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Waking The Demons (All Erenyx)

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Steele of Erenyx
Steele of Erenyx

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Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Empty
PostSubject: Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Icon_minitimeJanuary 22nd 2014, 10:04

Steele had singly made the pack, deserting Helidos after he believed he had killed the Elite male. He started the pack a lone, forcing a pack member to come with him. In the darkest hour of his life, he raped her, forcing her to take his abuse, but when he returned from her den, she was gone. But Esmeralda came to him, claiming her love for him. He allowed her entrance and any other wolves who followed then. But since the pack had grown by few, many had come to the borders, and the higher ranked wolves accepted them. His offspring had grown strong, as their mother and he combined. Samael showed the most promise, taking his lessons to be the words of the gods themselves. Steele was proud of he boy, glad his son was as determined as he. But with time, the young left the den, leaving Steele and Esmeralda to their combined issues. In the silence, they stared to one another. No more did they shower each other in affection. It had seemed she did not care for him. In this time, Steele went about his business, but it occurred to him he had not met all of his pack. As he wandered the pack, he looked to the dens, lifting his eyes to see any movement. Steele looked around and finally decided he wished to call the pack. Making his way to the den, he stood outside, lifting his head to the air. His lips curled as they released a call to the heavens above. It was thick and deep, calling to the whole pack to meet in the center.
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Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Icon_minitimeJanuary 22nd 2014, 11:11

The black male slumbered in the corner of his den, hounded by strange dreams that were a combination of both nightmares and dreams. They were filled with dancing fires, a figure shrouded in black fog and echoes of joyous laughter that for some reason morphed into vindictive, poisonous cackles that burrowed deep into his bones. He'd been walking among a river with blood and though he did not know who, he knew there was someone trotting alongside him whispering in his ear. The skies had been crimson red, suffocating from volcanic ash and sulfur. His paws had been shuffling through bleached and bloody bones, crushing some in his wake into fine powder. That was when the ground crumbled underneath his paws and he was surrounded by nothing but blackness and the one who was beside him had attacked, raking her claws over his face and blinded him in one eye. He'd yelped in surprise and anger, then turned and tackled the female, his fangs slicing into tender flesh and muscle until his fur was soaked with blood. Then he'd finally looked into the wolf's eyes and saw amber, dark amber whose flame had been extinguished. Tye started, bolting upright his heart jack-hammering against his chest. His blue eyes were wide and remained that way even as he heard the call of the Alpha. Shaking his head he stood up, pushing the thoughts of the dreams towards the back of his mind and headed outside the den in the general direction of the howl on steady paws. His expression faded into one of neutrality again, as quickly as the fear from his dream had come. The cool, calm collected demeanor he'd acquired over the years had kicked into play. He made his way through the network of dens swiftly, crunching dirt and grass underfoot. In the greenery his form stood out like charcoal against sand. As he moved he kept his ears and nose alert for any other wolves. He had met six so far, well five if he didn't count the Helidos female. In particular, he kept his eyes and ears open for one for he knew who those eyes belonged to. Finally, he sighted the Alpha in the distance standing in the center. A much better look for him, Tye thought. Less angry. He felt no ill will towards Steele regarding his lower rank for he would have done the same if he had been in his position. He slowed down until there was a respectable amount of distance between them and lowered his head, tail low to the ground with his eyes gazing at an interesting arrangement of pebbles in front of his paws."Morning my Lord," Tye said. "Reporting for duty."
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Alpha Magnus
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PostSubject: Re: Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Icon_minitimeJanuary 22nd 2014, 13:36

Magnus slept soundly in his den lined with pelts and feathers of some of his kills. It was no great secret he was the only appointed Hunter in Erenyx and his efforts therein had been monumental. In the first month he had been there, the kill pile grew to a substantial size and remained that way. He hadn't been long in the territory but had already introduced himself to a number of the packs members. Most prominent among them was Lead Warrior Chiara. The fae interested the brute greatly. Despite his typical flirtatious behaviour she ignored his advances and even turned them back on him, teasing him. She was unlike any fae he had ever met. He wanted to spend more time with her, to know her. It was something he was not quite used to wanting. But aside from all this, Magnus was still a rather solitary brute. He chose his den a little ways from the clearing that he might be able to rest in peace and yet watch those who pass by to enter the clearing. He preferred to work in the shadows, unabated, than in full view seeking reward for his efforts. It was his old training as a Guardian settling in. He swore to never see harm come to his Alpha and he meant it.

When he wasn't hunting for the pack, he spent his days conditioning his body, remaining in too physical condition. He practiced his fighting techniques and kept up with the skill, as his Alpha had suggested, though he was itching for a good spar. And that was what he was dreaming of when the Alphas summons woke him. The call was loud, strong and deep, leaking with authority. Magnus rose, bent his spine and dipped his chest to the ground in a stretch. Feeling the satisfying pop of wearied muscles, he shook out his copper and black fur, padding softly through the entrance of his den. The Hunter wove his way through the darkness of the forest, bathed in green light as the sun filtered through the canopy. He found the Alpha sitting regally in the centre of the clearing, facing a lone wolf. This was one he knew to be the recently demoted Omega Tye. But he payed no heed to the disgraced male. He brought himself before the Alpha, flattening his ears against his skull and bowing his head deeply with his tail respectfully lowered, he spoke. My Alpha. I answer your call and await your orders. When enough time had passed, he straightened and padded a little ways to his right, and sat a respectful distance from the Alpha. Waiting.

Last edited by Hunter Magnus on January 29th 2014, 13:19; edited 1 time in total
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Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Icon_minitimeJanuary 22nd 2014, 13:58

Digging out a den hadn't been particularly hard, she had had much practice throughout the years of her life. But constructing the burrow for one made her lifeless heart ache slightly, the last time she had made a permanent shelter such as this, it had been made for two. But the singularity of this one gave her comfort, the tightness wrapped around her small body quite nicely. It was a place of comfort and a place to dwell when the night's air grew cool and her pawpads were stiff from hunting. Her dreams were few and far between, when her dark brown eyes opened, she remembered nothing at all. Her demon greeted her, a good morning he called it, as he did every morning to remind her that he was still there. His deep voice blended with one she heard with her rounded cream ears, a piercing howl which must have been the thing to wake her. Stretching her legs she prepared to exit the snug serenity of the newly made burrow, her nose poked out before being followed with the rest of her fae-like body of ivory.

The new air disturbed her not, it was relatively warm with many new scents to assault her nose. The sound still echoed in the air, a howl of a brute, an important one by the commanding tones in it. Her thoughts strayed to the Alpha she had heard about, Steele was his name, he was one to be wary of. She had not planned her meeting with him as of yet, the call planned it for her. Her burrow's entrance faced east, the sun waking her up in the morning. But the secondary purpose of this was a quick escape in the possibility she was the prey of a hunt. The entrance pointed towards her freedom, the sun being a good excuse that she may not draw suspicion, it was also not particularly close to any other wolves.

Dark pawpads hit the ground in a steady rhythm as Cassiopeia approached the clearing which held the deep-voiced male. Trepidation spread over her thoughts, as close to fear as she would come, she refused to fear death or anything like it. She would greet the reaper on an even playing field, he would not be able to work off her fear. She approached the clearing and saw two black wolves as well as a strong-looking copper and grey one, one of the black wolves' neck was adorned with spiky fur identifying the wolf as Tye. Tye whom Cassiopeia had made the acquaintance of the first day she had entered the pack, an interesting conversation. The other black wolf had the posture and looks of an Alpha, this caused Cassiopeia to, almost reflexively, tuck her tail, fold her ears and try to look as small as possible. She watched as the copper gray wolf bowed deeply to the lead wolf, he had met him before, he did not need to perform the same act as Cassiopeia. Her ecru form was very visible on the forest's dark colors, she had no chance of not being noticed. Deciding to take a different approach she neared the large black, avoiding both his grey gaze and the icy blue eyes to her side. She laid down on her belly, preparing to roll over if the Alpha took any offense to anything she did or said. "My Alpha, I am Cassiopeia, a warrior of your pack. It is a pleasure to meet you," Her voice took to sweet tones, as nonthreatening as possible, sugar being as great of defense as tooth and claw.

Her eyes kept to his paws and chest, a very large wolf he was, his chest nearly double that of her own. His body was riddled with scars, echoes of his past in the present, it was intimidating to the pure cream wolf which scars covered her soul and not her body. Her calculating mind was looking for ways to defend from an attack, but in her compromising position she could see no ways to avoid death if the silver-eyed mass decided that was what he wished. She might be able to escape death if Tye were to come to her aid, but she doubted that alternative, their ties were not as strong as the ones between the servant and master. She waited for the reply before scooting back, she then settled herself near Tye, his posture unsettled her, he did not look like a Warrior, more like an Omega. This unnerved her quite a bit, had something happened between him and one of his superiors? She couldn't ask in the presence of her Alpha, it would be rude to start a conversation when the Alpha had obviously summoned them for a reason.
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Lead Healer Cliché
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Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Icon_minitimeJanuary 22nd 2014, 15:44

Passed the rivers, lakes, mountains and fiery depths of sleeping demons lay the innocence of a young wolf at rest. Blessed were her features and chiseled to what one would see as a goddess-like figure, as her eyes were not godly, for they were the color of the fire within the devil's soul, though her heart did not fade to the emotionless. She lay sound asleep - blissfully and filled with serenity she was as dreams flooded her mind and make a satisfied grin curl at the side of her light honey maw. Within her den, the wolf lay surrounded by specks of blossoming life and color, budded with small touches of weeds that grew with tiny purple floors between the creaks and crannies of her chambers. Though her actions stay with peace and her body does not twitch nor bother in shifting a change in position as her dreams had gone white with color.

There held a strangeness within the imagination, making her eyes squint into the blank room as not a soul in sight could be found besides her very reflection. She stared at mental self - eyes aglow with amber and flecked with specks that could light a forest on fire within one strike of a glance. The little wolf however did not speak within this realm, for her lips were glued together and she could not move nor react for she was stuck. She tried thrashing about to be freed, but the restraints tightened around her, causing herself to panic and her heart to race frantically until a blood-curling howl broke the chains. Her eyes snapped open and burned by the light that shown in through the mouth of her quarters, blinding her almost instantly before fixating her vision to see through to the spring colored land amongst the clearing's floor.

Wolves of all ages and color roamed free from their dens and slowly in sync towards the sound of their wise leader, whom she loyalty sworn herself to in the hopes of being his healer today. The master waited at the end of the clearing nearest to his large, royal-like den that stood higher above the rest of housing and there he stay aloft the broken remnants of the ground and rich soil beneath his razor claws. His eyes were the color of death and his coat was not far from resembling the body of a wraith cloaked in the sinister-like pupils of the devil himself. Dominance washed proudly from his broad shoulders the closer the Healer emerged from her place, positioning herself more towards the beginning of the crowd as the wolves then piled in one by one to find a seat before the lord.

She shook the debris free from her thick, bronze and honey-colored pelt as she walked, sending the pieces of dust and dirt elsewhere before presenting herself before the master and extending her neck near the ground to his own respects of rank, "Good morning, Master." When she was finished, she rose back to her stance and eyed the crowd, in particularly finding a set of light blue hues in the group which only made a smile peak at her lips. Moving near to the obsidian blue eyed wolf, she sensed a change in his demeanor and curiously gazed to the male before lightly nudging her nose over his shoulder. She had heard rumors as to the prisoner from the good and humble pack over towards the south being brought upon their lands, but did not know that outcome would seem so serious to this. "Salutations, Tye. Pleasure to see you again." Her voice was gentle, and smooth as it had been like every day she was with the male, pressing the image how small and fragile she could be sometimes when certain individuals were not looking. She smiled to him and then turned her attention to the one leading the get together, turning her ears to face the front  while flicking them once in a great while when the sounds of the forest would stir.

Last edited by Healer Cliché on January 28th 2014, 16:13; edited 1 time in total
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Alphess Chiara
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Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Icon_minitimeJanuary 22nd 2014, 18:18

Weeks had followed since the hunting accident with Magnus that weakened the fae so. Her shoulder still ached most morning, but with conditioning exercises she was regaining her strength every day. Training Katyusha helped as well, since she had to tone down her usual trainings for the whelp that was shoved upon her. The fae showed a glimmer of promise, but Chiara wouldn't be easy on the traitor from Helidos. A few days training had proved easy for her and the warrior made a mental note to increase the harshness upon their next meeting. Outside her den the sun was rising and Chiara knew she must awaken to do her patrols, but a noise made her awaken quicker. Outside she could smell wolves gathering, but before that the sound of her Alpha howling captured her attention first. Jumping to her feet with minimal stiffness she exited her small den near the edge of the clearing and trotted towards everyone.

Most of the wolves she knew, but some were new faces that she made note to meet and evaluate, mainly if they were warriors. Near the front Steele sat without Esmerelda and it made the black fae wonder what had happened to her recently. Chiara had joined Erenyx mainly because of her, but since being here she had learned to like Steele as a leader and developed a equal respect for him. Walking close to him she bowed before him, "Greetings Alpha, I am here as you called." She stated before backing off and seating herself by a wolf she didn't know. Across the gathering she saw Magnus, the hunter that had accompanied her during her accident and she caught herself staring at him. His flirtatious ways reminded her of Damon, but she caught herself from diving deeper into that area of her mind. Though he was pleasant enough and seemed trustworthy, certain walls were put up in her mind to prevent her from wanting to go deeper, at least for now. Sitting up straight she awaited orders from Steele, secretly hoping for a spar or something. Itching to be back of full duty she missed sparring with other warriors and couldn't wait to teach Katyusha at some point when she was certain no permanent harm would come to her. Feeling very much at home in Erenyx the fae never doubted her decision to come here. Here she felt like she had worth and the resources to improve herself, something she could never get in Helidos. There she felt like a fly on the wall, devoid of talent or a purpose. Here, however, she had rank, respect and a purpose, to sere her leaders and herself.
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Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Icon_minitimeJanuary 23rd 2014, 00:00

Katyusha would roll over in her small, makeshift den boredly, resting on her uninjured side with a loud huff "Another boring day..." she grumbled, cursing Tye for the injury that kept her from training, and subsequently kept her from Steele. With they're last, and only, conversation the fae was promised his seed if she proved herself strong enough by winter. To most that wouldn't seem like much, undesirable even, but to Katyusha it was a challenge, with the greatest reward she could ask for, from the greatest wolf she had ever met. However, her goal and ambitious desires were being put on hold by that injury to her shoulder delivered by that blasted Tye. Oh well, everything happens for a reason, and if she hadn't been hurt, she probably never would have come here, and never would have been offered that chance in the first place. So the wolf kept reminding herself everything happened for a reason.

Katyusha was new to the pack, having only been able to claim membership to it for the last 4 or 5 days, which were a blur to her. With her injury the wolf had been stuck resting her wound, trying to keep it from getting infected, and to heal as quickly as possible so she could begin her training regime with the wolf Chiara she had been told of by her alpha. At the thought of that massive, brute of a wolf Katyusha's eyes would light up a little, yes she would prove her worth to the pack, and to him, once she was healed.

Just as the fae started to let her mind wander a little further she would be pulled back to reality by the loud howl, ears perking as she pulled herself from the makeshift den she had been using, looking around the clearing to watch where the other's were going, and then followed. As the wolf approached she would test her leg, slowly putting more of her weight on it until she was walking without a limp at all, the healer did good work, and while some pain was still present, Katyusha decided she could start her training sooner than expected, assuming the scar held.

With her shoulder tested the fae picked up her pace a little, nearing the source of the howl and noticing who it was that created it. Her heart began to pound a little faster, she should not be surprised, he was the alpha, and probably the only one in the pack right now with the authority to call such a meeting, but it was still very pleasant to see him again. With a soft grin the fae would approach her alpha, ears back and dropping her head low to him "Hello my alpha, it is truely a pleasure to see you again." she said softly, her voice still holding that little ring to it, the kind that let him know it truly was a pleasure to her. With her words spoken the fae would back off just a bit to let other's through, although kept a spot at the front of the pack, wanting to be as close to him as possible.
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Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Icon_minitimeJanuary 23rd 2014, 16:22

The red fae had heard the Alpha's call, which made her blood run cold. A smile played from her lips, though. My first pack meeting! How exciting! Her lips quickly dropped back when she realized how little sleep she got out in the open. Perhaps it would have been wise to allow Magnus to help her construct a den, after all. But her red head shook slowly. His parting words, they hadn't been kind, but towards him she held no bitterness in her heart.
She stretched her unwilling muscles as she rose to her paws, sprinting to the pack clearing. She would hate to keep everyone waiting. Yet she slept on the outskirts of the territory, and once her aching feet brought her to the pack clearing, she saw most of the pack wolves were already present. She smiled as she dipped her head in greetings to the alpha.
"Hello great Alpha Steele. I am Warrior Silacea. I do believe this is the first time we have officially met." Her voice was kept low, her muzzle lower in her respect to her alpha, the wolf she was to fight for is necessary.
He was a fair looking wolf, to say the least, but she hurriedly scuttled out of his way so she could greet the wolves she knew, and perhaps meet others amongst them.
"Good morning Tye, Cassiopeia." To them she have a brisk nod, smiling ever so slightly.
"Greeting Chiara, your looking well."Her green eyes sparkled at the wolf who had allowed her to become a member of Erenyx in the first place.
"Hello, Magnus... I must apologize for the other night. It wasn't right of my to pry." She spoke in a quiet, sincere voice so only he could hear her.
She gave another short nod to the wolves she hadn't met yet, then sat on the outskirts of the group, wondering if anyone would care to join her, but she sighed as her rear hit the ground with an audible plop. The other wolves had already seemed to have made acquaintances, friends even, yet here she was without one to name. She shook her head as she payed no mind to her loneliness. That wasn't what she was here for. She was here to hear what the great Alpha Steele had to say. She rested her clouded gaze on him intently, allowing her head to assume it's usual crook to one side.
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Beta Irrationality
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Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Icon_minitimeJanuary 23rd 2014, 17:24

Large paws caressed the ground as he moved, but a brief skim of its ethereal surface, elegance a neat portrayal that radiated from his momentum all the more smoothly. From afar, he presumed the role of a force to be reckoned with. There was something thunderous, riveting, almost melancholic about his brutal lacking of initiative, hung up in his own wandering mind, his own thoughtless ease, void and lost in the depths of what only he may truly ponder. Dark gold eyes pierced the form of hierarchy for only a few short seconds, slicing down the length of his black body, before a multicoloured head dipped in a semblance of his deepest reverence. He had only had the pleasure of meeting his Alpha when he had been caught in the presence of the Helidos’ reign, and though his intentions with either had been far from dishonourable, he supposed that there could have been a more suitable time, a more precious one, to spare his authority the worry of having to believe he sheltered those harbouring their own burdens of disloyalty. The warrior had not partaken in any such sin, and for this he could only hope aimlessly that as a result of such conversation with their perpetual enemy he had not sparked distrust in the eyes of Alpha Steele, but if he had, then in time he would prove to him that there was no reason to fret. His heart, his body and soul, as one, belonged to Erenyx. He would not be leaving anytime soon, be it that Alpha Steele continue to prolong his opportunity to remain.

The warrior seated himself beside another, one of foreigncy, one of no such familiarity, and to her he disinclined his head in acknowledgement. She was new, perhaps, newer than he to say the least, though he would not go out of his way to make her feel as though she was any less welcome -- knowing of his authority, he was not entirely certain precisely how pleasant her exchanges at the border had been. Silacea, the name he knew not to lace across her features and identify her as so, seemed nothing short of kind, be it his analytical eye was able to interpret correctly after such misuse over time. At but a distance stood a companion of his that he had met plentiful a night ago, the dearest healer Cliche, and at her side was one that she knowingly had grown closer with, formulated a strong relationship with, and for this he wished her well. Although love, if such was what plagued her so, did not hold an entirely important image in his own personalized opinion, he mused that not all were one in the same, and due to this every life would by happenstance continue to unfold differently. Perhaps there was something stronger than what he could ever begin to fathom held between tawny and black, healer and warrior (newly an omega, as recent news dare enlighten), and in a depiction of his hope for the best, to her he nodded solemnly if to catch her eye.

Eyes returning to the muscular Alpha, voice sharp as needles and his gaze poisonous as a cobra, he sat in idle wait for his announcement, perhaps the only one in the crowd that did not step forth to offer his greeting. He was a silent observer, a calculative genius, and as a result of such he preferred his own quiet and peace of mind over any such irrelevant discussion, far more inclined to remain firm within his seat in patient wait of the words he was wholesomely unable to anticipate.
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PostSubject: Re: Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Icon_minitimeJanuary 23rd 2014, 19:59

A delicate flower stirred with each soft breath, a semblance of slumber wrapped in a blanket of icy spears. Each sharp point searched a place to pass through the dove-colored fur and to the tender skin, breaking through without a drop of crimson to leave in its wake. Instead the eyes were there again, a look of pure terror glazing the midnight hues until all life faded. The flower was no longer being disturbed and met its demise as the beta woke with a shudder of panic. Her head shook furiously, causing a dizzy spell to wash over her as she snapped open her heterochromatic orbs. Despite Spring’s warmth lapping at her paws, Nyx managed to feel cold until the image faded from her consciousness. The dreaded ice threatening the beating muscle within her chest faded into the shadows. They were always there, always waiting to make her their prey yet another night. She knew that, but the need for sleep was enough to overcome what waited for her in her dreams. Nyx’s ribs rose and fell in deep, panting breaths as she overcame the nightmare with waking peace. The mystery was what awoke her chaotic sleep. With a heavy sigh, the beta shifted her feminine frame towards the light that dared to peek within the darkness of her den. Such a subtle movement gave a clear view of the clearing, her eyes glancing over the gathering of pack members. Nyx raised herself onto her large paws and walked out of her den, her shoulders rolling with step. The fae’s tail raised of its own accord in a show of semi-dominance, giving a show to those who did not know her or her ranking among Erenyx. She considered walking arrogantly into the crowd, tempted to eye her packmates with a feral glint that could come all too easily. Her multicolored hues skipped over them until they came to rest on her alpha. Nyx stalled her steps into the crowd altogether and began a slow circle to place herself a rather short distance from where her previous mentor was. A low bow of respect was given towards Steele, pausing to look at the ground and let a mask of stone slip over her face. She shifted into the obedient warrior that had been beaten into her, allowing it to make her sit mechanically and look around as words tumbled from her mouth almost as an afterthought. “Hello, Alpha. Pleasure to see you once again.”

Taking the time allotted to look more closely, she pinpointed wolves she knew among the furred masses. She knew the rest were performing their duties, she checked more than thrice a day. The ones she knew were the one she had threatened with their lives, demanding such behavior from them. It seemed they were doing fine as well, and she gazed over them as if they were of no importance. The pack functioned, no one was a traitor, that’s all they mattered. Nyx’s mind wandered on it’s travels to many places, her train of thought stopping on exactly why they were all being called. Questions, questions, all storming through her mind and leaving her ears to hear the echoes that were left behind. Her eyes were focusing on everything and nothing at all really. A poisonous spider weaving its web slowly through her mind, poisonous dew drops quietly soaking into her mind. The black line of her maw opened slightly, a pink tongue smoothing over teeth bloodstained in permanent memories of each prey that died beneath her jaws. She was hungry but preferred killing her own rather than walking to the steadily growing kill pile. That blood tasted old and was far too cold. Nyx wanted the warm gush that came through the veins and directly into her mouth, such was her bloodlust. The corner of her maw turned up slightly at the though and entertained herself quietly with the idea of the hunt. Her soft, triangular ears flickered to a fro with each breath from the creatures around her. Strangers as they were, she planned to change that soon enough. Once the eyes left her subconscious and the blood was paid, the drive would be sated though she knew it would not. Her mind spoke in riddles and she always listened, playing the games as she waited for the alpha’s voice to speak above all.
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PostSubject: Re: Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Icon_minitimeJanuary 25th 2014, 08:10

Lontark had just recently been let into hell and he still danced on the outside with the flames, meeting none of the demons. He needed to get out and about, see what this hellhound pack was really made of, really like. He enjoyed it for the most part, just adventuring and running, hunting occasionally on his own, meeting none but the one who accepted him. He still had yet to meet his Alpha, today that was his main goal. The Alpha might as well know who's running around in his territory. The large, dense male made his way through the forest, his head lowered In a neutral position as he walked, his paws stepping on anything they decided to step on, he wasn't paying attention where to place them. Stepping over a leg he stepped on a stick, pointing upward and he yelped silently and moved to the side and looked at his paw, it was bleeding but nothing big and it no longer hurt. Lontark continued forward where the scent of many wolves grew stronger, the pack clearing he'd hoped. All at once a loud, deep howl rang in his ears and he stopped dead in his tracks, ears flicking wildly, the Alpha was calling. All at once Lontark bolted toward the sound, kicking up slight dirt and sticks as he ran, dodging everything that stood in his way, his head still lowered slightly he huffed as he ran, keeping an even pace.

The howl stopped and so did Lontark, the clearing now visible and the wolves in it he lifted his head and inhaled before walking forward. Entering the clearing he took a quick glance around at each wolf, his bi-colored eyes scanning quickly, checking their position in the clearing.  Slowly he made his way toward the Alpha himself, his eyes looking to the black paws that rested there and he dipped his head. "Sovereign." he spoke one word in greeting before backing away slightly and sitting next whoever, he didn't know any wolf here and he just say silently, looking around at times.
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Steele of Erenyx
Steele of Erenyx

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PostSubject: Re: Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Icon_minitimeJanuary 29th 2014, 07:38

With the exception of Samael, is this all of Erenyx?
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PostSubject: Re: Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Icon_minitimeJanuary 29th 2014, 13:43

Brown paws made quick do as they pondered the ground, from twisting tree roots to scattered branches aziza rumbled with herself. From daylight to the striking of the moon the healer could be found among the shrubbery, working her best to find the well herbs to add to the stocks. From washing them to drying and gathering of the moss and cobwebs.

Her muzzle was strewn back in wrinkles as she looked on with disgust, here the once loner was making sure to tend to the wolves of her pack. Maybe not the most social-able but hey she's had patients at least. Her thoughts wondering from the weather and the timing of injuries and the do possible infections. She nodded to herself as she finished her scouting of the surrounding terrain for the closest herbs at the moment. She came upon a group of ferns, with a grunt she went and rolled among the freshly grown young. Pausing on her back with a sigh, front legs tucked to her chest while her back legs in a frozen kick in the air. it was only here that she allowed her thoughts to scramble before her ears were jerked forward to attention. To her feet once more the brown and white fae seemed to be called.

Blue melting over the many pelts of the Erenyx pack, the she wolf decided to watch and wait before finally moving forward. Her destinations seemed to be overwhelmed as it seemed the honorable leader was greatly loved. She stopped just a little behind the group, her eyes blank while a smile full of mirth formed. "My alpha...." Her first meeting may not of been the best but oh well, she could cope. Maybe it was the fierceness that he had shown, she probably wouldn't accept any other greeting from the male. She gave a dip of her head before allowing her eyes to access the viewing of the others a bit closer.
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PostSubject: Re: Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Icon_minitimeFebruary 2nd 2014, 08:17

At the loud holler of her leader, Lux's ears popped up and her eyes opened. The young warrior had been trying to sleep, but was restless away, so she didn't really mind. She quickly rose from her make-shift nest, and trotted over to the pack clearing. Her eyes scanned the clearing, seeing the other wolves had taken submissive poses. So she followed suit, even though she probably wasn't imitating it right.
Lux hadn't really seen the leader of Erenyx yet- she had only been in the clan for a couple of days, so the small wolf hadn't seen the alpha yet. But she understood why he was the leader. They were complete opposites, with Lux's white fur and lithe build, and he, who seemed to be very strong and with a pelt as black as night. Not knowing exactly what to say, she repeated the foreign word the wolf near her said, "Sovereign..."
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Steele of Erenyx
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PostSubject: Re: Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Icon_minitimeFebruary 9th 2014, 06:25

As the wolves gathered around the Alpha, he looked down over them. His silver hues stared at each and every wolf. Why are there so few? he thought to himself. But the lack of wolves did not phase him entirely. There were a couple he knew would never return. When all had rested themselves among the pack, the great Alpha cleared his throat and began with his news. "I bet you all are wondering why I have called you here. It has come to my attention that this pack is dwindling. Our numbers are decreasing and it begins with the Alphess, Esmeralda. She and a few others have deserted us, betrayed us, and if they ever come back, shall be killed on site. The group includes Guardian Nicolaus, Apprentice Ammolite, and Apprentice Achilles. For some of you who are aware that the Apprentices are my pups, you will be forced to kill them, if you do in fact see them. To me they are no longer any relation to me. If you ask me, they are weak like their mother, fleeing from the lands, leaving behind all duties and responsibilities. Samael is last of my young to stay, but he is taking their leaving pretty hard. If you see him, do not comfort him. Let him sort through his own thoughts. Through this event, Samael will grow and learn to be a true leader, just as I had when I went through the times and trials of life. But with loss comes all great things, renew. I shall serve as your great leader once more, as if nothing had even happened. Our pack will thrive this coming Spring with pups and new wolves. All hope is not lost. We are Erenyx, a great and mighty pack which is strong and noble. We do not give up, we do not surrender. As it appears to me, there are wolves deserving of new ranks. As your name is called, stand and show the others your face. Warrior Irrationality. You shall now be known as Delta Irrationality. Though I shall not go into details of your work among the pack, let it be known that he struck conversation with our highest enemies, together in one place. And if a fight would have ensued, surely Helidos would be ours. Hunter Magnus. You shall now be Lead Hunter Magnus. Omega Tye. You may take back your rank of Warrior. Healer Aziza. In your efforts to heal the weak, you shall be named Lead Healer Aziza." Steele looked among his pack, watching them stand as they were told. His eyes moved to the old Helidos wolf. His eyes moved about her form, and he was reminded to share the news of her joining. "Some of you may already know this, but it has come to my attention that an issue must be brought up. Hunter Katyusha has been taken away from her pack, Helidos and brought into our lands. The matter of how it went about was wrong. In the future, if you wish to steal a wolf to our lands, I must see it first! If this does not happen, the wolf who brings it over shall receive worse punishment than Tye did, being reduced to an Omega. If it happens again, I can assure you it will not be pleasant and you shall be spending months inside the healer's den, if you do not die from your wounds." With that being said, Steele looked to Nyx. He stared with a blank expression, though his heart pressed itself to his ribcage, pounding with pride and consideration for the fae. She was one of the only females he trusted, but still he would be cautious. He would not allow another "Esmeralda" to ruin his life. Though thoughts of the Hunter's body for him caused a smirk to trace the corner of his maw. "Dismissed, but if you wish to speak to me in private, you may." Steele watched, wondering if any wolves would approach the large Alpha.
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PostSubject: Re: Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Icon_minitimeFebruary 9th 2014, 13:27

Magnus' attention never strayed from his Alpha as the other wolves soon arrived. Their pack was indeed small. But they were each strong individuals, making for a strong team. His lip curled in disgust at the announcement of the Alphess, her pups and the Guardian he had not met, having deserted the pack. It was true dishonour to do such a thing and he had no taste for such creatures. To him they were worth less than dung and he would take great pleasure in eradicating their species from the earth should he ever lay eyes upon them. Ears perks forward as the Alpha gave instructions for new appointments in position. The highest was a Delta, then came himself. Given the rank of Lead Hunter. It was a start. A stepping stone into where he wanted the be. The Alpha had taken note of him and that was the most important. He rose and revealed himself to the pack, as he had been instructed. Then he smirked. The Omega got his rank back. And the Healer who had helped Chiara became Lead Healer. He nodded. It was fitting enough for her. She deserved it. The meeting was dismissed but members were invited to speak with the Alpha if they so wished.

The newly appointed Lead Hunter was strong and sure headed. He had been graced with his Alphas attention and such resulted in a higher rank for himself. It was an honour he could not ignore if he wished to continue moving up the ranks of the pack. He rose carefully and moved to stand before the great Alpha. He bowed low, showing great respect for his superior. My Alpha. I am honoured by your attention and the new rank you have bestowed me. I swear that the only effect this will have on my duties is to increase my efforts in hunting for the pack. If it please you, Alpha, with your permission I would also seek out formal training as a warrior, refreshing and honing my old skills that I might be of even more value to you and your pack. The tan male stood straight and strong, keeping his gaze firm but lowered respectfully before the Alpha. He was well built and tall, almost as tall as the Alpha, but not quite. His muscles were far more defined than when he had first arrived, wheee his time as a loner had seen a gap in his physical training. Now with hunting larger prey and training daily he was far more appealing. But he knew there was always room for improvement, as he had shown by requesting the Alphas permission to train with the warriors from time to time.

Last edited by Lead Hunter Magnus on February 9th 2014, 23:39; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Icon_minitimeFebruary 9th 2014, 13:56

As the alpha seized all of their attention with just a sweep of his gaze the fae leaned forward waiting for the raspy voice of the wolf she had seen at the healer's den, this time was different, well since the last time his voice was full of anger..she couldn't place the tone now but her attention was brought back. 'The alphess?' She didn't know what she thought about this info due to the fact she never knew her but she understood the leaders anger, to dessert your pack was such a dishonor. Her muzzle rumpled with disgust but her eyes stayed on the alpha. Ears twitching every so often at the unfamiliar names until one made her cock her head. 'Me?' It wasn't disbelief she was stunned slightly..especially after their meeting but it seemed the alpha didn't keep his eyes on that. She rolled her shoulders before hefting herself to her paws and moving forward slinkily. She came up beside another male, he was much larger than her but well most wolves in this pack were and she was sure many looked down on her for being short but her size didn't matter. A sinister grin honed her muzzle as she snickered softly to herself. "It is with great honor for me to hold this rank Alpha. As i've stated to Chiara when i joined, i will work till my paws are bloodied for you." Her right ear twitched towards Magnus considering the words he had bestowed unto the leader. "I...as well wish to offer my services." Her tail swept behind her, low to the ground only stirring a bit of dust up.
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PostSubject: Re: Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Icon_minitimeFebruary 9th 2014, 14:37

Silacea listened to the various promotions and smiled, her muzzle slanting toward Irrationality, who was at her side the entire time her alpha spoke. She neared his ear, whispering softly in a friendly way, "I heard that if you get ranked a Delta, the alpha wishes you to take a higher rank in the future. You really deserve this, Irrationality." Her voice was smooth like rocks in a river bed, flowing steady.

Her head shook as she thought of the Alphess's betrayal. How weak. Her muzzle gave a slight sneer. How foolish this female was. But, her ears perked forward as she realized that a Guardian had left. Guardian was a rank that Silacea had always aspired for. She was a very protective wolf. And since their were no Guardians whatsoever, her pack needed at least one. Her muzzle dropped slightly, as she realized her name would not be called. She would not be promoted. And their was little the red hued fae could do about it. But, her life had been all about going out on a limb, and taking chances. Though she wasn't foolish enough to ask. She waited until the other wolves had finished speaking, then she took her chance. Muzzle low, and tail held limp, she crawled to the alpha, lowering herself to make her tall frame a great deal shorter, as she remembered when Chiara had snapped at her over her height at the boarder.
"My Alpha, though I hold no true rank of status, I am proud to be a member of the great pack Erenyx, and though it is not my duty, I wish you to know that I swear to protect you with my life, and serve unto you to the greatest of my abilities. Until my body is crumpled in a heap at my adversary's paws, I am here to defend you, for you are everything our great pack stands for." Her words held an essence of truth among a bouquet of fire. She had a burning desire to please her alpha. She would be anything he would wish for her to become. She would forever remain loyal to Steele, no matter who may attempt to destroy him and these great lands. In her heart was the true will to protect, because she had once been so powerless.
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PostSubject: Re: Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Icon_minitimeFebruary 9th 2014, 23:28

As the wolves filed in Tye's own traits became magnified. He possessed unnerving tranquility and a hidden insanity that cased his black form like a coffin. Calmness coveted him, blessing him with a stature that could be mistaken for uncaring, indifferent and for the most part, that assumption would be correct except where one was concerned. As the wolves filed in, familiar faces and unfamiliar faces blending into one indistinguishable mess he searched only for one with piercing blue eyes. To Cassiopeia who settled beside him, he merely nodded in acknowledgement not explaining his posture. Time would reveal the cause if she did not already know and he would not speak out of turn. And finally, when his ears were greeted with the voice he knew best, he raised his head to look. It was Cliche and though no outward emotion was displayed, he relaxed even more, a feat which should've been impossible. He resisted the urge to show affection back but did not move as she pressed her body against his neatly, welcoming the action as it made his heart skip. His eyes softened into light blues at her voice and smile and he said, "Indeed." Something struck him then. His thoughts turned to what he had done, registering Chiara as she appeared and the Helidos hunter. He almost missed Silacea as she sprinted into the clearing, filled with excitement and vigour and responded with a nod of his head to her greetings. Could Steele had called them here for not only news, but to gave the command to end his life for his treason or lame him by blinding him or breaking his bones leaving him a disfigured, hobbling mess to be mocked and tortured? No one would come to his aid and he would have preferred it if no one did. Facing death or punishment was enough to make grown wolves cry but there was no pride in doing so and there was no pride in running. That was the coward's way out, to not bear the humiliation and pain two of which were necessary in life to become stronger. The last of the wolves appeared, none who he recognized except for the Beta, signifying her presence by her dominant posture and the healer Aziza who had helped him when he had taken the Helidos hunter here. And as they settled into place, Tye's mind flashed with the image of Cliche in the fire, burned and scarred. Whatever fate lay before him, if it involved death perhaps it was one part of the journey she couldn't join and one he wouldn't drag her into for that path was his walk alone. Tye's resolution formed. He would serve his penance with shackles to his ankles and chains around his neck until his venerable Lord gave the order for death or remove them. He stood to attention as the venerable Lord in question started to address them, straightening and gently nudged Cliche off him.  

The great Alphess had departed with two of their young and lo behold, the Guardian. No more silent phantom to watch over them, to protect them. No more Alphess or pups. Four of their kin gone and two that he was instructed to kill if they were ever to set paw inside the pack lands again. Tragic. And as he called out those who were deserving of new ranks, he waited watching each one in turn with nothing but curt interest and cold ice blues. None of it surprised him or so much as garnered a lifted brow though he did wonder what the former warrior had done. And as he was doing so, his name was uttered. Tye started to stand, rearing himself to his full height which though not as tall as the Alpha, was not short by any means, standing tall in stature. Then instead of death, release was given to the utmost degree. Warrior Tye. The words rang in his head and he couldn't believe it for a moment. Then when Steele didn't try to attack him it became a reality. Tye raised his right paw slightly and bowed his head his upper torso bending so that he was kneeling. A dignified pose he supposed, as much as one project in his position. He was a wolf of very little words when the situation required very little words. This was one of them. The relief and gratitude that he would have otherwise conveyed in words were apparent in his stance and gestures. He thanked Steele, for his mercy with a simple gesture that was earnest, sincere. It was a mistake that could have cost him his life but he had been spared and for that, he owed Steele. After a moment he padded up to stand next to Silacea standing regal and effortlessly confident, he brushed against Cliche tenderly. Confidence without bravado cloaked his powerful form, a silent force to be reckoned with. The warrior within stood before them in all his glory. His imprisonment had been relinquished and release was a beautiful thing indeed. And he looked straight at the Alpha, nodding in response to his last words before dismissal, "You have my word and my loyalty."
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Beta Irrationality
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PostSubject: Re: Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Icon_minitimeFebruary 10th 2014, 06:51

Surprise adorned his handsome features, grasping at the exterior of his glassy eyes for a moment’s time spent, before it was once again swallowed whole into the emotionless abyss of his gaze. Delta Irrationality? It sounded foreign when spoken in his mind, processing this new information and attempting to make sense of it. He had not expected to be promoted given his recent exchange with the Helidos’ reign, though so it seemed that Alpha Steele had not thought anything lowly of him for it, and had instead noted the willingness of which he would have attacked. It provided him with a minor sense of relief - he had done something, in the Alpha’s eyes, to earn this promotion. It felt… good, with lack of a better term, to know that the ranking had been earned as opposed to offered to him upon a silver platter as had been done throughout his history.

He dragged his eyes towards Silacea’s as she addressed him quietly, dipping his head in acceptance of her praise, offering the warmest of smiles he could possibly muster from within the coldness of his demeanour as she watched her step forth and proclaim her undying loyalties to the Alpha. He did not understand what about the she-wolf, in particular, made him so utterly attentive. It was though he enjoyed watching her, perceiving and observing her endlessly, and therefore such was precisely what he did. He knew, with every fibre of his being, that he would protect her to the ends of this earth. His reasoning for it was unexplainable.

Once the omega, newly named warrior, stepped forth and offered continued loyalty to the Alpha, Irrationality took notice of his opportunity as the remainder of the crowd fell silent. Rising to his paws, the multicoloured male took a few short steps closer to the intimidatingly sized sovereign, dipping his head low to the ground to showcase his reverence for all to see. “It is a great honour to possess this new title, my Alpha. I will continue to prolong my services to you, my eternal loyalties and obedience, until I am to take my last breaths.” Returning to his former position, the male quickly scanned the wolves around him - shuffling through his mind the pack-mates that, too, had received their respective promotions - before awaiting the cue from the rest of the crowd to depart as had been declared by the Alpha after all speeches had come to a close.
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PostSubject: Re: Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Icon_minitimeFebruary 12th 2014, 13:17

Katyusha sat near the front of the gathering, having arrived around middle of the other gathering wolves, the earliest had made way for the others to give their greetings, but early enough all of the front seats were not filled. Throughout the meeting the young fae sat in silence, turning to acknowledge the wolves who were promoted and giving the alpha her full attention. Once the gathering was being wrapped up, the fae would notice his gaze shifting over to Nyx, piquing her curiosity a bit, which was all the more roused by the sleek smirk that came to his lips afterwords, a thought that was quickly suppressed with the final words of this gathering.

After the rest of the wolves began to disband, Katyusha would notice a fairly large group of wolves requesting the alpha's attention, something the young fae needed as well. Waiting in silence towards the back of the group Katyusha would wait until the rest had what they needed of the alpha sorted out. Once his attention was free Katyusha would approach the large alpha, dipping her head respectfully to him "Hello alpha, sorry to trouble you but I have a question that requires you're attention." she started softly "The day I uhm...joined the pack, I wasn't really assigned a rank. I have been assuming the role of hunter while I am not training, and I wanted to ensure that is the assignment you desired me to perform." she said, lifting her head to meet his gaze as she awaited his answer.
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Steele of Erenyx
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PostSubject: Re: Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Icon_minitimeFebruary 13th 2014, 18:02

The first to approach was Magnus, the Lead Hunter. He watched him as he approached and listened to his words. He acknowledged them all. "Greetings Magnus. Yes, I may have not seen you in action, but what I hear from various members of the pack, is you deserve the rank which has been granted to you. You are also in pursuit of training as a Warrior? Is it the Elite rank you seek or perhaps something higher? For the perfect training in fighting, I suggest you make contact with Irrationality, he is the best in the pack currently. I think it is wise of you to request something as that.. Good for you, Magnus." As he finished speaking another wolf approached him. It was the healer he had made Lead Healer. Though she helped in aiding the enemy wolf, she had done a wonderful job and wished for her work to not go unnoticed. "Your efforts are much appreciated, Aziza. Do not disappoint me." Another fae walked up to him, this one he had not seen before. He had to assume she was a Warrior, as he had heard of many wolves from Chiara and Nyx combined. Any wolf that came into the borders were reported to Steele, so that he would know how their numbers had increased and the like. "Greetings fae, it is a pleasure to have you within our lands. Though I am unaware of your name, I am sure I will discover it at some point." Steele looked to the approaching wolf, though he was larger than the others, he did not tower over the Alpha himself. The only wolf to ever be larger than Steele was an old wolf of his past. Ignoring his memories, he looked to the Warrior. "Let's not make the same mistake once again.." he said lowly to the brute. Steele could be caring and considerate, could but he would not right now. The next wolf to approach was Irrationality, his new Delta. "Irrationality, if you do ever meet with the Alphas of our enemies, do be sure to tell me of it. I was very proud in the way you handled yourself. You have an intelligent head resting upon your shoulders. Do keep that in mind for the future, be sure to train the others, and in time you may find yourself with something much higher.." The last wolf to approach him was in fact, Katyusha, the fae he had been eying in the crowd, along with the Beta. "Katyusha, yes, you are to train as a hunter, unless there is something else you wish to strive for? I assume your last Alpha simply placed you in a rank without even asking. For this, I shall give you chance. If you so wish it, we may have a private conversation to speak of your ambitions within this pack."
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PostSubject: Re: Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Waking The Demons (All Erenyx) Icon_minitimeFebruary 13th 2014, 18:16

The Lead Hunter took little notice of those who had gathered around him in their bid to speak with the Alpha. He was glad for his swift movements and wasted no time. Magnus nodded to his Alpha, glad for the praise. It boosted his ego greatly, not that he needed it. Thank you Alpha for your kind words. I shall seek out the Delta. If I am to be honest, yes I do have ambitions of higher ranks. But perhaps we may speak of these things some other time. I have duties to attend to. He bowed deeply to his leader. By your leave, Alpha. The newly appointed Lead Hunter chose to respectfully leave the gathering, nodding to those around him as he passed. It was a minor formality, but one that was necessary. He took careful notice of those he already knew, Warrior Tye, Warrior Silacea and Hunter Katyusha. The other he supposed was the new Delta. He made a mental note as to seek him out later for training. Then he parted ways and set off to survey the kill pile as he often did.
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