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Mating Ceremony [Agavos Mandatory]

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Alpha Desmond
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Mating Ceremony [Agavos Mandatory] Empty
PostSubject: Mating Ceremony [Agavos Mandatory] Mating Ceremony [Agavos Mandatory] Icon_minitimeSeptember 6th 2016, 12:06

the rogue king

I never expected to find myself here, but now that I am... I can't see myself being anywhere else.

With the summer gone, a new and pleasant sight fell upon the earth. Large droplets of water ran down from the sky. Some landed on the Alpha, and his eyes smiled. It was a look of joy, perfect a time as ever for a ceremony. Rain was like a force cleaning the old and bringing in the new. The dirt soaked in the water and Desmond could tell they would have a pleasant little storm. He smiled to himself and decided to play around in the rain before he called the meeting to begin. Like a pup, he skipped, hopped and jumped as his paws left the floor and soared. His tail whipped behind his body, left to right repeatedly. He was truly happy and he knew that in a few short hours, he would help two more feel as content as he was. With the rain dance completed, the Alpha shook out his coat, still aware the rain would continue to fall. At least he wasn't worried about his fur being all in disarray. Everyone should enjoy a beautiful day of rain. He lifted his tail to the sky, along with his snout. He released a playful and joy-filled howl to the sky above. He could feel the droplets of water on his tongue, but his call did not end. When it finally did, he lowered his head and looked out. He found a decent sized rock and raced to it, again, very much pup-like in his nature. He hoisted himself on the rock and stood tall. He was a proud an Alpha as he could be. He gave another call out, and waited as the masses started to shuffle in. He sat down, laying his tail across his paws as he had done so many times before now. "Now if everyone could please have a seat, we will begin shortly. Before I start this pack meeting, I would like for Fel and Narla to please come to the rock and sit before the rest of the pack, facing them." He waited for the wolves to settle down and have a seat as he had asked. "Today is a day to rejoice, not only for the passing of such a hard summer, but for the sake of love finding itself in one another. Today I present to you, Beta Fel and Lead Warrior Narla. They were once just two pack mates, one a trainer and the other, a trainee. Please keep all comments until the very end please."

with great responsibility comes a lot of bullshit...
template by revo. <3

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Beta Fel
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PostSubject: Re: Mating Ceremony [Agavos Mandatory] Mating Ceremony [Agavos Mandatory] Icon_minitimeSeptember 6th 2016, 12:30

Fel watched the rain fall down from the warmth of her cave, keeping to herself. The apprentices were off today, and she had some time to kill before her next far-reaching patrol. As an aging fae, she had to take some time to herself now to rest her muscles and joints. And she did so now, bowing down and reaching with her front paws to stretch her shoulders. Taking in the smells of her den, she smiled mentally and continued on to another pose.

The sound of a howl interrupted her routine, though it felt much better to run to the clearing with loose limbs. And run she did, for it was rather strange to hear such a tone in a call. Desmond, once he came into view, was sitting childishly on a big rock, as was expected. Fel moved to sit down in her regular position, waiting for the wolves to file in. She watched carefully, her glare being the warmest greeting that most of them received. Narla won a curt nod, and the other two apprentices received one slow blink each. Fel assumed that this was to do with the alliance, as that was the last thing discussed between her and Desmond.

Once everyone had assembled, the alpha asked her and Narla to move. This was curious, but perhaps he was to commend their training. Narla had become a decent warrior for a wolf, and a remarkable one for a dingo. That was noteworthy enough… Maybe he was going to start off the meeting like this, and then move on to the alliance. That would have made sense, after all. Fel glanced to Narla with a stare that was not cold and sat down in the directed spot.

And then came the moment when the pack would first see Fel’s look of complete surprise. It was a rather strange expression, fitting upon her face even worse than her genuine smiles. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, jaw clenched, and eyes widened. She took a moment while Desmond rattled on to analyze the situation: Narla had lied, Desmond had said yes, and they were both in on it. With this revelation, her features relaxed and she calmly turned her maw towards Desmond to cast him a very clear glance. It was not a very kind glance, but more like it meant to be a friendly slap on the shoulder for deceiving her. Her attention then turned to Narla, speaking quietly for only her ears with one brow cocked in a sign of being impressed, “Nicely done, but I would prefer to be informed of your schemes in the future, creature.” She chuckled softly, her gaze sweeping the crowd. Some looked excited, and others not. It didn’t matter though. Her eyes caught sight of a particular lanky fae, to whom she smirked and motioned over to join them. Blaire belonged with them. Her long, black tail indicated for her to sit near her, as this ceremony was partly hers too. It was an unconventional move, but this ceremony, in its entirety, lacked convention. And Fel had always ignored convention in the face of doing what she felt was right.

// Rage against the dying of the light
tag | ### | notes: n/a
credit to kenz.

Last edited by Beta Fel on September 6th 2016, 20:39; edited 1 time in total
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Warrior Azrael
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PostSubject: Re: Mating Ceremony [Agavos Mandatory] Mating Ceremony [Agavos Mandatory] Icon_minitimeSeptember 6th 2016, 12:32

you won't know my reasons
and I will never begin to explain them to you
At the sound of the call, Azrael had already been awake. He was doing nothing of importance, just laying towards the outer border of the lands. He had a lot to think about, seeing as his plan would soon need to take heed, in the event that Teren was going to act soon. He knew the passing heat was going to be just the right push for enough wolves to go crazy. Now they could act as the instruments of the demon as the sun no longer burned the sand or the dirt beneath their paws. He took a deep breath and decided to head back to the pack. He ran on all fours, as fast as he possibly could. Not for the thrill of anything or the need to protect the Alpha, but he was curious as to why an Alpha would act such a way. He arrived in the pack clearing just in time to see the Alpha acting rather strange. He tilted his head slightly, but spoke not a word. As commanded, Azrael took a seat as far from the Alpha as he could. He liked to watch over the whole pack, just something from his old life. He would wait to see exactly what the Alpha had in mind. Azrael had never seen two of the same gender get with one another. It was different, but Azrael was not going to judge them. If they found love, good for them. They were far more lucky than Azrael had been since living in these lands.

Tag: Desmond | Words: 258

template by eliza @ tb & adoxography
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Apprentice Ragnaar
Apprentice Ragnaar

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PostSubject: Re: Mating Ceremony [Agavos Mandatory] Mating Ceremony [Agavos Mandatory] Icon_minitimeSeptember 6th 2016, 12:38


Another damn meeting? The pup was growing tired of how many times the pack liked to call meetings. Never in his time in Erenyx was he bothered so much by pointless words. They were a pack of actions. They were special in their own lives. They didn't need to have a stupid thing to make them feel special. They just already were special. The midnight wolf moved from his den and sat on the ground as he was told to. He didn't know what else to say or do. So he waited and watched. The Beta moved to take her place, and he scoffed to himself. He was not a fan of the raven fae, no matter how important she was to the pack. He hoped that his sister would come and find him, and hopefully sit beside him so the two of them could speak quietly to one another. He could feel himself being forced to be close to her, just for the fact that they only had one another here.

Table and Image by Sieglinde
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Lead Warrior Narla
Lead Warrior Narla

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PostSubject: Re: Mating Ceremony [Agavos Mandatory] Mating Ceremony [Agavos Mandatory] Icon_minitimeSeptember 6th 2016, 14:50

She walks. "She talks." She thinks.
OOC - Apologies for the wait

Narla lay in the mouth of her den, watching the rain as it fell outside. The sound of the rain on the roof of her den was a comforting one that reminded her of her great southern land. She stopped, realising she no longer thought of Australia as her home. No, she thought, this is my home. And it was true. Though the land down under was her birthplace, she had no real attachment to it anymore except for nostalgia. Everywhere else the dingo had lived had shunner her and cast her out. But Agavos was her home... no, Fel was her home. Wherever Fel was, so would she be.

She dozed happily as the sound of the rain soothed her until the Alpha's howl called to her. She jumped, startled and tense. This was it. The ambush mating ceremony she and Desmond had planned together. Fel was completely unaware of course, she believed that Desmond had denied their request to be mated before the pack. Narla grinned devilishly as she stretched and carried herself toward the centre of the clearing, sitting with the masses, receiving a polite acknowledgement from her dear Fel. She could barely keep the smile off her face when the Alpha called them forth, lips twitching at the corners as she walked with her head held high. Her tail swished happily as she was finally getting what she wanted. The Lead Warrior nodded respectfully to her Alpha and to the little apprentice who joined them. She knew Fel had somewhat adopted the young fae and realised now that Blaire might become a part of their little family. She grinned at the apprentice, before turning her gaze, finally, upon her beloved. No matter how she tried, the grin would not leave her features and only widened at Fel's response. She opened her maw to respond softly, "Never," teasing the Beta who so loved to be in control.

code by nnlya

Last edited by Lead Warrior Narla on September 8th 2016, 23:24; edited 1 time in total
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Apprentice Blaire
Apprentice Blaire

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PostSubject: Re: Mating Ceremony [Agavos Mandatory] Mating Ceremony [Agavos Mandatory] Icon_minitimeSeptember 6th 2016, 15:55

  Apprentice Blaire  

Beneath every strong, independant woman, lies a broken little girl who had to learn to pick herself back up, and never depend on anyone.  

The young apprentice's first summer had come and gone in a flash of smouldering heat. Though she was ever so slightly sad that the days were growing shorter, she was grateful that the unbearable heat were no longer. But, while the days of hiding in the shade, seeking refuge from the blazing sun were done, her growing was certainly not. It had begun to slow now, but there was no telling at what height her lanky form would cease. She was already taller than a lot of the adults in the pack, and for her that made her somewhat self conscious at times, but, in those times, she looked to her mentor, her family, for reassurance that it didn't matter if she felt uncomfortable about being larger than most of those around her. She would use that height to her advantage, and she would continue training in hopes of becoming even half the wolf that Fel was.

A call rang out on this rainy day, and Blaire did as it bid, and followed its origins to the pack clearing, where the wolves began to gather. At their head, sat their Alpha, and then, in front of him Fel and Narla. Blaire couldn't help but smile at the sight of them together, though the smile was quick to turn to a stone cold, flat face as she caught Ragnaar's form out of the corner of her eyes. She had done her best to steer well clear of the Erenyx pups since their arrival, and the initial conflict that had been stirred up between them. She supposed she couldn't avoid them forever, no matter how hard she tried. With a quiet sigh, she let her focus return to the pair before her as she listened to Desmond's words. She sat front and center, beaming up at the two wolves. She had never heard of two female wolves becoming a mated pair, but she knew how deeply they cared for one another, and that was all that mattered. Fel deserved to be happy, and Blaire was confident that Narla would continue to ensure that for many years to come.

The biggest surprise of all, at least to the young wolf, was seeing a motion from her mentor, to step forward. A moment of confusion flickered in her steel blue eyes as she silently questioned the motion. Her first steps forward were hesitant and almost sheepish, but seeing the looks of pride and admiration that were exchanged between the two in front of her, her stride changed. Her posture rose, and her tail flicked confidently behind her as she stepped forward, giving both of them a curt nod, as well as one to her Alpha. Sitting off to the side, she continued to look on, eager to see what she considered her family, grow a little more.

Last edited by Apprentice Blaire on September 11th 2016, 11:27; edited 1 time in total
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Elite Breeze
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PostSubject: Re: Mating Ceremony [Agavos Mandatory] Mating Ceremony [Agavos Mandatory] Icon_minitimeSeptember 6th 2016, 17:37

3 years old

Appreciate those you love while they are still alive.

NOTES: Yay for Fell and Narla!

She walks. "She talks." She thinks.

The Elite had been trying desperately trying to keep her mind occupied, and had decided to do some strenuous exercises in the Training Pasture. Currently, she drove a heavy boulder up the slope of the valley. The rain didn’t deter her from the challenge, but actually made her more determined to complete it. She had already patrolled this morning and then hunted soon after, and now she needed another task to distract her. She breathed deeply, ignoring the water which splattered her pelt and soaked the large schist which she was moving. A growl rumbled in her throat as she shoved at the huge rock with all her right, pushing it slowly up the slick grassy incline. The grey she-wolf kept her thoughts focused solely on the task at hand, thankful for the temporary peace it brought her. She shoved at the stone again, her blunt claws digging into the damp earth for traction, and the stone jolted forward a bit easier than it had the last time. Suddenly, there was a howl, a joyful and welcoming howl that summoned all. For a moment, the fae relaxed as she recognized the voice of her Alpha. All thoughts of the boulder she was moving had vanished as she pondered the reason for his cheerful call. Yet the rock would not wait for her, and it slid back down the wet grass, knocking into the female. With a huff of surprise, Breeze braced herself, her paws sliding for a second before the boulder halted.

Once the large stone had stopped moving, she trotted off towards the pack clearing, where the sound had seemed to originate from. She broke into a run and arrived to see some of her packmates had already gathered. Fel and Narla sat beneath a large rock, on top of which Desmond sat. With a nod to each wolf present, taking time to smile at her Alpha and each of the apprentices. Once the grey fae had given everyone a silent greeting, she sat down toward the front of the gathered wolves to listen to her Alpha’s words. Her tail curled at her side as she forced all thoughts of the past season from her mind, grateful for the soothing rain. Her eyes lit up slightly with surprise at the announcement. Fel and Narla wished to be mates? Oh that’s great! Breeze thought happily. Her tail swished across the damp grass for a moment before returning to her side. If Fel could find happiness and love, then surely everyone would be able to find such things. She nodded her head approvingly and smiled to the both of them. The two certainly deserved to find such goodness in life. It seemed Fel’s apprentice, Blaire, was very proud of her mentor, and rightfully so. Breeze would support her packmates enthusiastically, and she hoped that her packmates would do the same. She waited silently, excited to see how Desmond would conduct the ceremony.

Elite Breeze
ty sophia @ shine

Last edited by Elite Breeze on September 12th 2016, 23:35; edited 2 times in total
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Mating Ceremony [Agavos Mandatory] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mating Ceremony [Agavos Mandatory] Mating Ceremony [Agavos Mandatory] Icon_minitimeSeptember 6th 2016, 18:17

~Hunter Arrelys~
Action Think Words

| Arrelys' Bio|

~The cream fae padded over to the gathering as soon as she heard her alpha's call. She didn't know what the meeting was about; however, she was going to find out. Arrelys looked around and found Breeze sitting in the front. Slowly, she padded over to her friend and gave her a warm nod. In front of her were the two faes who were being mates? If nobody was around, she would have reacted a bit differently then how she was at the moment. She haven't ever seen something like that before. The hunter bit her lip to cover her look of awe. She didn't know any of them well enough to understand, but she could say that they loved each other. That is all that matters, right? Her amber eyes gave the couple a long stare before she looked at the alpha for further words.   ~

Made by @Arrelys or @Chassity

Last edited by Hunter Arrelys on September 23rd 2016, 20:58; edited 3 times in total
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Alpha Desmond
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Alpha Desmond

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Mating Ceremony [Agavos Mandatory] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mating Ceremony [Agavos Mandatory] Mating Ceremony [Agavos Mandatory] Icon_minitimeSeptember 14th 2016, 12:14

the rogue king

I never expected to find myself here, but now that I am... I can't see myself being anywhere else.

With all the wolves gathered and the two he had asked to step up, he smiled down to them. "Alright, so before we begin, I want you all to know that I have never actually conducted one of these. I have watched them being done though, so here goes." Desmond cleared his throat and looked out to the pack. "Before I started this pack, I was a Rogue. Lots of wolves know that, but I just wanted you all to know exactly how this pack started. Why it was formed. I met Fel when she was living in Erenyx. She told me that I should lead my own pack, and that others would follow my leadership. Not only is she my right paw, but I feel as though she is my best friend. I feel as though if ever I need anything, I can always go straight away to her and she will be there, just as she has been for the rest of the pack. As a Beta, she has done everything I have asked her and more. Not only taking in pups as her apprentices, but building up our Lead Warrior as well. And as for Narla, she came to us from a distant land. She is not visually like us, but she has become one of us. She has proved her worth to the pack and to me as well. In her efforts to grow and change, she has grown close to her mentor. I don't know much about love, but I do know that this here, this is real and true. Should any wolves find they do not agree with this, they should come and find me, so that I may give them a personal understanding of why this is allowed."

Now it was time to actually begin the ceremony. "We are gathered here today to celebrate two wolves finding themselves in one another. Fel and Narla will be joined together in the eyes of the pack. Do you Fel, take Narla to be your mate through sickness and in health, and until you both shall live? By agreeing to this, let it be known it is against pack law to ever separate from one another. Anyways.." Desmond was completely lost with all of this. He knew the right things he needed to say, what they needed to say and how everyone was going to judge his efforts. "Narla, do you take Fel to be your mate until the end of your days? To love and cherish her through sickness and through health? Until you both shall live?" Once the wolves spoke the two words, 'I do', Desmond cleared his throat. "Now to complete the ceremony, I will need Fel to lick the cheek of Narla and for Narla to lick the cheek of Fel in return."

with great responsibility comes a lot of bullshit...
template by revo. <3

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Elite Breeze
Elite Breeze

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Mating Ceremony [Agavos Mandatory] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mating Ceremony [Agavos Mandatory] Mating Ceremony [Agavos Mandatory] Icon_minitimeSeptember 27th 2016, 16:27

Come on guys!
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Beta Fel
Beta Fel

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PostSubject: Re: Mating Ceremony [Agavos Mandatory] Mating Ceremony [Agavos Mandatory] Icon_minitimeSeptember 30th 2016, 17:26

Fel looked over the crowd, her usual expression beginning to overtake her mixed feelings. Her gaze swept the audience, daring anyone to challenge her in this ceremony. Some were surprised and even unpleased by their relationship, and her glare dared them to step forward. None did, however. It was almost disappointing. The idea of fighting for the one you care about is somewhat romantic, she supposed. Furthermore, it would likely reinforce the dominance of her position in the pack. Ah well… Desmond wouldn’t appreciate violence in a ceremony like this (even though he had made one lover fight another and then demoted him for not obeying the command.) No. He didn’t want any violence from Fel. She considered this discrepancy as Blaire took her rightful place beside them and Desmond stumbled through the vows.

The vows of this land were much different from hers, much simpler and superficial. Fel allowed him to finish before she turned herself to face Narla and remained standing. “Of course, but in my native lands, they speak of more than love. So if you two do not mind, I would like to put forth those vows.” She glanced at Desmond, hoping he did not care enough to stop her. Her gaze then rested upon the eyes of her mate as she articulated the words so that none would misunderstand.

“You cannot possess me, for I belong to myself
But while we both wish it, I give you that which is mine to give
You cannot command me, for I am my own wolf
But I shall serve you in those ways you require
and the rabbit leg will taste sweeter coming from my jaws
I pledge to you that yours will be the name I cry aloud in the night and the eyes into which I smile in the morning
I pledge to you the first bite of my meat and the first drink from my pond
I pledge to you my living and my dying, each equally in your care
I shall be a shield for your back and you for mine
I shall not slander you, nor you me
I shall honor you above all others, and when we quarrel we shall do so in private and tell no strangers our grievances
This is my vow to you
This is the mateship of equals.”

Fel finished, not taking her eyes off of her creature. It was her turn to say ‘I do’ or whatever else she wanted. Her words ended up being of her own culture, which pleased her greatly. Once she had spoken, Fel would step forward one stride, taking the initiative and licking once along the dingo’s cheek. The raven fae did not care for public displays of affection, nor did she intend for the pack to see her in such a way. She remained poised, collected, and calm throughout.

Once Desmond had concluded the ceremony and released the guests and lovers, Fel would quietly lean over to Blaire, mumbling, “Tell Petra that you are practicing on your own today. Go over those sparring moves, but beware: if I see a gash on one of you tomorrow, I will reciprocate the wound on the other. You are not to hurt each other. Just practice.” The message was quickly and lowly said as to avoid attention by any other wolves. No one else heard except for the recipient. She turned her attention to Breeze, calling out to her whilst the others dispersed. “Elite, would you mind taking over my western border run this afternoon? I believe I have had a change of plans.” She waited for the response, then nodded and stepped closer to Narla, signaling their leave. In the deepest of tones, she rumbled for only the dusty-colored ears to hear: “My den or yours?” And with whatever response that was, they would walk away as one sum of two - two canines, two partners, two friends, and two equals.

// Rage against the dying of the light
tag  | ###  | notes: vows adapted from Celtic wedding vows
credit to kenz.
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Lead Warrior Narla
Lead Warrior Narla

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Mating Ceremony [Agavos Mandatory] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mating Ceremony [Agavos Mandatory] Mating Ceremony [Agavos Mandatory] Icon_minitimeOctober 2nd 2016, 00:39

She walks. "She talks." She thinks.

So many had gathered to see them joined together. She was pleased when Blaire came to join them. The dingo didn't know the apprentice too well, but she knew Fel had taken the young fae under her wing - now, Narla supposed, so had she. She turned her gaze upon the young fae with a grin, winking mischievously in her direction. Desmond offered his own vows and Narla realised that pack mating ceremonies might be different to the ones at home. A lot of the rituals could not be performed at such short notice and they didn't have the necessary plants to do the blessings with. But perhaps there was something she could do to make this marriage feel a little more official. It seemed Fel was thinking along the same lines, as she added vows of her own. The dingo smiled softly, those words meaning more than Desmond's generic vows ever could. She proclaimed them to be equals, which was something Fel did not do lightly.

Narla whispered a quiet "I do," before turning to the pack to speak to them all. "Where I come from, mating ceremonies are very different, they are long and full of traditions as the two families are joined together. I would like to tell you all a story of my kin, of how we believe the world was made." And the dingo bent, paw drawing in the dirt the story of the rainbow serpent. She told them how the world used to be completely flat, that a great beast lay curled in the centre of the earth, sleeping peacefully. When he woke, he moved across the barren land, the trails he left becoming rivers and lakes, his wild thrashing building mountains and valleys. Tired from his work, he settled into a waterhole and slept. Animals who visited the waterhole were careful not to disturb the water, for they knew he rested there. Only when the heavy rainstorms came and disturbed his home would he awaken violently and shoot into the sky, through the clouds to a new waterhole, where he eventually settled beneath the water. And still to this day, he could be seen moving across the sky after severe storms.

Moving her paw in the final arc to show a rainbow, Narla looked up, her story complete. "This is the story of creation, of the beginning of the world. And this ceremony here is a new beginning of it's own. This union may not bear new life of its own, but perhaps it can preserve and foster life, like this little one here," she looked at Blaire with affection and admiration. "But I also have vows from my homeland that I would make to you:

May the fire be in our thoughts
making them true, good and just,
may it protect us from the evil one.

May the fire be in our eyes;
may it open our eyes to share what is good in life.
We ask that the fire may protect us from what
is not rightfully ours.

May the fire be on our lips, so that we may
speak the truth in kindness; that we may serve
and encourage others.
May it protect us from speaking evil.

May the fire be in our ears.
We pray that we may hear with a deep, deep listening
so that we may hear the flow of water, and of all creation.
And the dreaming.

May we be protected from gossip and from things
that harm and break down our family.

May the fire be in our forelegs and forepaws
so that we may be of service and build up love.
May the fire protect us from all violence.

May the fire be in our whole being –
in our hind-legs and in our hind-paws,
enable us to walk the earth
with reverence and care;
So that we may walk in the ways of goodness and truth
and be protected from walking away from what is truth."

She grinned, everything feeling so suddenly real. She leaned forward, gently licking her mates cheek, a wicked grin crossing her features at Fel's question. Fel's den was definitely closer and she nodded in it's direction, the grin never leaving her.

code by nnlya
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