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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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PostSubject: Coming Home Coming Home Icon_minitimeJune 23rd 2013, 20:06

Several days had passed since the stale scent of her old "home" had left her nostrils. Gone were the days of Azul and her old pack mates. Gone was the feeling of belonging with her friends Juno and Kodiak as they hunted. Gone were the days spent with Damon, all gone. Now all that lay in front of her was an empty land that smelled of death and promise, a promise of a new beginning. Her father was dead, his head ripped from his body and in a bloody pile at the edge of the hunting field. Beside him Chiara left Damon as he lay, broken and gone. Not allowing herself to feel anything related to his death the she wolf pressed on into this new land, curious as to what was out here.

Twice now she had scented the faint smell of Steele, the old Beta of Azul's pack. She had heard he had left to start his own pack and had followers, though she didn't know who. Esmerelda too had left the pack and rumors of her with the brute buzzed in her ear. Steele wasn't Chiara's favorite lf, but if he now owned these lands and was with Esmerelda she too would follow him with devotion. However, her first priority was to follow the ashen fae, through anything that she may face. This was part of the reason why she came to these lads, to find her savior and pledge herself to her yet again. Dark paws treaded lightly across the tall grass, blood half dried still clinging to them. Chiara reaked and she knew it wouldn't take long before she was discovered in this land.

Soon Chiara found a large boulder, unearthing itself in the grassy field. Letting her exhaustion fold over her the fae lay down in the shady area and dropped her maw on to her front paws. Sleep would not come to her, but instead patience as she waited for her Alphess to find her here.
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PostSubject: Re: Coming Home Coming Home Icon_minitimeJune 30th 2013, 18:17

Kodiak was by now tired of the pack's camp, and he decided today he would familiarize himself with the pack's territories. He especially wanted to go to the snowy mountains he had heard mention about, but first he opted to familiarize himself with the nearby hunting moor. The pack was quite small as of now, and he figured he would visit the hunting moor because he would probably have to help hunt for the pack as they did not have many hunters. Kairu was okay with this however, he found hunting to be a good activity that was also productive in the absence of fighting.

Soon, the trees started clearing and the forest opened up to the hunting moor, but with his arrival came the metallic scent of wolf blood, of which he was startled. Maybe there was a fight between two loners? These sort of events were not unknown to Kodiak, many times he had to fight off another wolf who had tried to take advantage of him and steal his kills, but there was another scent underlying the scent of blood... a familiar scent. Kodiak took off in a run towards the direction of the scent once he recognized it to be Chiara, he only hoped it was not too late. He soon found her sitting on a large boulder completely fine however, she just seemed exhausted. The male, panting slightly looked up towards the fae sitting on the boulder, he was a mix of happiness and worry, happy to see his friend, and worried about her state. "What happened?" he asked, making his way up the boulder to get a better look at her.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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PostSubject: Re: Coming Home Coming Home Icon_minitimeJune 30th 2013, 20:52

Her solitude was soon broken by the hurried sound of a wolf approaching. Excited it might be Esmerelda Chiara rose to her feet and peered out at the horizon. Disappointment plastered the of her face when she didn't see her but instead saw her old friend Kodiak. Oh well she wasn't annoyed to see him here, she just wanted to see her Alphess. The male rushed up to her and she could see the concern on his face. Looking down at her pelt she still saw dried and fresh blood adorning her skin, crimson against her black pelt. She looked a sight but was uninjured from the scrap. Jumping down from her rock she eyed over Kodiak and smiled coyly at him.

"Funny to see you here, left Azul's pack already?" She questioned ignoring the giant elephant in the room that was herself for a moment. "Seems we think alike you and I. As for me fear not for I am unharmed. Just went hunting is all." She said her gaze affixed on his own. Questions zipped in her mind of why he was here, why find her out here or even join this pack? For now she wouldn't question, but instead wait for his string of questions that was bound to happen.
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PostSubject: Re: Coming Home Coming Home Icon_minitimeJune 30th 2013, 21:43

Kodiak smirked slightly when she jumped down from the rock, she seemed fine and he was relieved. The male's gaze flickered to the blood that covered her pelt for a moment, and he was about to inquire when she explained. The male did not further pursue it after that, after all she seemed just fine.

Kodiak sat on his haunches now chuckling, "Great minds think alike, eh?" He smiled slightly, happy to see her again before continuing, "Yes I left Azul's pack. I went when Steele called any wolves who wished to join to Cathedral mountain" Kodiak looked Chiara in the eye again, "So what brings you here?" he said inclining his head towards her.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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PostSubject: Re: Coming Home Coming Home Icon_minitimeJuly 2nd 2013, 20:11

Relief flowed through the fae as her friend didn't push her current state further, for this she was glad. Over the months of knowing Kodiak she had grown rather fond of him, though her true feelings lay with the now dead Damon. Blinded by her past feelings she turned her heart cold to them and now vanished all hope of ever feeling that way again. For now she was just a being used to fight and train, nothing would stop her until she reached her goal of ultimate power. Walking over to him Chiara flirtatiously drew her til under his chin and grinned, "So your need for the bunny pack left you? How quaint. As for me I have come here to find Esmerelda for I have sworn myself to her. I now have no ties to Azul's pack and have followed her scent here. Have you seen her?" She asked, looked him in the eye.

Confidense flowed through her veins now, gone was the old fear of eye contact. The world seemed brighter to her now, full of certainty and purpose. She now knew her purpose in this world and nothing would stand in her way of it.
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PostSubject: Re: Coming Home Coming Home Icon_minitimeJuly 6th 2013, 00:38

Each step was difficult, her steps now double in weight as she supported the litter inside her heavily expanded stomach. Despite the limitations of pregnancy, the Alphess was hardly emotionally affected, just as equally tyrant-like and demonic as when she was without. It should be around here somewhere... Esmeralda's gaze remained steadfast as she refreshed her mind upon Erenyx's layout, her destination decided since she woke that morning. The Alphess growled out of frustration as she started her path once more, the extra weight feeling as if she were pulling a cart along. The pregnancy was dire to Erenyx with Azul's own heirs on their way and Esmeralda did not argue with Steele on the matter, but this far into the term she felt it was a mistake, and a curse, to be forced to carry the damned things around. As the Alphess entered the Hunting Moor, the thick emerald gaze fell upon it in haste, her nostrils already having told her wolves were in the area. The serpent coiled, and even the pregnant state was prepared to strike upon any whom made her question their identity. Steele hadn't been gone long, still returning with both new members and those whom had converted from the ignorant Helidos, therefor the list of members still grew and potential threats arose as she only knew some members by name only. Something she was determined to soon change, but first there was the matter at hand.

"You!" approaching without hesitation, the Alphess made a determined beeline for the duo of wolves not far from her current location, one easily identifiable as Warrior Kodiak - had he too converted? As she neared, tail raised in dominant, along with her overall stance, stomach extended yet disguise in the aura of confidence, Alphess Esmeralda came to Kodiak's side and immediately confirming he had converted by Steele's scent upon him. "Chiara," overlooking, or more over finding it suitable, the warrior's bloody form, the Alphess gave the female an incline of acknowledgement before returning to Kodiak. "You may leave, if you value your life. We will discuss this later. Now, free me or your presence, prove to me that your previous lack of customs has been arranged or I shall not take pity on you as nature had when you were but a mere loner." Esmeralda didn't permit any reply, and had he forced one out it fell onto deaf ears, as she waited for him to leave, any arrogant remark or sly glance was met with a vicious growl of warning. Turning back to Chiara, the Alphess waited for the warrior's full departure before giving a pleased, welcoming smile.
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PostSubject: Re: Coming Home Coming Home Icon_minitimeJuly 6th 2013, 20:42

Kodiak's smile grew now as he conversed with his old friend, she seemed different. Kodiak liked this change however, perhaps now he wouldn't have to tip toe around the fae to avoid frightening her, which seemed very probable before. It was almost as if she was slightly afraid of him at times when she was with him in Helidos.

Kodiak chuckled at Chiara's nickname for Helidos, shaking his head slightly at this. As she continued and mentioned her allegiance to Esmeralda he snorted slightly, "I knew you and her had some sort of connection ever since she tried to scare me off of you." he chuckled slightly again, "Perhaps she is just trying to protect you from a savage brute like me." he chuckled at this thought again, obviously in a very good mood now, "Hopefully one day I can repair my favor with her." Kodiak paused to yawn briefly before finishing, "I have not seen her however."

As a slight breeze flowed by Kodiak took an opportunity to scent the air, and he was quite surprised from who he detected. Well, speak of the devil. Kodiak rose to his feet now, scanning the area from which the wind came until he found the ashen fae's form approaching. "Well, here she is now."
As she approached, Kodiak carefully positioned himself in what he knew to be a submissive stance. The large male made sure to lower his head lower than the fae's and flatten his ears as well as tuck his tail between his legs. The position was quite awkward with his head bent so low, but the male knew not to question it now if he wished to get back in the favor of Esmeralda, who was now an Alphess. He did not say anything but nodded slightly in response to Esmeralda before turning to lead, not trusting his words as of yet. As he turned to leave he glanced over at Chiara for a moment as if giving a silent farewell. He slowly let his submissive posture dissipate as he trotted away, continuing along his route he was on for his patrol.

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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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PostSubject: Re: Coming Home Coming Home Icon_minitimeJuly 7th 2013, 09:33

Sitting now next to her friend Chiara swished her long tail around her toes as she listened to the male. Inclining her head to his statement a smirk grew on her stoic face. "Indeed we do have an alliance, as for a savage brute? I think not." She said a small chuckle now coming from her maw. This is what she liked about Kodiak, he knew how to make her laugh and knew enough not to question some things further. Growing a bit more annoyed that her Alphess wasn't around she too sighed until the wind carried her scent to her nose.

Jumping to her feet and dipping her head in farewell to Kodiak the fae hardly noticed his departure. All eyes were on her friend, ally and now leader before her. Dropping into a low bow with her ears back Chiara submitted to her new Alphess, in body and mind. "Greetings Alphess I have finally come to join you if you will still take me. I hold no ties to Helidos anymore and hold no more demons that may tie me down from giving all of myself to your services." She said, her voice strong and confident, but still respectful. Opening her eyes now she saw dried blood still clinging to her fur. Smiling slightly for she knew it was her fathers she straightened up to sit before her leader. "Please excuse my attire Alphess, prior to meeting here with you I was taking care of some old business, namely killing off the last shred of weakness within me." She said, not giving away too much. The fae had pledged herself to Esmerelda long ago and planned on upholding that promise here and now, even if it meant telling her what deed she had done in the field.
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PostSubject: Re: Coming Home Coming Home Icon_minitimeAugust 17th 2013, 00:16

Most wolves would have been met with much more hostility by the demon Queen, but as Kodiak's form finally disappeared into the terrain, Esmeralda's eyes became visibly gentler. Feeling as if the world lie on her shoulders, Esmeralda finally sat before Chiara, the pups inside becoming too much at the moment. Even the mere sign of weakness drove the Alphess insane and once they were born she was sure to give them some form of punishment for what they'd done to her image. Ears flung forward to catch ever tone, the demon winced in silence every now and then, their movements more violent at times. "I am glad to see you, Chiara. From that moment I ran across you, I knew I would not be disappointed. I don't just say this to weave you deeper into my depths but there is potential within that has now visibly burst." In no way fearing their proximity, the serpent stood, her head out as she observed Chiara's state. The blood caked in her fur in a unruly fashion, giving her a wicked appearance of fear and power. "I wish to see you like this much more in the future, Chiara. I wish to see this look many, many more times. Many." The snake's fangs glistened as she stepped away, the delight completely undeniable.

Most would have spared Chiara of reliving the moment, of making her experience those treacherous memories. One would especially expect this courtesy from someone who supposedly cared for the fae s much. But no such blessing was given.  "Tell me of your awakening, demon. Tell me of the feeling of power, how it felt to slice down the chains and rip away the walls that enclosed your true being. No one else seems more fitting in my eyes as the Lead Warrior but should you refuse to tell me, I'll cover you in more blood. Your own."
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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PostSubject: Re: Coming Home Coming Home Icon_minitimeAugust 17th 2013, 00:30

As Kodiak ran off into the distance her mind focused fully on her master before her. So many night she had waited for this moment, to feel what she felt when Esmerelda gazed at her, was it pride? Sitting before her Chiara's head stood proud, but held back for she was submissive to her leader, now and forever. Ready to pledge herself fully to her she couldn't help a smile grow on her maw as her Alphess spoke praise of her. She was a sight to look at, but Esmerelda approved of her awakening, as did Chiara. "I am greatly pleased to see you as well my Alphess" she said bowing now to the she-wolf in all her glory.

Remaining down as her leader spoke further and asked her to re-live her time Chiara stiffened slightly. To tell such a tale would be like re-opening a wound, but it must be done no matter the pain it caused. Straightening up again Chiara looked Esmerelda dead in the eye and nodded, only for her would she tell what happened, everything that happened. "My Alphess my current state starts with what has happened since you left Helidos. I grew weak and befriended a male named Damon. Feelings beyond my control were formed and I fell in love with him. I told him yesterday my feelings and as he was about to do the same a figure approached us. My father who had been tracking me for years had finally found me and tried to kill me. Damon defended me, but suffered a lethal wound in the process. Stunned from seeing the wolf I loved fall down I snapped. Every shred of power my father had over me vanished and I attacked him, spilling all his blood to mix with Damon's. Not done with the deed I tore his head from his body and flung it in the river. It was too late for Damon, but something inside me woke up. I left the scene and scarred my face again, throwing away the last piece on control my father had on me, now this scar is my own." She said, displaying her freshly scarred face to her leader.

"I pledge myself to you my Alphess for now and forever. Everything I am and have shall be yours, for you have always been the one to believe in me and fuel my desire. I wish to train further, so I will be a powerful warrior, one no one can take advantage of again. I wear the blood of my father as proof that I am not one to be underestimated anymore. Please accept me my leader, I won't dissapoint you." She said, her body falling into a low bow again.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Coming Home Empty
PostSubject: Re: Coming Home Coming Home Icon_minitimeOctober 1st 2013, 10:45

ooc-Due to the fact that this thread has been open for a month with no reply Im closing it. Esme has granted me position of Lead Warrior and pending Azul's approval I shall accept it.
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