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A Matter Of Delicacy. [Border Acceptance!]

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A Matter Of Delicacy. [Border Acceptance!] Empty
PostSubject: A Matter Of Delicacy. [Border Acceptance!] A Matter Of Delicacy. [Border Acceptance!] Icon_minitimeNovember 13th 2013, 17:29


It highlighted every implement of her paw pads into the soft terrain. She maneuvered with eerie grace, with calculations that deciphered her true wariness. She knew not of her surroundings, and such a lacking of information left her desperate for the answers that remained so thinly out of reach. She walked, her shadow a semblance of the terror she felt—like sharp thorns piercing the delicate flesh of her neck. It was not hard to grow consumed by the isolation. It was a though the cold could reach her now that she was alone, as though she was open to death and decay being forced upon her being; so absent of security. It sent a shiver down her spine, one that rattled her bones and ached in the pit of her chest. Soft eyes had hardened over the past few weeks of travel. She had become hopeless, and it was all because of her choices. She regretted them, but at the same time she knew that it was what she had wanted. It had made her happy. Was it not happiness that each individual strove to reach in some way, shape or form? He had given that to her, and she knew that if she had the chance to go back upon that day, she would do little to alter the decision that she had made. He had been her addiction, and just like that, he had become her poison.

An abrupt halt made her limbs nearly collapse from exhaustion. A weary gaze flickered up from her frost tinged paws, examining the lands her nostrils indicated were claimed. Hesitantly, she straightened in an attempt to familiarize with the unknown fragrance. It was tantalizing to inhale. She felt its steady rhythm pulsing in her mind, coursing through the entirety of her slender body to consume her in the longing to summon one from their vast region. Acting upon her instinct, a swift dip of the head resulted in a voice of song sweeping along with the breeze. It echoed blissfully through the tranquil territories, shattering what silence had once bitterly outlined the unidentified pack lands. The note was clearly feminine, but the song was quick to catch in her throat and arrive at an unexpected pause. She had not used her vocals in such a prolonged amount of time, and therefore they were not prepared for the sudden outburst that she had partaken in. Regardless, her point had successfully been announced. Curiousity morphed her blankly lit exterior into one of genuine intrigue, if not just a tad joyous. It had been so long since she was able to feel the sensation of hope thrumming, as though a cage of butterflies set free, in her body. It was like fire upon her paws, igniting them to spur into action and unite with the lands she, momentarily, was not permitted to enter. Patience had never been her most prized asset, but she manipulated it accordingly for her benefit. Blackened ears swerved forward, her neck inclining to an unnatural height in order to peer more efficiently into the shrubs along the border line. She could not deny the anticipation that she felt, but she could only wonder in absent-minded thought whether or not these wolves would willingly accept her, or simply take one look at her battered stature and state of mind and send her upon her way.
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A Matter Of Delicacy. [Border Acceptance!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Matter Of Delicacy. [Border Acceptance!] A Matter Of Delicacy. [Border Acceptance!] Icon_minitimeNovember 15th 2013, 09:58

Nose upon the ground, Aurora began tracking for food before the long winter began. The weather was already getting brisk and the winds were picking up, but still Aurora was warm beneath her coat and couldn't wait to see snow. It was far different here in the winter, with the snow not as heavy or compact as her prior home. The ice not nearly as frozen as the dens and caves that were made completely of them, where the summer months never melted the ice fully, and every year the got bigger. Sometimes, Aurora missed her home, but then she had all she could ever ask for here, Kenai. A smile crossed her face as she lifted her head, ears perked forward to the sounds of leaves crackeling. There stood a hare, it's pelt grey with age, and it was on the cusp of passing on. An evil grin subsided upon her muzzle as she lept from her spot and dove head first into the ground, her jaws clenching shut around the head of the dying animal. The sweet taste of blood entered her mouth, the warm liquid seemed to have clenched her thirst and hunger at the same time.

As she began walking back towards the camp clearing, her white eards perked forward as she heard the strained howl of a female voice, in which it seemed to have cracked from either sickness or lack of use. Aurora changed her course of directed and headed towards the howl. Withing a few minutes, Aurora approached the stranger. Lowering her head briefly she dropped the hare upon the ground and she stared long and hard upon the black female, "Greetings. My name is Aurora, Delta of the Helidos pack under the rule of Azul, Alpha of this great kingdom. Who are you and why do you cry out?" Aurora spoke kindly, her voice sweet to the female who longing looked beyond her and into the home where Aurora once longed to live. Aurora couldn't help but feel some pity, the wolf had looked like she took a beating along the way and was seeking refuge. Still, Aurora had to play by the books, with numbers growing it was not as easy to let someone through without an interview so to say. "I see you long to walk the woods where so many before you have roamed after standing where you stand, what is it that you can offer our pack and what skills or abilities do you have to offer to the pack? Only then should I consider allowing you to roam freely in our home." Aurora spoke calmly to her as she sat back upon her haunches waiting for the female to reply. Aurora longingly looked at her meal and thought silently to herself about how she couldn't wait to enjoy the meal in her den with the company of her love.
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A Matter Of Delicacy. [Border Acceptance!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Matter Of Delicacy. [Border Acceptance!] A Matter Of Delicacy. [Border Acceptance!] Icon_minitimeNovember 16th 2013, 08:32

The white female emerged from the shrubs, and such provoked the curious loner's wonder of the name and title that would belong to the pack wolf. A thoughtful, soft gold stare matched the she-wolf's—Delta Aurora's—own evenly, mimicking the notion of her head to place her meal upon the ground, but for the purpouse of submissive acknowledgment offered solely for the presence of one of higher status. Black, frost tinged ears flatly rested against her skull while still in the position of her polite bow. She looked up upon the superior from her slightly knelt stature, examining her movements and listening contentedly to her words. She seemed unfathomably kind; Rilaeth had never suspected such ease to occur from an acceptance, something of such fragility. If anything, she thought as though it would have taken careful words and cautious lingers of the eye in order for her to prove herself as worthy of a ranking amongst the Helidos pack. But, perhaps she had been wrong in those assumptions? The Delta seemed wholesomely relaxed and consumed in her own thoughts of pleasantry. She wondered, for a moment, what thoughts could possibly be plaguing her mind while she, instead, sat along the border line and payed recognition to one that sought something that she was already lucky to have. Nevertheless, such concerns and curiousities could be savored for an afternoon where she was less busied. As of now, she had two questions to answer—the beginning of what she hoped would grant her access into the lands of Helidos.

“It is so nice to meet you, Delta Aurora. My name is Rilaeth, and I have called to you because I wish to see whether or not you will believe me as fit to be a loyal warrior of your pack: Helidos.” The numb sensation that had been implemented into her weary limbs upon her many journeys had subsided substantially, as she was no longer focused upon the travels to come, but instead the potential permanency of the Helidos kingdom that she stood before. She shuffled anxiously in her position, attempting to formulate what abilities she possessed that so many before did not already have to offer. In the painful honesty of her mindset, she did not differentiate from the majority too vastly. It was a sorrowful fact to swallow, as she did not want Delta Aurora to send her astray due to the Helidos pack already having an efficient group that honed the capabilities that she did as well. Despite this, she searched rapidly for an answer to the female's question. She did not want to leave her waiting—it appeared as though she was excited to return to her camp with her meal for a reason the loner was not currently able to be enlightened of—and such was why as soon as her thoughts lingered upon a select few qualities, she voiced them aloud with a quick parting of her blackened jaw. “I wish to be honest with you: I have minimum experience in the field it is I long to occupy. I have fought before, and I can certainly handle myself, though needless to say the skills I hone are of outstanding supremacy. However, I am positive of my diligence, and of my willingless to serve and to nourish upon the subjects I have yet to master. I will resort to words before ever I will lash a paw at another. Fighting, to me, is a last option in which there is nothing else to do but defend myself—and hopefully this pack—from the dangers it will potentially face.”

Sparing an elongated glance at the condition of her body, a light chuckle escaped her. She looked as though she had faced many a hardship to arrive upon this border line. Surely, she appeared as though she was in rough shape and certainly in no position to inquire about the field of warriorhood. It was simplistically a glance at what foreign travels could do to someone that knew little of the route she was upon. If able to join the ranks of Helidos, her natural health would return to her in due time. But, that was to say if she would become a member of Helidos. If not, perhaps she was destined to grow accustomed to the isolation of travel? She could always attempt to relocate her parents, though that would require an unreasonably apt memory. She could always relocate Aby--... no. With a light toss of her head, she was able to rid herself of that trail of thought. Now was not the time to pull on the strings of her heart; she would need to lock such wolves into the back of her mind for another day. Helidos had not turned her away yet. She had a chance, and as of now, that was all that she needed.
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A Matter Of Delicacy. [Border Acceptance!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Matter Of Delicacy. [Border Acceptance!] A Matter Of Delicacy. [Border Acceptance!] Icon_minitimeNovember 18th 2013, 07:02

As soon as the wolf spoke, Aurora listen, it was unlikely of someone to gather her attention so quickly. Yet, with the proper tone and correct speech patterns, Aurora knew that the young female before her sought out one thing, and one thing only. With a gentle bow of her head, Aurora acknowledged her respect with respect of her own before continuing to speak. "Afternoon Rilaeth, unique name if I must say so myself. Before my very eyes, I see a wolf who asks a superior whether that they believe that you are worthy of a rank. True, it does become my decision, but it is you who must convince me that you are right for the part. Freedom does not come easily Rilaeth and it must be worked upon until the time come when all you have before you is faith and trust within the pack. Should you enter our lands, you will be expected to train with those higher than you, until you are able to fend on your own. From what it looks like, you seem to know basic's, but our lead warriors will have you up and ready in no time. Only the best warriors come with strength from practice and committment, should you put the effort in, you will be the best you wish to be. If you don't, there are always more options for you with in the pack." Aurora smiled as she stood from her spot.

Large white ears perked forward as she leaned her head down to smell the food, wanting nothing more than to welcome the future newest member to enjoy her meal with her. With a slight nudge, Aurora's white muzzle knocked the hare over the imaginary line towards the younger wolf, "I'm a rather good hunter and I can always find another hare before he burrows himself underground. Please, eat, save your strength. You're going to need it. I wish to tell you that your honesty was my winning arguement over you, if I may be honest. Rilaeth, welcome home, and please should you ever have any questions or you need to speak to someone. You may find me and I will more than happy to be of assistance. Come, walk with me, and I will be happy to show you your home." Aurora waited for the new recruit to pick up the meal, Aurora wasn't very hungry at this point, all she wanted was to go back to her den and sleep. After all, she knew that better days were ahead and figured she would begin to rest, or at least get used to it.
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A Matter Of Delicacy. [Border Acceptance!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Matter Of Delicacy. [Border Acceptance!] A Matter Of Delicacy. [Border Acceptance!] Icon_minitimeNovember 18th 2013, 16:11

She had not expected to receive a form of respect in turn for her own, and the shocked expression that glazed golden eyes was enough to indicate that she was taken aback by the presentation, though needless to say she was not overcome with a mild sense of appreciation. Black, gray tufted ears pulled forward eagerly as the authoritative she-wolf began to speak, seemingly dangling by a loose thread upon each word that was spilled from the delicate jaw of the female. Freedom did not come easily, and this the loner knew well. Prior to this moment and the decisions that had led her up to it, her life had been simplistically free. She was trusted, and she had taken that for granted. She knew that, with Helidos, she would ensure that things turned out differently. She would let nothing come between her loyalties to the pack and its Alphas, she would let no-one interfere. The same went for the effort she knew that she would need to put in to her training as a warrior. At the news of the pack sheltering leads of the ranking she desired, a ghost of a smile outlined her dark lips. If they would have her, then she would be more than willing to listen to their tactics and their experiences in order to nourish her own. She wanted to be of use to Helidos; more than the average warrior, as she was certain that they had enough of those.

Her thoughts were broken as the scent of a hare filled her nostrils, accustoming to the formation of a deceased rabbit at the tip of her muzzle, a meal that had formerly rested at the paws of whom she had presumed the hunter. Curiously, she sniffed at the dead mammal, allowing her eyes to travel up the length of Aurora's body to rest in the counterparts of the Delta. She understood the formality behind the gesture, and she was certainly tempted to bury her jaws into the warm flesh of the meal the moment that had been arched across the border in her direction. However, she was not one to often partake in such impolite acts. Delta Aurora had been polite to offer it, and therefore it was natural of her to return a form of politeness in ensuring that the original hunter wished not to back out upon her actions. The white female's words increased the length of the smile upon her lips, and she accepted with a delightful dip of her head before rising from her submissive stance. “Thank you—for this meal and for giving me a chance—Delta Aurora. I will seek out aid from the Lead Warriors you speak of as soon as I get the opportunity to do so.” With a gentle wag of her black-and-gray tail, the female gathered the nape of the rabbit into her jaws before crossing the border to travel towards the Helidos camp alongside the kind Delta. Rilaeth truly appreciated every small thing that the Delta had done for her in what little time they had known each other. It made her all the more certain of her placement here in Helidos, and of the decision she had made in attempting to join it. She could only hope that events of the future would continue to be swell, as it appeared as though her first moments as a warrior—a Helidos warrior—were going to be some of the best days of her life (not to mention a chance to brush aside the past that she could not help but want to remember).
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Juno of Helidos
Juno of Helidos

Posts : 335
Join date : 2013-02-11
Age : 26
Location : Hell

Wolf Information
Gender: Female
Age: 6 Years
Purchases: Large Wolf; Language: Latin

A Matter Of Delicacy. [Border Acceptance!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Matter Of Delicacy. [Border Acceptance!] A Matter Of Delicacy. [Border Acceptance!] Icon_minitimeNovember 29th 2013, 17:22

Dearest apologies to the absence of Delta Aurora, Rilaeth.

As of now, I declare your character as Warrior Rilaeth of Helidos, and you are free to roleplay as you please within the neutrals and pack territories.

Again, we are so sorry for the wait.

Welcome to H E L I D O S, Rilaeth. C:

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PostSubject: Re: A Matter Of Delicacy. [Border Acceptance!] A Matter Of Delicacy. [Border Acceptance!] Icon_minitime

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