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Staff Auditions

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Alpha Desmond
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Alpha Desmond

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Staff Auditions Empty
PostSubject: Staff Auditions Staff Auditions Icon_minitimeFebruary 15th 2016, 12:43

This is a shout out to any and all who would like to pursue a position as a Staff Member. We have only a couple positions open. In order to become a member of the Staff, you must be these things:

1. Must be ACTIVE.
2. Must be friendly and helpful to our members. Age is constantly growing and we need to make sure we have an approachable and easy-going atmosphere.
3. If you promise to do something, you need to do it.
4. Know the rules and follow them.
5. Advertising is a MUST. As wonderfully as Age has grown, it could always get bigger. Big things are coming around the corner and we will need all the wolves we can get!
6. Communication is key. Please keep in contact with an Admin if you are going to be away from the site.

If you feel you can perform these six things presented to you, please fill out the Application to join the Staff. Over the next few weeks, all applications will be looked over and the Staff together shall pick the perfect people for the job. Each person appointed as a Staff member will have a "Trial Period". Too often we have had members in such positions not do what they promised, so going forward, if you can't make the cut, another person will be given your chance.


[b][color=#ffffff]Which Character Is Applying?:[/color][/b] -insert-
[b][color=#ffffff]How Long Have You Been With Age?:[/color][/b] -please place date your FIRST character joined the site-
[b][color=#ffffff]Why Do You Want To Be A Member Of The Staff?:[/color][/b] -insert-
[b][color=#ffffff]What Would You Be Willing To Do For Age?:[/color][/b] -let us know any talents or wishing to moderate forums-
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Autay Spencer
Autay Spencer

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PostSubject: Re: Staff Auditions Staff Auditions Icon_minitimeFebruary 15th 2016, 13:19

Which Character Is Applying?: Autay Spencer

How Long Have You Been With Age?: I have been with Age since 2015-12-15

Why Do You Want To Be A Member Of The Staff?: Though I have not been on this site for an extended amount of time like other members, I feel as if I would be able to provide Age with many new things. I have been an Administrator and Moderator on many sites such as Canis Kingdom, Broken Reality, and Finding Fate as well as many other sites. I have also been working with the forumotion admin panel for almost three years now, and I know how to use HTMl, Javascript, and BBcode's.

What Would You Be Willing To Do For Age?: As I've mentioned above I've been working with forumotion sites for roughly around three years now, as well as jcink. I have HTML, Javascript, and BBcoding skills so I would be able to throw in a bit of those codes into the stylesheets to add a bit of jazz to Age. If needed I can also moderate certain forums as this isn't a very hard task for me.
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PostSubject: Re: Staff Auditions Staff Auditions Icon_minitimeFebruary 15th 2016, 16:38

Which Character Is Applying?: Warrior Paislee
How Long Have You Been With Age?: 2014-12-25
Why Do You Want To Be A Member Of The Staff?: Age is by far the most amazing roleplay site I've ever come across. The staff and the members alike are all so incredible, and in too many ways to count, Age has become both a second home and family to me. I've always wished there was more I could do for this site, aside from just being another member on it. With the loss of so many amazing people recently, I think that, be it me or any other member on this site, we can bring in more stunning personalities to fill their spots (although those who we've lost can never truly be replaced). Overall, my main goal is to help, and I'd do anything to make that this site continues to flourish and thrive!

I think the staff are awesome as all hell. They are simply some of the best people I've ever met, because they share the same want for the site that I do: to help in any way possible. All the mods and the admins are truly amazing, essentially.

As for my own experience, I've been an admin and mod on many sites such as Canis Kingdom, True Desire, Iris, etc. so I kind of get the idea of being in the staff. I can code somewhat (but I cannot make tables for the life of me, however I can edit some fonts/colors/pictures on tables if given the ability to do so from the owner), and I can edit pictures (which needs a little work, but I practice nearly everyday!)
What Would You Be Willing To Do For Age?: I'd be more than willing to accept profiles or critique them, help new members with graphics or roleplaying in general, help people find tables, or simply answer any question members have! I have experience with proboards, jcink, and forumotion, and as said above, I've been an admin/mod on many sites, and I can code, as well as edit graphics a little.

For overall writing and grammar skills, I'd rate myself (on a scale of one to ten), definitely a ten. I write for fun (fictional stories mostly), and, an achievement in writing, is not too long ago I received an Editor's Choice Award on a website built for teens to express their writing (called TeenInk; basically a national site for teens, and they have their own magazine), and I also had one of my pieces voted #1 in it's category. I've been told on many accounts my writing and reading skills are stellar, and (being 13 years old), I write at a 12th grade level, according to state mandated testing scores.

Basically, I just wish for Age to continue to grow, and help in any way possible! The members and staff here alike are such awesome people, and I'm proud to say that I'm one of those members on this incredible site. I've attempted to reach out to people IRL and online to get them to join Age, and many have at least tried it (however found that roleplaying was not their style), BUT I will never stop trying!
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Staff Auditions Empty
PostSubject: Re: Staff Auditions Staff Auditions Icon_minitimeFebruary 16th 2016, 06:14

Which Character Is Applying?: Hunter Zephyr (or Healer Xora)
How Long Have You Been With Age?: November 26, 2014
Why Do You Want To Be A Member Of The Staff?: I know for a fact that Age is by far the best roleplay website I have ever been on. Age is not only a place for me to escape from the real world but it is like a second home for me. Age is my family and I would be honored to be a part of the staff. Everyone here is kind and fun, especially the staff. And I think I could fit in and possibly bring more to it. Even with the great people we lost I know Age can make it. That is what I love about Age, no matter what, it always survives. I have watched many other sites go inactive and shut down, yet this one is like an everlasting flame. I love to feel useful and to be able to help. That is the main reason I would love to be a staff member. I would like to have more of a use on this site and to have new members look and see that they can look to me for help. All I can say for now though, is thank you for creating this amazing site.
What Would You Be Willing To Do For Age?:  I am spunky and I would like to say fun, I could bring my fun-loving personality to the staff. I am almost always on, whether as a guest or signed in. I may not be as technologically advanced as most members since I don't really understand tables or any of that fun stuff. Although I am willing to learn. But I have more importance than just coding. I am willing to do all that I am physically possible to do for Age. I am willing to help new members out and accept/critique Joining Profiles. With how long I have been here I know the rules really well and I am completely willing to enforce them. Along with that I practically have no life outside of school so I have plenty of time to be on the site and advertise. And when it comes to my job I give my 100%. I have already tried advertising to family and friends (only one family member actually tried but whatevs) and I am willing to continue. I will be completely wiling to help with any needs of Age.
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Thunder of Helidos
Thunder of Helidos

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Staff Auditions Empty
PostSubject: Re: Staff Auditions Staff Auditions Icon_minitimeFebruary 16th 2016, 12:18

Which Character Is Applying?: Delta Breeze preferably, although it can be Thunder if necessary.
How Long Have You Been With Age?: I joined on 2015-4-19 (4/19/2015)
Why Do You Want To Be A Member Of The Staff?: I feel like I can help so much more as a staff, especially with updating the information pages. I love to greet new members on Age, and I like to be as helpful as I can, regardless of whether I'm Staff or not. I just like being as helpful as possible. All you staff do so much for Age and I wish I could help you with that responsibility. I've been here for almost a year now...maybe that's not very long, but I've been here to watch Age change quite a bit,  and continue to thrive.
What Would You Be Willing To Do For Age?: I would give you my time and dedication, my enthusiasm to be here and my love of organization to keep things running smoothly on Age (which staff already does a fantastic job of). If there is a job you need me to do, places you want me to find to advertise on, I'll do it. Maybe I'm not always a technology nerd, but I'm willing to learn and try it anyway. I learn pretty fast, and hopefully that applies to learning codes!  I am always welcoming for new and veteran members alike and I always try and glance over things to alert staff if there are any updates in the information pages....(I try not to be annoying to you staff about that! xD)

I enjoy making new ideas and plots and artwork....I don't know if that could be applied to organization things. I'm also fairly active, always around or able to be summoned. I would always let you know about absences. Anyway, I like trying to be there for everybody, keeping things cheerful and keep muse and enthusiasm levels up....pretty sure someone here has gotten a super enthusiastic greeting from me in chat when I first met them....it's great to give them any pointers on where to find information and helpful links for their applications and greet them in border threads.

Oh! I'm also starting to learn code. I'm not great at it but I'm trying! I know many sites and stuff, so I'm sure I can navigate places that don't know of us and spread the word...Advertise! I like to discuss with rpers about the site
irl and outside of roleplay sites as well.

Anyway, regardless of whether I'm accepted or  not, I just want to thank all of you staff for your dedication, time, and determination that made Age the wonderful place it is today. You all worked hard to make that happen. Thank you for everything you've done and I'm sure no matter who becomes staff that this will be one of my favorite places to be. I apologize for this lengthy form, but I didn't want to leave out anything that might be helpful.
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Staff Auditions Empty
PostSubject: Re: Staff Auditions Staff Auditions Icon_minitimeFebruary 23rd 2016, 03:55

Which Character Is Applying?: Hunter Sieglinde or Healer Eirwen (whichever)
How Long Have You Been With Age?: 2015-07-19 / July 19, 2015
Why Do You Want To Be A Member Of The Staff?: After being recommended to Age by Tundra, it was evident that I would become attached to Age and despite disappearing for a month or so, I was drawn back, not intending to leave any time soon if I can help it.

Age has become dear to my heart as a roleplayer and I truly enjoy coming on every day just to see what's going on. I do believe that despite my relatively young age, I will be a good asset to Age as a Member of the Staff. From what I've seen from my time here, the Staff here are responsible and they do a marvellous job at running Age and it would be my honour to contribute.
What Would You Be Willing To Do For Age?: This would not be the first time I've moderated on a site and I am well aware of the gimmicks that come with forumotion. I've had my fair share of 'difficult members' and I am certain that I can handle any that come to Age. I am a relatively cheerful person, opting to greet others with a smile and I am completely open to welcoming the new members that come every once in a while. I consider myself to be a pretty flexible person, meaning I can adjust to changes if I need to or if it is required of me.

I do have experience with HTML, although only in the table sense, but I am able to recognise coding elements and the such. And of course, I'd be more than willing to offer my digital art skills as well.

I would consider myself well-versed in the English language and I will be glad to read over biographies and accept new members.

Aside from the smaller details, I simply wish to be a supporting block for Age and it would be my honour to help it become an even better place for roleplayers. I may not be the most creative person out there, but I am always willing to contribute as much as I can to developing Age and providing everyone with a good experience.
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PostSubject: Re: Staff Auditions Staff Auditions Icon_minitimeMarch 2nd 2016, 09:02

Which Character Is Applying?: Delta Altair
How Long Have You Been With Age?: 7-15-2015
Why Do You Want To Be A Member Of The Staff?: I think the first rule of thumb to being a staff member is helping, whether it be with pictures, names or even applications. While as a normal member you can do all of these things, as a staff member you can have more reliable information. I have always had this primal urge to help people, even in the smallest detail. I would want to pursue that not only as a member but part of the staff team as well.
Age will always be something I cherish close to me, and it truly is one large family. I have seen fights, loving conversations, pain and happiness. Things can become stressful at times but Age has always pulled through. It gives me hope that it can withstand even the most crippling of blows. I want to help nurture Age, bring in more and more people. I would want to contribute to Age just as much as the other staff have because they hold it so close to their heart.
As a staff member, I would want to help in any possible way. It would be an honor.
What Would You Be Willing To Do For Age?: This isn't my first rodeo as apart of staff, but i'm not going to toot my own horn because Forumotion hasn't always been my friend. While I don't know the mechanics of forumotion, I assume they are close to proboards and even Jcink. This could put me at a down fall but I am willing to learn to make a difference.

While I can't bring much to the table besides a good smile and a laugh, I can at least bring forth my own creativity. I have dabbled in HTML coding, having seen it first hand on Jcink and Proboards. While I don't have the full knowledge of HTML there is always an open spot to learn!

I do know I am willing to advertise on further sites than just forumotion, I am also willing to take care of difficult members and even just regular application checks and threads. I am willing to put myself to work, and give help where it is needed. If i can't help in a particular situation, I can at least try my best. I can only ever try my best and put my best foot forward as being apart of staff.

Whether or not i'm glanced at for a position, I just know that I can still be dedicated to belong apart of Age. I won't be giving up that easy! I love all of you guys, and I want to say thankyou for helping me...see me. I appreciate all the work that goes into Age, and because of that it still stands today.

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