparent. I have not experienced it myself, but I hope someday I may be able to see it."
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Juno of Helidos
Juno of Helidos

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A Constellation of Inifinities [Azul] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Constellation of Inifinities [Azul] A Constellation of Inifinities [Azul] Icon_minitimeJune 17th 2014, 08:44

Her gaze traveled away from Azul's in the time that he spoke, ears averting back and forth with the sounds around her as she remained vigilant with the land. There would be no trouble to come other than a standard prey and perhaps another wolf from their pack, but it was always best to stay alert at all costs. As she thought over her own young, she pictured their faces and unfortunately, Riot was amongst them. A shaky breath rippled out of her throat before she spoke up, "I've not seen Deimos and Lucas about the pack, but I can ensure you that Athena has made the best of efforts in working hard for what she wants. She'll make you proud. As for the young brutes, if I know anything about our litters, their adventures far from home will benefit them to know the land a wee better." She said, attempting to lighten the mood of her former Alpha, followed by a caring smile to cross her lips. At the mentioning of their newly appointed leader, Juno's expression changed to resemble a cement statue's, her lips flattening to match a single line. The Beta did not take much liking into the sudden changes around here, especially that with the idea of Azul stepping down from his throne. She liked the way he taught, and was used to it, though perhaps change was good for the heart, she thought to herself, "I've only shared so many exchanged glances amongst the Alphess and I.. more so than words.. There's still more to see on how well she is to prove my worthy of her. She has a large gap to fill now that you're not in the position, no Alpha was or will be as great as you, Azul." Juno replied affirmatively, nodding her head once.

When he began explaining his answer to her sudden down-to-earth questions, the Beta knew only to be quiet until he was finished. She pawed at the ground to keep busy, purposely making the snow crunch while she shook the numbness out of her black pads. Winter's abrupt entrance had not yet settled with her, as she was used to long days of sunshine throughout the summer and fall. Hopefully, soon that will change and her body will adapt well-enough to the climates - her coat had already thickened over the past nights, after all. Looking back at him, she bit the inside of her maw and released an inward sigh as the color of her emerald eyes brightened and dimmed to a darker green, "It's not that, Azul.. Well, actually I'm not so sure anymore. All my life I've been granted the things I've worked hard for, as well as earned a patch of strength for the things I've experienced and still remain who I was to begin with." She paused for a small moment and peered to the timber quietly, her gaze slowly slipping to meet the ground only a few paw-steps away, "Honestly.. I suppose it is just fear-" The fae confessed aloud, "-not the fear of death, but afraid to watch the one's I've seen disappear and grow up to the point where I will never be with them again. My son and daughter will no longer want to interact with Marrok and I, and soon our positions will be replaced once we are Elders as well.. I guess I just don't want to see that go.." Her ears slowly flattened against her head once she was finished, allowing the veil of silence to crawl over her as she sat there at his side. Her own realizations were beginning to make her head hurt, and she couldn't stop them.
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Elder Azul
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Elder Azul

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PostSubject: Re: A Constellation of Inifinities [Azul] A Constellation of Inifinities [Azul] Icon_minitimeJune 29th 2014, 17:00

The Elder listened to her portrayal of his own pups. She was right. There was probably some elaborate discovery they had found or even made for themselves. Deimos and Lucas could very well be on their own, create their own pack or just be out learning about the world. He would keep that subject from is thoughts. Thinking of those two boys, of his daughter, it was painful. Azul listened to her speaking of Quinn, and a slight smile came to his muzzle. It was a well known fact that Azul was loved by many, if not all in his pack. He was a good leader. He gave many wolves opportunities to be something great, something better than they ever imagined. He appreciated how much respect she held for him, knowing that both Betas felt this way about him. "Thank you Juno, I really do appreciate your kind words. I worked hard for this pack, and because of that, my family directly suffered. If I would have been around more, maybe Lucy would not be so ill stricken. My young would not.." He stopped himself from completing his sentence. "Quinn has a long time of experience being an Alphess. She knows how to speak to you in ways that make you seem her equal. She is loving, considerate, and above all, she really cares about her pack. I highly suggest you give her a shot, start a conversation with her, or even go hunting with her once the winter passes. It would be good for you, and good for her to have such an important female in the pack as her friend."

"That is a part of life. In my natal pack, my father played a very important role, but I did not want to live in his shadow, or under his image. I wanted to make a name for myself. I wanted to show that when I grew up, I would not just be the 'Beta's son'. I wanted to be more than that. I did not look to my father once I was old enough to handle myself. I did not care to be around my mother, not anytime after my first year. I wanted nothing to do with them. What of you, did you want to be around your parents all the time?" Being replaced was not something that Azul really thought about. "Juno, that is life. Soon you and Marrok will not be able to carry out your duties. It is the way of life, but in no way is it being 'replaced'. Nobody can be like you, or better than you. Nobody will be better than Marrok, or even myself. The point is not to compare another to me, or to yourself. The pack will grow with young wolves who are learning their place. And we will finally be able to sit back and enjoy the ride. You still have many years before that is even an option. I would not think on it too much, just enjoy the world as it is now." Azul hoped that his words would make her feel better. He did not want to Juno to be upset, but if she needed to vent, he would be there to comfort her.
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Juno of Helidos
Juno of Helidos

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A Constellation of Inifinities [Azul] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Constellation of Inifinities [Azul] A Constellation of Inifinities [Azul] Icon_minitimeJuly 12th 2014, 09:21

Her smile faded at the start of his words. He blamed himself for these problems, yet he shouldn't. The ebony female leaned closer to her former master and nuzzled as a slight affection upon his shoulder before professionally retreating back to her position. "Do not suffer because of such events, Azul. Life of course as it's own path, and that was what the forest within the clouds chose for them. It's a terrible thought to keep resting amongst yourself... it only makes happiness harder to reach." Juno was not typically set on the belief of the 'heavenly forest', but she took the respect into stride upon those who did believe it. She was not one to offend another, that is unless she were harshly disrespected or harmed in anyway, whether it be verbally or physically. The fae was not certain of her former leader's beliefs as well, however, it's better said to be safe. She could always learn something about him if he did. The Beta nodded to the advice given by the Elder, locking it with the rest of stored information. Useful information, where names, faces and according ranks all lie happily at the back of her mind. Her ability to remember such things was a great asset, probably one of her best, she thought.

At the mentioning of her parents, Juno's body froze. How long has it been since she's seen them? She was silent for a moment as she took the time to think of how old she was and comparing it to the day she ran. Then her heart sank just a tad before being brought back up with the thought of her beloved other, Marrok, waiting for her at home. A low sigh rolled off her tongue, "Actually.. Azul." It had occurred to her that Azul had not known her story, if not the most darkest parts. "I..um, I was never allowed to call my own parents, father nor mother before others. At the upbringing of my birth, with a litter of no other siblings to be blessed with, I was crowned as their 'princess' in a way. I was to take on the reign of our pack once I was of mating age.. and was betrothed with another Alpha's eldest son so that our packs could join.. Where ever my parents where, I was at their paws. I never had friends, unless they were twice my age and spoke of things I could not entirely understand." Juno chose the idea of not looking at the Elder directly, but off towards the white horizon. Her lips pursed and her ears narrowed away from her head, "Decisions to just get up and walk away were not granted to me at that age. Despite my lack of freedom, I was taught many things to make the person you see here today. That I thank, but my childhood, was not really a childhood. In fact, I don't even know what it was until I ran off.." She was hoping she'd save the rest for another time, but if Azul were to ask of her reason for escaping her natal pack, she would tell him.
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