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Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos]

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Beta Fel
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Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Empty
PostSubject: Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Icon_minitimeAugust 24th 2015, 21:12

I need everyone to post once before we actually start.

Padding away from her den, Fel moved with a purposeful speed. Today was the day. The swish of the spring grass was, at the least, annoying to her massive paws. Her mother had always told her how she looked more like a son than a daughter – especially taking her paws into account. Why the elusive fae ignored her offspring’s actual body size was unknown. Though each time she gazed at her reflection in the waters while she drank, Fel had to agree. But yet, there were certain proper, if not fae-like, characteristics that set her apart from most others. Her fur was always groomed thoroughly, her stature was of great importance, and her face, though broad, was very smooth. Fel had many scars, though it really appeared that she bore none. The truth of it was that, beneath her thick mountain pelt, her skin was polluted with marks and splotches that showed various wounds. All but on her face, because few wolves had dared to meet her powerful jaws… Jaws which now gingerly carried four rabbit skulls on a vine – like Orion had showed her – back from her sunning rock. They were yellowed but completely dry and devoid of any remnants of organs or muscle.

Slowly, Fel approached the clearing. It was mostly empty, save for some wolves who came and went. Marching to the center, the beast lowered her head to set the bones down onto the vibrant, lively grass. The contrast of the two, of life and death, almost made her smirk at the art she had just created. Continuing with her purpose, Fel glanced around to mentally mark out her map and recall the full details of her plan. Then, when ready, she straightened herself. A breath inward, and her lungs expanded with the common air. A breath outward, and the low, dark song of her voice was released into the space around her, contaminating the forest with its presence. It was a long and severe summoning howl, but that was just the effect of her voice. The brutish beast did not even lift her head to the sky with the majesty of some wolves. She did not pretend she had it, nor that she needed it. The sound that echoed through the trees all came from her jaws and throat, which were outstretched and only slightly tilted in the upward direction. When her message neared its close, it was allowed to fade to a dead silence. In this same silence, the raven wolf stood in the middle of the clearing, statuesque and patient in her wait for the pack to assemble.
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Alpha Desmond
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Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Icon_minitimeAugust 31st 2015, 20:17

First to rise within the pack, Desmond set himself on a perimeter check. His green orbs scaled the grounds as he made his way around the scented trail. He could smell himself in many places, and when they were weak with his scent, he marked them to make them stronger. He wandered alone, listening to the sounds of the forest around him. His ears perked as he heard some rustling up ahead. Quickly he shot off on his paws, darting towards the sound. The smell came to his nose, familiar and vile. The damn foxes were back once more, wreaking havoc on his borders and trying to infiltrate his lands. He snarled and bared his larger teeth. The scoffed and quickly moved to circle him. The Alpha wolf was not going to back down to tiny paws and aggressive snarls. Especially not from such small creatures. He growled and snapped his mighty jaws as they pounced and came at him, all at once. The leader went for his back, which was a smart move. The others went for legs. Three versus one, that was the way the damn little vixens wanted to play. Throwing one off and kicking another, only one remained on his body. The others decided they did not want to tangle with the large beast and ran the opposite direction. The last one was the largest of the trio. It clung to him, even as Desmond wrapped his might jaws around the scruff. He held it tight as he could feel his own flesh ripping beneath the jagged fangs of the red and white creature. But it did not quit. Blood came from the both of them. But Desmond would win this little brawl. He killed the fox and waited for the last breath to escape before dropping it to the ground. He cleaned his small wounds, and grabbed the body, taking it back to camp. By the time he had arrived, Fel was calling the pack to order. He had reminded himself he had told her she could do a training event to help their pack. The moose was a good test to see where everybody really stood. He didn't know what the midnight fae had planned, but he trusted her judgement. He dragged the fox body to his den and walked inside. He placed it to the rear back corner, knowing that later he would remove the insides and use the fur as a cushion for his slumber. When he felt it was time to head back into the clearing, he did. He sat himself close to the entrance of his den, and watched as Fel took control of his pack. If any did not obey her commands, he would make sure they never did again.
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Warrior Striker
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Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Icon_minitimeAugust 31st 2015, 21:04

Growing strong and taller each day, the ashen male stood at the entry of his den quietly, examining the clearing with dark blue orbs that could piece through obsidian. Stone cold and unwanted, he analyzed the morning skies with haste before moving in for the kill. He was steady with his choice of prey that early day, filling his stomach with the necessities of a fat hare, to which he caught daisying around the meadows out yonder. He feared no evil to steal his prize, claiming it as his with every tear and strip of flesh he bit back with his razor sharp teeth. He growled to the invisible creatures that lurked, territorial of his food as he gobbled it whole, savoring what was left of it before leaving the bones for the buzzards to nibble at. Striker was content with the amount of food he stored into his belly that morning, celebrating with a victorious run through the woods by his lonesome self. His strength had fully restored in his time here, fortunate enough so much that he was able to see Aleu in his time after recovery, and made an exceptional impression despite his disappearance. He took confidence more so now that he did before and gave respect to the pack he so chose to hide among. For the only apprentice, he was proud of what all he had accomplished, even with being so far from his natal pack. He found it to be a nice skill to of earned, and wore it proudly on his chest. Steering clear of sound, he made his way to the clearing where other wolves seemed to gathered, having not noticed the call earlier to if there were a meeting after all. He joined voluntarily and sat at a farther corner apart from the rest. Striker kept quiet, his eyes trained at the front, with no intention of acknowledging those around him.
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Elite Breeze
Elite Breeze

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Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Icon_minitimeSeptember 1st 2015, 10:31

The grey she-wolf stalked through the forests, sticking to the shadows rather than enduring the blistering rays of the sun. The heat of summer was often merciless on dark pelted wolves, especially in the afternoons. Breeze had noticed most wolves kept to the shade around mid-day, but that was something she would only do if she had such a luxury. Someone had to be out and about during that time, mainly for patrolling the borders. The Delta female had taken it upon herself to patrol Agavos, both borders and the heart of the territories, as much as possible. Now that they had more hunters and warriors, the large fae had not needed to spend as much time hunting, which left her with more time for her most important duties: patrolling borders, training, and getting to know her packmates. Maybe even more social time with friends, especially... The idea brought back a painful subject that had dampened her mood for days. Newt is dead. So much for having a best friend. Don't be so selfish! Focus on serving the pack. She thought. The dusk pelted wolf quickly pushed away the guilt and pain. She couldn't have saved him since she hadn't even known where he had run off to until it was too late. The Delta broke into a restless and uneasy trot towards the heart of Agavos. It wasn't her intention to become more reserved among her packmates, but when things got tougher, so did she. Remember what Twist taught you: don't let emotions interfere with your responsibilities! Breeze thought stubbornly. The proud fae found some emotions to be frustratingly confusing things, although that couldn't be helped. At least she knew happiness and sorrow and anger. Those she could deal with easily, but this was something more complex, and it bothered her constantly.

The Delta was soon bounding through the underbrush, taking in the scents and sights of her surroundings rather than focusing on her troubles. She was already quite close when her dark ears caught the sound a howl. It was undoubtedly Beta Fel who called her packmates. The grey she-wolf remembered her voice from the previous pack gatherings. Adjusting her direction slightly east, the fae slowed to a trot and made her way toward the clearing. Breeze soon emerged from the shadows of the thick verdure surrounding the camp. Her golden gaze glittering with curiosity as she scanned the area. The large black female was in the center,waiting calmly for everyone to arrive. The dusk pelted she-wolf noticed Alpha Desmond sitting near his own den. The only apprentice of the pack sat nearby as well. Breeze padded towards Beta Fel, striding with purpose until she was a few feet from the massive female. The Delta dipped her head low to both her superiors with her ears tilted back slightly and lips curved up to hint at a smile. "Greetings Beta Fel and Alpha Desmond." The she-wolf said, not daring to look any higher than the Beta's chin. The fae glanced down as a gleam of white caught her eye. There were skulls, obviously cleaned and dried, lying about in the grass. This must be a training exercise for us. She realized. Finally, a training exercise! Breeze wanted to see how well everyone would do with...whatever this was. The dusk grey female turned to look at the apprentice, trying hard to remember his name. After a moment of sifting through her memories, the fae recalled him introducing himself at the last meeting. The young brute seemed uninterested in being social, but she didn't mind. She sat down and swiveled her head around to gaze over her shoulder at the dark pelted male. "Hello Striker." She said. He probably didn't want to talk, and it seemed unlikely that he would remember her, but it would be rude for her not to greet her packmate. Of course, this wasn't the time for idle chitchat, so she didn't say anything else. Instead, Breeze would wait for the others to gather and nod to those she knew, occasionally adding a few friendly words. The grey Delta was surprisingly quiet though, and was more interested in hearing what activity Fel had in mind for Agavos.

Last edited by Delta Breeze on September 3rd 2015, 09:12; edited 1 time in total
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Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Icon_minitimeSeptember 2nd 2015, 08:16

Altair moved from his original resting area closer to the wolves that had slowly walked their way over to the beta. He moved his large body closer to the mass of wolves, and took a seat closer in so he could observe and listen to the others. He had watched Desmond drag a fox back to his den, no doubt in his mind that he would use the fur for his bedding. Finding a den had been successful for Altair, and soon he would have to find things to cushion his body as he slept. All in due time. He thought as his blue eyes traveled over each wolf that had meandered over to the small group. More would gather, he had no doubt about that. This was another mandatory meeting, and he wouldn't be surprised if it had something to do with fighting. He didn't take Beta Fel for the talking type, more of an action type. As he waited for the last of the wolves to approach he couldn't help but wonder what exactly this was about. Teaching the wolves how to fight? Didn't most know how to do that? Or was it sharpening each and every wolf's skill? He wasn't sure but he didn't want this thoughts to wander to far. Instead he turned his gaze onto the other wolves and greeted them quietly. "Hello." He said recognizing both Breeze and Striker. He hadn't seen Striker since their little encounter, he seemed to look healthier. He wondered if Striker missed home, and if he would ever return. He glanced to Desmond and Fel, waiting patiently for the others to show. He didn't like waiting most of the time because it made wolves loose interest. He hoped the others would not take that long to come forward.
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Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Icon_minitimeSeptember 2nd 2015, 17:11

The howl resonated through the wood of her den, vibrations running down the tree. Jade-coloured eyes fluttered open, blinking delicately clearing away the cloud of sleep from their depths. Yet again, another meeting...Sighing softly, she pushed herself to her feet and exited the den. Yawning gently, the effects of her nap were still quite imminent. Giving a small hum, she set out towards the direction of the howl, glad that it wasn't as far as it was last time. Not as energised as usual, Sieglinde took upon a languid stride, unhurried in her pace. She took her time admiring the surroundings, smiling slowly.

The dark pelts of other wolves could be seen in the distance. There were already others, it seemed. 'It's not like I'm late.' Hardly making a noise as she inserted herself into the waiting group, she sat down, a whimsical and gentle smile on her face. She nodded her head in greeting towards her Alpha and Beta, respectfully bowing. There was a younger male who was unfamiliar to her but nonetheless welcome. She passed him a kind glance before focussing her attention on Altair. Her smile widened slightly, brighter happiness glowing around her face. Turning away, she looked towards her Beta, waiting for others to appear and for the meeting to start.
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Elite Desoto
Elite Desoto

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Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Icon_minitimeSeptember 5th 2015, 15:42

Having already been awake, his golden eyes staring at the back-left corner of his den, all he simply did when he heard the call from Fel was raise his head. He knew he wasn't the first to be up, some of the pack liked to get up before the sun had even set. But lately Desoto seemed to enjoy going to sleep at the time they awoke. However, it has been a while since he had gone out that late at night. Turning his head to gaze over his shoulder he could faintly see other's paws walking past his den and towards their Beta. Sighing he pushed himself up, pausing for a moment to shake his pelt and let his muscles become loose. Then, lowering his head his jaws parted in a large yawn as he exited his den. Walking a few paces forward, the Delta raised his head appropriately for his position and to see what lay before him. Fel, the brutish female stood tall and proud with cleaned and perfect skulls at her paws. He raised an eyebrow in silent inquiry. He wasn't sure if she would catch it or not, but he gave her a nod of his head before he walked over to the side of the clearing, near Desmond. Again he dipped his head as he sat near to, but not close enough to where they were almost side by side or in each other's space. "Alpha Desmond," he said, his voice neutral as he greeted his superior. He still gazed at the black she-wolf as she stood there, waiting for the rest of the pack to show. What intrigued him most were the skulls. What use could they be to us? He was not sure why she had everyone gather, but he had a feeling it was another training exercise. Looking back at the Alpha he asked, "Is this going to be some training exercise, or are you as clueless about it as I am?"
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Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Icon_minitimeSeptember 5th 2015, 16:59

The newcomer slowly walked through the forest, weaving his way through the sturdy trunks of the trees. His molten brown eyes gazed apon the vegetation as he walked. He would occasionally stop to sniff at something that piped his interest or to just do it because he could. It was never a bad choice to familiarize himself with the new land that he now called 'home'. What an interesting word yet it was a complicated one. One could think home was anywhere and everywhere while another would say otherwise. It was complex for Keoni as he believed it was alway's where the heart lay's. But then his heart would have died along with his mate and children. Would he have lost a little piece of it or was it never suppose to be there? While Keoni was deep in his thoughts he hardly heard the summoning howl. It wasn't until the end of the song that he managed to catch little bits of it. He didn't recongize the wolf who howled, but then again he had only just joined and met one of the two Deltas, Desoto. However, this wolf sounded important so with a swish of his tail Keoni headed towards the summoning howl. I guess my walk will have to wait. Keoni thought to himself as he picked up his pace to a fast trot. His muscles bunched and released as he moved. Keoni was in no way big, but he was not scrawny. He actually had muscles that he worked daily, leaving him with enough bulk to hold his ground yet still upheld his more slimmer figure. An added plus was his fur. Unlike most brown coated wolves Keoni's was thick and rough, but it had a healthy shine to it. Creating the bronze colored fur on him glow slightly when the sun's ray's directly hit him.

Letting out a content sigh Keoni slowed his pace when he drew closer to the den. Carefully Keoni placed his paws gently on the ground. His ears pushed forward as he strained his hearing, listening for the sounds of life. The sounds and smells of wolves told him he was at the right place. He crept forward sticking close to the trees with shadows so he could easily blend in with the trees. Of course Keoni blended best when the trees dropped their leaves and readied themselves for their yearly slumber when frozen water rained down on the earth. That was when Keoni was in his prime element to blend in. His golden eyes looked curiously onward as he spotted the pack. Two midnight furred wolves stood by a light tan and brown male with jade green eyes that he assumed was the Alpha by how he held himself. One of them was Delta Desoto, however he could not identify the other. At first he thought the other black wolf was male, but by closer inspection he relized that it was not a he, but a she! He had never seen a female of that size before so it came to him as a surprise by her gender. Shaking his head slightly his eyes wandered over to a female who stood by the massive black fea. She was a mixture of black to various shades of grey. She must be higher up... What rank though? He thought to himself. He did not dwell on his thoughts as his orbs swept to see another large black male and a smaller female with obsidian fur. So far there is only five– nope six wolves, Keoni thought before he spotted the slightly hidden male. He was also black however, around his eyes, checks, and maw white could be seen. He was smaller then the rest of the wolves in the clearing so Keoni only guessed he was younger. Perhaps around the age of one. Letting out a breath of air the various shades of brown and grey male crept closer to the pack until he holted altogether. He sat his rump onto the softer grassy ground. He was close to hear, but far away enough to observe those around him. He made sure his position was were he could see all within his sight. It was only a precaution. Keoni had spent the last two years on his own and this was a lot of wolves in one place for the five year old male. One could not blame him for his actions. I wonder what this is about? Some kind of gathering most likely. He let his mind drift as he patiently waited for the announcement.
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Warrior Azrael
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Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Icon_minitimeSeptember 6th 2015, 20:01

Resting within the dark depths of his den, Azrael was shut off from the world. He held his eyes closed, even as the sun tried to peak into his very entrance. The lame curled his tail over his muzzle to help shield the light. finally he had gotten himself into a comfortable position with little light interference. He could feel the sleep pulling him back into unconsciousness, but all too soon it would be ruined by the demanding howl of a wolf. Growling to himself, he stirred awake. He forced his heavy eyes to open as he peered out of the darkness. The large male moved out of the den and made his way towards the other wolves. He stood to the back, listening and watching. He would do as he was told, but he had to admit it was strange to take orders from yet another wolf. Azrael planned to keep to himself, only interacting when required to do so. He had to be careful, for he didn't know if any of these wolves were companions or spies for Teren, since now he knew the monster was living.
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Lead Warrior Narla
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Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Icon_minitimeSeptember 7th 2015, 01:55

(Ooc - this is going to be short and crappy. Apologies in advance.)

She was late. She was so very very late. Her mistress' call had come some long minutes ago, but she'd been locked in a battle of wits with a feisty little salmon. The Warrior had thought to try her paw at fishing by the falls and found it much more difficult than the bears made it appear. But finally, she was trotting as quickly as possible towards the main clearing with the glistening salmon limp between her jaws, hoping she wasn't the last to arrive. The trees thickened upon her journey, the woods growing ever more dense, throwing her world into darkness and shadow. But again they began to thin, light flooded through the treetops and the clearing became visible. A large assembly had already arrived, but, she was quite certain there were others yet to arrive. She paused on the fringes, surveying the group. All of the faces had a familiar quality now, after their forced introductions in the previous meeting. Despite her mentor giving her her freedom to roam the pack lands and interact with the others, she had failed to do so for the time being, preferring to spend her time becoming stronger. If her first encounter were to turn poorly, she would much rather be able to hold her own. As she moved to seat herself off to the side, her eyes were only for the Beta, the only wolf she respected. She sat, dropped the fish and dipped her head to the great fae.
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Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Icon_minitimeSeptember 7th 2015, 14:21

The small fae weaved through the abundant forest, pushing herself forward trying to pick up more speed. She had been away on a small hunt when she heard Fel's call throughout the land. In her strong jaws were the bodies of two limp yet plump rabbits. Leaping over a fallen log, she came upon the outer layer of the camp. Quickly heading towards the opening of camp, she slipped through quite easily. She made her way over to the fresh kill pile, deciding to stop there first and lay down her kill. In the heat of the day she was now hot and tired of her chase with the rabbits but also the run all the way back home. Walking over the large circle of wolves, she took a seat her golden eyes flicking over each wolf. She was starting to recognize most of the wolves not just by their scent but also by their looks and size. She didn't remember all the names just yet but most of them she did, which made her feel quite proud. She hadn't had to remember names in quite some time. Taking seat next to a few other wolves she started to relax her tense muscles. She looked forward at Fel and then at Desmond, wondering what exactly the two had in plan. She hadn't gotten here in time to see if anyone asked, but she decided to wait and see if anyone had. Someone has answers. She thought and glanced at the other wolves again, she recognized almost all the faces but one. He must have been accepted just before she got back from  hunting. She glanced to her left and saw the same wolf, Azrael, that had been down at the valley when she had caught rabbits. She nodded to him and then looked around for any other wolves, not seeing many. Hmm... She thought and waited for orders to beg given out, excitement building inside of her.
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Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Icon_minitimeSeptember 14th 2015, 02:43

Ice blue eyes had opened long before the sun rose that morning and the sandy fae had devoted her time to lining her pelt with flowers and small animal pelts. The she wolf had been in the process of organizing these objects when the familiar ebony Beta sent up a call. Ears twitching the warrior finished with the bundle of flowers she currently had in her mouth before emerging into the clearing. Spotting the majority of the pack already there she searched around from someone to sit by. She hadn't made any friends so far, and that was a problem. Now was as good a time as any to start. Recognizing a seemingly friendly black male from the previous meeting pharika struggled to remember his name, oh what was his name? Something with an A...Altair? Yes that was it. Moving into the group she sat beside him, though not too close as to invade his personal space. Casting him a friendly smile she wrapped her tail around her oaws, the fur of it partially covering her claw shaped scars down her flank.

"Hello. Altair isn't is? I'm pharika." she muttered quietly. The meeting hadn't officially started yet so she figured some small talk would be ok while they waited. Though making friends was defiantly not her thing pharika assumed she was doing it properly. She hoped she wasn't coming across as creepy or desperate. But she needed to make at least a few friends. After all she was a pack wolf. What was a pack without the bond of friendship and family? It was weak. If all, or at least most of the members were not friendly or even familiar with each other Agavos would crumble and fall. The she would would be damned if she didn't try her hardest to form bonds with at least a few members of the pack. She has finally found a home, and that was something she would not let go easily.
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Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Icon_minitimeSeptember 23rd 2015, 19:09

Slowly the honey colored fae came to a stop just outside her half constructed den, the . Panting lightly the fae would stretch her hind legs out one at a time, lifting each paw from the ground and slowly extending it backward. Each morning the Katyusha would rise just before dawn and run a long lap from her den, to the border, and back before she began her daily training with Desmond. After her legs were fully stretched the fae would take just a moment to catch her breath, lifting her head to glance around the pack clearing for the nearest source of water. With a sign the fae would turn to move towards the nearest stream she knew of, turning her head to the slowly rising sun "Should have more than enough time before Desmond is back." she muttered to herself, now more than familiar with the Alpha's schedule and where she fit into it, and she never was fond of making him wait. In most cases the fae would be back from her warm-up run and waiting outside of his den by the time he returned from patrolling the border. Soon enough the honey coated fae would find the cool mountain stream she was looking for, and with a quick glance around the fae would feel safe enough to lower her head and take a drink.

Just as the fae was finishing she would hear the bold howl rip through the pack, causing long ears to perk atop her head. Cocking her head for a moment Katyusha would quickly turn away from the stream towards the source of the sound. It wasn't Desmond's howl that echoed across the pack, calling all of the members forward, something that greatly concerned the fae. Without another moment of hesitation the warrior would turn towards the pack clearing. As she ran she started to feel her heart pound in her chest, as that familiar sinking feeling filled her chest. As she ran she would almost seem to fade out, the all too vivid image of her bursting into the pack clearing, seeing Steele nearly dead below the demon Teren rushing into her mind as if it were happening again. Quickly trying to shake the thought from her mind Katyusha would burst into the clearing, looking around quickly to find Desmond.

As her tan silver eyes found the brute she would let out a soft sigh of relief, moving around the crowd to take a spot just behind the large brute "Alpha." she said, dipping her head as she panted slightly, pushing away the dark memories that had forced themselves back into her mind as she turned her attention curiously to the one who had summoned them, a massive black fae she had yet to meet, yet somehow felt oddly familiar.
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Noble Of Erenyx
Noble Of Erenyx

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Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Icon_minitimeSeptember 23rd 2015, 21:44

Noble stood in silence at the place he met Fel and Desoto. It was dangerous, but he enjoyed the beauty that went along with it. He stared at the scene before him, sun in the sky, flowers all over the mountain. It was a place that he considered his safe haven. His tail flicked as his blue gaze connected with the earth around him. The trees that billowed with the summer breeze. The grass that swayed and tickled his legs. He took a deep breath and let his blue gaze turn dark and scary, he was after, a demon of Agavos. A neutral pack, one that held both good and bad. He smirked, he couldn't wait to see his Emily again, how he adored her and missed her dearly.  His mind was swirling with thoughts, and he decided to bring back something for the kill pile. He shook his head and lifted his muzzle ever so slightly, breathing in the scents around him. He wasn't standing still for long, he darted forward and pressed his nose to the rough dirt. Taking in the scent of his prey and moving quietly along. As he got closer to the scent, he prepared to leap and catch his prey. He moved through the brush, and there was his target. A hare that was plump enough to satisfy any hunger. He pounced through the air and landed on top of the small being, he chomped his teeth around it's neck and killed it. He smiled weakly, lifting the prey with his maw and then walking back to the camp clearing. His tail swayed as he walked, eyes searching the area. He heard a howl as he grew closer to the camp clearing, his blue gaze shifted uneasily as he entered and soon found a group gathering around. He moved quietly to the kill-pile and lay the hare down on top. Then he turned and as he saw Fel and Desmond, the memory of Orion's death flashed in his mind. There was no way he would want to tell them, not now. He sighed and moved to the back of the group like he usually did. Blue eyes searching the wolves that gathered. He knew them by name and face, each and every single one of them. But he hardly ever talked to them. He huffed and nodded his hello to the wolves, then he went back to staring into space, waiting to hear what the Beta would say.
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Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Sharpening Teeth, Skill, and Wit [Mandatory Agavos] Icon_minitime

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