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☠Long Days and Short Nights☠ [Open]

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☠Long Days and Short Nights☠ [Open] Empty
PostSubject: ☠Long Days and Short Nights☠ [Open] ☠Long Days and Short Nights☠ [Open] Icon_minitimeJuly 1st 2016, 22:40

The White Knight

"Speech" + 'Thoughts' + Actions

Zephyr moved through the lands after catching the scent of something strange on the border. He wanted to ensure the safety of his pack, so his first instinct was to investigate. He followed his paws as he moved over to the area he caught it. He didn't care what danger he came across here, if something dared threaten his home and family, he would make sure to get rid of it. As he approached the destination the tree's started to appear dead and fog surrounded him. All of his senses alert as he moved through this area. His head held high, nostrils flared, ears pricked up and tail high with dominance. He was prepared for anything, he wasn't scared surprisingly. Although he was a bit hot, summer did that to you especially in the south. He felt the heat and humidity of the area very well. It could very well be a weakness but he wouldn't show. The strange scent very strong as he trekked on, and soon he realized something. Something very important about the scent. It wasn't just one creature. It was many, it was a pack of a creature not quite wolf. A coyote. Right away Zephyr tensed and his posture changed. He no longer wanted to show his strength, that would do nothing. He wanted to have the element of surprise. If he was going to survive, he would need to hope for the best. Because in seconds the whole pack could surround him and he would be a goner. His eyes scanned the area around him quickly as he walked through this land of devastation. Nobody and nothing in sight. If he could just find where these coyotes were then he could report back to the Alpha's and let them know before anybody got hurt. Then maybe they could run them out with the whole pack helping. But things don't always go as planned.    

Table by Sieglinde; image credit to this person

Last edited by Lead Hunter Zephyr on July 10th 2016, 16:43; edited 1 time in total
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Event NPC
Event NPC

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☠Long Days and Short Nights☠ [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: ☠Long Days and Short Nights☠ [Open] ☠Long Days and Short Nights☠ [Open] Icon_minitimeJuly 5th 2016, 09:59

Of all the places the pack had been to, this one was far different than any before. The wolves here smelled a strange way and they seemed to gather in a strange position. These wolves were far worse than any they had met before. Other packs were easily taken down, getting bitten and forced to be ill for a long while. It was only a few of them now - just four. They moved together, like a small pride of lions. They were set on their task at paw. Undermining the wolves and taking over their lands. They would then systematically move from one pack to the next until wolves were no more. The four brothers laughed and talked amongst one another. Their language was different than the wolves here. They spoke in hushed tones and even when approached by a wolf, they spoke quietly. They didn't know these wolves didn't know what they were saying - but none could be trusted. They walked until the scent of a wolf came closer to them. Snarls, growls, and cackles came from their mouths as the searched for the intruder. When four pairs of pale gold eyes saw a form, they moved closer to one another then spread out to circle it like a shark. The four of them were close enough to one another to help if need be, but far enough to still cause some damage. "Féach an méid atá againn anseo...."1

"Look what we have here...."1
They move. • "They speak."They believe.
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☠Long Days and Short Nights☠ [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: ☠Long Days and Short Nights☠ [Open] ☠Long Days and Short Nights☠ [Open] Icon_minitimeJuly 10th 2016, 16:41

The White Knight

"Speech" + 'Thoughts' + Actions

It wasn't long before the scent started to become stronger and Zephyr immediately paused and looked around. Haunches raised and tail tucked as he looked around him. He could hear snarls, growls and cackles not too far from him. His ears lay against his head as he tried to turn and run. Only to find himself surrounded in a matter of seconds. Four coyotes were all around him, right away Zephyr barred his teeth and allowed a growl to escape his maw. Fear and anger tracing through his body as he spun around to face the one who started speaking in a strange language. "What have I gotten myself into..." he spoke to himself as he looked at the strange creatures. He looked for an opening large enough for him to escape. But he knew if he tried to escape through those holes then they would probably all attack him right away. He hoped that somebody would come and help him, but nobody knew that he was here. Then an idea popped into his head, he needed to let the pack know where he was. Zephyr quickly lifted his head to the sky and released a fearful and scared howl. Hoping that they would get the point. Once he finished his quick howl, Zephyr looked back at the creatures and narrowed his eyes. He spun around, trying to watch all of them as he snarled at them. Hoping to keep them away long enough for help to come. His large form continued to circle as he watched them all. "You better stay back, my pack will be here to help soon enough and then you will be done for." He spoke, not actually sure that his pack would be there in time. He had no idea whether this would be where he died, or if he would even be able to help his pack with this new danger.  

Table by Sieglinde; image credit to this person

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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Join date : 2012-12-30
Age : 35

Wolf Information
Gender: Female
Age: 5
Purchases: Small Wolf

☠Long Days and Short Nights☠ [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: ☠Long Days and Short Nights☠ [Open] ☠Long Days and Short Nights☠ [Open] Icon_minitimeJuly 13th 2016, 10:13

Chiara's legs pounded and her breath grew quick and labored. Her ears strained to locate the source of her pack mate's howl for help. Her tongue flapped out of her mouth and waved back in the rush of her running, but she hardly noticed. Zephyr was in trouble and by the smell of odd canines in the wind she was in for a fight. The fae leapt over a log and ducked her head quickly to avoid a low hanging branch. Shadows from the crooked trees nipped at her feet and crows above her sang out their erie song. Nearing the source of the male's plea she barked out once to alert him, then pushed through some brambles to see him in plain sight.

Four gangly looking coyote males stood eyeing her lead hunter over while he was hopelessly outnumbered. She heard a passing comment in an odd language and decided to bridge the language gap by giving some well known body language instead. Rolling back her lips in a snarl and letting her tail curl up she looked like a crazed mother defending her brood. Her fur stuck out along her back and her legs stood firm and in a wide stance to add to her menacing look. "Lucky I heard you while I was patrolling Zephyr, found some new recruits did you?" She joked in spite of the dire situation. "This is my territory, you will leave now quietly or I shall kill you where you stand" she spat at the dogs and growled loudly. She had dealt with these creatures before when she was living as a loner. They were powerful in numbers, but still weak compared to most wolves. She hoped Zephyr's call led more of her pack here, with more wolves it would be easy to drive them off.
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Hunter Cocum
Hunter Cocum

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☠Long Days and Short Nights☠ [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: ☠Long Days and Short Nights☠ [Open] ☠Long Days and Short Nights☠ [Open] Icon_minitimeJuly 15th 2016, 11:02

Cocum had been walking around the pack areas close to the border to get a better feeling of the place he now called home, when he heard a howl. He stood still for a moment to locate the howl; he did not recognize the howl, but he began to run towards the sound as fast as he could. When he arrived, he saw two wolves standing before some odd like creatures. He had never seen the wolves in front of him before, but he could smell the pack scent on them. He then looked towards the odd creatures, he had never seen these creatures before but from the body language of the female, he could tell that the creatures were not welcome in this land. For him to see this was enough to understand that they were a danger to the whole pack, he spoke loud enough for the two other wolves to hear him, so that they wouldn’t attack him in case the thought he was one of the creatures. “ I hope you don’t mind if I join in this party? ” with a smile in his voice as he walked closer to the wolves, making sure that he had some space between him and his pack mates. He kept his eyes on the smaller creatures, in case they tried to attack. He had not been here long, but he was ready to bleed for this pack if necessary.
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Event NPC
Event NPC

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Join date : 2016-06-27

☠Long Days and Short Nights☠ [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: ☠Long Days and Short Nights☠ [Open] ☠Long Days and Short Nights☠ [Open] Icon_minitimeJuly 25th 2016, 08:27

They laughed all together. They knew not what the wolf was speaking, however they had a feeling they were wanted out. It was only fair. However, they would not do such a thing. Continuing to circle around the wolf. "Téigh amach romhainn agus greim an ceann seo."1 They chuckled between each other as the leader of the small group licked his lips. His eyes set forth on the wolf, eyeing over his form. It was not long before another wolf came after him. "Bhuel Breathnaíonn , cosúil ní mór dúinn caitheamh eile bréagán le..."2 They widened their circle and moved to stand beside one another. As a whole unit, they were much stronger than a single one. To the back of the gathering, stood a coyote who's eyes were bright, and foam was slowly starting to appear around his maw. It dripped onto the floor between his paws. Their four sets of eyes watched as another wolf came. The leader stepped forward, clearing his throat as he spoke his own strange language to the wolves. "Tá tú ag dul amú. Is iad seo ár dtailte anois. Ba cheart duit dul eireaball agus a reáchtáil sula bhfuil sé ró -dhéanach..."3 Snarls and growls erupted from the group as he finished speaking. As they stood there, they could sense more were coming. From the shadows behind them, more coyotes appeared. The group was now ten coyotes strong. The foaming mouthed coyote was completely hidden and the foam had dissolved from his lips. Simultaneously, they all attacked at once.

"Go ahead and bite this one."1
"Well, looks like we have another treat to toy with.."2
"You are mistaken. These are our lands now. You should turn tail and run before it is too late..."3

Attack: 3 coyotes lunge at Chiara, 3 coyotes lunge Zephyr, 3 coyotes lunge at Cocum
Defense: 1 coyote stays hidden for a sneak attack
Injuries: None yet


[color=#ffffff][b]Attack:[/b][/color] -text-
[color=#ffffff][b]Defense:[/b][/color] -text-
[color=#ffffff][b]Injuries:[/b][/color] -text- [/center]
They move. • "They speak."They believe.
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☠Long Days and Short Nights☠ [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: ☠Long Days and Short Nights☠ [Open] ☠Long Days and Short Nights☠ [Open] Icon_minitimeJuly 25th 2016, 11:33

Zephyr was relieved when his Alphess and another wolf appeared, he gave a welcoming nod to them without taking his eyes off of the four coyotes. His posture defensive with his tail lowered and ears flat against his head. Shoulders rolled forward and prepared for a fight. They spoke some more in their strange language and Zephyr pulled back his lips pulled back showing his pure white teeth. He was not scared anymore, knowing that three wolves versus four coyotes would be an easy fight. But before he knew it nine coyotes stood in front of him. Three per wolf in the group. Zephyr was no longer scared though, he was more annoyed and angered that these strange creatures thought they could just walk into his pack and claim it as theirs. Before Zephyr knew it though, three were lunging at him and he was forced to fight. Zephyr snapped angrily at one as it came to close and tried to think of the most efficient way to get rid of these three coyotes and help his Alphess. He would not be able to live with himself if something happened to her. Zephyr quickly pounced onto one of them, trying to grab ahold of it's shoulders or neck so that he could push it to the ground and try to snap it's neck or at least injure it enough to make it run. His focus to try and take down one at a time. Even if the other coyotes attacked him, it would essentially make his job of taking out the others easier. Especially with them being weaker and smaller then the wolves. His intent to kill. He didn't care about them, all he wanted was them gone and his family, his pack, away from harm.

Attack: Pounced at one coyote and tries to grab ahold of it's shoulder to push it to the ground and try to snap its neck.
Defense: Ears pinned against head, tail lowered, shoulders rolled forward. Snapping at any coyotes that get close.
Injuries: None yet
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

Posts : 472
Join date : 2012-12-30
Age : 35

Wolf Information
Gender: Female
Age: 5
Purchases: Small Wolf

☠Long Days and Short Nights☠ [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: ☠Long Days and Short Nights☠ [Open] ☠Long Days and Short Nights☠ [Open] Icon_minitimeAugust 15th 2016, 20:23

Chiara snarled and lept quickly to the right as her trio on canines lounged at her. She felt the click of teeth and a whisp of air as one missed the meat of her tail, but just got fur to pluck out. Whipping around she snapped at the third as she felt one land a blow to her shoulder. Growling loudly she dropped her weight to roll, while kicking out at the remaining ones who now both were trying to land blows. Her teeth snapped at the neck of her first target before she opened her maw wide to scream out a howl to any other pack members to come to her aide.

Around her she saw her lead hunter and Cocum fight their groups. This was too calculated to be a surprise attack, these monsters had been planning something it seemed. Behind their stupidity lay a formulated plan to overthrow the power here and take over. Well not on her watch!

Attack: Snap at neck of coyote #1, kick to shoulder and jaw at #2 and #3
Defense: Muscles tight, tail tucked, low profile.
Injuries: Fur missing from tail and small scratch to left shoulder that did not draw blood
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PostSubject: Re: ☠Long Days and Short Nights☠ [Open] ☠Long Days and Short Nights☠ [Open] Icon_minitime

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