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Beta Fel
Beta Fel

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PostSubject: Group A Group A Icon_minitimeOctober 13th 2015, 19:36

This thread is the initial starting point of Group A: Breeze, Narla, and Noble.
Your objective is to obtain:
• 1 skull
• 7 rabbits
• 1 bushel of mint
• 1 root of dock
and return it to the pack clearing.
Good luck.


Last edited by Beta Fel on October 14th 2015, 19:39; edited 2 times in total
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Lead Warrior Narla
Lead Warrior Narla

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PostSubject: Re: Group A Group A Icon_minitimeOctober 13th 2015, 20:55

(ooc - sorry it's short, I wanted to get something out for you guys)

The dingo stepped to the side of the pack gathering, eyeing the wolves she'd been placed in a group with, expecting them to join her. She didn't sit, just stood there expectantly, wanting them to move faster. They had a scavenger hunt to win, and she was very competitive. Fel had gifted them a skull, one of their objectives, but why should she do that? There had to be some reason why, it wasn't like her mentor to do such a thing. She settled the skull before her, placing her right paw atop it protectively as the others approached. She figured she'd get the ball rolling. In her thick, Australian accent she spoke, "Alright, we've got a job to do, and Beta Fel has gotten us started by giving us this skull. We have one objective down and three to go. Do either of you know if she gave a skull to any of the other three groups?" She waited silently for a moment to see if either of them had an answer. "In any case we should keep this skull well protected. I don't want to take any chances." She sat thoughtfully, considering their other items. 7 rabbits. A bushel of mint. A root of dock. She had in her team a Delta and an Omega. No healers, no hunters. She could hunt well enough, she'd chased down kangaroos and emu's. She could probably get the rabbits herself, but perhaps the Delta could help. From what Narla had learned from Fel, a Delta had to be accomplished in both hunting and fighting to hold such station. She had no idea what skills the Omega held or why he was an Omega, but he had to do something. "I'm quite good at hunting rabbits, so I could certainly pull in a few," she said rather matter-of-factly. "What about you two? We should get moving and I think we could get this done faster if we each take a task and go at it."
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Noble Of Erenyx
Noble Of Erenyx

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PostSubject: Re: Group A Group A Icon_minitimeOctober 14th 2015, 08:55

Noble wandered on over to his group that was assigned by the Beta. He let out a huff as the Warrior, Narla, started speaking to them. He flicked his tail and closed his dark blue eyes. "I can hunt, I was a rather skilled Hunter before I entered these lands. A Rogue by trade. But I was made Autay in Helidos, that is where my skills lie. Protecting things. But, I do know the herbs she was talking about, as my mother was a healer." He rumbled out in his deep voice, feeling safe for the first time about speaking. He flicked his ears as she continued to speak. "If you can hunt for a bit Narla, I'll protect the skull until you get back, and then I'll go out and either finish the hunt, or gather a few of the herbs? Either way, there's only a few skulls and we must keep ours safe." He said just loud enough for the others to hear him. He knew what it was like to protect something, and he knew that no matter what, defense was the best answer. "If we do well, we could easily take one of the skulls from the other groups and mess everyone else over?" He suggested faintly, a smile of pure evil crossing his maw before turning into a quirky grin. He knew if they had two rabbit skulls, it'd give them more of a chance to find their other stuff. Not to mention, it would severally mess over the other groups. Deep blue eyes searched the Warrior for an answer, simply because he was still an Omega and could easily be targeted by his own group as worthless. He was made an Omega for one mistake, one that he didn't regret. But he knew he would never gain rank, nor respect if he stayed within Agavos. So he was pulling at straws, trying his best to survive until he couldn't anymore. He took a deep breath and tilted his ears, shifting to see if they were being watched. His tail flicked and his ears twitched continuously as he searched for anything that may interrupt them.  
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Elite Breeze
Elite Breeze

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PostSubject: Re: Group A Group A Icon_minitimeOctober 14th 2015, 14:12

The Delta quickly approached her teammates and nodded to each of them. Ok, so we have an Omega and a Warrior....and me. Hmm. Both of the others would be faster than me. So I should either hunt or guard the skull. The grey she-wolf thought. She had noted the number of skulls Fel had while in the pack clearing. There had been three, but the Beta had divided them into four groups. Her hears perked up as the Warrior spoke. The smaller fae seemed clever, and Breeze approved of the way she didn't waste time with pleasantries. There was a time and place for that, and it wasn't now. She nodded when the skulls were mentioned, but waited for both her packmates to finish speaking to open her own maw. "Your suspicions about the skulls are correct. I counted three skulls back in the clearing, which means one group won't have one. We will have to guard it. I'm good at both hunting and fighting, but I'm not exactly built for speed. Oh, and I have basically no knowledge on herbs." The female said. She glanced at the Dingo. "You're Narla, right? You are probably the quickest of all of us, so perhaps you should try to catch some rabbits. I can either guard the skull or help catch rabbits as well." The Delta added. She was curious to see what they thought, but her main concern was that the Omega - she couldn't remember his name - wouldn't be able to fend off others who tried to take the skull. She was not only the largest, but also the most heavily muscled of them. But maybe he could outrun anyone else with the skull...but he could use his speed to get the other things too. Maybe that's the best plan of action. The grey she-wolf thought.

[[ OOC: Sorry for the wait! I'm not going to be around much for the next six days...I'm so sorry! D: ]]
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Lead Warrior Narla
Lead Warrior Narla

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PostSubject: Re: Group A Group A Icon_minitimeOctober 18th 2015, 22:57

She admired that Breeze and Noble accepted her assumed role of leadership. She'd expected more resistance from the Delta. It wasn't that the dingo was gunning for a higher rank, she liked being where she was, she was just expecting some level of stubborn dominance. She was glad, it meant things would move much more quickly for them. Narla took careful note of what each wolf felt comfortable in doing - she knew if she was given a job she hated and was bitter about, she wouldn't work as efficiently, why force the others to do the same? A plan was quickly forming in her mind, one that would hopefully keep their precious skull safe. Yes, it was all coming together.  "Yes, I am Narla. I am a dingo by birth and a Warrior here. But, we have a job to do, so here's my plan. Breeze, you and I will head out and bring in as many rabbits as possible. When one of us gets to three, we'll let the other two know, that way we can keep track of how many we have. Once we have seven, we'll return and guard everything while Noble here ducks off to grab the herbs." She turned to face Noble. "Noble, you need to set yourself up somewhere nearby that is easily defensible. Do not lose sight of the skull. If Breeze is correct, the other teams will likely have had the same idea of sabotage and will come after us either to hinder us or to take our skull for themselves. We will not let that happen. We all know our jobs. Let's go!" She took off with a wicked grin, nose to the ground looking for the very particular scent of a rabbit warren. They were scattered all over the hills of the Training Pasture. She hadn't found their home yet, but she did scent one nearby. The reddy-brown canine checked her pace, keeping her footsteps quick and silent, stalking it to find it's origin. Ears twitches this way and that, keeping track of the sounds of the forest, searching in particular for any sneaky saboteurs. Before the fluffy rodent could evade her by ducking into its maze of underground tunnels, she rushed it in a flurry of dust, silencing it before it could warn its friends. One.
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Noble Of Erenyx
Noble Of Erenyx

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PostSubject: Re: Group A Group A Icon_minitimeOctober 20th 2015, 04:53

Noble flicked his ears in annoyance towards the female Delta. He made no sound, no words, as he had no right to do so. His blue eyes gazed over to the dingo, studying her as she replied to what the Delta said. He smirked, they had covered the basics and now everything was falling into place. "Lets do this." He mumbled quietly, leaning over and grasping the skull very gently with his teeth to lift it from the ground. He had accepted both of them as being leaders, though his annoyance rested with one more than the other. He moved, carrying the skull with a smirk. He pushed the skull to rest hidden in some bushes. It was almost completely hidden. He took a few steps away and stood in front of a large rock that seemed like he was hiding the skull there. His body tensed as he listened and watched. He was sort of alone, considering the oddly named Warrior was already off to hunt. He let his gaze shift to the Delta, knowing quite well that there was two Deltas, and possibly going to be an attack. He figured the group with the male Delta would be a bigger threat than anyone else. But then again, he had heard of a Warrior that came from Erenyx and had been trained by the Alpha, and then trained by Desmond. But those were just rumors he had picked up in the pack clearing. He knew what his main problem would be. But right down to it, he was a fighter, and he knew what he was doing. He only needed one chance to prove himself. He licked his nose softly, blue gaze shifting to watch the others hunt. He found this training exercise to be very exciting and entertaining. His mind flew to the fact that the Beta could walk in at any moment and try to take their skull or rabbits. He shook his head and stood guarded. Surely, even though she was Beta, he had the skills within to defend the skull from her. He was plotting every possibility that could come their way. His mind was fully cleared and he found it easy to rest. But he didn't, because he knew resting could cost them. He finally smiled, he had this, and he would prove it even if he had to fight the Alpha himself. In his mind, he was still an Autay, which was better than anything else. Guardians that protected the packs young, something much better then an actual Guardian whom only protected the Alpha and his family. Which, in Noble's eyes, was pointless to protect such a leader as Desmond. He would much rather protect Teren than Desmond. He snorted as he got riled up, anger building in his chest and mind. His body arched to show that anger, then his hackles raised as he shifted his stance and snarled in silence. After a bit, his hackles lowered and he seemed calm. But at the rate his anger built up, he felt like he could tear into anything that dare even speak to him.
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Elite Breeze
Elite Breeze

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PostSubject: Re: Group A Group A Icon_minitimeOctober 31st 2015, 10:47

It seemed the small fae was pleased at her packmates' cooperation. It often amused Breeze that others didn't expect her to let another take the lead. She didn't lead out of dominance. Whenever the Delta female felt the need to be the leader, it was simply for the sake of organization and efficiency. A simple nod was given to the Warrior. It was good to see such good planning from another, especially after the pack hunt disaster. I can do that, yes. Ah...and the Omega's name is Noble. Now I remember him from previous meetings. He was the one to sit on the sidelines while we fought the moose. She recalled with a glance at the ebony male. "Just howl or something if you need backup. Try to keep an eye on the rabbits you catch, Narla. We don't need anyone taking those either." Breeze said. The dingo had already begun to follow a scent trail, so it was unclear if she had heard.

With a quick nod to Noble, the dusk pelted female bounded into the tall grasses. Her eyes scanned the area carefully as her nose worked to catch any scent of rabbits. There were faint scent trails everywhere, but most were stale. She stalked quietly through the field, then paused mid-step. The soft sound of munching reached the Delta's ears. Her golden amber gaze scanned for the source of the noise, pinpointing a slight movement of tall grass just to her left. Breeze didn't dare move yet. Instead, she calculated the distance, which was a good three leaps. Her body pivoted ever so slowly, careful to be quiet, then she bunched her muscles. The creature heard her an instant before she leapt at it, but it's surprise made it slow, barely slow enough for her to speed after it. With a last push, the Delta launched herself at her prey with paws and jaws outstretched to snatch it. Gotcha! she thought as her teeth wrapped around it's back, she bit down hard and whipped her head to the right. The creature's head jerked and it's spine broke with a snap. Blood coated the grey female's tongue as she set her catch down. That's one rabbit.

After a bit of searching and a failed attempt at chasing a second rabbit, Breeze came across another. The first catch hung from her maw, and she set it down slowly and carefully. She couldn't see her target, but she could hear where it was. Her paws moved agonizingly slow as she stepped closer. It was tricky avoiding the more brittle stalks of some plants. It seemed they were everywhere here. Still, the rabbit was rustling around and being stupidly loud. The fae stopped, waited, then lunged. The animal let loose a terrified squeal as the Delta closed her fangs around it's neck. It's life ended quickly, and she glanced up, still holding the furry thing in her teeth. Now she had two. Just one more before I call to the others. Breeze thought.

[[OOC: so sorry for the wait!]]
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Beta Fel
Beta Fel

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PostSubject: Re: Group A Group A Icon_minitimeNovember 3rd 2015, 19:42

Fel trotted to the direction of the first group. Her apprentice and delta were visible among the rolling hills, probably hunting or what not. Noble sat still in a noble vigil, seemingly protecting something. It mattered not. She was here to screw with them, not steal their skull. Her own bone was in her jaws as she moved around all of them, quietly arriving at the river where their supply of mint leaves grew. Ah, how silly they were, to think that the rabbits were the best thing to start on. Without interference, Fel began to harvest all of the mint in their territory, temporarily putting the skull down on the ground and resting her paw upon it protectively. A slight shift of her weight, and it would shatter to pieces. That was the plan, after all.

With a chuckle, she finished chopping the fronds. It took little to no time, for there was not much anyway. Her ears had remained erect and nostrils constantly checking her surrounding scents. No one, in the minute of so it took, had come close enough. Packaging the bushel and the skull, she picked it up in her maw securely and began to walk back on her own, still on guard.

-Your supply of mint in this thread has been extinguished. Either win it back from Fel before she leaves or find another area to get those resources.-
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Lead Warrior Narla
Lead Warrior Narla

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PostSubject: Re: Group A Group A Icon_minitimeNovember 6th 2015, 03:13

Not willing to lose her kill, Narla let it dangle from her jaws, trotting off after her next victim. She scented the creature not far off in the grass, it would be a simple catch. She pricked up her paws, keeping her footsteps quick and light, the carcass jostling about. When she'd reached the appropriate distance she opened her maw, releasing the first kill, and launched into a sprint after the second rabbit. With the element of surprise, the dingo tackled the rodent, killing it swiftly. Two. Narla moved quickly, retrieving the first rabbit, both of her prizes now hanging limply from her slender muzzle, the blood of the second still seeping into her fur. As she turned her head to seek her third casualty of this game, the apprentice spotted her mistress. The Beta was down by the river plucking up the entire crop of some plant. This is Fel we're looking at, she thought, not just any other wolf. She's screwing with us. The dingo knew that whatever Fel had taken had to be one of the plants on their list. She was sabotaging them. Narla wouldn't let this happen, not to her team. Narla darted back towards the trees, stashing her two kills in the hollow of one, marking the bark with her claws. She let out her strangled dingo howl, alerting the others that something was amiss. Noble had his orders and knew to stay with the skull no matter what, but Breeze could be made aware. Whether she chose to help or double her efforts in amassing their other objectives she didn't care, so long as they won.

Quick and quiet the reddy-brown pelted female travelled uphill after her mentor. Her head was low and her tail stuck out behind her in the traditional hunting stance. She was so incredibly focused that she missed the sounds and scents of the rabbits grazing nearby. It was only chance that one hopped right into her path and her instincts had her dispatch it before it could raise any alarm. Three. She kept it, thinking not to waste, but soon enough dropped the carcass in favour of a lighter load. She ran up behind the large black fae, unencumbered by any burdens, and launched herself at Fel. She hoped to either land on the others back or drag her down by the rear. If she could unsettle the Beta and make her drop just one of those sprigs, then their task would be so much simpler.

Attack: Launched herself at Fel, attempting to either land on her back or drag her down by the hind legs
Defense: Quiet steps, quick movements.
Injuries: None
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Noble Of Erenyx
Noble Of Erenyx

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PostSubject: Re: Group A Group A Icon_minitimeNovember 6th 2015, 08:19

Noble was amused as he watched the Beta enter their area that was assigned to them. He was ready to attack when he realized that she was simply going after the herbs. He let out a grunt, not daring to move from his spot of protecting the skull. He watched as the funny looking wolf attacked the much larger she-wolf. He smirked, eyes dancing as he dared to watch. She had made a sound, possibly to alert the Delta of what was going on. He turned and looked at the large pasture, surely they wouldn't be the only ones on Fel's hit list. He stood at alert, ears flicking forward as he cautiously moved a couple of feet away from his previous standing. He had to make it look like whatever he was protecting was near him, and not a distance away, hidden under a bush. He glanced at the bush, moving a bit more as he stood by a rather large rock that he would pretend was holding the skull. It looked very much like Fel had startled him into moving where the skull was hidden, and that was exactly what he wanted. He wanted to give false hope for those that were watching them. In case the Delta hadn't heard the dingo, he gave out a bark in her direction. Not really caring if she responded or not. His tail flicked, blue eyes searching the area for any intruders that dare attack him. Sure the skull was precious and hard to find, but he had figured that hunting the rabbits would be the easiest and would give them time to gather the herbs. He smirked, looking around near him to see if he could spot the other herb they needed. He wandered away from the bush and towards the trees, digging gently to see if he could find the root they needed. He moved back to his rock after a bit, shifting his stance and moving back to a different area where he dug and shifted through the dirt. He found some of the root and pulled gently, breaking the root and bring it to the rock he acted was holding the skull. His tail flicked, now it was up to the two faes to get their mint, or guard the skull for him to sneak away and get someone else's mint. He sighed, knowing very well that if anyone was to gather mint from another group, it would be either the dingo or the Delta. His blue eyes shimmered with excitement. He was very much pleased with all they had gathered so far.
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