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☼ Yet you seemed like I knew you ☼ | (Teeku/Open)

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Hunter Mei
Hunter Mei

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☼ Yet you seemed like I knew you ☼ | (Teeku/Open) Empty
PostSubject: ☼ Yet you seemed like I knew you ☼ | (Teeku/Open) ☼ Yet you seemed like I knew you ☼ | (Teeku/Open) Icon_minitimeJuly 7th 2016, 17:24

• Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory •

Mei stumbled quietly from the lands of Helidos rather quickly. Grey eyes scanning the lands as she burst into a sprint. She just felt like escaping from the lands she called home. She wanted so badly to be free from her duties. She had been hunting all day and now it was darkening into a beautiful night. She was tired and running was probably a bad idea, but it was worth it. She ran until she smelled something horrible. She turned towards the direction in order to investigate, though that may have been foolish of her. She walked until the smoke made it so she couldn't see and the crackle of fire burning made her dizzy. It was then, in the middle of it all, that she realized she was among a forest on fire. she had heard tales of it all, but not actually seen fire itself. Flames licked at her as she started running in a frenzy, her breaths quickening and filling with smoke as she tried to get out the way she came. But she was utterly lost and defeated. "HELP ME!" She yelled loudly in hopes of some wolf hearing her cries. The smoke continued to fill her lungs and she stumbled forward, bracing herself against a fallen and burnt log. "I'm over here!" She wheezed out weakly and shut her eyes tightly as they burned from smoke and ash touching her face. "I'm over here!" She called once more and than wheezed before stumbling forward, trying to keep her head up as the smoke took over her lungs and weakened her body. She was low on oxygen and couldn't hardly stand anymore. "Help me tooooo...." Get home... Her words faded and her vision went black as she collapsed into unconsciousness.

Actions "speak louder than" thoughts

Table by Alexander~
(The plan is Teeku hears Mei thinking its Rose and saves Mei, later thinking Rose lead him to save Mei until at the Healers den in Helidos, Teeku hears Mei speak or something. But anyone can join in and Help Teeku save Mei <3)
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Warrior Teeku
Warrior Teeku

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☼ Yet you seemed like I knew you ☼ | (Teeku/Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: ☼ Yet you seemed like I knew you ☼ | (Teeku/Open) ☼ Yet you seemed like I knew you ☼ | (Teeku/Open) Icon_minitimeJuly 7th 2016, 20:48

Teeku wasn't sure what had caused him to roam outside the privy of Helidos. Whatever it was it turned the brute's paws in no particular direction, his long lanky limbs ambling along. His deep amber eyes fixed upon the ground before him. Perhaps it was simply the fact his mind didn't want to sleep. For sleep brought with it the nightmares, the ones which tortured him. Haunted him even in his waking hours. So when Teeku caught the distinct smell of something burning, he felt no desire to get closer. He had encountered fire before, nearly lost his life to it. It wasn't exactly something he wanted to mingle with again. However before he could turn away from the vibrant flames which flickered in the distance, Teeku heard a voice. It rang out over the land, sending a jolt of utter shock down his spine. It was... no it couldn't be... she's dead, he told himself firmly. Yet he knew his leader's voice, he knew it. He dreamed about it every night, so when he heard it once more begging for help he couldn't just turn away. You've deluded yourself before, he warns.

However before his mind can disagree his limbs are pounding in the direction of the noise. His nares flaring with the sharp smell of burning trees, brush and flesh. Pelt prickling with unease, worry creeping up his spine Teeku fastened his pace. That was until he nearly hit a wall of flame, it roared up the trees consuming everything in its path. Eyes wide with fear Teeku whimpered. " Rose!? Rose!? Are you there?" He called out into the night. His lungs filling with the wretched reek of smoke. Causing him to cough and splutter. Blinking away heat, Teeku gritted his teeth. His eyes searching for any sign of the white fae. Cause despite his knowledge of her death he couldn't bring himself to realize it was not Rose. Then amongst the brush, through the smoke he spotted something. The dark form of a wolf. No time to think, Teeku loped down towards the wolf. But upon his arrival he knows it is not Rose. The fur color was all wrong, dark like himself. Not the gorgeous white of his beloved leader. Heart aching, Teeku doesn't have long to dwell on his mistake. This wolf may not of been Rose but she still needed his help. Leaning over he nudged at her neck and face. Attempting to wake her, his pelt prickling with the heat which surrounded them.

" C'mon! Wake up!" He calls desperately, shifting his nose under her and shoving her into a sternal postion. " You've got to get up!" He whimpers, hating how closely this waking moment parelled to his nightmares. Crouching he leaned down and attempted to nudge the fae up against his side. She flopped back in the other direction causing him to growl with frusteration. Leaning over her he once again nudged her sternally, having no idea how he could possibly move her. Deciding he had to try carrying her, Teeku shoves his narrow head beneath her chest. Nosing her up onto his sharp shoulder blades, until she laid draped over him precariously. Grunting with the effort Teeku coughs, the smoke around them thick. Crouching he tries not to breath the putrid stuff in, his deep amber gaze set on the way he'd come. We're not going to die, he tells himself firmly.
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Hunter Mei
Hunter Mei

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☼ Yet you seemed like I knew you ☼ | (Teeku/Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: ☼ Yet you seemed like I knew you ☼ | (Teeku/Open) ☼ Yet you seemed like I knew you ☼ | (Teeku/Open) Icon_minitimeJuly 12th 2016, 17:42

• Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory •

Even through the darkness that swarmed Mei's mind, she could feel herself being lifted from the ground. Though she was light for her height, she must have been heavy to the other wolf. Her mind pleaded her to try awaken, but alas... she could hardly even breathe. The voice from the brute echoed into her mind and she tried so hard to understand him, but his words were like she was hearing through water. Gargled and hard to understand. Danger! Danger! Her mind screamed endlessly at her. I KNOW! She silently yelled back. She concentrated on just breathing, her sides lifting and falling as she did so. Once she felt like she was breathing somewhat normal, she worked on easing her mind into letting her slip away from the darkness and into the light.

It took a little while, but finally she opened her eyes. Startled that she was being carried by a brute that... well, she couldn't exactly tell what pack he was from due to the smoke. She coughed heavily and rolled to get away from him. She was off of him, but her body felt weak as she nearly collapsed. Instead though, she would let her body to fall against his, making it so they could support each other. She probably shouldn't have been trying to walk, but with all the smoke, surely the brute would be condemned to a weak body and failing mind as well. She didn't dare try and speak, her mouth felt too dry, but she gave the brute a look that said 'I'm sorry.' Her grey eyes softened and she tried her best to walk with him when he walked and stop when he did. She was putting her entire mind into keeping pace with him, as she figured she was much too heavy to carry. She could feel her mind wanting the darkness again, and she stumbled forward a few feet before catching herself. She lowered her head until it nearly touched the ground and breathed softly the air that seemed cleaner.

Actions "speak louder than" thoughts

Table by Alexander~
(Teeku has my permission at all times during dis thread to power-play a little bit *like saying Mei moves with him, etc etc, or trying to carry her :333* and all dat good stuff.)
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Warrior Teeku
Warrior Teeku

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☼ Yet you seemed like I knew you ☼ | (Teeku/Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: ☼ Yet you seemed like I knew you ☼ | (Teeku/Open) ☼ Yet you seemed like I knew you ☼ | (Teeku/Open) Icon_minitimeJuly 25th 2016, 07:04

Teeku struggled beneath the weight of the fae. His muscles screaming at him as he forced his limbs forward. His eyes set ahead, a determined glean in their depths. His lungs however felt raspy from the smoke, his mind bleary. He had no idea how long he had been walking when suddenly the weight on his back, slipped. Scared that he had dropped his passenger Teeku turned. Only to find that she was no longer unconscious. No she seemed to be trying to walk with him, her shoulder leaning up against his. " What are you...." Teeku starts to speak but is cut off by the sharp look she gave him. He stared back at her eyes watering from the burn of the smoke. Closing his maw, Teeku decides it was pointless to argue. She was heavy, especially whilst struggling for every breath of air. It was better that she was walking and most importantly awake. Filled with a new hope, Teeku nods at her as they set forward.

Wheezing with every breath, Teeku dare not look away from his goal. He knew his mind and body were tired, so tired. Tired not just from the exertion of carrying the fae or fighting the fire. No tired of his constant fight with nightmares. His constant hallucinations of Rose. He was just tired, his will to live, to push forth slowly ebbing away. The only thing keeping him going was the fae staggering alongside him. For she seemed determined to escape the fire, to live on past that day. So despite the bite of the flames which threatened to consume them Teeku pushed forward guiding his unknown companion. The fog in his mind worsening as they staggered forward. The smoke heavy, heads held low where the air seemed lighter. Ahead through the smoke, in a blurry blaze was the last ring of fire keeping them from unscorched lands. Parting his jaws, Teeku attempts to say 'were nearly there.' however instead he was taken over by a coughing fit, which stopped him in his tracks. Overhead, a loud crack! Sounded above them, followed by a blazing branch hurting towards the ground. It landed mere feet before them, sending a spray of ash towards their faces.

[ Sorry for the wait Roses <3]
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Hunter Mei
Hunter Mei

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☼ Yet you seemed like I knew you ☼ | (Teeku/Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: ☼ Yet you seemed like I knew you ☼ | (Teeku/Open) ☼ Yet you seemed like I knew you ☼ | (Teeku/Open) Icon_minitimeJuly 28th 2016, 20:45

Mei's body and the brutes body seemed to work like a magnetic force. Pushing against each other and yet somehow walking together, both supporting the other. Or so that's how it felt to Mei. She felt a somewhat strong sense of... safety and protection. Like after all this time, she was finally able to get along with someone in mere silence. Her silver eyes stayed to the ground until she noticed the brute had stopped short. She stumbled forward just in time to catch herself. Mere inches away, a branch landed in front of her and blue ash and flame into her face, scorching her cheek as she whined and leaped backwards. She took a deep breath and looked at the large brute, pushing her face against his shoulder out of fear. They were so close to the end, so close to escaping the horrid flame that licked at them. Her face was now horridly burn near the cheek, a scar she would most likely not recover. She attempted to nudge the brute in a direction to the left where she saw an opening.

She would take a few steps in the direction only to stumble forward wildly until she managed to catch herself. Letting her head drop to the ground as she tried to regain her breath once more. Grey eyes felt moist as she attempted to blink away the burning sensation that the fire and smoke seemed to make her have. She was delusional and tipsy, but she tried her best to stand her ground and keep going. She took deep breaths, her sides aching slightly as she breathed. At least... she was awake. Right? She turned and looked at the brute. Is he just an illusion my mind made? Her eyes grew wide with panic as she paused to actually think about it. Either way, she and the brute were almost to safety... almost.
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Warrior Teeku
Warrior Teeku

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☼ Yet you seemed like I knew you ☼ | (Teeku/Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: ☼ Yet you seemed like I knew you ☼ | (Teeku/Open) ☼ Yet you seemed like I knew you ☼ | (Teeku/Open) Icon_minitimeAugust 29th 2016, 10:23

Teeku recoiled as the ash hurtled towards his face. However he was unable to avoid the spray. It seared the flesh around his maw, causing him to whimper in pain. The flesh around his nose now blackened and raw with burns. Tail tucked beneath his body, Teeku felt his companion bury her face into his shoulder fur. Her own whimpers of pain making their way to his ears. Sending a jolt through him, the noise forced him to ignore his own pain. His head turning to touch his nose between her ears at the top of her head. The bite of his burns making him wince in pain, he grits his teeth. " We can make it..." He manages to rasp, nodding as she nudges him forward. Teeku may of lost his own will to survive but that didn't mean he would allow this fae to perish. As long as she was still willing to fight, he would push forward.

Suddenly the fae stumbled ahead and Teeku shook his head to clear it. His mind feeling heavy, like it was filled with smoke. Blinking his watering and bleary gaze he lowers his head. Inhaling the fresher air that was just above the ground, he forces himself forward. Going straight to his stumbling companion's side, he offers support, pushing up against her to steady her. His amber eyes looking like the fire that surrounded them. He follows her lead, his head still spinning with the effects of the smoke. His lungs burning as they tried desperately to fill with air instead of smoke. You survived a year by yourself, a war, a broken leg, he reminds himself. This is nothing... With that idea in mind, Teeku forced his screaming muscles into action, going in the direction the fae seemed to be urging him towards. Then he could see it, through the smoke. He could see a clear spot, a safe heaven. Their way out. With a hacking cough, Teeku stumbled forward being sure the fae come with him. His body weak, yet still there to support hers as she stumbled and fought to move forward. " Just a little further..." He splutters, his voice barely coming out at all.
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Hunter Mei
Hunter Mei

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Age : 24

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☼ Yet you seemed like I knew you ☼ | (Teeku/Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: ☼ Yet you seemed like I knew you ☼ | (Teeku/Open) ☼ Yet you seemed like I knew you ☼ | (Teeku/Open) Icon_minitimeAugust 30th 2016, 19:53

The smoke choked them out, but their strength to carry on was built in deeply. "You gotta live for me." She mumbled under her breath, watching the brute with her grey eyes. She could feel his touch and if it weren't for the heat, she would have shivered. She could hear his voice but she couldn't exactly make out the words. She just hoped he wasnt giving up on her, she couldn't exactly carry the larger brute. She pushed with him though, pressing her face against his shoulder as he lead them to the clearing that would point them in the direction of their home. "Thank you." She whispered, so it hardly sounded like it came from her. Once they would end up in the clearing, she would wheeze and cough until she felt slightly better. But they both would still need to go see a healer, even though Mei was skilled in a bit of everything, she could not tend to both herself and the brute that she had to know the name of. But alas, a trip to the healers den and perhaps when they were rested they could talk. She would look to the brute for support to which direction was home. But she would also, with all her might, help the brute get home. Clearing their lungs would be the first thing to do, and then to leave and find water. Water would be very important as Mei could tell she was dehydrating. Could be worse... She thought quietly before pressing her nose against the he-wolf's shoulder once more, her way of saying 'thank you'.

-Exit Mei-
(To the healers we go XDDD)
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Warrior Teeku
Warrior Teeku

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☼ Yet you seemed like I knew you ☼ | (Teeku/Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: ☼ Yet you seemed like I knew you ☼ | (Teeku/Open) ☼ Yet you seemed like I knew you ☼ | (Teeku/Open) Icon_minitimeAugust 31st 2016, 02:35

Teeku's mind felt like it was filled with fog. Everything seemed to be so far away. His breathing seemed to belong to someone else, his actions felt like they were in slow mo. He no longer felt the burning heat of the flames, or the searing pain in his lungs. Everything was numb as he fought to move forward with every step. Through the fog however he could hear her voice. Five simple words which ignited his last bit of energy. " You gotta live for me." The final push which sent him forward straight towards the clearing.

And with a shuddering breath Teeku and his female companion managed to stumble out of the flames. Their efforts rewarding them with a clearing filled with fresh air. Nearly hacking up a lung Teeku tried to expel the smoke from them. His body now trembling against the fae's from the exertion of the night. His dull amber gaze turning to her as she spoke, her words caught his ears between coughs. He nods some, a weight lifting from his chest. He had done it, he had saved this fae. And perhaps for the first time since Rose's death Teeku felt like he had accomplished something that made his life worthy of living. " L-lets go home." He splutters, his voice a hoarse rasp. He could feel her nosing his side, her grey gaze looking up at him in thanks. He reached his burnt snout down to touch the crown of her head. As if to say 'your welcome' though no words were spoken. Exhausted and weak, Teeku forced himself forward now leaning on his companion almost as much as she was him. Together the pair stumbled towards the home.

Exit Teeku

[Hooray we managed to finish it xD]
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☼ Yet you seemed like I knew you ☼ | (Teeku/Open)

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