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Unexpecting the Unexpected [Fe-Breeze - Event]

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Elite Desoto
Elite Desoto

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Unexpecting the Unexpected [Fe-Breeze - Event] Empty
PostSubject: Unexpecting the Unexpected [Fe-Breeze - Event] Unexpecting the Unexpected [Fe-Breeze - Event] Icon_minitimeFebruary 5th 2016, 19:00

'cause i'm stuck self torturing
internal clock in smitherines can't fix this i'm hopeless

The end of winter, the tensions of the hormonal wolves was at the highest. Mates either taking the last chance to produce young, to to protect their already mated females. Or for those who had neither of those options, protecting themselves or each other from others. Either way, the result was the same; they will spike before they drop. As they always do, and as they always have done. Nothing bad or good about it. But for the sole Elite of Agavos, the females around him didn't matter. He held no interest for them, avoided them like the plague if he could. It wasn't as if they were toxic, but he knew what the scents and wills of a female in heat could do. He might not have been tempted before, but he had seen it happen. The male victims to their pleads ending up with unwanted children, he wasn't going to let that man be him. He would have children, half actually, with a fae who did not call these territories of Agavos home. That was enough for him, well, he did hope that his children were only his. But the circumstances didn't allow for that, hence why he was satisfied. During the whole months of winter, he had only spoken to her; one female. The rest? Male, though there weren't many of those either.. Anti-social as always, he kept to himself. Taking on the night shifts so his lack of presence in the camp at night weren't interrogated. It was true, he was an insomniac, so he didn't particularly mind taking that as his responsibility. And at least with the movement of pacing the borders his body would stay warm.

But now, during the midday where the sun stood at its highest yet offered so little heat, he was wandering about. The neutrals, as he had come to know, were places of total variation, no one area like the next. Here, in the place's unknown name, the trees' branches arching down to reach the ground. Much like a willow, but he knew they were different. These trees, had small flower buds growing. Waiting until spring to be able to sprout. He hadn't seen such a thing anywhere else. But how could ordinary trees be interesting? Well, these weren't like trees he had seen in many places, and had qualities of the organism were presented more, held more of an aura. Much like the top wolves of a pack did. They gave the group its appeal, and the normal or lower ranks decorated it, supported it, protected it. Agavos was a band of mis-fits, yet somehow they made it work. He wondered wether or not things would turn to be different, or if some excitement would come into play. For now he doubted it, letting their mellow stream-like life continue. And like a leaf upon the surface he would glide with it, and when that bend or rapids came, still move with it. Continue on like the soldier he was reared up to be, say goodbye to those that fell or left but still carried forward. After all, a pack was only as strong as its own leaders.

The area actually reminded him of home, minus that there was not the ever present patch of blood on the dirt or grass. The two shared so much similarity, the way the light hit, the texture of the ground beneath the snow, the appearance of the trees, everything. And being here reminded him of the song he and his group of patrol and fight wolves would sing as they returned back home. It was meant to lift their spirits, to ease their minds after a tough day. He'd seen many wolves fall, some close to him and others not. But the words did help, and the energy it supplied to the young wolves was irreplaceable. Softly he began to sing the tune, unsure of wether anyone was around or if his voice sounded like it used to. He wasn't terrible at singing, but definitely not the best. Average on might say, tolerable another. "Are you worth your weight in gold? Cause you're behind my eyelids when I'm all alone. Hey, stranger, I want ya to catch me like a cold. You and God both got the jaws. And when you jump I think I'd duck. I led the revolution in the battle, and I set all the victims free. We said 'No more war! No more wounds! Give me peace! Oh kiss me!'" He smiled as he reached the chorus, his eyes both lighting up in delight and sadness. His voice increasing slightly in volume as well, "Hey, hey! We are a hurricane, drop our boulders in a storm. Hey, they will never be the same. A fire in a catch to keep us warm. Cause they know, I know, that they don't look like me. Oh, they know, I know, that they don't sound like me. You'll dance to anything,  you'll dance to anything!

"Oh, I'd confess, I'd confess, in a room where I'm blessed. But he didn't come and speak to me. Oh, put my heart at ease! And I believe that half the time, I am a wolf among the sheep gnawing at the wool over my eyes."
And as he sang the words, he realized how much he could really relate to him. He no longer wanted war, he'd had enough of that. Of course he would fight if he had to, but it definitely wouldn't be his first option. Desoto was never blessed, only cursed it seemed. Cursed in fate and in mind, he would never be like those carefree wolves. He was the wolf among the sheep, the different being almost. Agavos was a mixed group of wolves, however, he wasn't social with them. He didn't interact with the others as he possibly should, he was an outsider, one that seemingly belonged. He wasn't sure if he did, but he was content with staying among the sheep. Even if he was the wolf in sheep's clothing. And with that thought he picked up back at the chorus, his voice raising more to a normal melodic. His voice was gruffer, definitely more soldier-like. But he did have a sense of happiness in it that he didn't often find in himself anymore. "I led the revolution in the battle, and I set all the victims free. We said 'No more war! No more wounds! Give me peace! Oh kiss me!' Hey, hey! We are a hurricane, drop our boulders in a storm. Hey, they will never be the same. A fire in a catch to keep us warm. Cause they know, I know, that they don't look like me. Oh, they know, I know, that they don't sound like me. You'll dance to anything,  you'll dance to anything! You'll dance to anything, you'll dance to anything!"

His tone then changed, a more smooth and in a way pleading than it had been before. His steps moving with the tone, his body gliding, almost dancing more that just walking as he kept moving forward. Fix me, or conflict me, I'll take anything! Fix me, or just... conflict me! 'Cause I'll take anything!" And as he returned back to the upbeath state he let his head nod twice, his eyes closing for a moement as a full blown grin came over his jaws. He felt young again, which he supposed was the purpose of the song. It wasn't the same singing it alone, but it still worked. The harmony of the voices no longer there with his own, but the memories were enough. He could remember how they sounded, remember the motions and expressions they would make with each word. As long as he held onto that and pretended they were there with him he could smile. He could laugh at absolutely nothing, or appear just downright insane. But this was him, and to hell what other people would think if the say the silent and cold brute smile. It wouldn't kill them, would it? "Hey, hey! We are a hurricane, drop our boulders in a storm. Hey, they will never be the same. A fire in a catch to keep us warm. Cause they know, I know, that they don't look like me. Oh, they know, I know, that they don't sound like me. You'll dance to anything....You'll dance to anything!" His tail wagged as he finished, leaping up onto the roots of the weeping tree. The spring in his step obvious, he youthful positive attitude a rarity but a nice small change for the time being. There was one advantage of being alone, you were alone. No one could judge you, discriminate against you, hurt you. Alone you had peace, but at the same time unrest. He knew he wasn't alone here, other wolves of Agavos would be lurking about, but for now he did not care. Say what they might he was still him, just in a moment that reflected a good part of his past which made him see different. He wouldn't try to be positive, he was in too deep for that. But he was a good male, his morals and intentions never evil or swayed by self-interest or pride. He served, dutifully and completely. So punish him his he seemed to be a bit asinine every once in a while.

Tagged: Breeze;
Notes: This is for the 'Love is in the Air' competition~;
Song: Hurrican by Panic! at the Disco (edited)
made by chronika
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Elite Breeze
Elite Breeze

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Unexpecting the Unexpected [Fe-Breeze - Event] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Unexpecting the Unexpected [Fe-Breeze - Event] Unexpecting the Unexpected [Fe-Breeze - Event] Icon_minitimeFebruary 8th 2016, 19:31

3 years old
lines of lyrics or some basic information about your character goes here.

NOTES: So sorry this took so long omg! The song is Rebel Beat by The Goo Goo Dolls (edited to fit better). The song she was thinking of before that which she didn’t sing is I Lived by OneRepublic. Hope this is alright! :3

She walks. She talks. She thinks.

Breeze’s day had been surprisingly good so far. Despite the fact that she hadn’t been able to sleep, she had been able to retain a rather cheerful mood. as of recently, the dark fae had been a bit moody, although she did her best to hide it. Negativity never helped her get things done, and it certainly didn’t do her any good around others. Instead, she had kept either a bored and blank expression on her face, or forced a determined smile to curve her lips. All morning she had forced a small smile, even when she had taken up her shift on the borders. The peace and relative silence of late winter had slowly lifted her mood on her patrol. Now her smile was one of genuine contentment and cheer. Once she had finished her rounds, the fae realized that hunting was being done by the others. Arrelys does well with her duties. A good role model for the others. The Delta thought with satisfaction. Since there was no training to be done, she found herself roaming and enjoying the area around her. At first she moved through the pack lands, her golden amber orbs admiring the views, but soon her paws carried her beyond the borders. She approached the neutral territories, her pace changing as various tunes and beats drifted through her mind. Many songs were known to her, since her parents had always thought of them as ways to inspire wolves to do better and it was a good way to express emotions. The rhythm of her paws beating upon the earth as she moved at an easy lope helped focus her mind and lose any troubling thoughts. The grey female soon arrived in an unusual place. It seemed like it resisted winter, with its sweet perfume and blossoms beneath a thin layer of snow. The trees glimmered with a bit of frost, making the beauty on of ice and yet also of color. A grin crept over she-wolf's maw as she slowed to a relaxed amble. Lyrics soon popped up within her mind again, and soon she found herself singing, not overly loud, but not quietly either. Undoubtedly those within the area would be able to hear her, but that didn’t matter to her. As her eyes took in the beautiful sight, her voice became more melodic as the words left her lips to drift on a gentle wind.

"We keep heading in the same direction.

You’ve become my own reflection.

Is that your soul that you’re trying to protect?

I always hoped that we would intersect, yeah.

We need time to cope and time to heal,

Time to cry if it’s what we feel.

Oh life can hurt when it gets too real.

I can hold you up when it’s hard to deal.”

The words became more bold, calling out to other wolves as her mood soared. Her golden amber eyes sparkled as she sang a bit louder.

"Alive, alive,

Alive is all I want to feel.

Tonight, tonight

I need to be where you are,

I need to be where you are.

Hey you, look around!

Can you hear that noise? It’s a rebel sound.

We got nowhere else to go.

And when the sun goes down, and we’re among the trees,

You’re gonna dance ‘til the morning to the rebel’s beat.

You can take everything from me

'Cause this is all I need.”

Soon she found a medium sized boulder, which she leapt onto for a moment, gazing at all the trees around her, appreciating the light lingering perfume which didn’t seem to leave. All the while, the song continued to flow from her lungs.

"You know that life is like a high rank’s job:

Nobody knows when it’s gonna stop, yeah.

Before I’m gone I need to touch someone

With a word, with a kiss, with a decent song, yeah.

And it gets lonely when you live out loud,

when the truth that you seek isn’t in that crowd.

You better find your voice, better make it loud.

We’ve gotta burn that fire, or we’ll just burn out.”

Finally jumping down from her perch, the muscular grey female set off again at a walk, wandering beneath the frost covered branches.

"Alive, alive,

Alive is all I want to feel.

Tonight, tonight

I need to be where you are,

I need to be where you are.

Hey you, look around!

Can you hear that noise? It’s a rebel sound.

We got nowhere else to go.

And when the sun goes down, and we’re among the trees,

You’re gonna dance ‘til the morning to the rebel’s beat.

You can take everything from me, oh, yeah.

You can take everything from me

'Cause this is all I need.

'Cause we are free tonight,

And everything’s alright.

Try and understand me,

Baby show me how to move you.

'Cause there’s no worries, there’s no cares.

Feel the sound that’s everywhere.

We’ll take what’s ours for once,

And, baby, run like hell!”

Even as she said it, the fae began to lope, to absorbed in the music  she sung to notice she was approaching a packmate. Breeze was, however, well aware that she might end up seeing another, and that definitely didn’t bother her. If wolves didn’t want to be bothered by her song, they could find peace elsewhere.

”Hey you look around!

Can you hear that noise? It’s a rebel sound.

We got nowhere else to go….

Hey you, look around!

Can you hear that noise? It’s a rebel sound.

We got nowhere else to go.

And when the sun goes down, and we’re among the trees,

You’re gonna dance ‘til the morning to the rebel’s beat.

You can take everything from me, oh, yeah.

You can take everything from me

'Cause this is all I need…yeah, this is all I need.”

By the time the last of her words began to fade onto the air, the fae could detect a familiar scent. It’s Desoto! She realized. She hadn’t noticed him before, so by the time she approached, his own tune had been finished some time ago. She did not realize he had been lifting his voice in song as well, but regardless, it was clear as she peered around a rather thick tree that he was…cheerful? Mild surprise gleamed within her bright eyes as she ambled out towards him, although it was quickly replaced by simple contentment. "Desoto!” She called out, her smile widening. For a moment, she felt the strong urge to dash over and press her muzzle to his shoulder fur in greeting. The idea made her gaze brighten, then flicker for a second with uncertainty. Since when had she ever been that close with him? Never. The fae shut down her own confusion before it could become obvious, along with the thought of snuggling up to this male. Instead she trotted over to him, tail swaying behind her in time with her steps, a small smile upon her maw. It was nearly a smirk, but she held back her own amusement at herself. She wouldn’t let the season get to her head…but was it really the season and her heat? What else could it be? The female thought dismissively. Her eyes examined the black pelted brute as she came closer. Usually he seemed rather dark and unreachable, like he wished to block everyone else out. This had always intrigued her, but it also often annoyed her. It took quite a bit of effort to keep from doing anything besides grin as she noticed his tail wagging for once. It was not a sight she had ever seen, so it was both funny and nice to see. Currently, the dusty grey she-wolf was actually quite happy to see him. Perhaps it was his apparent good mood that drew her closer, or maybe it was her own mood. In fact, maybe there was no reason at all. Either way, some part of her mind was bothered by it. Had she really been that lonely? Breeze flicked one ear back, both to get rid of her thoughts and to acknowledging his new higher rank. She had always respected him for his level head and skill in fighting. She gazed around at the pasture for a moment before returning her gaze to her packmate. "What a surprise to see you here. Nice place isn’t it?” She said. The delta tilted her head slightly, then stretched out, fighting off the affects of her restless night and a restless mind. After a moment, she sat down on a patch of clean snow, her molten orbs fixated on him. His fur…it looked so thick, perfect to get close too……Stop that! This is a grumpy and sassy wolf. Not the snuggly type! The fae silently scolded herself, her smile fading only slightly. Well, she didn’t think he was snuggly. Inhaling sharply, Breeze quickly drew her tail neatly over her paws, her gaze softening into a more thoughtful expression, her slight mask fading to show the exhaustion beneath. “Need to get away from the bustle of the pack? Pacing the borders can be rather…tiring. It makes even the sharpest of warriors worn with routine.” She said with a glance at her own paws before looking back at him, the spark of determination flaring within her eyes for a moment. “Not that means much. It’s just a reason to spice things up a bit I suppose.” A small smirk danced upon her lips. “Adventure can help sharpen the senses as long as you keep your wits about you. Is that what brought you here?”
Delta Breeze
ty sophia @ shine

Last edited by Delta Breeze on February 15th 2016, 16:50; edited 1 time in total
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Elite Desoto
Elite Desoto

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Unexpecting the Unexpected [Fe-Breeze - Event] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Unexpecting the Unexpected [Fe-Breeze - Event] Unexpecting the Unexpected [Fe-Breeze - Event] Icon_minitimeFebruary 15th 2016, 09:51

'cause i'm stuck self torturing
internal clock in smitherines can't fix this i'm hopeless


He froze for a moment, or at least the main parts of his body did. His tail refused to cease and it swayed to and fro in a cheerful manner. Sniffing the air he caught scent of who had called his name, the one to see him in such an odd and rare state. Breeze... The delta female was the one. He remembered her to be so brightly eyed and cheerful when they first met. And how he had hated her ever-so-present grin. But she was changing, heartbreak seeming to be the culprit of the new attitude. Hardening she was becoming much like him and Fel. A shell of a wolf who kept their own matters inside. But such a fate didn't seem fair to the she-wolf, she deserved to be happy. And I don't? I do deserve contentment I suppose, but given the relationship I have with life, happiness isn't within my grasp. It was, however, for her. And all she had to do was look for it and keep trying. Perhaps he could change her mind and get her on the right track again, but he couldn't force her to return to the vixen she once was.

Turning slightly he settled his golden eyes on her own, fiery ones. Brightly lit she looked towards him in utter excitement and happiness. Almost like a pup gazing at its mother after trying something new. Her lips were pulled back into a half smirk half smile as she trotted over to him. Her paws leaving small indents of her paws into the snow beneath her. Tail swaying to the beat of the steps she took, his eyes latched onto the movement. It was almost teasing, provoking, inviting. She displayed the most desire he had seen for his presence than almost anyone ever gave him. The Elite wasn't sure if he liked it or not. He couldn't deny that he was happy she was here too, though he knew not why, but it seemed strange to him. Like he would wake up the next morning and be disappointed in his actions. So he would veer away from that encounter, she might get pissed too if her head wasn't on right today either. The two would have to settle for the presence of the other.... and maybe a bit of snuggling. Snuggling?! What the hell is going wrong with me today?

As she continued to come closer to him, her eyes scanned him over. Evaluating him it seemed. And for some reason he did not mind it. Perhaps he should've flexed to impress her? Though he found no actual need. So he simply stood there, forgetting about the wagging of his tail, as she stood before him. An ear flicked back as perhaps a sign of acknowledgment for his higher ranking, though he didn't care if he was or not. A ranking is a point to where one stands in the hierarchy of a group. He had more responsibility than others and was trusted to complete them all, and in return he would receive more power and respect. As long as he was respected, the wolves of Agavos need not to turn their heads down to greet him.

To her next words he would simple reply with, "You should see it in the spring. Much more beautiful than now in the winter." Even if he was a bit more open and accepting today, his words would still remain limited. However, they did not have the same formal, clipped tone they usually held. He was a quiet brute, favoring to simply watch others as they conversed. One could learn a lot about a wolf just from simply watching them when they came into the same area. Body language was a key factor. Something he had become quite good at reading. She sat now, thinking to herself it seemed. Contemplating about what she might possibly could say to get him talking more. If she wished to hear a whole paragraph of words, it wouldn't happen from him. He had nothing to confess or convince her of, so a whole long line of meaningless phrases would be a waste of time. A grey banner then wrapped around her paws, her smile dropping as a look of exhaustion came upon her face. He could understand why, he felt the same. The duties he had plus his lack of sleep again, waiting to hear anything from someone about a specific Erenyx fae, kept him on his toes and an unending unease. He wanted to know if she was okay, but the circumstances the two where in deprived him of the knowledge. He could only hope that everything could go as planned.

"I'd have to agree. But I have my own problems on top of the responsibilities Agavos has given me. Ones I can't really speak about with anyone. I'm sure you have your own as well. I can tell your views on the world are changing and maturing. Trust me Breeze, try and keep that positive aura around you. We could use at least one cheerful wolf in our highest positions. Life sucks, you just have to pull through it. Fight for what you want, don't let anyone take your future from you." Or maybe she could get a small paragraph. But that would probably be it. Leave the sappy stuff behind and just try and figure out what the hell was going on with the delta and elite. She looked down at her paws, then returned his gaze. A new attitude inside of her eyes. Determination. Her next words pushed a small chuckle out from him. His tail dropped and simply swayed behind him a few times before coming to a halt. "Adventure? Precisely. Not here as in currently, but to these lands, yes. To Agavos, yes. Even for an aging brute like myself, adventure is something that offers excitement. Wouldn't you agree? But what brings you here, Breeze?"

tags, notes, etc.
made by chronika
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Weather Wolf
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Unexpecting the Unexpected [Fe-Breeze - Event] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Unexpecting the Unexpected [Fe-Breeze - Event] Unexpecting the Unexpected [Fe-Breeze - Event] Icon_minitimeFebruary 17th 2016, 15:45

– F O R E C A S T –
The snow begins to fall gently as the winds pick up their speed. Should you find shelter? Or should you seek the companionship of one another?

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Elite Breeze
Elite Breeze

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Unexpecting the Unexpected [Fe-Breeze - Event] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Unexpecting the Unexpected [Fe-Breeze - Event] Unexpecting the Unexpected [Fe-Breeze - Event] Icon_minitimeFebruary 21st 2016, 01:45

3 years old

Lyrics or something about Breeze goes here.

NOTES: Oh my goodness I must apologize for the wait, but I had no clue how to respond! Everything I wrote felt so…awkward. xDDDD

She walks. She talks. She thinks.

The black pelted male really was in a good mood! Wow…what a rare sight to see…hehe I won’t be forgetting this anytime soon. Breeze thought, listening as he commented on the beauty it had in the warmer seasons. The fae nodded and glanced around once more, interested in its enchanting trees. It’s as interesting as the wolf before me. Oh wow, I think this sweet air is getting to my head. The delta mused, unable to take her eyes off the brute. The mention of problems seemed to darken his mood only for a bit as he spoke of his own problems. A slight attitude included, as always. His words startled her, and she snapped to attention, amber eyes narrowing slightly. Her own behavior was none of his business and neither were her problems. But that wasn’t what outraged the grey she-wolf. “Mature? Mature!? She snarled, clearly offended. “You think depression and anger is mature? Do you think my lack of energy to contribute to our pack and the horrible feeling of negativity is mature….does a mature warrior let negativity ruin their zeal for life? Should every apprentice be taught that life is dull and everything is a chore and that you should abandon emotions and dreams just because of the experience of another?” Breeze spat, her fur spiking and eyes flashing with defiance and . “I am not proud of how I have been acting recently. I’m just glad I could suck it up and keep going, that I won’t lie down and give up. A true warrior keeps their chin up, even when wounded. True warriors acknowledge their weaknesses and their pain, yet don't complain about their burdens. Don’t lecture me on how to live my life, because it’s not yours!” She added, pausing for a moment and letting the anger fade from her expression. The muscular female’s outraged snarl was replaced by a tired, slightly apologetic expression, her ears flicked back as she glanced away. She hid her shock at her own reaction, which showed just how moody she had gotten recently. “I’m sorry Desoto, that was rather harsh of me. You’re words just startled me. I don’t give up, and I refuse to see life as dull and dark. In life there are good events and there are bad events, and it isn’t about which you find more of. It’s about which you choose to focus on, and I try daily to focus on the positive.” The dusty furred delta said, glancing back at him. She stood, ears flat as she went to sit next to him, her thick fur fluffed up to ward off the cold and the light snow which had begun to fall. The wolf didn’t even think much about what she was doing, but instinctually pressed her nose to his shoulder gently. “I’m sure it’s difficult not having many wolves to talk to…I am always here if you need me to be, that’s what packmates are for.” Breeze murmured. She pulled back and smiled at him. “To be honest, you give good advice. Perhaps you should  follow it too…it’s nice to see you in a cheerful mood. What brings me here is a need to clear my own thoughts and to explore and do something new. I'm here to find a way to brighten my day."...I think I just found it.

Delta Breeze
ty sophia @ shine
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Elite Breeze
Elite Breeze

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Unexpecting the Unexpected [Fe-Breeze - Event] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Unexpecting the Unexpected [Fe-Breeze - Event] Unexpecting the Unexpected [Fe-Breeze - Event] Icon_minitimeFebruary 26th 2016, 13:05

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Elite Desoto
Elite Desoto

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PostSubject: Re: Unexpecting the Unexpected [Fe-Breeze - Event] Unexpecting the Unexpected [Fe-Breeze - Event] Icon_minitimeFebruary 28th 2016, 20:45

'cause i'm stuck self torturing
internal clock in smitherines can't fix this i'm hopeless

Whoops, I said something wrong and hit a nerve...

Inwardly, he cringed. The way her voice snarled out at him, "'Mature? Mature!?'" and the rant that followed did not appeal to him at all. Firstly, it was rude. He was just trying to make some sort of connection, which was weird on it's own. Secondly, it was disrespectful. He was higher ranked than her, to act in such a manner was unacceptable and should be enforced with punishment. Though he found himself not in the mood to force her to submit to him. Thirdly, and lastly, it was annoying. He didn't need to have her throw a fit out of something he said. Did he specifically say to her, "I want you to be depressed" or something like that? No, he said he didn't want the world to change her. Because that's what it did. It did it to him, and look at the kind of brute he is now. When he had first met the delta female, she was upbeat and optimistic. And she was going downhill. He did not want to see her reach the bottom. Because once a wolf reaches the bottom, it's a long and steep path to the top again. The Elite himself was only halfway there, probably less. He was able to catch those falling or running, he had the ability to slow them down or turn their direction. That's all he was trying to do here. Watching her with a blank expression, uninterested he waited for her to finish. He gave her the few moments it took to realize her actions and apologize, though it didn't change what he wanted to say. Once she did finish, he merely raised an eyebrow, before calmly replying in a darker toned voice. "No, no, no, and no." Flicking his tail he shook his head and started to walk a few paces away. His good mood ruined. "Answers to all your questions, each of them are 'no.' You see, Breeze, anger and depression are just emotions. You can turn them on or off. You have the power and ability to chose what each event in your life has on you. And recently, you've let them have the worst. The world is harsh and cruel and can throw anything at you to test you. And it will. It has for me, from the very second and before I was conceived. I've lived with nothing but pain and hardship since the day I entered this world. And it will stay the same until I leave it. But you don't see me sulking around throwing a pity party for myself and lashing out at wolves trying to help now do you? You're views on the world are maturing, I didn't mention anything else. Don't get you mixed up with the world, Delta. You're not the centre of attention."

He'd moved to a different tree, seating himself near it's trunk behind the drooping branches. It felt a bit like a cage, and he was trapped inside. Trapped inside a cycle of never-ending torment to his mental stability. He wasn't going insane, he was fine. But with each blow, it discouraged him, slowed him down even if just for a few short moments. But the elite always raised his head and carried on forward. He learned from each event and allowed it to help him grow stronger. Life was a cruel game, make one grave mistake and it's your end. One must tread carefully through murky waters, for the monster lies within. The monster was death and misfortune, one wrong step can lead you to it's grasp and jaws. The other, safety. Life was the water itself. Set in a secluded lagoon, it's dangers known. There was of course, the option of diving into the waters and exploring it more deeply. But that risked going into the monster's territory. Desoto just happened to dive down and come up all the time, he could handle the events and dangers in that area. Those newly introduced, like Breeze, had a harder time. It was best for them to go back to where they could touch, swim around if they so wished. Only going under when they truly felt like they could handle it.

The air was chilly, biting. And as the wind began to blow with more force, it caused a small shiver to go down his spine. Even if winter was coming to a close, it still wanted to make it's presence known it seemed. Sighing, his ears perked as the crunching of snow reached his ears. She was moving closer, and soon she sat at his side again. Her ears were flat and not a moment after her body rested, her nose was pressed into his shoulder. He tensed up, not used to the affection that she was offering him. Voice soft she gently sympathized for him, telling him that she was someone he could talk to. His ears went flat, his eyes drifting down to stare at the white ground. "My problems are one's I can't discuss with others. Not to any pack wolf at least.." he murmured, mostly to himself. It was true, no matter how much pain he had with his current life and past, he couldn't share it on a whim. He had once, and he regretted it as soon as he realized it. And no, that wasn't with his dear Braelyn. She pulled away, and out of the corner of his eye he could see her smile at him.There's that cheerful smile, I knew it didn't disappear.. His own half smile, just a simple pull on the lips, was returned. He listened, but it seemed like her sentence wasn't completed. Like there was more to it than she was letting on. Shrugging, he just spoke softly. Finding no need for higher volume than was necessary. "Thanks, I guess. I've never really been the person to need advice. But trust me Breeze, it's difficult to swim back up once you've reached the bottom of the lake. You see the sky, but you might not be able to reach it. Dive down carefully. Go back up for air and spend some time on the surface before you decide if you want to go back under. Dangerous things lurk in the water, and one can either change your life forever, or kill you."

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Unexpecting the Unexpected [Fe-Breeze - Event]

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